Joey and Brad

By CuteGayCollegeBoy

Published on Feb 10, 2001



Author's note: I am a new writer of gay fiction. I hope to continue with this story but it will build gradually. Yes, the more interesting stuff will be coming in the future. I just wanted to write this to see if anyone would be interested in seeing what would happen to these two college guys. So please drop me an email. Thanks. Peace and love.

Disclaimer: This Story contains homosexual men and the concluding installments will contain homosexual acts. If this offends you in anyway, or you are under 18 or such material is illegal in your state, don't read my story. However, if you like stories like this and want to know what happens. Please continue to read and enjoy.

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Joey and Brad Part 1

The morning air was crisp and cool without a cloud in the sky. I wake up in my college dorm room and realize I have about and hour and a half to get ready for class. Who am I? Oh, sorry bout that. My name is Brad. I moved from a small Midwestern town out here to the east coast about a year ago. I love it here. With the ocean and lake waters and views of the mountains and rolling hills are just wonderful. It was just slightly into the semester and the trees were changing color as fall approached. What do I look like you ask? I am about 5'8" with jet-black hair and chestnut brown eyes, kinda square jawed, a dimpled chin, and a really great smile. I had pretty nice biceps too. I didn't have the perfect chest like I wanted, but I was working on it and my six pack was coming in. All in all, not a bad guy to look at. I always tried to stay on top of trends and things as well so I'd look really good. I did a pretty good job of it too. In fact, back in high school, and even here on campus, a lot of the popular girls were after me. Passing me their phone number in the student union lounge and so on. Always trying to lure me with that seductive wink that girls like to give and that cute voice saying "Hey brad, call me, we'll go out" I never agreed though.

All my buds thought that I was crazy. They'd all look and me and say "Damn Brad, what the hell is your problem?" I just said to them, "I'm not really here to date, I care about my career." Now this was only half true. I WAS here to study hard and I REALLY wanted a career in Computer Science. I really loved computers and I was good at what I did. All my buddies said that I was born with the looks of a jock and the mind of a computer geek. However, there was one thing my buddies didn't know about me, they didn't know that I was gay. No one knew, not even my parents. That was how I liked it too. I was cute, popular with my friends, and no one would have guessed that I secretly wanted to date guys. I hadn't had a guy in my life for awhile, but boy I was ready to give love another chance.. I was sure hoping that something would happen soon.

So I was getting ready to go to my first class, which just happened to be Speech 101. I hated speech but since it was Monday and I wanted to start the week off right, I decided that I wanted to look really good. So I put on some tight gray boxer-briefs, some tight black jeans, and white thermal shirt and a gold short sleeved shirt, gelled my hair back, grabbed a bagel from the toaster and a cup of coffee and headed off to class. When I got to class and just grabbed a seat in the back because it was right before the lecture was suppose to start. However, today was different. There wasn't going to be a lecture at all. The professor said that since the semester only started a few short weeks ago we should get to know each other. We had to get a partner, and find out the most we could about him or her and report back next class. This made me nervous. I mean there were some really great looking guys in my class but they probably all had friends and so on or wanted to interview girls. I didn't have any of my friends in any of my classes this semester. I felt like the campus new kid. So there I was looking around for some one to pair up with, and I felt this massive and gentle hand grip my shoulder. I turn around to this great big warm smile; long, thick, perfectly styled blonde hair and bright green eyes that reflected light like pools of water. He said,

"Hey bro, my name's Joey, wanna pair up?"

I had to quick close my mouth as I was trying not to gawk at this great looking guy in front of me. I mean, I thought I was good looking but Joey was just amazing. He had biceps a little bigger than mine and he had a great chiseled chest that you could see from his tight long sleeved shirt. He had dimples in his cheeks, and I just got lost in his smile. He had a really cute bubble-butt too. I was trying not to notice his body but couldn't help it. Eventually I said,

"Sure man, thanks, my name is Brad."

"Hey Brad, good to know ya bro."

