Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Jan 1, 2014



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a homo-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter VIII

"So, what are you guys studying?" Dominic asked as he turned back around with no more shampoo in his hair.

"I'm studying Computer Science," I said.

"No way! Me too!" Dominic smiled. I couldn't help but see him check out Sam's body as he looked back and asked what classes I was taking.

I started to tell him and noticed he looked over at Sam again as he turned to wash the soap out of his hair. Dominic's eyes bugged out a little as he looked at Sam. I looked too and saw a huge glob of cum running down Sam's thigh. It couldn't have been mistaken for shampoo because Sam hadn't gotten his head under the water yet. I didn't show that I knew what Dominic had seen. I just asked him what his classes were as I turned my back toward him.

I grabbed the soap and washed my butt and specifically opened my cheeks to expose my hole. I put a finger in my hole and worked it in knowing that he could see, when I pulled it out a huge glob of cum came out from one of the many loads Sam gave me earlier. Dominic stuttered in his listing of the classes that he was taking as he had to have seen cum come out of my hole. I wanted to see if Dominic would say anything after seeing cum come out of both of our asses, but he just kept on listing his classes after the brief pause.

When I turned back around he was staring at the pole and looked deep in thought. I looked over at Sam and he had a knowing look in his eyes, almost as if he knew exactly what I did to Dominic. He just smiled and winked at me with an evil grin across his face.

Chapter IX

I looked back at Sam and grinned back. Sam turned and started to tell Dominic his major. Right about then, we heard a loud throat clearing as our RA, Kevin walked into the shower room naked. "I was wondering if there would be anyone in here this early."

"How could anyone sleep through that guy groaning in pain so loudly?" asked Dominic.

Kevin just grinned at all three of us, "I know it was loud, but when you drop something that heavy on your foot, it's going to hurt for a while."

"Is that what that noise was?" I asked trying to facilitate the obvious lie. Dominic just looked at Kevin, then at both Sam and I, and then back at Kevin. You could see a very big skeptical look on his face. I think we were busted, but I certainly didn't do anything to help keep it a secret by showing cum in my ass after Dominic saw cum on Sam's thigh.

"It sounded like someone was getting fucked by a huge cock, if you ask me," Dominic interjected. "Which one of you two was making all of that racket?" he asked while pointing to Sam and me.

"What are you talking about, Dominic? Why do you think we were fucking? I mean what makes you think we're not straight. Do we seem queer to you? It's not like we're prancing around like a fairy..." There went my verbal diarrhea again. Sam just smirked watching me try and pull this one out of my ass.

"...because you both have cum in your asses that you've just washed out here in the shower. I'm not stupid. I know that you two were fucking. Damn, that was loud too. I can't even begin to imagine who it was because you're both pretty hung."

"Dominic, it's not nice to call out your floor mates like that. If they were fucking, then it's their business and no one else's, even if they are loud enough to wake the dead. And, as you and I talked about last night, you know about this hall and how you guys were picked to live here. Sam and Joey may not be ready to talk about this with anyone yet," Kevin said, putting on his RA hat.

"You're right, Kevin. I didn't meant to sound like I was accusing them. I was just wondering how I can get involved!" Dominic kind of asked as he raised his eyebrows up and down quickly. "It sounded like someone was having a lot of fun even if it was a little much to take," Kevin grinned smugly.

"Who do you think was getting plowed, Dominic?" asked Sam.

"Well you both had cum in your asses, so I would say you both were. But from the amount of moaning I heard, I would say, Sam, you were the one who was making all the noise. Joey looks like he's got a huge cock."

"Only if you count 13 inches big," scoffed Sam.

Dominic and Kevin's eyes bugged out. "You took 13 inches, Sam? Damn, no wonder you were making so much noise," Kevin said. "Joey, I told you I'd take that any time you wanted. Yours too, Sam." Kevin turned around and flexed his muscular ass cheeks making the dimples in the sides come out and then slowly bent over showing us a very clean, pert rosebud with no hair.

"Damn, that's a nice hole! Can I fuck it too?" asked Dominic.

"It's hard for me to refuse any cock, but I kinda like them big. What are you working with, Dominic?"

"Well it doesn't look like much soft, but when I'm hard, it's right under seven and a half inches, but it's also thick."

"That'll do! I love thick ones stretching me out."

"If you don't stop showing off that hot hole, I'm not gonna be able to keep from getting hard right here."

"Who's stopping you, bad boy?"

