Joeys Circle

By Jim Foster

Published on Oct 3, 2020


Joey's Circle, part 2 by Jim Foster

I scanned the crowded lobby for a familiar face. Around me, office workers darted out of elevators and stairwells for one of the skyscraper's many exits out into the chilly winter weather that had hung over the city for the past week. Since it was noon on Christmas Eve, practically every office and business in the building was letting its staff go home early. People donned scarves, hats and gloves as they rushed for the exits.

Moments ago, I'd been part of the same chaos at my own office building four blocks away. Evan had texted me to come meet him in the lobby of his building, and then we could head out together. He thought his own building would be an easier place to find one another. But as another bank of elevators disgorged its passengers into the lobby, I began to think that Evan was mistaken.

"Jim!" I heard a familiar voice shout. "Jim! Over here!"

It helped that Evan's a few inches taller than me. It also helped that he wore that ridiculous knit cap -- stripes of blue, white and black with a green puff ball on top. Evan was about 20 feet away near the west elevators, grinning and waving. I wound my way through the crowd practically tackled him in a tight embrace.

"Hey, buddy," I said, inhaling deeply to take in his scent. At the urging of both myself and his boyfriend Karl, Evan had recently stopped wearing deodorant. Likely no one in his office noticed, since so many of his co-workers wore strong perfume and cologne. But those of us who knew Evan intimately, myself especially, loved his natural, musky odor.

"Hey, sweet man," said Evan, wrapping his arms around me. I felt his short, scruffy beard up against my forehead. He lowered his chin to kiss me on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas," Evan added. "You ready to spend the holidays with us over at the house?"

"Most definitely," I said. At my feet was a small duffel bag of clothes and a few other items. Joey, the friend who'd brought all us guys together into one big group of friends with benefits, had arranged for any of us who were in town over the holidays to stay at his house.

I laughed at the thought that it was "Joey's house." It really wasn't. When I first met Ñ- and fucked Ñ- Joey, he was renting the house with Karl and a couple, Jeremy and David. Last month, Evan had moved in as well. After getting to know this crowd for the past two months, I learned the various ways they had all met, formed intimate and sexually charged friendships, and Ñ- in some cases Ñ- relationships like Karl and Evan, or Jeremy and David. In all of these cases, Joey was the catalyst that had brought this group together.

So, even though it wasn't Joey's house in fact, it felt like his house in principle.

Reluctantly, I pulled away from my embrace with Evan, still savoring his scent. We held hands to stay together in the busy lobby. Stepping outside, we zipped our coats against the sharp winter wind.

"You smell great, by the way," I said. "I almost didn't want to break our hug."

"Thanks, Jimmy," said Evan, blushing and wrapping one arm around me. "I like knowing how much you get off on my... scent."

Over the past few months, I'd grown close to everyone who lived in Joey's house, and a few more who hung out there regularly like I did. But I had become especially close to Evan and Karl. Half the time I stayed over, I was sleeping in Joey's bed. The rest, I was in Evan and Karl's king-sized bed. In a way, I felt myself falling in love with them. Not in a romantic way. But I did feel a connection with those two that felt stronger than friendship, even among friends-with-benefits.

I'd hesitantly shared with Evan and Karl my feelings about them a few weeks ago. We'd been taking a break after I had blown them. I sat there naked and hard, with the taste of their seed still fresh in my mouth, and told them how I felt. They had looked at one another, smiled and brought me in for a big hug. It turns out that they felt the same about me. To drive the point home, they worked together to give me the most sensual blowjob of my life, sharing my load in their mouths. Since then, expressions of affection had become commonplace among the three of us. They were the couple. But I was still strongly connected to them.

Joey had been thrilled. He loves bringing people together.

"Nothing hardens my cock more than seeing all you guys connect," Joey had said.

Evan and I took a bus across town. Along the way, we talked about how Evan was adjusting to life in a big house with Karl, Joey, Jeremy and David. Jeremy and David had used to share the house's expansive basement Ñ- a large bedroom, a spare room that Jeremy used as an office for his remote job as a technical writer, and bathroom with shower. But when Evan and Karl wanted to live together, Karl's bedroom was too small for the two of them, especially since Karl was applying for nursing school and, if all went well, would need extra space to study. Jeremy and David realized they were under-utilizing all the space in the basement bedroom, and offered to switch with Karl if they could retain the office for Jeremy to use during the day.

