Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Nov 2, 2001


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2001

(t/t, NC, humil, college)

I stood naked facing into the corner, hands on back of my neck, recovering myself and definitely resolving never to break Steve's rules again. It had been the hardest paddling I'd ever had and I didn't ever want another. Yet gradually I began to feel better about it all. It was sort of like the way I felt sometimes after my dad paddled me. I mean it hurt and I shed tears and all but afterward I felt better because it was like I had taken my punishment and my 'sin' whatever it had been, was forgiven. My dad always gave me a hug after he punished me and that always meant a lot to me. Like it meant I had paid for my 'crime' and that my punishment was done.

As I stood there in that corner I began to hope that Steve would come back soon and maybe like give me a hug and tell me that my punishment was over. I mean he was not my dad but after what he had just done I definitely knew he was the man in charge of me. I wanted him to know that I knew that and that I would accept punishment from him when I broke the rules like I had done. I wanted him to know I had no hard feelings about it. I guess I wanted to know too that he would be my friend and not just my disciplinarian. I also hoped that I wouldn't have to stay exposed in that corner too long because I knew anybody who walked passed my open door was sure to see me standing with my just paddled butt in that corner.

The other thing too was about being gay. I mean he paddled me and in the middle of it he told me he knew I was gay. That had been like the biggest darkest secret of my whole life and he just casually mentioned he knew it and didn't care. That just blew my mind. I always feared that if guys knew I liked other guys they would hate me. Yet here was Steve, this very masculine muscular guy; he knew about it and he wasn't like hostile at all. I mean he paddled me yeah but that was for other reasons. I knew it was not because I was gay.

On top of that he had fingered my butt hole and got me so incredibly hot. I had never had that done to me before and it felt so good specially because he did it to me. Then he made me lick his finger clean which I never even thought Id ever do something like that. Yet even though it was very humiliating and gross to think of it made me sooo hard. I just couldn't believe that when it happened. I mean I was hard from his finger up my butt yet I got even harder when he made me lick it clean. I was shocked by that and humiliated too. But I was just so hot when he made me do that. As I stood there and recovered I got harder and harder remembering it and wanted Steve to come back so bad. But I wasn't going to move. He had told me not to so I knew he was testing me and I wanted to show him I could follow his order. That and I just couldn't take any more wood that day either.

I heard a couple shouts from somewhere down the hallway and guys running past my door but I could not see who it was. I heard the exit door open and slam a few times so I knew somebody had run outside but I didn't know who or why. The ruckus kind of made me nervous. I began to sweat even though it was cool in my room. I wanted Steve to come back real soon and let me out of that corner. I knew that with the commotion, whatever it was, guys were gonna pass my doorway and somebody might see me in that corner. I had learned my lesson and wanted to tell Steve. I just hoped he'd be back soon so I could.

Just then I heard footfalls outside my door followed by a low whistle. I just could not stand the tension so I turned around to see who was there. It was that arrogant punk Barry Boswell from down the hall. He was the last guy I wanted to see right then. I turned and moved toward the door intending to close it. I felt so humiliated for him to see me this way that I just wanted to shut him out and that's what I tried to do.

Barry was not gonna let that door close though. He blocked it with his boot as I tried to slam it. Barry is bigger than me, about 6' and maybe 180 or 190 pounds to my 160. I couldn't force the door closed while his boot blocked it but I was trying very hard. I was determined to close it.

"Listen Joel Steve and Todd just had to bolt down to the parking lot because some asshole backed into Steve's jeep. We saw it happen from Steve's room." He said to me

" Move your boot I want to close my door!" I demanded.

"Look Joel I heard your paddling. The whole god damn wing heard your wailing. I also heard Steve tell Todd that you were in that corner and not supposed to move 'till he says you can." he said to me in this scolding tone. " I don't want to have to tell him that you moved out of there when he was gone."

I really hated him when he said that but a spasm of fear shot thru me too. I feared Steve's paddle a lot more then the shame of Barry seeing me this way. I didn't like this guy at all but he had me and he knew it. I backed away from the door and let him open it. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

I wanted to be sure he did not tell Steve I'd stepped out of that corner so I went back and faced into it again with my hands on the back of my neck.