I said, "Yeah, you too, man"

Then he said, "Man I really kinda get uncomfortable asking stuff to people sometimes, I just never know what to ask. I'm sorry."

What? This gorgeous guy is sorry to ME? I couldn't believe it.

I said "Joey, it's okay man. Why don't you just come over tomorrow to my dorm room. I have a double unit but no roommate so we can just hang out and interview each other.

He said, "Sounds great bud, thanks. How's 7:00?"

"Great" I said. "See ya then"

I couldn't believe that this gorgeous guy had basically fallen in my lap and was coming over to my dorm room tomorrow night, wow.

So it was Tuesday night around 7:00. Joey knocked on the door and I opened it. There he stood his blonde hair perfectly gelled and shining in the light and that warm smile of his beamed from ear to ear. He was wearing a white T-shirt and tight blue jeans and I was speechless because he looked so hot.

Eventually he said, "Uh, can I come in?"

I said "Yeah dude, sure, I am sorry." I offered his something to drink and he said he was fine. He just sat there smiling at me, I tried to smile back but I was nervous. All I could do was stare at his gorgeous frame.

He said, "Gee man, I am sorry, do I make you uncomfortable? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" I said.

"Well that's a lie, but you don't have to tell me" he said. He just continued to smile.

"So Joey, what do you want to tell me about yourself?" I asked.

Well this had started a string of conversation between the two of us that went on for at least a few hours. We talked about life, childhood, school, and especially that bore of a speech teacher we both had and how he lectured up until the last second of class almost every session. Well, the two of us found out that we had become fast friends literally overnight. It was a very comforting friendship at that. Both of us had each reached a point in our home lives where we needed to break free and be our own individuals. Moving wasn't as terrible as either of us thought it would be, but making a new friend was. All of the friends that I had here at school up to now were the few that followed me out of high school. Unfortunately, they still acted like we were in high school and that act got pretty old. I had a really good feeling knowing that I had someone new to connect with.

As time went on, it got late, and Joey thought the he should go even though he had a great time that night during the interview. I asked if Joey had anymore questions before he left for the night.

He said "Just one, Can we hang out again, maybe tomorrow night?" I was surprised.

"Sure" I said.

My cock was rock hard from the excitement for just the possibility of getting to see my new friend again. He could probably see the bulge from my jeans but I didn't care. I really liked this guy. We set up to meet at a coffeehouse right off campus right after speech class. I then followed Joe to the door and went to shake his hand goodnight. He shook my hand and then he pulled me close to him and held me close and buried my head into his chest. I am sure he could feel my hard cock through my jeans, because he held me so close.

He softly whispered "Good night Brad, thanks for everything."

He held me for about five minutes like that and then left and softly closed the door. I was so surprised by this I didn't know what to think, but I went to bed feeling very peaceful that night.

The next day I didn't have any classes, so I was content to spend the greater part of the morning in bed. All of a sudden I had received a phone call. I was still mostly asleep when I had answered the phone. I think I had managed the mumble the word "hello" after I had picked up the receiver. There was a somewhat familiar voice on the phone.

"Brad? Brad, you there? It's Joey."

"Oh, hey Joe...what's up?" I asked.

"Sorry I woke you up dude. I didn't want anything, just wondered if you wanted to get a cup of coffee or something" Joe said.

"Yeah, Joe, I'd really like to, but now is kinda a bad time dude, I'm still in bed, and I'm not even close to being dressed or anything. I'm sorry." I said.

Joe sounded kinda disappointed. "Well dude, that's fine I know you were sleeping and all. Look me up later if you want to do anything." he said.

"Wait Joe" I said. "If you want to you could always come over here for coffee. I may not look the most presentable but you are welcome to come over and hang out for awhile."

"Thanks, guy, I really appreciate that. I'll be over in about twenty minutes if that's OK?" Joe said.

"That's fine. I gotta go hop in the shower. If I am not here when you get here, just make yourself at home and I'll be right back alright? I'll have the coffee brewing before I go, so help yourself."

