
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

Joe went to his hang-up bag and pulled the folded gym bag from the bottom. He found his Reebok's, socks, and workout clothes. Of two leotards in the bag, Joe chose the royal blue, his favorite. He also took white capri length pants. They fit his new shape perfectly, and he liked the way he looked in them. Remembering the need for support, Joe unzipped the pouch containing his underwear and pulled out his Jogbra and matching underpants.

Joe decided to dress in his room rather than take the things to the dressing room in the basement. It was only a few feet to the elevator, and then he wouldn't need to take anything but a towel with him.

There was a large mirror on the open bathroom door, and Joe eyed it as he removed his clothes to change. Whenever he saw himself naked since the change, his initial reaction was always that of awe, as if he couldn't possibly really look like this. From the thinner lines of his face, the narrower, less muscular shoulders, the soft, jiggling breasts, noticeably widening hips, and of course, the little patch of pubic hair, with no penis or testicles showing, he had undergone a change from a normal looking male to normal (in appearance at least) woman. The extreme contrast in his image was still hard to live with, no matter how accepting he tried to be.

Joe tossed the black bra and panty on the bed and picked up the stretchy feeling cotton/lycra exercise panty. It was a soft white and fit his shape snugly. He pulled the Jogbra over his head and adjusted it around the softness of his chest. It was designed to be very supportive and pressed his breasts closely to his body. The absorbent cotton material was not quite thick enough to hide the little bumps of his sensitive, erect nipples, and Joe rubbed his palm across his chest just to feel them. It always made him feel weird in only a bra and panty, but he actually enjoyed the curvy sleekness his body had acquired.

Time to cover everything up, Joe thought to himself, staring at the reflection in the mirror. He smiled at the young woman and she smiled back provocatively. Her short hair didn't look as out of place with exercise clothes, and Joe went to the bed to get the capri style leggings and pulled them over his hips. Then he held up the contrasting leotard. It looked so tiny, but it was very stretchy and Joe knew it fit perfectly. He stepped into the leg holes, then pulled the straps over his shoulders.

Women's exercise clothing was just so different than guy's, Joe thought. Unlike a loose fitting sweatshirt and baggy gym pants, this stuff did nothing to conceal his new shape. Sure, plenty of women wore loose fitting stuff too, but when your body looked like this... Joe was quite pleased with his appearance.

He was ready to go, and he placed a the largest towel in the bathroom in his gym bag, then went over to Tim's room.

Tim was almost ready. He wore white pants, and a light blue leotard. It was a perfect color combination for his skin and hair. He looked cute as a button, though he would probably have taken offense if you said that in front of him.

Tim was inspecting himself in the mirror and looked embarrassed when Joe came into the room.

"Don't you think I look like a little kid?" He asked, standing sideways and intentionally sticking his chest out.

"A young woman." Joe complimented. You look like a young woman."

Tim eyed Joe critically.

"You've developed more in the hips than I have." Tim lamented. "My butt is smaller now than before the change, I think."

"Nobody will confuse you for a guy." Joe advised. "And I bet you'll be glad for that tiny ass soon enough."

"You look great." Tim complimented. "As usual, of course."

"So do you." Joe returned. "It will be interesting to see if there any guys in the nautilus room."

"God, I hope not." Tim worried. "It's hard enough to leave my room with stuff like this on, much less strain and grunt in front of a regular guy."

"They'd love it, though." Joe teased. "And I can't wait to see you strain and grunt myself."

"Humph!" Tim retorted, picking up a pair of loose fitting gym shorts, and stepping into them.

"What, no little butt to look at?" Joe teased.

"Look at yourself, if that's what you want." Tim retorted. "I feel exposed enough as it is."

"Take a towel." Joe ordered. "It's about time we get going."

"I didn't bring a gym bag." Tim said. "Can you stick one for me in your bag?"

"Sure." Joe agreed. He took the large towel Tim gathered from the bathroom.

They walked to the elevator and pressed 'B'. In a few seconds, the door opened, and they were on the lower level, with parking and the work-out, pool, and sauna.

As the entered the Nautilus area, Joe saw there were two men there. One was perhaps fifty or so, and was sweating away on the exercycle. The other guy was younger, quite handsome, and in very good shape. He continued to operate the chest curl as he eyed the two young women who just entered.

It was always interesting to observe how his new appearance affected any males present. The guy on the exercise bike was obviously nearing fatigue, but he too kept an eye on the women.

