
Published on Apr 17, 1996


16 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter : Changes

It was about two hours and forty-five minutes from Jim's call to Joe, when Joe and the gang pulled into the FBO parking area at San Diego International Airport. Karen, who was driving, parked the car and Joe, Dave, and Mike followed her into the attractive waiting room of the upscale fixed base operator. Since it catered mostly to business travelers, it had nice couches, a TV viewing area for waiting crew, and even places for waiting pilots to catch a snooze.

Joe went to the counter. In a moment, he got the attention of a cute young woman, who was working on a detailed bill for food, fuel, and other services for the Falcon 50 visible in the big picture window behind her.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" she asked Joe, who rankled at the way she said it. He felt weird being referred to that way, especially by pretty girl.

"Yes," Joe said. "Has a Mooney 252 arrived yet? I'm waiting for a friend."

"No, it hasn't," she said, "but you're welcome to have a seat, and help yourself to some coffee." She pointed to a little alcove, where there were coffee, tea, and a large ice machine.

"Thanks," Joe said. "I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know as soon as you hear it coming in."

"I sure will," the girl said, smiling.

Joe went back to his friends. "We might as well have a seat," he said. "They're not here yet, but I think they should get here soon."

They all found comfortable seats, and Joe picked up a magazine and started reading about a new commuter airliner.

Joe was sitting there reading for a while, when his bladder reminded him he had not emptied it lately. He got up, and went to the ladies room. Inside the attractive restroom, he entered a stall, and was relieving himself, when he heard the ladies room door open. He finished, and as left the stall, he saw it was the girl behind the counter. She had apparently finished her shift, and was changing from the little hot pants outfit to something less revealing. Joe smiled at her as he went to the mirrored sink. The girl had removed her shorts, and blouse, and was standing there with nothing covering her fantastic tan but a tiny string bikini and a little wisp of a bra which her firm breasts hardly needed. She was truly beautiful, and Joe had difficulty avoiding staring at her in the mirror, as he pretended to fix his hair. Joe could feel the old excitement building again.

What is going on? Joe wondered as he watched the girl change clothes. Yesterday he thought he no longer felt any attraction for women, but he could not deny the feelings that were making his heart beat faster, and his underwear uncomfortably wet. Joe did not know if he was glad he still had his attraction for women, or if it would simply be an inconvenience, now that he was legally a woman himself. Maybe it was strangely exciting, but it meant going into a restroom and then getting turned on by seeing your new peer group partially clothed, doing all the things women do. Was it a good thing? He was not sure.

The girl was buttoning her blouse as she joined Joe at the mirror.

"Are you going on a flight?" she asked, in an attempt at small talk.

"No," Joe answered awkwardly, "my friend is just stopping by. He's bringing another friend from Phoenix."

"Oh, yeah," the girl said. "I was in Phoenix last month. I like the beach better. It's too dry there."

"It is dry," Joe said.

Joe gave himself one last look, and quickly left the restroom. Being a woman was going to be difficult. He hoped that the wetness of his underwear would not show through to his shorts. His panties felt like they were riding up uncomfortably, too. He tried to discreetly pull them out as he walked back to the waiting area.

Joe joined the others waiting for the plane. Almost as soon as he was seated, the girl from the ladies room came up to Joe.

"We just heard a Mooney call ground for taxi to our ramp," she said.

"Thanks," Joe said. He got up and looked at the others. "Jay's here, I think," he said.

They all went over to the window, and watched for the little plane. Before long, it rolled into sight. Another girl, wearing the same little outfit as the girl that parked them, stood on the ramp waving two yellow flags to tell the pilot where to park. The Mooney pulled up to the girl, and its propeller snapped to a stop. In a few moments, Joe could see two people walk to the front of the plane. Joe went to the door, and went out to the plane, closely followed by the others. He was amazed by what he saw when he reached the plane.

Tim Werner had been a handsome guy, about six feet tall, and maybe one ninety pounds. When Joe reached the Mooney, he saw his pal Jay, and somebody else. The other person was smaller than Jay, so he was shorter than five ten, and although it was over eighty degrees, the other person was wearing a gray sweatshirt. Joe went up to the person wearing the sweatshirt, and immediately recognized him/her as Tim Werner. He did not really look exactly like Tim, but the resemblance was there. If it was not that he had the same relatively short hair as Tim had, Joe would have thought the attractive young girl was Tim's sister.

Tim recognized Joe too, at least he thought he did, looking carefully at the pretty woman who walked up to him.

"Joe? Joe Bates? Is that you?" Tim asked.

"Tim?" Joe responded, holding out his hand.

"Joe what's happened... What happened to us?" Tim asked.

