
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter : San Diego

Linda could sense that something was wrong. She backed away from Joe, and just stood there, confused.

"What's the matter, Joe?" she asked. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you haven't done anything wrong," Joe answered. "I don't know what's wrong. I'm having such strange feelings. I don't know what's going on. I can't explain it. I first noticed it today, at the mall. I watched a woman undressing, and I didn't even feel anything. Nothing. It was weird, and I can't explain it. I was hoping I wouldn't feel the same about you, but right now, I just don't get the old urge. Since the change, I have been feeling hornier than ever, but now, suddenly, it's gone. Don't get me wrong, I still love you, but I'm just not sexually aroused." He sat on the bed.

"Maybe it's just temporary," Linda said, as she stroked his back.

"Yeah, maybe it is," Joe said, "or maybe my head's changing. Maybe I'm destined to be female in body and in mind, too. I don't know. I don't know." He began to sob.

Suddenly, he realized what he was doing. He was sitting there feeling sorry for himself, and he was crying like a girl... like a woman. What was happening? Linda saw it too, and was surprised at this reaction. She could see that Joe was changing. He was becoming more emotional. She put her arm around him.

"Is there anything I can do?" she asked. "I want to help in any way I can."

"I'm sorry," Joe said. "You've been so good to me so far. Just help me to deal with this. I just don't know what's happening."

"We'll both get through this, don't worry," Linda said.

"I've got to finish getting ready for tomorrow," Joe said. "Help me to get enough stuff to hold me for about two days."

"Sure, we'll get you packed in no time," Linda said. "What do you plan to wear in the morning?"

"That's a problem," Joe replied. "I like the sundress, but I don't know if it would be a problem flying with that full skirt."

"How about the new suit then?" Linda continued. "That would probably be the equivalent of what you'd wear as a guy."

"You think so?" Joe asked, wiping his eyes. He liked the suit.

"Sure, and you look good in it, too," Linda said. "We'll pack the red dress, and your shorts, too. I think you should also take another skirt and blouse along. If you can't find anything in your closet, you're welcome to look in mine."

Joe went into his closet, and took a white blouse, and the blue A line skirt he wore on the first day. Linda folded and packed them in his B-4 bag. She went to his drawers, and took out some underwear, as well as pantyhose and athletic socks.

"I bought some nylon stockings today," Joe said. "I hate to wear pantyhose, 'cause I have to go to the bathroom so often." He got the nylons from the bag, and showed them to Linda.

"You'll probably want to wear these in the morning then," she said, holding up the blue ones.

"Yeah, If you say so," Joe replied. He was happy to have her pick out his clothes. He liked her tastes, and her eye for color.

"Well, I guess you're about ready. There are just your bath items yet," Linda said.

"I'll get them in the morning, after my shower. I hope I can get you to help with those cosmetics again in the morning," he asked.

"Sure, but I guess that means I have to get up at four o'clock," Linda said.

"I do have a show time of six," Joe admitted. "I don't know how long it'll take for me to get ready."

"Set the alarm for four, at least," Linda groaned.

"I guess we better hit the sack early then," Joe decided.

"I'm going to wash my face, and take a bath," Linda said. "If you're planning to shower in the morning, I suggest you wash that makeup off, anyway. I have cleansing cream in my bath, if you don't have any yet."

"Okay, I'll take it off," Joe said.

Linda went back to her bedroom, and Joe removed his underwear. He decided that he should wear something, and remembered the little terry romper he bought at She-Sports. He got it from a drawer, stepped into it, and pulled it over his boobs. He walked to Linda's room, and went into her bathroom, where she was standing at the sink, in her panties, while the tub was filling. He watched her. She looked so sexy standing there, in black panties, getting ready for her bath. The bra she had just removed had marked her skin with the same little pink lines that Joe noticed around the edges of his breasts. Joe watched her with interest, but felt little excitement, as he watched her remove her makeup, her breasts bouncing as she rubbed her face.

Soon she finished, and she looked up at him.

"Show's over, Joe," she teased. "Time for your lesson in makeup removal."

