Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Mar 14, 2003


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination, submission, discipline or humiliation activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2003

this is the fifth section of Joel's story. Readers should read the first four episodes before this one.

Joel's life in College, So Far 5

As I stood there in my corner waiting hopefully for Steve's return, I began to feel the need to piss. I had not yet been given the chance to do so that day and I was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. I didn't want to leave that corner and possibly face the penalty I knew was in store for me but I reached a point where I just couldn't avoid it.

I was lucky in the sense that the washroom on my wing was next to my room. I only had to run next door to relieve myself and run back. I figured I could do it in maybe a couple minutes at most. The thing was though I was naked and I didn't know if I should dress or just run to the can as I was.

I knew any guy in there would see me nude and see my paddled ass. I didn't want to have to run in there naked but I knew I had little choice. Steve might come back at anytime or maybe Barry would see me. That would be bad enough but if I wasn't nude it would be a lot worse.

At that point I was hopping from one foot to the other and I had to do something quickly. So I moved out of that corner and stepped to my doorway, looking out into the hallway. I didn't see anybody either way so I bolted down next door to the can. I opened the door and stepped inside. So far as I could tell, there was nobody else there. I moved over to the urinals and started to piss right away because I was about to burst. I was as quiet as I could be and I listened carefully but heard no one.

It took me maybe a full minute or even more to drain my bladder and I definitely felt a lot of relief. After I was done, I went over to the sink and washed my hands.

Just as I was about to leave the washroom door swung open and Barry Boswell walked in. He had a scowl on his face and was obviously not pleased to see me. His appearance filled me with dread and my butt began to ache as I feared he might decide to spank me after all.

Then another hot wave of shame flashed over my face. I had been distracted from the humiliation I felt while I was racing to relieve myself but as soon as I saw him all those feelings returned. Once more to my utter mortification, I threw a very hard cock.

"Joel what the hell do you think you're doing?" Barry asked, in that annoyed parent tone of his.

"Sorry Sir but I just had to take a leak or I was gonna burst." I said with a bit of a smile in my voice hoping that he would give me a break.

"Joel you know you are supposed to be in that corner and stay in that corner. If you had to piss you could have used that pop bottle that is sitting on your desk" he said with no patience at all in his voice.

I had not even thought of using that pop bottle and right then I regretted it big time. I had allowed myself be trapped into this situation. I knew Barry had me and I didn't think he was going to be merciful.

"I'm sorry Sir I didn't think of doing that. I am afraid it would not have worked anyway because I had way too much piss in me for that bottle" I said, my voice breaking a couple times with fear.

"Listen Joel you been a bad boy and are being punished for it. You don't seem to take it seriously at all. I already gave you one major break and yet you obviously still don't get it do you?" he asked me with real anger rising in his face.

I was scared as hell right then and wanted to sprint back to my room and return to that corner. But Barry was between me and the exit and I knew Id have to convince him to let me go.

Hoping to please Barry, I got down onto my knees in front of him and I looked up pleadingly at him. "Sir I am very sorry that I left my corner instead of using that pop bottle. I just didn't think of it. I have pissed now and I need to go back into my corner. Please just let me do it." I really put as much sincerity and respect into my words as I could.

Barry retained that look of anger in his eyes but I could see that his cock had suddenly grown very hard in his shorts. I realized that he was enjoying this but still he had me and I knew I'd have to do whatever he wanted before I'd get out of there.

I bent forward on my knees and hands and began to lick his right boot. At the same time I said

"I know you were kind to me Sir for not spanking me before and I thank you very much for that Sir." It was a challenge to say this between licks but for sure I was doing my best to get that boot covered and sound as sincere and respectful as I could.

While I was licking Barry's boot someone else had entered the washroom. I heard his steps on the tiles but before I could look up he said

"So Barry this is the bad boy you were telling me about huh?" It was Rick Deitrich, Barry's roommate.

Rick, who was still 17 like Barry and me, was from a small town where his dad owned a car dealership. He had his own SUV with a large stereo plus every other option available. He was very proud of this and could be heard boasting about it if you gave him half a chance. He also smoked cigarettes and obviously thought that was cool too. He'd been a wrestler in hi school so he had a good body but always stank of tobacco so I was not at all attracted to him. He was often arrogant and had not been at all friendly toward me.