"That's what we're trying to find out here," Joe said, smiling. "There are some doctors here who specialize in gender related problems, but they've never had any like us, unfortunately."

"Are we going to be like this forever then?" Tim asked. "Am I always going to look like this?"

"Tim, I wish I knew. We can talk about it back at the hotel," Joe said. Joe went over to Jay, who was critically looking at his airplane. "Anything wrong?" he asked.

Jay looked at the pretty woman who came up to him, not immediately recognizing her as his best friend, Joe Bates. "Yes, I seem to have an electric fuel pump that keeps popping its circuit breaker," he said, only realizing who he was talking to as he spoke the words. "Joe? Is that you, Joe? You look so different. I don't think I'll ever get used to you having a body like that... and now the hair... Holy cow!" Jay exclaimed.

"No matter what I look like, it's still me here, Jay," Joe said. "It's still me. Just a wig, that's all." He pulled at a lock of his hair.

"Think you can do something with this pump?" Jay asked.

"I doubt it," Joe answered. "I don't have any tools, and you'll probably need a replacement pump. Do they have support for Mooneys here?"

"I don't know, but I'll ask," Jay said. "I doubt I'll get anything this evening."

"Let's find out," Joe said. "If you can't, we'll get you a room at the hotel for the night."

A line boy came up, and asked what he could do. Jay asked if they had an A&P, and if they could get parts to fix his plane.

"The mechanics won't be in until 0800," the young man said. "We might get somebody to come out, but it'll cost you."

"No need to call out a mechanic," Joe said. "Stay the night, and I'm sure they can fix it quick, tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll let the plane sit tonight," Jay decided. "I'll be out in the morning."

"Okay, sir," the line boy said. "We'll put it on the maintenance ramp, so they'll get right to it in the morning."

"Let's go back to the hotel," Joe said. He looked for Tim, and found him talking with Karen, Dave, and Mike. "Can we all fit into the Lincoln?" Joe asked. "There are six of us now."

"I think we can manage," Karen said.

They all went back to the parking area, and Joe got in the back seat, with Jay between him and Tim. There was enough room, but they were seated closely together, Joe's hips touching Jay's. Joe felt strange having this new, wider part of him actually touching his friend. He was acutely aware of the changes in his body, as they touched a male for the first time since he acquired them.

They drove back to the hotel quickly. Joe wondered if Tim was hungry.

"Do you want to get something to eat?" Joe asked his new friend.

"No, I had something before we took off," Tim said. "I don't seem to get hungry very often now... among other things." He seemed a bit relieved to see others sharing his strange affliction.

"You'll probably find that your metabolism has changed, or will change," Karen said. "That may change your eating habits."

"It certainly has changed about all my other habits," Tim said. "I hope I can get changed back, 'cause I don't think I could ever get used to being like this."

"When did you first notice the change?" Joe asked Tim.

"Well, Thursday night I started feeling real funny," Tim answered, "and my chest started to hurt. I didn't think much of it and I went to bed. I woke up at about four in the morning. I had to piss real bad. When I touched my cock, I it seemed it was really short, or something. I went into the bathroom, and then I realized something had happened to it. It felt all right, but it didn't look normal. I didn't know what to do, so I watched and I saw and felt myself slowly changing... Turning into a girl, I guess... I don't know... Joe what could cause this to happen to us?" Tim's now feminine sounding voice was breaking as he spoke, but he still had a male inflection.

"As far as we know, something in the GPS system causes chromosome damage, somehow causing the cells to sort of revert to a default, female XX form," Karen said. "I don't know if it is possible to cause further changes, or to find a way to reverse change that has occurred. It would take some form of selective cell modification capability. Up until now, consistent cell modification has been beyond our capability, except at the most simple level."

"So we're stuck like this?" Tim asked.

"We don't have any way back, so far," Joe said.

"Dr. Krell would like you to stay as you are, without reverting to surgical intervention, until his staff can determine that cell modification is not possible," Karen went on.

"Surgical intervention? What's that?" Tim asked.

"They can give you an artificial cock," Mike said. "That's what I'm going to do, as soon as they run out of ideas, trying to change us back."

"They can do that?" Tim said, suddenly becoming very interested.

"Yes, it is possible," Karen said, "but the results are not very consistent, and even at best. It wouldn't be anything like what you had. You might look like a male, but your new penis wouldn't function for intercourse. Maybe not even to urinate."

"It couldn't be any worse than this," Tim said. "Hell, I'm wet all the time, and it itches like crazy."

"It shouldn't itch," Karen said. "Are you keeping yourself clean?"

"I don't know. I guess so," Tim answered. "I'm pretty sensitive in that area. Just touching it, or having my clothes rub it gives me a boner. At least that's what it feels like. Like a boner... and wet balls."

