Joey's Life

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jun 22, 2002


This is the second chapter in my story of Joey's rural life and his dealing with an unusual sex problem. Hope you enjoy the story and send any comments to

Joey's Life 2

Grandpa and I headed back home and he had to tell me to settle down several times as I was bouncing about the truck. He told me that we had better get as much farm work done as we could before Tom came to visit. After a few minutes he changed his mind and said that maybe he had a better idea that would probably get more work done. I looked at him but couldn't figure out what he was talking about.

We finished our chores and took our evening baths before Grandpa fixed us a light meal. As we started to bed I asked him if I could stay with him in his bed and of course he knew that I wanted to do more than just sleep with him. He first said that he was not in the mood but when he saw the sad look on my face he changed his mind. He told me it was ok, but there would be no sex tonight.

I followed him into his bedroom and undressed as he crawled into his side of the bed. Grandpa had started sleeping in the nude ever since the two of us had been enjoying each other. I crawled in and snuggled up next to him. He moved his arm so I could rest my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I turned over on my side and placed my arm across his chest.

We lay there with neither of us saying anything. Grandpa started running his hand up and down my back and eventually down to the top of my ass. As he rubbed me my cock started to grow and he reach down and placed it on top of his stomach just above his own cock. I started rubbing his hairy chest as we both absorbed the feelings produced by each other.

Grandpa turned my head up so he could look right into my eyes and told me that he was not up to any physical action, but he said he thought he knew of a position that would help me relieve myself. He rolled over on his stomach and had me climb on top of him. He placed a pillow between the lower part of his ass and my thighs. He guided my cock as it slid between the cheeks of his ass and below his balls. The head of my cock was just able to touch the sheets beneath Grandpa. He then had me wrap my arms as far around his chest as I could.

In this position he told me to start real slow and be sure I drove my cock up and down. When I started I didn't think it was going to do anything for me, but as the friction built up the desire to fuck faster did also. Grandpa was able to apply more pressure on my cock as he tightened his legs. I tried to pick up the pace but Grandpa told me to slow down and just take it slowly.

Grandpa started rocking up and down beneath me as I was pumping up and down. We had been at it for a good five minutes and now were covered in sweat. I was sliding around on Grandpa's back and was really having to hold on. Grandpa was moaning as my body was massaging his back and ass. I felt my cock start to swell and so did Grandpa as he squeezed his legs and ass even tighter. I lasted only a couple more strokes as I yelled out when my cum erupted out of my cock and coated the bed beneath Grandpa. I pushed myself upon my hands and was going to get up when Grandpa told me to just pull the sheet over the two of us and go to sleep. I remember thinking how warm it felt lying on top of Grandpa as his breathing settled down and became deeper as he went to sleep.

Grandpa woke me up very early and told me to go take another bath and be sure to get properly dressed. I heard him banging around the kitchen while I ran my bath and knew that breakfast would be ready when I was through bathing. Just as I figured the table was set and Grandpa was all ready eating when I sat down. We were just finishing up when we heard Tom and his father pulling up the drive.

Tom got out of his father's automobile as his father climbed out the other side. He reached into the back seat and took out a large bag, which contained the clothes, and things Tom figured he would need during the weekend. Grandpa and Tom's father stood by the auto and talked while I showed Tom where to put his things. Tom then asked what kind of work he would have to be doing on the farm. I assured him that even though the work was hot it wasn't that hard.

When we returned to the drive Tom's father was getting back into the car as he waved at Tom. Grandpa asked if we had gotten Tom's things put away and were ready to work. I told him that we had and we were ready to start. Grandpa told us to follow him to the garden. When we arrived Grandpa looked at the two of us and told us that our job was to pick all the beans on the first four rows. He then told me that Tom was to pick from the top of the fences while I was to pick on the bottom. He said this would help keep Tom from straining his back by bending over since he was not use to that type of work. As he was leaving he told us that when we had finished we could take an hour or so off to do whatever we wanted.

I grinned at Tom as he looked at me. I removed my shirt, pants and shoes and was wearing only my underwear. Tom looked at me and asked me what I was doing. I told him that even though it was still early in the morning I knew I would work up a sweat working in the garden. I then told Tom to remove his pants, shoes, and socks and to keep his t-shirt on so he wouldn't get sunburned. When this was completed I then had to show him which beans were ready to pick and which weren't.