Joe put his bag in the corner and tried to decide where to start. The room smelled like sweaty men, and Joe realized it had been a while since he had experienced those odors. The women's dressing rooms certainly didn't smell like that. He didn't know why, for sure. After all, females certainly did sweat, at least his changed body did. Why the different smell for guys?

Joe sat took a seat in the leg lift machine and attempted to use the setting it already had. Although he might have operated it easily before, now he could barely move it at all with great effort. Tim stood aside and when Joe lowered the weights, he reduced the setting by two weights.

The young guy continued to watch them intently. When his eyes met Joe's, he smiled. Joe smiled back shyly, then continued to operate the nautilus machine.

Joe and Tim took turns on the same machines, always aware that the young guy never took his eyes off them.

After about ten minutes, the older guy finally had enough and smiled a good-bye and left.

When Tim and Joe were using the machine next to the guy, he finally broke the silence.

"You two are pretty intense." He exclaimed. "You really get into it, don't you?"

Joe looked at the man's damp sweatshirt. He had obviously been exerting himself too.

"I don't think you've been holding back any." Joe said.

"Humph!" The young man exclaimed. "I try to work out every day, and I guess I'm about reaching an age where it's starting to get a little more difficult to keep the flab off. You women have it so easy."

"You seem to be doing all right." Joe complimented.

"Thanks." The man said.

"Where you from?" Joe asked. He couldn't help trying to make small talk with this hunky looking guy.

"Oh, lots of places, I guess." The man replied, smiling. "I'm just here on business."

"Me too." Joe offered. "Just here for the night."

The young man didn't reply. He just smiled again, and watched as Joe strained against the weight.

"Do you work out much?" the man asked, obviously curious as to why Joe continuously wanted to lift much more than he was physically able to.

"Not enough, obviously." Joe admitted. I guess I used to be in better shape."

The man smiled, but said nothing. He watched with interest as Tim now took the machine and struggled valiantly with the weights at Joe's setting. He caught Joe's eye.

"Your daughter, or sister?" He asked innocently.

Joe looked at the man. What should they reveal? He decided to go with they had decided in the room.

"My little sister." Joe lied. "Follows me everywhere I go."

"She'll have a lots of boys following her before long, I'm afraid." The man commented, never removing his eyes from Tim's soft curves.

Tim looked up when he heard the comment, and he rolled his eyes back.

Joe looked at him and winked.

"Yeah... She is turning into quite the young lady, isn't she." Joe agreed.

Joe watched the man's eyes as he watched Tim strain against the machine. Tim didn't realize the man was paying him so much attention since from his seat he could only see him by turning his head far to the side. Tim's young body looked so supple, so... so good, Joe understood the attraction. Indeed, he felt it too.

When Tim completed his sets, it was again Joe's turn. He selected the butterfly, the next machine up, and maneuvered himself into position.

He knew the guy would probably be watching him too, so he tried his best to look nonchalant, and attempted to downplay just how difficult it had become. He was still learning just how much the change had affected his strength. He tended to underestimate how much weaker his arms and shoulders had become.

The embarrassment made his face red.

They continued to work out, with the young man unashamedly staring as they strained, and each of them stealing glances when they thought they might get away with it.

Joe wasn't sure, but he guessed he might have felt familiar (sort of) stirrings of lust as he stared at the guy's muscles from the rear. If his brain wasn't quite ready to think he was female, Joe's body knew no such limitations. He had to resist the urge to tough himself. His hypersensitive clit had developed a microscopic boner, and he hoped the inevitable wetness that accompanied that wouldn't show.

As he turned away to watch Tim, Joe wondered if the young man/woman was experiencing the same sensation.

"Well, I believe I've completed my regimen, ladies." The young man announced as he wiped his forehead with a towel. "I thank you both for your excellent company."

With that he stood and walked to the door. He turned, waved, then disappeared down the hall.

"What did you think of that guy?" Tim asked when he knew the man was out of range.

"I guess he's what some women might call a hunk." Joe said as he inspected for moisture between his legs.

"I really must be turning into a girl." Tim decided. "Cause I think that guy was giving me a hard-on."

Joe grinned and shook his head in agreement.

"Weird, ain't it." Joe asked, running his hand between his legs. "How something that looks so different, can feel so much like it used to."

"I swear, I wanted to touch myself to be sure everything hadn't grown back." Tim agreed. "But then, my balls never did sweat this much." He grinned.

"Yeah... I know..." Joe admitted. "I guess it's the same for all of us now."

"Part of being a woman, I suppose." Tim mused. "I never would have guessed it could be so messy though."

