Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Sep 12, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a home-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter IV

"Hmmm. Precum lipstick. That's so hot. You like wearing me, Joey?"

As I parted my lips to answer a drop of cock juice fell in my mouth onto my tongue instantly making my taste buds sing. My tongue instinctively went out and wet my lips bringing more delicious precum into my mouth moaning as I did so. "Yes, I do. I love how you're making me feel."

"Do you like my taste? I noticed you licking your lips."

"You taste wonderful. It's sweet and salty at the same time. Can I have some more?"

"I'll do better than that. I'll let you drink from the source."

He smirked at me and then smiled. I smiled back at him and moaned at the thought of finally getting his cock in my mouth. I'm sure Sam could see the lust in my eyes. I know I could see it in his. A huge drop of cock juice fell from his cock onto my lips, and I quickly licked up the splattering drop reveling in the taste. Sam noticed and just smirked again.

"Ok, Joey. Open wide!"

Chapter V

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. Sam and I had just met less than 24 hour ago, and now he's perched on top of my chest looking down at me with his thick cock in his hand stroking it as he is preparing to teach me how to suck cock. I was raging hard myself and dripping profusely waiting in anticipation of my first time.

Sam pointed his cock at my parted lips and pushed into my open mouth. I immediately spread my mouth wider to accommodate his girth and length. Sam got a little too excited at my willingness, and he pushed in deeply hitting the back of my throat. My gag reflex instantly kicked in as Sam started to apologize while also having a wicked smile creep across his face.

"You're gonna learn to be face fucked before the night's over, and you'll be able to deep throat my cock all the way to my trimmed bush."

I just muffled an affirmative response as Sam's cock was still in my mouth. He pushed in again and this time went slow. Each time my gag reflex hit, he'd back out a little. He even would reach down and wipe away the tears forming in the corner of my eyes caused by gagging on his cock. We settled into a nice steady rhythm of these kind of strokes, and I noticed that Sam's cock was gaining deeper passage into my throat over time.

"God, you look so beautiful choking on my cock! I love seeing a guy having trouble handling all of my meat. But I must say, you're a quick learner." A distorted smile spread across my face. I was so happy that I was making Sam happy. Knowing how hot this was making him made my cock spasm causing me to leak more cock juice onto my stomach. "You can touch my body if you want to."

I reached up with both of my hands and put them on Sam's rib cage. I ran them up and down gently caressing his sides. Sam involuntarily squirmed as I realized he was a little ticklish. So, I gently tickled Sam again. Same looked down at me while grabbing my hands and said, "No, tickling. You can enjoy my body, but don't tickle me again! OK?" I nodded as Sam pulled his cock out of my mouth a little before slowly pushing back deeper into my throat.

My hands migrated over to Sam's abs and ran up and down the taut muscles feeling their hardness and power as they flexed when he thrust in and out of my throat. I ran my hands upward and cupped the bottom curve of each of his pecs. Sam's nipples were a dark pink next to his tanned skin and about the size of quarters. I rubbed my hands upwards over his pecs caressing them lightly and squeezing to feel the firmness of his chest.

As I ran my hands back down, my left hand grabbed Sam's right nipple and gave it a gentle tweak. He moaned loudly, and my right hand quickly tweaked his left nipple eliciting another deep moan. Each time I did that Sam's cock flexed in my mouth. I decided to see what kind of reaction both nipples would get while adding a little more force. Sam grunted and involuntarily thrust forward as his cock expanded and produced a huge dollop of precum on my tongue.

Sam just looked at me and smiled. "My nipples are directly linked to my cock. You keep playing with them like that and you'll get a huge load of cream down your throat." I moaned while tweaking and twisting Sam's pert nipples having the same effect. My taste buds again received the sweet treat of Sam's cock juice as his cock flexed deep in my mouth. I could feel his moans throughout my body as the vibrations from them carried from his body into mine.

"I could get used to this. I think you're a natural born cock sucker. You're making me feel so good. I wanna give you a huge load to taste on and swallow down that tight throat of yours."

"Mmmmm..." was all I could manage as he slides in further causing my gag reflex to hit again. Amazingly enough his patience and constant probing of my throat had allowed me to take about three-fourths of his cock. I slipped my hands lower and gave Sam a quick tickle while grinning as best as I could so he could see how playful he was making me.

"Oh, no you don't. I warned you about that, and now you're gonna pay for it." Sam roughly pushed forward into my mouth and hit the back of my throat hard. I started to cough, and Sam held himself there. "I told you no tickling, boy. Here comes the consequences of your actions."

He pulled back enough to let me gasp for air. My lungs quickly filled, and he took advantage of my new wind and grabbed my head an pulled up on the back of my head as he shoved his cock deep in my throat. He shoved so hard and fast that his entire cock was in and down my throat. His balls had pulled up just a little, but they still had plenty of swing room left as the came in under my chin slapping me there.

