Joey and Sigma Nu

By moc.liamg@u4iobtlhcs

Published on Jan 23, 2015



The following story is fiction and any resemblances to persons living or dead are entirely coincidental. This story contains graphic scenes of male homosexual erotic acts. All characters are 18 years of age or older and legally able to make decisions about their life and fully aware of the consequences of their decision. If it is unlawful for you to view or receive such content, or such content makes you feel uncomfortable, then you are instructed to read no further than this disclaimer.


This story and its characters are copyrighted by the author and protected by the governing copyright laws of the country where this material is published. Any use or publishing of this story and its characters, in any part or entirety, is strictly forbidden.


This is my first attempt at publicly displaying any of my written works. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Please make all feedback in the form of constructive criticism. While this is a homo-erotic story, this story's purpose is for conveying a depiction of characters that you will enjoy. Feedback on the entire story is appreciated, not just the erotic sections. You may send constructive criticism and feedback as well as questions to:

Joey & Sigma Nu

Excerpt from end of Chapter IX

We all laughed. We continued to walk back to the dorm with Sam asking Kevin about the Nu's, and Kevin still refused to say anything more on the topic. As we made it to the dorm, we went to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. When it finally came, we took it up to our floor.

"6 PM, guys. Don't forget!" I said.

"How could I forget? I've been thinking about it since Sam mentioned it," Dominic said.

"Me too!" exclaimed Kevin.

"Well then, breeding party at 6 PM! See you guys then," I said.

I grabbed Sam, and headed back to our room. He shouted down the hall one last time at Kevin to reveal his knowledge. I swear, the Nu's were the one subject that got Sam riled up more than anything. What was so special about this frat? I guess I was going to have to find out for myself. I just hoped we both got invited to join, and we both got in.

Chapter X

Sam closed our dorm room door as I flopped face down onto his fluffy pillow. I just felt so tired after all of the sex and the meal we had just eaten. As Sam walked by me, he went and turned on his computer. Soon, I heard him typing away on the keys. I was actually almost asleep when I heard the clicks of the keyboard going so fast.

"Dumpling, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Why do you ask, Joey?"

"You're just typing really fast. I didn't know if something was wrong or not," I said as I turned my head toward him.

"I'm typing my dad an email. I want him to make sure I get into the Nu's. And, I'm telling him about my great roommate. I'm hoping that I can get you an invite into the Nu's as well. I don't want us to be apart if I get in," Sam said.

"You're sweet, my little Dumpling! Do you think your dad has that much pull with them?"

"I hope so, Joey! I can't even think what it would be like if I was in and you didn't get in."

Sam went back to typing, and I tried to start my nap again. But, my mind was racing, and I couldn't fall to sleep. "Sam, can I ask you something? Please be honest with me when I ask this, OK?"

"Sure, Joey. I always want to be honest with you. What's up?"

"If you do get into the Nu's, and I don't, then what's going to happen to us?"

"Joey, you know I want to be in the Nu's so bad. I've never considered giving up on them because something more important was in my life. My dad, and his frat brothers who'd visit from time to time, built up the experience so much, that I knew I had to have it. But, they were all very secretive about being in the frat. I don't know, JoJo."

I looked down at the floor when Sam said that. What did this mean? Did I mean enough to him? Am I just a fling? What is it about the Nu's that gives them this power of mystery? But it was my last thought that brought me close to tears. Does Sam really love me?

Sam knew I was deep in thought, and he came over and sat next to me. He wrapped his arm around my back while using his other hand to lift my face up so I was looking him in the eyes. "JoJo, I've never felt this way for anyone before. You mean so much to me, and all I want to do is make you happy. I also want to be in the Nu's. If those two things can't happen at the same time, then I'll have to choose. Joey, you're my choice. If I don't get in the Nu's I'll be the moodiest bitch on campus for three months, but I'll have you. You are what I want the most. You're my little JoJo!"

Using his fingers, he wiped the tear that started to stream down my face and leaned in to kiss me. While he was kissing me, I managed to mumble out, "I love you, Sam." We both started laughing at how absurd that sounded. Sam brought me close to him, and we hugged tightly. We laid down on the bed, and Sam started spooning against me. He wrapped his muscular arms around my chest and just held me tightly.

Banging at the door roused us from our sleep. As I was clearing the fog of sleep from my brain, I realized that I had fallen asleep in the arms of the one I loved. And he apparently was ready for action because his cock was hard and poking at my ass through our shorts. I chuckled and grabbed his hard cock, "I'll get the door since you've got an obvious boner."