The trade went well. Joey and I helped the two couples haul furniture and boxes up and down stairs. Then once Karl's Ñ- and now Evan's Ñ- king-sized bed was in place, Joey crawled up on the mattress, pulled down his pants and took a load from each of us up his gorgeous ass.

"That was a fun day," said Evan. "I really felt like I was coming home."

"Well, I think that's an auspicious way to begin your new life with Karl," I said.

Thinking about that day made us both horny. We kissed a little on the bus, but didn't get too carried away.

"By the time we get home, Karl should be getting back from the gym," said Evan, with a twinkle in his eye. "We should see what he's up to."

"Yeah?" I asked playfully. "Well, if you say so. We should see if Joey's around too."

Of everyone in the house, Joey and Karl worked the least-traditional hours. Karl worked part-time in a clinic and as a tutor, while also volunteering at a research lab. We were almost certain Karl would get into the university's nursing program. But he was taking no chances. Joey, meanwhile, worked as a manager in the diagnostic laboratory of a local hospital, but his hours shifted each month.

Getting off the bus, Evan and I walked hand-in-hand the three blocks to the house. The winter winds died down as we approached. Out in front, I saw an unfamiliar car.

"Do you think Joey invited a new friend over?" I asked.

"I doubt it. Joey's pretty slutty, but also picky," said Evan. "He spent months coaxing you over, and I think he's pretty happy with the mix of guys at the house these days."

"Ah," I said. "Then maybe the neighbors have someone over for the holidays?"

"Maybe," said Evan.

We walked up the steps to the porch. The door was closed, but unlocked. As we opened it and entered, warm air and the unmistakable sounds of carnal grunting wafted over to us.

In the living room were two sofas. On one was Joey, naked and perched on all-fours. He was facing away from us. Behind him, also with his back to us, stood a wide-shouldered, fit man who was naked from the waist up. He wore jeans and sneakers. His back was a little hairy, and sweaty. His arms, slightly muscular, sported about a dozen small tattoos. From behind, we watched him thrust his hips toward Joey and away as he fucked our beloved friend.

He was a stranger to me, but not to Evan, who after a few moments shouted, "Dom!"

Joey and the man turned around, surprised. Apparently, they'd been so intent on fucking that the hadn't heard us come in. Joey smiled. Dom was obviously a little embarrassed. He had broad, baby-faced features. His short beard was just starting to turn grey. Dom's hair, mostly black, had also started to turn grey. He had a pierced septum with a silver ring. He smiled, but also blushed a deep crimson.

"Hey Evan," Dom sheepishly said.

He leaned forward and pecked Evan on the lips. Dom looked at me. For a moment, I wanted to kiss him too. But his blush disarmed me. I raised one hand in a sheepish wave.

"Hi, I'm Jim," I said, my voice cracking like a teenager.

"Hey Jim," said Dom in a full voice. "Joey has told me so much about you. I feel like I already know you."

I looked around Dom's back and saw the base of his cock. The rest was firmly implanted in Joey's tight ass.

"Well, don't believe a word of it," I said playfully.

Dom laughed, but stared intently at me.

"Well, any friend of Joey's is a friend of mine," Dom said. "I'm sorry for you to meet me like this. It's just been so long since I've been here. Joey and I were catching up and I couldn't resist when he spread his cheeks."

"I know the feeling," I said. "If it makes you feel any better, he greeted me from that couch a few months ago, and I met a good number of his friends the same way you have."

Joey, I realized, was grinning ear-to-ear as he watched Dom and I converse awkwardly.

"Dom's been away for the past few years," said Joey. "But he's recently had some changes that've brought him back here. Consider this our first catch-up fuck!"

As he finished speaking, Joey rocked his hips against Dom's cock. Dom shuddered a little and threw his head back in a moan.

"Well, it's an important occasion," said Evan. "Why don't Jim and I let the two of you get back to it? We're gonna wait downstairs for Karl to get home."

