Joey's Life

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jun 19, 2002


This is to let everyone know that the story and the people in it are all fictional. The story has a couple of the taboos of sex. There is some incest and also some bestiality in this story. If either of this subjects bother you then please leave this site and find something else to read. If you choose to read this story please email me with your comments about the story.

Joey's Life

My story began actually before I was old enough to know what was going on around me. My parents were supposed to be dead and I was raised by my grandparents. My grandfather told me many years later that the truth was that they weren't sure who my father was and my mother had ran off with some man when I was only about four years old.

My grandparents had a small self-sufficient farm that was about ten miles from any thing closely resembling a town. The little town had a general store along with a service station, a drug store, and an old doctor who still makes house calls. On my grandparents farm they had the usual animals: a few cows, a couple of horses, some goats, some chickens, and a few stray dogs.

My life growing up seemed full and was a lot of fun helping my grandparents in the garden and around the farm. It was not uncommon for my grandfather to just unzip his pants and relieve himself by some tree, as long as grandma wasn't around. He often told me that it was ok for me to do the same as long as no one was around.

I had seen my grandfather's dick several times but it wasn't any more exciting to see than the animals in the fields when they pissed or made little animals as my grandfather called it. One day when I was between seven and eight I was taking a pee when my grandfather looked over and asked it I was excited about something. I didn't know what he was talking about so he told me to finish up and go with him to the barn.

When we were in the barn he had me stand up on a bench and drop my pants. He reached out and cupped my balls with his hand, which really felt good. He then peeled the skin back on my dick and just shook his head. He made some comment about me having a large dick and balls. He then said that we would need to go see the doctor the next day. He had me put my pants back on and we finished up our chores.

The next morning right after breakfast my grandfather and I got cleaned up or at least I did and we headed off to town. I liked going to town because I got to see other people. We pulled up in front of the doctor's office and walked upon the porch. Grandpa knocked on the door because it was still locked.

The Doctor opened the door with a cup of coffee in his hand and looked at Grandpa and asked if it was an emergency. Grandpa said it wasn't but he didn't know if it was serious or not. The doctor told us to come on in as he headed back to the room he used for an examining patiences.

As we walked back the doctor asked which of us had the problem. Grandpa said it was me that needed to see the doctor. He then told the doctor that I had the biggest dick and set of nuts he had ever seen on a boy my age. The doctor took a quick look back at my Grandfather to see if he was kidding. When he noticed he wasn't asked me what my name was and I told him Joey. He then wanted to know what my age was as he took down some notes on a tablet.

The doctor looked at me and told me to take off my clothes and not to worry that he and my Grandpa had seen many naked boys before. Grandpa sat me up on the examining table and started taking my shoes off. I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it as he stood me up and unfastened my pants. Grandpa pulled my underwear along with my pants down. He then sat me down so he could pull them completely off.

The doctor had been getting some of his tools while we were doing this and when he turned around his mouth dropped open when he saw me naked.

"Hell, you weren't kidding were you?" The doctor said to my Grandpa.

The doctor reached out and started rolling my balls around in his hand as he gently pulled the skin back on my cock and moved it around. He then had me lay down on the table and spread my legs. He continued to feel my balls as he laid my dick back on my stomach. He looked at my Grandpa and said he didn't think there was anything wrong with me that most men wouldn't mind having. He took out a ruler and measured my dick.

"Damn, the kid's dick is six inches long and he is only seven!" The doctor said.

"His balls are larger than mine." He continued.

Grandpa grinned but then asked the doctor if there was something wrong with me.

The doctor assured him that what I had was very rare but as long as I was able to control myself that I would be all right. He then told my Grandpa that I was not through growing yet and there was no telling how large I would be when I finally did go through puberty. He then said that Grandpa was to bring me back at least every three months so he could monitor my growth and make sure there were no complications.

He then turned and grinned at my Grandpa and told him he would like to see just how large my dick was when it was erect, and if I was cumming yet. Grandpa looked at the doctor and just nodded his head. The Doctor told me to lie back and just enjoy what he was going to do. The next thing I felt was the doctor's hands as they started fondling my balls and then pulling the skin up and down on my dick.