She showed him what to do, and he did as he was told. When his hair got in the way, he removed the wig. He looked at his now more familiar face. As the light makeup came off, he saw his former features seem to return, but not completely. Usually, by this time of the day, his beard was beginning to show as a noticeable stubble. Now, it was still smooth as a baby's behind, and felt almost as soft, too. He found the makeup was far easier to take off than it was to put on, and he finished quickly. The tub was ready, too. Linda removed her undies, and stepped into the bubbles.

"I think there's room for you, if you want," she said enticingly.

It was tempting, but Joe just did not feel like messing around. "Maybe another time," he said. "I better get to bed."

Taking his hairpiece, Joe left her room, and went back to his own. He took the remainder of the things laying on the bed, and either put them away, or laid them aside, to wear in the morning. He saw the underwear he wore that day, and considered whether he should wash it out in the sink. No, he decided, I'll do it later. He just did not feel like hand washing panties right then.

He opened the bed, and sprawled out on it. He had left the overhead light on, and had to get up again. He reluctantly got back up, and was going to switch off the light, when he noticed the book that Karen had given him to read, laying on the dresser. He took it, and switched on the light next to the bed, then went over and turned off the over head light. He lay back down on the bed, and covered himself with the sheet.

He picked up the book, and looked at the cover. "GENETICS, AND SEX DETERMINATION," it read. He opened it, and started to read. The book's subject had always held a mild interest to him, but now, of course, it had a special significance. He started to read, and quickly became engrossed in the subject matter. He had been reading for some time when Linda quietly came in his room and sat on the edge of his bed.

"What are you reading?" she asked.

"Oh, this is a book Karen suggested I read," he answered, and continued reading, trying to finish the chapter.

Linda sat there, watching him, and looking around the room. She looked down at the pile of his clothes lying at the side of the bed, and saw Joe's underpants. They had sort of rolled up when he had pulled them off, and the narrow crotch section was face up, and visible. She saw the little stain of blood and picked them up.

"Joe, have you noticed your discharge?" she asked him.

Joe was still trying to finish the chapter before he put the book down. "What discharge is that?" he returned. He was not really listening.

"Look at your underwear. Are you starting your period?" she asked.

"Period? I'm not having a period," he said, as he finally put the book down and looked up at her. He saw that she had the underwear he wore that day.

"Are you sure?" she asked. "It looks like you're starting to spot." She showed him the bloody stain. Mixed with the normal vaginal secretions, it appeared to her like the light menstrual flow at the start of a period.

"Oh, that," he said, grinning. "Hey, I'm a virgin. What do you think about that."

"What do you mean, you're a virgin?" Linda scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"It's true," he said, still grinning at her. "Dr. Krell examined me today. He said I had an intact hymen. That makes me a virgin, technically at least."

"So where did the blood come from? Did he break your intact hymen?" Linda asked. She thought he was teasing her.

"Well, Dr. Krell put a speculum inside of me when he gave me a pelvic examination," Joe said. "I think maybe he stretched it a little. I know it sure hurt like hell, but he said that he was able to keep it intact. It bled a little bit, though. Do they do that to you every time they examine you?"

"So you had a pelvic exam today, huh?" Linda asked. "What did you think about it? What did they find?"

"Well, it's a lot different than any physical I ever had before," he answered honestly. "Dr. Krell said that I looked like I had normal female internal organs, and yeah, he said he thought I probably would have normal menses. That's what he called it."

"So you really are a woman," Linda said, as if she did not really expect it to be true. "Did he tell you anything else?"

"He said he could tell that I was circumcised when I still had my penis, because he found unexplained scar tissue around the clitoris. He said he figured that was it was probably the result of penile circumcision," Joe explained.

"I didn't see any scar tissue on your genitals," Linda said.

"Did you really look?" Joe asked. "I know that females all look slightly different in that area. I know I don't look exactly like you. I think you have more tissue over your clitoris compared to me."

"Does it feel different?" she asked.

