Joey's Life

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Aug 1, 2002


This is the 6th chapter in my fictional story of a boy's sexual growth problem in a rural setting.

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Joey's Life 6

After a short nap Grandpa woke Tom and me up and told us to follow him to the garden. I grabbed a pair of shorts while Tom pulled on the ones that Grandpa had given him. Neither of us put on a shirt since we both had developed good tans while working outside. Tom was still what you would call fat, but a lot of the weight he had lost had come off of his chest and stomach. His breast still sagged but I believe he was proud of the fact that he could see they were smaller.

When we got to the garden Grandpa handed us a pair of rubber gloves. I knew what we were about to do but Tom had that bewildered look on his face. I struggled with putting the gloves on and noticed Tom did also. Grandpa handed us a bucket each and a pair of what looked like scissors, but were really yard shears. He turned to Tom and told him that we had to gather the peppers and some of them were very hot and to try not to touch any part of his body to the pepper.

I told Tom that he had better pay attention to what he was doing because once I had been picking peppers and had to take a leak. I ran to the end of the row and pulled my cock out and relieved myself. What I had failed to do was remove the gloves before I grabbed my cock. There was no burning at first but by the time I got back to where Grandpa was my cock felt like a hot poker was burning a hole in it. Of course Grandpa laughed at me but then helped me wash it off and apply some cream that helped but it still burned for a while.

Tom giggled at the thought of my huge cock burning and me running around screaming. Tom said he would be careful but then wanted to know if I would suck the pepper juice off of his cock if he made the same mistake. I laughed at him as we headed down the row of peppers. I showed Tom how to reach in with the shears and snip the peppers off and let them fall to the ground. I told him that we could do it faster if he cut the ones on the top of the plants and I would get the ones on the bottom. We would then go back and pick the peppers up.

We started down the row and it really wasn't as hard as we thought it would be. The peppers were nice and large and we were able to cut then very quickly. When we got to the end of the row we started back down it as we filled our buckets. Grandpa had come back out with some more buckets and changed with us. He told me to be sure and not mix the peppers we were getting with the ones on the other side of the garden. He said that the others were not hot and he didn't want them mixed.

We continued on and within about thirty minutes had filled six buckets with the larger peppers. When we moved to the other side of the garden Grandpa was there with some more buckets and showed us how to roll the gloves off so we didn't contact the area that might have the pepper on it. He then showed us that it was easier to pick the other peppers instead of cutting them. These peppers were long and yellow and as Tom said looked a lot like a yellow dick.

Grandpa laughed and told him to follow him. He took us a couple of rows over and told us to take a look at the pepper in front of us. As we bent over to look he told us that the pepper was called a peter pepper. We started laughing as we both realized where it got its name. The pepper actually did look like a dick with a head on it and the foreskin pulled back. We could hardly control our laughter when Grandpa said that the peppers would really change the rhyme about Peter Pipper picking a peck of peter peppers. When we finally got under control we headed back to the banana peppers and started picking them.

Even though the work was not hard there was very little wind and the sun was pretty hot. Tom and I had worked up a good sweat. Grandpa was there with a couple glasses of tea when we made it to the end of the row. He handed us the tea and took the buckets of peppers. He told us to take the water hose and wash off because he had to take the peppers into town and was going to treat us to lunch at the Burger Shack.

I ran around to the side of the barn where the water hose was and had it running full blast by the time Tom made it to me. I squirted him with the water and he yelled out how cold it was. We wrestled around for a few minutes and I forced the hose down the front of his pants. He gasped when the cold water hit his groin area. He then let out a little sigh as I could tell he was enjoying the cool water running down his legs.

I moved the hose all around him while it was still in his shorts. When I got to his ass crack I pushed it between his two large globes and watched as the water had the same affect that it had on his groin. I pulled his pants down and said there was no reason for wearing them now. When his shorts were off he grabbed the hose and started the same treatment on me. My cock had drawn up from the cold water but was still plenty large enough to see. While he was squirting me I pulled my shorts off and was bent over pulling them off of my feet when he pushed the hose at my ass.