"That's why there are so many of those panty liner adds on TV, I guess." Joe added, laughing.

"Oh well, maybe everything will seem natural in a little while." Tim considered, as he strained against the leg lift machine. "It does seem to get easier each day."

"Uh huh... But I think I can wait to get a period." Joe said as he took his turn. "The idea of blood coming out down there..."

"Yeah... The concept don't seem so bad for real women, but not for me." Tim agreed.

Joe again touched the softness between his legs. He started working the machine.

"Some of this really isn't so bad, I guess." He concluded. "But I don't know what the long-term repercussions of living like this will be."

"What do you mean by that?" Tim asked.

"Have you ever considered growing old like this? You worry so much about turning into a little girl... Have you considered what it will be like as an old woman?" Joe said.

"Yeah... I guess I have always considered this to be temporary." Tim replied, as he watched Joe with great interest. "I still prefer to think of myself as a guy, no matter what I look like."

"I do too, most of the time." Joe conceded. "I just can't accept that this might be how I'm gonna be for the rest of my life." He laughed. "It's a lot easier if I think of it as some kind of experiment... One that will eventually end some day soon."

"Damn Joe... Some experiment." Tim exclaimed. "Our bodies turn female, and we change our permanent records to show us as women. Some experiment."

"It does sound kind of permanent, don't it." Joe admitted. "But I still feel that way."

"Maybe we all do." Tim considered. "It's kind of hard to accept that maybe we're really going to stay like this."

Joe crawled out of the machine, then lifted his knees to his chest one at a time.

"If I ever do change back, I'll sure miss all this flexibility." He grinned.

"I think my joints are made of rubber." Tim said. "But that's only one of the things I'd miss."

Joe watched as Tim began the next set. The young man/woman looked so sexy as he strained to pull the levers down. Even with the exercise bra, the rounded firmness of his chest was very defined when his arms stretched over his head.

"Damn it Tim, you just look so fantastic." Joe blurted.

"Better than that guy who just left?" Tim asked.

"Different, that's for sure." Joe said, grinning. "He was a probably a bit stronger than you."

Tim looked carefully into Joe's eyes.

"Did that guy turn you on too?" Tim asked.

"Turn me on?"

"You know... Those muscles, that body... I know you saw it."

"Sure. He did." Joe admitted. "I can't help it. Neither can you. It's these damn hormones or something, I guess."

"Yeah, I guess it is." Tim agreed. "I feel the same... But women... Am I a... a lesbian now, or what?"

"Hmmm... Considering our background, I think it has to be more than that." Joe mused. "How can we forget twenty or thirty years of being guys?

"Sometimes I wonder... Will I forget what it's like to be a guy? To have a penis? To not have these?" Tim asked, as he teasingly squeezed his own breasts. He knew that excited Joe.

"Maybe it would be for the best." Joe considered. This swinging both ways is just too difficult."

"Yeah, I saw you looking at that guy." Tim teased. "You were ready to jump on him."

"Didn't you think he looked good?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, sure, I guess." Tim said. "But you couldn't keep your eyes off him."

"Wait till you make it with a guy some day." Joe said. "Then let's see how you take it."

"You'd sleep with him?" Tim asked.

"Well, I admit I don't mind imagining it." Joe admitted.

"Hmmm... I guess I am curious... I mean, it would be sort of interesting to know what it would feel like..." Tim conceded. "But sex with a guy..."

"Come on, I could see he was turning you on..." Joe broke in.

"Yeah... But I'm not ready to go that far." Tim said.

"You will... One of these days..." Joe said.

They finished with the last machine. Tim got his towel and wiped away the perspiration.

"What now?" Tim asked.

"Want to swim?" Joe asked.

"Really?" Tim responded.

"Yeah... Sure." Joe answered.

"Well then... No. No, I don't." Tim replied.


"Yeah... Why not? I've been working my butt off." Tim blurted. "This stuff is really hard this way."

"You look awful cute all sweaty like that." Joe teased.

"Let's go take a shower." Tim said. "I think I want to try that massager again." He grinned.

"Good idea." Joe agreed. "Maybe I'll help you with it."

"You devil!" Tim said, his voice sounding especially girlish.

They gathered their things and walked to the elevator. As they rode the short trip, Joe spoke.

"Who says girls don't sweat?" Joe remarked, eying the front of his leotard, which had the sweaty outline of his bra.

"A shower will feel good." Tim agreed.

"Really good, I hope." Joe teased.