"Oh, you don't have to wait," said Joey. "He came in about five minutes ago from his work-out. He watched us a few minutes and then headed downstairs. If you hurry, you'll catch him before he cleans off all that sweat."

Joey winked at me. He knows how much I love sweaty guys.

I felt Evan pulling me by the waistband of my pants.

"Come on, Jim," he said. "Let's let Dom and Joey get reacquainted."

As Evan pulled me toward the stairs to the basement, I looked over my shoulder at Dom and Joey. Dom had a broad chest Ñ- just a little bulky, with a healthy mixture of muscle and fat Ñ- covered by a dusting of fine, black hair. I really wanted to lick his two tan nipples. He was fucking Joey again, getting back into the rhythm. As my head disappeared through the doorway to the basement, Dom raised his head and his eyes met mine. He smiled again and blushed.

On the stairs, Evan turned and looked at me.

"God, you're adorable," Evan said. "You were so flustered around Dom."

I gave Evan a teasing shove and we resumed our course downstairs.

"Who is he anyway?" I asked, trying to ignore my blushing cheeks. "I don't think you guys have ever mentioned him."

"Dominic was one of Joey's oldest friends," said Evan. "I think they met right after Joey got out of the Army. He lived here for a number of years. But shortly after Karl and I started dating, he moved away."

By now we were in the basement hallway. Jeremy's office was to our left. To the right, the door to Karl and Evan's bedroom.

"Why'd he leave?" I asked. "For work?"

"No," said Evan. "To be honest, I don't know all the details. You should let Joey tell you Ñ or better yet, talk to Dom directly."

Evan opened the door and drew me into a deep kiss. We still had our coats on, but as we made out Evan removed his, then mine. He drew his hands up to my cheeks and stroked my beard. Suddenly, from behind, I felt another pair of hands unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants. Another man's musky scent wafted from over my shoulder, and his lips began to kiss the back of my neck.

Breaking my kiss with Evan, I raised my head, glanced over my shoulder. I could vaguely make out Karl's sweaty frame behind me.

"Hey, Karl," I said. "Miss us?"

"You have no idea," Karl growled, pressing his body against mine. Evan leaned over my shoulder and to give his boyfriend a sloppy kiss.

My pants unfastened, Karl ran his hands down my stomach and reached into my underwear. He freed my cock, already hard from the show we witnessed upstairs. Then with one hand, he pushed Evan's head down. Obedient as always, Evan dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth. Karl brought his body next to mine. I could see that he was already naked from the waist down, showing his hairy runner's legs and his uncut cock rapidly filling to its full 7 inches.

Karl and I made out tenderly as Evan alternated between his boyfriend's cock and mine. We ran our hands along each other's bodies. I quickly shed my sweater, button-down shirt and undershirt. Then I reached over and peeled off Karl's sweat-covered t-shirt. With Evan's mouth and hands working my own 7-inch cut cock, I leaned in to take in the irresistible scent of Karl's musky odor.

Karl raised his arms, giving me full access. I bent slightly to smell one ripe armpit, and stuck out my tongue to lick his sweet-and-salty sweat.

"Yeah, Jim. Get in there," said Karl. "You like my nasty smell, don't you?"

"Mmm-hmmm," I murmured. "I really do."

"He really does," echoed Evan, momentarily pulling himself off my dick. "In the lobby earlier, he gave me an extended hug just so he could take in my scent."

"Is that so, eh?" asked Karl, stroking his cock as I licked his armpit. "You really are our nasty boy, Jimmy."

More than anyone else, Karl and Evan also understood how much I like having guys talk to me that way. They knew how I love feeling slutty or depraved.

But at this moment, I didn't just want to feel slutty or depraved. I wanted to be that way. I licked Karl's rank pits, and ran my hands along his hairy chest and ass -- both slightly damp from his work-out. I raised my head and kissed him roughly on the mouth. He moaned, tasting his own scent on my lips.

By now, Evan had resumed sucking Karl's cock. I took the opportunity to lower my pants and underwear, kicking them behind me. Fully naked, I winked at Karl and knelt down next to Evan. Karl's dick was so big that it was hard for Evan to fully take it in his mouth, at least not without negotiating angles. It was simultaneously adorable and hot to watch, as I had countless times since Joey first invited me over. I ran my left hand along the back of Evan's head. With my right, I massaged Karl's swollen balls.