"How would I know?" Joe replied. "I can tell you this, it feels way more sensitive than my penis did, but only if something touches it. When it's left alone, it feels just like it did before. Since it has the same nerves, and I guess, the same number of nerves. To me, it feels like it's much bigger than it appears. I think it's like a cold sore in your mouth. It seems bigger than it looks, I guess, because the nerves are so closely spaced, compared to before."

"Can I look?" Linda asked. "I want to see the scar tissue he told you about."

"Sure, I guess so," Joe answered. He sat up, and pulled the sheet away, parting his legs, and gently spreading the moist folds of tissue. The little glistening bud of flesh protruded near where the folds sort of joined.

"So this is really your penis now?" Linda asked. She was inspecting him with intense interest.

"Well, It feels like my penis. It's not a penis anymore, obviously, but it still feels like it, to me anyway," Joe repeated. "My guess is, it's the same parts, nerves and such, just arranged, or repackaged, and a lot different looking, obviously. You probably have the same parts, too."

"You think so?" Linda asked. "You really think a clitoris feels like a penis?"

"From my experience, and that's all I go to go on, it sure does," Joe answered. "Almost exactly the same, as long as nothing touches it. Then it's much more sensitive than my penis was."

"Overall, then, is it better, or worse?" Linda asked, curious to know.

"Just what are you trying to find out?" Joe asked her. It was becoming obvious that there was a reason for her questioning.

"I'd just like to know what it feels like. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a guy... to have a penis, and everything," she answered, slightly embarrassed. "I've always been curious what it felt like for you, when we made love."

"It felt great. Absolutely great," Joe said, and put his arm around her.

"Do you miss it, then? Do you miss your penis?" she asked.

"Do I miss it?" Joe replied. "Sure I do. Every minute, but not because I constantly have the urge to have sex. Hell, until today, I've been hornier than ever, and I've hardly had a chance to know it was gone when we've been together. Of course, I'm having new feelings now, some of them seem even better than before." As Joe spoke, he thought of their times together, before, and after the change. He thought of the new sensations, and his apparently heightened senses. He missed it, but there were compensations.

"So, if you had a choice then, would you want to be a man, or a woman," Linda asked.

"For Pete's sake, Linda, that's a hard question to answer," Joe said. "Of course I would rather be a man. It would simplify everything, but if I had been born a woman, and suddenly turned into a man, I'd probably want be a woman again. It's not what FEELS better that causes it, it's how you're raised. There's nothing wrong with being a woman, of course I'm still having problems with having to sit to pee, but damn it, otherwise it feels pretty good. I'm starting to like wearing the clothes, too. I never thought I'd say that, and I sort of like the sensation of having these boobs too, even if I'm still usually embarrassed by them."

"Do you like Karen?" Linda asked.

The question surprised Joe. What was she thinking about now? Maybe he was starting to think like a woman, but he still had a long way to go.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"You've just met her today, you said, but you two seem to get along so well together. It's like you were old pals," Linda answered.

"It's different with Karen. She understands my problem," Joe said carefully.

"What does that mean?" Linda asked. "I'm trying to understand it, too. What does she do that I don't."

Joe decided to tell her about Karen.

"Does Karen look different... unusual to you, in any way?" he asked.

"Unusual? No, I don't think so. She's a bit tall, that's all," Linda answered, wondering what he was getting at.

"Four years ago, Karen was a medical student at UA. Her name was Keith then, and she was a guy. She underwent hormone therapy, had an operation, and now she's a woman," Joe revealed.

"The woman who was here, tonight, in this house, she was a MAN?!" Linda asked, completely amazed.

"Yeah, that's right," Joe answered. "About two years ago, she had surgery in San Diego, and now she's physically, and legally, a woman. She can do about everything except get pregnant."

"I've heard about that operation, but I never knew anyone who underwent it," Linda said.

"Now you do," Joe said. "Dr. Krell says he has performed many operations like Karen's."

"Can he do something like that for you?" Linda asked.

"I asked him about that, and he said it was possible, but that he didn't advise it. At least not yet," Joe answered. "He suggested that I try to live like this for a while at least, so his team can try to find a way to change us back by reversing whatever process caused it in the first place. If he were to change me using surgical procedures, and then they did find a way to get us back, it would leave us mutilated. Anyway, he said that the female to male operation isn't as satisfactory. I wouldn't be pleased with the results, that's how he put it."

