Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Mar 12, 2018



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a homo-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter XI

I came back to him, grabbed his spent cock and balls, nuzzled my mouth close to his ear, and whispered "Dumpling, I want you to cum in me at least once every day. Do you think you can do that? Please?! I need to have your big cock in me and your cum marking me as your bitch."

Sam's cock quickly started getting hard in my hand as my other hand starting tweaking his nipples. He groaned and looked at me and whispered in my ear, "You're going to get my cock and cum whether you like it or not. You're my cum whore, and I'll do with you as I please. If I want you to get fucked by 15 guys and watch, then you'll be an obedient bitch and do what I tell you to do. If I want to fuck you out on the horseshoe for all the world to see, then you'll take my cock and moan like whore as I breed you. But you are my bitch now, and don't think for a minute that you're in control."

With that, Sam kissed me lightly on the cheek, grabbed his towel and flung it over his shoulder. As he walked out the door, he turned back to me and said, "I didn't even have to touch your cock and you're hard as a rock. All I had to do was tell you what you wanted to hear, that you're my cum whore. Meet me in the shower, slut! And be sure to not cover up. I want everyone on this hall to see you covered in my cum so that they know you're my cum whore, my property, my bitch!"

I just stood there stunned. Sam was right. I never thought of myself as being submissive, but he brought it out in me. Even though I probably had the biggest cock on the floor (hell, maybe the whole dorm), I knew I was his bitch. I wanted to be his bitch. I was happy to be his bitch. And I couldn't wait for the other doors he would open for me.

Not only did I love this guy, but he was taking me to new heights, new experiences, and new feelings that I had never had. I was so happy. Even though I knew it wasn't a dream, it felt like one. So, I grabbed my towel again, slug it over my shoulder and walked out of my room proudly knowing I was Sam's bitch. I wondered to myself just how good my dreams could get.

Chapter XII

As I turned to go into the shower, I started to get the feeling of déjà vu. Once again, it was Sam, Dom, Kevin, and myself showering together, expect this time we had just come from fucking versus planning to fuck. While I started to lather myself up, I was listening to the ongoing conversation to see if I could join in.

"Come on, you can tell me. I promise I won't say anything," pleaded Sam.

"Absolutely not! You are not going to pry anything out of me. So just forget it." Kevin turned his back away from Sam and started to wash the shampoo out of his hair. I couldn't help but look at his beefy ass. He was around 6', 230, light brown hair, hazel eyes, solid muscular frame, and a very beefy ass. While his cock was just a little above average, around 6.5", his ass was definitely his best feature. You could eat off it!

I always pictured RA's being nerdy guys who couldn't find friends to hang with, so they had to try and become the cool dude down the hall for the other kids. But not Kevin, he was built like a stout Rugby player. Unfortunately for him, when he talked, you could definitely tell he was more on the effeminate side. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But looking at him, you wouldn't expect that.

Sam huffed from having his inquiries rejected by Kevin.

"What are you trying to pry out of Kevin?" I asked.

"He's going on about the Nu's again. It seems aside from you, Joey, the only think that Sam can think about is the Nu's. I'm just glad that I don't know anything about them. What's so amazing about this frat anyways? They're all the same!" said Dom.

A high-pitched gasp came from Kevin at the same time that Sam exclaimed, "What?!"

Before Sam could say another word, Kevin held up his hand, looked at Sam, and said, "I've got this!"

"Dominic, listen, and listen closely! I don't ever want to hear you bad mouth a fraternity, and definitely not the Sigma Nu's. There are things you don't understand. The Nu's are special, and they are the most respected and loved fraternity on this campus, if not every campus where they have a charter.

"While I am not a Nu myself, nor am I in a fraternity, the Nu's have my utmost respect. For reasons I cannot explain here unless you were a Nu yourself, I will not tolerate any bad mouthing of the Nu's nor will I let their honor be defamed. While some fraternities do have a bad reputation, and Greek life in of itself has been known for hazing and letting parties get out of hand, the Nu's will never debase themselves like that.

"They are all gentlemen, and they all deserve our respect and gratitude," finished Kevin as he shook his head once to signify that was the end of the conversation.

"Our gratitude?! What have they ever done for me?" queried Dom.

"Dude, show some fucking respect. My dad is a Nu, my grandfather is a Nu, and I'd better be a Nu!" Sam was starting to get red in the face, and it wasn't from the hot water.

"Sam, calm down. While I don't know what's so mysterious about the Nu's either, I'm sure Dom here didn't mean anything by it. He's just like me and doesn't understand the draw of Greek life." I grabbed Sam's clenched fist and tried to pull it open to gently show him that his anger wasn't needed.