Sam and I started to chuckle. "OK, you guys, either get a room or go at it right now. This cheesy dialogue is worse than some of the porn I've seen," Sam said.

We all started to laugh at that point. We finished up our showers and all left together after having dried off. As we headed back to our rooms, Sam and I came upon our room first and entered in. As I was closing the door, I heard Kevin say, "Well stud, do you wanna get dirty or do you like being clean?" The next thing I heard was an ass being slapped. I couldn't help but laugh as I closed the door.

"Looks like Dominic is going to get some of Kevin's hole. Those two were being so lewd in the shower," I said.

"Those two? Who was fingering cum out of their hole to shock poor Dominic?"

"Well, I had to show him I was a slut too after he saw a big clump of cum on the back of your thigh when you turned around to wash your hair."

"Is that what made you do that? I thought you were trying to get him in on doing something with us. Is that what you wanted?" Sam asked quietly with his head down while trying not to sound put off.

"Sam, please look at me."


"Please, Sam." He slowly raised his head. His eyes were a little red and definitely wet almost as if he was about to cry. "Sam, I am sorry. I was only teasing. I don't want anything to come between us. We just admitted we both loved each other not even an hour ago, and here I am fucking it up before it even starts. I'm sorry, please forgive me! I'll never look at another guy again. In fact, if I do, you have my permission to cut of my dick!"

"Why would I cut off the one thing that's given me more pleasure than I've ever known? Joey, we haven't even said if we're a couple, but I got jealous thinking about Kevin or Dominic getting that cock, or even worse, getting a shot at that amazing ass of yours. I know I shouldn't be, because we haven't even talked about it, but..."

"...but, I'm yours. And yours is all I ever want to be. If you want it to be you and me only for the rest of our lives, I'm fine with that. But, I've known for a while know, well if you can count our little time together a while, that I want to be with you. I don't want anyone else."

"Joey, that's unrealistic. We're both young; we're both horny; we're both guys! I won't lie and say I wasn't turned on when Kevin flexed his ass and showed us his pucker. But, I do think we need to figure out what we are to each other, and what our boundaries are, if we have them."

"As I said earlier, Sam, I'm yours. No one else's. Would I like to play with other guys? Yes, but that's only because I want to experiment some, not because you're not the one for me. I'm new to all of this, remember? I want to see and feel others, but, you're the one who has my heart. I know it may seem like it's way too early to say that. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel more connected to you than anyone I ever have."

"Joey, you don't know how much that means to me. I'm yours as well. As long as you want me more than anyone else, then yes, I want us to play with others too. We are young. We're meant to spread our seed!" Sam chuckled.

"I love your seed, so don't spread it too far because I'm gonna need daily doses."

"Oh JoJo, be careful what you wish for!" Sam and I chuckled as he used my pet name again. "I'll keep that ass full of my seed, and enough to make sure you get wet spots after sitting in your classes."

"While that may sound embarrassing, I'm really turned on by that thought, Sam. That way if anyone asks, I can say I'm your cum slut and proud of it. But, can I ask something?"

"Sure, JoJo."

"Are we always playing with others together? I don't want to do something and you get upset or jealous."

"I think it's better if we're together, but let's cross that bridge when/if we come to it. Right now, I'm starved. Let's get some lunch. Someone worked me up into an appetite."

"Ok, dumpling! Ooh, dumplings sound good."

"You know they are," Sam said as he came up behind me as I was putting on my boxer briefs making sure his cock was resting right between my ass cheeks.

"Later, dumpling. I'm really hungry now that you mentioned food. I think I'm dehydrated from all that cum I pumped in your ass. I need to replenish my supplies."

"Oh alright. Let's finish getting dressed and head out for some Chinese food." Sam and I finished getting ready. We both had goofy smiles on our faces. We had great sex earlier, had admitted our love for each other, had got hit on by two guys (one of them twice), and had just declared we were an item. This was going to be a great school year, and it hadn't even started yet.

We walked out the door and headed down the hallway to the elevator. Sam looked over at me and grinned. He grabbed my hand and led me to our RA's room. He put his finger to his lips and urged me to be quiet as we leaned our ears to the door still looking at each other.

At first we couldn't hear anything. We must have missed the action, but then we heard Kevin quietly say, "Fuck that's a thick cock! Give me a second to adjust Dominic before you push it all the way in."

"OK, but it only gets thicker at the base, just warning you."

"That's ok, once I adjust I'll be ok for you to pound me."

We continued to listen and started to hear moans. Sam looked at me and then grinned like he had a master plan. He suddenly pulled my head away from the door, and then he banged on the door loudly and yelled, "Fire! Fire!" Sam grabbed my mouth to keep me from laughing at the same time.