My coughing and teary eyes turned Sam on as he repeated this deep, full-cocked stroke over and over letting up only when I needed air. He was also moaning and producing precum like a leaky faucet directly down my throat. My coughing caused my throat muscles to spasm gripping and stroking his cock deep in my throat.

I moved my hands to Sam's hips to push back to let him know I was feeling like I was going to get sick. He reluctantly let up and pulled his cock free from my mouth. His cock was covered in my spit and not a single spot of his big cock was dry. Glistening from my spit, his cock continued to leak cock juice which fell onto my neck.

"I'm sorry, Joey. I got carried away. At first it was just to be a playful face fuck thrust, but then your throat felt so good spasming and squeezing my cock that I couldn't help it. You sure know how to take a cock and make it feel good."

"It's ok. I was enjoying it myself. I never thought I'd be able to take all of you. It felt like some large piece of food was lodged deep in my throat. But, I liked it because I could see how much you were enjoying it, not to mention taste how much enjoyment. You taste extremely good, much better than I thought it would taste."

Sam smiled and pushed just the head of his cock back into my mouth. I eagerly licked his piss slit clean of precum. As I did that, more just oozed out. I pushed my tongue in between the tight confines of his foreskin and swirled my tongue around his head. Sam moaned again, so I tweaked both of his nipples as I continued to swirl my tongue as his eyes rolled back into his head. It was like I had just turned on the faucet more as a constant flow of sweet precum slid down my tongue into my throat.

"You're the best cock sucker I've ever had. I can't believe how good you are at this so quickly. Most guys can't take all of my cock, and forget about the girls. They just lick it like a lollipop much less take even half of it in their mouth. I'm going to fuck your gorgeous face some more, so get ready." I quickly pulled my hands from Sam's nipples and placed them back on his hips. But, he grabbed them and moved them to his ass cheeks. He knew what he was doing, even though I didn't at the time. I just went with the flow.

Sam started thrusting into my throat again gently pushing deeper each time. I could feel the power in his body and specifically in his thrusts as his ass muscles flexed with each thrust and relaxed with each withdrawal. I don't know how he knew, but he did, and I finally couldn't take Sam's cock teasing any more. I grabbed his ass hard right as his timing called for a thrust, and I pulled his hot ass into my face forcing his big cock down my throat. I just moaned around his turgid meat, and Sam realized I was ready to submit to his cock again.

He continued his assault on my throat only coming out long enough to let my lungs fill with air when I needed it. He was lost in the moment, and so was I. I continued to pull him into me roughly wanting his cock deeper and deeper down my throat. My mouth and throat was coated in his cock juice and my spit as Sam quickly built up a little sweat. His body started to glisten. I kept one hand on his firm flexing ass and moved my other to his right nipple. I tweaked his nipple hard while pushing his ass toward me causing his cock to go deep in my throat as his pelvis ground against my lips. Sam groaned loudly and pulled my hands off of him as he pulled his cock out of my mouth quickly.

I looked at him and noticed his breathing was sporadic. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just trying to will my balls to stop wanting to shoot this huge load I have got built up."

"What? You were about to cum? Why didn't you just shoot it, Sam? I want to make you cum. I want to taste it on my tongue and in my mouth. You're precum is just teasing me for the real thing."

"Shhhh! You'll make me shoot if you continue to talk like that. I don't want to blow just yet. I want to make this last a while." Sam's eye lids were closed tight as his body was perched above mine. Sam was squeezing the base of his cock and it was making it swell. I strained my neck upward and licked the huge dollop of cum that was pooled at his piss slit. Sam moaned and gasped as his eye lids sprang open looking at me. An evil grin spread across his face, "You sure do want it, huh? You're going to make such a good cum slut!"

"I'll be anything you want me to be as long as we can do that again!"

"Spoken like a true cum slut already." Sam looked at me and smiled. I couldn't help but smile back at this extremely sexy hunk towering over my body with his leaking cock inches above my face. "But, I have a better idea."

Sam pulled himself out of his stance and up from my chest. He laid his body back on top of mine and started kissing me. His tongue was lighting me on fire. The kisses were so passionate and deeply primitive. I could feel his need in his kisses, and his need fueled my desire to fulfill his need.

As if on cue, or by reading my thoughts, Sam started to thrust into my body again. I ran my hands up and down his back while gripping his flexing ass cheeks as he thrust more and more. Our kisses became more animalistic, and his thrusts grew harder causing me to moan more and more as his balls continued to pummel my taint. My lust for this act only grew more as he continued to thrust at me more quickly. Our cocks were coating each other in precum. I don't think I had ever leaked like that in my life.

Sam used his thrusts and bent knees to push my thighs up and away from him. Naturally, my body pulled my lower abdomen up, and Sam's thrusts got harder as his balls slapped lower onto my taint and then lower still onto the bottom of my ass cheeks. My thighs were up in the air at this point, and Sam pulled back enough on his hips and angled his thrust lower. As his body sank back down toward mine, his cock head quickly jabbed at the middle of my taint.