The feeling was great and I could tell my dick was getting hard. It had happened a couple of times at night but had gone soft when I got up and took a pee. This time the feeling was getting stronger and stronger, and I looked up at my Grandpa who put his hand on my shoulder and grinned down at me.

The Doctor stopped jerking on my dick and took his ruler and measured it again. He looked up at my Grandpa and said it was almost nine inches and maybe more if he cums. The doctor started playing with my cock again as he reached over and placed his finger in a jar of ointment. The doctor had me lay my head back as he moved his hand beneath my ass. I felt his finger as it slid up the slit of my ass and found my asshole. He moved it around and slowly started pushing the end of his finger inside.

The finger was hurting but the pleasure on my dick was stronger as my hips started pumping up and down. I looked up at my Grandpa with wide eyes trying to figure out what was going on. He looked down and told me to just close my eyes and enjoy it. When I closed my eyes the feelings seemed to be even stronger as the Doctor started pumping faster and was now working his finger in and out of my asshole.

All at once I felt like I had to pee real bad and tried to pull my dick out of the Doctor's hands. He pushed my hands away and jerked even faster. I thrust my hips up into the air and let out a little squeal as it felt like there was something shooting out of my cock. My whole body tensed up and then relaxed as my dick pulsed several more times. When it stopped pulsing the doctor stopped jerking and pulled his hands away from me.

"Damn, I forgot to put on gloves." He said as he moved over to the sink and started washing his hands.

My Grandpa started laughing as the Doctor looked over at him. He had me stand up but I noticed I felt a little weak and had to hold onto my Grandpa's shoulder to keep steady. He helped me dress myself and then had me sit back down on the table.

The Doctor walked back over and rubbed his hand through my hair and told my Grandpa that he thought I would be all right but that he wanted to keep a file on me to see just how large I did grow. He said that he wouldn't put a name on the file so no one would find out who it was. Grandpa said the figured it was ok, and that Joey didn't seem to mind the exam any.

The Doctor and Grandpa shook hands as we said our good byes and headed back to the farm. Grandpa drove extra slow as he started talking about what had happened with the doctor. He said that we didn't have to tell Grandma about why we had gone for the checkup. He then told me that if I had any questions about what the doctor had done to me that I should ask him and he would try to explain. He then told me that if my dick started getting hard on its own to let him know and he would take me to the barn so I could relieve the tension.

The next few years went by fairly fast and Grandpa and I kept our visits with the doctor. My dick had managed to grow another two and a half inches by the time I was nine. It also was growing in thickness and Grandpa was beginning to worry about clothes I could wear that would help hide my size. He finally decided that I could wear overalls since they were made with larger than normal legs. This would make it easier to keep my size undercover.

During this time my Grandma had a heart attack and passed away. It really hit my Grandpa hard and when the day came for my visit to the doctor I figured we wouldn't go. He came into my room and told me to get dressed that I had my appointment to keep. I jumped up because I knew what I was in store for, but caught myself, as I knew Grandpa was not feeling very happy since Grandma passed on.

We made it to the Doctor's office but had to wait while he was looking at another patient. As I entered the room I started removing my clothes and was up on the table before the doctor was ready for me. He handed me the tape measure and told me that I knew the routine. I told him that it was eight inches soft and was it ok to go ahead and get it hard. The doctor told me to go ahead and help myself as he turned and started talking to Grandpa.

I told the doctor that I needed some help in measuring my dick while it was hard. He giggled a little and reached out and held it down from my stomach. Just over ten inches I said as I read the tape. The doctor grabbed my dick at the base and started jerking up and down very slowly as I leaned back to enjoy the feelings spreading over my body. I then lifted my hips up and asked if he was going to use his finger as he usually did. He said something like he had forgot and then moved away so he could get some ointment. Grandpa moved in beside me and took up where the doctor had left off. When the doctor returned he didn't have Grandpa stop as he just slowly entered his finger inside my asshole.

We had been doing this for so long that his finger caused no pain anymore. I was really enjoying myself since both of them were playing with me. I noticed for the first time that Grandpa had a tent in the front of his pants. I tried to remember if he had ever done that before but I couldn't recall noticing if he had.