"Just don't ever fucking disrespect the Nu's again!" Sam gritted through his clenched teeth.

"Whatever, dude! Frat boys just get drunk and gang rape girls. We all know it. Don't try to defend them," taunted Dominic. "Frats are just reasons to get drunk, fuck, and act like you're better than everyone else. Just because you have money and can afford to pay to be part of a group of Neanderthals doesn't make you special!"

The echo of a loud slap registered in my mind before I had the chance to take my sight away from Sam who was seething in anger at Dom's last statement. I turned to look at Dom's face and body shifted away from the shower pole, and Kevin's hand raised and poised to slap Dom again.

"Dude! What the fuck?!" screamed Dom as he turned back to Kevin with his fist raised.

Before I could move, Kevin bitch slapped Dom again, and pushed him against the tile wall. Shoving Dom's face roughly against the tile, Kevin got right next to Dom's ear and said plainly enough for all of us to hear over the running water, "I said that I will not tolerate any bad mouthing of the Nu's!

"If you want to continue talking about them, you'd better change your tone and attitude right now. Or I'm going to beat your little pansy ass to the floor. RA or not, I would rather lose my job than listen to anyone bad mouth the Nu's."

"Damn straight, Kevin! You tell him!" Joey cheered on Kevin's abrupt and harsh response.

"Guys! Guys! What's going on here? Please can we all calm down?" I asked as I had gone to Kevin to try to get him to ease up on Dom who I could see was on the verge of tears from being treated so harshly.

"Kevin? Can you let Dom go, please?" Trying to pull Kevin's forearm off of Dom that was pinning him to the wall, I looked at Kevin and asked again, "Kevin, please let Dom go?"

Kevin spit on the tile floor, released himself from Dom, and walked back to the shower muttering under his breath. I could have sworn I heard "saved my life the Nu's did, you arrogant prick," but I wasn't sure of it. Not wanting to exacerbate the situation, I decided to let it go. Kevin went back to showering like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, I was trying to pry Dom off the wall and see if he was ok. While shaken and still a little scared at what had happened, Dom was responsive. I had seen one too many times of where kids were bullied in school. I had even been subjected to a little bullying myself. I knew the repercussions of what something like this could mean, and I didn't want Dom to feel bad.

"It's ok, Dom. Look it's obviously something we don't get. Maybe we will one day, but let's just let it go. It's not worth getting hurt or slapped over," I said low enough for only Dom to hear me. I pulled him into me and gave him a hug. I think he needed it. I pulled his face up and looked at the red marks still on imprinted on his cheek from where Kevin had slapped him.

"How bad does it look?" he asked.

"It's ok. Should be gone by the time you're done showering." I smiled back at him, but he was still hurt and taken back. Whispering in his ear, "Come on, I'll wash your front and you can wash my back. Hopefully some hot ass will cheer you up."

Bringing an instant smile to his face, "You mean I can fuck you again?"

"Damn, Dom. You are boning up already. You just bred Kevin and now you want to fuck me again?"

"Yeah, Joey. Your ass is so tight. It feels amazing!"

"Dom, I'm sorry. Not now. Sam is right, I might be a little torn back there from how rough you guys were last night. But, I promise, you can breed me again real soon," I said I as I tugged on his growing cock and pulled him back to the shower pole.

"Good, because I don't think Kevin is going to let me fuck him again after what just happened!" Dom said loud enough for everyone to hear. I looked at Kevin, and he looked back at us.

"Babe, are you kidding?! I can't say no to a good cock. Just don't fuck with the Nu's. As long as you remember that, then we're good. Alright?" Kevin looked at Dominic and arched his eyebrows to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, Kevin. I didn't mean to offend you. I guess I just don't get it."

"It's ok, Dom. Why don't you come back to my room after you're done with your shower? We can talk all about it."

"WHAT?! Why does he get to hear about the Nu's? I want to know too!" Sam was red in the face again.

"Relax, Sam. I'm not going to tell him anything about the Nu's specifically."

"Oh, damn it! Come on, Kevin! Tell me what you know."

"NO! Do I need to bitch slap you too?" asked Kevin.

"Alright, alright. But can we join you two? I want to hear what you tell Dom. Maybe I can tell him what I know too. This way he and Joey here can learn why we like the Nu's so much."

"Sure, why don't we all get some pizza together, and then we can chat back in my room?"

