
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

Linda was home as Joe left Jay's car and walked to the kitchen entrance. He wondered what she'd say about him coming home so late.

One AM. She's not my mother, Joe thought. If I want to spend the evening with my pal, I can do it.

He was really trying to convince himself, not Linda.

Linda looked up from the papers she was reading when Joe entered the room.

"Good evening." She said. "Have a nice time?"

"Yeah, it was OK, I guess." Joe answered. "Jay and I went out for some Bar-B-Que and then we downed a few beers at his place."

Linda looked at Joe and grinned.

"I'm surprised you're home so early." She said. "I thought you two had discovered a new mutual interest."

"It wasn't anything like that." Joe protested. "We just talked, that's all."

"Why not? You're both adults." Linda continued. "You can do almost anything you wish now. Why just sit and talk?"

"Just what is that supposed to mean?" Joe asked.

My God, Joe, don't you see?" Linda went on, her irritation starting to show. You've become a woman, and Jay knows it. He's infatuated with you. It's so obvious."

"So I'm supposed to sleep with him then?"

"Are you telling me you haven't?"

Joe looked at Linda. It was obvious she was irritated for some reason.

He didn't know how to answer.

"Linda... The other day I woke up like this. I know it's bizarre as hell, but that's what happened. Maybe I somehow turned into a woman, or maybe I just look female. Either I've become the sister I never had, or maybe just some kind of freak. I don't know what I am anymore. I know I look female, but I really don't think I have the same feelings... the same reactions to things that you do... that "real" women do. On the other hand, I realize I probably won't ever look like, or ever be, a normal man again either. I'm still trying to deal with that. Things are just so different now. So different. Sometimes I can't believe the way all this stuff makes me feel. Maybe it's these new hormones or something, I don't know. I admit, I've acquired a sort of curiosity about men. I don't like when it happens, it's kind of embarrassing, but think I'm starting to find guys interesting sometimes. Maybe it's in my head, or maybe it's just my body's reactions, I don't know. But even with all that, I still feel pretty much the same about women... about you. I know that must be hard to believe. I'm not even sure that's a plus or a minus."

Linda just looked at him, as if trying to think of something to say.

"Yeah, Jay and I slept together the other day. Twice, in fact, if you really must know." Joe continued. "It was curiosity. For both of us. I look different now, and I feel so different. I knew he was curious too, so I suggested we try out this new equipment." He grinned.

"And you liked it?" Linda offered.

Joe grinned wider.

"I don't know for sure if I feel all the same things you do, but if I do, I can't understand why you don't want to make love all the time."

Linda smiled.

"That good, huh?" She asked.

"Nothing personal, mind you, I liked sex before too, of course, but now... Everything is just a lot more sensitive I guess... There's more involved... It takes longer to wind up, but it lasts longer, too."

"So you don't want to go back?"

Joe looked straight into her eyes.

"I don't know. There's more to life than screwing. And, I'm still really a guy inside. This female stuff is interesting, and I appreciate all the things you've been doing to help me adapt to it. Do I want to go back? Be a normal guy again? Hmmm... I don't even know if I could. I don't mean, is it technically possible. I mean, even if I had my old shape back, I think I still wouldn't be the same anymore."

"Would that be so bad?" Linda asked.

Joe smiled.

"Maybe not." He chuckled. "It's so different on this side. And, so far, I've been sheltered from most of the difference. I'm gaining so much respect for what you have to go through everyday."

"I want you back, Joe." Linda said. "Especially with talk like that. I don't ever want to lose you."

"You could never lose me." Joe insisted. "Maybe we won't ever marry. But I guess we can still have a unique relationship."

"It's unique, all right." Linda agreed.

Joe laughed.

No... I really mean it. The things you've done to help me... I'll never forget them. I may have to be more of a best pal, or even a "sister" now, but that's only on the surface anyway. I love you, Linda"

Linda moved toward him with her arms outstretched. They embraced each other and hugged tightly. Joe leaned back and looked into Linda's eyes. They were moist with tears. He kissed her passionately on the lips.