"Well, if it was half as good as Karen's, it would be acceptable, wouldn't it?" Linda asked him.

"Maybe so," Joe explained, "but he told me it's not nearly as easy to transform female genitalia into functioning male equipment. He said it often didn't even work for urination. It might look passable, but it was easily infected, and it had usually no feeling at all. I can't get very excited about the idea of having a numb, useless piece of flesh hanging between my legs, just so that I could say I was a man. Besides, I'd still be smaller, and look different than I used to."

"So you're going to stay female?" Linda asked.

"I don't know," Joe said. "Well, yeah, for a while anyway. At least until Dr. Krell attempts to find a way to get us back. I don't think I have any other choice, really."

"What about Dave, and what's his name... Mike? What will they do?" Linda continued. "Will they stay as they are, too?"

"I think so, but I don't know for sure. Dave is married, and his little boy doesn't understand. Mike still looks more like a man, even if his internal parts are feminized," Joe answered, matter-of-factly.

"Why is Mike so different?" Linda asked.

"Well, of course it's only a possibility," Joe said, "but it's probably because he was taking anabolic steroids when he went through the change. I've seen him, and he sort of looks like a hermaphrodite. He still has his male body shape, but he's got a beaver, and he said Dr. Krell told him he thinks he has normal, female internals."

"Heavens, that must be horrible," she said. "How is he taking it?"

"I don't know," Joe said. "He seems to be doing okay, I guess. I don't know if he's really thought much about it. He's still in the denial stage. He sort of refuses to admit that it's happened. I think it's just starting to sink in for all of us. Dave is the one I'm most worried about. He hardly talks. I don't know what to think about him."

"I'll give Cindy a call, while you're gone," Linda said. "Maybe I can help her."

"That's a good idea," Joe said. "I have another idea. Let's get to sleep. It'll be four a.m. soon enough."

"Can I sleep with you?" Linda asked.

"I'd love it," Joe said honestly. He set the alarm, and switched off the light.

Linda snuggled up close to Joe. Joe held her close, and could feel his breasts touch hers. They stroked each other's backs, and cuddled until they fell asleep.

It seemed like only moments later that Joe heard the noisy buzzing of the cheap alarm clock. He turned it off, and lay there, trying to find the strength to get up. He finally did, and struggled in the dark to find the bathroom door. He went in, shutting the door before turning on the light. He had to pee, and sat and relieved himself.

Joe quickly showered. He rubbed his legs, checking them for stubble. They were not bad, but his underarms had stubble, and needed a quick cleanup. With the shower running, he used his shave cream, lathered, and quickly did the job. "Much easier than doing my face," he thought.

After Joe finished in the shower, he got out, and dried off. He watched himself in the mirror over the sink as he did so. He was now familiar with his new body, and looked at it critically as he rubbed his soft skin with the towel. A strange feeling of contentment came over him as he examined himself. His breasts no longer seemed alien to him, and as he softly touched them, he could hardly remember looking any other way. His body image was becoming female. He could feel it happening. Is this what HE wanted? Was there anything he could do about it even if he wanted to?

As he was drying, and examining himself in the mirror, He could hear Linda get up, and leave his bedroom. The sound of his girl friend caused him to finish drying off, and continue to get ready. He took out his toothpaste, and brushed his teeth. Even they seemed different, probably because of the somewhat smaller size of his face. He looked at them in the mirror, and saw that he still had the same fillings in his back teeth, as far as he could tell.

Joe finished brushing, and as he was putting the dental things in his shaving kit, he saw the after bath powder. He decided to apply some of that, since the scent reminded him of Linda.

"I guess it's my smell now," he thought to himself. He took out his deodorant, and applied it to his smooth underarms. It stung slightly, since he just shaved. He was trying to decide what to do next when a sleepy looking Linda tapped on the door.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure. I can use your help," Joe answered, and opened the door.

