Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Sep 24, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a homo-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter VI

"I'm not going to lie; I think that was the most intense sex I've had, Joey. There's definitely some connection between the two of us. I probably shouldn't have cum inside you, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to breed you so badly that my cock just took over."

"I'm glad you did. I trust you, Sam. I don't think it would have felt the same had you not cum inside me. It felt like you were scalding my insides, and then it got super slick as your cock stroked into me. Shit, I'm making myself hard again just thinking about it."

Sam laughed, and so did I. "Good! Because the night is just beginning. Round 1 - Cherry Popping? Check! Round 2 - Hour Long Sloppy Seconds? Coming up!"

Chapter VII

I couldn't believe what had just happened. Sam had taken my virginity. I though it was going to hurt a lot more than it did, especially considering how big he was. But, it only hurt in the beginning, and he went slow enough to let me get used to his size. Then, he started hitting my prostate, and it felt so good. I felt so full, and his gaze was intense as I looked into his eyes while he pummeled my ass.

It was amazing as he started cumming and shooting his load deep in my ass. It felt like someone had put a pulsating fire hose up my butt and turned on the hot water. His cum and his uncontrollable thrusts, along with his last hard jab on my prostate, sent me over the edge. I wasn't even touching myself, but I still ended up shooting a huge load even though Sam had shot a bigger one. We stopped climaxing at about the same time. Is this what love feels like? Or is this just the excitement of losing your virginity?

Sam looked down at my hole. "You don't look like you've just been fucked except for all the cum around your hole and oozing down your ass. That rosebud looks just as tight as it did the first time I rimmed it." At the sound of him talking about rimming, my hole twitched. "Fuck! Your hole just winked at me and spit out some more of my cum. I'm going to enjoy fucking you over and over. Get on all fours, Joey!"

I quickly got up and turned over getting in a doggy stance. "Now that I've cum once already, you'd better get ready for a long fucking. It usually takes me a while to work out a second load. But, don't worry, it'll be a big one just like the first one that's still slipping out of you." My hole twitched again. It pushed out a large glob of his cum. I could feel it run out of my hole, over my taint, and down the back of my nut sack. When it felt like it was about the fall off my nuts, Sam's tongue caught it and licked back up my balls, over my taint, zeroing in on my pucker until his tongue slid easily in my hole. I instinctively moaned and tightened up my hole around his tongue. But, I quickly willed my hole to relax so that I could feel more of his tongue working its way deeper in my ass.

Giving into his tongue's probing, my ass signaled its surrender yet again. As if my moans of ecstasy weren't enough for him to know I was his, my sphincter gave way completely and his tongue was licking my insides and his cum that was left in there. He continued for a little while reaching up under me and stroking my cock. Finally, Sam pulled away, and an empty feeling spread throughout my body again, but that didn't last long. Sam slammed his entire cock up my hole in one thrust. His balls slapped hard against my taint and ended up hitting my nut sack. My eyes bugged out at the slight pain, but his quick strokes and gentle hands caressing my back and ass cheeks quickly alleviated my pain. I easily focused on the pleasure his cock was now giving me.

"Do you hear that? That's the sound of my cum being squished around inside your ass. And this is the sound of my big balls slapping your tight, perky ass. I love how you've given yourself to me." I moaned back my appreciation. "What? You can't speak? Am I fucking your pucker so good that you've lost the ability to speak?"

"I never knew it could feel this good. It feels like our bodies were made to fit each other. Oh God! Yes! That feels so...FUCK! Damn, I love it...ugh...when you prostate."

"You do, huh? You like that?" I grunted as his cock hit my prostate again. "I said, do you like that?" Sam said as he speared my button again with a quick jab of his cock.

"Yes, please don't stop. Hit it...ahhh....again! Ugh! Yeah, that's it! that!"

"I love how you beg for my cock, not only with your words, but with your hole too. It loves to grip me as I pull out like you can't live without it buried deep in you. And, your rosebud opens up freely when I push in offering just the right amount of resistance. Most guys I fuck feel like a pussy after the first 5 minutes because they've loosened up to accommodate my shaft, but not you! You still feel like a tight virgin cherry. God, that just makes me want to fuck you hard like a little bitch and break in your hole."

