Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Aug 25, 2010



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a home-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Chapter II

My stomach grumbled again. This time it grumbled even more loudly than the last, and Sam announced it was time to eat. We both grabbed our keys, exited the room, headed down the still crowded hallway, and waited for the elevator. As we were waiting, Sam started to snicker. I asked him what was amusing. He said he'd tell me on the ride down.

As the elevator doors opened, our RA was there helping another hallmate move his stuff. This time though, as our RA passed he very openly checked us out. I didn't notice it before because I was too caught up in the moment, but our RA definitely had an air of gayness to him. I'm usually pretty good at picking up on other gay men, but being from a small town, they were few and far between. Yet, my RA was definitely making my gaydar beep.

We got on the elevator and went down one floor before we stopped and were joined by a family of four people. As I looked over at Sam, I could see him chuckling to himself. I asked Sam again what he was laughing about.

"I'll tell you at dinner."

"Aww, come on, Sam. You said you'd tell me when we got in the elevator."

"I don't think you wanting me telling you now."

"Why not?" I questioned. I looked at him and raised my arms up to my side with my hand facing upwards.

"OK, but I warned you. I was laughing at that mom that you almost ran over when you were naked," Sam said at a normal volume. I noticed two of the girls in the elevator slightly turned their heads. "She was making gestures to some other woman, showing her how big your dick is and pointing at you," said Sam as he smirked and mimicked the gestures the mom had made so that everyone in the elevator could see. I turned red as a beet while noticing that one of the girls eyes got bigger when Sam over exaggerated the size of my penis. I just hit Sam in the arm and told him to shut up.

This is exactly what I didn't want to have happen at college. It's also the same reason I wore only boxer briefs. In gym class at high school, I had earned the reputation of being big and got teased for it constantly. I didn't realize until that time that not all guys are the same size. As my classmates and I matured and went through puberty, we all noticed changes. Those changes were very evident to see in the locker room. Being from a small town too, nothing, and I mean nothing, went unnoticed.

I was actually a late bloomer. I remember that the star quarterback had gotten pubic hair over the 6th grade summer and was proudly showing it off at school. It was the summer after 9th grade before I got any hair on my body and before any of my growth spurts hit. By that time, most every guy in school already had hair, and their junk had already dropped.

I had gotten teased about my lack of growth so much, that throughout most of middle school, I avoided the locker room as much as possible. So, I didn't have much to compare myself too. Well, the first day of gym class in 10th grade changed that. We were all getting undressed and a few guys had noticed I had grown about six inches taller over the summer and that I had finally gotten some underarm hair as I took my shirt off.

I finally felt a little more accepted and at ease and thought the school year might not be filled with me being teased the entire time. As soon as I pulled my pants down, one of the guys that had just congratulated me on becoming a man yelled, "DAMN! Who the hell did you bribe to get that?" He was pointing straight at my dickhead which was hanging beneath the edge of my boxers right leg. I was confused and asked him what he meant.

By this time, others had heard the yelling and came over. They all noticed how low I hung. I instantly became ashamed again at all the pointing. I heard one guy tell another that it was freakish looking. I quickly pulled my pants up. My best friend in high school, Branden came up to me and told me I had nothing to be ashamed of and that they were all just jealous because I was bigger than they were. The rest of the day went by with me again feeling ashamed of who I was and not really knowing why.

Branden was my saviour at school though. He was very popular and helped me to fit in. We ended up talking about the incident in the gym later after school. Branden also broadened my mind and told me what I needed to know about sex. I think he felt sorry for me because he knew I lived alone with my mom and that she wouldn't dare broach the subject.

He actually took me under his wing and showed me the ropes. It was Branden who helped me feel comfortable with myself. He also encouraged me to join the hockey team with him. He's even the one who nominated me for team captain our Junior and Senior years. He was the best friend a guy could have.

Branden was also the one who invited me over to hang out with guys where our talks would eventually turn to sex. I also had a crush on Branden. He was 5'10, 190, blondish-brown hair, light blue eyes, and a very muscular football build. He actually played football for the junior varsity team, but he knew he wasn't a star. So, when our high school got a hockey team our 9th grade year, he joined it and became a huge success on the team as the team's goalie.