"I think that describes it," Joe agreed. "According to Dr. Krell's people, our bodies are now those of completely normal females. I guess this is what it feels like to be a woman."

"I don't want to be a woman!" Tim said. "I'm a guy, and I want to stay a guy. They've got to get my cock and my balls back."

"Don't get your hopes up, Tim," Dave chimed in. "What everybody is trying to tell you is that you're a girl now, and you're probably going to stay that way, so you better get used to it."

"Is that really the way it is, Joe?" Tim asked incredulously. "Is that the way it will be?"

"I don't know, Tim. Dave might be right," Joe agreed. "You had better try to make the best of the situation."

"The best of the situation? How do I make the best of looking like this?" Tim asked. "How do I get used to these tits?" He pulled up his sweat shirt, exposing his fully developed bosom.

Jay looked down at them, and then tried to look away. Tim's body had obviously developed into the female form, and Jay was very conscious he was now the only male in the car.

"Keep your shirt on, Tim," Karen admonished. "I know you don't like what happened to you, but try to maintain decency. You're embarrassing Jay."

"I'm sorry, Jay," Tim said. "I just don't think of this body as real. It doesn't seem like it's even my body anymore."

"No problem," Jay said. "You are impressive looking, I must say."

"Yeah, I suppose I they look pretty good," Tim mused, "but it doesn't seem like it's me. I'm a guy. I don't have tits. I can't go around looking like this."

"Dr. Krell will help," Karen insisted. "He'll help you cope with the problems you're facing." They were just arriving at the hotel as Karen spoke. She pulled the car into the parking area, and they all got out.

"We'll have to get two more rooms," Joe said. "I hope we can get them on the same floor."

"It looks pretty full," Karen observed. "They might not be able to be on the same floor as we are."

They went to the desk, where Jay, and Tim attempted to check in for the night. The receptionist at the desk looked at his computer, and said he was sorry, but they were booked solid for the rest of the week. Jay looked at Tim, and they turned and looked at Joe.

"What do we do?" Jay said. "They don't have any rooms left."

"What? They're booked up?" Karen asked. "Well, I have an extra bed in my room someone can use."

"I do, too," Joe said. "One of you can stay with me."

"Gee, I don't know. Do you think it would be a good idea?" Jay asked.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked. "We're adults, aren't we? You can stay in my room. We've stayed in the same room before. We were roommates in school."

"Yeah, but you didn't look like that, old buddy," Jay said, grinning.

Joe felt the blood come to his cheeks, as he realized what Jay meant. They may still be best friends, but for them to share a room together would not be the same now. The realization irritated Joe. "I don't care. I can handle it, if you can," he said.

"Tim, you're welcome in my room," Karen said.

"Well... uh... I... ah... Ok, ok, I'll do it," Tim stammered. He had a little trouble accepting the idea of sleeping in a hotel room with a woman he had just met.

They went up to the rooms. Everyone stopped in the hall, and there they decided to meet at seven-thirty for breakfast. Then they went into their rooms.

When Joe went into his room, Jay following closely behind, he noticed that the interconnecting doors were still open. He could see Karen and Tim go into their room, and asked Karen to come over. She did, and Tim followed.

"Tim, did you bring some other clothes?" Joe asked.

"I just brought some jeans, and some tee-shirts," Tim said. "I want to wear this sweatshirt outside. I don't want anybody to see me like this."

"Like they told me, you better get used to it," Joe said. "If you try, you might find that it isn't so bad." He went to his bag, and dug around, looking for something.

"Here, try this on tomorrow," Joe said, handing Tim a white cotton bra and some underwear. "I brought some extra, and I think they'll fit you, too. Try 'em, they won't make you look stupid. You might even find you like the way they feel." He grinned at the confused young man.

"Gee, I don't know. I can't wear stuff like that," Tim objected.

"Don't worry about it, Tim," Karen said. "I'll help you with it." Karen took the clothes from Joe, and left the room, standing in the doorway until Tim followed her through, and then she closed the door.

Joe and Jay stood looking at each other nervously. Joe closed up his B-4 bag, and spoke.

"I guess you didn't bring any other clothes either," Joe said, smiling in embarrassment at his pal.

"No, I didn't," Jay said, a big grin forming on his face. "I didn't think I would be staying over, and I don't think I want to borrow any of your underwear either."

"Don't worry, you don't have to," Joe said. "I just want to help Tim get used to the change. Having Linda around sure helped me with it."

"Joe, it's amazing how you've adapted," Jay said. "You look great, and you seem to be doing fantastic."

"Do you really think so?" Joe asked. "I'm trying the best I can. I have to admit, it does seem to get easier the longer I stay this way."

