Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Sep 5, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a home-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter III

I looked at Sam and saw how sincere he was being. I tried searching his eyes and face for a clue of how he wanted me to respond, but he had a great poker face. I even smiled shyly at him to see if that would elicit a response, but he remained very serious. Finally, I sighed and said, "Yes, Sam it makes sense."

"OK, so knowing that and agreeing to what I just said as being logical, do you want to continue what we were doing, Joey?"

As I went to open my mouth to answer, Sam interrupted my soon-to-be response by saying, "Either way Joey, we'll still be friends and good roommates. This isn't going to change how we live together." I hesitated to let my response slip out and thought again about Sam's words. Should I have my first time with someone I barely know? Should I have my first time with someone I have to live with for the rest of this school year? Should I do this knowing that Sam may not be able to take it to the next level? My mind was racing back and forth. What should I do?

Chapter IV

Sam had just dropped a bomb on me. I was in the middle of enjoying my first time playing with another guy, and it was a hot guy at that. As I reflected back, I had just realized that it almost felt as if Sam and I were on a date. Sam and I had gone to eat and then went on a campus tour. I had come out to him and he told me he was bi, so we were both feeling open and honest with each other.

We went back to our dorm and watched some movies, chilled, and just got to know each other even better. The date seemed like it was continuing, even as Sam made it hotter by getting down to his underwear. I couldn't help but look at his hot body, and he knew I wanted it.

Sam even made a move, although I didn't know it. He got me to start jacking him off! I was absolutely enticed by the offer and my hormones took over. His beautiful, thick, uncut cock had to be around 7.5" long, and his huge balls hung so low, I was amazed at what luck I was having. Then, the date went bad. Sam had me stop, and he made me think about what was going on.

I mean I appreciate what he was doing and making it my choice, but it also made me realize the gravity of the situation. I sat there and thought, and I could see the concern start to spread across Sam's face. I probably was taking longer than he was anticipating me to respond. He shifted his weight off of his forearms and pushed himself forward to sit up.

As Sam's body straightened out, I couldn't help but look at his body. His abs flexed as he brought his torso forward, and his cock had lost some hardness and softened enough to rest on his thigh. It was then that I saw the pool of precum that had collected below his belly button start to slide slowly down his lower stomach and came to rest near the top of his neatly trimmed pubic hairs. It was a stark contrast to his cool smooth skin seeing the shiny wet track the cock juice had left on his stomach as it moved down.

Unconsciously, I licked my lips and sighed. I had my answer, and it was if Sam's body reactions had confirmed my decision. As I started to tell Sam my decision, he said, "Joey, I can see that I've obviously upset you. That was not my intention. Please understand that I am very much attracted to you. But, I don't think I could live with myself if you ended up feeling like I was taking advantage of you. I want you to make this decision independent of my influence and the influence of being overtaken by your hormones in your first sexual encounter.

"I'm sorry if I've ruined this for you, but I don't want you to have to deal with your first time being anything close to what mine was like. I want you to have a choice in this, and I want you to make an informed and conscious decision."

"You haven't ruined anything for me. I was scared when you stopped me because I thought I had done something wrong. Now, I know that you were only thinking about me and my feelings. I do have to say how much I admire you and want to thank you for your insight in thinking about me and stopping what we were doing."

"I understand. It's ok. I know why you have decided not to continue, and like I said earlier, I respect what your choice is. I promise you, this will not affect our friendship nor or living situation. I'm glad to have you as a friend and roommate. I think we'll have a great year together and become great friends."

I sighed and looked up at Sam. He was visibly hurt, but putting on a strong front for my benefit. I couldn't help but notice that he was now completely soft and the precum pool had started to dry even though his thigh now had a mark from the remaining drops that had oozed out there as his cock softened. He really was a sexy guy, and I was lucky to have such an understanding guy as a roommate.

"I appreciate your honesty and your concern over my feelings. It truly does mean a lot to me, especially after how open I've been with you today. I never thought I'd be coming out on my first day of college, but I felt comfortable telling you...."