Linda was wearing a satin robe, and simply went over to him. She examined his naked body carefully. "You're simply beautiful," was all she said.

"I could use your advice," Joe said. "I still don't know exactly what to do with this makeup."

"You're going to have to learn," Linda admonished. "I won't be there tomorrow morning."

She took the shaving kit, where Joe had put his supplies, and arraigned the things she needed on the counter. Working swiftly, she used each item, and then dropped it back into the leather case. As she worked, Joe was transformed back into the clean, understated look he had the day before. He looked at his image in the mirror, and smiled with satisfaction with his appearance.

When Linda finished, she left the bathroom, went to Joe's bed, and lay down. Joe gathered up the remaining supplies into his shaving kit, and followed her. He put the kit into the side compartment of his B-4 bag. "I guess I should get a more feminine looking bag," he thought to himself. He had used the handy B-4 since he was issued it in the Air Force, and had never used anything else.

He went to the dresser, and found that Linda had laid out his clothes the night before. She had selected black, high leg, bikini panties, and one of his seamless cup, nude color bras. He took the underpants, and easily slipped them on. He had never worn them since Linda had suggested he buy them the other day. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, the leg openings reached almost up the waist band, and made his legs look even longer. Since he was thin, and rather tall for a woman, it made him look rather leggy. He liked the look, and turned, so that he could see his backside in the mirror.

Linda saw what he was doing, and said, "Okay, okay, we both know you got a nice butt."

"Hey, can I help it?" he said grinning. For some reason, he was feeling very pleased with himself this morning.

He took the bra, and deftly put it on. He was now familiar with the procedure, and the feeling, of wearing women's clothing. Feeling strangely sexy, he took the silk blouse, and put it on, covering his already silky breasts. As he buttoned the blouse, he was again amazed at how luxurious the silk felt on his body. Even if he never got back to normal, this sensation alone would almost make it all worth while. He resisted touching himself, knowing Linda would tease him if he did.

Joe picked up the grey skirt, and stepped into it, turning it around, as he had done the last time, so that he could zip and button the smooth fitting garment. As he spun it back around, he saw himself in the mirror again. He looked good, but still needed the hairpiece, to make the transfiguration complete. He took it from the dresser, and carefully put it on his head, covering his male hairstyle, and the last remnant of his former appearance. No one could confuse him with a male, and he was beginning to realize, he was glad they could not.

"You forgot your nylons," Linda reminded him.

"Rats! I guess I have to take the skirt off," Joe said, and started to spin the skirt around again.

"No, I think you can just pull the skirt up, and pull the nylons on," she suggested. "Be careful, they're very sheer. Don't snag them on your nails."

Joe took the dark colored nylons from Linda, and sat on the bed. The slight roughness of the blended wool skirt reminded Joe that he was not wearing the slip he bought either. He wanted to try it, so he removed the skirt, and unbuttoned the blouse. He loved any excuse he could find to feel the silky fabric. He found the little slip with the fitted top and pulled it over his head. The stretchy fabric covered his curves with even more slickness. He took the nylons and carefully pulled them up his legs, after Linda showed him how to roll them and then place his foot inside. When he had the nylons on, and pulled the slip down, his legs felt almost as sleek as the silky blouse. He put the blouse back on, and again pulled the skirt on. He sat on the bed, and marveled at the feeling. It felt like he could just slide off the bed.

Joe found his new watch, and fastened it to his wrist. He took the new gray shoes and slipped them on. With their low heels, he had little trouble walking in them, but he wondered how they would work on the rudder pedals.

He took the jacket and decided that, for now, he would not wear it. Linda found the handbag he had purchased the night before, and handed it to him. He looked at it in confusion.

"Put your wallet, and any other things you're always complaining about not having room for, in it," she suggested.

He took the bag, and put all his things in it. Joe stood up, and went to the mirror. He looked attractive, and sophisticated. He felt very sexy. The feeling of the new clothes made him feel different, more content with himself, than he had ever been before. "I guess it's the clothes," he thought. What else could cause it?

"Well, I guess I'm ready," Joe said. "It only took about an hour."