"Not exactly the same, is it?" Linda teased.

"No, not exactly." Joe agreed looking down at his breasts which were sort of interlocked with Linda's.

"I'll never get used to this." Joe said, his face turning crimson.

"You're beautiful." Linda reminded him. "Maybe you don't wish to be female, but you certainly can't complain about how you're put together."

Joe smiled, looking down.

"That's what Jay says." He admitted.

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"I think he likes you." Linda commented. "Not like an old pal, either."

"I know... We talked about that tonight." Joe confided.


"And what?" Joe asked. "What can I say?"

"How do you feel about him?"

"Well... I'm not ready to have kids with him, if that's what you mean." Joe said, grinning with embarrassment.

"Is he asking for that?" Linda said, her eyes getting wide.

"No... No... Nothing like that. But I think he does see me as a woman now." Joe admitted.

"You do look like one." Linda agreed. "I think I know what he sees in you."

"He says I appear so female, and yet he can still talk to me like a guy." Joe confided.

"Men. Is that all they care about?" Linda said, more to herself than to Joe.

"I guess he's right about that, too." Joe agreed. "I still think like a male. I think I do, anyway."

"The things you were saying a moment ago were very different than anything I've ever heard you say." Linda commented.

"I'm sorry. Maybe it's the hormones, I don't know." Joe said.

"I like it." Linda said. "To bad you have to look like this to see the world in a different way."

"I'll agree there." Joe admitted.

Linda looked up at the clock.

"I've got to get up at seven." She said. "It's already almost two."

"Consider sleeping in my room?" Joe asked.

"Do you want me?" Linda asked.

"Sure." Joe said. "I can't do the things I really want anymore, but I'd still like to cuddle with you, at least."

Linda shot Joe a devilish grin.

"Cuddle, huh... Are you sure that's all you want to do?"

"Oh... We can experiment some, if you want." Joe said, rubbing her back as they walked down the hall.

In Joe's bedroom, they undressed on opposite sides of the king-size bed. Joe watched as Linda removed her skirt and blouse and carefully placed it on hangers. She slid the half-slip down and stepped out. She unhooked her bra, then innocently began scratching the sides of her breasts as she placed it on the chair.

Wearing only pantyhose and panties, she turned and suddenly realized Joe had been watching her.

"You still like to watch me undress?" Linda asked, smiling.

Joe was embarrassed.

"Sure... Why not?" You're so beautiful."

"OK then... Return the favor." Linda insisted.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

Linda sat on the bed.

"You undress. I'll watch."

"You want me to undress for you?" Joe asked, his face warming.

"Why not? You're prettier than I am."

"I am not." Joe countered.

"Take it off." Linda ordered. "And try to do it sexy."

"I don't know if I can do it sexy." Joe complained.

"I don't see how you can be any other way." Linda countered. "Undress."

Joe lifted the cotton tanktop over his head. Dropping it on the floor, he glanced seductively at the little white bra he wore. Looking into Linda's eyes, he shook his chest erotically, then reached behind and unhooked the back strap of the bra.

Never taking his eyes off Linda, he slowly pulled the bra away from his body and, holding it out with one finger, dropped it to the floor near the tank top.

Linda clapped gently, a funny smile on her face.

Joe wondered if she thought his actions sexy, or if she was teasing him.

"Keep going!" Linda ordered.

Joe unbuttoned the Levi's and slowly pulled the zipper down. He gracefully pulled the pants over his hips and stepped out.

Wearing only white cotton panties, Joe winked at Linda.

"Keep Going!" Linda insisted.

"Can I keep these on?" Joe asked, breaking the spell. Remember the medication?"

The request made Linda laugh.

"Well, I was really starting to get into it until you said that." She said.

"The realities of being female." Joe admitted.

"You poor thing." Linda mocked.

"It is literally a pain in the ass." Joe agreed, laughing.

Linda reached out and pulled Joe to the bed.