"And, I am glad that you told me, and I'm glad that you felt comfortable enough to tell me. I don't want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. As roommates, we need to be open and honest with each other if we're going to have a good year together as roommates."

"Sam, I do appreciate your concern, but please don't interrupt me. I'm trying to get this out, and I want to tell you exactly what I'm thinking. I want you to understand. OK?"

Sam nodded his consent. This time he was the one who looked like a hurt puppy looking down at the bed instead of at me. It hurt me to see him so dejected, but I sighed and continued, "Like I was saying, it means a lot to me that you cared enough to make me stop and think about this. It tells me that you're a good person who doesn't want to hurt people. It also tells me that in just a short amount of time of us knowing each other, you do care for me. You care about remaining friends and that you want us to be able to continue being roommates.

"After you said what you said though, it gave me great pause to think about what we were doing. I was about to tell you my decision when you interrupted me and told me that you didn't want it to affect our friendship or our living situation. So, I thought some more, and when I went to tell you my decision, you spoke before I had the chance to tell you that I wanted to stop."

Sam just shook his head and tried to look up at me, but he obviously didn't feel comfortable enough to hold my gaze and looked down again with hurt in his eyes. "Then you told me how much you didn't want to upset me and that you didn't want me to feel like you were taking advantage of me. It was then that I realized that you truly do care and wanted nothing but the best for me. That's when I decided that I was wrong to want to stop. I realized that you, being as sweet and as caring as you are, put my needs before your own.

"In doing so, you made me understand that you weren't really just trying to get off. You do care about me. Sam, I would be a fool not to want to be intimate with someone who cares enough about me to stop me and make sure it's something that I wanted." Sam had now looked up at me as what I was saying was sinking in. "You showed compassion, honesty, vulnerability, and true empathy for me. And, as much as I was enjoying what we were doing, that act alone shows me that there's more to what we have than just being roommates.

"You have told me that you've never been attracted this quickly to a guy. I've never been this attracted so quickly to anyone, nor have I felt this close to anyone so soon after meeting them. I think there's more going on here than just a good friendship. I know I'm asking a lot, but I really would like to explore what's going on between us. At the very least Sam, I think we owe it to ourselves to make sure we're not missing out on something that could be meant to be."

Sam's face was blank. He was not giving me any signs of what he was going to say or how he was going to react. "So, let me get this straight. You aren't mad at what we did, and you were going to tell me that you had decided not to continue. But, after my pleas of not wanting to hurt you, you realized that I care for you, and that made you want to continue because you feel a connection between us?"

"Yes. That's a pretty succinct way of putting all of what I just rambled into a few sentences." I smiled at Sam. I couldn't help myself. He slowly smiled back.

"Umm, wow. I'm at a loss for words. I didn't realize I was feeling what I was feeling until you said how you were feeling. I think you're right, Joey. There is a definite connection between the two of us. I don't know any other way to describe it than that. I would be lying to myself and to you if I said that I didn't want to explore it too."

I'm not sure if we were thinking the same thing, or if it's just what two friends naturally do when they've gone through a rough situation with each other. But, we both stood up and hugged each other. It felt like the natural thing to do and like something that we both needed. I realized then that I had started to tear up at Sam's words, and my eyes were a little wet.

We hugged each other tight. It felt so comfortable, so peaceful, and so right. Sam's head naturally landed on my shoulder, and I let my head rest on top of his as we embraced. His arms were wrapped so tightly, yet gingerly around my back, and my hands were naturally wrapped around his back crossing across his body and grabbing on near his waist. We said nothing as we just held each other.

Slowly, I started to feel the heat radiate from Sam's body and skin into my own. The closeness of our touch had melted our bodies together almost as if we were one. Yet, I could distinctly feel his pecs and nipples rubbing up against my chest and his flat stomach slowly expanding out as he breathed and pushed into mine. I also distinctly felt his package resting in between my thighs right below my package. I had never felt this close to anyone in my life.