"Have you found out any news? Is there really any hope of getting back?" Jay asked.

"I don't know, Jay," Joe said. "They haven't found anything yet. It looks like it'll be difficult, if it's not impossible. I changed my records today, so I'm legally a female now, I guess."

"Really? You're legally a woman now?" Jay said. "If that ain't a kick in the head. My old roommate, Joe Bates... A woman!"

"Yeah, that's the way I see it too," Joe replied. "A kick in the head. I can't believe its happened to me... That I look like this... That I might someday become an old lady... Jay, I don't know if I want to be an old woman!" Joe started to become emotional, and looked like he was going to cry. Jay came up and put his arm around him. Joe started to put his arms around Jay, and was starting to cry on his shoulder, when he realized what he was doing, and froze. He pulled back, and looked at his pal.

"I'm sorry, Jay," Joe said. "I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what came over me. I feel so strange sometimes."

"Hey, no problem. I'm here for you. You do whatever you feel like. I understand. You're different now. You can't help it," Jay said, trying to make Joe feel comfortable around him.

"It's true," Joe said. "I do feel different. I don't know if I can help it or not, but sometimes, I just get overcome with emotion. I was never like that before."

"You were never a woman before, Joe," Jay reasoned. "Maybe that's what the problem is."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's the problem, but what's the answer?" Joe asked his friend.

"If you're a woman, and you might have to stay a woman, maybe you should just let your feelings go, sometimes," Jay suggested. "I'd understand. I think everyone else would too."

"I know they would," Joe said. "Everyone has been so good about understanding our problem. I thought we'd be considered freaks, or something, but so far, everyone has been fantastic. It's made the situation almost bearable."

"Well, I'm here for you," Jay said, taking Joe's hand. "We were buddies before, and we can stay buddies."

Joe felt strange taking Jay's hand, but the warm, strong hand made him feel better. He squeezed it, and Jay returned the squeeze. "Could I ask a favor, and would you promise not to be offended?" Joe asked, slightly embarrassed.

"Sure. Anything," Jay responded.

"Would you... Would you hug me?" Joe asked.

"I'd be honored," Jay said, pulling Joe to him.

They stood there, arms wrapped around each other. They were both feeling a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure as they held each other tightly. Joe was surprised at how strong and muscular Jay felt, and how good it felt to be held in the strong arms of a man. Jay was surprised at how soft and fragile Joe felt in his arms. He certainly looked like a girl, but now holding him in his arms, he could feel Joe's breast's pressing against his chest, and could smell his feminine scent. It seemed his pal really was a woman now.

"Gosh Joe, you even smell like a woman, did you know that?" Jay asked, breaking the spell.

"What do you mean by that?" Joe asked. "Do I smell strange, or something?" He wondered what kind of an odor Jay was smelling.

"No, you sure don't smell strange, that's for sure. You smell great," Jay laughed.

"Maybe it's the bath powder. I noticed that it has a scent. I thought it reminded me of her," Joe thought out loud.

"Well, I like the smell, whatever it is," Jay repeated.

"I guess we better get to bed," Joe said, trying to change the subject. He did not know how to handle this male-female thing yet.

"Yeah, which bed do you want?" Jay asked.

"Either one is fine with me," Joe answered. "Do you want to shower?"

"Yeah, I guess I better," Jay said, "but you can use the bathroom first, if you want."

"Well... Okay, I will," Joe said. "I have to get this makeup off. Linda told me I shouldn't sleep with it on." The words sounded silly as soon as he spoke them.

"Well, you had better wash it off then," Jay said.

Joe started to go into the bathroom, and then he realized that he did not have his shaving case. He rummaged through his B-4 bag until he found the things he needed. He went into the bathroom, and shut the door. It was now felt strange being around a man, even if the man was your best friend.

In the bathroom Joe took off his blouse, and shorts, and then removed his underwear. He washed his face, and washed away his makeup. He brushed his teeth, and then sat on the stool to pee. As he sat there, he looked at his underwear, and decided to wash them out in the sink. It only took a second, and his bra and panties were hanging on the towel rack to dry. Then he realized that Jay would be in there next, and would see his feminine things hanging there. He wanted to take them with him, but they were now dripping wet. When he started to leave the bathroom, he realized that he was naked, and Jay was out there. What was he going to do?

Joe looked around, and found a large bath towel. He pulled it off the shelf, and wrapped it around his curves, tucking it in on the side. Now he was ready to face Jay again. He screwed up his courage, took his clothes in his hand, and opened the door. He went out into the main room, where Jay had turned back his bed and was lying there, watching the news.