They went to Joe's room. Tim began to enter his own room through the interconnecting door, but stopped.

"Should I stay over here?" he asked.

"Do you want to?" Joe countered.

"Only if you want me to." Tim returned.

"You know, you're even beginning to sound like a girl." Joe teased.

"And you like that, don't you?" Tim said coyly.

"I'd like it if you'd stay here tonight." Joe admitted.

"And I'd like to do that, I think." Tim said carefully.

Joe stared at Tim, looking so attractive standing there in his sweaty exercise clothes. He was hit by a powerful urge to throw Tim on the bed and make love with the strangely erotic creature he had become.

If only it were physically possible.

"Joe?" Tim said softly. "Joe?"

"Yeah... Yeah, what?" Joe blurted.

"You were staring... Like you were looking right through me..."

Joe chuckled.

"Oh, I see you all right." He said. "God, DO I see you."

"You want to shower together?" Tim asked smiling. "Just the two of us?"

"Yeah... Sure, if you do." Joe admitted.

"It might be fun, I guess." Tim said. "And what can it hurt, right?"

"Yeah... What can it hurt." Joe repeated.

With that, they walked slowly to the bathroom. Joe slid the curtain away and started the water running. Tim watched him for a moment, then began to slip out of his clothes. Joe turned around to watch.

"Do you really like the way I look?" Tim asked as he pulled the leotard from his hips.

"Of course I do." Joe said. "You're absolutely beautiful, Tim."

"You don't think I just look like a little kid?"

"Are you kidding?" Joe retorted. "Hey, I know how old you are... I know what you really are... And I still can hardly keep my hands off you."

"You really want me?" Tim continued. "You want me the way a guy wants a woman?"

"Oh God, do I!" Joe admitted.

"What if I say I feel the same way about you?" Tim went on. "I think of you as a woman too."

"I guess that's the way it has to be." Joe concluded. "We both have past life experiences working here."

Tim slipped his bra over his head. He dropped it on the floor and looked down at his breasts. He glanced up and realized Joe was staring at him.

"Weird, huh?" Tim said. "Are we freaks of nature, or what?"

"I don't know what we are." Joe said "But we're not freaks, that's for sure."

"Look at me Joe. Look at these..." Tim ordered. "How many guys look like this?"

Joe snickered.

"Well... Me... Mike... Dave... Norm..."

"Cut it out!" Tim insisted. "I mean other guys, not us."

"We can't help what happened to us." Joe countered. "We certainly didn't plan this."

"And what are we supposed to do about it?" Tim asked.

"What can we do about it, other than try to live with it?" Joe asked.

"Joe, Do you feel like a woman, or a man?" Tim asked suddenly.

"When? Right now?" Joe countered.

"Yeah... Now... Any time."

"Right now, watching you undress, a guy, I guess." Joe stammered.

"You sure don't look much like a guy."

"I guess I don't."

"You don't."

"OK." Joe responded.

"You look like a woman... A very sexy, very pretty, woman." Tim went on.

"I guess maybe I might... sure." Joe conceded.

Tim slowly pulled his panties down. He ran his fingers seductively over the light hair on his crotch, smiling provocatively.

"Feels funny don't it?" Tim asked. "Everything's still here, and yet, it's not."

"Just a little different, that's all." Joe said, smiling.

Tim gazed down at his torso, then bent over to inspect his crotch. He placed his fingers along the sides of his clitoris, spreading his genital lips slightly. He looked back at Joe.

"Yeah... I guess it is a little different all right." Tim laughed.

"You know... I mean..." Joe stammered. He knew what he meant to say, but the sight of Tim touching himself made it hard to concentrate.

"Come on Joe..." Tim interrupted. "I want to look at you, too."

Joe began to remove his clothes. Tim felt the spray to check the temperature, but kept his eyes on Joe as he undressed.

Soon they were both nude. They eyed each other with mutual lust. Joe stepped into the tub and adjusted the spray, which had been getting all over the floor.

"Have you tried this thing?" Joe asked.

"I used it while ago." Tim answered innocently. "It is kind of refreshing."

Joe aimed the spray at Tim's pubic area, But Tim instinctively deflected the spray with his hands.

"You sure you tried it?" Joe asked again.

"What are you talking about?" Tim asked.

"Just stand there, and close your eyes." Joe ordered. "Put your hands over your boobs."

Tim did as he was ordered. He kept his eyelids closed and his hands on his chest. Joe carefully aimed the spray between Tim's legs again.