I lifted my head off of Sam's, and as I did, Sam raised his head. We looked into each other's eyes and spoke of nothing. I just stared into each Sam's eyes getting lost in the depth of them. I leaned down and closed my eyes as my lips pressed against his. It was a soft, gentle kiss. I felt the softness of Sam's lips pressed against my own, and my heart fluttered.

As I went to pull away, Sam's right hand quickly left my upper back and came to the back of my neck. He gently pushed me back to him, and we kissed again. His lips parted slightly, and by instinct, mine did as well. I felt his tongue slowly push against my lips, and I opened my mouth more. I invited Sam's tongue in, and our tongues met and started to passionately dance in my mouth. I felt sparks of electricity as he kissed me. I became brazen and wanted to push back and feel what the inside of his mouth felt like.

We continued to French kiss, breaking only fractions of a second to move mouths in different positions so that our tongues could continue to swirl around each other. I was so lost in the kiss and our passion that I hadn't noticed my body was reacting for me. I was getting hard again and straining at the fabric in my boxer briefs as my cock pushed its way between the tight confines of our two bodies. Again, my body naturally reacted for me and my right hand slipped down and gently grabbed Sam's tight ass. It was firm yet soft to the touch and had a nice squeeze to it as I pulled his body closer to mine.

Sam's body was reacting too! As I pulled him closer to me, I felt his cock slide underneath my boxer briefs pouch and poke right between my thighs. It's almost as if his cock was supporting my pouch. The heat emanating from his cock was searing the skin of my inner thighs. Sam just moaned as my hand continued to apply a gentle squeeze to his ass and his cock pushed against my skin. My cock twitched inside my underwear, and this time I couldn't help but moan into his mouth as we continued our French kiss.

Sam reluctantly pulled away and looked into my eyes. Seeing this sexy guy look at me after sharing a very passionate kiss was melting me. My left hand naturally fell to his other butt cheek as the distance between our chests increased. I couldn't help but caress its firmness as well, and my cock jumped again. "That was an amazing kiss, but I'm dying to know. I feel it against my body pulsing, and it's driving me wild. How fucking big are you?"

I smiled an evil grin. I knew I was bigger than most guys, but this is really the first time I relished in the feel of how it was driving someone else crazy. Many girls had tried to get with me in high school as rumor had spread about my size, but none of them did anything for me. Even the mom from earlier in the hall had no effect on me. But, Sam, he was a different. Being bi, he had his choice of anyone really. But, he wanted to do stuff with me and was curious about me.

"Sam, I don't know. I've never actually measured it. I was so ashamed from being teased so much that it never really mattered to me. But, since we're on the subject, how big are you?" I said as I pulled my thighs together to engulf his cock head and trap it between my thighs. He moaned, and I felt a drop of his precum stick to my thigh.

"Well, I'm a little over 7.5 inches. My last girlfriend said I should just round up since I measure right at 7.75 inches. She said when I cum I get bigger anyways, so I should just say I'm 8" but that feels like cheating," Sam chuckled and smiled at me. "But, either way, we need to find out how big you are."

"We do, huh? And just how do you plan on doing that?" I said sarcastically.

Sam looked into my eyes and an evil grin spread across his face. "Oh, Joey, there are so many ways that I can do that. But, the best way is to get out a fabric ruler and see how you measure up." He just continued to smile.

"And you just happen to have a fabric ruler on you, right?" I said again sarcastically. He grinned even more. "What? You do not have a fabric ruler here at college." He just remained quiet. "Are you kidding me? You have a fabric ruler here? Were you a boy scout, Sam Pham? Always be prepared, huh?"

"Oh I'm prepared. But, I want to do something first."

"What's that?"

"Can I watch you take your underwear off? I want to be able to watch as you unwrap yourself for me to see."

I just laughed. "You want to see it that bad, huh? Well, what are friends for if not to help out their friends in getting their wishes. Sit back on the bed and watch the show."

As Sam pulled away from my grasp, a strand of his cock juice connected us for a brief moment until the distance was too great. I felt the strand fall onto my thigh. Sam felt the connection too and looked down and chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

Sam giggled, "It looks like I'm marking my territory already!" Sam smiled that cute grin at me.