"Please do! Fuck me harder! I need your big cock in me. FUCK! I love feeling you bottom out in my hole and your huge balls slapping my ass. Yeah, please! Oh wow! Fuck me please and don't hold anything back. I want can...Uhhhh...give...FUCK...give me!"

"Fuck yeah, cum slut! But, be careful what you wish for." Sam grabbed my hips and went into overdrive. His strokes were turning into slams. His cock was pistoning in and out of my hole. My hole was on fire with the friction his quick, hard thrusts were causing in my hole. If his hips has been an engine, the thrusts per minute would have easily been beyond the red line. I was reduced to a moaning mess as he fucked me like a bitch for quite some time.

"OK," Sam said as he pulled out causing me to gasp. "I want you to ride me now. You need to see what it's like when you control how quick and how deep my cock gets in your tight, little hole." So, we switched positions. He got on his back, and as I went to squat over him another large glob of his cum fell out of my ass and splattered on his stomach. I quickly reached down and scooped it up on my fingers sticking them quickly in my mouth. It tasted so good. I just sat down on his cock in one long, slow squat as I relished in the feel of his cock in my ass and his cum dancing around with my taste buds.

If I wasn't lust-filled already, riding Sam's cock surely took me there. I was riding his dick hard and grinding against his pelvis moving his cock around inside my ass when I was all the way down on it. I kept going long and hard. My thighs were burning with the workout I was giving them, but I didn't care if they gave out. I looked down as this sexy man who's cock was buried in my ass. He was moaning, and his eyes were rolling into the back of his head a lot. The entire time I was riding him though, this beautiful smile was spread across his face. God, he was so cute and sexy, but when he smiled he was fucking gorgeous!

Sam started to feel all over my body as I was riding him. He finally attacked my nipples tweaking them. One hand then went down to my cock where he started stroking me. I was in heaven. His cock was deep in my ass, one hand was tweaking my nipples, and the other was jacking my cock off. I absolutely lost it. My cock started spurting everywhere. The first shot landed in Sam's hairline. The second hit his forehead. The third landed on his upper lip like it was wanting a kiss. The fourth went to his neck. The fifth, sixth, and seventh all landed on different spots on his pecs. The rest oozed out and dribbled all over his six pack.

Not letting me come down from my orgasmic high, Sam lifted me up and cradled my body in his arms as he flipped us over. Grabbing my legs and resting them on his shoulders, Sam started to thrust his cock again in my ass which never left in our entire shifting of positions. Faster and faster while looking into my eyes, my cock flared up again as he hit my prostate hard causing two more shots of cum to shoot out and splat on my pecs. It was like a mini-orgasm, but I hadn't come down from my second orgasm of the night. I wasn't sure if that counted as two separate ones, one fucking hellaciously good one, or a multiple orgasm. I didn't care because I was in pure ecstasy.

Sam was grunting now, and his hips were back in overdrive. He leaned down and kissed me forcing my legs between our chests and opening up my hole even more. As his tongue invaded my mouth, his cock slammed deep in my ass and started firing off his second load of the night. Again, the hot water fire hose was spasming inside my ass. It felt so slick and so wet in there as his involuntary thrusts continued. He cried out in my mouth, and I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me as deep as I could. I felt his ass muscles flex as they were doing small quick jabs deep in my ass and working his massive load into my ass walls.

He continued to kiss me as he came down from his orgasm. I couldn't help but feel like this was perfect and meant to be. We kissed for what seemed like hours. Soft, slow passionate kisses went between our lips and tongues. When he finally pulled away from my lips and let my legs down from his shoulders, he looked down at me and smiled. Smiling back at him, I said, "I love you."

He looked at me, smiled even wider, leaned down, and hugged me. His arms were wrapped around my body, his thick cock was buried deep in my ass, and his head was caressing mine. He turned his mouth to my ear and gently whispered, "I love you too, Joey!" He kissed my cheek and slowly extracted his cock from my ass pulling out with it a huge amount of cum. He turned me over on my side as he rolled off me, and he got behind me on his side as well spooning up against my back.

