Joey and Sean

By Joey

Published on Jul 10, 2001


My mind went into slow motion. This was the first time someone other than me had touch my 'Private Parts" since the Doctor had me cough for him, with his professional hands down the front of my underwear at my Sports Physical last year. It was almost as if someone had stuck my penis into a light socket. His touch was that electric. I shivered involuntarily from the contact, and my cock sprang to full mast so hard and fast, it might have snapped off at the base. I gasped in surprise and my sphincter muscle tightened. He didn't balk. His hand was cool, but not cold as he wrapped his fingers around me. He did it gently at first and it felt a lot different than when I do it. My hand finds my penis automatically, and the stiffness that comes by my own hand is gradual. But it felt absolutely fantastic to have this alien hand wrapped around my most intimate body part. His palms were kinda sweaty, and that smoothed his jacking motion into fluidity. I felt I was getting harder than I had ever gotten under my with hand or lips for that matter (but that is another story).

Sean would occasionally brush his thumb sideways across my head when he came up, and it got me really hard when he did it. After a few pumps, he hooked my dick in the space between his thumb and index finger and then lifted his elbow and bent his wrist, so he could tease and tickle my balls with his little and ring fingers, without letting go entirely of my shaft. I was in heaven!

I looked over and saw him jacking himself in time to me with his left hand, but with much less fluidity, cause he was using his best hand on me. I could now look at his erect penis, without the fear I had experienced last winter. His was a little smaller than mine, but it was in proportion to the rest of his body; he was a little shorter than me. I moved my shoulders and ass to be closer to him, because I didn't want him to stop, especially after the shock I felt when he first touched me. When he lifted his elbow to stimulate my nuts, I slipped my arm under his elbow, so I could grab his penis with my best, left, hand.

And this was another first for me. I had never touched another penis in my life. Time, again, seemed to get fucked into slow motion. His penis felt so soft in my hand. Kinda like a baby mouse. Soft, furry and moving on its own. Yet it had a strength, unlike the mouse, in its steely rigidity. I felt him shudder in pleasure as I wrapped my hand around his dick. I jacked him at the same pace as he jacked me. Matched him stroke for stroke, like we were swimming!

When I jack off, it seems almost mechanical. Produce enough friction till the pleasure mounts and then the white stuff spurts out the end. This time, it was far from mechanical, and I could feel very different parts of my body react to his stimulus. My throat got tight and dry. I could feel my nipples get like pencil erasers. I could feel sweat start to form under my arms, and bead up on my abs. I had dug my heels into the ground to keep from sliding off the pillow, but now they relaxed. There was nothing more to really see, all I had to do was feel, and give feelings of pleasure to someone else. But the best feelings came from my crotch. It was almost as if my penis was on fire. I was overloading with stimulus. I was coming close. Very close to spurting.

So there we lay, naked young teenagers, shoulder to shoulder and ass to ass, merrily jacking each other off in the hot July evening. It must have looked hot, if anyone could have seen us. I matched Sean stroke for stroke. I think that he was getting close to cumming, because he was picking up the pace on jacking me. I reciprocated. Soon, I crossed the threshold, past the point of no return. I whispered through dry throat, that I was gonna cum. Sean said him too. We did. It was the most colossal volume of my young life, and because of the way he was holding my dick, when I came, my sperm leapt from my penis, arced through the air, and the first blob of it hit me on the cheek. Wow!

Sean's under my skilled left hand, ejaculated straight in the air. His first gob landed on his 6 pack, right above his bellybutton. He moaned softly while the sperm spewed from his dick. I was in ecstasy. Spurt after spurt of sperm followed the first, in diminishing arcs, until the last trickled out of the slit, and down Sean's hand. All I can say is WOW!

Our hands gradually loosened and then left the dicks we had brought to climax. We laid back in after sex exhaustion. What a feeling. What a bud. The crickets were out now, and the moon was rising. It was starting to get dark, and it was too early for us to even think about sleeping.

After a few minutes, Sean said, "Thanks, bud. I've always wondered what that would feel like, and I figured the only way to find out was to do it to somebody first."

"Me too," I offered. "That was great!"

"Jennifer is such a bitch. She gets me all horny, and then refuses anything past first base." Every time we go out, I gotta jack off when I get back home. She don't understand."

I added quickly. "Sally is exactly the same. You suppose they know what they are doing to us? I mean, they get all close to you, and touch you and you get hard, and then... nothing. The five finger shuffle ends the night." I didn't tell him that he got me harder than Sally ever did, just by his walk and smile and build.

