Joey, Kent, and Me

By Art Gibson

Published on Aug 26, 2023



This story is gay fiction between minors engaged in sexual activities. If that is not your idea of a suitable topic, seek another story or another site.

If you continue, I suggest, for maximum pleasure, read this with a friend sitting next to you. Clothing is optional.

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Joey, Kent, and Me C-1

I softly opened the door to our bedroom hoping not to not to disturb Joey and Kent. Kent's glazed eyes focused on me I entered; a soft welcoming smile was on his lips. Joey nestled between Kent's legs, his head resting on Kent's shoulder. Kent had an arm protectively around Joey's chest, his index finger idly stroking Joey's right nipple. Kent's left ankle rested on Joey's calf.

Kent's head motioned me to join them. I undressed, hurriedly, to join them. I positioned myself against Joey. He turned a welcoming gaze at me. Other than the head turn, he lay in Kent's arm, with a contented smile on his lips, his eyelids fluttering.

Kent nodded at Joey's back. I knew Joey liked soft back scratching. My hand moved to softly rub between his shoulder blades. Joey squirmed against my hand, slight purrs escaping his lips. His eyelids fluttered.

Kent's hand moved to Joey's left nipple as my free hand lightly pinched his right. Joey sunk back as Kent's hand moved to rub at Joey's abs, then lower to the base of joey's hardening cock. Joey turned his head, his eyes full of need, his lips slightly parted, giving me permission. I pressed my lips to his. So soft and pliable. Joey's tongue pushed at my lips, seeking entry. I relaxed allowing his tongue entry, the tip exploring my teeth. Joey's nipple stood hard between my thumb and index finger, the moans from his mouth revealing his arousal.

Kent's index finger brushed lightly over Jory's slit as a pearly bead formed. Releasing Joey's nipple, I brushed the underside of Joey's stiffened erection, now flowing a steady stream of precum, a virtual waterfall while his lips and tongue devoured my mouth seeking to enter my throat. My hardening shaft brushed against Joey's groin where his thigh and torso met. As Kent and I took Joey farther into that lust-filled need, his moans intensified. The word please came as whisper to my ear.

Kent met my eyes. I nodded. Joey's body turned to putty in our hands. His eyes lacked focus while lust-filled moans indicated his need for our love. Kent stretched so he presented his hard cock, throbbing and leaking. With my hands, I raised our boy's hips. Kent pushed that thick cock at Joey's entrance. I knew the moment Kent's tip entered Joey. His eyes widened in surprise and the word please escaped from his mouth. I gently lowered our boy until Kent, fully seated inside his lover, groaned. Joey's cock became a fountain of precum. Never breaking eye contact with my boy, I positioned myself. My pucker contacted Joey's tip. Please was all he said as I felt the stretch of his entrance. My muscle relaxed and I took more of Joey. I loved the feeling as a cock stretched me until it became fully seated. Kent, Joey, and I were one. Our closeness and passion uniting us. Kent pulled at my shoulders. My lips were an inch from Joey's as my spirit pulled them to mine. I freely gave body and spirit to my friend in every way. Joey groped for my throbbing hardness and wrapped two hands around it. Kent pushed. Joey rose inside me. His hands stroked, alternately squeezing and rubbing. I gave myself over to Joey and Kent completely.

With my lover's thickness inside, I alternated between squeezing and relaxing my interior muscles. I felt his lust as his tongue sought my throat. At the same time, Kent's thrusts were making Joey moan into my mouth, seeking my love. Kent and I squirmed against our lover, our sweat making our love a passion of arousal. Joey felt our love and needed more. His head moved from side to side. His sounds were a string of pleas, mostly fuck me please.

A crazy thought blew into my mind. Never had three humans been connected like this as one in body and spirit. Kent moved his head allowing me access to his lips. I needed them and attacked with a vengeance. My arms circled his back while his arms held mine. Between us, Joey mewled and begged. Our mouths, arms, and legs wrapped without conscious control around one another. I moaned as Joey's desperate fingers stroked me. Kent bucked without care taking Joey in a lust-fueled orgy. His responses let us know we had him skating his personal edge. Conscious thought fled Joey as he gave himself to our passionate need to claim him.

After tonight, Joey belonged to us, body and spirit as we did to him. In this moment we possessed him as he did us. I like to think, we released as one lover. I am not certain. Joey stiffened. I gave myself to my body's demands allowing him full access to my body and spirit. With Joey's last upward thrust, I surrendered to Joey, becoming his. I did not feel his spurting but I did feel his throbbing cock. Our moans matched with Kent's groans. "Sweet, god, I'm coming." I yelled as I spurted against Joey's torso.

Kent's fingers raked my back as he stiffened. Joey's eyes widened as he became aware of Kent's release. A look of wonder shown in his eyes as he accepted his first ever lover's seed, actually his first gay sex experience.

Joey inside me and Kent in Joey created a threesome we felt reluctant to break. Our breathing calmed. Our bodies were sweaty slick. I started to ease off Joey, knowing to pull out quickly could cause him pain. His mouth crashed against my ear. "Stay! Don't leave me. Please," he moaned. I stopped to grant Joey his request.

Kent's eyes said it all. He wanted to stay buried in Joey. Joey did not soften. Surprisedly, neither did I. We remained in our lovers' embrace, a trio forever bonded. Joey's hand turned my head, capturing my lips. Hungerly, he sought my tongue. He had just cum, yet his still hard cock began a dance to his heartbeat. Once more, I heard him breathe. "Once more."

Kent began slowly pushing. I rose and fell on Joey's still hardness as the pleas increased. His finger rubbed my tip alternating between a soft rubbing then a gentle stroking. I rode Joey seeking the love I wanted, the tightening, the tingling. His head rolled. He took uncontrolled breaths. Kent had the rhythm and gave Joey all of him. Joey's begging turned to moans.

This kid is close, I thought as my eyes flicked between Joey's and Kent's giving myself to my lover. Again, we three were lost in our passionate demand for each other. I was close. Joey stiffened as Kent made a final upwards thrust. Joey's orgasm came announced by the scream he made. I knew the feeling of coming so close after the last. This time I felt his cock throb as he claimed me a second time. I too screamed as I flowed once again.

I remembered nothing after our loving. I woke. The light through the window revealed the sun had risen. My eyes opened to see Joey on his back between Kent and me. Kent's hand beside mine rested on Joey's pubis. Joey `s cock looked to be a hard delight in my morning haze. I leaned to kiss his lips. Pliable and soft they were. My tongue on them made soft mewling sounds escape from him.

Kent's sleepy eyes locked on mine. His lips curled as he stuck out his tongue. I moved to allow him access to our Joey. Kent kissed Joey as my light strokes moved up and down on his erection, leaking in the dawn's light. I so wanted to see Joey's fluids shoot. I wanted to put my mouth over that beautiful erection and let him shoot in me. I craved to swallow his white fluid, his essence.

Kent and I began licking Joey's cock. Joey's hips rose in a heat of demand. Within moments, he was close. My fingers joined with his as we moved to hasten his release. Joey's head rolled as hips thrust. We gripped tighter, still stroking. Without warning, Joey came. His beautiful white pulses coated him. I wanted to taste them. I did. They were sweet, like our boy.

Thank you for reading. Kent, Joey, and the narrator (me) have a plethora of adventures. I accept suggestions as to what you would like. Several of my stories evelop from reader's ideas. -Thanks.

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