When I opened the door, Dominic was standing there with a huge grin on his face. He exclaimed, "You guys ready?"

"What?" asked Sam from behind me.

"It's 6 o'clock. Are you guys ready?" asked Dominic.

"What the fuck?! Joey we slept all afternoon. It is 6." Sam jumped off the bed quickly. He went to his dresser rummaged around in the top drawer, and then threw something at me. I caught it. As I was trying to figure out what it was, he said, "JoJo, go shower really quickly and clean out with that douche ball. We need to make sure you're squeaky clean for the action tonight."

"Ha ha, Sam, very funny!" I said.

"What's funny?" asked Sam.

"You expect me to go into the public showers and douche out. Are you crazy?"

"Ha ha, no silly. Use the sink, fill up the douche, go to the toilet, clean out thoroughly, and then shower off really quickly. I mean if you wait much longer I think Dominic's shorts are going to rip trying to contain that boner," Sam explained to me.

"Hey, it's not that bad! Besides, I'm in my prime. I'm supposed to be hard 24/7!"

"Yeah, don't I know it," said Sam as he grabbed his still hard cock through his shorts.

"OK, OK! I'm off to clean up. I'll be back in a jiffy," I said as I opened the door right as Kevin was about to knock on it. "Hey, Kevin, come on in. I'm off to clean up. We over slept so it'll be just a few more minutes before we can start."

I hurried to the showers and did my business. As I was toweling off, Sam's buddy from high school, Nick, walked in with a towel around his waist. He nodded to me as he took off his towel and hung it on a towel hook. I couldn't help but check him out. He had the most perfect bubble butt. It was just the right size with the right amount of firmness. When he turned, I noticed that while he was gifted in the back, his front was below average.

I put my other leg up on the bench beneath the towel hooks. Nick got a good look at my cock, and his jaw dropped open. "Good Lord, where did you buy that from?"

"Umm, this?" I asked as I grabbed my dick and swing it about in a circle.

"Shit dude! That's the biggest cock I've ever seen that was soft."

"So you've seen a lot of hard cocks?" I asked.

"Umm, no. No man! You know what I mean. I'm not into that gay shit!" Nick swore.

"OK, man chill out. Just must have been the way you worded it. But no worries, everybody has their own tastes. If you like cock, fine. If you like pussy, fine. It doesn't matter to me."

"Yeah man. I'm a pussy hound here," said Nick.

I chuckled to myself inside. If he's such a pussy hound, why are his eyes still glued to my cock? So, I decided to play with Nick a little. "Yeah, I know what you mean man. Mine can't get enough of it either. But, it really likes ass too! But girls won't let me stick in there."

"Can you blame them dude? I'll bet they have a hard time fitting that in their pussy."

"Ha ha, yeah they do tend to scream and cry. I've only had one girl who could take all of it."

"Just how big does it get?" asked Nick. That's when I knew he was more than interested. Should I be honest or tease him some more? What would Sam do?

"Well if you're really interested Nick, you can come by my room when you're done with your shower and find out." I wrapped my towel around my waist, picked up my clothes, and walked out before Nick could respond.

I walked back to my room, and opened up the door. Dominic was already naked with Kevin sucking his cock like crazy. Sam was on his bed with his cock out of his shorts jerking it as he watched. Kevin had his shirt off, but still had on his shorts as he was on his knees servicing Dominic.

"JoJo, this is hot just watching!"

"I agree, Sam! But, I thought I was the one getting fucked here? Who's going first?"

"Me!" exclaimed Kevin as he pulled off Dominic's cock long enough to get that out before he deep throated him again.

"Fuck, Kevin. If you keep this up, I'm gonna shoot a load in your mouth."

"Oh no you don't, Dom. Kevin get over here and get Joey's ass ready for your cock. Dominic, get in front of Joey so he can suck you while Kevin fucks him. Joey, get on the bed on all fours, NOW!" Sam was so dominate. I was getting turned on by how he was ordering us all around.

"Sam, can I ask something before we get started?"

"Sure, Dom. What's up?"

"Do you or Joey have a jock strap? I want to fuck Joey while he's wearing one." Kevin quickly agreed. I just smiled, got off the bed, went to my dresser, pulled out my jock strap, and slowly put it on making sure that I spent a lot of time adjusting the straps perfectly around my ass.