She lay back on the pillows.

"Undress me, but don't run the pantyhose." She ordered.

Joe ran his hands along her smooth legs. She felt so different now.

Maybe it was just his own hands that were different, but Linda felt even more sensuous than before. As Joe undressed her, he caressed her everywhere. When her panties were finally tossed on the chair, he ran his soft finger along her sex. He now knew exactly where to touch, and what to avoid.

Soon he replaced the finger with his tongue. Linda gasped a she absorbed the pleasure Joe was bestowing. In seconds, her body was wracked in release.

"Oh God, Joe, You really know how to make me feel good!" She exclaimed.

"It's easier now." Joe quipped.

Linda looked at him.

"Take off the underwear." She ordered. "I want to return the favor."

Joe shook his head.

"I'll take a raincheck." He insisted. "And I won't forget."

"You won't be able to." Linda cooed. "Ohh... It feels sooo goood!"

Joe came up and kissed her lips, knowing she would taste herself when he did.

"I love you, Linda." He said softly.

Linda licked his lips and chin as he nibbled on hers.

"I love you too, Joe." She said passionately.

Linda began gently fondling Joe's breasts, then timidly touched his pubic area through the cotton underwear.

"Would you make love to me, if you could?" She asked as she caressed the tiny soft bulge of his vulva. Her actions made Joe's clitoris feel even bigger than it already was.

"Your making me want to try." Joe confided. "It almost feels as if I still could."

"Let's pretend, OK?" Linda offered, laying back and spreading her legs apart.

"Pretend?" Joe asked.

"Pretend to make love to me." Linda insisted.

"But... You know I..."

"I said pretend. Let's just rub together, make believe you've got one."

Joe lay on top of Linda and she immediately began lifting her hips, trying to rub her pubic mound against his. Joe reciprocated, and they enjoyed the sensation of like genitals pressing together furiously. The feeling was pleasant, but it left something to be desired.

"This is so unfair." Joe exclaimed. "I'm a guy. We shouldn't have to pretend like this. I want to screw you so bad I can hear my heart pounding."

"Yes! Take me!" Linda exclaimed, caught up in the moment. "Do what you want with me."

Placing his hands on Linda's buttocks, Joe pulled he as close as he could. He mimed the sex act the best he could, his own vagina yearning for something to bear down on. He pressed his tiny clitoris against Linda, wishing it was his penis spreading her swollen labia. She met his every thrust with one of her own.

As Joe moved around above Linda, she continued to caress his breasts. The sensation was very strange for Joe. Trying to mimic penile thrusting as his partner fondled his erect nipples.

The mutual humping continued for a few minutes, then when they both realized that while it felt good, it wouldn't result in a climax for either of them.

"Want to stop?" Joe asked.

Linda looked up at him longingly.

"Do you want to?" She asked.

"I don't know about you, but this is frustrating." Joe declared.

"It isn't doing what I hoped." Linda agreed.

Joe rolled off and lay back on the pillow. The feeling was like he had just had powerful sex, but not quite.

"God, I need something..." Joe exclaimed, as he gently ran his fingertips over his wet panties in an attempt to soothe his throbbing clitoris.

Linda saw what he was doing and replaced his hand with her own. She gently but knowingly manipulated him in a way that caused Joe to close his eyes and moan softly.

"Oh, God... I need something..." Joe breathed softly. "Keep doing that. Please don't stop."

"As long as you want." Linda cooed. "Just lay back and enjoy it."

"In a few minutes, Joe's legs stiffened, and he grimaced as if what Linda was doing had suddenly become intensely painful.

"Ohh... Ohh... Oh, God... Oh, God." Joe whispered.

"Am I hurting you?" Linda asked.

"Not hardly." Joe breathed. "It feels wonderful."

"You want me to stop?" Linda asked.

"You don't have to, just don't touch me right there." Joe ordered, placing Linda's finger tip exactly on his clitoris.

"I know just what you mean." Linda said, changing her touch to a softer, more diffuse caress.