Branden is also the one reason why I never fooled around with a guy before. All throughout our high school years, I fawned over him. It was easy to conceal my crush because we were best friends, and best friends are usually inseparable. I kept hoping and praying that one day he'd realize how much we meant to each other as friends and that he'd dump his girlfriend.

However as much as I wanted Branden and I to be closer than we were, it never happened. He was very much heterosexual. Even though it was Branden's house where we mostly hung out and told our sexual stories in our underwear, it was very clear that it was just guys hanging out and being guys. I just got the unknown benefit of being able to check out my teammates in their underwear and see how much of tent they made.

Even though, I'd seen all of them naked from changes in the locker room, I'd never seen any of my teammates hard except through the veil of their underwear. Thankfully for me, that sight was plenty to provide jack off material for later on when I was alone and horny. Although, Branden wasn't the longest in size, I could tell he had some definite girth to his cock. He often ended up being my jack off material for many nights of orgasms and the subject of most of my wet dreams.

Branden also turned me on to boxer briefs. He told me how they are not tight like tighty-whities, but also help support your package, unlike boxers. This, he told me, is exactly why they have the name boxer briefs because they were the best parts of both worlds. I think that Branden's evaluation on boxer briefs and our nights of hanging out at his house are what led me to have an underwear fetish.

There's just something about a guy in his underwear. It's sexy because he's down to one last piece of clothing, but it's also somewhat seductive. It leaves that last little bit of naughtiness covered and makes the mind wonder just what's being held back by the cloth. Sometimes a guy in underwear is sexier to me than a guy completely naked. Of course, it depends upon the guy!

"Are you going to go or what?" Sam said nudging my arm and bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, oh right!" I said as I walked out onto the ground floor from the elevator. Sam just looked at me and asked if I was alright. I told him I was just thinking about some friends back home.

"Did they know you were hung too?" Sam said.

Quickly, I turned to Sam and said, "Sam, please don't tell people that. I had a rough time in high school with that. I'd really appreciate it if I didn't have to relive it here."

"Dude, what's up? Why would you have a rough time about being hung? I figured a rumor like that would only help you get the girls lined up for a nice, long ride."

I wasn't sure what to tell Sam. He didn't know I was a virgin. And, I definitely wasn't sure about coming out in college. A million thoughts raced through my head, and I eventually just said, "It's a long story, Sam. Let's go eat. I'm starving."

With that, Sam shrugged and headed off toward the Russell House. Since he was already familiar with campus, I followed him. On the way to the Russell House, I noticed just how beautiful campus was. There were tons of old trees, plenty of greenways, and lots of old buildings in all sorts of architectural styles. I also noticed that there seemed to be a large sum of very cute guys walking around.

We finally reached the Russell House and went inside. Sam showed me the different food choices. There was the salad line, the grill line, the sandwich line, the meat & two veggies line, the Mongolian grill line, and the pizza line. I was amazed at all of the choices available and at how cheap everything was. Obviously, this wasn't high school, and I now understood the meaning of the Freshman Fifteen.

My mom and I had picked out a fairly reasonable meal plan. I had 20 meals a week that I could use. Since I was living on campus, I figured I'd be using most of those. Not having a job and not wanting to spend extra money on food, I figured I would eat on campus as much as possible. Sam told me that he had the same plan, so I knew at least I'd have someone to eat with.

Unfortunately for me, most of my close friends were not going to USC with me. Branden went to the Atlanta Institute for Art, my other buddy Brad went to Clemson, and my other buddy Wade was going to Greenville Technical school. There were a few people that I knew from my high school that were going to USC, but most of them were not close friends.

So, I was glad that Sam seemed to be such a cool guy. He already had a day on campus and was showing me the ropes. We both went to the Mongolian grill line and got our food. I went first as he was telling me what to put in my bowl. So, I went through the checkout line first and started looking for a place to sit in the dining room. As I surveyed the place, there were several long rectangular tables to the left, small round tables in the middle, and booths to the right. I opted for a round table so that Sam would easily see me when coming out from the checkout line.

Sam came over to the table and asked how the food was. With my mouth full from being so hungry and not wanting to wait, I looked up, swallowed fast, and said, "Great! I'm not sure if this will be enough though. I'm starved."