Karl tossed his head back in ecstasy. He was getting what he wanted. Now it was time for me to get what I wanted from these guys.

I leaned in to Evan and kissed his cheek.

"Mind if I cut in?" I asked, gently pulling Evan off of Karl's cock. Together, our tongues and lips slid across Karl's dick, simultaneously blowing him while we made out with each other. But then Karl's hands appeared on Evan's shoulders, pulling him back up to a standing position. Karl took off his boyfriend's sweater and undershirt, while I lowered his pants and underwear. Evan had thick body hair and a 9-inch cock that curved upward. I placed both hands around the base and drew the head of his dick into my mouth, licking tenderly with my tongue. I heard Evan moan and felt Karl's hand stroking his boyfriend's hairy balls.

"Yeah, Evan," said Karl. "Are your balls full of cum? I think Jimmy here wants our loads."

"If that's so, would he like a third?" asked an eager, familiar voice behind me.

I turned and saw Jeremy, toned and proud, standing in the doorway. He must've heard us from his home office across the hall. Jeremy had dark, perfect skin. Not a blemish in sight. He was taller than me, but thinner and leaner.

He stood there in casual attire -- jeans and a t-shirt -- but with one hand under his shirt and stroking a nipple. His other hand stroked the growing bulge in his jeans.

Karl didn't let me admire the view for long. He turned my head back to his boyfriend's cock, which I resumed sucking. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Karl walk over to Jeremy, kiss him and gently remove his shirt. Jeremy and I shared a passion for rank men, so I wasn't surprised to see him raise Karl's arms and lean in to his pits.

"Mmmmm, nice buddy," said Jeremy to Karl. "You smell good enough to eat."

Jeremy's long tongue darted out. Karl's head rolled back and he whimpered with pleasure. As he kept licking Karl's armpit, Jeremy lowered his pants and underwear. He had very little body hair, but a sculpted form and a sweet scent.

Evan, by now, had both arms up behind his head, enjoying waves of pleasure from my tongue, lips and hands.

"There's more over here when you're done, Jer," said Evan, glancing down at his own pits.

Karl guided Jeremy over to Evan and I. Karl stood on one side of Evan while Jeremy stood on the other. Both quietly began stroking their dicks. They each leaned in and sniffed one of Evan's pits. I pulled off of Evan's dick and started licking his balls so I could look up for a better view. I saw Jeremy begin to lick Evan's pit while Karl began to lick one of his nipples. I reached up and started to stroke Evan's cock.

Evan gasped and seemed in a trance. The three of us spent several minutes drawing the pleasure out of him. Evan's face gradually flushed and his breathing shallowed. I knew he was close. I reached my other hand between his legs and, with one finger, gently began to tease his hole.

"Oh, fuck..." he said, half sighing. "Oh fuck..."

I felt Evan's balls tense up and placed my face directly in front of his cock. Jeremy and Karl were now each licking a pit and pumping their cocks. With his free hand, Karl massaged Evan's ass, while Jeremy rubbed Evan's back.

"I'm gonna Ñ- oh God, I'm gonna cum!" Evan gasped.

The first three volleys coated my lips and beard. I opened my mouth and took the next two on my tongue. The rest dribbled down my chest.

I looked up. Evan's eyes were closed, lost in pleasure. Jeremy and Karl were looking down at me, pumping their cocks furiously. I pushed some of the semen in my mouth out onto my lips and down my chin, alternately staring at Karl and Jeremy.

"Yeah, give it to me, guys," I said.

Without warning, Karl shot his load in thick ropes, coating my cheek, chin and chest. Moments later, Jeremy came all over my chest. The three men stood back, admiring their work. I had cum running down my face and torso.

"You fucking slut," said Karl, with a playful grin. "Stroke yourself off for us, babe."

Still kneeling, I jerked my cock. Jeremy's dick hadn't softened yet, so I leaned in and took it into my mouth, drawing out more of his cum and mixing it with the taste of Evan's. I closed my eyes and savored the sensation of those loads running down my face, neck and torso. Glancing up, I saw Karl and Evan making out. Jeremy was staring down at me.