"I'm sorry." Joe said suddenly.

Linda looked at him.

"Why. What do you mean?" She asked.

"I'm sorry for the way I used to touch you." Joe apologized. "I had no idea it felt like this for you."

"It's a bit different for a guy, isn't it?" Linda surmised.

"Oh, yeah. I don't think we have half the feeling... I always liked when you touched me hard. You were usually too gentle."

"I wish every guy could experience what it feels like for a woman." Linda said softly. "They'd make such great lovers."

"Not if they end up like me." Joe reminded her.

"I guess you might be right." Linda agreed, kissing Joe on the lips and laying back on the pillow.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this." Joe announced.

"But, it's not your fault." Linda corrected. "There's nothing you can do about it."

"Yeah... But wouldn't it be great if this never happened? I'd marry you tonight."

"What if I didn't want to get married?" Linda countered.

"I'd change your mind." Joe said matter-of-factly.

"You probably would." Linda admitted.

"Well, I better make a pit stop before I turn in." Joe announced. "I have one more application of the medication, and then I'm done with it forever, I hope."

"Does it bother you anymore?" Linda asked.

"Nope." Joe said as he walked into the bathroom in his panties. "I don't notice any itching or burning, anyway."

Joe closed the bathroom door. He took the ointment from the medicine chest and looked at it. One more application. He placed on foot on the closed commode. He pulled the underpants down and looked inside the wet garment, and then his aching vulva.

"Oh, to have my cock again, if only for one night." Joe said to himself, too low for Linda to overhear.

He carefully filled the applicator and placed his fingers on either side of his labia. Spreading the folds, he inserted the applicator and pressed the plunger down, filling his vagina with ointment. He gently withdrew the applicator and ran his palm over his sex. He still felt the urge for something inside so he slowly placed one, then two fingers just inside the moist vaginal opening, making sure the ointment stayed in. He carefully flexed the vaginal spincter as if to grip his fingers. The resulting sensation was strange, but rather pleasant.

Joe looked into the mirror, staring at the half-naked young woman looking back. Stroking his pubic hair, he couldn't help but wonder at just what he had become. He could understand why Jay acted so strange around him. He certainly looked female enough. It was amazing. Almost two weeks mow, and still his own changed image had this effect on him.

But, he still felt male most of the time. A few moments ago, in bed with Linda, he wanted only to make love to her the way he did before... The way he was meant to. He touched the glans of his tiny clitoris, which he could see peeking from its snug hiding place. It sort of looked like a penis in miniature, but no matter what it may feel like, it was impossible to make it function like one.

He had to face reality... He had, physically at least, turned female.

Joe tugged his panties up and ran a palm along the smooth front. They were clammy... cool and damp with his own and Linda's wetness. They no longer felt comfortable. He pulled them down again, and stepped out. Time for fresh ones, he decided.

Joe went back into the bedroom, and to the dresser. Linda was lying on the bed and she noticed he had removed his underwear.

"Coming to bed like that?" She asked seductively.

"No... I just thought I better put some fresh underpants on." Joe said. "These were too wet."

One more pair of cotton undies left, Joe thought, looking in the drawer. He'd need to do some laundry tomorrow for sure.

Linda watched Joe slip the "Jockey for Her" cotton bikinis on. Joe noticed her watching.

"This is so strange." He announced.

"You're just so cute." Linda squealed. "I still can't believe what happened to you."

"You can't believe it?" Joe snapped, attempting to hide his embarrassment. "You should experience it from this side."

Linda held out her arms.

"Don't worry, everything will turn out all right." She offered.

Joe looked at her.

"Yeah... Look at me. I'm a thirty-year-old guy, but here I am wearing girls underwear, doctoring a yeast infection. Uh-huh, I'm sure everything will be all right." Joe said sarcastically.

"I'll help you." Linda reminded him. "We'll both just try to make the best of it."

Joe went to the bed.

No matter how he felt about himself, Linda's softness and warmth still felt familiar and right. He breathed in her scent. She was the most sexy person he had ever known. He hugged her tightly as they both lay back on the bed.