"I've got some snack food back in our room too if you want to veg out later."

"That sounds great, Sam. I brought my DVD player with me and a bunch of my favorite movies, so maybe we can watch a movie or something."

"Awesome! What kind of movies do you like, Joey?" asked Sam. We went on to talk about movies, our likes and dislikes, favorite actors and actresses, recent trips to the theatre, and the like. We were getting to know each other better.

About half-way through our dinner, the double doors opened simultaneously, and a group of guys walked in together. It was like twenty or so guys. They all dressed alike, very stylish and sporting some of the newest clothes out today. Also, these guys were very fit and very good looking. It seemed almost like they were a team of some sort.

"Sam, who are those guys?"

"They're the Sigma Nu's. It's the nicest, most prestigious, most pledged, and most pledge-denied fraternity on campus. It's also the most expensive. But once you're a Sigma Nu, so many doors open for you for the rest of your life. My dad was one, and I plan on pledging during Rush week."

I was new to fraternities. My parents never mentioned them, nor did anyone in my family. The only reference I had to them was the movies and what Sam had just told me. "What's good about joining a fraternity, Sam? I thought you had to pay to get in. Doesn't it seem kinda stupid to pay for friends?"

"Shut up, Joey! They'll hear you. The Nu's know everything! Don't say stupid shit like that because they'll know, and especially don't say it around me because I want to get in."

"Sorry, Sam. I didn't know. But seriously, how are they going to know what we're talking about. They are in line getting food, and we're out here. Do they have the whole cafeteria bugged?" I asked and rolled my eyes. I still didn't understand the mystique that surrounded Greek life.

"Joey, please! Just shut up. I'll tell you everything you want to know, just please don't insult them or any frat for that matter."

I help up my hands. "Alright, alright, Sam. Sorry! I didn't know it meant so much to you. I'll be quiet. So, why do you want to join?"

Sam relaxed a little, let his shoulders fall, and leaned in toward me to where he could talk quietly. "Well, it all started with my grandfather. He was a Nu. My dad was a Nu. I'm expected to be a Nu, although neither one ever put pressure on me. They just told me about their days on campus, the fun they had, the life-long friends they made, and the parties that were thrown. I knew from their talks that I was being encouraged to join, but indirectly.

"The Nu's treat you like family. When you pledge and get accepted, you get an automatic housing upgrade. Living in the Nu house is like a palace from what I hear. The parties are amazing, and the girls...lookout! I overheard my dad and my grandfather talking once about just how much pussy they banged being a Nu."

"Wow!" I said, trying to act intrigued. Granted, I find that females can be quite aesthetically pleasing. They just don't turn me on in any way. Sam, Branden, most of the Nu's that walked in the room a few minutes ago, they're a different story. I find a lot of them quite attractive!

"I know my dad didn't want me to know this, but it's also how he met my mom. So, I guess some good came out of it. My dad always told me though that becoming a Nu was not a decision to enter into lightly. There are many tasks and hard trials that they put each pledge through to make sure he's worthy to join their group. It's an honor to even be asked to pledge."

I'd never seen Sam so intense about anything. Granted, I had only know him for a few hours, but it seemed almost as if he was intimidated and enthralled by the Nu's. He continued to tell me more about the Nu's and more about what his dad and grandfather had done as we ate the rest of our meal.

As each Sigma Nu brother came out of the checkout line, I checked them out. There was not an ugly or fat guy among them. A few were just your average boy next door; some were a little heavier than others, but that was mostly girth from playing sports and lifting weights, not overeating. I could see why these guys could get a lot of girls. I could also see why guys would want to join them. As each one came out, they all headed over to what looked like a reserved table, one of the long rectangular ones in the left side of the cafeteria. All of them carried themselves with an air of distinction, or maybe more appropriately an air of mystique.

Since we had finished eating, we took our trays to the trash cans, dumped the trash, and set the trays on top of the trash can. Sam turned to me and said he would give me a tour of campus. I was totally game for that and as we were leaving the cafeteria, I turned around to get one last look. Suddenly, all of the Nu's stood up as what can only be described as the military "attention" pose.

"Sam, why did all the Nu's just stand up?"

