Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Jul 17, 2023


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on your country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination, submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2006

I was standing naked facing into the corner of my room with my hands on the back of my neck like a prisoner but for the first time that day I knew I wasn't target #1. I mean all the other guys there were still dressed and I was nude but I knew that I wasn't the only one in trouble now.

Steve had instructed me to remain facing into the corner of my room until he returned. But that was like 2 hours earlier because he had had to go deal with the hit and run on his jeep. In the meantime, Barry had been having his fun with me and Steve now returned and found him in the middle of it. Now Barry was the one in trouble.

I was trying my best to be fully compliant with Steve's order to remain facing my corner but I couldn't resist turning my head. When I looked back, Barry was still trying to weasel his way out.

"Man its no big deal. Joel here was loving it anyway. He was up and hard the whole time."

"You miserable arrogant little fuck. You're too stupid to realize how lucky you are to even be here and then you go pull a stunt like this." Steve replied, his face growing red.

"Hey dude we was just having some fun like you did. It's no big deal man." Barry said, beginning to sweat.

"When they told me about you I didn't want you here at all but they accepted you anyway." Steve said.

Steve stepped into my room and closed my door. He walked directly over to Barry and grabbed his shirt. As he did so, he glanced at me with obvious annoyance on his face so I turned back into the corner, hands on my neck as ordered.

"Hey chill man there is no harm done here we was just having a bit of a joke. Joel liked it anyway man. Just be cool dude." Barry said, his voice cracking as he spoke.

Ignoring Barry's words Steve said, "When I heard about you and that kid I didn't want you around here but they took you anyway. But you're definitely on probation. I know they told you that but you're too stupid to know a second chance when you see it. Well buddy, you just blew it," Steve said, a finality in his voice. I couldn't help myself and looked over my shoulder again even though I knew I probably shouldn't.

"What the fuck man I aint done nothing wrong here and I ain't on no probation." Barry said, his defiance returning as he raised his hands to push Steve back.

This was a foolish move. Steve grabbed his right arm and had it twisted behind him in a flash.

"You are the dumbest little shit I've met in a long time. Do you think we don't know about you? With a record like yours, your folks had to kiss butt and file a lot of papers just to get the school to look at your sorry ass. You were on probation the moment you arrived here and you just blew your chances. You are dead meat boy. You are gonna be back in Juvenile lock up before the sun sets." Steve said over Barry's shoulder as he held him tight in an arm lock.

"Man that's fucked. I didn't do nothing you didn't do. I ain't going back to juvi for this. No way. No fucking way!" Barry said, still defiant.

"You still don't get it do you? I make one call on Joel's phone here right now and they gonna come pick you up and its back to where your sorry ass came from." Steve told him jerking Barry wrist for emphasis.

"Oh man I don't need to go back there. I didn't mean to break my rules. I just figured it was cool since you did it too. Don't call man. Ill be cool." Barry said anxiously, his bravado gone.

"You think I should take a chance and let you stay here after this? You obviously didn't learn anything in detention so why would I allow you to stay here?" Steve said.

"Fuck man that's no fair I didn't do nothing here you didn't do and now you want to send me back to jail for it? That's fucked man no way no fucking way!" This was Barry speaking more with hope than conviction. "If you call the cops I'll tell them what you did to Joel.

I won't be the only one going down for this." Barry said

Right about then Rick moved toward the door and turned the handle but as soon as Steve heard it, he said "Get your hand off that door handle Dietrich. I'm gonna deal with you next." Rick jumped about a foot and landed on his ass. He quickly got back to his feet and stood over in the back corner looking very worried. He had been doing his best to be invisible and hoped to make a quick exit but no such luck.

"What you did here you dumb fuck is violate your release conditions about dealing with minors and sex. If I make that call you are not only going back to juvi until you turn 18 you will probably end up with a new conviction for molesting a minor. With your record they are not gonna believe any story you tell about something I did to Joel. You are the one who has a record. You are the one who will go down. You'll probably spend 5 more years inside but this time in real jail not at that boys club you been in for the last year." Steve said, acquainting Barry with the reality of his situation.

"Oh man come on don't do that to me. I mean that means like years in fucking jail. I didn't do nothing here to get as much as that!" Barry said, real fear now in his voice.

"What you did you dumb fuck would definitely count as sexual assault. I don't think Joel was doing that rimming because he wanted to. I will hear his story but I don't think it was consensual." Steve said to Barry.

"Oh man like I figured he liked it, he was hard the whole time. I figured he got off on it. I didn't mean to like molest the guy. He was into it. Look I'm sorry I didn't figure it was out of line after what you did earlier." Barry said, his defiance gone.

"What I did before was punishment that Joel agreed to. What you did was exploit a situation to force Joel to submit. I don't know what all went on but I can imagine." Steve said in a level dead serious tone.

I was still nude in my corner looking over my shoulder but I'd petty much forgotten my state with this revelation about Barry's past.