"FUCK!" we could hear Kevin scream from inside the room. Not 10 seconds later, Kevin appeared in just gym shorts with an obvious boner and a look of worry on his face. When he saw us, we both started laughing. Dominic appeared behind Kevin in just his towel, also sporting an obvious boner.

"You guys are gonna fucking get it!" yelled Dominic. He started running after us. We both went down the hall running away from Dominic. Kevin was mad, but kept his cool. We ran all the way around the hall and back to Kevin's room. We ran into his room for safety and Dominic followed us right in. Sam stopped by the door frame and pulled Dominic's towel off of him. Kevin turned around seeing what had happened and closed the door behind him after entering back into his room.

"I'm gonna kill you guys. We were just in the middle of..."

"...of Kevin getting stuffed. I know, we heard. We just figured we'd share the love and let you know we're happy you two are getting laid," said Sam. "We are going out to get some lunch. Maybe if you two hurry, you can join us."

"I'm not good at being quick," Dominic said heatedly.

"That's ok baby. I'll milk that cock dry fast. You've never had an ass like mine milk that cock," Kevin purred as he stroked Dominic's hard cock in front of us which was still wet from lube or spit and the precum forming at the top of Dominic's cockhead.

"Don't milk him too dry, Kevin. Joey here is going to take you both on tonight, if you're game."

"I am?" I asked looking at Sam.

"Sure, you are. You're going to get loaded up so I can fuck that hole that's already full of cum and give you my seed too."

"Fuck, that's hot! Count me in!" exclaimed Kevin.

"Me too!" said Dominic.

"Me three," I said.

"OK boys, we're off to eat lunch and get Joey here some fuel so he'll be ready for tonight. If you get done within the next 15 minutes, why don't you guys join us for Chinese food?" asked Sam.

"Before you guys go, can I watch you load up Joey tonight, Sam?" Dominic asked.

"Me too?" asked Kevin.

"Boys, boys, if you're good, I'll let you watch. If you're really good, I might let you watch Joey do me! OK, again, we're off. We're heading to the Chinese place on the second floor of the Russell House. Join us if you can."

With that said, Sam led me out of the room to the elevator. As we were closing the door, I heard Kevin say to Dominic, "Get that thick cock back in my ass, stud!" I couldn't help but chuckle. I'd seen and done more sexual things since I got to college than I had in my entire life.

Sam asked what was so amusing, so I told him what I was thinking. He told me to wait until tonight. He was actually really happy about being able to help me broaden my sexual horizons.

"Sam, do you really think I'm ready to take on 2 other guys, plus you?"

"Joey, we'll find out tonight, but you'll never know until you try. Plus, I have to admit, it'll be hot watching those guys faces as they get to experience that wonderfully tight ass of yours. Also, I've loved sloppy seconds, thirds, and fourths...whatever I can get. I'm really excited about this as well, but if you're not feeling it, I'll call it off. I want you to be comfortable with your exploration, not scared of it."

"Sam, I trust you! And, I'll be honest, I want it too. I am a little scared, but if I can take what you dished out, then I think I'll be fine. Neither of them are as big as you are."

"That's true! Plus, I want you to suck my cock while they fuck you. It'll be hot to look into your eyes as the plow your ass."

"Sam, if you don't stop, I'm going to get a boner that'll rip these shorts off."


"Hush, dumpling. Let's hurry. I'm hungry."

We walked the rest of the way to the Russell House in quiet. I wondered if Sam was just accommodating me, or if he was as hungry as I was. We got to the restaurant, ordered our food, and waited for them to call our number.

"Joey, are you sure you're ok with tonight? I'm sorry I sprung that on you. I should have asked you before I said anything."

"I'm fine with it, dumpling! In fact, I'm looking forward to it."

"That makes two of us. But, if at any point you don't want to continue, just tell me, and I'll end it. We'll even have a safe word, so you don't have to tell me directly and hurt the other guys. If you don't want to continue, just look say `hamburger,' and I'll stop the guys."

"Sam, thanks. You think of everything, and you're so sweet to me," I said as I reached across the table and grabbed Sam's hand. I squeezed it tightly. We just looked into each other's eyes and melted. I could never deny this man. He made me so happy. I don't know in the world I fell for someone so quickly, but it's like cupid didn't hit us with an arrow, he used a fucking tank. "I love you, dumpling!"

"I love you too, JoJo!"