We laid there in silence for a while, and then he said that we probably should get cleaned up before our cum dries like concrete in our pubes. Mine was mostly on my front, but I thought it a good idea anyway.

So we headed back up to the pool for another dip. I glanced at the clock on the pool house wall. It was almost ten o'clock. I couldn't believe that our trip down to the tent, had taken two hours. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun! We jumped into the pool, protecting our privates with both hands. Some more splashing we finally got our spent seed off our bodies. I sure hope that the chlorine in the pool kills sperm, cause I wouldn't want my mother to get pregnant with an errant sperm of Sean's, or even worse, mine. Out of the pool, I started cleaning up the beer cans and pizza box, putting them in the trash can by the pool house. Sean got out of the pool, and began flexing various muscle groups, and posing. Competitive by nature, I did too. I almost got hard again looking at him, showing off his muscled body, like a contestant at a Mr Universe pageant. Only we were naked. I glanced at the clock on the pool house.

I went in the pool house and grabbed a pair of shorts. Sean's were dry, so he put them on. We went into the house and decided to play Nintendo for a while. We had just gotten warmed up, when I heard the garage door open. My parents were home, just like clockwork. 11:00.

They came into the family room from the kitchen. My dad looked a little loaded, and my mom asked us how the pizza was, and what we did to entertain ourselves. I just said we pooled it mostly. Of course she would not catch the reference to "pocket pool", but Sean did. They said their goodnights, and went upstairs to their room. I was beginning to feel a little tired myself, so I asked Sean if he was ready to turn in. The combination of getting ready for my guest, emotions, and all the swimming we did was starting to take its toll. Sean agreed. I turned off the lights in the family room, and made sure the front of the house was locked up, before we went out to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple of cans of soda from the fridge, and closed the back door. We walked down to the tent in pretty much silence. The half moon showed us the way.

When we got to the tent, I shucked off my shorts. I told Sean that I've been sleeping naked since 7th grade. He said Kewl, and dropped his shorts. I picked up both pairs and hung them from the pole at the front of the tent. We sat at the bottom of the tent by the door, and made small talk about summer camps and football and wrestling, and a lot of things. But not sex. Our experience with each other had left me satisfied for now, strangely. We finished the soda, and turned in. It was a beautiful, hot, still summer night, that you only get in the Midwest. But I was in heaven.

I must have fallen asleep almost immediately, because I don't remember tossing and turning like I usually do, and often, the only way I can get to sleep is to jack off. But not tonight! I also didn't lay awake thinking about the big step I had taken with Sean. Sean lay quietly next to me. Funny, though, I didn't dream, or at least I don't remember the dream if I did.

I awoke just before dawn. The first sensation I felt as I slowly awoke, was a wetness around my dick. In my semi-conscious state, I figured another one of the millions of 'wet dreams' I have had over the last three years. Or maybe all of the soda and beer I drank last night had caused me to wet the bed. Boy was I wrong. As I moved my hand down to my aching dick, I encountered the furry head of Sean. The wetness was caused by his mouth ministering to my swollen penis! I sprang to full consciousness. Not only did I get my first jack off by someone last night, I was getting my first blow job today. Sean looked up at me with my dick in my mouth and smiled. He was laying next to me with his feet at my head, and was laying on his side with one knee bent so he could keep his balance. WOW. This was so hot, I couldn't believe my luck. This was way better than I had ever hoped to dream about.

Rather than sit back and enjoy it as I probably should have, My eyes were attracted to his equally swollen but dry penis, less than a foot away from me! I scooched over a bit with my shoulders so I could plant my mouth around him, but he moved his hips away! I understood. Sean wanted me to sit back and enjoy it. I certainly did.

Again, my senses were on overload. I could smell Sean. Not body odor, but something else, I would describe as sex. Maybe pheromones, I haven't looked into it. I could hear a soft slurping sound as he moved his mouth up and down my shaft, and I could feel his tongue playing with my head as he bobbed back up. I could feel his warm breath against my pubes when he took all of me down his throat. I could feel his teeth gently raking my shaft as he came up again to the head. I was about ready to shoot. (Aren't I always). But I gathered my elbows under me, so I could watch. Again, all I could say was WOW. The feelings I felt coursing through my dick were more intense than last night' session. I think I was more 'turned on" if possible. I also was very close to shooting. Every once in a while, Sean would take his hand and again tickle my balls while his eager mouth sucked on my cock. I cummed. I had as much as I had the night before. Only I came in Sean's mouth this time. Spurt after spurt came from my dick, till some of it escaped from his lips and formed a trail down the side of his cheek. I was totally spent, and every muscle in my body loosened up. I smiled down at Sean who was quietly spitting my jissum out into an empty pop can at the foot of the tent, and wiping his face with his 'T' shirt.

