Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Sep 15, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a home-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter V

Sam started to pull his cock head out, and it felt as if he was pulling my asshole from the inside out with him as he pulled out. I scrunched up my face in pain, and he leaned down to kiss me gently over and over on the lips and cheeks. He was apologizing between kisses telling me how sorry he was for making me feel this pain.

"I've only been with one other virgin and that was a girl. But, I should have known better than to try this first without trying to rim you and open you up first. That's my fault. I promise I'll make it feel better." As he finished, his head popped out of my tightly gripping hole. I sighed in relief and a tear ran down from my eye.

"Shhh! It's going to be ok. I promise." Sam kissed me so sweetly and softly. I felt so safe with him and lucky to be with him. He pulled back and wiped my tear off my face. Once again, his gorgeous smile spread across his face, and I smiled back at him feeling comforted and loved.

Chapter VI

Sam's smile made the entire world disappear. It was just him and me. I was caught in his smile. Now, I felt comfortable giving him what he wanted because I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He accidentally pushed his cock head into me using his gentle thrusts and his copious amounts of precum to lube us both up. But, he didn't mean to push in. It hurt like hell when his cock head popped into my ass. I couldn't help but clench down at his intruder. Thankfully, Sam promised it would be easier and gentler after he had worked on opening me up and rimming me.

I didn't know what rimming was, but he was about to show me. From what he said I was going to enjoy it. I couldn't see why not; I had enjoyed everything that he had done with me so far. He was a hot, sexy, Asian swimmer that had a fantastic body and an almost 8" cock with huge low hanging balls. Definitely, he was a man of my dreams, both wet and dry.

Sam pulled up and away from our passionate kisses. I had to release my grip off his lower back and ass cheeks. "You're going to enjoy this. Just trust me. I know what I'm doing," Sam said as he sat back on his calves beneath my thighs. He looked at me with lust. I could tell he was scanning my body and smirking. "Damn, you're one sexy hunk!"

"I think I'm the lucky one. You're so sweet and willing to take your time with me. You could have just forced me and taken my cherry, but you chose not to."

"Well to be honest, I'm normally a horn dog. But, there's something about you, about this, that's making me want it to be special, not only for you, but for us." Sam smirked at me as he leaned forward and kissed me again. He knew how to make my whole body feel like it was on fire. His kissing was so passionate and lust-filled that I felt like I could feel what he was feeling. I wrapped my arms back around him feeling up and down his back and grabbing his pert ass cheeks. Sam moaned as he kissed me. Again, he pulled back and smiled.

Sam lifted himself up a bit and started to kiss all over my neck. He slowly moved around under my chin and kissed me lightly there then slowly made his way down my chest kissing in between my pec muscles. He moved to his left and kissed all around my nipple. His tongue came out and he lightly flicked on my nipple. It instantly reacted and perked up. He licked all around my nipple and all over until it became rock hard. I couldn't help but moan thinking I never knew that my nipples could be so sensitive.

Sam gently kissed my hard nipple and applied pressure with his lips tugging at it. He then slightly parted his lips, and his teeth gently nibbled at my nub as it pointed straight up. He knew how to make me moan. Sam quickly moved across my chest to my other nipple and repeated. As he lightly nibbled on that nipple, he tweaked the already hard, wet nipple between his fingers. "Oooh! Oh my. Is that what you felt like when I was doing that to you?"

"I hope so," said Sam. He leaned back down and continued his ministrations on my nipples. I was moaning like crazy, and my cock was rock hard. One time it involuntarily flexed and ended up hitting Sam's stomach. "Whoa there big fella! Do you want some attention too?" Sam asked my cock. I just giggled at Sam's cuteness.

"I think it has a mind of its own sometime. I guess both of ours do, but I definitely liked what you were doing to my nipples. Is that what rimming is?"

Chuckling while an evil smile spread across his face, Sam said, "No, rimming feels much better than having your nips played with."

"Oh my! I don't know how much pleasure I'm going to be able to take. You already have me rock hard and dripping like crazy."

"Well maybe I should do something about that." Sam looked down and grabbed my cock at its base in his hand. "Damn, you're thick as hell." He slowly stroked up my cock a few times causing me to moan. He pointed it straight up and leaned down licking my cock juice covered piss slit. His hot wet tongue making contact with my head sent shivers down my body.