They were soon asleep in each others arms.

It seemed like only moments and the alarm radio was sounding. Joe struggled to press the button that silenced the annoying buzzer.

Could it really be morning already?

Linda began to stir. She soon sat up and surveyed the surroundings.

When finally realized where she was, she looked over at Joe and said a cheery "Good Morning!"

Joe looked up at her.

"Already?" He questioned.

"I have to be at the office at seven this morning." Linda announced. "Stay in bed a while if you don't need to get up yet."

Joe tried to remember what he had planned. Nothing much. He would come in at eight or so, and see what was going on. It might be interesting, since it was likely Phil would use the cage later in the day.

Poor guy, Joe thought. He wondered what might be going through his mind right now. Was he up yet? Was last night his last as a normal male?

Linda hopped out of bed and gathered up her clothes. Joe watched as she moved about the room, her naked body bouncing and jiggling as she stooped to retrieve things.

In a moment she was out of the room and Joe was alone.

He glanced over at the glowing readout of the clock radio.


Hours till he had to be at work.

Joe idly reached up and touched his right breast. It was so soft. Fondling it felt quite good.

It's a shame regular guys don't have breasts like this, he thought. Then he reconsidered... If everybody had 'em, maybe they wouldn't be so fascinating anymore. Real women didn't seem to get nearly as much out of them as men did. Then again, he had some now, and he still liked looking at Linda and other women. Would that change as time passed?

Joe decided to get an early start on things. He slowly crawled out of bed and made way to the bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror, looking for any new evidence of continuing change. He couldn't detect anything obvious.

Feeling his underarms, he knew it was time to shave there. He got the shave cream and the razor to take with him into the shower. He started the water running but took time out to pee.

He adjusted the temperature of the water and stepped inside. It felt good. Joe soaped himself, then used the wash cloth to scrub his softer skin briskly. It felt invigorating doing that. It just never felt anything like that when he was male.

Joe lathered up his legs and underarms, then carefully attended to those areas with the razor. Now that he was used the feel, he liked the smooth, slick sensation of no stubble on his legs and armpits.

Rinsing the remaining lather away, Joe inspected his pubic area. While Linda had trimmed him rather close the first time she "assisted" him, he was gradually allowing some of the hair there to grow back. He discovered if he didn't constantly keep it trimmed very close, it itched like crazy, and it was a place that he just couldn't scratch in public. He did take the razor around the sides, where the hair might be visible when wearing a swimsuit or leotard.

Joe rinsed again and stopped the water.

As he stepped out of the shower, he felt his legs, underarms and crotch. Everything felt slippery smooth. Striking a model pose like he saw in magazines, he looked at himself in the mirror again.

Very nice.

He gingerly stroked his breasts like they were not really part of him.

It was his body of course, but most of the changes feminization had brought on were still new and it was as if they were something he was wearing, like a bra.

But, they didn't come off. They were always there, like it, or not.

Joe eyed himself critically, pretending the image was of some other woman. The shape of each breast was good, not real large, but almost perfect... They were so new gravity had no time to act... But, he noticed that the aureole were getting a bit larger each day. It was hard to believe the pinkish-brown cones on his chest had been almost flat and no bigger than a nickel only a few days ago. It was still awesome to watch the slightest touch change them from soft cones to stiff erect points. The sensation was becoming familiar, but it still tickled a little as they got like that.

He looked at his arms and shoulders. It saddened him to see what had happened to the muscles he worked so hard to develop. In less than two weeks his once powerful shoulders and upper arms had sort of atrophied into what he saw in the mirror. Not that he had become flabby... But what muscle remained was definitely following a female pattern. He might still be in good shape, but his strength was nothing like it was.

Joe looked at his face. It was still familiar, but not without considerable change too. The cheekbones had become a bit more prominent. His eyes were (or at least they looked) bigger. His chin had become much softer, and his lips fuller.