The water shot inside my asshole and caused me to straiten up quickly. He laughed and asked what the problem was. I told him that some of the water had gone up my ass. He said I was just saying that. I squatted down and forced the water back out. I told him it did feel kind of good as it rushed out. I stood up and bent over as Tom aimed the hose at my asshole again. I let the water rush into my asshole until the pressure was too much. I squatted down and the water ran out of me again. Tom said he wanted to try it as he handed me the hose.

When he bent over I still had to use my hand to locate his asshole. I placed the end of the hose against it and watched as Tom yelped and stood up. He said it felt like he had to take a big dump. He swatted and let the water start flowing out. He looked at me and said that more than water was about to come out. When I looked beneath him I told him he was right as the water changed colors and he deposited a large pile on the ground below him. I took the water hose and squirted it right at his asshole. This cleaned him off, but he wanted me to squirt more water in him. This time he waited a little longer before he squatted. As the water started running out it was dirty but soon gave away to clear water.

Tom told me that it felt so good and wanted to do it one more time. He leaned forward and spread his legs for me to squirt the water in him. I noticed that his asshole looked as if it had been turned inside out. The rim of his asshole was large and swollen and I could see a little hole in the center. I put the end of the water hose right against the hole and held it there until the water started flying back out at me. Tom didn't have time to squat before the water came rushing back out. I told him he looked like a mare pissing. There was a large steady stream of water that shot out a couple of feet from his ass and then died to a little trickle.

I took the hose and sprayed his ass as well as his legs to clean off all the water that had run down his legs. Just at that time Grandpa called for us to come get dressed. We turned off the water and grabbed our shorts as I ran back to the house and Tom waddled. It only took us a couple of minutes to get dressed and get in the truck. Grandpa had loaded the vegetables while we had been playing in the water. He pulled the truck down the drive as Tom hung his arm out the window. I was sitting in the seat between the two as the truck bounced down the road.

Grandpa backed his truck up to a ramp and we got out as another man met us on the dock. We started unloading the buckets of peppers and stacking them next to some scales. The man weighed the peppers and marked it down on a tablet he was holding. When we finished the man handed the piece of paper to my Grandpa who said he would be right back and that we could collect the buckets and place them back in the truck. As Grandpa started back toward the truck I could see him counting some money and then pushing it in his pocket.

We climbed in the truck and pulled off toward the Burger Barn. Grandpa asked if we wanted to go inside or have them bring it out to the truck. We both said we wanted them to bring it to us. He pulled up to the microphone and pushed the button for assistance. He placed our order and I started to ask him why he had ordered four burgers instead of three. While we waited Tom and I started pushing against each other. Tom reached out and grabbed my cock through my pants. He wasn't about to let go and since it was beginning to get hard I didn't mine.

When the girl started toward our truck Grandpa told Tom to release me before he embarrassed us all. I adjusted myself so that the girl wouldn't be able to see my now hard cock. She came to the window and handed Grandpa our food as he handed her the money. Tom and I quickly claimed our burgers and fries and handed the other two to Grandpa. He passed us our sodas and took the sandwiches.

Tom and I were very hungry and quickly downed the burger and were almost through with our fries when Grandpa said we could split the fourth burger between us. We both excepted the extra burger and ate it down as fast as we had eaten the first. Grandpa had finished his and started the truck. We said very little on the way back home as we took our time to finish off the fries and sodas.

When we got home Tom and I started horsing around and Grandpa knew that it was going to lead to more than play. He said we should go the barn if we wanted to play around for a while, but go to the house first so Tom could remove his good clothes. When we returned we both were naked and I saw Grandpa grinning at us. He headed us to the tack room where he took down a bottle of oil and had each of us hold out our hands. He poured some oil in each hand and then told us to spread it on each others body.

We started spreading in on each other's chest but I soon had my hands making circles on Tom's stomach and eventually down to his cock and balls. His cock was proudly sticking out from the mound of fat and I stopped for a second remembering how not long ago I could only see the hole where his cock stayed hidden. It now stood out about four inches and Tom was very happy that it did. I rubbed my hands all over his cock and balls and then ran my hand underneath and spread some on his asshole.