"Okay, great dude. See you in a little bit." Joe said. Then he hung up the receiver.

I had gone to bed in my gray boxer-briefs from that day and a t-shirt so I had to find something to change into after my shower, but I didn't have much time. I have to admit that I really wanted Joey even though I had so far done well to hide it. However, I thought that it might be a good idea to flirt a bit. I wasn't for sure if Joey was gay yet, but I felt a spark between us the other night with that hug, and was wondering if he did too. I had never felt another guy hold me so tight and have it feel so wonderful at the same time.

Being that I did not have much time all I grabbed was my soap, shampoo, a pair of black boxer-briefs and my black bathrobe. I quick put on some coffee, made my bed, and headed the shower. When I got there I was glad I was the only guy in there as I was in a hurry. However, it also was about 10:30 and everyone else had probably started their day long ahead of me. I quickly picked the middle shower stall of about 9 all together, stripped and began to take a hot shower. As I washed my dark hair, droplets of water had begun to ooze from the ends of my hair, down to face, and down the center of my chest. As I began to soap up, all of the soap got in the folds of my arms and muscles and the beginning of my abs. It was kinda hot to see all the soap just cling to my muscles, become really foamy and begin to ooze off me. I especially liked how it made my cock and nuts look. My cock was completely hard and my nuts were hanging low all covered in the drippy, soapy froth. I then quickly took a few strokes of my hard dick. Not enough strokes to make me cum, mind you, but just enough to feel good as the hot water beat down on it and to make me even harder than I was already. I then stopped after a minute or two, rinsed off and put on the boxer briefs and bathrobe. My black boxer briefs showed a perfect outline of my hard throbbing member. I smiled when I looked in a nearby mirror. I quickly threw on my bathrobe, tied it, and opened it at the top just enough to show off my still very wet pecs. I left my hair wet and combed it just slightly. The beads of water from my bangs were still hitting me in the face.

When I got back to my room Joey was already drinking a cup of coffee. It was now 11:00. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a white crew neck shirt. Even though it wasn't very revealing, it showed off his chiseled frame perfectly through the shirt. I stood in the doorway for a second and said "Hey there, Joey, it's good to see you bro."

Now this was the first time that I had realized that if Joe wasn't gay at least he thought I was good looking. I knew this because he just stared at my wet hair, and my wet chest for few minutes, mouth gaped open. All he could manage to say was "Hi Brad." I went over and got a cup of coffee and sat down at the small table he was sitting at. We sat and talked for a few minutes.

"Was there something that you needed to tell me Joe?" I asked. "You sounded pretty urgent on the telephone."

My question brought him out of his daze.

"Uh, no," he said. I just did not have any classes today and I didn't really want to spend the day alone." That's all.

"Well, you wanna go ahead and to something together then?" I asked. "I have the day off too, so I'm free to do whatever."

"Sure," Joey said. "We can go grab a bite to eat this afternoon and then maybe do something this evening. How would that be?"

"Sounds like a blast" I said. "Let me throw on a pair of jeans quick and we can go grab a burger or somethin." "Feel free to watch TV while I'm gone." I said.

I went into my bedroom and stood in front of the full length mirror. I was wondering if Joey was really going to watch TV or try to get a glimpse of me. I never heard the television go on and I could see Joey's eyes in the mirror so I knew that he was watching, he just didn't know that I knew. Knowing that Joey was interested, I did more to keep his interest. I untied my robe and let it fall to the floor exposing my muscular shoulders and back. I flexed and tightened all of the muscles in my back. Then I turned sideways to show off my pecs and my biceps. If Joey was still watching he could also tell that I had a full hard on inside my boxer briefs. I heard Joey gasp a little bit as he watched and I knew he was impressed. I then put on a pair of tight blue jeans and a tight black shirt. I turned around and noticed that Joey was heading back to the television and quick turned it on so that I wouldn't know that he was checking me out while I dressed. Little did he know that I was glad he did.

I came out of my room and asked "Ready to go, Joey?"