"Umm, did someone say `pizza?'" came the softest voice from behind me. I turned around to see the cutest, little, hairless, lithe boy with an adorable baby face and a towel still wrapped around his waist that looked too big for his size. He had sandy blonde hair, bright emerald green eyes, and could have barely been 5'1" and no more than 100 pounds soaking wet.

His jaw dropped open quickly and was staring. I quickly caught up that he had finally looked down and saw my cock. Sam just started snickering next to me. Dom chuckled too, and Kevin just sighed.

"Hmph hmm." Sam cleared his throat, but the little boy stood there just frozen, jaw gaping open, and eyes bugged out staring at my cock. "Helloooo? Any one home?" Sam asked.

"Hmm. Huh? Jesus, how big is that monster?" he asked.

"Doesn't waste any time, that one. Does he?," scoffed Kevin loud enough for everyone to hear. "Thirteen inches, kid. Who are you?"

"You're lying. No one is that big!" the kid said.

"Sure is. I've seen it in all its monstrous glory!" Kevin bragged to the kid.

"I don't believe you. I've seen a lot of porn and never seen one that big. Not even the black guys have one that big."

"Umm, guys. I am standing right here." Trying to change the subject, I stuck out my hand and walked toward the kid saying, "I'm Joey Campanelli. Nice to meet you. And you are?" But as I moved towards him and my cock swayed back and forth from thigh to thigh, the kid just backed up while still staring at my cock.

"Ha ha ha ha." I could hear Dom laughing. "Look he's scared it's going to bite him!" Sam and Kevin started to chuckle too.

"Well, in his defense, it is huge! It scared me too the first time I saw it!" said Sam.

"Sam! It did not. You were all about touching it and measuring it just to see how big it really was. You weren't scared of it at all."

"Ok, ok. Guilty as charged. But what can I say, you're one sexy as specimen of a man, baby."

"Thanks, dumpling." I turned my attention back to the kid and tried again. "Hi, I'm Joey. This is Sam, Dominic or Dom, and Kevin. He's the RA for our floor. What's your name?"

"Yeah, who are you kid? Are you here with your older brother? I didn't help move you in, and since I'm the RA, I should know everyone on this floor." Kevin I think was able to finally get through to the kid and break his stupor because he slowly looked away from my cock and toward Kevin. I honestly don't think he saw me point out each person as I introduced them because he was still starring at my cock.

"I'm Leo. I just moved in this morning. No one was in my room when I got there this morning, but it looks like my roommate has already moved in," the kid said.

"Well, Dom. It looks like you're not going to get a room to yourself after all. This has to be Leonard King. He's the only one of the floor who hasn't arrived yet." Being our RA, Kevin had to memorize all the names of the fourteen boys that were supposed to live on his floor.

"How old are you kid? Jesus, I think my brother is bigger than you." Dom asked, and not very politely, as I could see his face react to Dom's crassness.

"I'm 18. I've just always been small. But, don't let that fool you. I have a black belt in karate and can wipe the floor with all of you!" Leo put his hand on his hips and looked sternly at Dom.

"Sorry, little dude. I didn't mean to offend you. You're going to be my roommate, and I've already pissed you off. Look, I'm sorry. But, you are small."

"I know I am, but don't forget I know how to take care of myself!"

"Well, Leonard, welcome to Patterson Hall! I'm your RA, Kevin Mars. And this is Dominic Greene, your roommate. This is Sam Pham, he lives next door to you with his roommate, Monster Cock!" Kevin busted out laughing and was soon joined by everyone but me.

"Seriously guys?! It's not funny. I don't want to get teased for this."

"Teased?! Who the fuck would tease you for having King Kong's dong?" asked Dom. That of course made everyone start laughing again. I finally gave in and laughed too because it was funny.

"Guys seriously though, Joey did tell me he got teased and bullied a little in high school. So let's just give it a rest." I looked at Sam and went over and gave him the sweetest kiss on the lips and hugged him.

"Thank you for remembering that and coming to my defense. You're so sweet, dumpling!" I kissed Sam again, and he kissed me back and started grabbing my ass as I forced my tongue down his throat.

"Wow, you guys. I must say it's so hot watching you kiss!" Dom said as Sam and I made out under the water.

"Yeah, as if we couldn't tell. You're hard again, Dom," said Kevin. "But, you're right! They are smoking hot together."

"Wait, are you all gay?" asked Leonard.

Breaking the kiss, I turned my head to him and said, "Yes, well except Sam. He's bisexual. But he's my boyfriend, so he's sticking to dick right now."

