Joey's Life

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jun 25, 2002


This is the fourth chapter in my story. Please send any comments to

Joey's Life 4

Grandpa shook me the next morning as he told me it was time for us to get up. I was still lying on Tom's back but my cock had managed to escape his ass during the night. He told me to go take a bath and use plenty of soap. Tom was moaning as he was trying to wake up. When Grandpa finally got Tom up he brought him into the bathroom and took something out of the cabinet. I quickly recognized it to be a hot water bottle. Tom seemed to know what it was also.

Grandpa reached on the top shelf of the cabinet and pulled down some kind of rubber hose. He held it up to Tom and asked him if he knew what it was and what it was used for. Grandpa told us that it was what women used to keep themselves clean inside and it is also used to help clean out a person's asshole. He looked at the two of us and said when it was used in the ass it is called an enema. He then filled the bag about half full of water and screwed the end with the hose into the bag. He held the bag up and then release a metal clamp on the hose. Water started running out of the hose.

He fastened the clamp back on the hose and then filled the bag up with water and added a little soap. He told Tom to bend over and spread his legs. Tom did as he was told as Grandpa pushed the end of the hose, which was a hard plastic piece about seven inches long, into Tom's asshole. Grandpa told tom to squeeze his ass as he released the clamp. Tom stood there for a few seconds and finally said he could feel the water inside him. Grandpa told him to hold the water in until all of it was out of the bag.

I noticed that Tom was having a hard time keeping the water in before the bag was empty. Grandpa quickly pulled the hose out and told Tom to sit down on the toilet. We could all hear the water and shit as it splashed into the toilet. Tom let out a big sigh as his bowels emptied into the toilet. He sat there for a few minutes as he finished up or so he thought. Grandpa filled the bag again and said he had to do it one more time. Tom leaned over and Grandpa repeated what he had done earlier. This time Tom was able to take all of the water before he sat down on the toilet. Nothing but water ran out of Tom's ass. Grandpa said he seemed to be cleaned out as he told him to jump in the tub and wash the rest of his body.

When he stepped in I helped him lather himself up as I washed his back and ass. I took extra time washing his ass and groin area. I soaped up my hand and pushed my fingers down inside with his cock. I rolled my fingers around and could feel the soap inside. I grabbed the enema bag and filled it with water. I placed the end of the hose inside the hole with Tom's cock and released the clamp. The water came rushing out as if Tom was peeing. This caused me to ask Tom how did he use the bathroom anyway. He said he sat down like a girl and leaned forward so the pee would fly into the toilet. We finished washing up and wrapped a towel around us as we headed to the kitchen.

Breakfast was normal all except we were only allowed two pieces of toast and bacon. He said that was part of Tom's diet. I asked Grandpa if we needed to get dressed but he said that it was all right for us to run around naked but to be careful if we were out in the sun. He told us that we had a lot of vegetables to gather and he would show us which ones. As we headed to the garden Spot met us and licked my cock. He then moved to Tom and licked at his groin area. Grandpa shooed Spot away and said we didn't have time for that right now.

When Grandpa got through showing us what to pick I figured we would be all day gather the vegetables. We had to gather tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, peppers, and some corn. What I didn't think about was that we were only to pick so much of each. We started on the tomatoes and had only four bushel baskets to fill.

While we started Grandpa moved to the tractor and carried a couple bails of hay out to the cows and horses in the pasture. I knew he would be gone for most of the morning while he did other chores around the farm.

Tom and I had managed to pick the tomatoes, squash, corn, and peppers and were on the cucumbers which took a little more work because you had to bend over and look underneath the leaves of the plants. Several times while we were bent over Spot had goosed our assholes while we weren't looking. I noticed that Tom would let him lick at his asshole for a few seconds before he would rise up. We finally finished the cucumbers and went to the trough to wash the different grasses and vegetable smells off of us.

We both sat down and were rubbing our arms because that is where most of the vegetable juices had got on us. Grandpa came walking back around the barn and was smiling when he noticed we had finished the picking. He handed us some tea and asked how we felt. He said he was going to take the vegetables to market but figured it would have taken us a little longer. He then said that we had a few hours and could probably get some of the hay bailing done before he had to leave.

He had us get our clothes on because the hay fields were not somewhere a person could be walking around barefoot. When we came back out Grandpa had moved a trailer at the end of the hay field. He had us hop on the tractor, which he had hooked up, to the hay bailer. When we got to the field he had us wait on the trailer while he made several passes in the field. The machine was picking up the cut hay and then spitting it out the back all bundled up and tied.