"I like the sound of that. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I like the thought of belonging to someone. It sounds good."

"Well, I plan on marking you a lot more tonight, so I'm glad you're comfortable with the idea. Besides I don't think there's any way I'd ever be able to take your monster. I'm surprised your underwear hasn't shredded yet," said Sam as he pointed to the obvious strain my cock was making in my boxer briefs.

As Sam sat down on the bed, he was very intently staring at my bulge. It was obvious that I was hard, and it was obvious that I was big. My cock had pushed to the side and was almost pushing past the edge of my hip bone. I couldn't help myself and I grabbed my cock near the base and squeezed. Sam's eyes got bigger, and I just laughed.

"You're almost as bad as that mom from earlier. Do you like big dicks?"

"Ha ha, seeing as how I have one myself, I do. But, like I said, you're too big to be doing anything like that with me. But, I'd gladly see how far I can get it down before my gag reflex hits." Sam smirked at me and chuckled at the reaction my cock had as it jumped from Sam's lewd comments.

I quickly thought that as much stuff as I had read about sex, Sam was experienced and could easily beat me in battle of teasing each other sexually. I also thought just how hot he looked resting his back against the wall as his cock jutted out proudly from his body. It looked as if his precum had started again as his cock twitched a little.

"So, I'm waiting, Mr. Man? Can I see what's behind Door #1, please?" said Sam.

"Your wish is my command." I slowly ran my hands from the top of my pecs down my stomach and pulled the elastic band away from my body letting one hand go further in and grab my cock. My hand and cock were covered in the fabric. But as my hand went in and pushed down the pouch a little, my neatly trimmed bush came into view.

Sam raised his head up and forced his eyes down to see if he could see over the ridge of my underwear. He was so cute, so I decided to tease him a little. I squeezed again and purposefully moaned loud and seductively. Sam gasped, and licked his lips. "Do you like this?"

"Oh yes, I do. I especially like the wet spot you just made when you squeezed." I hadn't realized it but I was leaking myself pretty hard. Sam's cock twitched and oozed out more cock juice as well. His excitement was turning me on, so I asked him if he was ready. He just nodded, his eyes never leaving my crotch.

I pulled my hand out and grabbed the other side of the elastic band and I pushed down. My hard cock sprang out and pointed out toward Sam. My cock never truly went up against my stomach like Sam's did. I guess it was from the weight of it, but I could never get it to point completely up. It definitely pointed out more. Unlike Sam though, my balls remained close to the base of my cock. I didn't have a huge sac like Sam did, but my balls were a good size.

Sam's eyes were almost bugging out of him. "Joey, that's one massive cock. You have to be at least 9" or more. I love how your dick sticks out and curves down a little. It almost makes a nice arc."

"Is that a good thing?"

"It is if you're fucking someone doggy style. You'll hit their prostate every time for sure."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you newbie! I'm going to have to teach you everything, aren't I?" he said as he smiled up at me with that evil grin again.

"I sure hope so. Soooo?"

"So, what?"

I chuckled again. "Aren't you going to measure it, Sam? I mean that's why you wanted me to whip it out right?"

"Huh, oh....yeah, right!" Sam jumped up and went to his dresser and grabbed a small wooden cigar box. He shuffled through and pulled out the fabric measuring tape all rolled up. "Here we go, setting a new world record. This is a historic event ladies and gentlemen."

"Shut up, you! Just measure me before I start to go soft again."

"Oh, I'll make you hard, don't worry." Sam smiled impishly and raised one eye brow at me. He came over to me and grabbed the middle of my cock as he leaned in and kissed me. His kiss was amazing, but the touch of his hand on my cock made me groan loudly. It was my first time being touched by anyone down there.

Sam expertly squeezed my cock as he pushed back into my crotch until his griping fist rested up against my pubes. I moaned again in his mouth as his tongue was swirling and dancing with mine. He then pulled his hand back up and over the arc my cock made and went down to my cock head. Again, his grip was just the right strength.