Jay looked up when he saw Joe. "You're done already?" he asked. "I thought women took forever in the bathroom."

"Maybe they do," Joe said, grinning. "I guess I just haven't figured out what all I'm supposed do in there yet."

"It appears that you're doing all the right things," Jay complemented.

"Your turn," Joe said. He wanted to get his terry romper from the B-4 bag, and put it on.

"Okay," Jay said, and went into the bathroom.

Joe went to his bag, and found the terry romper. He took it and put it on the bed while he removed the towel. He was just reaching for the romper, when the bathroom door opened and Jay came out.

"I wonder if you might have an extra tooth bru..." Jay looked at his naked friend.

Joe froze in position, wanting to reach for the towel, but not wanting to move, and take his hands away from his breasts.

"Err... Excuse me... I didn't realize... I... ah..." Jay was un-customarily speechless.

Finally, Joe found he could move again. "I... err... I was just putting this on," he said, picking up the little romper.

"God, Joe, you're beautiful, you know that?" Jay said, walking over to his friend. "Can I look at you?"

"Well... I... err... I guess so. Sure, why not?" Joe stood up, and let his friend look at his changed body.

"I could tell that you were softer the other day at the health club, when you wore the leotard. I thought then you looked pretty good, but I didn't realize how good. How can you stand having a body like that?" Jay asked his pal.

"Gee, Jay, what do you think I do? Fondle myself all day? A lot of people look like this," Joe said.

"Well, if I looked like that, I probably would," Jay said, a wide grin forming on his face as he watched Joe put the romper on, his boobs bouncing sexily as he pulled it over them.

"Get in there, and take a cold shower," Joe said, a grin coming to his face too. "Look in my shaving kit, I might have a new toothbrush."

Jay returned to the bathroom. Joe heard the water start to run, and before long Jay was finished. He came out of the bathroom wearing only his jockey shorts. Joe looked at his friend, the bulge of Jay's maleness now seemed strangely interesting to him. He found he could not take his eyes from Jay's crotch. Jay saw he was looking, and faced him.

"You really are a woman now, aren't you, Joe," Jay said. "Are you finding me as interesting as I find you?"

"I don't know, Jay," Joe said. "I guess I am changing. I'm trying to decide how I feel about men... about sex. I thought I wasn't interested, but... I don't know... I just wish I could control what's going on in my head." He put his head in his hands.

Jay came over to where Joe was sitting on the side of the bed. He reached down, and took Joe's hand. He pulled him up, and took him in his arms.

"Would you be terribly offended if I kissed you?" Jay asked, looking down into Joe's eyes.

"Holy cow, Jay," Joe said. "I don't think we..."

He was interrupted by Jay placing his lips on his. It did not feel strange at all. Joe let himself melt in the strong arms of his friend, and felt Jay's tongue try to enter his mouth. He parted his lips and teeth, and let Jay do whatever he wished.

As they kissed, Joe could feel his body responding to the caress that Jay was giving his back. He felt the wetness of excitement, and felt his breasts becoming sensitive to the touch of Jay's bare chest. Jay must have felt Joe's hardening nipples too, because he suddenly put his hand down into the top of the little romper, and took one of Joe's breasts in his hand, fondling and caressing it, causing a sensation Joe had never experienced before.

Joe had made love since becoming a woman, but only with Linda. Since she was a woman, Linda knew how to touch all the right buttons to make Joe's body feel good, but Linda could not match the strong, forceful feeling of Jay. It was a mixture of pleasure and roughness, and it made Joe's knee's weak. He put his head back enjoying the sensation as Jay kissed his neck. Joe felt his crotch tighten as Jay's tongue tasted his neck.

Joe had been wondering what it would be like to be with a man, but he could not have imagined what he was experiencing. He found he loved it when Jay touched him. He wanted to be touched all over. He seemed to be losing control of his own body, like it had a mind of its own. Joe found that he wanted Jay. This new body of his wanted Jay inside him. It was like he now had this hollow spot, and it just had to be filled. He could tell that Jay wanted him, too.

"Jay... ah... Do I... Can I ask another favor?" Joe asked.

"God, Joe, anything. Just name it," Jay said, as he caressed Joe's breasts, which were now completely exposed, the little romper was down to Joe's waist.

"Jay... would you... could we... I... ah... I just want to feel you inside me," Joe said, finally getting it out. It seemed he was having trouble breathing, his breath coming in little gasps, as he felt himself being overrun by passion.

"Would I?" Jay said. "I don't think you could stop me!" He stopped the caressing, and stood back, looking at Joe.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jay asked his friend, who seemed more excited than any woman Jay had ever been with.

"God, yes... I want you... I want to feel you... Please!" Joe begged hearing his body pleading for release. He was no longer in control.