"Damn, that pouch barely contains his cock and balls! Joey, I'll keep saying it over and over; I want you to fuck me one day soon!" exclaimed Kevin. "That is, if it's OK with you, Sam."

"Yeah, Kevin. I think we can take an afternoon or two and tag team that ass of yours. I'm curious to test out your milking abilities that I've heard so many wonderful things about."

"Dude, his ass is amazing. I've never cum fucking a guy so fast," said Dom.

"Ahem, I thought I was the one getting it tonight?" I asked. I walked back to the bed, adjusted my package as I was already hardening at the thought of getting fucked by 3 guys, and snapped the straps of the jock on my taught butt cheeks.

"Damn, I love hot jock ass!" That was the last thing I heard out of Kevin before his tongue forced his way into my ass with one quick shove. I couldn't help but grunt and moan as Kevin ate my ass like a pro. Dom slowly pulled my head down to his cock. I opened my mouth and took him in. He was right, he was really thick, almost as thick as me.

"Fuck this is hot!" Sam exclaimed. I started to come off Dom's cock, but he grabbed the back of my neck and told me to focus on his cock. "Yes, Joey. Keep Dom hard because he gets to fuck you after Kevin does."

"That's not going to be hard, Sam. It would take a miracle for me to lose this boner. Damn Joey, you are really trying to deep throat me aren't you?" asked Dom.

Before I could pull off and answer, Sam told him that he's been face fucking me and teaching me how to take a cock down to the root. "Well, he's really good at it, Sam. He must be a natural."

"You have no idea, Dom! No idea."

"Are you ready for my cock in your ass, Joey?" asked Kevin as he slurped away his tongue from deep within my hole. I started to pull off of Dom's cock to answer when Dom pushed me back on his cock.

"Oh he's more than ready, Kevin." Sam went around to my backside. "I want to see you enter him. I want to see his asshole spread open for you."

"Yeah, it took a lot of work to get in there, Sam. He's really tight, but I think I've got him lubed up enough that I can go in now."

"Quit talking about it, and just do it already. You guys are gonna make me bust before I get in Joey's ass talking all dirty and shit!" Dom was breathing hard and pulling down on his balls.

Suddenly, I felt Kevin's cockhead at my hole. He spit and I felt the spit land right on his head which was poised right ay my entrance. Then I felt pressure, and my hole was starting to open when there was a knock at the door.

"Fuck! Everyone get under the covers. I'll get rid of them," said Sam. I heard the door open, and Nick's voice saying, "You dropped this in the shower room...Oh shit. Hi, Sam." Sam laughed and looked back toward the bed.

"Joey, you dropped the douche in the shower room. Thanks Nick, for bring this back."

"Sure, uh no problem. Sam, why is Joey douching?"

"Because he's taking on 3 guys tonight. You wanna join?" asked Sam.

"SAM! Are you serious?" I asked.

"Ha ha, why not, Joey? I know Nick. He used to beg for me to fuck him when we were in high school. Isn't that right, Nick? Come on in, Nick. You kinda interrupted the action."

Nick came in and sat on my bed with Sam. It didn't take long for us to resume our positions. Actually, I should say, it didn't take long for Sam to tell us to get back to it. Dom pushed his cock in my mouth about the same time that Kevin was pushing at my hole.

My hole gave way as Kevin pushed in. He gasped and said, "Fuck, this is a tight hole, and I'm not even all the way in yet." All I could do was moan as my mouth was plugged with Dom's thick cock. Kevin pushed in all the way and then let me adjust. I wiggled my ass to let Kevin know I was ready.

Dom saw me wiggle and said, "Yeah, you like that don't you? Two cocks in your holes. Getting spit roasted. You like my thick cock, don't you Joey?"

"Mmmm hmmm," was all I could manage as they both continued to fuck me from both ends.

"SHIT, Sam. This is the hottest thing I've ever seen. It makes me kind of jealous," said Nick.

"I know, Nick. You're such a cock hound. I never could leave the locker room without seeing you there ready and waiting to service some hot jock."

Kevin started going faster and faster. "Fuck, this ass is so tight, I'm going to cum soon. FUCK, Joey! Don't tighten up like that or...FUCK, I'm cumming." Kevin started shooting his hot load up my ass and pounding into my ass. I was able to pull off of Dom's dick and tell Kevin how good it felt.

As Kevin pulled out, I looked over to see Nick sucking on Sam's big cock. Sam saw me looking at me, and said, "That's one down. Nick here's getting my cock wet for your ass. Dom you and Kevin switch places. Joey suck Kevin clean."