My orgasm was upon me before I knew what was happening as I yelled out and then felt the cum gushing out of my cock and shooting up in the air for a few feet. My dick erupted about four more times before it started to get soft. The doctor and Grandpa just watched as my body convulsed as I shot my first cum in the air. When I looked down there was a lot of clear gooey substance on my stomach and chest.

The doctor grabbed a towel and wiped me clean as he asked me how I liked the way that felt. I had to take a few minutes to catch my breath, but noticed that Grandpa was still fondling my soft cock. We didn't say anything until we were half way home. I looked over at Grandpa and asked him if he always got hard when he watched the doctor with me. He said that he always did and he said he would probably have to relieve himself when we got home. I sat there for a few minutes and then asked if I could watch him. He told me that we would have to wait and see.

We pulled into the barn and Grandpa told me to come with him. We went to the back of the barn where the stalls were and he told me to bring in a cow. He placed it in the stall we used when we had to give the cows shots or medicine. The pen kept the cow confined to where she couldn't move but an inch or two in any direction. Grandpa then grabbed a bucket of water and a rag and moved to the rear end of the cow. He started washing the cow's cunt. I was surprised so I just watched.

Grandpa put the bucket down and then removed his pants and underwear. His cock was hard and sticking straight out in front of him. His was about eight inches long and not quiet as thick as mine. I watched as he started rubbing his hand up and down on the cow's cunt. The cow's tail raised itself into the air and it's cunt pulled up and out a little. Grandpa took his cock and lined it up and with one quick thrust buried his cock all the way in. The cow moaned but kept its tail up in the air as Grandpa started pumping faster and faster. I watched for a good five minutes until I noticed Grandpa tense up and then unload his cum in the cow's cunt.

Grandpa looked at me and noticed my pants were having a hard time keeping my cock down. He told me to step up and see what it felt like to fuck something. I moved in behind the cow and noticed the white cum running out of the pussy. Grandpa moved beside me and rubbed my cock around until it had collected all the cum it could. He spread the lips of the cow's cunt and told me to push it in. As my cock entered the cow's pussy I couldn't believe how hot and moist it felt. I pushed harder as I drove all of my cock deep in the cow. Grandpa was still holding the cows pussy lips apart, but he soon released them as I started pumping faster.

I felt Grandpa's hands as he cupped my ass and slowly spread my cheeks. I then felt what I thought was his fingers but soon realized it was his hard cock. He reached around me and when I had pulled my cock almost all the way out he wrapped his hand around it and got some of the cum and cow juices on his hand. He spread it on his cock and all at once I felt his cock force its way up my asshole. He grabbed me around the chest and pumped several times until he had it buried as deep as he could.

He released his grip on me and told me to continue. As I fucked the cow Grandpa was fucking my asshole. Grandpa had got a rhythm going to where he was ramming his cock into me as I was pulling out of the cow. We kept this up for a few minutes when I felt the cum building up in my balls. Grandpa must have felt something to as we both started pumping even faster. My cock started erupting and I was forcing it as deep in the cow as I possible could. Grandpa had stopped and was just keeping his cock buried inside me. I finally leaned over as I pulled my soft cock out of the cow. Grandpa started to pump again so I leaned forward to give him more access to my asshole. I don't know what he was doing but he was rubbing something that was causing my cock to get hard again.

Grandpa pulled himself out of me and said we needed to finish up in the house. When I stepped back I felt weak and leaned over and grabbed my knees. Spot our old hound dog took this time to lick my asshole, which gave me a start. I opened my legs as he started pushing his tongue deeper and deeper inside me. Grandpa watched as he released the cow from the pen and then shooed Spot away from my ass. He said that Spot could have his turn later.

We walked back to the house without even putting our clothes back on, but then again who was to see us anyway. We went straight to Grandpa's bedroom where he had me lay on my back and pull my legs up in the air. He got behind me and pushed his cock back inside my asshole. He started pumping very fast as it caused my cock to get hard again. Grandpa reached down and pulled my cock back toward him as he continued to pump himself into me.

The next thing really sent me over the edge as Grandpa forced the head of my cock into his mouth. He was licking all around the head and even inside the piss slit. This was more than my body could take as I blasted cum in Grandpa's mouth. He managed to swallow most of the cum as he picked up the pace on my ass. I felt his cock grow and then explode inside my asshole. I could feel the cum as it spread all through my body. Grandpa fell forward on top of me as I heard his heavy breathing. We both dozed off for a couple of hours.