Jay started to remove his undershorts, and when Joe saw his penis, his eyes got huge. Joe knew that Jay was not a big stud, or anything, and probably could not even be considered well hung, but when he saw Jay's manhood, the thought of it going inside him changed his urge from raw desire to fear. It did not look like anything that big could fit inside him. At least not without hurting him seriously. He remembered the pain he experienced in the doctor's office.

"Ah... err... I don't know, maybe we shouldn't," Joe stammered.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked. He was standing there, his erection was ready to explode.

"Should we really be doing this?" Joe asked.

"Why not?" Jay questioned. "I'm a man, and you're... You're a woman now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Joe answered. "It's just that... I don't know... I mean... What if I get pregnant?" He remembered what the Dr. Krell told him.

"Can you do that?" Jay asked, showing surprise.

"I think so," Joe answered. "They told me I probably could, and that I should take precautions if I decided to do something like this. God, I never thought I would be wanting to do this." He was torn between this new, powerful desire, and basic concern for his well being.

"Just stand by a minute," Jay said, and went into the bathroom. He returned with a couple of condoms in their foil packs.

"Where did you get those?" Joe questioned.

"They were in your shaving kit," Jay answered, grinning.

Joe remembered. Sure, he always kept a few in there, in case he needed them, just for times like this. Of course, he never considered he would use them this way.

"Okay, okay, we'll do it. I just have to know what it feels like, but please, you've got to be gentle. It looks like that thing can hurt me," Joe said, looking at Jay's stiff appendage.

"I'll be gentle," Jay promised. "You can be on top, if you want."

Jay lay back on the bed and opened one of the foil packets. He took the rubber out and unrolled it on his erect penis, as Joe watched in interest. He had never seen another man putting on a condom before, and he was surprised at how strange it looked. He must have had a funny look on his face, because Jay commented, "Haven't you ever seen somebody putting one of these on before?"

"Hell, no. Have you?" Joe returned.

"Of course... Well... err... No, I guess I haven't," Jay considered.

"Let me tell you then, it's not the sexiest thing I've seen tonight," Joe said, unable to suppress a big grin.

"Let's get on with it," Jay said. "Unlike you, I'm under pressure to perform." He grinned.

Joe slid the romper down, stepping out of it, and ran his hand along his own crotch, in an attempt to tease Jay.

"Don't worry, I think I can remember what makes your willy feel good. We can keep the pressure up," Joe said, trying his best to sound seductive. Joe was aware of the effect a female body had on a male's, and noticed that his actions were having the desired effect on Jay's libido.

Not really sure how to go about it, but anxious to know what it would feel like, Joe got on the bed with Jay; then crawled over and straddled his hips. As he stood there on his knees, Jay's erect penis was almost touching his belly. He reached down, and timidly took it in his hand. It was warm. He did not remember his own penis feeling that warm when he touched it. He was impressed by the silky texture, and the almost instant hardness of the thing. With his fingers wrapped around it, he squeezed it and instinctively moved his hand up and down. He had never touched another man's penis before, and he found it was very different from touching his own. The lubricant on the condom made everything very slippery. Jay let out a little gasp.

"Now don't get carried away," Jay warned. "I think I'm almost ready to shoot off as it is. If you want to try it on for size, you had better lay off the preliminaries."

Joe looked down at the hard flesh. He lifted one of his knees and began rubbing the tip of Jay's penis along the moist folds between his legs. It felt fantastic, but he was still apprehensive. The big thing would probably split him in two. Jay pushed his hips up, trying to push against Joe with his penis. When Jay did that, Joe would raise his crotch up, and his movements were keeping Jay from entering him.

"Come on Joe, put it in, won't you? You're driving me nuts," Jay pleaded.

"I'm working on it. You'll get your chance," Joe said. "I've got to do this at my own pace, and I don't want to rush it."

Finally, Joe took Jay's penis, and placed at what he figured was the opening to his vagina. He took a deep breath, and let his body slowly descend on Jay's hardness. Jay thrust upwards, and Joe felt it starting to go inside him.

Joe tensed for the pain he knew would come. Suddenly, he felt Jay's hands on his hips, pulling him down, impaling him. Joe could sense that Jay was inside, but was surprised to find that it did not hurt for him to be there. It did not hurt at all. It felt sort of strange actually, not particularly good, but not bad either. "Was this it?" he thought.

Then Jay started pumping, moving around, and sliding in and out. Now that felt great, he could not resist matching Jay's movements stroke for stroke. Looking down, Joe noticed his breasts were bobbing along with the movement, and it embarrassed him. He dropped forward, and lay down on top of Jay, closing his eyes. He let himself be carried away by the new sensation. At the top of Jay's movement, Joe was enjoying a pleasurable friction on his clitoris, and that was followed by a strangely wonderful feeling of fullness he could not describe. It was fantastic, and he wanted it to continue forever.

