Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Aug 29, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a home-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter II

"Come on. Let's head back to the dorm room. We can talk along the way." Sam put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me next to his side, and we started walking back.

"So, you're bi? I take it you've had sex with both guys and girls?"

"Yes, Joey. I've had sex with both." Sam chuckled a little after saying this. "Guess the girls and the guys just can't get enough of me. Can you blame them?"

I started laughing at Sam and his mock humility. "There that's much better. You relax when you're laughing," said Sam as he smiled at me. I couldn't help but return his infectious smile. He really was cute when he smiled; it caused the perfect dimples and showed his perfectly white teeth.

"Yeah, Sam. I guess I do. So, you want to watch Die Hard, right?"

When Sam didn't answer right away, I looked up and realized that Sam was waiting for me to look back at him. "That sounds great, Joey. Like I said earlier, I'm always up for a little 'action.'" Sam's right eyebrow perked up, and he had a very mischievous grin on his face.

Chapter III

Sam's wicked look on his face and the double entendre from earlier made me start thinking again. Did Sam really want to play? My mind started racing a mile a minute. We continued our walk back to the dorm talking about Die Hard, and why we both liked the movie so much. We both admitted that Bruce Willis' comedy was the driving force that made the action so good because of how well his comedy lightened up the situation.

The dorm was still bustling with people moving into their new rooms. Our hall had quieted down some, but was still busy. I saw our RA passing us with arms loaded with stuff helping move in another hallmate. He nodded to both of us as we passed.

The mom I flashed earlier was saying goodbye to her son. She was hugging him and crying. She noticed me walking by, looked up, and blushed. Sam, never to miss a beat, poked me in the ribs and muttered under his breath, "She wants to see your soldier at attention."

I turned to Sam and told him to cut it out. He just laughed and said, "Well, it's true, and she's not the only one." Sam laughed and started to walk towards our room. I realized I was still standing there staring at him. When I stopped staring and looked back, I noticed that the mom was still staring at me. An evil idea brilliantly flashed in my mind.

I looked back at the mom, smiled, and grabbed my cock in my shorts making it obvious that I was grabbing myself while looking at her. Her mouth dropped open a bit, and she instantly flushed red all over her face. I just continued to smile and turned to walk away. I then heard a huge laugh coming from down the hall. Sam had caught me doing that and was laughing loudly at my boldness.

"What did she do?"

Jogging up to join him, I looked at him and chuckled. "Her jaw just dropped and she got all red. She knew she was caught wanting it. I can't believe I did that. I've never come onto a woman before, much less a mom."


I just laughed harder. "So, you think she's hot? Why don't you go show her what you've got? You've obviously got enough to please."

"How would you know?"

"You know what I mean, Sam. Besides, I'm sure our new hallmate wouldn't mind if you tagged his mom before she left." We both started laughing at my sarcasm and went to our room giggling the rest of the way. Sam opened the door, walked in, and held it open for me. When I walked past, he slapped my butt. I yipped a little at the unexpected pat and turned to scold him, but he already had his back to me closing the door. Two can play at this, and I slapped his butt as he closed the door.

Sam had a really firm butt. It almost stung my hand hitting him because his butt offered little room for movement. "Buns of steel, huh?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out? But, I rarely bottom. So, I guess you're just out of luck there."

"Sam, are you being serious? Are you really bi, or are you just yanking my chain?"

"Joey, trust me, if I was yanking your chain, you'd know it," he said while smirking. He walked by me, laid down on his bed and looked up. Sam's face turned more serious as he told me, "And yes, I'm seriously bi."

"OK, just making sure." I started looking for my copy of Die Hard in the box of DVDs that I had packed up. Of course it would be packed near the bottom of the box, but I finally got it. I turned around and showed it to Sam. He just smiled, and I went to the DVD player to put in the movie. I started the movie and turned around looking at our room.

I didn't want to get on my bed because it was too high up. I looked and guessed I was going to have to deal with the desk chair and sat there. My college dorm obviously wasn't meant for relaxation. But, I was going to make the best of it. I started to lean back in the chair a little to try and make it a little more comfortable.

The movie started, and we just started watching and enjoying the movie, commenting to each other every now and then about something that caught our attention or reminded us of something else. After about 30 minutes of the chair, I was getting really uncomfortable. I got up and pulled a pillow down from my bed and put it in the back of the chair. It helped, but the wood chair was still hard on my butt. Sam noticed my struggles and asked if I was ok. I told him the chair was a little too hard for comfort, but that I'd live. He jumped up, and pulled out a beanbag chair from under his bed. He said, "Try this. It should be much better." I sat down and was instantly more comfortable. I told Sam thanks.