I could feel Dom behind me pushing his cock at my entrance. "Are you ready for another, Joey?"

"Don't ask him. I told you he's ready, now fuck him, Dom!" yelled Sam.

"Yes, Sir! Gladly!"

I don't know why, but Sam ordering us around and telling us what to do was making me rock hard. I had already popped out of my jock when Kevin started cumming in me. Now my cock was out and hugging my stomach with my jock strap keeping it tight against me as it grew hard. I leaned forward and starting licking cum off of Kevin's softening cock. Dom was pushing harder and harder but my hole was resisting.

"Damn, you weren't kidding, Kevin. This hole is super tight!"

"Spit and shove it in!" Sam ordered. Then I screamed out as Dom's cock broke through my ass ring. "Yeah, Joey, Dom's thick, but he's still not as thick as you. I just want you to remember how this feels when you're inside me because I love it, and the pain will soon turn into pleasure."

Dom shoved more and more of his cock in until I felt his balls on my ass. I was already wiggling because his cock was so thick it was putting constant pressure on my prostate. "It already has turned into pleasure, Dumpling!"

"FUCK, it's better than pleasure. It's fucking outta this world!" said Dom as he started to plow into me. He started to long stroke and almost pull all of the way out before he'd slam it back in. I was grunting, moaning, and licking Kevin's cock clean as Dom fucked me.

"OK, Dom. Don't hold back anymore. Give it to him!" ordered Sam.

"Yeah, fuck him as hard as you did me this afternoon," said Kevin.

Dom's hips started moving faster and faster. I was moaning more and more as his thick cock stretched my hole open and his cock head made my insides grip his cock tightly as it invaded deep into me. I couldn't believe that I was getting fucked like this. I was so hard my precum was dripping off my cockhead onto the sheets below.

"FUCK, I'm getting close," screamed Dom.

"Fill him up," replied Sam.

"Take this big, thick, cock, Joey! You know you want it," said Dom. He really started going to town on my ass as Sam came over to my face pulled me to his cock, and started fucking my face hard. "Fuck yeah, Sam. That's so hot watching you plow his face as I fuck his ass. Damn, this ass is so tight. SHIT, I'm cumming...argh!"

Dom's cock swelled and then I could feel it start to spasm as he unloaded inside of me. He kept cumming too, shot after shot. Sam was face fucking me so deep I started to gag again. "We still need to work on your gag reflex, JoJo!"

"Mmm hmmm."

"Get every last drop in there, Dom. I can't wait to have sloppy thirds. I'll bet his hole is so wet right now."

"Mmm hmmm."

"JoJo, I'm not gonna last long, but I'm going to shove it in. I want you to know how much you are turning me on right now. I know you trust me and having you please these guys and do what I tell you to do is making me so hard."

"Mmm hmmm."

"Fuck, that's a tight hole. Some of my cum is already oozing out Sam. You'd better get over here quick before it all runs out," Dom told Sam.

"Fuck yes, get ready JoJo." Sam placed his cockhead below my ass and pushed the wet cum back up to my hole. He shoved his entire cock in my mouth. I had to scream out as it was still a big cock for my ass to take. Dom quieted my scream as he shoved his cum covered cock in my mouth and started to fuck my mouth with his still hard cock.

"Damn, Joey. You really do like being spit roasted. I can feel your ass squeeze my cock so tightly. If I hadn't seen you just take on two guys, I would say you hadn't been fucked in a long time."

"I know, right Sam. That ass is so tight. I was fighting to not cum when I was just starting to push in," said Dom.

"You weren't kidding, Sam. Nick here is a cock hound." I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Nick sucking on Kevin's cock. I can't believe I have a cock in my mouth that I'm sucking clean from the remnants of cum from my ass, my boyfriend's cock in my ass, and a guy on my bed getting head from another guy who already fucked me full of cum. My body was overcome with sexual tension. I was rock hard and Sam was punching my prostate with his big cock.

"JoJo, I'm getting close. I want you to cum with me."

"Mmm hmmm."

"Fuck, I love it when you clamp down, Joey, but I'm gonna cum.

"Mmm hmmm."

Sam started that overdrive that his hips do when he's so close to cumming. My mouth was being forced to deep throat Dom's cock as Sam shoved his cock in my ass. "FUCK, JoJo! I'm cumming!" I felt Sam's cock expand a lot and then the flood gates opened. My ass felt like it was being hosed down. My cock started shooting as well. I was spraying down the bed as Sam was spraying my insides. "Fuck, this is so wet and yet still so tight. Your ass is so amazing, JoJo!"