I was the first to wake but decided to just snuggle up to Grandpa while he rested peacefully. I moved in beside him until I was touching as much of him as I could. The warmth and closeness of Grandpa's body caused my on cock to start to stir. I reached down and grab a hold of his cock and slowly rolled it around in my hand. Grandpa let out a low moan but didn't wake up. As I continued to examine his cock it started to grow and I knew that he would soon wake up if I continued.

I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen for a drink. My cock had gone back to its normal size even though it was hanging half way between my waist and knees. I walked out on the porch to take a look around and also enjoy being naked out in the open. Spot came running up to greet me and instantly sniffed at my cock. He gave it a quick lick or two before he pushed his cold nose into my balls. He continued to sniff around and every once in a while he would lick out. I was beginning to like the way his tongue felt on my genital area and spread my legs a little to give him more access to me.

I picked up one of my legs and placed my foot upon the seat of one of the chairs there. Spot quickly pushed his nose past my balls and located my asshole. He first licked at it and then tried to push his tongue inside. I noticed his tail started wagging even faster as his tongue gained entrance to my ass. The feeling was getting better and better as my cock started to grow from the attention of the dogs moist tongue.

I was getting tired in the position I was in and I was sure Spot might like an easier way of getting at me. I sat down in the chair and pulled both legs up on the table. This forced me to slide down in the chair until my ass was hanging just off the edge. I also spread my legs apart, which really opened my ass cheeks. It didn't take Spot but a few seconds to located my ass again as he started licking and then pushing his tongue inside me. I reached down and spread my ass cheeks even further apart and Spot was able to push all of his tongue inside.

It felt as if he was fucking me with his tongue. His tongue would roll up on its sides and then force its way in. When he pulled out he would lick around my asshole a couple of times and then force it back in. After about five minutes of this Spot would stop and look up at me as if he wanted me to do something else. I let one of my legs down to stretch it when Spot grabbed it with both of his front legs and started humping it. I figured that I knew what Spot was wanting but I had no idea what to do.

I decided to see if I could get Spot to hump my ass, so I got down on all fours. Spot knew what to do as he licked my ass a couple of times and then mounted my ass. He started pumping at me but was missing his mark badly. His claws were scratching my sides and I knew I had to do something and quick. I jumped up and went into the kitchen and grabbed a large towel and placed it around my chest. This allowed it to cover all of my back down to the top of my ass crack.

When I went back on the porch Spot was waiting for me and before I could get my hands down he had reached up and grabbed me a lot higher up my back than before. When I fell forward I noticed I could feel his cock at the entrance of my asshole before he even started to hump. He thrust one time and I felt his cock as it slid right in with no pain. Spot started pumping faster and faster so I spread my legs to let him get deeper inside me. I started feeling a lot of pressure at the entrance of my asshole and then almost yelled out as something very large popped inside me.

There was some pain and a lot of pressure but Spot pulled even harder against me as he increased the pace. I felt my asshole getting tighter and tighter but from the inside. I was getting a little scared when I heard my Grandpa tell me to just relax. He said that Spot had tied to me and I wasn't getting away for a few minutes. He came on out on the porch and sat down beside Spot and me.

He then asked me if I was in any real pain, but I told him no that it was just scary because we seemed to be stuck together. Grandpa giggled a little and then told me that we actually were. I started feeling something very warm inside my ass as Spot's cock began to pulse inside me. When I asked Grandpa about it he told me that Spot was shooting his cum inside and his cock would stay hard until he was through. I moved my ass around a little and discovered that Spot's dick was making my own cock get hard.

Grandpa noticed this and told me that men have an organ inside their assholes that cause a man's cock to get hard when it is rubbed just right, and it looked like Spot was doing a good job on mine. He then suggested that I push back and forth against Spot and see if I didn't like the feeling. When I did the pleasure increased and it was if I couldn't stop. Grandpa giggled again as he reached underneath me and started pumping on my cock. This really got me going, as I was only seconds from cumming. When I did it was all I could do to not fall flat on my face. As my orgasm went through my body I could feel my asshole as it would squeeze Spot's cock and then relax again.