"Oh shit!"

Sam licked again and again lapping up my essence. He then swirled his tongue around my head. I was seeing stars. Sam then gripped the top of my cock in his fist and exposed the underside of my shaft. He bent over even further and stuck out his tongue out to where the base of my cock met my balls. They had already pulled up tight. It wouldn't be long before I came because they were so tight against me. Sam then flattened his tongue out against my shaft and slowly lifted his neck sliding his slick tongue up my shaft until he got all the way to the underside of my head. When he reached the top, he licked my piss slit again cleaning up the cock juice that he pushed out by licking my shaft upward.

"Fuck! How do you know how to do that?"

Sam smirked again and quickly did the same licking stroke straight up my cock. It felt so good as he slowly moved forward accommodating the curve of my cock and then backwards as he got to the tip. After several more long sensual strokes, Sam started another long stroke, and when he got to the top this time, he enveloped my cock head in his mouth. I gasped. He swirled his tongue around more. I was grabbing the sheets in fistfuls. Oh how amazing he was making my body feel.

He pushed forward with his lips, and my shaft started to disappear in his mouth. He got about 5" in before my cock hit the back of his throat. I don't know what he did, but he adjusted somehow and continued to take more of my cock down him. His lips kept spreading wider and wider to accommodate my girth as he got lower to the base of my cock. He got about 2 or 3 more inches down before he had to stop. I could tell I had reached his gag reflex because his throat spasmed. I now knew why he liked to feeling on his cock down my throat spasming around it. It was amazing.

Uncontrollably, I pushed my hips up a little as Sam pulled back. I caused his gag reflex to hit again, and he coughed a little around my cock. "FUCK! That feels so good."

Sam's mouth left my cock, and the cool air that hit my spit covered cock gave me a strange yet pleasant sensation. "That's all I could get in. I was trying! But damn, I still had a way to go. You are one lucky, hung stud!"

"I'm glad you like it Sam. Maybe I can face fuck you until you get it all down your throat." I smirked back at him.

"I don't think anyone could deep throat you. Not unless they can dislocate their jaw. Besides, I rarely let someone face fuck me."

"Well it felt good. Can you suck me some more?"



"I don't know. Oh ok, twist my arm, will you."

Sam leaned back down and sucked my cock some more. He tried to deep throat it a few more times never getting farther than before, but his sucking was amazing. I felt like I was floating in air. My nuts pulled up tighter, and I could feel my imminent release. I don't know if I was moaning louder or what, but he somehow knew I was about to blow and pulled off. The sensation was still there but not as intense. He went back down to the base of my shaft and started to lick my nuts. My sac was tight around them, and they were drawn up tight against the base of my cock. His licking just made me hotter, but it also let that feeling of needing to cum ebb away.

Sam looked up at me from behind my cock and made eye contact with me. He grinned devilishly again, and he stroked the underside of my shaft all the way to the top with his tongue again and engulfed my cock. He slid as much as he could down his throat in one long swift but mind-numbing move. The need to release my load quickly returned. Again, he backed off and looked at me smiling that beautiful smile.

My cock spasmed again, and he looked down. He leaned down as his tongue scooped up the precum that just oozed out of my piss slit. "You taste sweet. There's no saltiness to it at all. Do you eat a lot of fruit?"

"Yeah, I do." I giggled. "I eat a lot of fruit, and drink a lot of fruit juice. I love fruit! It's better than chocolate, although I like that too."

"Ummm, I might just have to swallow this big load you have in you."

"What? You'd swallow it?"

"That's the way to truly make your partner know how much you like him. I've never swallowed anyone else's, but I've had mine swallowed a few times. I might swallow yours though."

"I would swallow yours too, Sam."

"That can be arranged, stud!" Sam smiled back at me. "But, I promised I'd rim you, and that's what you shall have!" Sam leaned back down and started licking my balls again. He pursed his lips and applied a little bit of suction which pulled my left nut up and away from my cock and into his mouth.

"Oh fuck!"

Sam swirled my nut around in his mouth a little and then opened his lips slightly and let the natural reaction of my body pull my nut back to the base of my cock. Sam quickly moved to my right nut and did the same thing. I was moaning like crazy. There was a slight discomfort as he pulled my nut away, but it was quickly dissipated by the pleasure of being enveloped in his warm wet mouth with his tongue bathing it and swirling it around in his mouth.