We started picking and talking about just about anything that came to our minds. We chatted about school and each other's families and finally got around to chatting about friends. He told me that he really only had one friend at school who was overweight like himself. He finally got around to asking me about the size of my cock and balls and wanted to know the whole story about it. He told me that the doctor had told him a little about the condition I had, but Tom wanted to know about what it was really like to be hung like a horse.

I went through all the embarrassing moments I had at school when other boys had seen me taking a pee in school. I told him about the time I had to go to the assistant principal's office because my cock had gotten hard on its own and the teacher caught me as I was trying to hide it. She thought I had been playing with myself and wanted the assistant principal to discipline me. I tried to tell him that I was not playing with myself that it had gotten hard and I was trying to move it so no one could tell. He didn't believe me because of my age but I finally got him to take a look and he said he completely understood and I told him that I had been seeing the doctor for years about it. He called the doctor and inquired about my condition and then sent me back to my classroom and told me to try and control myself. He also said he would talk to the teacher and she probably would overlook any further happenings.

Tom just giggled as he told me I should have showed the teacher. He said he was sure I would have scared her away or she would have attacked me. I giggled a little with him and tried to imagine the old woman trying to grasp my cock. I quickly thought about something else.

When we got to the end of the second row that we were on, I walked over and got a towel so I could wipe the sweat off of my body. My underwear was soaked and so were Tom's clothes. I tossed him the towel as we took a drink of water and cooled off for a minute. We had been at it for about an hour and when I looked down the rows we only had one left to finish. I informed Tom and he wanted to know what we would do when we got to take a break. I grinned at him and said we would find something to do that was fun.

We started back to our picking and I noticed Grandpa had come over and was loading the buckets of beans into some burlap bags that he used to carry the beans to the market. The closer to the end of the row the faster Tom and I worked. Grandpa was waiting to take the last of the beans from us when we finished.

"I guess you two have earned a little fun." Grandpa said as he suggested that the two of us go around to the corral and wash off in the watering trough.

When we got there I noticed that Grandpa had been by and made sure there was plenty of water and it was fairly cool when I ran my hand through it. I jumped into the trough and sat down as Tom came walking up. The trough was just wide enough for Tom to sit in. As he sat down I heard a long sigh come from his mouth. He leaned back and was able to get all of his body under the water.

I stood up and took my underwear off and sat back down in the water. I twisted the underwear until most of the water had been rung out of them and placed them on the fence beside the trough. Since we were in the shade of the barn I told Tom he should do the same with his shirt and shorts. He stood up but I had to help him pull his t-shirt off since it was clinging to his back and making it hard to pull off. He pushed his shorts down to his knees and then sat back down in the water. He wiggled out of his shorts and started twisting them as I was twisting his shirt.

We placed the clothes on the line and had just settled back into the water when Grandpa walked up with a pitcher of ice tea. He poured each of us a glass and sat down on the side of the trough as he watched the horses in the corral. He made a comment about one of the mares being ready to bread and our old stallion would soon take care of it. He looked at Tom and told him to be sure and drink all the tea because we didn't want to have to treat him for muscle cramps. Then sort of as a second thought he said he had some pills the doctor had given him for cramps. He said he would call the doctor and see if it was all right for Tom to take the same pills.

Grandpa gathered our glasses and headed back to the house. He said he was going to take a look in the garden and see if there was anything else needed gathering today. We heard the horses as they started neighing and stomping around. My back was to them so I had to turn around to see what was going on. Our old stallion was sniffing around the mare Grandpa had been talking about and I knew what was about to happen.

I stood up and turned around so I could see the action. Tom was just watching with a bewildered look on his face. I sat down and pushed myself between Tom's legs. I was able to rest against his stomach as the stallion started biting at the mare's rump. I told Tom that it would only be a few minutes before the real show got started. At that moment the stallion mounted the mare's rump and we both saw his huge cock as it stuck right at the mare's ass. The stallion made a thrust or two before we saw it slide all the way inside the mare. I felt Tom gasp as he saw the horse cock disappear inside the mare. The mare had spread her legs so she could take the weight of the stallion on her back. The stallion pumped six or seven times and then stopped as he backed off of the mare. His cock slid out and swung down below him. We both could see the large flared head of the horse's cock and noticed a long string of horse cum hanging from the head. His cock was still large but was soft. The stallion stood still for a few minutes and then started peeing.