Grandpa started rubbing my back and told me to just relax and let Spot get through. He left and said he would go get us some cold tea because he was sure I would want some when Spot was through with me. He returned and I guess startled Spot as he jerked back and his cock popped out of my asshole with a loud noise. I spun around, as there was some pain. When I looked at Spot I couldn't believe how large his cock was and it was the first time I had seen a dog's knot. I looked at Grandpa and asked if that was what had been inside my asshole. He said it was and we both watched as Spot licked his cock clean and it slowly went back inside his sheath.

I started to sit down when Grandpa told me I had better step off of the porch and squat down and wait for all of Spot's cum to come out. I figured he knew what he was talking about but I didn't feel like I needed to relieve my ass. I squatted down and felt the fluid as it started stream out of me. I looked down between my legs while holding my cock off of the ground and watched the liquid splattering on the ground. While I was in that position Spot moved behind me and licked my ass clean. I stepped back upon the porch and drank almost all of my glass of tea in one gulp.

We sat there on the porch both of us naked with our cocks hanging down between our legs and old Spot licking his. Grandpa looked at me and told me it looked like it was just the two of us and we could take a few liberties of going around in the nude. He then told me that because of his age that he could not do what we had done very many times in one week. He said that since I was a growing boy and hadn't even started going through puberty yet that he would show me all the different animals on the farm that I could play with and how to be careful at it.

We went on for a few more months with me visiting the cows at least once a day and getting with Grandpa as often as possible. Several times he had told me that he was too tired and I should go play with Spot. Spot didn't mind and was always ready to mount my ass. I had really gotten hooked on having orgasms and it seemed as if I couldn't have enough. Grandpa was getting a little worried because he was sure my cock was still growing and he said he noticed the beginning of some pubic hair. He said we had better make a visit to the doctor even though it was not time for my regular visit.

When we pulled up at the doctors there didn't seem to be anyone there, but when we entered we heard the doctor yell out that he would be with us in just a few minutes. He then yelled out as he asked who it was. When he heard whom it was he said he would be right there. When he entered the room he was drying his hands off with a towel. He immediately asked if anything was wrong. Grandpa looked past the doctor before he said anything. He told the doctor his concerns about my increased sexual desires and was wondering if there was something wrong.

The doctor put his hand on his chin and though for a second and then told us to follow us to the back room. When we entered there was a boy who probably weighed around three hundred pounds lying on his back on the table. He was completely nude but hadn't raised his head to look at us yet. The doctor called the boy Tom and told him to just stay as he was. It was then that I noticed that the boy had his legs up in the two metal arms that the doctor had told me was what he used when he had to check out the women. This placed the boy's ass in a very open position and also would expose his balls and dick to anyone who was standing behind him.

The doctor told us that Tom had a problem of being overweight and having almost the opposite problem that I had. He said that Tom was so fat that the boy had never seen his own cock and that he hadn't seen it yet either. He said that the boy had been put on a diet and had lost a little weight but not much. Tom's father was concerned that Tom was not growing up, as young boys should. He said he had talked to Tom and the boy said that he had never had an orgasm and didn't know what a hard-on was. The doctor told us that he told Tom's father that he would massage the boys prostate and see if his sexual organs were working right.

I was so curious that I walked around to where I could see right between Tom's legs. I almost laughed but was able to control myself. What I saw was actually nothing, there was a small hole where his cock should be and two dark spots where his balls were. There was no sacks hanging down only a round mound of fat where his cock and balls should be. His ass was pushed out and I could see his asshole and noticed the shine of some ointment around it.

The doctor said he had just started preparing Tom for his treatment when we came in. He then looked at the bulge in my pants and asked if it was ok for me to help out. Grandpa looked at the doctor and said he had no problem with it. The doctor looked at me and told me to strip. He then walked over to Tom who still hadn't looked to see who had entered the room with the doctor. I figured he was to embarrassed to look at us.