"Whoa... Oh God, Joe... Ohh!" Tim moaned.

"Good, huh?" Joe asked.

"Oh my God..." Was all Tim could say.

"I thought maybe you'd like it." Joe continued. "When I first discovered this thing, I must have used fifty gallons of water."

Tim wasn't listening. He was completely overcome by the intensity of sensation the spray provided.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Oh, shit it's happening!" Tim cried out. In only a minute, he was wracked by the throes of orgasm.

Joe watched as Tim anxiously felt his breasts, and then gently fingered his throbbing clit. He opened his eyes and looked into Joe's.

"That thing should be illegal." Tim finally said, grinning.

"Pretty good, I know." Joe agreed.

They stood there in the warm spray, looking longingly into each others eyes. Finally, Tim kissed Joe on the lips. They embraced, feeling the softness of each others backs and the sensation of bare breasts rubbing together. Soon they were touching... inspecting... fondling... Letting curiosity and lust overtake them completely.

Suddenly, Joe felt Tim's wet fingers at his genitals. Softly. Not the way Jay did. More like how Linda touched him. Like someone who knew the exquisite sensation of a light touch. Like a woman.

He moved his knees apart a bit more, allowing Tim free access. Tim didn't rush it. He kept running one finger along the inner lips. Circling, but not quite touching the nub of flesh that was Joe's clitoris. It felt fantastic. Soon Joe felt his sex lips begin to bloom, like a flower. Tim continued the gentle stroking, going a little deeper into the genital slit each time. Joe began to move his hips in synch with Tim's touch. Not because he wanted to, the reaction was totally beyond his control.

When Tim placed a second finger into Joe's vaginal opening, Joe raised his hips and kept them up, as if to keep Tim's fingers inside. He squeezed his muscles, knowing Tim could feel it, and that doing so would also result in a pleasurable sensation for him.

"I want you, Joe." Tim said softly. "I want to make love to you so much."

"Yeah..." Joe breathed. "I want you too."

"If only we weren't both like this." Tim lamented. "If only I could have my old body back, even if only for an hour or so."

"Ohh... Yeah, I'd agree to that right now." Joe said, almost under his breath. He aggressively pressed his crotch against Tim's hand.

Tim began to fondle Joe's breasts with his free hand. Joe held his head back, his eyes closed. He seemed unaware of anything other than what Tim was doing.

Just before Joe felt his knees would buckle, Tim moved his hand away, and then Joe felt the spray of warm water. That felt good too, but he preferred the sensation provided by Tim's fingers.

"Ohh... I love it!" Joe exclaimed. "Put your hand back... Please!"

Tim obeyed, and almost immediately Joe exploded in his own orgasm.

Tim watched as Joe tensed his legs around his hand, breath coming in short gasps as he recovered from the experience. Tim had some experience with girls, but none ever reacted like Joe did.

When he tried to continue moving his fingers in Joe's wet sex opening, Joe immediately reached out to stop him.

"Please, don't!" Joe pleaded. "It hurts when you touch me there!"

Tim knew what he meant. Although he didn't have an exposed clitoris like Joe's, he knew how his own body felt, so he could imagine the sensation. What was exquisite only moments before could be extremely irritating after achieving climax.

Tim withdrew his fingers and began to gently stroke Joe's breasts. Joe kept his eyes closed and placed his hand on Tim's. When he opened them he saw Tim watching, eyes open in amazement.

"Want to get out of here?" Joe asked.

"Uh-huh." Tim said, grinning. "I thing we should go to the bed, don't you?"

"Yeah. I think that might be a good idea." Joe agreed.

Joe turned off the water, slid back the curtain and they both got out. Tim handed Joe a towel from the rack and took another for himself. They watched each other as they dried themselves, both with big, knowing smiles on their faces.

"I love to watch the way your boobs bounce when you move." Tim said.

"Yours do the same thing." Joe returned. "It does look sexy, don't it?"

Tim ran a palm across his right breast, then pressed the areola between his fingers.

"I still have trouble with the idea of looking like this." Tim exclaimed. "Me... With tits..."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Joe concurred. "With clothes on, I feel like I'm dressed in drag... But, when I take 'em off..."

"I still have to look at myself in the mirror all the time." Tim admitted.

"Me too." Joe confided. "I wonder if real women ever do that?"

"I doubt it." Tim said. "I never once did that when I looked like a guy. Hell, we've only been like this for less than two weeks. It's all still new."

"Think we'll ever really get used to it?" Joe asked, more to himself than a real question.