Linda stood next to him at the mirror. In the heels, he was almost as tall as before. He put his arm around Linda, and pulled her to him. They just stood there, and hugged for a minute.

"I'll be waiting for you," Linda said, looking in his eyes.

"I'll miss you too," Joe said, and gave her a peck on the lips. "It just doesn't feel the same anymore," he thought to himself.

Joe picked up the B-4 bag, and started to carry it to the door. It was not packed to bursting, like if often was when he went away for days, but he still had to struggle a bit to carry it. I just do not have any upper body strength, he realized.

Linda opened the door to the patio, and Joe went out to his car. He opened the back hatch, and put the bag in, and then went around and got in. He put his belt on, and started the engine. He let it warm slightly, and then turned around, and drove out the drive. It was about forty-five minutes till six.

After the short drive to the airport, Joe went to the guard shack, and showed his Honeybone ID. The guard looked at him, but must have been told of his unusual situation, because he let him in without a problem, almost staring a hole in him with curiosity.

Joe went directly to the flight planning room, and entered the proposed flight into the PC. The computer automatically compiled an IFR flight plan, checked it, and printed out a weather report. It would even automatically file, but Joe had not selected that option. If the weather was good, he was considering VFR and maybe letting Karen fly, if she wanted.

The weather looked good, as usual, and he was pouring a second cup of coffee, when Dave walked in the room.

Dave was wearing a jumpsuit, not all that different from the one Joe had. It was gray, with a wide belt which served to de-emphasize his somewhat large backside. It made him look a lot better that he had the day before. Dave took a cup, and went over to the planning table, next to Joe. Joe filled his cup with the hot brew.

"Hey, you're looking good!" Joe said. "I like the jumpsuit."

"Yeah, I saw yours, and decided that it was the best thing," Dave said. He still had a sarcastic twinge to his voice, and it was uncharacteristic of him.

Joe handed the weather printout to Dave. "It looks severe clear, until the LA basin, as usual," Joe summarized. "I think we could go VFR, and maybe let Karen get the feel of it, if it doesn't bother you."

"Sure, that's fine with me," Dave agreed. "I wouldn't mind getting an hour's snooze."

"How's it going?" Joe asked. "Is it getting any easier for you?"

"Easier? How could it?" Dave replied. "I guess I'm getting more accustomed to the changes, and all that, but I don't know how to deal with Cindy."

"Maybe Dr. Krell's people will be able to help us today," Joe said.

"If he can't make me a man again, I don't know what he could do that would help me," Dave lamented.

They both looked up when they heard the outside door close, and in a few moments, Karen Simpson entered the room.

Karen was wearing an attractive pants suit with a sharp, tailored look. Joe smiled a greeting to her, and motioned to the stack of styrofoam cups at the coffee bar by the wall. Karen smiled back, and getting a cup, came over to them, and held out the cup as Joe filled it.

"Well, you sure look good," Karen said, complimenting Joe. "Gee, Dave, are you going through the jumpsuit phase now?"

"Yeah, maybe I am," Dave said, forcing a slight grin. "Good morning, Karen."

"Good morning to both of you," she said. "Is it safe to fly this morning?"

"Yeah, I think we can make it," Joe said. "You want to get a little stick time?"

"Could I?" she said. "I haven't flown in years."

"We'll see how rusty you are," Joe said. "Early as it is, we can probably go VFR into SAN without a problem."

"Procedures are where I know I'll have the most difficulty," Karen said. "I haven't spent much time in high density areas."

"I can handle the radios," Joe said.

They heard the door slam, and Mike came in the planning room. As before, he was wearing male clothing. He acknowledged their greeting, and went for his coffee cup, seemingly not interested in joining in the conversation.

They finished their coffee, and Dave phoned in the VFR flight plan, and they went into the hanger. Joe opened the hanger doors, as Dave started a garden tractor that served as a tug.

Karen helped Dave put the tow bar on the 421, and Dave pulled it out, into the early morning light. In the bright light of the hanger floods, they performed the walk-around preflight, as Mike placed their bags on board. When they were satisfied that the fuel, oil, and external hardware was visibly flight-worthy, they got in, and before long, Joe had the engines warming.