"Mmm hmmm."

"Holy Shit! I'm cumming again!" screamed Dom. I felt like I was going to drown because I was still deep throated on him, and he was pumping cum directly into my throat. With Sam cumming in my ass, Dom cumming in my throat, and me cumming on the bed, I was in heaven. I was loving every minute of this encounter and so glad that Sam suggested it.

"Fuck, JoJo! I'm spent. You drained my cock. I'm going to pull out now." When Sam pulled out, so did Dom. I started gasping for air which caused my hole to spasm. I could feel tons of cum pouring out of my ass.

"Holy Shit! That's a ton of cum pouring out of you, Joey."

"I'm can feel it, Sam. It feels great, but I'm exhausted. You guys wore me out, haha!"

"Actually Joey, I think you wore us out. My balls hurt from cumming so much. What's the opposite of blue balls?" asked Dom.

We all laughed as I collapsed on the bed. Sam spooned up behind me and started whispering in my ear how hot this was and how turned on he was. I just looked back at him and said, "Mmm hmmm." He laughed and kissed me.

"OK, guys. Let's leave the two love birds alone. Joey, thanks for letting us tag team your ass. It was great. Let me return the favor for you guys soon. OK?"

"Absolutely, Kevin!"

"Yeah, next time is Kevin's ass!" Dom said excitedly. "Tomorrow night?"

We all laughed again. "I'm glad I'm not the only horn dog around here," I said.

"OK guys, Joey is tired. Let's all do lunch tomorrow or something, OK?"

They all agreed and got dressed and headed out. My hole felt so sore but yet so satisfied. Sam got back in bed with me. As he spooned up behind me, he kept telling me how hot this was.

"Sam, I have to agree. I don't know why, but when you were ordering us around, it was making my cock rock hard. And having you tell the guys to use me like that, I thought I was going to cum just hearing you order them to fuck me."

"Joey, I'm glad you like it because I definitely want to do it again soon. Maybe we can get more guys next time. Ha ha!"

"I don't know Sam, I'm pretty sore."

"I know, JoJo. I know. But, I'm not done with you yet." Sam rolled me over onto my stomach and pushed his hard cock back into my sore hole. "You want me to fuck your hole again, don't you?"

"Mmm hmmm."

"Fuck, I don't know how you remain so tight, but I am not complaining. I love fucking your tight hole."

Sam continued to fuck me. He plowed me hard and rough. I couldn't help but get hard again from his cock owning my hole. "Sam, please. Fuck me, harder!"

"What do you want? You want my cock in your hole harder?"

"Yes, Sir!"

"Tell me what you want!"

"Sam, please, will you fuck me harder. Pound my hole into submission. Make it submit to your big cock. I need your cum in me."

"Fuck, JoJo! You're begging gets me so close." Sam's overdrive hips kicked in, and he was pounding away. But then, he pulled all the way out. I waited a second for him to push back in, but he didn't. I raised my butt back to meet him, but he pulled away further. "Oh no, you don't! You have to beg for this cock to fuck your hole. If you want it at all, you must beg for it!"

"Please, Sam. Please fuck me. Please slam that big cock back in my tight hole. I need your cum in me. Please, make me yours. I need to feel your cock explode deep inside me." Sam slammed his cock back in, and I started cumming right away. I don't think my prostate has ever felt such a direct hard hit before. My ass started clamping down, and Sam couldn't hold back anymore. He started shooting deep in me.

"Fuck, your ass gets me every time, JoJo! I'm filling you up again."

Exhaustion took us both over with Sam collapsing on my back with his big cock still lodged deep in my guts. I could still feel both of us having our last spasms from cumming. My cock coating my body and the sheets, and Sam's cock mixed with the 3 other loads already inside me. Sam wrapped his arms around me, rolled us onto our sides, and held me tight not letting his cock slip out from my ass. "That was amazing, JoJo!"

It seemed like my running response of the night, but before I drifted off into a sexually-satisfied, blissful sleep, I managed to mumble out, "Mmm hmmm."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I thought it would be hot to see Joey take 3 cocks in a night. There's more to come on the Nu's and of course more of Joey and Sam's college adventures. Again, I always look for feedback or how you think the story is going or should progress. If you wish to comment, please send constructive criticism and feedback and/or questions to:

Next: Chapter 11

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