When I stood up he grabbed my ass and covered it with the oil before turning me around and grabbing hold of my now growing cock. He dropped to his knees and started forcing the foreskin on my cock back and forth until it had grown to its full length. He sucked the head of my cock into his mouth and rolled his tongue around on it. I reached out and grabbed the sides of Tom's head to steady myself. He was rolling his tongue while his hands moved up and down the shaft.

Grandpa moved over and leaned down next to Tom's head and whispered something in his ear. I couldn't hear what was being said but knew Tom agreed when his mouth bobbed up and down on my head as he was nodding his agreement. I watched as Grandpa poured some oil right at the top of Tom's crack. He moved back and stepped out of his overalls and I could see he was ready for action.

Grandpa moved in behind Tom and started spreading his ass cheeks apart. I watched as Grandpa ran his hands up and down Tom's crack. I noticed that Grandpa's hand had stopped moving up and down and was now moving in and out as Tom started moaning as he sucked on the head of my cock. Grandpa stood up and moved in behind Tom. I watched as he rubbed his cock along Tom's now slippery ass crack. He did this several times and I was sure I saw Tom push his ass toward Grandpa.

Grandpa bent down and grabbed his cock and held it to where it was sticking strait out at Tom's ass. He slowly started pushing his cock into Tom. I watched as the head of his cock disappeared in Tom's crack. I noticed the muscles in Tom's buttocks tighten up, as I was sure the head of Grandpa's cock was forcing its way inside. Grandpa leaned over and I heard him tell Tom to relax. Tom came up for a breathe as Grandpa started driving even more of his cock inside Tom.

Tom had pulled his mouth off of my cock and was just holding on to it with both hands. Grandpa was really pumping into Tom who seemed to really enjoy it. Grandpa was pumping with long and hard strokes as he rubbed Tom's ass. I reached down and placed my hands on Tom's and started moving them back and forth. Grandpa was really picking up speed and was very close to cumming.

He grunted a couple of times as I noticed his body tense up and jerk a few times. He relaxed and leaned forward on Tom's back. Grandpa told us to move over by the sawhorses, which we did. Grandpa spread some blankets on the ground and told Tom to get down on all fours. He had me move in behind Tom's ass. Grandpa moved beside me and got a firm grip on my cock. As I moved in toward Tom's ass I looked up at Grandpa. He said not to worry that he would make sure I didn't hurt Tom, and beside Tom was the one that wanted to try it.

I was very excited and wanted to ram my cock all the way in with one thrust but knew it would hurt Tom so I restrained myself and listened to Grandpa. He told me to push forward but not too fast. Tom grunted a couple of times as I felt the muscle just inside his asshole clamp down on my cock. I stopped pushing and waited for Tom to act as if he wanted me to continue. Grandpa said that was the way to do it, just let Tom tell you when he was ready for more.

Tom grunted to go ahead as I pulled my cock back a little and then pushed forward. The oil was really helping as about two more inches forced their way inside. Tom grunted again and I stopped for a few seconds. We went through this for a good five minutes as the sweat was rolling off of my body but nothing like what was coming off of Tom. Grandpa leaned over and asked Tom if he wanted to stop but he shook his head. Grandpa asked if the pain was too much but Tom only grunted to keep going. I took a deep breath and repeated what I had been doing. Grandpa told me to pull my cock almost all the way out and push it back in where it had been. I did as he said and picked the pace up as I did.

I was now fucking Tom's asshole but not with all of my cock. There was still about five or six inches that had not felt the warmth of Tom's insides. Grandpa started pouring some more oil at the top of Tom's asshole while I continued to pump into him. Grandpa looked at me and said that sometimes you have to prime the pump. Wasn't sure what he was talking about and really didn't care as long as I was receiving pleasure from Tom's asshole.