"That's one hell of a dick to stick too! I can't say I blame you, Sam. Well that makes this easier, I guess. I'm gay too! But, I don't know if I could ever take something that big. As small as I am, his cock would be poking out of my throat!" quipped Leonard.

Kevin chuckled and said, "I'm surrounded by amateurs!"

"Leonard, did you say you already put all of your stuff in our room?" asked Dom, thankfully changing the subject from my cock.



"I go by Leo. Only my mom calls me Leonard, and only when I'm in trouble."

"Sorry, little dude. So, Leo, did you move in already?" ask Dom again.

"Yes, and my name is Leo, not Leonard, and definitely not little dude."

"Geez, OK! You sure are touchy about your size."

"Says the big stud with thick thighs, nice hairy chest, and thick cock. You don't know how easy you have it sometimes just appearing to be normal. By the way, how old are you, Dom?" asked Leo flashing him a wry smile.

"I'm 18 too, man. I would imagine most of us are since we're all freshmen on this floor."

"I'm actually a sophomore," said Leo. "I've was taking college-level courses my last year of high school and took a few summer courses at my local community college before I came here. So technically, I'm a sophomore."

"Wow, cute, little, and smart! You're quite the package there, Leo" I said.

"Hey now! What about me?" asked Sam.

"Oh dumpling, you're mine, and I'm so happy you are. But even you have to admit that Leo is just the cutest little thing!"

"Yeah, he is. Leo, just don't go trying to steal my man!"

"Ha ha. No worries there, Sam. While you're both hot, I like my lungs right where they are. They don't need to be rearranged by King Kong's dong!"

Laughter erupted again. Kevin turned off his shower and said, "OK boys, I'm done. Finish washing up and meet back at my room so we can go grab some pizza. Leo, come along too and get to know your roommate and next door roommates."

Kevin walked by Leo and grabbed his towel off the towel pegs and started to dry himself off by the benches just outside of the shower entrance. Leo unwrapped his towel from his waist and hung it up on the peg that was just freed. I could literally hear Dom and Sam both inhale at the same time over the running water.

"Fuck me, bro! Leo you have the cutest little butt. I think I could get both cheeks in one hand," said Dom.

"No kidding, Dom. And look just how much it curves out from his lower back. Talk about `Baby got back!'" exclaimed Sam.

"Hey now! What about me?" It was my turn to be jealous. "I thought you said my ass was perfect!"

"Oh baby, it is. It is. But even you have to admit that Leo's butt is just the cutest little thing," said Sam saying virtually the very same sentence I had said not even a few minutes earlier.

"Thanks guys! I'm glad you all think I'm cute, and yes my butt is too!" Leo smiled as he turned on the water from the shower head that Kevin had vacated.

"So, Leo, do you have a boyfriend?" asked Dom.

"Subtle, Dom! Real subtle!" Kevin shouted from the benches as he continued to dry himself off. Dom started blushing red all over. I just kind of chuckled. It was kind of sweet to see how quickly Dom switched gears once he saw Leo's butt.

"What can I say, Kevin? I'm an ass man." Dom started to sing,

"I like big butts, and I cannot lie.

You other brothers can't deny,

That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist,

And a round thing in your face,

You get sprung..."

Dom reached down and stroked his still hard cock as he sang `You get sprung,' and I just laughed. I thought that was going to be the end of it, but then I heard Sam start to pick up where Dom left off.

"...want to pull up tough.

`Cause you notice that butt was stuffed,

Deep in the jeans she's wearing,

I'm hooked, and I can't stop staring..."

Now Dom joined back in and was singing the song too. And Leo, just turned his back to us, and starting shaking his ass to back and forth to the beat. He was bending over, dancing, and wiggling that cute little ass at all three of us as Dom and Sam continued.

"Oh baby, I wanna get wit'cha,

And take your picture.

My homeboys tried to warn me,

But with that butt you got makes..."

I couldn't resist any more. I had to sing too "...meh, meh, meh, me so horny." Leo joined in too, and now all four of us were singing the song, and I started to dance like Leo showing the boys my ass too.

"Ooh, Rump-o'-smooth skin,

You say you want to get in my Benz?

Well, use me, use me,

`Cause you ain't that average groupie.

"I've seen her dancin',

To hell with romancin.'

She's sweat, wet,

Got it goin' like a turbo `Vette.

I'm tired of magazines,

Sayin' flat butts are the thing.

Take that average black man and ask him that,

She gotta pack much back.

So, fellas? YEAH?! Fellas. YEAH?!