Using my thighs as leverage by gripping them right below my knees, Sam pushed back causing my body to go higher, pulling my ass up as he thrust down again. This time Sam's cock hits right at the junction of my ass cheeks and taint. I couldn't help but moan at his power and sexual prowess. Sam pulled back again, pushing forward even more on my thighs, and on his downward thrust, his cock head made direct contact with my asshole which had become exposed with my legs being so high and apart in the air.

Simultaneously, we moaned. Sam released his grip on my thighs from the back of my knees as he leaned forward, his chest blocking my thighs from coming down and making them rest on his chest as he kissed me deeply. This kiss was more than animalistic. It was carnal with sexual desire. We writhed our tongues and bodies. Sam's hips thrust again, and he hit my asshole dead on. It was as if his cock head had a missile guidance system targeting in on my hole.

Sam's thrusts became quicker and a little harder. I felt my hole getting very slick from all the cock juice he was leaking there. I can't help but moan into his mouth as his tongue invades my mouth. I can tell from his reciprocal moan that not only does his tongue like invading my mouth, but his big cock was obviously wanted to invade my virgin ass.

Quickly thrusting over and over at my hole, the cock juice Sam's cock was leaving at my hole was making it slippery and wet making squishing sounds each time his cock head made contact with my tight hole. His thrusts started to feel more forceful now. He was also leaving his head at my hole longer while slowly pushing in further. My hole was starting to relent to his constantly wet thrusts as his cock head was slipping deeper and deeper into my sphincter each time.

I was nervous at Sam's actions because I know what he wants from me. I long to give it to him, but I'm also afraid at how much it'll hurt. I think Sam felt my tentativeness and stopped kissing me. But, he left his cock head at my hole gently pushing the tight confines of my clenched rosebud. "Are you ok? We don't have to do this if you're not ready."

"I'm ok. I want this; I really do. But, I'm afraid it's going to hurt. Oh God, Sam, I want you inside of me. I want you to be my first. I want you to take my cherry and pop it like only you can. Will you show me what it feels like to be fucked?"

Same moaned and more precum leaked from his cock. He gently rocked his hips in a circular motion working the cock juice into my skin and putting just the slightest bit more pressure on my hole. "I will not fuck you. You don't need your first time to be a fuck. You need someone to make love to you on your first time, Joey. I will do that, if that's what you want. I will make love to you."

"Yes, please! But, go easy on me. You've got a big piece of meat there."

"Don't worry, sexy man! I'm going to treat you just right. I'm going to gently open you up, slowly making my way into you until your opened enough and willing to accept it with as little pain as possible. Do you know what rimming is?"

"No, what is it?"

"'re about to find out!" Sam's wicked grin returned. "Don't scream my name out in pleasure to loudly. We don't want our neighbors to know how much of a cock whore, cum slut, you are." Sam leaned back down and passionately kissed me. During the entire conversation, he continually leaked more precum at my hole and continued to move his hips in circular motions working his cock juice into my rosebud like a salve.

My hole was very wet and squishy, and Sam pushed in just a little harder forcing his cock a little deeper in me. I could feel my hole start to give way to his big head. More cock juice and a little more thrusting and Sam worked his head into my sphincter. My hole closed around his head quickly and tightly as I gasped out at the pain.

Sam leaned over and kissed me gently and held my face tenderly as he kissed me until the pain subsided. "Oh my God, I don't think I can do this. It hurts a lot. I'm sorry, Sam. I want to, please believe me I do, but it hurts a lot."

"It's ok. I didn't mean to slip into you, but again I don't think I could help it. My cock was on auto-pilot. But, you know what this means?" I shook my head negatively. "It means that your body is wanting and willing to open to me with just precum and some gentle thrusting. Trust me, Joey. Once I start to rim you and get you ready, you'll be able to take me easily. It won't hurt like it just did. But, I must pull out, so I can rim you. I just want to warn you as tightly as you're gripping my cock head it's going to hurt as I pull out, so steady yourself."


Sam started to pull his cock head out, and it felt as if he was pulling my asshole from the inside out with him as he pulled out. I scrunched up my face in pain, and he leaned down to kiss me gently over and over on the lips and cheeks. He was apologizing between kisses telling me how sorry he was for making me feel this pain.

"I've only been with one other virgin and that was a girl. But, I should have known better than to try this first without trying to rim you and open you up first. That's my fault. I promise I'll make it feel better." As he finished, his head popped out of my tightly gripping hole. I sighed in relief and a tear ran down from my eye.

"Shhh! It's going to be ok. I promise." Sam kissed me so sweetly and softly. I felt so safe with him and lucky to be with him. He pulled back and wiped my tear off my face. Once again, his gorgeous smile spread across his face, and I smiled back at him feeling comforted and loved.

To be continued...


Chapter six is going to get steamy. Sorry for the teaser in this, but I couldn't help it. I wanted the story of Joey's virginity to be an entire chapter to itself. I hope you enjoyed it and are anxious to hear about Joey's cherry being popped. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 6

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