"Oh God, Sam! I never knew that rimming would feel so good. My nuts feel like their vibrating in your mouth."

Sam pulled up and smirked again. "That's not rimming. I haven't even started that yet. But sucking on your balls is a good precursor to rimming." He leaned back down and sucked both of my nuts into his mouth at the same time. I gasped again. I felt my breath was being pulled from my body. Sam then released my nuts and pulled each one into his mouth individually again.

He then slowly licked lower beneath my nuts on my taint. His tongue was going up and down my taint and pushing in and applying small amounts of pressure all over my taint. He then moved left and licked where my thigh joined my pelvis. He licked up and down and then slid across to the other side and did the same thing. He then returned to my taint. This felt so good!

Putting his hands on my thighs, Sam pushed back and up causing my ass to rise up off the bed. As he pushed up he also pushed apart, and my thighs were spreading in the air. Sam's tongue never left my taint as he pushed my body back. He then lowered his mouth more as his tongue went lower and lower to my ass cheeks. His tongue worked between the crevice and hit my rosebud.

"Oh shit! What the fuck?"

Sam cut off my cries by licking my asshole again. This time he swirled his tongue around my hole and licked all over. He even made his tongue stiff and pushed into my hole a little causing my pucker to open slightly. It felt so fucking good. I started pounding the bed with my fists.

"Oh my God, Sam. That feels so....ugh....oh so good. Mmmm. Oh my! I can't believe...oh FUCK...believe it. You're licking my....GOD DAMN...ugh...oh...FUCK! That's my ass...ugh...hole."

Sam didn't stop. I was going crazy! He slid his hands down from my thighs and pushed up on my ass cheeks causing me to lift my lower torso even more from the bed. Sam's hands then grabbed a cheek each and pulled them apart. He started to lick more of my hole and was having better access with my cheeks apart. He then started tongue fucking my hole again, gently stabbing my rosebud with this thick hard tongue. My hole started making squishing sounds again from his tongue probing it.

I couldn't help but groan out loud more and more. Sam continued his assault on my hole with his tongue. I reached down to grab my ass and pull my cheeks apart more. I wanted his tongue in me as deep as he could get it. Sam moved his hands in closer and pulled apart close to my pucker exposing even more of it to his probing tongue. Sam continued to lick and probe my hole. He pulled back a little and started to tongue fuck my hole again. His probing was making my rosebud open up allowing him in deeper with each stab.

He pulled back a little and put his right index finger on my hole rubbing it around my hole with his tongue still licking there. He slowly used his tongue to push in more, and his finger pushed gently in with it. My body was losing its control. My rosebud had put up enough fight, and his tongue slipped in past my sphincter. I could feel his tongue deeper inside me and licking around my insides. Pulling back again, Sam added his other index finger from the left side and the two fingers slowly pulled my hole open as his tongue licked all over.

My hole was spasming and writhing in the pleasure he was giving me. He pushed his fingers in a little further so that they could get a better grip at pulling my pucker open. Sam gently applied pulling pressure with his two fingers as he applied the probing pleasure with his tongue. He pushed past my sphincter again with his tongue, this time getting even deeper, and he licked my insides. I grunted loudly, and Sam's fingers pushed in further to get a deeper grip on the edges of my sphincter and pulled apart even more. His tongue was so deep in me it felt amazing.

Sam then started to tongue fuck my hole more. I was moaning and groaning like crazy, and he was working his tongue in deeper. He continued to tongue fuck me for what seemed like an eternity. He pulled back and my hole didn't close right away. Sam took advantage and pushed his right index finger in. My pucker instantly pulled back and clamped down, but my spit slicked hole allowed Sam to push and pull his finger in and out of my hole gently. Sam pushed his finger in deeper and the thickness was opening up my rosebud even more.

He pulled his finger out enough to let his tongue push back in. Sam's tongue and finger were fucking my hole open. Sam slide out his finger and just his tongue was left, but my rosebud was not resisting him anymore. I was staying open and welcoming his tongue inside. He then pushed back with his index finger, and it started to slip in. Sam slid his tongue out and added his middle finger to take its place. I now had two fingers opening up my hole. Sam spit above my hole and let his spit coat his fingers as they pushed and probed deeper.