Sam stroked my cock two more times like this, slowly and intently. On the third down stroke to my cock head, Sam moved his pinky finger around to the tip of my cock, putting his pinky right at my piss slit and covered his finger in the essence oozing from my cock. He slowly moved his super slick finger all around my cock head spreading my precum all over and making my cock jump and flare out the head even more.

It was too much for my senses to take. I pulled away from Sam's kiss, my eyes forced close with lust and a huge guttural moan escaped from my open mouth. As I opened my eyes and looked at Sam, he quickly pulled his hand away from my cock and backed away.

"Yah, I think that ought to do it." Sam's mischievous grin could not be more prominent. He intentionally got my cock raging hard so he could get the best measurement. "Let's see just how big this bad boy is."

Sam placed one end at the top of my cock resting against my pelvis. He told me to hold that end. He pulled the ruler up along the arc then down the arc and pulled the end around until it stopped at the edge of my dick head. Sam looked up and smiled, but I could also see some amazement in his eyes.

"I'm proud to announce the birth of a 10.5" baby boy. Congratulations, Joey!" Sam giggled. He was such a goof ball. "Now, let's see just how thick this bad boy is. I know you're head is pretty big, but what do you think is bigger, your head or the base?"

"Umm, probably the base. My fingers normally don't touch when I stroke it all the way down there."

"Had any other guy said that to me, I would have said he was full of shit. But damn, if I don't believe it's true for you," said Sam as he measured the circumference of my cock at its base. "And your cock is, wow, a little over 7" around."

"How much is a little?" Sam got closer and looked straight down to get an accurate measurement.

"It looks like an 1/8th of an inch."

"I can do better!" I purposefully made my cock expand by performing the muscle control you do when you stop your piss stream. I could feel the tape measure pull apart from where Sam had it held together. "What is it now, Sam?"

"Damn! It's 7.5 inches. You're almost as thick as I am long. You lucky bastard!"

"Sounds like you want to try it out."

Sam laughed out loud and had a little bit of nervousness to his laughter. "No, no. I don't think so. That big guy is going nowhere near my butt. Now my mouth can handle it, but my butt needs to remain tight. Your cock fucking me would make me looser than a two-dollar whore on a naval ship lost at sea."

I couldn't help but laugh at Sam's remark. He had a way with words and definitely making the situation funny. As I laughed my cock flexed even more in his hand. I could tell Sam was still holding on for a reason. I liked it and let him have his feel.

"Well, are you going to hold it all night or are you going to do something with it?"

"I was hoping that you'd want to continue stroking me. But, I can jerk you off too."

"Can't we do both? Please?"

"Joey, are you sure you want to continue? I will understand if you don't."

"You're fucking hot. You've got my cock raging hard. I'm going to start getting blue balls if I don't get off soon. Of course I want to continue. Now lie down and let me pick back up where we left off."

"Joey?" Sam asked as he sat back down on the bed.


"I want to do this with you so badly, but promise me one thing."


"If I start to do something that you don't want to do or you feel uncomfortable with, please stop me and tell me so. I will respect your limits and take this only as far as you want it to go. I want you to remember your first time and have it be special for you."

"You're so sweet! I can't believe how lucky I am to have a roommate like you." I couldn't help myself. I got on top of Sam resting my knees between his legs and my hands placed by his chest bracing my upper body. I leaned my torso down and kissed Sam deeply. Sam's arms quickly grabbed around my body and pulled me down longingly.

My body naturally gave way to Sam's pulling pressure. My hands went up toward Sam's face as I rested the weight of my torso on my forearms. Our chests touched again. Sam's pert nipples poked gently at my stomach. Our kiss continued long and deep with tongues fighting each other for dominance. Sam's arms continued to pull me into him. I pushed my knees out and let me body weight rest on Sam's body.

Our cocks instantly found each other in between our bodies' tight embrace. I thought Sam was hot already, but his cock was emanating heat like a fire against my cock and my stomach. His precum made a spot on my chest from where it touched as mine did on his. Sam moaned as the full weight of my body rested on his, and we were pulled together by gravity.