He then went to his closet and pulled out some microwave popcorn. I have to admit I was watching Sam prepare the popcorn more than I was watching the movie. Sam really was a hot guy and the clothes he wore didn't leave much to the imagination. They weren't super tight, but they weren't baggy either. You could tell that he worked out and had a good physique. His butt filled out his shorts nicely and he had an obvious bulge where his cock and balls laid. Living with this hunk was going to be hard.

As if to tease me more, Sam started taking off his shirt and took off his shorts, leaving him just in his black Under Armor boxer briefs and a pair of white, ankle-high socks. The microwave beeped shortly after he was done disrobing, and the room became filled with the aroma of popcorn when he opened the microwave door. He down a big bowl from the shelf and put the popcorn in it. I'm not sure if Sam saw me or knew I was checking him out, but when he got back on the bed, he sat Indian style and put the popcorn bowl right between his legs while resting his back against the cool cement-block wall.

"Do you want some popcorn?"

"Sure, thanks!" I grabbed a handful of popcorn. Sam and I continued to watch the movie as we snacked on the popcorn. I had pushed the beanbag chair closer to his bed, so I could just reach up and grab some popcorn when I wanted some. The movie continued, and we both laughed and talked about it while munching on the popcorn. I was getting really relaxed and actually enjoying spending time with my roommate.

Die Hard finished. I jumped up and said, "Die Hard 2?" Sam nodded. So, I got the second movie and changed out the DVDs. As I did so, I wanted to get more comfortable myself, and I figured since Sam was already in his underwear, it wouldn't be weird if I got down to mine. So, I stripped down to my black with white seams, Tommy Hilfiger boxer briefs as the DVD previews and menu came up. When I was done, I hit the play button and settled down for another movie on the beanbag chair.

We started watching the movie and again settled into a routine of chatting about stuff in the movie, laughing, and sharing comments with each other. I then heard Sam's stomach rumble. I looked over quizzically, "Are you still hungry?"

"I can't help it. When I watch movies, my body is accustomed to eating popcorn. My mom always had popcorn when we watched movies. So, I'm just programmed to want it when I watch a movie. Would you like some more?"

"Sure, Sam. I hope you brought a bunch of popcorn. I have a ton of movies for us to watch."

Sam just laughed as he brought out the economy sized box of 100 bags of microwave popcorn. I had never seen such a huge box of popcorn before. "My mom knows how much I love the stuff. She bought this at Sam's Club and told me it was a sign to have that much popcorn in one box because she was there buying my college stuff at a store that bore my name."

"Well, I think that's plenty of popcorn."

"Yeah, I told her it should last the first week," Sam chuckled. I started laughing with him too. He grabbed another bag and put in the microwave. While he was putting back the big box of popcorn, I couldn't help but watch Sam more than the movie. Not only was he in his nice boxer briefs with his nice tight butt directly at my eye level, but he was standing on his tip toes to put the box back at the top of his closet. Standing like that made his ass muscles, quads, and calves all flex and become very taught and solid. His arms also stretching up flexed the muscles in his back and his deltoids flared out to reach the high spot. I giggled to myself that since Sam was 5'8", he had to stretch to reach something that was easy for me to reach at 6'1".

When Sam had finished pushing the box back and got off his tip toes, he did the typical guy thing and readjusted the way his package was resting. I'd seen this happen many times before and even do it myself, but for some reason, I started to get a little turned on watching Sam adjust himself. I quickly looked back at the movie so Sam wouldn't catch me watching him. The last thing I wanted was to get a boner from watching my roommate doing a simple task like making popcorn. I knew if he saw me hard that he tease me about it.

When the microwave beeped, Sam grabbed the bag out of the microwave and then reached over to the bed to grab the bowl. As he did so, he stretched out his torso. I could see the muscles under his skin ripple as they moved and his pecs flatten out and pull tight across his chest. I even saw his underarm hair. Something about that has always been sexy to me. I'm not a big fan of "man smell," but the underarms are a sexy part of the male body.

Sam put the popcorn in the bowl and laid down on his bed this time propping himself up with his pillows and put the popcorn bowl again between his legs. I reached in immediately and grabbed a handful. "Well help yourself there, Joey!"

"Sorry, Sam. I should have asked." I looked down at the ground like a little puppy being scolded.

"Joey, I'm just joking. I asked you if you wanted some, remember?"

"Yeah. I still should've asked. I was raised with better manners. I'm sorry," I said still facing the floor still feeling bad about lack of manners.

"Dude, it's ok." Sam put his hand on my shoulder. His warm hand on my skin brought my gaze back up to meet his. "Now, eat the fucking popcorn, shut up, and enjoy the movie." Joey smiled and gave a quick chuckle.