With two fingers inside of me making me moan, Sam looked up and said, "That was rimming. I let my tongue open up your hole to where it's not offering a lot of resistance. As you can feel, I have two of my fingers in your ass right now slowly pushing in and out of your hole. I'm finger fucking your hole, and you're enjoying the hell out of it, sexy. I'm going to eventually work a third one in there until you're hole is ready for my big cock. But first, you need to feel this."

"Holy Shit!"

"Mmmm hmm. Works every time."

"Fuck! What was that?"

"That's your prostate. I've got my fingers deep enough in you that I'm massaging your prostate from inside your ass. It feels amazing, doesn't it?"

My cock jumped and pushed out a huge drop of precum. "Never mind, I can see that it does," smirked Sam as he leaned over and licked the cock juice from my piss slit. Sam continued to press hard against my prostate and finger fuck my hole. I was dripping like crazy. He then pulled back enough on his fingers spit again and started to push in three of them. My hole fought him a little, but he spit again and worked them back and forth until my pucker surrendered and gave in. Three fingers pushed into me and went deeper and deeper until he pushed on my prostate again.

"Oh yeah, you're almost there. This hole is so begging for it."

"Please give it to me. I'm ready, please."

"Just a little bit. I need to make sure you're not going to pull back from three fingers." He continued to finger fuck my hole with three fingers, probing my prostate and making me drip. My hole completely relaxed. Sam felt it and pulled his fingers out. He repositioned his hands and pushed both his index fingers back in me. Sam then moved his body up and told me to grab the back of my thighs and pull them to my chest. I did as I was told, and he pushed his cock near my hole.

Pulling apart with his index fingers, Sam pushed against my hole with his cock head. He was still hard and leaking like crazy. I could feel his precum wetting my hole even more as his fingers worked in and out of me. He slowly pulled his fingers out and saw that my hole didn't close. He looked up at me, his cock head poised at my hole and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sam, please!"

Sam looked down, spit again, and slowly pushed his cock head in. This time it met with little resistance. He continued to push in a little and then pulled back out. He pushed in again before my hole closed and went a little deeper. This time he made small strokes in and out, pushing deeper each time. Sam looked down and spit again adding more lube to his cock as he pushed about another inch in. My hole started to squeeze a little, and he stopped. He waited a little bit looked at me and said, "Try to relax."

I willed my hole to relax, and Sam pushed in more. "That's it, Joey. Just relax." Sam continued to do this, spitting and pushing in more of his thick cock. My hole would clench a little as his cock got thicker. I'd have to force it to relax. "Put your legs on my shoulder." I did as I was told and he leaned down and kissed me still slowly stroking his cock in and out of my ass.

Whispering in my ear after he stopped kissing me, "I'm about halfway in. God, you're so tight. I'm not going to be able to last long. Joey, I don't want to hurt you, but I want you to be ready for this. I'm going to push the rest of the way in. Just continue to kiss me as I push in. It will help ease any pain."

"You're only halfway in? Oh my God. OK. Please be gentle!"

"I will." Sam kissed me and slowly pushed the rest of his cock in me. I kissed him back hard as his cock entered me and his balls came to rest on my ass cheeks. It did hurt, but the pain was slowly going away as he kissed me. Sam pulled back a little and pushed back in, a very small stroke. I kissed him and moaned as he did another small stroke. I pulled away and said, "I think I'm ok, Sam. I feel full, but it also feels really good."

Sam just looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and him as he leaned in to kiss me. Sam started to pull out further and push back in. Each time his balls would slap my ass cheeks. Although he had low hangers, his balls were pulled up tighter and slapping my ass right beneath his cock. Sam kept pulling back further and further with each stroke. On each inward stroke, his cock head would bump my prostate and push on it as his cock pushed deep into my ass chute filling me and causing his nuts to slap my ass again.

"Oh God! I never knew it could feel like this. It's so amazing."

"I'm glad you like it because I can't hold back any more." Sam's hips went into over drive. He started to pummel my ass. His strokes varied between short, slow thrusts and long, hard thrusts. His balls really started to pound my ass too. His cock head battered my prostate with each thrust. My ass was on fire from his fucking.