"That's a good boy Joel. That's just where Steve told you to stay and I don't think you want him to know you moved do you?" he asked me

" No I just want Steve to come back soon and I hope he does." I said, in more of a plea than a reply.

Barry came over behind me and, bending over, closely examined my poor bruised butt. I jumped when he touched me and I turned to look and see what he was doing. He gave my butt a slap and told me to turn back and face the corner. I really hated it but I knew he had me so I did as he told me.

Barry's presence had deflated my cock but as I stood there he began to run his finger up and down my butt crack and to my intense shame it erected once more. I hoped he would not notice but he soon saw that I was hard. He gave a small chuckle.

"I knew you were a fag. You like my finger down there don't ya? " he asked.

I didn't want to respond, I just wanted him to go. Instead he gave my butt another hard swat and I gave a cry and leaped a foot. I really FELT that one.

Barry stood tall now, directly behind me with his mouth near my ear and his fingers in my crack. " I asked if you like my fingers back there Joel."

I just lost it at that point.

" I don't like your fingers on me no. I don't like you here at all. I want you to go. Now!" I was angry and I wanted him out of my room. I turned toward him and let my arms down as I did it. Barry grabbed my right arm and twisted it behind me while his other arm went around my neck. He was very fast and I had no chance to resist.

"Joel you been a bad boy today and got paddled for it already. Now you are jumping around and moving out of that corner. Steve is gonna be pissed at this. I don't think you want more of his paddle but I think you are going to get it." he said to me holding me in his grasp and twisting my arm. I was angry with him but I was pretty scared too. He was right, I definitely did NOT want any more of Steve's paddle.

" Please Barry just let me go. Just leave me here. I will stay in my corner and I wont move until Steve lets me." I pleaded.

Barry's grip on me relaxed. He let go of my arm and backed away and I returned my hands to the back of my neck. I really hoped he would go. But he was not finished with me. His fingers once again returned to the crack of my butt. He pressed his index against my butt hole but I desperately wanted to end this so I tightened up and he could not get his finger in.

He slapped my ass again and said "Loosen up and let me in! Spread your legs and open your hole boy. You are going to have to learn to respect me or your ass is gonna be very sorry for it."

His last slap really sent fireworks across my tender ass. At that point I just gave in. My poor butt was so sore that I decided to let him use me and hope he wouldn't slap it again. Keeping my hands on the back of my neck I bent forward a little, opened my legs some and relaxed my hole, giving him full access. He immediately slid his index finger inside and I quickly learned he knew what he was doing. He really knew how to play a guy like me. He stood behind me and fingered me for a few minutes while I stood obediently in that corner. It was like it had been with Steve. I got so hot I felt like I was about to explode. It was incredible. I wanted to cum so bad right then I would have grabbed my cock and jacked it if I dared. I was just on the edge, standing on the tips of my toes and ready to blow when he pulled his finger out of me. I let out a groan of disappointment. I had been so close.

Barry gave an evil little chuckle in my ear.

"You like that huh Joel? he asked. "You a little fag boy and like it up the ass huh?"

At that point I didn't care much what he called me I just wanted that finger back inside me.

'Yes please just put it back in me it feels so good" I pleaded.

"Listen Joel you have been a bad boy today and you are being punished for it. You didn't even stay where you were told to after you got the paddle. I don't think you are the boy who should be expecting me to make him feel good. I think you should be thinking of ways to make me feel good in thanks for not turning your sorry ass in to Steve" Barry said with an edge to his voice.

I was very frightened of more paddling if he revealed my disobedience to Steve so at that point I just swallowed the humiliation and tried to placate him. " Barry I am grateful to you for not turning me in and I really thank you for your finger in me it feels so good. I know I was a bad boy and I am sorry for that and I will stay here in this corner and I wont move." I said in my most polite and submissive tone. " I know I shouldn't have moved and I want to make it up to you that you are kind and don't turn me in to Steve."

"Well Joel I know you were supposed to stay in that corner and you didn't even do that for more than 15 minutes so I guess that you have not yet learned to obey even after Steve's paddle." Barry said again in that scolding dad voice of his. " I think you need to learn some respect and that starts with respect for me. You don't show me respect around here and I think you'd better start doing it."

I knew he could make things a lot worse for me so I was trying to show him great respect even though deep down I didn't think he deserved it from me.