As we continued to kiss, Sam gently used his muscular body to push against me and make small thrusting movements into my body. This pushed his cock around on me and against mine. My body naturally reacted and started pushing back on him doing small thrusting movements. Our tongues were dancing, our bodies were writhing, and our cocks were grinding up against each other with the tips quickly slicking up as we pushed more cock juice out.

Sam pushed with the left side of his body, and I knew that he wanted me to roll over so he could be on top. Not letting go of my kiss with him, I rolled gently while moving my arms to Sam's back to pull him with me as I rolled. As we rolled over and I was completely on my back, Sam's balls fell over the top of mine and came down resting between my taint. His sac was covering my balls as well as allowing his big balls to hang beneath my balls.

It was then that I truly realized just how low Sam's nuts hanged down. I couldn't help it as his sac covered my balls and added more heat to our already friction filled action. I moaned out loud as Sam's balls lightly slapped my taint. Sam pulled away from our kiss and looked at me.

"Do you like that feeling?"

"I like them all, Sam. Which one are you referring to specifically?"

Sam pulled his hips back just a little and thrust down onto my cock and stomach. His balls pulled away as he did this, and they came back and gently slapped again at my taint. I again uncontrollably moaned. Sam looked absolutely evil as he smiled and said, "That feeling."

My eyes rolled back in my head as I thought of that specific feeling. I looked back at Sam with total lust-filled eyes and nodded sheepishly. Sam did it again, this time pulling away a little further and making his balls slap my taint a little harder. Again, a moan escaped my mouth before I could think.

"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise?" Sam smirked.


"My fucking roommate, who's hung bigger than most porn stars, wants to be topped like a little cum slut. You must be a natural bottom to like that feeling so much, Joey."

"I can't help it. It feels so good when you do it."

"Do what?"

"You know what! That thing you do....ugh! Oh God, Sam! That!" Sam's thrust this time was harder and his hefty balls came down for a good tap this time on my taint. "Please don't stop!"

"Oh, I don't know if I should continue," he said looking at me and smirking again.

"Sam, please. I've never felt anything.... Ugh! Oh fuck! You're driving me.... FUCK! Oh my fucking God! That feels sooo..... Uh! Hmmm!"

Sam continued to thrust into my body and stomach, his cock fighting with mine as his balls continued to slap against my taint. He kept doing this, varying his thrusts and thus how much his balls slapped against my taint. He was doing it so much and so frequent, I was left doing nothing but moaning and grunting.

Sam had complete control over my body and my reactions. His sexual dominance of my body was magical. I had never felt so connected in my life. He had stopped kissing me to watch my reactions to his thrusting. My head bobbed from side to side as he continued to mock fuck me. He was leaking copious amounts of precum now and my cock and stomach were covered. My own cock was leaking profusely as well adding to the mix.

Sam stopped his assault on me after about a good three minutes. He waited for me to come down of my lust-filled high and look at him. "Joey, you have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now!"

"Oh God. I want that too, but I'm scared. I've never done that."

"Shhh. Don't worry. I'm not going to. I just want you to know how much I want to be your first. How much I want to feel your ass wrapped around my cock squeezing it tightly. How much I want to feel your body melded with mine with your legs wrapped around me as I fill your hole with my cock, popping your tight cherry."

"Sam, that sounds fucking amazing. But, I'm still scared."

"I know. And we won't do that until you're ready, but I just wanted you to know."

Sam leaned down and kissed me passionately. My mind was racing as to how hot this was. How this felt so good. How hot Sam was and how lucky I was to have him as a roommate. Our tongues danced even more so. Sam resumed his assault, thrusting into my body, making his balls slap against my taint.

I again uncontrollably moaned in his mouth as he did this. His thrusts, his tongue, his body heat, and his overall sexiness just had me crazy with lust. I wanted to do whatever he wanted. I wanted to feel every bit of pleasure he could show me. I wanted Sam to be my first. I was lost in passion, lust, and pure sex.