Joe sat on the left, and Karen took the right seat. They adjusted their headsets, and set the communication and navigation radios. The tower did not operate till 0800, so they called and looked for traffic, and then took off.

As the wheels were going into the wells, Joe called departure, and confirmed that they were picked up on radar. The lightly loaded twin quickly climbed to seven thousand five hundred, and from habit, Joe requested, and received, VFR flight following. Karen handled the plane well, holding headings and altitudes to IFR tolerances.

"It doesn't look like you're out of practice at all," Joe complimented.

"I love to fly," Karen said. "With all that has happened to me, in the last few years, I guess I forgot just how much."

The flight went along uneventfully, with Dave and Mike snoozing in the back, Karen doing the driving, and Joe observing, watching for traffic as the sun came up behind them.

Before long they entered the low visibility of Southern California. The radio chatter picked up, until it was one continuous stream of instructions, as controllers vectored IFR and VFR traffic in one of the busiest areas in the country. The sun was bright as they spotted San Diego's Lindberg Field about eight miles ahead. They were cleared for a straight in landing, and Joe let Karen have the landing, giving her speeds and power settings, as she configured the aircraft for landing. Even though she had not flown for years, and then mostly single engine aircraft, she handled the Cessna twin like she had flown it many times.

"You're doing great," Joe told her again. "How many hours do you have anyway?"

"Actual logged hours, about three-fifty," Karen answered, "but remember, I worked with simulators in the Air Force, and learned to fly instruments then, some time before I got a license. I was trained as a primary instrument instructor. I probably have thousands of hours in simulators of various kinds, single seaters mostly, but some in trainers, like the T-37, and T-38. Compared to a lot of simulators, this thing flies like a dream."

She landed, and taxied to the FBO Joe suggested. They parked where a young girl in tight shorts directed, and shut the engines down. They got out and stretched as they exited the tight confines of the Cessna.

"You can smell the ocean," Joe said. It was so different here from the dry air of Phoenix.

"Yeah, I like San Diego," Karen said. "I kind of think of it as the place where I was reborn." She was referring to the surgical procedure which changed her gender.

"I hope I can get that kind of feeling about this place in a few days," Mike said, pulling the bags out of the plane.

Joe went to the counter, and asked the guy about the car he had made reservations for. The young man behind the counter gave him a set of keys with a Budget Rent a Car tag, and pointed out the window at a maroon Town Car. Joe hated big barges like the Lincoln, but they needed the room for the four of them and their bags.

"Okay if I drive out on the ramp for the bags?" Joe asked.

"Sure, ma'am. Just enter 338 and the gate will open," the line boy said. "Drive out, and I'll put the bags in the car for you."

Joe was not used to this kind of service. He wondered if the FBO was changing its image, but then he realized, he was not wearing a skirt the last time he was there. He had not thought about it, but women did get treated differently from men. Sometimes better. He kind of liked it.

When they got their bags loaded, they went to check into the hotel. The Honeybone scheduler had reserved rooms at the Hyatt Regency, a nice place, more upscale than they usually got at company expense. Usually, Joe and Dave performed their own bag-drag, but this time, they let the bellhop take them to the room.

They followed him up and Joe found that his room was next to Karen on one side, and Dave on the other. Mike's room was directly across the hall.

They put their bags away, stopped to clean up a bit, and then went out to find Dr. Krell's clinic. Karen of course, was familiar with the area, and guided them right to it. They met Dr. Krell again, and he introduced them all to two other medical doctors, and a number of lab technicians and nursing personal.

In the small waiting room at the entrance, Joe recognized a few patients who were obviously making the transition from male to female. Two were easy to spot, since they were both very tall, and towered over all the other seated persons. Joe went over to an empty seat next to one of the two tall women. He smiled a greeting as he sat down. The woman spoke, with a deep voice, too deep to be coming from a female.

"Well, this place has suddenly become very popular," she said, referring to the fact that four of them came in at the same time.

