Joels Life in College

By R A D

Published on Sep 26, 2001


If you are not yet 18 years of age or not yet 21 years of age, depending on the country, you are too young to read this and should depart from here until you reach the legal age

If you are offended by domination submission, humiliation or discipline activities between young men then you should not read this. In fact you should not even be here.

I ask that if you wish to reproduce this story or part of it for anything more than your own private use you seek and receive my permission in writing first.

(c) axeldarke 2001


I handed the key to Steve as I ran back into my room. The dread I had felt for the coming paddling had receded while I ran because my humiliation had been so strong. My hardened cock had made it even more intense. The relief I felt when I finally made it back was very real and for a moment I reveled in it.

My respite was very brief though because Steve picked up the paddle and with a hard look in his eye he motioned me over the back of the chair as before. I bent over it and grabbed the tops of the front legs as he had instructed. My butt was raised into the air, a ready target once again for his paddle. My dread for the pain to come returned with full force and my whole body was gripped by fear.

The five strokes I had taken before showed me that Steve knew how to wield his paddle. I knew it was gonna hurt like hell. I had taken a lot of paddlings from my dad before and they hurt bad when he wanted them to but Steve was a lot stronger than my dad. I knew this was gonna be very painful and I was just hoping I could take it.

As I grasped the chair legs and waited Steve stepped over and closed the door. I was relieved by that. At least my punishment was not going to be completely public for all to see.

I expected that he would begin immediately but instead Steve came over and went down on one knee so his head was next to mine.

"Joel I want you to know that we don't have to go thru with this. I can just call your dad and tell him about your drinking and the pot and you don't have to take this from me" he said.

I opened my mouth to reply but he slapped my butt and said

" I am not done yet. I want you to understand before you say anything that you are going to get another 20 strokes. They are going to hurt but you have earned them and you will get them all," he said.

He spoke with a low but deadly serious tone. I knew he was not fooling and I was scared as hell. Steve could see the fear in my eyes as I listened to his words and he put his hand on my butt I think to comfort me some. His fingers were in my crack and while he wasn't rubbing my hole like Todd had done I was still stimulated by them and again, to my deepest shame, I went hard as stone. Steve watched my cock grow and he glared at me like I was a total and complete fuck up. I think I felt even more ashamed by that than by all that had gone before that morning. At that point I really felt like I deserved to be punished. I wanted to take what was coming and earn back his respect.

Steve stood and grasped the paddle by its handle. He turned and rubbed it on my butt.

"Like I said Joel you are going to get 20 strokes today. I know that is pretty hard but I think you need to know we are serious here and you need to feel what happens when you don't obey the rules." he said, sounding a lot like my dad does when he's gonna give me wood.

" I don't mind if you moan or cry or whatever but I don't want to hear begging. You're gonna take all 20 so take them like a man. You understand?" he asked me.

" Yes Sir I understand, I will take it like a man." I said in this small voice that kept breaking. I was so damn scared I could hardly talk.

The first stroke scorched my poor butt and

shocked me with its pain. I gave a groan in response but before it was half out he'd laid on a second. After those he laid them on much more slowly, with maybe 5 seconds between each one. He varied the target zone most times but he never pulled his punch on any of them. They were full force wallops using his shoulders and arms and I damn near blew off that chair a couple times.

I groaned and moaned louder after each one so that by about 6 or 7 I was shouting. This was very much tougher than my dad ever had been and by 10 I broke and was sobbing my damned eyes out. I let go the legs and covered my poor butt with my hands after number 12 and Steve stopped for a moment.

Once again he knelt down on one knee and looked into my face. He gave my hands a light smack and I moved them back again to grasp the chair legs. Steve's hand then rubbed my sore butt.

" Joel I am going to do the full 20 and you are going to take them all. Its only 8 left, you can make it. You have done good so far." He said to me with sympathy in his voice, but determination too.

His hand was rubbing my poor butt and his fingers strayed into the crack. They began to rub on my hole. Despite the pain or maybe even because of it those fingers had a strong effect on me and I began to harden again. I felt so shamed by that that I let out a new pale of tears and looked down at the floor. I could not look into Steve's eyes.

To my surprise Steve took my chin with his other hand and turned my face up toward his. He still had that determined yet sympathetic look in them, and something more too: Almost like lust. The look of a man in complete control and fully enjoying it.

" Joel I know you like it when I do that and I know why" he said.

At the same time his middle finger slid into my hole and he began to work it around.

" I know you are a fagot but I don't care about that.

I am punishing you because you've been a bad boy, not because you're queer," he said. His finger was still inside my hole and, despite the pain, I was enjoying its movements inside me.

For the next 30 seconds or so he fingered my hole and it was incredible, like nothing I had felt before. I was actually getting very hot despite my emotional state or maybe because of it. Then he pulled it out and grabbed the hair on my head with his other fist. He raised my head with a yank that made my mouth open with a cry of pain. As it

did Steve thrust the finger that had been up my ass into my open mouth. This repulsed me and without thinking I grabbed his arm to pull his finger out. Steve pulled my hair harder and said

" Get your fucking hands back where they are supposed to be and lick me clean or it will be 20 more."

He spoke again with that low but deadly serious tone. I quickly grabbed the legs again and licked for all I was worth. I could not take 20 more! When his finger was licked clean to his satisfaction Steve pulled it out and grabbed his paddle to deliver the rest of my punishment.

"You got 8 more coming Joel, plus 2 for grabbing my arm. Lets just get through this and then it will be over, OK?" he said.

"Yes OK Sir." I replied in a tearful voice.

Steve lined up his paddle and laid 2 strokes on me quickly, as he had done before. They hurt a lot more this time because my butt was so damn sore. The rest of the strokes were deliberate and slow, with 5 seconds or so between them. By the second stroke I was weeping again and I wailed each time I felt the last few strike me. I was sobbing and broken by the time he was done and It was only when he grasped my shoulders to help me to stand that I knew he had finished.

Steve walked me over to the far corner of my room and stood behind me rubbing my sore butt. I hurt a lot but his hands comforted me and my hard cock, which had deflated when the strokes began, was fully erect once again.

"Joel you took that well and the paddling is done. But I want you to stand here a while and remember why you got punished to be sure you wont do it again" he said to me from close behind while his hands rubbed my sore butt.

" I know you want to rub your sore hiney and take it easy now but for a while I want you to stay here and reflect. It will help you to learn from this paddling." He spoke to me in a low tone that was both intimate and commanding. I knew he was comforting me but he left no doubt he was to be obeyed. Or else.

He made me put my hands on the back of my neck and stand facing into the corner. I was not to move until he returned. He said he would only be a few minutes. He gave my butt a comforting stroke and then turned, opened the door and left.

I didn't have to stand there long to resolve never to let this happen again. It was the most painful paddling I'd ever had. And Steve knew I was gay. I didn't know how but he did. I just hoped he wouldn't tell the rest of the guys. I had been shamed enough that day, I didn't know if I could take any more.

I was still weeping when he departed so it took me a moment to realize that Steve had not closed my door. I dared not move but I could see by the reflection in the window that formed part of the corner I faced: My door was definitely open wide. I knew that anyone who walked past and glanced in would see my just paddled butt and me standing there in that corner.

I was mortified at that prospect but no way was I going to move. I was resolved not to give Steve any reason for more wood and at that point I would have stayed put even if I were on Nationwide Television. I just hoped he would come back soon.

Well that is part 2. I hope that you have enjoyed it.

I would enjoy hearing your comments, criticism ideas or whatever.

Next: Chapter 3

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