Has your girlfriend got the butt? HELL YEAH!!

Tell `em to shake it. SHAKE IT!! Shake it. SHAKE IT!!

Shake that healthy butt.


We all started laughing. I was amazed that all four of us knew the words. Next thing I heard was clapping. We all turned toward the benches by the shower opening, and there was Kevin along with two other guys that must live in our hall dressed in just their underwear. All three were clapping.

Leo smiled and said, "Thanks!" and then took a bow. So the rest of us followed suit and bowed too.

"Well, I must say, if this is how shower time is going to go each morning, I'm going to have to start charging admission." Kevin just laughed. One of the guys who clapped turned to Kevin said, "Or we can just video it, and watch it go viral on YouTube. But, someone's going to have to figure out how to blur out all those cocks. Although, I don't think people will believe how big the blur is going to have to be to hide his cock."

I turned red again with embarrassment. Kevin just sighed and shouted as he walked out of the bathroom, "Oh get over it, Joey. Most guys would kill to have what you have."

Sam came over and hugged me. "He's right you know. You should be proud of what you have! Don't get me wrong. You're not one bit cocky, and I love that about you. If anything, you're shy about it, but you don't have to be. You should be proud of what you have. I know I am."

"Me too," said Dom.

"Me three," said Leo.

Dom bent over to get close to Leo's ear, "No offense, Leo. But your cock isn't that big. That ass on the other hand?! That ass makes my dick hard."

"Well, I hate to disappoint you, Dom, but have you ever heard that big things come in small packages?"

"Yeah. So?"

"Well, it may look small, but I'm a grow-er not a show-er. When I get going, I'm a rock solid eight and a half inches of thick man meat! I may look small, but don't let that fool you!"

"Damn, is everyone on this hall bigger than me?" asked Dom.

"Dom, don't worry. You're plenty big, and thick. Ooof! You definitely opened me up big time last night." As I said that, I was washing my hole and felt just how puffy it really was. Sam was right; I didn't need to be fucked again so soon. I'm really glad he was looking out for me.

"Wait. I'm confused. I thought you were Sam's boyfriend. Are you Dom's?" Leo asked.

"No, he's my boyfriend," Sam said. "But, we like to have fun with others too, and Joey here got gang banged last night by Dom, Kevin, and me, while our hall mate Nick watched and sucked on some cocks."

"Damn it! I miss all the good stuff. I told my mom I should have come down this weekend, but Noooo!"

"So Leo, does that mean you're a top?" asked Dom.

"I'm fully versatile! I like it both ways. Most guys want to fuck me because I'm so short and have this ass. But, when they see me hard, the size queens show their true colors and beg for me to fuck them. So, I do!"

"Good for you, Leo! There's nothing wrong with knowing what you like," said Sam.

"Ha ha. Listen to me. I sound like a slut. I've only been with three guys before," said Leo.

"Me too. All three of them last night too!" I said.

"Well, that's still more than enough to know what you like," said Dom.

"Wait, what? You were a virgin and you took on 3 guys?!" asked Leo.

"Almost a virgin. I popped his cherry Saturday. And, I am so good that he told me he loved me and wanted to be my boyfriend." Sam just smiled at me with a huge grin.

"You know it, dumpling! You're mine, and I'm so excited to be yours." I embraced Sam again and started kissing him. We got more into our kissing and zoned out the other two.

"Damn, they are hot together!" said Leo.

"Yes, they are. Gets me chubbed up every time I see them go at each other like that. So much passion!" Dom said as he was absent mindedly stroking his cock again.


Sam and I broke apart and looked towards the shower benches. Kevin was there with his hands on his hips, fully dressed, and ready to go eat.

"Are we getting pizza or what? And, I know the school has plenty of hot water available, but that doesn't mean you can take hour long showers every day!" Kevin scolded us.

We all responded a dejected "yeah" or "ok" and turned off the shower heads and started drying off.

"You guys get dressed and meet me in my room. There's this great pizza place in Five Points that I want to take you guys to. It's called the Village Idiot, and they serve the best pizza in all of Columbia."

So we went back to our respective rooms and got dressed. Sam and I were the first to knock on Kevin's door. It was a little ajar, so we heard him say from inside, "Come on in." So, Sam grabbed my hand, and we walked into Kevin's room.

Since Kevin was the RA, he got to have a room all to himself. Instead of a second bed, desk, and dresser, he had a nice couch and reclining chair. It was a nice setup, but still the same small room that the rest of us had. Soon after, Dom and Leo walked in as the door was still slightly ajar.