He never let me go as we moved. I was always in his embrace as he started our spooning session. He gently kissed the nape of my neck and my shoulders. Wrapped in his arms, I felt safe. His spent cock was nestled against my bubble butt, and I felt even more cum ooze out of my well used hole and travel down my ass to the sheets on the bed. He kissed me more softly, and I wrapped my arms around his and pulled as close to him as I could.

I was quickly falling asleep. Feeling his kisses, his body heat warming my body, and his closeness allowed me to feel his beating heart. I quickly succumbed to my body's tiredness and drifted off to sleep in his arms.

Exhausted by our almost four hour long session, my body quickly went into REM sleep. I started dreaming about college campus, what classes would be like, and what it would be like rooming with Sam. Such a hot swim stud, he was built like all of those sexy swimmers with a streamlined, muscular, yet tone, tight, lithe frame. I imagined him at a meet competing. His body glistening and gliding through the water as he edged out his competition.

I could see him pulling himself out of the pool. The muscles in his back and arms flexed, showing off their rippled power. His pert butt collected all the water from his back, and his muscular thighs powering his body upright.

As he turned toward me, I could see the profile of his package in his speedos. The fabric was being pulled taught and almost away from his body. Sam's big, low hanging balls left no free material and his flaccid cock had to be pointed to the side of his thigh to give his balls room. The waist line of his speedos was pulled down in the front because of the stretch and sheer size and weight of the stuff that the small bathing suit needed to cover.

There would never be any wonder that this sexy stud was hung. Giggles of laughter and a few appreciative sighs could be hard from some of the other spectators around me. Apparently, I wasn't the only one drawn to this site. I imagined what it would be like to go over and kiss him after he just beat his competition. An evil smile spread across my face knowing that my kiss would cause his cock to grow. Forcing my hand down there, I would squeeze and grab one of his nipples to make him rock hard, showing everyone there that he was mine, my study, my boyfriend, my lover.

I imagined taking his cock out right there and getting to my knees to service him. Sucking his big cock all the way down my throat, I would let him take over and fuck my face. I grabbed his ass and brought him into my throat harder while everyone watched. Finally, I'd turn him around, open those perfect swimmer bubble butt cheeks and rim him. I could taste the chlorine on him and the cleanliness of his soapy shower before the meet. His pucker flowered open at my gentle pressure, and he bent forward and spread his cheeks to give me deeper access to his insides.

I continued to lick and tongue his hole opening him up more. I no longer cared that his meet was stopped by our actions and that people were staring. I was lost in the feel of rimming his tight hole wanting to bring him pleasure, the same intense pleasure he brought to me. Remembering how good his tongue felt in me, my hole twitched. I could feel my rosebud longing for that stuffed and stretched feeling that his cock had given me earlier.

Moaning into Sam's ass while thinking about our sex session, I noticed I was raging hard and dripping copious precut. I reached my hand in front of him and felt his steely cock, stroking it slowly, and remembering how it felt when h e pushed in the first time. God, that felt so good. My rosebud twitched again reflecting at how easily it succumbed to his powerful cock and tongue. I felt like I was getting his cock in me as I rimmed him, and I wanted nothing more. I remembered feeling the pressure at my ass as his cock invaded me, claiming me as his, and then eventually marking me by flooding my ass with his essence.

The pressure felt amazing and more real. The deeper I rimmed Sam, the more he moaned, as did I. The more I pushed into his inviting hole, the more I could feel mine give up, inviting his big cock into me. I started to become more aware of my surroundings and consciousness as I felt more of that wonderful pressure. My hole puckered and squeezed but didn't close. His hard cock was balls deep in my hole, and Sam was gently kissing my neck and tweaking my nipple.

"Round 3: Middle of the Night, Wake-Up Sex. In progress!"

"Oh God, I was dreaming I was rimming you, but my body felt like your hole was mine. I could feel the lovely pressure. Now, I know that was real. You were slowly sliding into me as I was rimming you."

"Yeah you were moaning and rock hard when I woke up. I was hard too, and my cock naturally worked its way to you hole. I swear I think it's meant to be there. You are still tight, but you easily opened up and took all of me in one long, slow stroke. Man, your ass is perfect. It grips my cock with just the right amount of pressure."