"Ok, Ok, enough with the mushy stuff," Dominic huffed as he pulled out the chair next to me bringing Sam and I out of our shared trance. "You two already ordered?"

"Yes, we're just waiting on our food," said Sam. "Did you guys get enough out of your system?"

"Fuck Sam, Kevin here wasn't kidding in the shower. My cock has never been milked better. I don't think I lasted 5 minutes. I can normally go about 30 before I cum."

"Really?" Sam said as he left eyebrow perked up. I wondered how people did that. I was never able to get just one of my eyebrows to move without moving the other. "I might just have to try out that ass for myself, Kevin."

"I told you anytime you want it, Sam." Kevin chuckled and grinned naughtily at both of us. "Come on stud, I'll buy you dinner!" Kevin grabbed Dominic and led them to the line to order food. Right about that time, our number was called, and I got up to go get our food.

As I got back to the table, Sam was red and giggling to himself. "What's so funny?"

"You remember me telling you how I wanted your pants to get wet spots from my loads oozing out of your hole?"

"Yes, why?"

"You have a HUGE wet spot on your shorts. There's no mistaking it's my loads," Sam chuckled.

"FUCK, these are my good shorts too. Oh well, I told you I think it's hot. How much cum did you shoot up in me? I know you worked my hole open earlier, but damn baby. It's been a while since you fucked me."

"You also haven't done anything to get rid of it. Cum turns watery after a while. So, it's bound to ooze out if you don't get rid of it."

"Is that what that big wet spot on your ass is?" asked Dominic. I immediately blushed three shades of red darker. Dominic and Sam both chuckled. "It's ok, Kevin should have one shortly too."

"I'll have one what?" asked Kevin.

"A wet spot on your shorts like Joey does over here. I know you milked a good load out of my balls."

"Oh hunny, I don't waste any. I keep my hole tight so it doesn't go anywhere. I learned that trick quickly after becoming a cumslut. I've had ten loads in my ass before and never let a drop leak, well except when they were pulling out." Kevin laughed at his own lewdness, but didn't know just how much he was turning Sam on.

"Ten loads? Really?" asked Sam.

"Yes, that's my record, but I'm always up for breaking it, sexy!"

"Fuck, that's hot. I've only ever had sloppy seconds before and it was with a girl."

"That's not true! You had sloppy seconds with me."

"It doesn't really count when it's your own cum, JoJo!"

"Oh, well then, I guess tonight, you'll get sloppy thirds."

"That's what I'm hoping! I'm getting hard just thinking about it."

"Really, dumpling? Do you want me to eat your dumpling instead of these that those Mexican ladies prepared? I can crawl under the table and service that big cock of yours!"

"Joey, stop. You're not helping me here."

"What if I drop my pants and let your cum oozing out of my hole slick up your cock as I sit on it?"

"Joey, STOP!"

"OK, hun. I'll stop." I couldn't help myself. I reached under the table and massaged his growing cock. Damn, he was getting really hard, but it was hot.

"If you two don't stop, you'll get us thrown out of here. This is ok on our dorm floor, but not out in public," said Kevin. "Just eat your food, and I'm gonna go get ours since they just called our number."

We ate and talked, some sexual, some about college, some about our dorm, and some about being gay (or bi as Joey kept insisting). It was a good meal for being cheap Chinese food that you can get on college campus. I felt relaxed and finally like I had friends who knew what I was going through. Classes were due to start soon, so I knew that all the free time I had was going to get filled up quickly. But, I'm glad our college made freshmen move in early. It was giving us the time to get acquainted with the college, our roommates, and our new lives.

After we were all full and near the end of natural conversation topics, Dominic asked, "So Sam, what time do I get to fill Joey's ass full of my jizz?"

"Well, it's just now early afternoon. Why don't we give Joey some time to let his food settle and get cleaned out. Let's say you guys can come to our room around 6 PM. Does that work for everyone?"

"I'll be there whatever time you want me to be there, Sam. But just so you know, my balls are filling up again just thinking about it. Plus, Kevin here didn't get off because he said he wanted to save his load for Joey's ass. So I know he's getting blue balled."

"You can say that again!" said Kevin emphatically. "But, I wanted to make sure that I gave young master Joseph here a nice ride." We all laughed at Kevin's crazy comments.

"And here I thought Dominic was the horn ball!" I said. "Guys, just so you know, Sam was my first. So take it easy on me until I tell you it's ok to go to town."