Like he told Linda, he had turned into the sister he never had.

Putting his arms to his side, he stood at attention for the mirror. His neck seemed smaller, or longer, or something. No doubt there were changes there too. His voice certainly didn't sound at all like it used to.

Below the breasts, he happily noted that the slight beer gut he had been trying to eliminate had completely vanished. His abdomen was now almost flat, all the way to the triangle of fine hair at his crotch. His whole body had become practically hairless overnight, except for the feminine down that remained. It was still weird having no chest hair, even if the chest shape was quite a bit different too. Though it was still there, his pubic hair had changed. It used to go further up, almost to his navel. Now, it stopped lower, and straight across, more the familiar "V" of a woman's pubis.

Joe ran his hands along his hips. There was now no doubt that they were still changing too. He was slowly developing the more defined waist of a female. His butt was definitely still getting softer, but his legs, while they looked different now that they were hairless, his legs had probably changed the least of all. They still felt about as strong as before too, the only thing he could say that about.

He gazed at his feet. Had they changed? It didn't seem like it, but he knew by the way his old shoes didn't fit, that they, like his hands, were smaller now, more in proportion with the rest of the changes he had undergone.

No denying it. The person staring back at him was a woman. At least it was a woman's body, all right.

Two weeks ago, Joe's normal male interests would have considered the image in the glass a voyeur's delight. Now, he could look and touch all he wanted, but he had to adapt to it. This was what he looked like.

"If only my hair would grow out." Joe thought to himself, taking a brush to his short mane.

It would still be a few months before the length would look totally normal.

After finishing his hair, Joe brushed and flossed his teeth.

Looking at his face and lips, he considered lipstick and makeup.

"After I get some clothes on." He reminded himself. It was very different than when he got ready as a guy.

Joe went back into the bedroom and to his dresser. Opening the underwear drawer, he selected a bra. An off-white Victoria's Secret job, with a little scalloping on the edges and the front close clasp he had grown to prefer.

Slipping it on, Joe plumped his breasts as he experienced the comforting confinement the bra provided. Easy to understand why women wore these, he considered.

There were no clean cotton underwear left, so Joe went into the bathroom and retrieved the pair he wore to bed. They were still clean and dry.

Wet underwear was just not something guys usually needed to worry about.

Joe went to the closet to start the selection process for what to wear.

"It's so easy for a guy." Joe thought to himself. Now, there was slacks, long skirts, short skirts, mix, match... All kind of stuff men don't worry about. His collection hardly matched Linda's, but there was already enough that may decisions had to be made.

He didn't feel like wearing a dress or skirt, so pants it would be.

Joe picked a gray pair in light wool. The weather was a little cool, so wool would feel and look good, or so he decided. And besides, then he could wear that ivory satin shirt, or blouse, as women called them. He loved the way it felt. He always caught himself feeling his own chest when he knew no one was watching. It just felt so sexy.

After tucking the blouse in, Joe closed the back zipper of the wool slacks. He hated the zipper in the back, but most women's things were like that. The hip to butt ratio was quite different. Luckily along with the change in appearance, he had also acquired female flexibility. Without it, some of the contortions required to dress would be almost impossible. It was interesting to be able to scratch the middle of your back with your own fingernails.

Finally dressed, he grudgingly entered the bathroom to attempt the lipstick and makeup ritual. He was still very amateur at it, but had already decided it was best to error on the side of not enough, rather than too much. It wasn't easy, though. Linda told him it took her over a year to learn lipstick application the way she wanted it. But that was when she was fourteen. He was thirty, though he looked more like eighteen. Everybody expected excess and mistakes on a young teenager, but it tended to look rather strange on a grown woman.

Joe gave it his best shot, and decided that he could do no better. He brushed his hair once again, and eyed himself critically.

"Not too bad, Bates." He said into the mirror. He arched his back to see the way his boobs looked in the satin shirt.

Not too bad.

Time for some breakfast, and then get to work.

It just might be an interesting day.

Next: Chapter 54: Chapter08

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