"Ok, guys. Let's go get some pizza," said Leo. "That's my favorite food. I hope it's good."

"Good?! It's amazing. You guys are gonna love it," Kevin said. "Follow me."

As we walked down the hall to the elevator, pushed the down button, and waited for it to arrive, Sam said, "Don't forget, Kevin. When we get back, we are going to tell Joey and Dom about the Nu's. And you're going to tell me everything that you know about them too!"

"Nice try, Sam. I'll tell you only what I would say to any stranger off the street. No more," said Kevin.

"Are you talking about the Sigma Nu's?" asked Leo.

"Yeah. Have you heard of them?" asked Dom.

Leo chuckled. "Yeah."

"What's so funny?" Sam asked harshly.

"Well, I will be a Nu for sure. I'm even wondering if they'll make me pledge," said Leo.

"What?! Why would you think that, Leo? The Nu's are very selective, and there are usually less than 10 pledges asked to pledge each year. And, usually only 5 are chosen to join." Sam was getting excited again. I don't think he realizes how much he obsessed over the Nu's.

"Oh, I doubt I'll have to worry about that. I'm pretty much guaranteed a spot," Leo said nonchalantly.

"How do you know? How can you say that? Have they already asked you to pledge? Joey, have we missed being asked to pledge? No, that can't be. School hasn't even started yet. Most of the Nu's aren't even back on campus yet. Well, there were the ones we saw the other day in the cafeteria. But, I don't think that was all of them."

"Sam, calm down. I think you're getting my verbal diarrhea when it comes to talking about the Nu's." I grabbed Sam's hand to try and calm him down, but it had little effect. We got out of the elevator and headed outside. The four of us were following Kevin's lead to the restaurant.

"Seriously, Leo. How do you know?" asked Sam.

"Oh, I'm not really supposed to talk about it," Leo said dismissively.

"What? Please tell me, Leo! Why is everyone so secretive about what they know about the Nu's?" asked Sam.

Dom just sighed. "I wish I knew why this was such a big deal."

"Oh trust me, Dom. Being a Nu is a big deal. But we don't flaunt it. We do what we must, what we should, and what we are expected to," said Leo.

"We? Are you already a Nu? Did you get pre-accepted or something? Leo, are you a Nu already?" asked Sam.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. But you guys have to swear that what I'm about to tell you doesn't go any further than right here." Leo stopped walking and drew a circle in the air with his hand. I looked over and saw Sam chomping at the bit to hear this bit of news about the Nu's.

"Hmm, are you sure you should say anything, Leo? If this is Nu business, then you probably shouldn't say anything to anyone who isn't a Nu," warned Kevin.

"I know, Kevin. Trust me, I know. But it's ok. They will eventually know anyway."

"Know what?!" Sam quickly asked and an octave higher than he usually sounded.

"Geez, Sam. Alright. My great-great-grandfather founded the Nu's. Being a part of his direct lineage pretty much guarantees me a spot as a Nu. Eventually, I'll probably become President of our chapter by my junior year. Well, I guess that's next year really. But, the current President was just elected last year, so maybe it'll be my senior year. Either way, I'm going to be a Nu."

"Great, just fucking great!" Sam exclaimed.

"What is wrong, baby? You should be happy. You know a Nu and he lives right next door," I said trying to comfort Sam.

"JoJo, I told you the Nu's are very selective. If we're already looking at one, and they usually only accept 5, then my chances just went from 1 out of 5 to 1 out of 4. And if you pledge too, then that's 2 out of 5 to 2 out of 4." Sam truly looked worried.

"Sam, don't worry. I'm sure our new next door neighbor and cute friend will help us get in, especially considering he can pull some strings because he's the founder's great-great-grandson."

"Actually, Joey, I've already said more than I should have. So, I can't tell you anything more than that," said Leo. "In fact, it might have been unwise to say what I have considering that you both want to pledge. I'm afraid Sam's right. The odds just got worse in his and your favor of becoming Nu's."

"FUCK MY LIFE!!!" screamed Sam.

"Sam, please stop, baby. It'll be ok. You'll see."

"Leo, please! Please, isn't there anything you can do? I'll do anything. I'm a legacy too. My dad and grandfather were also Nu's,"

"Actually, Sam, that's good for you. Legacies are always given higher priority. But, you still have to pass all of the pledge requirements and tasks." Leo started walking again, thanks to Dom's stomach growling loudly enough for all of us to hear. "I think Dom here really wants some pizza. So, do I. Keep going, Kevin. We're right behind you."