"Huh?" Sam turned and looked. "Oh shit! The head of the house must be entering the room. Come on let's go. I don't want to get caught staring at them. We need to play it cool around them if we ever want to get in."

"We? Am I pledging the Nu's now as well?"

"You will when I'm done with you!" laughed Sam. "Come on, let's go before the sun sets. I want to show you the campus, and it's not small."

Sam took me on a huge campus tour. We went all over. I was getting tired from all the walking, and Sam told that I needed to get used to it. I could have class on one side of campus and be expected to be on the other side in fifteen minutes for the next class. I was going to be getting a lot of exercise if that was true. Sam also told me that he just taking me to the main parts. There were other areas of campus that are farther out, but most of my classes would be in the general area that we had just toured.

Sam saved the tour of the Horseshoe for last. It was the original college campus. Laid out in a horseshoe pattern, buildings surrounded a beautiful greenway with very old trees and old brick walkways between the lawn going from one side to the other. The buildings on the Horseshoe also varied in age and architectural style like the rest of campus, but most were of a colonial style. Sam told me while walking around the Horseshoe that the college was started in 1801. The entire area was breathtakingly amazing and was almost out of place to be part of a major college campus. Most of the other areas on campus were more modern looking.

By the time we got to the Horseshoe though, the sun was setting. Most of what I was looking at was lit only by the orange, pink, blue, and yellow hues in the sky. When the street lights kicked on, it helped me see, but it had a harsher feel and took away from the natural beauty of this part of campus. Thankfully, it seemed as if someone agreed with me and put the street lights as sparingly as possible.

I told Sam I wanted to come back and explore more here when we had time and when it was daylight. He agreed and said we could play some frisbee on the greenway too, maybe right after lunch tomorrow. Sam suggested we head back to the dorm and find a nice movie to watch. I gently punched Sam's shoulder, thanked him for the tour, and told him to lead the way.

I was really glad that Sam was my roommate. He seemed like a really genuine guy, a little crazy about Sigma Nu, but overall a nice guy. It seemed like I had lucked out and gotten a good roommate. I was actually looking forward to getting to know more about Sam and spending some quality time with him.

"So, what movie do you want to watch?" I asked.

"You said you have all of the Die Hard movies, right?"

"Yeah, all four of them. They came in a box set. Are you feeling like a little Action, tonight?"

Sam busted out laughing. I just looked at him quizzically, and he said, "I always feel like a little 'action,' but I just met you a few hours ago, Joey. I think it's a little presumptuous of you to assume that I want some action."

I now realized that Sam mistook my innocent question as a double entendre. I just started stammering, trying to say something that wouldn't make the situation worse, but I kept on stammering and stuttering trying to find the right thing to say. Sam realized my awkwardness and finally offered, "I was just joking with you, Joey. Are you ok?"

"Umm, I...well, I see.... Damnit! Sam, I didn't presume you were gay. I didn't mean to offend you by saying that." A long pause went by when I asked, "Umm, Sam, are you gay?"

"No, Joey. But by the way you've been acting, I have to ask if you are?"

Another long pause ensued. I questioned myself if I should tell him or not. I was not out to anyone, and this was a big step. I was also going to have to live with this guy for a whole year. If I told him, and he turned out to be a queer basher, then my year was going to suck. Apparently, I had taken too long to respond as my mind was racing with all the possible things to say.

"It's ok if you are, Joey. My brother is gay, so it's no big deal to me. He's been out for a couple of years now. We get along great, so there's no issue if you are. Eh, there's also no issue if you aren't."

Oh well, here goes. "Actually Sam, I am gay. Well, I guess. I've never actually had sex, but I do find guys attractive and not girls. I mean girls are pretty, but they don't do anything for me."

"Damn, dude. You're a virgin?" asked Sam. I just nodded and looked down sheepishly. He noticed and squatted down so that I could see him. "It's cool dude. There's nothing to be ashamed of. I just figured packing as much meat as you are, you'd have plenty of notches on your bedpost by now." Sam smiled as he slowly stood up bring my gaze and head back up with him. His smile ended up making me smile.

"So, you're ok with me being gay? It really doesn't bother you?"

"Joey, I don't care one way or the other. You seem like a nice guy. Who you want to fuck is none of my business. Well, unless it's me!" Sam chuckled.