"Yes, I suppose it has," Joe answered, uncomfortable with small talk.

"Do you know Dr. Krell?" the deep voiced woman went on.

"Yes, I met him yesterday in Phoenix," Joe answered.

"Is he working with your husband?" she asked.

"My husband?" Joe asked in amazement. "Why would you ask that?"

"I saw you walk in with that guy over there," she answered, discreetly pointing at Mike. "I figured that you were here for counseling, because of your husband's condition."

Joe smiled. "She thinks I'm here with Mike," he realized.

"No, I'm not married," he said.

"Don't tell me a woman as lovely looking as you is gender dysphoric?" The woman went on.

"Do you think everyone who sees Dr. Krell has that kind of problem?" Joe questioned. The talkative woman just would not let it go.

"Dr. Krell is one of the best gender doctors around," she said. "I don't think he takes any other patients anymore."

"So you're gender dysphoric?" Joe asked, turning the questioning away from him.

"Yes, I am," she said. "I've been on hormone therapy for eleven months."

"Oh, I didn't realize," Joe lied. "You're a Transsexual?"

"Of course," she said, eyeing his body enviously. "Probably most of the patients here are. I hope to be ready for reassignment surgery by fall. I've almost completed my electrolysis. That's one of the time consuming parts. I've been in the real life test, that's where you have to live as the sex you feel you are. I've been in that for four months now. You don't know how difficult it is for a person raised as a male to learn to function as a female. You're so lucky to be born so beautiful."

"If you only knew," Joe thought. He did not know what to make of this unusual person. So he just smiled, and she continued speaking.

"My name is Laura. Laura Dix," she said, presenting her hand to Joe.

"Glad to meet you, Laura," Joe said, shaking her hand lightly. It was much bigger than his. "I'm Joe Bates."

"Joe, huh. Sounds like a guy's name," Laura said. "Women can have men's names, they can wear men's clothes, and so many other things. Nobody notices, or if they do, they think it's cute. It was cute if you were a tomboy when you were small, but I was a sissy for wanting to be with the girls."

"Yeah, it is unfair, isn't it," Joe agreed.

"So what is your real name? You don't look like a Josephine. Is it Jo Ann, Jo Ellen?" Laura asked.

"My name is Joel," Joe said, "but I've always been called Joe."

"Well, Joe, what brings you to Dr. Krell?" Laura continued.

"I'm hoping he can help me," Joe said reluctantly. "I'm really a man." He decided that shocker would stop the questions.

"A man? But you're so beautiful," Laura asked in amazement. "Why would you want to become a man?"

"Why do you want to become a woman?" Joe returned.

"Yeah, okay, you're right," Laura agreed. "I think I am a woman, and I just want to look like one. It has nothing to do with what we look like."

"You might be right," Joe said. He was beginning to have doubts about that, however.

The receptionist called Laura's name, and she got up and went in. Joe was sitting on the end of the row of seats, and he began to look around the waiting room. Besides Dave, Mike, Karen, and himself, there were two other persons in the room. One was a small young man, and the other was a man of medium build. Joe wondered if they were also Transsexuals. Probably, he considered.

As they waited, the receptionist came into the room, and gave Mike, Dave, and Joe clipboards which held a number of forms, and questionnaires for them to complete. Joe filled out the form. It had everything from his name and address, to what kind of medication he was, or had been taking, his sexual preference, and even frequency of intercourse. Some of the questions were rather difficult to answer, considering the circumstances. He did his best to answer truthfully, but could not imagine what they really were trying to find out by some of the questions.

He looked over, and saw Dave struggling with his paperwork. Mike seemed to work with it without expression, writing quickly, without hesitation.

When Joe had his complete, he took it up to the little sliding glass window where the receptionist sat.

"Thank you. Dr. Krell should be with you before too long," The young lady wearing a white nurses uniform said, smiling at him.

They sat there another forty-five minutes, and then the door opened, and the assistant called Joe. He stiffly got up, and followed her into an examining room, not unlike the one where he was introduced to Dr. Hopkins. He wondered what was in store for him this time.

Next: Chapter 7: Chapter17

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