His penis was still at full mast, and wordlessly, I put my lips around his head. Again, really new feelings crept into my head. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this, but I wanted to do it for Sean, as much as for me. I gently used my tongue to tease the head of his cock and slowly took his hard dick into my mouth. I made it as far back as the back of my mouth. I still had a couple of inches before I had him all. I eased off, and came back to licking his head and trying to work my tongue into the slit where the piss comes out. I played with his nuts just as he had done mine. All of the excitement had made him about ready to come, cause I thought the muscle inside his dick would break out of the skin, he was stretched so tightly. Down again. This time, I fought back the urge to gag, and finally rested my lips in his beautiful brown pubes. He smelled wonderful, even this close up. He smelled a bit of chlorine and soap, but the smell wasn't all that unpleasant to me. I grabbed his ball sack while I sucked on him and toyed with one testicle, rubbing it gently between my thumb and forefinger. Then the other one, to receive equal treatment. Then I pulled off him, and began the whole process slowly again.

I could hear him softly moaning so I knew he was close. Do I swallow, like all the stories I read about blow jobs said on the net? Or do I take it in my mouth and spit it out like Sean had done? I had to decide quick, for after about the tenth mouthful of Sean I had, his penis erupted in another great load of boy cum. I took it in my mouth, and some spilled down my cheek too. When he had finished spurting, I rose to my knees and spat most of his cum into the same soda can as he had used. I wanted to taste some for myself, though. It seemed as though he tasted kinda like me, but not as smooth. Definitely different. Sean was smiling at me, as I laid back down next to him, head to head. He put his arm on my chest and smiled at me.

He said "I had to piss, so I got up and went down to the creek and let go. When I came back, I could see you there lying on your back, with your prick hard with a woody. I couldn't resist. I thought that if I did you, you might do me. And I thought I would take a chance. It is just another one of those things I have always wondered about. After last night, I didn't think you would mind. You didn't, did you. Thanks, bud.

My mind was swimming. Hours and days of planning this had turned out even better than I had hoped. I would have been happy just to have jacked him off, and get jacked in the process, but to have a jack and a suck was better than I could ever hope for. I looked him in the eyes, and smiled. "No problem bud. I just wish I was awake for the first part. It was way kewl.

We dozed off again, and woke up probably an hour later. The sun was over the horizon, but it hadn't gotten hot yet. We put our clothes on, and went into the house. Mom and Dad were still asleep, so I quietly showed Sean the shower in the guest room. I went up to my room, grabbed a pair of shorts and a 'T' shirt, set them on the sink while he was in the shower (probably NOT beating off). I went back to my room to shower and change.

We met back in the kitchen, where mom and Sean were making small talk about pancakes with blueberries and warm syrup. We drank orange juice, ate the pancakes and went out to the pool. One quick look showed me that there was no incriminating evidence laying around, except for my speedos, which I quickly picked up and tossed inside the door of the pool house. We went down to the Tent, removed all of the contents and struck it, fitting it back into the plastic bag it came in. He picked that up, and I got the mattresses and the rest of the stuff we had down there, walked back up to the patio and laid them down. I buried the soda can half full of boy cum down deep in the trash. It was time to take Sean back to his house. He had a family reunion picnic that he had to go to, so he couldn't get out of it and stay another night.

We talked small talk with my mom, but once we got to his town, he asked me what I was doing for the July fourth weekend. It was on a Wednesday this year, so some places had fireworks Wednesday night, so there was no actual "July 4th weekend". I didn't know, and he said that if it was ok with his mom, maybe I could stay over at his house.

We pulled up in front of his house, and I insisted on helping him carry in his stuff. I told my mom that I'd be back in a minute. We entered the unlocked door of his house. He dropped his sleeping bag at his feet, leaned over and gave my dick a squeeze. Not hard or mean, but gentle and firm at the same time. I'll call you later, he said as I backed out the door. Now I wished I had worn some underwear, to contain my tingling penis.

Maybe my lonely days and lonely nights were over. I don't know.

Im writing this right after it happened. It has taken me a couple of days to get it all done. I wrote so that I can preserve these memories exactly as they happened, so that years from now, after people call me Joe and not Joey, I will remember the first time. If you liked this story, you can contact me at I will try to answer any and all.

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