Grandpa had stopped the bailing and pulled back up to us on the trailer. He told us that what we were going to do was, one would drive the tractor very slowly beside the bails of hay while the other two threw the hay upon the wagon. He then told us that the bails were to be stacked so they all would fit on the wagon.

I had to drive the wagon first so Grandpa could show Tom how the little system worked. Grandpa was on the ground and would toss the hay upon the wagon and Tom had to stack it while Grandpa went to get another bail. We started down the row of bails with me driving about as slow as the tractor would go. At first Tom had no problem keeping up but he soon got very tired and was just able to keep up.

When we got to the end of the row Grandpa told Tom that he was to drive the tractor while the two of us were to place the hay on the trailer. I tried to pick up the hay but was not strong enough to throw it on the trailer. Grandpa helped me until we had not room to put anymore on and he had Tom stop the tractor. We both climbed upon the trailer and started stacking the bails. We only had to stop once more before we were at the end of the row.

Grandpa took his turn on the tractor as Tom and I both tossed the hay on the trailer. Grandpa stopped a couple times so we could stack the bails and allow room for us to place the bails on the trailer. When we had picked up the last bail we jumped on the trailer and Grandpa pulled the hay and us back to the barn.

I looked at the three of us and noticed there wasn't a dry spot on any of us. We had all managed to soak our clothes with the sweat we had worked up. As we pulled into the barn I started to go to the trough when Grandpa told me that I should wait until we had unloaded the hay. We started stacking the hay in one corner of the barn and it didn't take near as much time as I thought it would.

Not only were we sweaty but we smelled as well. The smell was not like perfume but again it wasn't how anyone wanted to smell around other people. Whatever it was it seemed to get Spot all excited as he ran from one of us to the other with his tail wagging. Grandpa told Tom to remove his clothes and let Spot clean him off. Tom quickly pulled his shirt and pants off as Spot dived into his groin area. Tom started spreading his legs and letting Spot lick anywhere he wanted. Tom was really enjoying Spot licking his ass and I noticed along with Grandpa that Tom had bent over and was opening his ass even more for Spot.

Grandpa told Tom he could go get into the trough as he called Spot. I had all ready removed my clothes and spot ran up to me and proceeded to clean me off. My cock started getting hard and Grandpa said I was ready to go wash off. I noticed Grandpa was removing his overalls as he told me to leave. He followed us to the trough and was removing his clothes as well. Grandpa sat down on the side of the trough as Spot buried his nose in his balls and cock. We could hear Spot as he licked at Grandpa.

When Grandpa stood up his cock was hard and sticking almost right out in front of him. He stepped into the trough and sat down between the two of us. Ws splashed water on his head as we all started laughing. Grandpa asked who was going to help him with his hard cock Tom looked at him and said he wanted to suck it for him. Grandpa said that sounded great to him. Grandpa moved to the end of the trough and sat on the edge. Tom was able to move on his hand and knees and place his face right in Grandpa's lap.

I rubbed my cock up and down the crack of Tom's ass as he started sucking Grandpa's cock in his mouth. I heard him gag a couple of times but each time he went right back down on Grandpa's cock.

"Yeah, that's all of it." Grandpa said as Tom was able to swallow of his cock down his throat.

Tom started bobbing his head up and down on Grandpa's cock. The idea that he was able to get all of Grandpa's cock in his mouth and throat was too exciting for me. My cock slipped up the crack of Tom's ass and started shooting cum all over his back. I guess the sight of my cock erupting set Grandpa off as I saw him grab Tom's head and push his cock as deep as he could. Grandpa jerked a few times and then let Tom's head go. Tom kept sucking and licking on Grandpa's cock. He finally pulled his mouth off as Grandpa's cock fell against his balls.

Grandpa rubbed Tom's head and said that was really great. Tom had a big grin on his face as he turned around and sat down in the water. Grandpa said he had to go get dressed and told us to load the vegetables. We climbed out and ran to the garden and picked up the bushel baskets of vegetables and placed them in the truck. When Grandpa returned we had loaded all the baskets and was waiting to see if there was anything else we needed to do while he was gone.

He told us that he would be a little longer than he was the day before but he would be back in time to fix us a noon day meal. He winked at us as he climbed into the truck and told us not to do anything that might hurt us. We said we wouldn't as Tom stood there holding Spot's head as he licked at Tom's groin. I looked at Tom when Grandpa pulled away and asked him what he wanted to do first. Tom said he wanted to go watch the horses.