After only a minute or so of this new sensation, Joe could feel Jay tensing up beneath him. He knew from experience what was happening, and tightened his own muscles, remembering how good it felt to have a snug vagina gripping your penis. He was surprised to find how pleasurable it was for him too. Why didn't women do it more often, if it felt this great? He wondered.

"I'm sorry Joe, but I'm going to cum," Jay said. "You're just so tight, and feel too good."

Joe hugged him, pressing Jay's crotch into his own, and tried to crimp down on Jay's penis as tight as he could. Jay's legs became stiff, and he squeezed Joe so tight he could hardly breathe.

"Back off a little, man," Joe gasped. "You're crushing me."

"You're fantastic, Joe," Jay said.

Now Joe could feel the twitching of Jay's penis, as it squirted his load. Joe tried to feel it inside him, but then remembered the condom. Strangely, he found himself wishing that Jay was not wearing one. "What's wrong with me?" he wondered. "I don't have some secret desire to get pregnant, do I?"

Jay's muscles released, and he let himself go limp. Joe could feel his penis, which was still inside him, getting smaller and softer. He did not want the moment to end, but realized that it was not Jay's fault. He raised his pelvis, and felt a little pop as Jay's penis came out of his still wanting vagina. He rolled off of Jay, and lay on his back beside him.

"That was good, Joe," Jay said. "I think maybe the best I ever had."

"Oh, yeah?" Joe looked at him and grinned widely. "I'm glad you liked it, but I'm beginning to realize what sex is all about for a woman."

"Is it better than for a guy?" Jay asked, becoming curious.

"Maybe it's just because it's my first time... from this side, of course... but yeah, I think it feels better, but it doesn't last long enough," Joe said.

"I'm sorry," Jay apologized. "I was just too excited... You felt so good... I couldn't hold back any longer. You remember how it is, don't you."

"Sure, I remember," Joe replied. "I remember all too well. I remember all the times I did the same thing, and didn't realize how it left the woman... The way she felt... The way I feel right now. Can we do it some more?"

"Well, I'm not seventeen," Jay said, smiling. "Give me a little while and we can go again."

Joe looked down at his pal's organ. It was no longer erect, but it was still wrapped loosely in the condom. The condom was slightly tinged with pink, which Joe realized was a mixture of the lubricant, his secretions, and blood. Then he suddenly realized he was not a virgin anymore. His hymen was torn completely now, as evidenced by the pink condom. He tensed the muscles in his crotch, and felt a small irritation. He touched himself with his hand, placing a finger inside his opening. The narrowing he felt that morning was gone. Feeling himself, he also realized that he was still excited, and his clitoris was begging to be touched.

Jay watched Joe inspecting himself, and found the sight highly erotic.

"You're beautiful, do you realize that?" Jay said. "Would you mind if I touched you?"

"I think I'd love it," Joe said. "I still want you inside. I can't explain the way it feels. It's really good."

Jay touched one of Joe's breasts, and softly caressed it. "I think I can be ready to go again soon," he said, and looked down at his own softness. He saw the used condom still on it, and started to carefully pull it off.

"Look at this pink stuff," Jay said. "I don't remember it looking pink when I put it on."

"I was a virgin, then," Joe grinned. "Now, I'm not."

"You were a virgin? I took your... Really?" Jay stammered in awe.

"I guess I got to lose my cherry two times," Joe teased. "The second was much easier, for me than the first." He remembered his first awkward time with a girl.

"I didn't realize you were a virgin," Jay said, sounding sorry.

"What did you think?" Joe replied. "When I changed, everything seemed to reform to what it would be if I were born a female. There aren't any physical changes when guy loses his cherry, but there can be for a girl." Joe put his hand over his crotch.

"What should I do with this?" Jay asked, holding the gooey, cum filled rubber.

"Flush it. I don't want it," Joe said, smiling.

Jay got up, and took the condom to the bathroom. Joe heard a flush, and Jay came back to the bed. His penis was still limp, and Joe realized then that he had probably never seen another man's erection, up close and personal, until today. The difference in size between the aroused and limp state was amazing. Joe wondered if he'd ever have a penis again. He was not sure if he cared.

Jay stood by the side of the bed, just looking at Joe's body. As he did, Joe saw Jay's penis began to stiffen. He reached over, and put his hand around it, pulling Jay to the bed with his cock.

"Don't rip it off," Jay teased.