I pulled Sam back a little and whispered in his ear, "Sam, if you really want to be a Nu this bad, I won't pledge just to give you a better shot."

"No, Joey. I can't ask you to do that. It wouldn't be right. You have just as much to gain from this as I do. And, honestly, I want us both to be Nu's. But, it just got a lot harder. I truly do hope Leo has some pull or say so in all of this. I've just gotta be a Nu."

I hugged Sam to me as we walked down the street. I knew how important this was to him. Maybe there was something I could do to help ensure he got in. I didn't really care as I didn't know the difference, but I knew that it would be just devastating to Sam if he didn't get in.

Honestly, in all the movies I've seen, fraternities weren't really painted in the best light. But, I guess Hollywood can get things wrong just as much as they can get things right. Either way, I was looking forward to learning more. If Sam was this obsessed, there had to be something good about it.

And all of this mystery. What's up with that? Why does everything have to be so secretive when you talk about frats? I didn't get it. But, maybe I would. I have to admit, all of the Nu's we saw in the cafeteria the other day were good looking. So, it certainly wouldn't hurt to be around hot guys like that all the time. Eye candy, alcohol, and raging male hormones all pent up in one house sounded like fun to me.

If I'm being honest with myself, and I even hate admitting it, Leo was another reason. The boy was drop dead gorgeous. So small, and yet so full of confidence. So cute, and yet so manly with a big cock (which I was hoping to see one day soon at full mast). He made my hole quiver and my cock throb. I wasn't quite sure why he made me feel that way. But, I felt bad for feeling that way, especially while I was holding Sam and trying to comfort him.

I realized that as we were walking, I had my arm wrapped around Sam, but I was staring at Leo's ass. God help me, I was becoming conflicted. I loved Sam; I know I truly do. But, Leo keep creeping into my thoughts. I just keep watching that cute little butt flex back and forth on those cute little legs. Hopefully, my mind will just sort things out. My hormones have been raging these past few days, and I've been a little slut. That's what it was. I was being slutty again. Sam is my boyfriend, and Leo is my friend. A friend who I hope will play with me.

"Ahhh, Village Idiot! Let's go boys. I'm starving. Be careful going up the stairs. I've slipped many a time on these stairs after having one too many drinks," warned Kevin.

Up we went to the top floor and got a table. We ordered 3 pizzas and split them. Kevin was right. The pizza was amazing. Sam was on my left, and as luck would have it, Leo was on my right at the table. As we were finishing up, the three glasses of sweet tea I had drank were hitting my bladder, so I excused myself.

Once I found the tiny restroom, I unzipped and pulled out my cock and started to piss like a racehorse. About halfway through, I heard the door squeak open and looked over my shoulder to see Leo walk in. He stepped up to the urinal next to me and pulled out his two inch soft cock.

I could feel Leo's eyes on my almost six inch soft cock, so I looked over, and sure enough his eyes were glued to it. Whether conscious of it or not, Leo licked his lips and shuddered a little. I took the opportunity to look at his pert and perfect ass filling out his shorts. I think the guys were right, the whole thing would fit in one hand.

The next thing I knew, my mind had a vision of Leo squatting over me, my cock head poised at his rosebud ready to plunder. Leo looked down at me, smiled like a Cheshire cat, and started to lower his tight very little hole on my huge cock. My cock started to chub up at the images in my mind.

Leo stood on his tippy toes next to me and said softly, "I told you, you're too big. My lungs are going to stay where they are thank you very much. But, I can see how much you like the visions in your head of our size difference. So, try this on for size..."

The vision I was seeing in my mind of Leo slowly descending on my hard cock was suddenly blurry and then quickly replaced with a vision of me on all fours, chest pressed flat against the bed, hands tied together behind my back. My legs were tied apart, one each at opposite corners of the bottom of the bed with my hole exposed, tightly puckered, and quivering.

Slowly appearing out of the shadows was Leo, in a leather harness with straps around his shoulders connected to a metal ring right next to his armpits. Those metal rings were connected over the center of his pecs to a metal ring. And that metal ring was connected to a cock ring around his very thick 8.5" uncut cock that was dripping precum like a slow faucet. As I saw my hole twitch and clench up in my vision, I could literaly feel my actual hole do the same thing.

Even though I know he was standing right next to me, Leo's voice sounded in my vision, and no longer from my right where he was standing. He said, "This hole is mine and mine only. Only I say who can and can't fuck it. Only I say what happens to it and you. You are MINE! This seed that's dripping from my cock, the very seed that I can see you licking your lips in anticipation of what it tastes like, is precious and should be treated like a rare gift.