The stallion started walking toward us as I felt Tom tense up. I told him to just be still that the old stallion just wanted some water and he wouldn't hurt us. The stallion was a little startled when he first saw us but made a little circle and came back to the trough. His head was just a foot or so away from me as he drank. When I looked back Tom was staring at the horse's cock that was still hanging out and was soft. I told him to reach out and grab it. He hesitated but finally did. The horse's cock jerked out of his hand and slapped itself against its stomach and then started disappearing inside the horse.

I laughed at Tom as the cock scared him when it jumped away. I then told him that I had a cock that wouldn't run away from him if he wanted to feel it. He grinned as I turned around to face him. He reached out and started moving his hands up and down on my cock as it grew. Tom said it was the biggest human cock he had ever seen. I was really aroused by now and wanted more than just a little rubbing on my cock.

I told Tom that we should go into the barn so we could do more than what we were doing. He followed me into the tack room which contained all the saddles and blankets. I had him sit down backwards on a saddle that was sitting on a saw horse. When I had him lean back his mound of blubber where his cock and balls were located was sitting on the back of the saddle. I leaned over and placed my mouth over the opening where his cock was. He moaned as he felt my tongue enter the opening and swirl around the head of his cock that was apparently hard to me. I was able to push my tongue about three inches inside the hole. I cupped my tongue around Tom's dick head and started pumping my mouth up and down. Tom moaned louder and reached out and grabbed the back of my head.

We stayed in this position for about five minutes when I felt Tom's body tense up just before his cock filled my mouth with his hot cum. He pumped as best he could toward my face as I let his cock finish erupting. I sucked a little longer making sure I got all of Tom's cum.

When I pulled away my cock was hard and Tom was looking at it. He then asked me what it felt and tasted like to suck a cock. I told him it didn't taste bad and kind of made you want to taste it again. He got off of the saddle and told me to sit down on it. He took my cock in his hand and pulled the foreskin down until he had both hands at the base of my cock and about six inches of the shaft and the head sticking above his hands. He first licked the head of my cock, as he tasted my cock. He then licked at the slit at the top of the head where a few drops of pre-cum had formed.

As he lapped up my pre-cum he rolled it around in his mouth and then pushed the head of my cock into his mouth. He rolled his tongue around on the head and I watched, as I didn't think he had enough room in his mouth to do anything. I felt the moist warmth of his mouth as he pushed the head of my cock against the back of his throat. He had about four inches in his mouth when he tried to force even more in. He gagged and pulled his mouth off of my cock. I told him to just take what he could and pump the shaft. He swallowed the head again and started pumping his hands up and down.

After a while he was pushing the foreskin into his mouth and pulling it back out as he tried to suck more and more of my cock into his mouth. I was really worked up and started helping by thrusting my cock at his face. I felt the cum building up in my balls and told Tom it was about to come out. I didn't know if he was going to pull away. He felt the juice at it rushed out of my cock as he pulled all of my cock except the head out of his mouth. I noticed his jaws expand as my cock blasted into his mouth. He swallowed just before my cock unloaded again. He tried to swallow all of my cum but had to remove the head of my cock so he could catch his breath. He continued to pump my cock as it slowly stopped shooting.

I looked at the two of us as we were covered with sweat again. We headed back to the trough to cool off again and were there for just a few minutes when Grandpa came over. He told me that the stalls in the barn needed to be cleaned out and that he was going to carry the beans we had picked into the market and would be back in about forty five minutes. He said he would come back and fix lunch for us provided we had finished our work. He winked at me as he left and I jumped on Tom's stomach and forced his head under the water. He was able to push me away with very little effort on his part.

We climbed out of the water and headed back to the barn. I knew that the job of cleaning the stalls would only take about twenty minutes and Grandpa knew we would probably find something to keep us busy.

Next: Chapter 3

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