I smiled back and said, "Yes, sir!" We started watching the movie and enjoying the popcorn. It got to the part of the movie where Bruce Willis and the black guy from the airport tower went to the church and found the bad guys hiding out there. Sam must have been planning this, but when the church was blown up, he moved the popcorn bowl from between his legs and scooted toward the edge of the bed just a bit.

Since I was watching the movie and was distracted by the explosion, I didn't notice him move or shuffle since he was mainly out of my peripheral vision to begin with. As Bruce Willis was chasing the bad guys on the snowmobile, I reached over to grab another handful of popcorn. I ended up grabbing Sam's package!

Instantly aware of what I had done, I went to pull my hand away, but Sam grabbed it in mid-air and held it there. As my head was whipping around toward Sam and his grip on my hand, I saw that Sam was smirking. "Sam, what are you doing?"

"I think you know what I'm doing, Joey. I saw you checking me out when I was making the popcorn. As much as you'd like to think you're sly, coy, and can sneak a glance without being caught, your body speaks the truth for you. Dude, even a little chubby on you pushes out your underwear pouch. As big as your cock is, I don't think you hide quite as easily as you think you do. Seriously, you fill that thing to the brim when you're not hard. The slightest amount of excitement from you and the fabric is straining."

"Sam, I wasn't checking you out. I don't want you to get the wrong impression. I've never done anything like this. I don't know if I want to do something that might jeopardize our friendship." I sighed heavily and looked down at the floor again, the scolded puppy, because I knew Sam was right. "OK, so maybe I was checking you out." I sighed again and waited for Sam to say something, but he just stood there. I could feel his gaze burning into the sides of my face.

I finally got the courage to look at him, and I said, "It's not my fault though, Sam. I told you I thought you're hot, and you have to go and get half naked, stretch out your body and muscles in front of me, and then adjust your package right in my line of sight. Of course I'm going to get a chubby seeing something like that. Hell, I'm a virgin. Saying the word 'cock' sometimes makes my dick jump." I looked away again down to the floor and continued, "I didn't mean for this happen, Sam. I'm not sure what to do. This is not something..."

"Shhh, Joey. It's alright. I'm not upset with you at all. I actually wanted you to grab me."


"Shhh, just relax and follow my lead."

Sam took my hand again and placed it on his bulge. He made my hand rub up and down all over his package. I could feel him start to get hard underneath the cloth of his boxer briefs. Sam started to moan a little, and I was intently looking at his crotch. Sam moved his hand from being on top of mine. My hand instantly took over as if it had a mind of it's own and started to feel all over Sam's growing package. My hand went lower and felt his heavy balls and cupped them gently and gave a small squeeze which elicited a long groan from Sam.

Continuing upward, I released his balls and caressed the sides of the obviously growing shaft. I squeezed again as I stroked upward watching his shaft continue to push up and out from his body toward the waistband. It's as if his cock was inviting my upward squeezing stroke. The more I stroked up his shaft, the longer it kept growing, hardening, and pushing up and away his body until his tightly, stretched foreskin appeared from the top of his boxer briefs covering his thick cock head.

It didn't take long before Sam was rock hard and sticking a clear inch and a half out the top of his boxer briefs. I never let my hand actually touch his cock directly. I only touched him through his underwear, so that I was sure that this is what Sam wanted. I felt like touching him directly without his permission would violate what had already transpired between us. As I stroked upward another time, I got very close to his bare cock that was radiating heat. I was afraid I couldn't control myself, so I removed my hand.

Almost as if he could read my mind, Sam looked at me encouragingly, gave me a somewhat evil grin, and lifted up his ass from the bed and pushed his underwear down to his knees. His cock sprang up more to a 45 degree angle from his flat stomach now free of the confining elastic waistband. His huge and heavy balls fell heavily between his thighs and actually landed on the bed, resting there. I was amazed again at just how low his balls hung from his body. I only had myself as a reference and mine were always close and tight to my body.

Sam's cock involuntarily twitched a little at the cool air, and I saw a little and a drop of precum push out from the head of his cock and form a clear wet dome over his piss slit. His foreskin was still tight around the head, but letting about 1/3 of the tip of his cock head out from its protection. I liked my lips at the site of the precum pooling in his piss slit, and I had an overwhelming urge to gently dip the tip of my tongue in that pool and taste Sam's essence.

"Go ahead, Joey. It's ok. I want you to play with it," Sam said to me trying to get me out of my staring gaze.

"Huh, oh. Hmm, are you sure, Sam? I'm not sure we should do this, or what to even do really."

"Just do what feels natural, Joey. Do what you would want done to you. It's ok. I promise. I want this to happen, just as much as I'm sure you do."

I didn't know what to say, but apparently, my body did. I shifted in the beanbag chair to where I could get a better grip on Sam's dick. As I shifted my body, I realized that I was very hard and my cock was straining to be let out of the confines of my boxer briefs. Thankfully, it hadn't come out like Sam's had from the waistband but instead had worked its way across my left leg and was poking out from the fabric there toward the side of my body. I was too enthralled to even notice as my focus was on returning my hand to Sam's dick.