"Well Sam, I would be lying if I said you weren't attractive to me. But since you're not gay, I don't think we'd be fucking anyway. I think it's safe to say I'm not your type, and that's cool because I won't you to know I wouldn't try anything with you. I want us to be great friends and roommates. In fact, I think..."

I guess you can safely say that I can get verbal diarrhea sometimes. When I get nervous, I just talk and talk and say stupid shit until I don't know what to say anymore. This is a perfect example of when I just needed to shut the fuck up. I was kicking myself mentally for what I just said and how I was still rambling on. Now Sam was going to be all weird around me and think that I'm checking him out all the time.

"Who said you're not my type?" interrupted Sam.

"Sam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I know you don't think of me that way, and I don't want you to think that I think of you that way. The last thing I want to do is..... Wait! What?"

"I said, 'Who said you're not my type?'" Sam looked at me directly. He wasn't smiling. It didn't look like he was kidding or trying to get a rise out of me.

"Sam, what are you saying? I'm confused. You said you weren't gay, now you're trying to imply that I am your type. This is a little weird for me. Are you joking with me? Is this some kind of trick? I don't expect you to like me like that, Sam. For Christ's sake, we just met each other less than 12 hours ago. It would be crazy of me to expect..."

"I'm bi, Joey. You asked if I was gay. I said no, which is true," Sam interrupted my rambling again.

Another long pause came as I tried to process what Sam had told me. I wasn't sure what to say. So, I said the first thing that came to my mind. "So, am I your type?"

Sam just laughed. "Horny, huh? Or is it the virginity talking?" Sam just kept laughing. I started to chuckle too. I guess the entire situation was bordering on funny and weird at the same time.

"You know what, Sam? This has been one strange day. Interesting, but strange! You know, you're the first person I ever told I was gay."

"By the looks of it, you seemed pretty nervous, so I believe it. Why now though? Why me?" asked Sam.

"Well, I think it's time to be honest with myself and honest with other people. You're going to be my roommate, and we're going to be living together for an entire year, so I think you have the right to know. Again, it's not that I'm trying to get into your pants by telling you that. Hell, I was knocked back when you said you were bi. I mean, really? That's weird to think about. I had no idea that you were bi, and my gaydar is pretty good. I can normally spot a gay guy from a mile away. But, I guess you're not a gay guy. You're a bi guy, and it was stupid...."

"Joey, you ramble when you get nervous. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Yeah, I know I do. It's weird. I don't know what to say, so I say anything. It's like the first thing that pops into my head is flying out of my mouth before I even have time to process what it was that I was thinking. My mouth has a mind of it's own and just blurts it all out. I've gotten into a lot of trouble in the past with this mouth. I'm not sure what..."

"Joey, you're doing it again. Listen, relax. It'll be ok. I'm bi. You're gay. It's all cool. No big deal, ok? You're right, we are going to be roommates for an entire year, and it's best to be honest with each other. I'm glad you feel that honesty is important because it is to me as well."

I started to calm down and just think about what Sam had said. He was right. I was overreacting. I wasn't coming onto him and he knew it. It was a lot of information for me to process at once. Sam noticed that I was still thinking about something.

"Come on. Let's head back to the dorm room. We can talk along the way." Sam put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me next to his side, and we started walking back.

"So, you're bi? I take it you've had sex with both guys and girls?"

"Yes, Joey. I've had sex with both." Sam chuckled a little after saying this. "Guess the girls and the guys just can't get enough of me. Can you blame them?"

I started laughing at Sam and his mock humility. "There that's much better. You relax when you're laughing," said Sam as he smiled at me. I couldn't help but return his infectious smile. He really was cute when he smiled; it caused the perfect dimples and showed his perfectly white teeth.

"Yeah, Sam. I guess I do. So, you want to watch Die Hard, right?"

When Sam didn't answer right away, I looked up and realized that Sam was waiting for me to look back at him. "That sounds great, Joey. Like I said earlier, I'm always up for a little 'action.'" Sam's right eyebrow perked up, and he had a very mischievous grin on his face.

To be continued....


Chapter three is already underway. I hope you enjoyed it and are anxious to see what's going on with Sam's evil grin. Again, if you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 3

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