I reached up and pulled Sam to me. I kissed him as he continued to pound my ass. He was breathing hard and grunting as his body took over. Our kiss was animalistic again. Sam pulled his cock all the way out of my hole. I instantly became aware of the emptiness I felt inside, but before I could get used to it, Sam's cock returned full speed and went all the way into my ass. His entire pelvis slapped against mine, and his balls slapped my ass.

Sam continued to piston fuck my ass, pulling completely out and slamming all the way back in with one thrust. I had broken our kiss grunting at his lusty thrusts. I concentrated on the feelings of my hole, my empty ass, and its sudden filling with hot cock meat. Sam then did one long and very hard thrust.

"FUUUUUCCCCK!" His body started to spasm. His body took over, and he continued to make small jabbing quick thrusts deep in my hole as what felt like liquid heat shot into my ass. Volley after volley of Sam's cum was shooting in my ass as his hips involuntarily fucked the hot load into the walls of my ass as he continued to shoot. His cock spasmed profusely, flexing again and again with each spurt of cum that shot out of his cock.

Pulling back just enough to hit my prostate dead on, Sam thrust hard again, and my body lost control. My hole clamped down on Sam's cock and started to spasm uncontrollably as my cock fired my cum in between our bodies. I was shooting hard and fast. I could feel my cock flexing against his abs as his cock continued to pulse and fill my hole up.

"Awww fuck, your hole is milking my dick!"

We both continued to shoot our loads. Sam had to be on his 8th or 9th shot by now as I was on my 4th or 5th. I didn't know if I'd ever stop shooting. His orgasm finally subsided, and he fell on top of me exhausted. My cock gave out one more spurt and then let the rest ooze out between our bodies. Sam finally looked up at me and kissed me. We continued to kiss the most gentle and compassionate kiss ever. Our bodies were glued together by my cum and were attached by his cock rooted deep inside me.

Not loosing his hard on, Sam slowly pushed in and out, doing small strokes inside my ass and working his cum into my ass chute. Uncontrollably, I clenched my pucker around his cock, and he moaned as more cum oozed out his piss slit. He continued to stroke his cock inside my ass and work his cum into me. I felt like this was perfect, that this was the way it was meant to be. Sam's cock worked his essence into my body and my body relished in the fact that this hot stud had just made love to me and marked me as his territory with his very seed.

Sam finally relinquished the kiss and smiled at me. I smiled back. "That was amazing! I've never cum so hard in my life. We're all slick from my cum and our sweat."

"That's not the only place you're slick." To emphasize his point, Sam stroked again in my ass. My ass was making squishing sounds from all the cum that he had shot in there. "I'm going to pull out now." As he pulled out, my hole felt like it was gaping open, and I instantly felt his cum running out and down my ass crack and falling to the bed. Plenty more of his cum oozed out and dribbled off my ass before my hole tightened up to save the rest inside me. It was my treasure from having my cherry popped.

"Wow, I shot a lot. I mean, I normally do, but I shot a fucking huge load inside you. Thankfully, I don't see any pinkness in the cum that's oozed out or around your hole, so I didn't rip you. That's why you rim to open someone up, so that they can take a big cock and not bleed from the fucking."

"Sam, it felt like your ripped me in two! Your cock is so fucking big. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom so bad. I hope that doesn't gross you out."

"No, it's a natural feeling. You'll get used to it and be able to tell the difference soon enough. And, you're the one with the big cock, mister."

I giggled, "Yeah, but you're right there with me. Oh wow, that was amazing!"

"I'm not going to lie; I think that was the most intense sex I've had, Joey. There's definitely some connection between the two of us. I probably shouldn't have cum inside you, but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to breed you so badly that my cock just took over."

"I'm glad you did. I trust you, Sam. I don't think it would have felt the same had you not cum inside me. It felt like you were scalding my insides, and then it got super slick as your cock stroked into me. Shit, I'm making myself hard again just thinking about it."

Sam laughed, and so did I. "Good! Because the night is just beginning. Round 1 - Cherry Popping? Check! Round 2 - Hour Long Sloppy Seconds? Coming up!"

To be continued...


Please practice safe sex. Although bare sex feels better, it's not worth your life. Remember this is fiction, so the characters can live more freely than real people can. Chapter seven is on it's way. I hope you enjoyed Joey's cherry being popped. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 7

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