We went and stood by the pasture but the horses weren't in any sexual mood and I knew that was what Tom wanted to watch. I told him I could go get my little stallion and we could see if we could get it to play a little. The stallion I was talking about was one that my grandparents had gotten me several years before. It wasn't what you would call a pony but it wasn't a very big horse either. He came running when I called; of course the bucket of oats that I was carrying probably was what he came for. He followed me into the barn and I placed him in the same stall we had used the day before.

I placed the oats where the horse could reach them and we could reach his cock. Tom quickly started playing with the horse's cock as it responded to his rubbing. I could tell Tom was really excited but I wasn't sure what he wanted to do. He pulled the horse's cock sideways and was licking on the end of it. I watched, as he was able to put about four inches inside his mouth. I noticed the muscles on the horse's rump jerk a few times as he was trying to force his cock inside whatever it was that was making him feel good.

Tom turned around and said he wanted the horse's cock inside him. I told him I thought it was too dangerous but he said he had an idea that might help. He stood up and grabbed a couple of two by fours and moved to the side of the stall. He placed one across the stall just beneath the horse's chest but behind its front legs. He said he figured that it would keep the horse from moving its front legs.

Tom told me that he was going to crawl beneath the horse and that I was to help guide its cock into his asshole. I asked him if he wanted to put some grease on his ass to make it easier. He said he thought that was a good idea so I went back to the tack room and got some of the grease we used to treat the old dry leather. When I got back Tom was sucking on the horse's cock while Spot was licking at Tom's asshole. I shooed Spot away and started spreading the grease on and inside Tom's asshole.

He stopped sucking on the horse's cock and started crawling between the rails so he could get underneath the horse. At first I wasn't to sure about letting the horse put his cock into Tom's ass but when I got a better look at it, it wasn't any thicker than my own. It was longer and I knew when the head flared it would seem a lot larger. Tom had managed to get himself in place with the horse's cock resting on his back.

I reached in and told Tom he had to move forward just a little until we got the cock inside him. He moved and I rubbed the horse cock up and down the crack of his ass to get it covered with the grease. I placed the end of the horse cock at the entrance of Tom's asshole. I tried to force the cock inside but the resistance was too great. Tom spread his ass and pushed back at it. We kept trying for a good four or five minutes before we finally got it started inside.

Tom stopped for a second to catch his breath and said he didn't know it would be this hard. I was rubbing the horse's cock trying to make sure it didn't go soft. Without warning the horse thrust itself forward and half of his cock forced its way in. Tom grunted from the sudden intrusion and I looked to see if he was in any pain. I could tell by the look on his face that there was some pain and I was about to pull the horse cock out when the horse thrust again. I asked Tom if he wanted me to get him out and he said no that it was not hurting that much and he wanted to see if he could take all of the horse's cock.

The horse thrust its powerful hips several more times as it was pushing Tom against the two by four in front of Tom. The horse was completely buried inside Tom and there was no stopping him now. I watched Tom's face as I knew the horse would start cumming any second. Tom stopped breathing and his eyes got very large as the horse's cock flared and emptied itself inside Tom. The horse stopped moving but had not pulled its cock out of Tom. Tom was breathing heavy now as I noticed the horse trying to pull away from Tom's ass.

All of the horse's cock was out except the head. I looked underneath and it appeared that the horse was pulling Tom's ass out with the head of its cock. Tom grunted as the horse's cock made a loud popping noise as it was jerked out of Tom's asshole. The horse cum started streaming out of Tom's asshole as he sighed with relief as he was freed from the massive cock.

Tom rolled from underneath the horse and I asked him if he was all right. He had a glazed look on his face and I noticed the cum running out of the hole where his cock was. Spot moved in and started cleaning the cum from around Tom's cock. I was pumping my own cock and needed some relief and soon. I told Tom to roll on over on his stomach as I mounted his very loose asshole and buried my cock. His asshole was so loose that each time I pulled out I was dragging some of the horse cum out with my cock. The sight more than the feeling was what kept me going as I rammed in harder and harder.

Tom moaned and his body jerked as he started cumming again just as my on cock started shooting inside him. I fell back on the ground as I tried to get my strength back. I was lying there with my eyes closed when I heard Tom start a low moan. When I looked at him Spot was cleaning out his ass and it appeared he was almost putting his whole nose inside Tom. Tom let Spot lick at him for a few minutes and I was able to get up and release the horse back into the pasture.