The doctor moved a portable step behind Tom's ass and told me to step up. He then reached out and started rubbing the mound of fat that was above Tom's asshole. I noticed the pubic hair on the mound and in the crack of his ass. As the doctor was rubbing Tom, he asked him if that felt good. Tom grunted out that it did and my cock had grown as hard as it could. The doctor reached over and handed me the tape measure and told me he needed to know how large it was.

The doctor, Grandpa, and myself were taken back when I told them it was twelve and a half inches. I noticed that Tom tried to raise his head but he didn't see it or me since I had stepped down to do the measuring. When I stepped back up the doctor had moved his hand down and was pushing his fingers in and out of Tom's ass. The doctor grabbed my cock and placed it at Tom's entrance. He didn't have to tell me what to do next as I forced part of my cock inside Tom. I felt Tom's ass muscles tighten up as I entered him and the doctor noticed. He rubbed some more ointment on my cock when I pulled back.

When I pushed back in more of my cock entered and Tom's asshole seemed to open up for it. I started thrusting as more and more of my cock went inside Tom. The doctor and Grandpa moved to the head of the table and were watching the expressions on Tom's face as I started to really fuck his asshole. I was pumping so hard into Tom that our bodies were making slapping noises that anyone who entered the building would have heard.

"Yeah, that's the spot." The doctor said as he noticed Tom gasp and his body jerk as I rammed my cock in.

He told me to keep pumping the same way. I was delighted to continue as I even quickened my pace. The doctor told me that I could fuck Tom as long as I wanted provided I made him cum first. This really got me excited as I reached up and wrapped my arms around Tom's legs. I pumped into him for a good five minutes and both of us were covered in sweat.

I heard Tom's breathing start to get harder and faster as I knew he was near cumming. I picked up the pace trying to make him cum. I was looking down at my cock as it rammed in and out of his asshole, when all at once Tom's hot cum started shooting out of the hole in the top of the mound of fat. He squirted about eight times as the cum splattered on my stomach and chest.

The sight of Tom cumming was too much for me as I held on to his legs and rammed my cock as hard as I could into Tom's asshole. My cock was shooting so hard that my balls were drawn up against my shaft and were hurting. I must have shot ten times before my cock started to soften. I leaned over on top of Tom to keep from falling and placed my face on his stomach. While lying there I could smell the strong odor of Tom's cum and when I noticed a glob just inches away from my face, I reached out and licked it into my mouth.

The doctor had moved over to clean the two of us up but stopped when he noticed me licking up the cum. He stopped as he watched me move my mouth down to the hole where Tom's cock should be. I slipped my tongue inside and was happy to find a large pool of cum as I sucked and licked around in the hole. I could feel the head of Tom's cock and I could tell that it was hard. He moaned a couple of times and I felt my own cock start to grow again. I quickly moved back upon the stool and pushed my cock into Tom's asshole. I pushed a couple of fingers inside the hole and started rubbing both sides of Tom's cock.

Tom started pumping his ass at my cock and I knew he was ready for another fuck. The doctor looked at Grandpa and said that they could go get a cup of coffee while the two boys had their fun. This time I decided I was going to see how many times I could make Tom cum before I did. I would pump fast and hard but every time I came close to cumming I would slow down until the pressure would subside. I was able to make Tom cum three more times but finally had to relieve the hurt in my own balls. When I came this time I yelled out as the cum blasted deep in Tom's asshole.

Grandpa and the doctor entered the room right after I screamed out. They said they knew I had cum and it was about time everyone got ready to head home. The doctor informed Tom and myself that he had called Tom's father and he had agreed that Tom could go out to our farm on the weekends and maybe work off some calories. Tom raised his head and said it sounded great to him as long as he got to do what we had been doing. The doctor and Grandpa laughed at him and said that was the main reason for him going to the farm.

The doctor told Tom that Grandpa might want to join in on the fun if that was all right with Tom. He then let Tom know that Grandpa had a few animals that might be fun to play with. The Doctor watched Tom's reaction to the last statement and felt that Tom was all right with it.

When we started to leave I realized that the day was Friday and looked at the doctor and asked when Tom was going to come out to the farm. He told me that Tom's father would be bringing him out bright and early in the morning and that I should be sure to be presentable when they showed up. The doctor then grabbed my cock through my pants and let me know that I still owed him a treatment.

Next: Chapter 2

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