Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Jul 24, 2023


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on your country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination, submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2006

Joel's Life in College So far 8

Barry had run down to his room and stripped like he'd been told but he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself before he took off down to Steve's room. Todd observed him sticking the key into Steve's door and as he opened it he followed Barry into Steve's room.

"Hey there Boswell looking for something? " He asked

Barry was intent on getting the paddle and making it back to my room as soon as he could. He didn't bother to reply. He grabbed Steve's paddle and moved to leave the room but Todd grabbed his towel, ripped it off him, and blocked his way out the door.

"Hey give me that back" Barry demanded.

Todd, much bigger and stronger than Barry, stood in the doorway and said, "I asked you a question Boswell. What are you looking for? What are you doing with Steve's key in his room?"

"Look man I got to get that paddle down to Joel's room pronto. Let me outa here and give me my towel back" he said, half demanding half pleading.

"Listen boy If you don't tell me what you're doing here I'm gonna paddle your sorry ass myself" Todd said.

"I gotta get that paddle down there because I'm gonna get my ass paddled by Steve. I'm trying to get there as quick as I can so please let me go." Barry said with increasing desperation in his voice.

"You got an attitude problem boy. You should have just answered me the first time. Now it's gonna make you later than you were already" Todd said

"Ok look I'm sorry man I just need to hurry. Let me have my towel back and I'll go take what's coming to me' Barry said hoping to get back to my place fast.

"Boy you don't need this towel. I know damn well you are not supposed to have it. And you still have an attitude problem. You're still not showing me respect. Before you go you are gonna apologize to me.

You'd better make it sincere and convincing or Ill paddle your ass myself before you leave this room." Todd said

Naked desperate to get back and most of all fearing prison Barry got to his knees. "Todd Sir I am sorry I didn't mean to disrespect ya" Barry said in his best suck hole voice.

As he was speaking, Barry noticed that Tomas and Jay were standing outside Steve's doorway. His pleading was being witnessed. At that point, though he didn't much care. He knew prison as a sex offender would be very much worse.

"Well guys do you think the boy is sincere?" Todd asked.

"Sounds like he is doing some real ass kissing all right but this guy's a weasel. With his type, talk is cheap. You won't know for sure until you see some action." This was Tomas talking.

"You're probably right. This dude's probably just talking fast to get his ass out of this room and back to Steve " Todd said

Growing more desperate every second to get out of that room Barry lunged forward onto his chest face down in front of Todd and grabbed onto his bare feet. He began to kiss and lick them saying between licks "please Sir I'm sorry if I dissed ya I didn't mean to I only have to hurry back to Steve. Please let me go. "

After about 30 seconds of this devotion, Steve said, "all right boy up on your knees."

Barry raised himself up to his knees and then stood. As he did so all noticed that Barry's cock was now erect and hard. Humiliated to the core by his obvious arousal in the circumstances Barry found himself unable to look Todd in the eye. He kept his gaze on the floor.

"Ok boy I guess you showed you respect your superiors but you are going to continue to show your respect on your way back down the hallway by walking on fours like a dog. You got that?" Todd said.

"But how will I take the paddle sir?" Barry asked

"You'll carry it like any dog boy. You'll carry it in your mouth!" Todd told him

"Sir I can't do that it's too heavy," Barry said.

"I got a belt in my closet that will help you move your ass fast if you don't grab it in your teeth and move your butt right now!" Todd said.

Todd held the paddle up to Barry's mouth and he took it firmly in his teeth and started on his way out the door. He passed by Todd who gave his bare butt a solid smack with his hand which caused Barry to lunge through the doorway of Steve's room into the hallway.

Barry turned and began to crawl quickly as he could toward my room but soon found his way blocked by Tomas. With the paddle in his mouth, he was unable to pass by.

Tomas and Jay began to chant `paddle line paddle line' blocking his way until he dropped the paddle in his frustration.

Tomas grabbed it and stood with his legs wide open allowing Barry to pass thru but he squeezed his knees together at Barry's waist and gave his ass a few smacks with the paddle before handing it to Jay and releasing Barry. Jay allowed Barry to pass thru and smacked his butt only once. He then turned and held the paddle as Barry took it in his teeth while the other three watched him.

"Make sure you hold it that way all the way back to Joel's room or I'll paddle you with it myself" Todd said as Barry began to crawl on his hands and knees. He was crawling as fast as he could hoping to get back to my room and avoid extra penalty.

He was most of the way to his goal when he saw flashes from a camera and heard clapping. He realized he had an audience and someone was recording his crawl. At that point, he didn't care about that so much because his main worry was to get to my room as soon as he could and minimize the paddling to come.

He noticed that Steve was standing in the hallway outside of my room watching him as he crawled. As he approached, Steve Barry stood and handed him the paddle.

Steve looked at his watch and said "one minute and forty five seconds. Well boy I will have to teach you to move faster."

As he said this Steve observed that Barry's cock was up and very hard. Barry noticed this at the same moment and his humiliation, no doubt already very intense, rose to a new level. He was already pink all over but a new wave of red washed over his body. I knew how he felt. I'd had the same experience that morning myself.

Steve grabbed Barry by his hard on and led him into my room where I was kneeling on my pillow, hands on my neck observing events. I was about to experience my second paddling that day but this time as an observer and not as the target

At that point I was hard and horny as hell and would have loved to grab my cock and jack it while I watched Barry's punishment. Before that day I'd never Jacked in front of anyone but after all that happened that morning I'd have done it with great pleasure right then. But I knew if I did or even moved my hands off my neck I might end up back where Barry was.

So what I did was wait and watch. I figured Barry deserved all of what was coming to him and I wondered how he'd take it. Despite my own humiliating position, hunger and fatigued arms, I looked forward to watching witnessing his paddling. I mean I definitely didn't enjoy taking a paddling but the prospect of seeing Barry take one had me stone hard and dripping once again.

Steve pushed Barry into my room and had him bend over my chair and grab the front legs just as he'd made me do before. This exposed his nice hot muscular ass, which I had seen up very close that morning already. The way I was kneeling made me face the chair on its side. I could see Barry's nice muscular butt plus his back and the side of his face. There was a look of fear in his eyes for sure but something more too. I wasn't sure what it was right then but it only intensified my interest. Steve stood over on the far side and began to rub his paddle over Barry's exposed butt. I noticed too that my door remained wide open once again. So Barry's paddling was gonna be broadcast to everyone on the wing just like mine had been. I figured this was only just and despite my own discomfort I was eager for the show to begin.

Well that is Joel's life part 8. I hope to be done part 9 soon now that I am back writing.

Let me know what you think. I always appreciate responses and will respond to all.

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