"I'm glad you like it, sexy. It's yours anytime you want it. Now do what I know you can do and fuck me full of even more of your cum."

Sam slowly stroked into my ass. His thrusts became harder and more needy. I opened myself to him pulling my ass cheeks apart to give him deeper access. He plowed me quick and hard. There was no stopping him as his hips were not going to slow down. I just took it and begged for his cum. After about ten minutes of hard, sweaty sex, he complied and filled my ass again. I was soaking wet on the inside from his cum and wet on the outside from our sweaty bodies being hugged together and moving as one.

Seeing the clock say it was almost 6:30 AM, I realized just how exhausted I was. I quickly fell back to sleep only to be woken up by Sam's deflated cock popping out of my ass causing cum to pour out. My head fell back to the pillow as dreams quickly came to my mind.

With rays of sunlight dancing across my face, I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the back of Sam's head in my view. His slender neck and shoulders were calm rising slightly as he breathed in his sleep. Somehow through the night, we had switched sides as both of us rolled over, and I was now spooning him. I found this odd because I'm normally a very light sleeper, but I must have been so exhausted from our night's escapades that I never woke up when we shifted.

I slightly stretched my legs, and that's when my rock hard morning wood wedged itself right at Sam's ass cheeks. I could feel the heat emanating from his body and his ass against my cock head. My cock jumped at its new location and dribbled out some cock juice. As my stretch ended and my muscles returned to their normal state, my cock head pushed right up between his cheeks easily slipping through due to my natural lubricant.

My dick was now in direct contact with Sam's hole, and my hips took over pushing slightly forward. More precum oozed out of my cock as I could feel the head push into him. His pucker was tight but searing hot. More and more precum and my tiny gentle thrusts elicited a moan from him. I stopped to see if he was awake, but his body quickly returned to his normal rhythms of sleep. I wanted to give him his very own Round 3 with my cock waking him up as I filled his hole.

I had never presumed a lot before that night, but my cock was leaking now like it knew it needed the natural lube to get in where it wanted to go. So more and more oozed out, and more and more gently thrusts allowed my cock to get in a little deeper. His pucker was slowly opening to me. The pressure around my cock head was amazing. The more I pushed the tighter it got. I now knew what Sam was feeling last night when he wanted to shove his cock all the way in my tight, virgin ass.

Finally, my cock head popped in past his sphincter. Sam clamped down tight and jolted up in bed. "Whoa! Oh fuck, Joey! How did you already get inside me?"

Whispering into his ear, I said, "Round 4: Morning Sex. The tables are turned!"

"Oh no. No, you don't. That big monster is not going in me." As if on cue, my cock flexed at being called a big monster which made his hole stretch a little more. He moaned in a longing manner, and my hips took their cue by pushing forward slipping about another inch in as I kissed the back of his neck.

"I don't think so, Joey. You're just too big."

"Please, Sam!" As I asked, I tweaked his nipple with one hand and grabbed his morning wood in the other. He moaned again, and my hips took a quick jab and pushed another three inches in him. My cock had hit his prostate causing him to moan loudly and buck his hips back onto my cock which pressed even harder on his button.

"Fuck! How did you zero in on that so quickly?"

"You're the one who told me that this position would drive a guy crazy because my curved cock would hit their prostate every time."

"I know, but damn. It's right on my button in no time. I've only let two other guys fuck me, and they were both smaller than me. They didn't hit my prostate all the often or as hard as you are now, and I'll bet that you aren't even halfway in yet."

I chuckled and pushed another inch in making sure to press hard against his button as I did ensuring to drag the head across his prostate. "Now, I am!"

"Fuck, I already feel like I'm being ripped open."

"But your cock is drooling like crazy and your hips are gently rocking on my cock. Your mind is telling you one thing, but your body is saying the exact opposite. But, I respect you and don't want to hurt you. If you want me to pull out, I will. But, if you want what your body is telling me it wants, then I'll make sweet love to you as you did to me." Before he could answer, I flexed my cock and felt it thicken and push a little more into his hot, tight hole. He grunted and grabbed a fistful of sheets. "So, what'll it be, sexy stud?"

To be continued....


Chapter eight is coming soon. Should Sam let Joey top him? I'd love to hear your opinions. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 8

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