We moved back to the watering trough and started cleaning the cum from our bodies. Tom looked relaxed and content as he leaned back in the water. We stayed there for about thirty minutes since we didn't have anything that we had to be doing. Tom looked at me and asked what was he going to do during the week for some sexual relief. He said there was no one at home that would do what I had been doing for him and since his cock was buried inside a mound of fat he couldn't jerk off like everyone else.

I started feeling sorry for him because I knew what it felt like to get excited but didn't know what I would do if I couldn't relieve the pressure. I told him I had an idea and had him follow me to the tack room. Over in the corner of the room was and old milking machine and on more than one occasion I had tried to use the parts that hook up to the cows utters to jerk myself off. It had worked for a while until my cock got to large to fit inside the soft rubbery part. I was able to remove one of the suction ends from the machine but wasn't sure how I was going to get the rubber part out of the metal sleeve.

We were looking the item over when Grandpa called for us to come to the house. I took the thing with us hoping that Grandpa could help out. When we got inside Grandpa had some cold cuts on the table for us to make a sandwich I thought until I noticed we had no bread. We ate the meat and had some cheese and vegetables. When we were about through Grandpa asked what we had been doing. I looked at Tom to see if he was going to stop me if I started to tell Grandpa about the horse. Tom told me to go ahead and tell. Grandpa listened but I could tell he was not happy about what we had done. He finally told us that he was not mad about us having sex with the horse but he was mad because it was not a very safe thing to do. He said that horses could hurt us without even trying. Both of us set there with our heads hanging down a little.

Grandpa brought us back as he rubbed Tom's head and asked him how he liked it. Tom said that it felt great but was scary when the horse's cock flared and it felt as if the horse would not be able to pull out. Grandpa asked if there had been any blood when the horse removed himself and I told him that there wasn't.

I placed the item I had brought with me on the table and Grandpa asked what I was doing with it. I told him that when Tom went home he wouldn't have anyway to jerk himself off. I told Grandpa how I had used it in the past but had to stop because my cock got to large. I told him that if we could get the rubber lining out that it might fit inside the mound of fat on Tom and around his cock.

Grandpa said that I might have invented a rubber pussy if it worked. He looked at it for a minute and told us that there wouldn't be any problem getting the sleeve out. He took the item on the porch and took out some tools. We couldn't see what he was doing but when he returned he had the rubber sleeve out. The rubber sleeve was about six or seven inches long and was about the size of Grandpa's thumb. Grandpa pushed a couple of fingers inside the sleeve and pushed against it. He said it was a little stiff but if we boiled it in water that it might loosen up some.

As we watched the water boil I rubbed my cock in the crack of Tom's ass. I had really begun to like the feel of my cock rubbing up and down the crack of his ass and he didn't seem to mind. Grandpa dropped the rubber sleeve in the water and watched for a few seconds. He then looked at Tom and asked if he was ready to try it. Tom nodded and Grandpa told him to get some grease from the stove. He then had him rub some inside the little hole where his cock was hiding. I decided to help as I pushed my finger inside and rolled it around Tom's cock. His cock was hard and I could see the tip of the head just inside the hole.

Grandpa pulled the rubber sleeve out of the hot water and wiped it down with a towel. He said it was definitely softer but much too hot to put against Tom's cock. He ran it under some warm water and then announced it was ready to be tried. I grabbed the sleeve and rubbed some grease inside the tube. I placed it at the entrance of Tom's cock and pushed slowly down. I was able to feel the head of Tom's cock as it entered the sleeve.

"Oh, yeah." Tom said as he felt his cock slide inside.

I pushed the sleeve further and further inside as it covered Tom's cock. I started pushing and pulling on the sleeve as Tom started pumping his hips at my hand. Grandpa told me to let Tom do it since he would have to do it for himself. We watched as Tom was really getting some pleasure from the new toy we had made for him. Grandpa pulled me in front of him as he reached down and started jerking my cock. The faster Tom jerked himself the faster Grandpa jerked on my cock.

Tom yelled out when his cock started shooting his hot cum. There was a small hole in the top of the sleeve and some of the cum started oozing out. That was when I shot my cum about four feet across the room. Grandpa kept jerking on my cock until it went limp and stopped cumming. Tom stopped his jerking and was sitting across from me with the sleeve still inserted in his mound of fat. Grandpa walked over and gently pulled the sleeve off of Tom's cock. He then leaned down and started sucking the cum from around the hole.