" Barry I will show you respect from now on and I am sorry I didn't before." I said, hoping that my words would be enough.

" Yeah well Joel I like your new attitude but that is just words. I am saving you from more wood today and I think I need more than words." He said. "You have been a bad boy moving out of that corner and pushing the door closed so maybe I should take you over my knee myself and we could deal with this between us here and now." He said in that scolding dad tone again.

I didn't want to have to face another spanking on my poor butt that day. I knew from experience that a hand could hurt a lot on a bare ass. Maybe not so much as a paddle but on a sore ass like mine it would have been very painful right then.

"Please don't spank me Sir I am so sore I just cant take any more" I pleaded with him, slipping in the Sir in hopes of letting him know I had learned to respect him.

"Listen Joel you know you deserve a spanking from me and I ought to give you one right now but I am not a mean guy. I know your poor butt is gonna be sore for days. So I might just let you off if you are willing to sincerely show me the respect you know I deserve from you." He said, talking to me like I was a naughty kid. Even though I didn't like that tone and I knew he was only 17 like me I knew he had me.

"Yes Sir I know you deserve my respect and you have it completely. I am sorry I didn't show it to you before now but I will from now on Sir." I said with all sincerity a nude guy talking into a corner could muster.

"That's good to hear Joel but I think you are going to have to demonstrate it if you are going to expect me to believe it. So I want you to show me that you mean what you say." he said. " Keep your arms up there and turn around." As I did so he pointed down to the floor and said " Get down on your knees boy."

I knelt down and Barry pulled up my chair and sat down so that I was kneeling in front of him.

"Joel I want you to show me how sincere you are about respecting me. I think you deserve to be over my knee but maybe you can convince me you don't." he said holding his right boot right in front of my nose.

"Lick that boot Joel or your ass is gonna pay for it." he told me in a quiet serious tone.

I gave in to his demand and started to lick. I felt deep shame and humiliation licking that boot but I also threw a super hard cock. I mean I was so turned on I could not believe it. That hard cock compounded my shame but the shame did not soften it. I licked carefully and completely so I didn't miss any surface. I licked the toe and the sides and even the sole. I wanted him to be satisfied I was doing a good job at it.

When I had done enough for Barry he placed that boot on the floor and pushed the other into my face. I licked it too, carefully and completely. While I licked Barry was quietly instructing me to do a good job and get it all done but I confess I kind of got lost in the licking and did not hear most of the things he said. I guess that concentrating on the task helped to lessen the shame I felt. It was only once I had done the second boot to his satisfaction and he pulled it away from my tongue that I became fully conscious of his voice again.

He reached over with his hand and rubbed the hair on my head and said "Joel you are a good boot licker and I think you showed that you do really know how to show my boots respect. I am going to give you a chance now to show me that you do respect me too and if you do well at this then you wont need that spanking and Steve wont need to hear anything about you leaving that corner."

I felt so glad to hear that I could avoid the spanking and that he wouldn't tell Steve that I had left the corner that I forgot about the humiliation. I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I felt almost grateful to Barry at that point.

Barry stood from the chair and pushed it back out of his way. Then he turned away from me and pushed his shorts down exposing his nice muscular butt. I had spied that butt a few times in the shower room and I always thought it looked real hot. Now here it was in front of me. Barry looked back over his shoulder at me and took a few steps back so that his crack was right in front of my face.

"Joel I am going to let you show me that you do honestly respect me. I want you to lick my asshole. I know you never done this before and maybe you think it is gross but if you do this for me I will know for sure that you are serious and we can forget the rest" he said as though he was offering me an easy way out.

I was shocked when he told me that I had to lick his asshole. I mean I had a tough enough time when Steve made me lick his finger. Licking Barry's boots was one thing. His asshole was another. I felt a lot of shame and humiliation at that point, maybe even more than I had felt before that morning. I felt a level of disgust too. I mean I didn't think his asshole was going to be the cleanest place to lick.

Barry backed up some more so that my face was right against his butt with my nose in the crack. I had never had my face so close to anybody's bare ass before. I felt very humiliated to be in that position.

" Just lick it Joel. Its not that bad. No one but us has to know about it. It's the easiest way for you to show your respect for me. Let me feel your tongue." Barry coaxed me.