"You will not only beg for it, but you NEED it to live. Do you hear me, Joey? YOU NEED...MY...SEED...TO...LIVE!" As Leo said he each word of his last sentence, he pushed an inch of his cock in my ass. I could literally feel my ass expand as he pushed each inch in me in my vision. I felt the sore spot stinging in my ass from the previous night's action right after he said the second word "NEED" having two inches of his cock pry open my hole.

By the time he said "SEED," the four inches of his cock in my ass were hitting my spot right on target. How was this happening? This vision was so real. My actual ass literally felt so stuffed from his cock. Damn, Leo's cock was super thick. Leo chuckled again in the vision and said to me, "You're not going to remember this at all. All you're going to remember is that you have a desire for me. One that you can't control. Oh you'll try to deny it, but it will be too powerful for you to contain, and eventually you'll succumb to my every wish.

"You will be mine. You technically already are mine, but you don't know it yet. I've already dropped enough precum in you that you won't be able to resist me, but I can't stop now. This ass is so fucking tight!" It was after he said this that I realized that he was fucking my ass. It was like I could see our bodies as I hovered from above in my vision. Damn, his cock was really stretching my hole so open. My actual body registered the same feelings that were happening in my vision.

"I'm going to cum in you, but you won't remember that I did. In fact, you'll be quite unaware of what has just happened. But for now, I want you to know, you're mine." And with that said, he started cumming in my ass. Again, I could feel the scalding hot cum flood my actual insides as I saw Leo's face in my vision as he came. Dame he was super fucking hot when he cums. I could feel his cock spasm as it painted parts of me that have never been touched by a cock. My actual ass could literally feel Leo shooting so hard and deep inside me.

I was quickly brought back to reality and the vision popped from my head. My hands had grabbed something cold, snapping me out of the vision. I looked up, regaining my senses, to see that I was grabbing the urinal with both hands as if in an attempt to keep me from falling. I looked down and my cock was rock hard, and the urinal was covered in my cum. Event my right hand had a stray spurt of jizz on it.

I shook my head and wondered what was going on. I came in here to piss, and I remembered hearing the door open, but that was it. I looked around the tiny bathroom and confirmed that no one was there. The door squeaked, so it definitely opened. But, I was sure I was alone and the next thing I could remember after hearing the door squeak was coming too and grabbing the urinal after obviously having cum all over it.

I was a little worried that I had blacked out and didn't remember how I came. But for some reason, I felt embarrassed and didn't want to be seen having just cum in the restaurant's bathroom. So, I put my slowly deflating cock back in my boxer briefs and went to wash my hands. As I walked over to the wall dryer, I felt some wetness at my asshole.

"Fuck!" I sighed. Sam must not have gotten out all the cum from last night. I just hope it's not a huge wet spot. That would be embarrassing out in public. I quickly went into the stall and pulled down my shorts and underwear. I couldn't see any cum or wet spots, but when I felt back at my hole just to check, it felt super wet.

I counted my lucky stars that I hadn't ruined my clothes and quickly grabbed some toilet paper to wipe up the cum that had oozed out. Damn, there was a lot. I had to wipe up six times. It was almost as if a huge load had just been shot in there.

"JoJo, are you in here?" asked Sam.

"Yeah, babe. Just finishing up. I realized thankfully before my pants were ruined that more cum was oozing out of my hole. I guess you didn't get it all out this morning."

"Damn, I thought I had. Oh well, I will next time. Hurry up though, everyone else is waiting on us."

"Ok, dumpling. I'll be right there."

As I left the bathroom and went back towards our table, everyone was already standing by the stairs to leave. When they all saw me, they turned to head down the stairs. Leo was last, and he looked over his shoulder and winked at me. That was funny. He was so cute though. Did he actually think that I might like him? I didn't think I was letting on that I was thinking about him and watching his cute ass on the walk over.

Leo stared down the stairs. I got another look at just how full his ass filled out those shorts. I thought to myself, "Damn, I'd love to fuck that tight ass! I'll bet he'd love my big cock in him." At that instant, I felt so bad, like I had betrayed Sam. But, I knew Sam would want to fuck him too. Maybe, if I played my cards right, I could talk Leo into letting Sam and I tag team his ass. Damn, that would be amazing!


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm slowly getting to the Nu's and thy mystery behind them. I'd love to hear what you guys think happend between Joey and Leo in the bathroom. What's really going on there?

Again, I always look for feedback or how you think the story is going or should progress. If you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

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