"Rub that cum all over you, whore," he said.

I kept his cock in my mouth and used my hands to spread the loads around, all across my face, neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, cock and balls. The smell excited me. So did Jeremy's judgmental glare.

"Yeah, you dirty boy," said Jeremy. "Now show us how much you like it."

I started stroking again. Jeremy slipped his softening cock out of my mouth and kneeled down on the floor, facing me. He took my face in his hands and rested his forehead against mine. We were both breathing heavily, nose-to-nose, with our mouths nearly touching. He was still coming down from his orgasm and I was building up to mine. With each inhale, it felt as if I were drawing in some of the sexual energy that Jeremy was exhaling.

"You smell like a whore," he whispered.

I leaned forward, licking his lips and kissing him. Between kisses, Jeremy kept coaxing me.

"You look so good with those loads all over you," he said.

"Oh yeah?" I asked, pumping faster.

"Yeah, you little cum slut," Jeremy said.

With his hands, Jeremy collected some of the cum from my beard, wiping it across my lips and tongue.

Above us, I heard Karl and Evan.

"Do it, Jim," said Karl.

"Show us what a man you are," added Evan.

Jeremy fondled my nipples and licked my lips. I was past the point of no return.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum," I gasped.

Jeremy kissed me as I shot my load on his leg, cock and stomach. As I finished, I sighed contently, feeling simultaneously content and exhausted. With his long arms, Jeremy pulled me into an embrace.

"That was hot, buddy," he said, holding me. "Thank you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us."

That was Jeremy all over. He often expressed a sincere appreciation after any intense, connective experience with another guy -- be it sex or just a fulfilling conversation. Last Saturday, he said it to me twice: once after we'd shared stories about our childhoods and another time, hours later, after we jerked off together. Acknowledging and expressing this gratitude seemed to be baked into his personal philosophy. It always made me blush, but I was also learning to simply enjoy and accept it.

"Thanks to you too," I said.

Jeremy turned his head and started kissing my neck.

"I'm so glad I came out here to see what was going on," he mumbled.

"Oh shit. Did we draw you away from your work?" I asked. I'd forgotten that, while it was a half day for me, it wasn't a half day for everyone else.

"Nah, not really," Jeremy said, sliding his hands down my back. "It's a pretty light day, and I emailed my coworkers that I was taking a long lunch. Though I should get back soon, I suppose."

"Time for a shower?" I asked, conscious of the mess I'd made on him. "We could both use one."

"You read my mind," said Jeremy. "Hey Karl, Evan. You guys mind if we cut in front of you to get cleaned up?"

"Be our guest," said Karl. "We know you have to get back to work, and Jim here is filthy in the best sense of the word."

The basement bathroom included a shower that could comfortably hold two -- or three with some careful choreography. Joey and I had discovered that a few weeks ago with Tyler, another former roommate. Tyler and I had pounded Joey in the shower, while Tyler's boyfriend Matt filmed us. The sex was great, but coordinating three bodies in that space required a lot of negotiation. Our blooper reel was almost better than the final version of the film. Matt had edited both and shared them with all of us.

Today, Jeremy and I were more business-like in the shower. We washed ourselves and each other -- and chatted about work and the holidays. Still curious about Dominic upstairs, I also probed Jeremy for information.

"So you knew that Dom might drop in?" I asked.

"No, though I saw him upstairs earlier when I came up to get a snack," said Jeremy. "I had to rush back downstairs for a conference call, so I didn't have long with them. Just long enough to give Dom a hug and hear what he's been up to."

"So he and Joey weren't fucking yet?" I asked, scrubbing his back.

Jeremy threw his head back and laughed.

"No, though it doesn't surprise me that they eventually got down to business," he said. "Seems like they were having a nice heart-to-heart. I wish I could've stayed and heard more. I hadn't seen Dom in more than a year."

"Why not?" I asked. "Did Dom have a falling out with everyone?"

"No, not really," said Jeremy, turning me around and soaping up my back and ass. "He just grew distant after the wedding."

"Dom's married?!" I said. I couldn't contain my surprise.