"Look man don't call the cops. Punish my ass if you want to but give me a chance here. I don't want to go to prison." Barry said in a flat voice. He knew he was in deep shit and was ready to take what was coming. I guess he figured it would be better than the alternative.

"If you want to take that route boy your ass isn't the only thing that will get punished. And it won't be for one day. You will have at least 4 months to get thru. It will be tough but Id say it would be better than prison and an adult sex record."

"Oh man 4 months? Couldn't you just like paddle my ass maybe like you did to Joel? Why do I gotta take it for 4 months? That's not fair!" Joel said.

" Fair? You dumb little shit. I told you your options. If you're too stupid to take it here I'll make that call right now and you can go back to Jail. This isn't a debate. You can take or leave it. So what's it gonna be asshole?" Barry asked.

"Ok sorry chill out. I don't mean to dis ya. I'd like to do it here. I can't go back to that jail. No way never." Barry said

"Don't worry boy I'm chilled but your not gonna be, well your ass isn't gonna be soon." Steve said relaxing his grip Steve pulled his keys from his pocket and handed them to Barry. "Run down to my room and get my paddle but stop at your room on your way there and strip. You're gonna run this wing just like Joel did this morning. And move your ass. You got 60 seconds starting now"

"Oh man no take me to my room don't do it here," Barry pleaded.

"Every second you're late you're gonna pay for boy. You got 55 seconds left so move your ass and do it now!"

Realizing finally that he could not stop what was coming and that every second of delay would make it worse Barry moved fast. He threw my door open and disappeared like a shot.

Steve then set his gaze on Rick who was shaking like a leaf.

"So what do you have to say for yourself?" he asked.

I think Rick was too fearful to speak for a few seconds but he mustered his courage and said, "I'm sorry Steve Barry told me all was cool here and after what you did with Joel before I figured it was ok."

"What I did was punishment that Joel agreed to and accepted. What you guys did was abuse, probably sexual assault" Steve said

"What I said to Barry applies just as much to you. I can either pick up the phone here and call the cops so they can handle this or we can handle this here. If I make that call, it means expulsion and probably court and juvi hall for you. If we handle it here, it means a paddling and some strict supervision until at least December for you. You got about 30 seconds to chose."

Rick looked like he'd taken a blow to his gut. One choice meant his life was going to hell before his eyes within a minute and the other meant paddling and god knew what else. He looked like he was going to keel over and die.

What he did do was collapse to his knees. "Oh Steve don't do this to me please I didn't mean no harm I don't want to go to jail!" he wailed

"You don't have to go to Jail boy. You can take what's coming to you here. Get down to your room, strip and get back here fast. If you don't then I'll just call the cops. Make your choice and make it fast."

Rick's features were a study in conflict. Relief at being spared prison versus the fear and dread of the paddling and whatever else to come. He was so distracted by this internal conflict that it seemed like it was several seconds before he realized that he was now free to leave my room. When he did realize his opportunity he jumped to his feet and bolted out my door in a flash. By the look on his face I didn't expect him to return in 30 seconds or 30 years if he could help it.

At this point Steve turned his eyes in my direction.

I quickly turned my face back into the corner hoping to avoid his wrath. Steve walked up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I didn't mean to be gone for so long Joel. I didn't mean for those two assholes to abuse you and they are gonna get what's coming to them." he said.

His hand was massaging my shoulder and it felt real nice. I suppose that under the circumstances it may seem odd but somehow feeling the strength and warmth of the man who had punished me that same morning felt comforting and reassuring. What I really wanted right then was for him to maybe like give me a hug and say that things were ok now that I'd taken my punishment.

I think maybe he would have too but he had Barry and Rick to deal with. It probably sounds weird maybe but I kind resented them for this at that point and was looking forward to see them get what was coming.

Yet I was also very hungry and anxious to get cleaned up. My arms were by then very fatigued as well so I went for it.

"Sir would it be ok if I got some clothes on and went to get something to eat? I missed breakfast and I'm pretty hungry." I asked.

"Joel you have taken your punishment like a man so far. Let's not fuck it up." He said quietly.

He pulled my pillow from my bed and threw it on the floor behind me. About then my stomach gave a major growl, demanding its usual morning fill.

"You can kneel on that if you want but keep your hands on your neck. You'll get a chance to eat something a little later if you are a good boy but meanwhile you are going to stay here" he said. "I want you to watch, listen and be quiet. I'm gonna show you that I run a tight ship on this wing and you are not the only one who has to tow the line."

As I knelt there waiting for the others return I threw another hard cock, which by then didn't seem quite so shameful. I mean I was still humiliated by it but it wasn't like it was revealing anything about me Steve didn't know already. So I just knelt there and waited, hard and ready to witness coming events.

Well that is Joel's life part 7. It took a long while to get this posted but part 8 will follow soon

Let me know what you think. I always appreciate responses and will respond to all.


Next: Chapter 8

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