At that moment the feelings of shame Id had that day intensified if that was possible. There was, of course, no mirror for me to see but I am sure that I must have glowed red with humiliation.

I stopped licking Barry's boot and I just wanted to disappear and hide. But Barry was having none of it.

"Listen boy you better get to work down there or I am gonna take you into your room right now and give you that spanking that you deserve." He said with anger and menace in his voice.

"Yes sir I'm sorry Sir" I said and began my licking again with new enthusiasm. I was so fearful of another spanking and so mortified to be there nude on my knees and licking Barry's boots in front of Rick that I wanted just to bolt out of there but I knew my ass would pay for it if I did.

I heard Rick walk past me into the room. He must have been looking down at me as I licked.

"Oh man this boy has had a paddling for sure. He musta been a bad boy!" Rick said with an almost sadistic delight.

I just glowed in my humiliation but kept on licking those boots like my life depended on it. At that point, I felt like it damn near did.

`Yeah that's right Rick he has been a very bad boy. And he doesn't seem to get it yet. He keeps moving out of his corner where Steve told him to stay." Barry said

"That's right isn't it? You been a very bad haven't you boy?

I just felt so shamed right then I didn't know if I could take it. It was so intense I felt right then like I was just gonna die from it. But I kept licking those boots. I found that the action of licking Barry's boots took my mind of the humiliation I was feeling but only for a moment. I knew I had to answer Barry.

"Yes sir I have been a bad boy and Steve did something about it and I just want to get back to my room and stand in the corner like he told me to."

I hoped like hell that they would let me just get up and go back to my room. Even the shame of standing there in that corner was something Id take with gratitude right then if I could escape this humiliation.

Id pretty much finished Barry's boots by then and he told me to stand up and put my hands on the back of my neck.

I had forgotten about my hard cock which Rick had not yet seen. As I rose it stood out in front of me hard as stone. When Rick saw it he laughed excitedly and said

"Man look at that! This boy gets off on this. I can't believe this. He really is a fag and he fuckin loves this!"

"You got it dude, this boy is a boot lickin butt licking fag boy and he loves it all." Barry said.

To my shock at that moment I felt Rick's hand on my butt and his finger entering my hole. I had not expected this from him but god help me I very soon felt the same pleasure I had felt when Barry was working my hole. I went up on my toes trying to steady myself. This brought a gale of nasty laughing from my two tormentors.

Despite all that was happening or maybe because of it I soon found myself once again heading toward a climax. I wanted it bad but oh man I didn't want it either because I knew that Id pay for it big time.

"Oh Sir thank you for doing that but please don't make me cum, I don't deserve it I been a bad boy! " I said, more in desperation than gratitude.

This brought another pale of nasty laughter at my shameful predicament. I was just so desperate to get back to my corner I cried out

"Please sir please just let me go back to my room and stand in my corner. I need to do it as soon as I can!"

Rick pulled his finger out of me suddenly and shoved it into my mouth. I gagged and coughed in surprise but I caught myself and made sure I licked it carefully. I didn't want him to have any reason to be angry with me. After maybe 10 or 15 seconds he pulled it out.

At that point I felt like I had lost whatever shred of dignity I previously retained and just wanted to do anything I could to get back to my corner.

Hoping that they had finished with me I said "Thank you Sir. May I please go back to my room now?"

Barry slapped my poor ass and said, "Run boy and stay in your corner. Don't you move again or I will spank your sorry ass for sure."

I bolted out the door not looking or caring if anybody was in the hallway. I was back in my room and back in my corner in less than 10 seconds with my hands firmly on the back of my neck. Even standing there exposed that way I felt a wave of relief flow through me. I had escaped Barry's spanking again and now only had to wait for Steve to return.

Well that is Joel's life part 5. And the poor guy hasn't yet even had breakfast yet.

Let me know what you think. I always appreciate responses and will respond to all.

Next: Chapter 6

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