"Yeah, that's one reason why he's here," said Jeremy. "Dom and his wife are divorcing."

I turned around to put my head under the warm jet. This was too much to process about the sexy man I just saw pounding Joey. About 30 seconds went by. Jeremy massaged the back of my neck with one hand.

"So... Dom's bisexual?" I finally asked.

"He is, babe," said Jeremy. "It was always hard for us to remember that he also likes women. He used to be like we all are now -- always fucking around with each other."

Jeremy soaped his hands and washed my cock and balls. I stayed soft, since it was too soon after blowing my load for me to get hard again. But I still felt gentle waves of pleasure from Jeremy's soft, strong hands.

"When Dom fell in love with Annie, he was honest about it with us -- and how it meant that he'd be distancing himself from our group," Jeremy said. "We understood it, and we loved him for dedicating himself to Annie like that. Hell, we were all at the wedding!"

Jeremy's voice rose slightly as he mentioned the wedding. There was tension, and a little sadness, in his voice. I pulled him into the warm stream with me, kissing his neck.

"Thanks, Jim," said Jeremy. "It's just that we didn't think we'd 'lose' him entirely when he got married -- lose him as a friend, I mean. That said, we were happy for the two of them and wanted it to work out."

"So seeing him back here makes you happy -- but also a little sad, eh?" I offered.

"Yeah, because it means that they've been through a lot of tough times and heartbreak," Jeremy said.

We finished our shower in silence. As we dried off, another thought occurred to me.

"Hey, Jer. Has anyone else left like Dom did?"

"Nope," he answered. "Of course, some have moved out -- like Tyler and Matt when they got married. Or Adam when he got a job out-of-state. But they still come around when they can. Matt and Tyler are here once a week, at least. For Adam, it's more like once or twice a year. Dom and Annie didn't move that far away, but Dom... He just drifted away."

Jeremy dressed and went back to his home office to finish his work. Karl and Evan each gave me a kiss on the cheek and went for their turn in the shower. I slipped my underwear back on and laid on their bed for a few minutes, listening to the sound of the shower and their muffled conversation.

After awhile, I became aware of another sound, a muffled moan. It wasn't coming from the bathroom. I stepped out into the hallway and listened. Jeremy was on the phone with his co-workers again, but the moan wasn't coming from his office. It was coming from upstairs.

Silently, I mounted the stairs. It didn't sound like Joey's voice. I knew his vocalizations too well. As I reached the top of the staircase, the moans became louder and sharper. I knew what I hoped I'd find. It was just a matter of taking one more step to confirm it.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the stairwell door and walked into the living room. Dominic and Joey were on a rug on the floor. Dom was facing me, but with his eyes shut and mouth open as he moaned and gasped. He was completely naked, covered in sweat and perched on all fours. Behind him, Joey, on his knees, was fucking Dominic with a look of pure joy on his face.

I stood there gobsmacked. I'd seen Joey in just about every conceivable position over the past few months, but I'd never seen him fuck anyone -- or express a desire to.

"It's just not something I'm into that much," Joey had told me one night after Tyler and I had double-penetrated him. "It's something I do so seldom these days."

Now, though, I was seeing a whole different side of Joey. He looked playfully aggressive as he thrust in and out of Dom's ass. He had both of his hands on Dom's hips, holding them tight. His eyes were shut, his lips were curled into a spritely and passionate grin. He breathed heavily with each thrust into Dom.

I'm not sure how many minutes passed, but eventually Joey opened his eyes. Seeing me, he smiled widely, showing his teeth.

"Hey there, Jimmy boy," Joey said softly. "You like watching me fuck this hot specimen?"

I smiled and nodded. I wished this show would never end.

Dominic slowly opened his eyes. Staring at me, he smiled and whimpered through Joey's thrusts.

"Damn Joey, that feels so good," said Dominic. "Your cock is just what I needed."

Though Dom was talking to Joey, he was staring at me. Almost absentmindedly, I massaged my cock through my underwear. It was still going to be awhile before I could cum again, but I wanted them to know how much I enjoyed this view.