Joe squeezed him tightly, and felt him getting harder by the second. He slowly ran his hand up and down along the shaft, until Jay seemed about the same as he was before.

"Looks like you're about ready for action again, tiger," Joe said.

"You just don't give a guy a minute, do you," Jay teased. "It must be really good, the way you're acting."

Joe considered what Jay was saying. Maybe he was acting a little horny, but he had not climaxed yet, and Jay had. As a male, he was used to performing until he found release. Now, he was dependant on the endurance of his partner. It was a new position to be in, and he was not used to it. Right now, he just wanted to feel Jay inside him, and find relief. With Linda, even since the change, she had treated him more like a man, always concerned with his sexual release, and of course, with her, there was no erection, or lack of one, to be concerned with.

"Humor me, will you?" Joe asked. "I'm not used to this, and I guess I don't really know how to act."

"You're doing okay," Jay said. "You're doing okay." He closed his eyes as Joe stroked his penis.

"Let's do it again," Joe said, getting the second rubber from the stand, and ripping the wrapper open.

"I'm with you," Jay said. "Do you want to put it on me?"

"Lie back," Jay said.

Joe took the rubber and rolled it on his friend's appendage. When it was in place, he lay back on the bed beside Jay, and cupped his breasts with his hands, trying to tease, and entice his pal. "Come and get it," he said. He spoke as seductively as he could, but talking like that made him feel kind of silly.

Jay rolled over, and put his lips right on Joe's left breast, taking the whole nipple in his mouth, and suckling like an infant. The action surprised Joe, but he discovered it felt very pleasurable. As he worked on Joe's breast with his mouth, Jay started fondling Joe's crotch with his hand. The combination felt fantastic, and Joe began to writhe with pleasure.

"Feels pretty good, huh?" Jay asked, watching Joe move with pleasure to his touch.

"Yeah... Ah... Yeah, it does," Joe answered. His eyes were closed, and his breathing had become short gasps.

"Do you want me to continue, or are you ready to get down to business?" Jay asked.

"I... Ah... I don't know. Keep doing this for a while," Joe breathed.

Joe could feel his pleasure reaching a crescendo. He found that what he wanted was for Jay to enter him, but he did not want him to stop what he was doing with his hand. He rolled on his side, and pulled Jay's penis toward his crotch. Jay maneuvered into position to enter him, and removed his hand from Joe's vulva.

"Don't stop what you were doing with your hand," Joe begged. It was embarrassing to ask, but it felt so good.

Jay kept his finger near Joe's clitoris, but with difficulty, he was able to get his penis into Joe's opening at the same time. Joe was moving around so much that Jay just lay there, and held himself in position. In a few minutes, Joe tensed up, and became stiff as a board. Jay could feel a rhythmic tightening and loosening, as Joe experienced orgasm.

Joe lay still, gasping for air. Jay started to move his hips, but he was immediately stopped by Joe.

"Ohhh! Don't move... Don't move!" Joe begged. "I can't stand it!"

The feeling of Jay's touch on his clitoris now felt excruciatingly painful. When he was with Linda, she instinctively knew when to touch him, and when to stop. Jay's more aggressive approach to intimacy was ok until he reached climax, but afterward, any touch to that area became intolerable.

Jay pulled away from Joe, and lay on his back beside him.

"I hope you you've had enough," Joe said to his friend. "I don't think I can take any more for a while."

"No, I'm fine," Jay said. "It was fantastic! If anybody had asked me if I'd ever go to bed with you, I'd have punched them out, but you were fantastic."

"Yeah, I never thought I'd want to do this, but it was almost like I was out of control," Joe said.

"I have that effect on women," Jay grinned.

"The hell you do," Joe said, poking him in the ribs.

"Anyway, it was fantastic," Jay repeated. "I don't think it ever felt like that before. It was like you could read my mind. You knew just what would feel good."

"I guess I did know," Joe said. "Remember, a week ago, I was on that side of the fence. I still remember it."

"Is it better on that side?" Jay asked his attractive friend.

"I don't know, exactly," Joe told his friend. "It's good... It's great, but I don't know if it's really better. Just different. You feel pretty good, too, you know that?"

"I had a suspicion from the way you were acting," Jay answered.

"You should feel it," Joe said. "It's like somebody turned up the gain on all my senses. It's not bad sometimes. I think maybe I could learn to like it."

"Sounds like you might get the chance," Jay said.

"Yeah," Joe mused. "I know. I don't like to think about it. It's easier if I think of it as temporary. I don't want to consider what my life might be like if I have to stay like this."

They lay there talking. The subjects ranged from cars to planes, even women. Eventually, they fell asleep. Joe lay next to Jay. He had no desire to go to the other bed.

Next: Chapter 9: Chapter15

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