I didn't want this to happen and for a few seconds I just inhaled his ass smell thru my nose without licking it. I don't know maybe I hoped he would back down. No such luck.

" Joel I feel your tongue by the count of five or its over my knee and you'll get 50 smacks." He said. I could hear in his tone that he was very serious.

I knew that I couldn't take a spanking right then so I knew I had to obey. I stuck my tongue out and started to lick. I just touched it a little at first but then gave a full lick and Barry reacted to this by backing further, mashing my mouth against his butt hole. There was no bitter or fowl taste beyond a certain kind of musky maleness so the licking itself was not so bad. It was just so intensely humiliating but I knew it was this or a spanking so I started to do it with more enthusiasm. I soon found myself concentrating on it to the exclusion of everything else just like I had done when I licked his boots. It was the easiest way for me to deal with the humiliation of what I was doing. I licked away diligently making sure to sweep up the whole crack and around the hole. I heard some moans of approval from Barry but I soon lost myself in the licking. It was only when he pulled himself away from me after a few minutes that I came back to awareness of his voice.

"Joel you are one talented butt licker. You sure you never done that before? You do a very good job boy. You know how to show a man respect. We are gonna get along just fine boy if you keep showing me respect that well." Barry said with a leering appreciation in his voice. He mussed my hair with his hand like my dad used to do when I was a kid. " You have been a good boy Joel and I don't think we are gonna have to do that spanking today. And don't worry about Steve finding out you stepped out of your corner. As long as you are a good boy and respectful when we are together he will hear nothing from me." He said.

I was relieved and pleased to hear that. I mean I had been paddled a lot that day and could not have taken a spanking or more wood either. I had the taste of his ass in my mouth and still felt the shame of what I had just done. But I felt like at least I didn't have to face a spanking from Barry so I was careful to retain my respectful attitude.

"Thank you Sir, thank you for not spanking me. I will definitely respect you from now on and I will not move again from this corner before Steve comes back." As I said that last line I rose and faced the corner again, hands on the back of my neck as Steve had instructed.

Barry pulled his shorts back up and came to stand close behind me. His hand returned to the crack of my butt. He inserted his finger into my butt hole again and began his manipulations. I was soon once again close to orgasm. I can't really explain it but the way he worked me with his finger just had me so hot. Before that day I never felt a finger up my butt and now I was on the edge of exploding from it for the third time that morning.

"Joel you been a respectful boy so far and I can see that you like the way I do this but that doesn't mean you get to cum. You have been a bad boy today and you don't deserve it." he said in my ear all the while working his finger and getting me hotter and closer. I felt so good and wanted to cum so bad but I was very afraid of angering Barry after I just escaped his spanking so I tried my best to hold back. I mean I tried very hard but I was losing the battle. It felt so good but I was so scared of what would happen if he made me shoot.

"Please sir take your finger out! I am getting close and I don't deserve to cum. Please don't make me!" I pleaded.

"Don't you enjoy it when I do this for you Joel? Aren't you grateful that I make you feel so good?" he asked in my ear, all the while working my hole and pushing me to the edge.

"Oh Yes Sir I do enjoy your finger and I am very grateful that it is in me but I know I don't deserve to cum and I don't want to do it Sir!" I said with great fear and desperation.

He suddenly pulled his finger out and slapped my poor butt again. The sudden pain put an end to my developing orgasm. " Well Joel I think we have reached an understanding. When you are alone with me from now on you are going to be a very good boy and show me the respect I deserve from you." He said.

" Oh yes Sir I will do that definitely I do respect you and will show you the respect you deserve from me when we are alone. Thank you for not spanking me Sir." I said in the most respectful and obedient voice I could muster. At that point I felt like I had dodged a bullet and I wanted to be certain not to fuck it up before he was gone.

"Ok Joel I need to bolt because I got work to do. You be a good boy and stay in that corner and maybe Steve will be back soon and let you leave it." With that he slapped my poor butt one last time and then he departed. He left my door open wide as he left. As before I was exposed to any passers by who cared to look. The difference was that now I waited for Steve's return with the distinct taste of Barry's asshole in my mouth.

End of Part 3. Well I hope that you enjoyed this latest episode. It took me a while to get this one done and I apologize for that. Id appreciate hearing any comments or suggestions or criticism that anybody may have. Talk to me!


Next: Chapter 4

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