"It is getting easier, don't you think?" Tim offered.

"Sure. Much easier, I guess." Joe agreed. "Some of it is fun."

Tim went to the bed and pulled the spread back. He lay back on the pillows, cupping his breasts with his hands.

"Come and take me." He said, trying to sound sensuous.

Joe went to the bed, knowing they were both confused, trying to come to a compromise between being an object lust, and satisfying their own curiosity.

Tim extended his arms, embracing Joe. They kissed again. First, a slow, careful, lips only kiss, changing to a more passionate, lustful kind. To Joe, Tim smelled very good. A combination of clean soap smell, and a different, more musty, female scent. Kissing Tim was just like kissing a young woman. Only the sensation of their breasts touching gave away the differences in their bodies.

Joe began moving his hands over Tim's softness. He tenderly caressed his back, his breasts, playfully pinching those hard nipples, and then moved lower, cupping the firm buttocks in both hands.

Tim's hands were active too. As Joe fondled him, Tim gently stroked Joe's back. He ran his hand around, feeling the firm bulge of his breasts at the sides. They touched, inspected, and generally satisfied each others lustful curiosity. As they touched and were touched, they closed their eyes as if to savor the pleasant sensations from both sides.

"I'm getting wet again." Tim announced. "Can you feel it?"

"Sure." Joe said. "It's the fountain of youth."

"Yeah... Right." Tim agreed. "I've got a crotch that feels like it could put out a fire... And still I want to have you so bad. The ultimate in weird, huh?"

"That pretty much describes it for me too." Joe admitted. "I guess it has to be that way."

"Why?" Tim asked. "If we have to be this way, why can't we at least lose our male desire, if that's what it is?"

"I guess the desire thing is a learned response." Joe considered. "It just can't change overnight like we did."

"Well, it's not fair, feeling like a guy, and having your bod changed like this." Tim moaned.

"As soon as you learn some 'girl stuff', maybe you'll get used to it." Joe continued.

"How can I do that?" Tim asked. "I'm trying everything I can, but I still feel like a guy."

"Don't tell me it isn't easier that last week." Joe said.

"Yeah... I guess it might be." Tim agreed. "But not enough!"

Joe stroked Tim's breast, then flicked his finger along his clitoris, making him move his hips instinctively."


"You'll get used to it." Joe teased. He continued to tickle the top of Tim's genital opening, and Tim began to move his hips in response.

"Pretty good, huh?" Joe asked.

"OK... It's not bad, I admit." Tim said, grinning.

"Not bad." Joe repeated. "It's fantastic, and you know it."

"There are some things I like, I admit." Tim conceded. "But I still just want to look like a guy again."

"But your so cute like this." Joe teased. "So soft... You smell so nice..."

"Yeah, but I feel like I want to ram my hard-on in you so deep..." Tim said, almost at a whisper.

"And I do wish you could." Joe admitted. "Maybe you just need to try what you do have, that's all."

"Yeah... I'm sure I'm gonna do that tonight." Tim said sarcastically.

"You'll get a chance soon enough, I'll bet." Joe said. "It's only a matter of time."

"I won't hold my breath." Tim sulked. "Nobody's gonna want to screw with a little kid, just like nobody would believe I'm twenty-one."

"I believe you." Joe corrected.

"Yeah... And your gonna screw the pants off me, won't you." Tim said.

"I would if I still could." Joe said. "It would be a difficult job, but I'd force myself." He grinned.

"What was it like, Joe?" Tim asked.

"You just have to discover that for yourself." Joe said. "I can't tell you how it will be for you."

"Good? Better than as a guy?" Tim continued.

"Hmmm... As good... Maybe better, maybe the same... Different... sorta."

"I can't wait." Tim said, looking at the ceiling. "I'm gonna wear the skin off the guy, whoever he is."

Joe laughed.

"Don't count on that." Joe revealed. "I got sore first, and it didn't take that long."


"It's all new in there." Joe explained. "You can't touch it very long before it hurts. A lot worse than for a guy."

"It doesn't hurt at all now." Tim considered.

"Wait till some guy gets in there, probing around, then say that."

"Euchh!" Tim announced. "The whole idea sucks."

"Trust me, you'll like it." Joe advised.

"Just thinking about it..."

"It's so different when it happens... It all feels sorta natural, you know?"

"I don't see how..."

"It will..."

They lay back on the pillows, talking into the night, touching, feeling, enjoying each other. Eventually, they both fell asleep in each others arms.

Next: Chapter 50: Chapter56

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