Joey picked up the pace, thrusting harder and faster. Dom closed his eyes briefly, adjusting to the new rhythm -- his face growing redder with pleasure. He looked over his shoulder at Joey.

"Yeah, Joey," he said. "I bred you earlier, now you need to breed me."

Turning back around to face me, Dom added, "And Jim here needs to see it."

Joey moaned. He was obviously getting closer. Dom kept staring at me, grinning.

Finally, he said, "Come on down here, Jimmy. I want us to have a proper introduction."

I took a few paces to the edge of the rug, then crawled on all fours towards them. I perched right in front of Dom -- face-to-face, inches apart. I leaned in to feel his forceful exhales as Joey fucked him. Dom smelled rank -- like sweat and semen. I stuck out my tongue and licked his lips. He opened his mouth and his tongue met mine, then our lips.

"Damn, Jimmy," Dom said between kisses. "I can taste cum in your mouth, you lucky devil."

"Yeah," I said, kissing his beard. "Been busy downstairs."

I looked over Dom's shoulder. Joey's eyes were again closed. He was lost in the rhythm of his own pleasure.

Facing Dom, so close I'm sure he could still smell the loads on my breath, I said to the man fucking him, "Come on, Joey. Breed his ass. Make him glad he came back to you -- and to me."

Joey tensed up, and buried his cock deep in Dominic's ass.

"I'm cumming!" he shouted.

Dom trembled and I pressed my lips to his. He moaned with pleasure as we kissed.

"Yeah, Joey," Dom called out. "I can feel it. I can feel you shooting your load in me."

Joey moaned as he emptied his balls into Dom. The pace of his thrusts slowed to a crawl, and then stopped. He slid his hands from Dom's hips up his sweaty back and then around his torso, squeezing his body in a tight embrace. With one swift movement, Joey pulled his cock out of Dom's ass and crawled onto the floor next to us. I moved over to make room for him and he brought us face up to ours.

"That was wonderful, sweet man," Joey said to Dom, kissing him. "I missed being inside of you."

"I missed it too," said Dom. "I think we both needed that."

"And thanks to you too, Jimmy!" Joey said, leaning over to kiss me. "You helped push me over the edge. Apparently all I needed was a special audience."

"My pleasure, Joey," I said, blushing. I looked over at Dominic and he winked. He raised one hand from the floor and tossled my hair. The smell coming from his pits was amazing. I quietly moaned with pleasure, feeling my cock stir again.

Joey raised himself up.

"Well, I need to run upstairs and shower " and then go run some last-minute errands for our holiday meals," he said. "Dom, you sure you can't stay?"

"I'm afraid not," Dom said. "I've to get back to the house tonight to do some more sorting and packing over the next few days. I want to start the new year with a new perspective."

I was still on all fours. Dom rolled over onto his back, his head just below mine. He raised his arms up along the floor in a stretch, exposing his pits to me. He looked up at me as he and Joey were chatting.

"When will you be back?" asked Joey.

"Maybe later this week," said Dom. "Now that we're back in contact, I can let you all know."

"I'd like that, and I'm not the only one," said Joey. I looked over at Joey and saw him standing naked by the stairs, about to head up to the shower. His perfect ass perched expectantly on his hips. Over his shoulder, he was glancing directly at me with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, Dom," said Joey. "I think you've made a new friend here. You two cuddle up. I'll be back down to say good-bye!"

He sprinted up the steps two at a time. Joey's energy was unbelievable.

As soon as he left, I felt one of Dom's strong hands on the back of my neck.

"Go on, buddy," he said. "I heard you whimper when I raised my arm earlier. It's okay if you want to get in there."

Dom had a sweet and savory natural odor. He didn't wear deodorant. I leaned in to his right pit, then pivoted over to the left. Both were rank and sweaty from fucking Joey and getting fucked in return.

"You like that, Jimmy?" Dom asked. "You like my scent?"

As an answer, I crawled over him and turned myself around so that our bodies were aligned. I embraced his furry torso, and inched my face back up toward his pits. I kissed one, then the other. I stuck out my tongue and licked them, tasting Dom's ripe scent.

I heard him sigh, and felt his kisses on my forehead.

"Come up here," he said softly, almost in a whisper.