"Sure, anytime you are ready" he said.

So I grabbed my windbreaker, and he had grabbed his that he had brought with him and we headed outside. We had eaten lunch at this little corner cafe and then walked through a nearby park and continued to talk about the past and daily life in general like we had the night before. Both of us had gotten completely lost in the conversation and before too long, it was already 3:30. We agreed to split up for the remainder of the afternoon and then meet at this local pub and billiard room called "The 8 Ball" around 9:00. There we could slam down a couple beers and play a little pool. The afternoon was so great just eating and walking peacefully and talking with a friend. I felt in a way more whole than I ever had before. I couldn't wait to see what the night would bring.

However, This was before I had reached my dorm room again and knew what was in store for me. There was a message waiting for me on my answering machine when I got back. It was from a person that I had never hoped to hear from again, my ex-boyfriend, Alex. I heard the following message on my machine:

"Hey Bradley, you old dog, you! It's Al. How the heck have you been? Hey we haven't talked in a long time and I'm doing great, but I want to catch up with you. Let's meet at our old hangout, "The 8 Ball" around 9:00 okay. Look forward to seeing you. Talk to you later stud."

Now, I was not really looking forward to running into Alex while I was out having fun with Joe, but I wasn't going to be immature and cancel. I told myself, "You are 19, and mature and confident enough to handle any situation. It was too late to call him back and I did not have his number anymore anyway because he had moved.

So 9:00 rolls around and I had changed clothes. I was wearing a navy blue sweatshirt and a blue baseball cap and some white khakis. I had agreed to pick Joey up, so I went and parked my car and went up to his apartment a few miles from campus. When I got there I knocked, and he opened the door. He had changed clothes as well because it had gotten colder out as the sun went down. Joey had on dark tan khakis, a green sweatshirt, and a green baseball cap. We were both just ready to be relaxed and have a few beers and play some pool. On the way to the billiard room I told Joey that an old friend may be there looking for me, and if he was, to just ignore him because he is a trouble maker and will probably look for a fight.

Joey said, "I'll ignore him the best I can, but if it a fight he is looking for, he may just get one."

When Joey and I got to the pub he racked up the balls and grabbed the cue sticks and I grabbed a beer for each of us. Alex was there waiting for me and said "Hey Brad, come sit down."

In reply I said, "Hey Al, no offense man, but I'm really here to be with my buddy, not to chat with you"

Alex said, "What, I was good enough when you and I were lovers and now I'm nothing to you?"

Joey looked surprised and said "lovers?"

I turned red with embarrassment and then turned to Joey and said "Yes, Joe, this is Alex, my ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I'm gay. I just didn't want that fact to hinder our friendship."

Alex said, "That's not all you are going to be sorry for."

Then Alex proceeded to jab me in the mouth. My lip was bleeding. I took a good swing at him and missed. He then decked me across the face, gave me a black eye, and slammed a chair over my head and then another over my back. Alex kept slamming me into everything and my back was bleeding pretty badly. I saw Joey get in a few good punches against Alex and it helped things from being worse but I was still pretty battered.

I don't remember how I got out of that bar. I just remember being passed out in the corner on the floor. However, the next morning, I woke up and was in a soft warm bed. It wasn't my bed, but I didn't care. I couldn't see out of my left eye, it was swollen shut. My back was hurt really bad. I wasn't even in my own clothes anymore. I was in a pair of sweats and was shirtless. I saw my torn khakis and blood stained sweatshirt lying over in a laundry basket in the corner. I managed to mumble out...

"Hello? Where am I?"

Joey came over to the bed and sat down. He ran his gentle fingers through my hair, and ran his hand down my cheek. He held the right side of my face in his hand, He then leaned down and gave me a warm deep kiss pressing both of his warm soft lips against mine for what seemed to be an eternity.

Then he said, "It's okay stud, you are going to be all right. I will make sure of it. He kissed my mouth again and then the center of my chest and both of my nipples. After that he left the room and I drifted back to sleep.

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