Grandpa was excited but said he was going to save his for later after the horseshoe game. He washed the sleeve off in the sink and told Tom that most of his problem had been solved. Tom took the sleeve and said he would be sure to keep up with it. Grandpa then told him that since his father didn't know about all the sex that he had better be sure to keep it somewhere no one would find it. Grandpa then told him that if he wanted to loose some of the weight that he should use the sleeve as often as he could. He told him that he had to be careful and if it started hurting his cock that he should stop and go see the doctor.

Grandpa said it was time to take our noonday rest as we headed to the porch. We sat there as Grandpa explained the rules to Tom about our horseshoe game. The winner was always allowed to dictate the action of the sex play that began immediately after the game. While he was telling Tom I noticed that Tom had slipped the sleeve back on his cock and was slowly working it in and out. I also noticed that Tom could probably wear the sleeve all the time if it didn't bother him while he walked.

Grandpa announced it was time to play horseshoes as he reached over and pulled the sleeve off of Tom's cock. Grandpa told him that the new toy was to be used when there was no one else to play with. I laughed as I ran to the side of the house where the horseshoe game was set up. Grandpa said to make it fair that we each had to play each other so we could get a true winner.

We played for about an hour before Tom was able to win. I still believe that Grandpa let him win. Grandpa looked at Tom and asked him where he wanted to go to have our fun. Tom said he wanted to go inside on the bed. As we entered the bedroom Grandpa was removing his clothes as I was slowly massaging my cock. Tom looked at Grandpa and asked if he was able to do whatever he wanted. Grandpa assured him that he could.

Tom told Grandpa that he wanted him to suck on his breast as he had the day before. He wanted me to get between his legs and suck what little bit of his cock I could. We pushed Tom down on the bed and started doing just as he wanted. We continued this for a few minutes until Tom said he wanted to try something else. He had me lie down on my back and spread my legs. He then asked Grandpa for the sleeve. He told Grandpa to start fucking me as he slipped the sleeve in place. He moved around to my head and had me place the end of the sleeve in my mouth.

Tom was standing beside the bed with my head buried in his crotch. He started pumping his ass as if he was fucking my face. I grabbed the end of the sleeve with my teeth so that when he pulled back his cock would slip part of the way out of the sleeve. If someone could see us it looked as if he was fucking my mouth but actually he was only fucking the sleeve that was held by my mouth.

Tom pumped at my face as he reached down and started sucking my cock. He continued to try to force more and more of my cock down his throat. Grandpa must have liked what he was seeing as I felt his cock ramming in and out of my asshole. Tom had really gotten worked up as he reached down and grabbed my shoulders as he pumped faster and faster at my face. I felt his body tense just before he shot his cum inside the sleeve. Some of the cum squirted out of the hole at the end of the sleeve and into my mouth. The more he shot the more entered my mouth. His cock had stopped shooting but his cum was still being forced into my mouth.

Tom rolled over on the side of the bed just as Grandpa emptied himself inside me. I leaned over and pulled the sleeve out of Tom as I cleaned all the cum I could reach with my tongue. Both of them had cum but my cock was still as hard as a rock. Tom raised himself up and told me to pull my legs up over my head. He then placed his mouth right on my asshole and started licking it clean. After a few seconds Tom reached around and took my cock in his hand. He pulled the foreskin back and then pushed me back on my shoulders. By doing this he was able to push the head and about three inches of my own cock in my mouth. He told me to suck as he went back to licking my asshole.

When my cock started shooting I was not able to stay in the position I was in. Tom let me uncoil as he grabbed my cock and pushed it into his mouth. He milked my cock until he was not able to get any more cum. We all three sprawled out on the bed and took a quick nap.

Grandpa told us to get up and take a bath so we could get dressed before Tom's father got there to carry him home. We were dressed and sitting on the porch when his father arrived and Grandpa offered him some tea while we gathered Tom's things. We sat down on the porch and chatted for a while before they left. Grandpa told Tom's father that Tom had learned to eat salad and that he could do some labor and had probably sweat off a good ten pounds while he was there. Tom's father said he could tell that Tom had gotten some sun and maybe him working on the farm would help shape him into a young man.

Tom and I were giggling as we walked to their car. I told him that we would be waiting for him next weekend and to be sure and practice what we had showed him. He turned red and his father started to say something but Grandpa broke in before he could. Grandpa said we enjoyed having Tom and that he was welcome to come out any time.

Next: Chapter 5

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