I scooted myself up the rug. We both turned on our sides, facing each other. I noticed that Dom's eyes were hazel overall, but one also had flecks of brown along the rim -- making his eyes appear dichromatic up close. I felt like I could look into them for hours. Dom was smiling and seemed content. He kissed me on the nose, each cheek and finally my lips.

I reached up to the sofa and pulled two blankets onto us. The floor wasn't very comfortable, but I didn't want to move. As I covered us up, Dom wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

There was so much that I wanted to know about him, yet at that moment I felt no rush to pour out my questions. Instead, I turned my head and leaned against Dom's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Upstairs, we heard the shower going. We dozed for a few minutes until laughter form downstairs -- Evan and Karl -- woke us. Upstairs, Joey had turned off the shower. Dom squeezed me and I embraced him, running my hands along his back and down to his ass, feeling the light dusting of hair.

Dom sighed.

"I wish I didn't have to go," he said.

"Must you, though?" I asked playfully.

"I'm afraid I do," he said, his heartbeat rising. "There's a lot to do these days."

"How long were you here?" I asked, breaking our embrace and leaning up on one elbow. With my fingers, I traced the outline of one nipple on his chest.

"Came in very early this morning for some legal appointments," he said vaguely.

Dom paused, seemingly deep in thought. Then suddenly he added, "I'm in the middle of a divorce, you know."

I wasn't sure what to say. Every word or phrase of comfort or sympathy that came to mind seemed like a clich‚. I decided instead to go with honesty.

"I heard," I said. "This must be hard for you."

"It is, Jim. It is," said Dom. "I figured Joey must've told some of you. I texted him last week -- figured I should start confirming the rumors that'd been making their way around our various circles of friends."

Dom looked up at me intently. I stroked his cheek.

"Anyway, my wife and I are doing most of this remotely, via our attorneys," he continued. "But I had a safety deposit box to close, and I met with a family attorney about redoing my will after the divorce -- once we've settled things like our house, the car, things like that. I bunched all of the appointments together so well that I ended up finishing everything I needed to do by late-morning. So, I texted Joey to see if we could reconnect."

At "reconnect," Dom smiled. He paused again for a few moments.

"Even when I was married, I missed Joey's circle," he said tenderly.

"You know, I've never heard it called 'Joey's circle' before," I said. "But I guess that's what we are, isn't it? All guys gathered by him."

"It really is," said Dom. "I'm glad to see that, even after I left, Joey kept up the same routine -- meeting great guys and bringing them into the group. Sharing, growing close, helping, supporting, encouraging and working through difficulties together -- even as some of the group pair off like Matt and Tyler."

"Or Evan and Karl," I offered.

"Yeah," said Dom, stroking my arm. "Joey's good at reading people. He knows just the sort of guys who are up for this arrangement. It's really something. This big group of guys, all monogamous with each other. Working through jealousies, shame, fears."

"You know, that's true again," I said. "I've never thought of how it works. I've just accepted that it does."

"Well, you're new here," Dom offered. "Also, I've spent the past two years thinking so much about why I felt crushed to leave it for my marriage. It's not that it's a group of men. I love a woman's body almost as much as a man's. It's that this was a cohesive, loving group for me."

"It still is," I said. "And we'd love to have you here."

"Well said!" exclaimed Joey, startling us.

Dom laughed and looked up. Joey stood over us in jeans and a brown sweater. Dom got up, letting the blankets drop, and wrapped his arms around Joey.

"Thanks, Joey," said Dom. "I'm not sure how much I'll be around the next few months, but this feels like a good first step to me."

"Great, babe," said Joey. "Want to shower before you go?"

"I probably should," he said. "Should I use the upstairs bathroom?"

"Yup," Joey said. "Help yourself."

"Great," said Dom. He pointed down to me and added, "I'll be back, so don't go far."

"So ordered," I said, mocking a salute.

And with that, Dom skipped upstairs completely naked. Both Joey and I lingered at the view.

"I'm glad you two are getting to know one another," said Joey. "He's going to need our support going forward -- and more."

"I'm happy to help, however I can," I said, standing up.

Joey looked over at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"I know you will," he said, reaching down and tossing my hair.

Next: Chapter 3

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