While I was pumping Grandpa slapped my ass hard enough to make a loud noise and make my hips drive forward. When I looked down there was only about an inch of my cock that was not buried deep in Tom's ass. Tom had gasped when my cock went further inside. He moaned a long low moan. I could tell that it had started out as pain but somewhere from the time he felt it to the time he started to moan it became pleasure. I pulled my cock out about an inch and then pushed it back in, the movement forced the same reaction out of Tom.

"Now you have it." Grandpa said as he stepped back to watch.

I started pulling my cock out as far as I could without having to move my feet and then forcing it back in. Tom had started moaning one way as I pushed in and another as I pulled out. It was sort of an uh and then an ah. He started getting louder and louder and all at once his whole body tensed up and then jerked. I stopped moving to make sure I wasn't hurting him.

"Go ahead your not hurting him; you just made him cum." Grandpa said as he watched the action.

Hearing this I started pumping again as Tom's asshole relaxed. My cock was sliding in and out without any resistance and I could feel the heat building up in Tom's asshole. We had been at it for about fifteen minutes and I was beginning to feel like all the muscles in my legs and back were about to cramp up. I wanted to stop to relieve the pain in my muscles but my cock was controlling my body now and it was not going to stop until it was through.

I started fucking faster as I felt my orgasm building up in my loins. With a couple of very forceful thrust I felt the cum exploding from my balls and entering Tom's asshole. I felt his body tense up as he was a cumming again. Grandpa reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders as I started to fall on top of Tom. Tom gave out at about the same time as he fell on top of the blanket. I heard Tom sigh as my cock was pulled from his asshole as he went to the floor.

"Damn, you boys look like the two of you have been ridden hard and put away wet." Grandpa said as he suggested we should try to make it to the watering trough. I took a step but my legs wanted to buckle as Grandpa caught me and picked me up. He carried me to the trough and placed me in the cold water. I gasped for my breath but then just slid down into the cool water. Grandpa went back to the barn and with a lot of work managed to get Tom to his feet and get him to stagger out to the trough.

Tom wasn't able to step into the trough; he had to sort of roll into it. I heard him suck in air as the cold water took his breath away also. Grandpa told us to just remain there and get our strength back as he went toward the house. When he returned he had us both a glass of tea and handed us a salt tablet, said it would help keep us from getting cramps later. We took the tablets and drank almost all the tea at one time.

Grandpa looked at Tom and asked him if it was what he thought it would be. Tom kind of grinned back and said that it hurt more than he expected, but when the pain subsided the pleasure was more than he had imagined. He said that when he was cumming it felt like his balls were passing through his cock. Grandpa told him to squeeze his asshole to see if there was any pain. Tom did as he was told but there was little change on his face. He told us that it felt sore but there wasn't any pain. Grandpa said he was going back to the house and that we could soak in the trough for a while.

When Grandpa left I asked Tom if it really was that good for him or was he just saying that. He thought for a few seconds and then said it was really that good and that he wanted to do it tonight as well. I grinned back at him and told him that I wouldn't mind doing it again. Tom then said he wanted to go use the water hose like we had earlier. I started to jump up but my legs reminded me of the ordeal they had just been through.

We managed to get to the side of the barn and I turned the water on as Tom leaned against the barn. When Tom spread his legs I noticed that his asshole looked just as it had earlier when we used the water hose. I placed the end of the hose at his asshole and watched as most of the water went rushing in. He pulled away when the pressure became too much. I noticed the water running down his legs before he squatted.

As he squatted I could hear the water rushing out of his asshole. He closed his eyes as he emptied himself on the ground.

"Boy, that felt great!" He said as he stood up and told me to fill him up again.

I applied the water to him again as I noticed his asshole had puckered up even tighter than it was before. When the water started squirting past the end of the hose I pulled away and let him squat again. This time Tom said he had enough so I turned the water off and we started toward the house.

"Can't wait until tonight." Tom said as he reached out and pulled my cock around until the head was actually on the side of my hip.

Grandpa asked as we entered the house if we needed a snack and we both realized at the same time how hungry we were.

Next: Chapter 7

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