"No problem, Joey. I don't want to hurt you. I want you to come back for more," said Dominic. "That ass looked so hot when you were fingering it in the shower. I was chubbing up just at that and then cum shoots out of your ass when you were done. I thought I was going to go full-fledged bone status after seeing that.

We all laughed at Dominic. "It's ok, Dominic. I was trying not to bone up when Kevin here was parading off his hole for us," said Sam. "But, I'm sure I'll get a piece of that sometime soon."

"Anytime, Sam. Anytime!"

"Thanks, Kevin. Joey and I might just have to see how well you can milk big cocks."

"Oh that's a given. I don't know if I've ever had one as big as Joey though. He might present a milking challenge."

"Practice makes perfect!" I shouted.

"I'll help you practice too," said Dominic.

"OK, guys. Let's head back. I want to get Joey here home, settled, and cleaned out for tonight's activities. Do you guys want to walk back with us?"

"Sure, let's go handsome. I can't remember being around this much stud meat in a while," Kevin said. "All the boys are going to be jealous of me, especially when I tell them about all the hung meat swinging down my halls."

"What boys?" I asked.

"Oh just a few of my regular fuck buds. They're in a frat here on campus. If you guys pledge, just let me know. I might be able to point out some friendly gay guys on the inside to help you get in the frat."

"That's awesome, Kevin. Sam here wants to pledge the Sigma Nu's. I just may join him. I have to support my man in what he does."

"Ahh, the Nu's. I'm staying quiet on that subject," said Kevin evasively.

"What? Tell us! What do you know about the Nu's?" questioned Sam.

"I have pledged my silence, Sam. I won't tell you anything about the Nu's until you get in or know for yourself."

"Damn it, man. Tell me! The Nu's are going to be the only frat I pledge. My dad was one. I have to get in. Tell me what you know, Kevin."

"Sam, calm down. I have sworn my allegiance and secrecy to the Nu's. I'm sorry, but I cannot, and will not tell you anything about them until you are one yourself."

Keven started walking faster and in front of the group ending the conversation. "Damn it! Why are they so secretive? Even my dad won't tell me about them. This is so frustrating!"

"I'll say this, and only this, Sam. The Nu's will change your life forever. If you're lucky enough to get in their ranks, then you'll be a changed man."

"My dad said the same thing, but that doesn't tell me shit!"

"Sam, dumpling, calm down. It'll be ok. Just focus on what you can do and don't worry about something that you have no control over. We'll do the frat thing together. I'll be by you 100% of the way."

"Thanks, Joey. That means a lot, but we have to be asked to pledge the Nu's. They don't open up pledging to the public. I just hope that my dad being a Nu is enough for me to get asked to pledge."

"Don't worry, Sam. I know of very few bloodline Nu's that aren't asked to pledge. Getting in, that's up to you though!"

"What do you mean, Kevin?"

"I've said too much already, Sam. The Nu's are now off topic. I will say no more."

"Fine, but don't think I'm happy about this, Kevin. I need to find out what's going on with them."

"Don't go looking for info, Sam. Stay away from the Nu's. Trust me, if they want you to know something, then you'll know it."

"Quit talking in riddles, Kevin! Tell me what you know!"


"What's all this Nu business? Who are they?" asked Dominic trying to squeeze his way into the conversation.

"They're only the most respected frat on campus, in the state, in the country, maybe even the world. You should be lucky to consider yourself a Nu."

"Oh, well, I'm not sure if that's for me, but who knows. I might like living in a house with a bunch of pent up horny guys."

"There goes Dominic, thinking with his little head again," scoffed Kevin.

"You weren't saying it was little when it was stretching your rosebud open earlier, Kevin!"

We all laughed. We continued to walk back to the dorm with Sam asking Kevin about the Nu's, and Kevin still refused to say anything more on the topic. As we made it to the dorm, we went to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. When it finally came, we took it up to our floor.

"6 PM, guys. Don't forget!" I said.

"How could I forget? I've been thinking about it since Sam mentioned it," Dominic said.

"Me too!" exclaimed Kevin.

"Well then, breeding party at 6 PM! See you guys then," I said.

I grabbed Sam, and headed back to our room. He shouted down the hall one last time at Kevin to reveal his knowledge. I swear, the Nu's were the one subject that got Sam riled up more than anything. What was so special about this frat? I guess I was going to have to find out for myself. I just hoped we both got invited to join, and we both got in.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It took a different turn than what I was thinking, but I was overly horny when I wrote it, and thought it would be hot to see Joey take 3 cocks in a night. Again, I always look for feedback or how you think the story is going or should progress. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 10

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