I started to play with it. Stroking it slowly, pulling on the foreskin and watching how it hid and showed Sam's thick-flared purple dickhead. His foreskin never truly covered his cock head all the way which left that pool of precum in tact, although it was growing and looked like it would soon spill down the side of his head. It amazed me how hard and rigid his cock felt, yet how soft and smooth the skin felt too. It felt so much different from mine yet vaguely familiar.

Sam's moans were getting more frequent and louder as I slowly got accustomed to jacking him off. Sam was starting to leak precum copiously now. With each upward stroke, the more I pulled up toward his cock head, the more precum oozed out of his piss slit and into that growing pool. Finally, and a long stroke from the bottom of his dick all the way to the top, a large strand too heavy to stay put in the pool fell to just below his belly button and started to pool there. A long thin strand of precum connected the pool on his stomach to the now smaller pool at his piss slit. More precum transferred to his stomach down that connecting strand with each upward stroke of my hand. I could see Sam's balls move back and forth in their sack, luxuriating at the feel of my slow, gentle strokes.

As I watched the precum pool, I licked my lips unconsciously and felt like I was being watched. I looked up, and my eyes met Sam's gaze. The lust in his eyes was taking over, but there was more there. It seemed to me like he wanted to say something, but was hesitating.

"Mmmm, Joey, that feels so fucking good. You're hands are making me crazy!"

"I'm glad you like it Sam," I said as I stroked down and gripped the base of his cock. Sam moaned loudly as his cock head flare with blood from my tight grip on his cock. I watched as it become extra turgid and again licked my lips. "Joey, please stop..."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sam! I didn't mean to squeeze so hard. Did I hurt you?"

"No, it's not that. It's not that at all. But, I want to ask you something, Joey, and I want your undivided attention when I do."

"Umm, ok," I said. I loosened my grip from Sam's cock and looked up at him. As I did so, I could hear a small sigh mixed with a moan escape from his lips. I think he was really enjoying it. However, I was worried about what he was going to say next. He looked deep in thought as he looked at me. "Sam, did I do something wrong?"

"No, Joey. You were doing everything right! Oh my God, were you doing everything right. But, I think there's something you should know before we continue this, ok?"

I nodded. My mind was already racing. What was Sam going to tell me? Did I really do something wrong, and he's just being polite? Was he going to get "straight" on me and tell me it was a mistake that should have never happened? I was so scared to hear what Sam had to say that I was turning pale. Sam noticed my paleness, "Joey, please relax. It's not as bad as you think."

"Ok, I'll try. What's wrong, Sam?"

"I told you I'm bi which is true. I like both guys and girls. Until now, I've always leaned more toward girls. I've never had a true relationship with a guy beyond the occasional fun, but I've been in several serious relationships with women. Am I making any sense to you, Joey?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess. You're telling me you like women more than men. That what we were about to do was just to get off, right?"

"I said 'until now.' I don't know what it is about you, Joey, but I'm very attracted to you. I've never felt this strongly attracted to a guy before and not to mention so quickly until now. I'm not sure where this is headed, and I certainly liked what we started, but I wanted you to know how attracted I am to you. And, that right now, this doesn't feel just like the occasional fun. It feels different...deeper...more connected than it ever has in the past. I want to continue doing what we were doing, and I hope you do to."

"Oh, I do, Sam. Trust me, I do."

"But, I want you to make a conscious decision about doing this with me. You're basically having your first time with a bi guy, someone who may or may not be able to commit to you on that level. I don't know. I just want you to be sure that you want to do this before it gets so far that I won't be able to stop it. You're first time should be special and spent with someone you want because you'll ALWAYS remember your first time. Does this make sense?"

I looked at Sam and saw how sincere he was being. I tried searching his eyes and face for a clue of how he wanted me to respond, but he had a great poker face. I even smiled shyly at him to see if that would elicit a response, but he remained very serious. Finally, I sighed and said, "Yes, Sam it makes sense."

"OK, so knowing that and agreeing to what I just said as being logical, do you want to continue what we were doing, Joey?"

As I went to open my mouth to answer, Sam interrupted my soon-to-be response by saying, "Either way Joey, we'll still be friends and good roommates. This isn't going to change how we live together." I hesitated to let my response slip out and thought again about Sam's words. Should I have my first time with someone I barely know? Should I have my first time with someone I have to live with for the rest of this school year? Should I do this knowing that Sam may not be able to take it to the next level? My mind was racing back and forth. What should I do?

To be continued....


Chapter four is running through my mind already. I hope you enjoyed it and are anxious to see what's Joey's response will be. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 4

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