Sam stopped again. He pulled away from me. I was still coming down from my high as I felt him push off my body and come down to straddle my chest. His legs lay next to my sides and his knees pushed into my arm pits. As Sam slowly lowered his body onto my chest, his balls hit first and rested right where my pec muscles meet in the middle and curve up to form that little crevice on my body. They quickly filled that and his sac billowed out and around my pecs.

His hot tight butt was resting right by my belly button. Again the heat from his body was scorching to me. It felt so good to have him this close to me. Sam looked down at me and just smiled. I know my eyes had to be wide with lust because I was looking up at this sexy man on top of my and his big cock right in my face. I unconsciously licked my lips, and Sam smirked.

"Do you want some of this, Joey?" Sam asked as I could see precum bubbling at his piss slit. I just nodded my head yes. Sam held his cock and pushed it onto my right cheek. A big drop of precum spilled out and stuck to my cheek. Sam slowly dragged his cock toward my lips. My lips slowly parted waiting for his cock, anticipating its arrival. As Sam pushed his cock toward my lips, he smeared a trail of cock juice across my face.

When he got close to my lips, Sam lifted up his cock and put it on my left check. Another drop of his essence and another smear across the cheek as he moved to my lips again. Pulling up once more, Sam dropped his cock right above my lips and rested his head on the tip of my nose. More precum dropped out onto my nose and slid down the right side. I couldn't help it! I stuck my tongue out and licked the underside of Sam's cock.

His cock involuntarily jumped and dropped another drop of precum on my nose. He quickly pulled it up and put a single finger to my face and waived it back and forth, telling me no. Sam was driving me crazy teasing me like this. I wanted to feel him in my mouth so bad. I wanted to taste his essence.

As if reading my mind, Sam said, "You want it bad, don't you? You want me to give you the pleasure of sucking on my leaking cock? You want to know what I taste like, to see if I'm any different from yours?"

"Yes, Sam, please!"

Sam started to lower his cock again, but this time he put it on my right check again. More of his essence leaked out. I swear he was fountain. His foreskin was down enough to cover most of his cock head but to leave plenty of room for the precum to flow out easily. Sam started to gently pull his cock up and then he pushed it back down quickly on my cheek, smacking my face with his cock. He moaned as he did so.

Sam repeated this a few times. My open mouth made the popping sound more hollow as he continued to smack his cock across my face. He pulled up and smacked the left side repeatedly. Big drops of cock juice were streaking my face now.

"Yeah, Joey. You look so hot! Your cheeks covered in my cock juice. I've marked my territory some more. Now, close your mouth."

I did exactly what Sam wanted. He pushed his cock toward my lips smearing his essence across my face as he did. His cock head touched my lips and he moved it back and forth over my pursed tight lips. He pulled it back and smacked my lips a little. A huge drop of precum came out, and Sam just smeared that all over my lips. The whole time I was watching Sam and his cock. He was enjoying this immensely. So was I for that matter.

"Hmmm. Precum lipstick. That's so hot. You like wearing me, Joey?"

As I parted my lips to answer a drop of cock juice fell in my mouth onto my tongue instantly making my taste buds sing. My tongue instinctively went out and wet my lips bringing more delicious precum into my mouth moaning as I did so. "Yes, I do. I love how you're making me feel."

"Do you like my taste? I noticed you licking your lips."

"You taste wonderful. It's sweet and salty at the same time. Can I have some more?"

"I'll do better than that. I'll let you drink from the source."

He smirked at me and then smiled. I smiled back at him and moaned at the thought of finally getting his cock in my mouth. I'm sure Sam could see the lust in my eyes. I know I could see it in his. A huge drop of cock juice fell from his cock onto my lips, and I quickly licked up the splattering drop reveling in the taste. Sam noticed and just smirked again.

"Ok, Joey. Open wide!" To be continued....


Chapter five is underway. I hope you enjoyed it and are anxious to see just how far Joey will go his first time. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 5

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