
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

"I'm ready when you are." Joe said. "Where's your stuff?"

I left it by the hanger door." Tim said.

"I guess we're ready then." Joe announced. "Let's make that potty stop."

Tim followed Joe into the ladies room. Unlike the more familiar men's room, which had two stalls and two urinals, the ladies room at the hanger was small and attractive, but had only had one commode. Joe had used it only once before, but had forgotten the layout. It was Tim's first time in this no-man's-land. The place was actually very nicely equipped. Much cleaner and better decorated than the rather utilitarian men's room on the other side of the wall.

"You go first." Joe insisted. "I forgot there was only one toilet."

Tim grinned and entered the stall.

"This is one place where I definitely miss the way I used to be." He said. "This needing to sit to pee stuff is already getting to be a drag."

"Yeah. I agree." Joe concurred. "And it's even worse with pantyhose."

Joe cold hear urine trickle into the commode.

"Well, today's the first time I've ever had 'em on." Tim announced. "Becky insisted I wear them if I wore this skirt. In fact, they're hers, but I guess they fit pretty good. I do like the way they make my legs look and feel, but they sure are hot."

"With that little skirt, I guess maybe you do need something to keep from putting on a show." Joe teased.

"If you got it, flaunt it. Right?" Tim said over the closed stall door.

There was a flush, but Tim remained in the stall.

"Need some help?" Joe teased.

"I'm just trying to get all this stuff back in the right place." Tim said. "It's not that easy, you know."

"Ain't that the truth." Joe agreed.

Finally Tim opened the door, continuing to fiddle with the zipper of his skirt.

Joe went over and helped him zip it.

"Thanks." Tim said, grinning. He went to look at himself in the mirror as Joe took his turn at the toilet.

"Did you ever dream you'd be in this room, doing this?" Tim asked.

"No, I can't say it even crossed my mind." Joe responded as he eased his bottom onto the still warm seat.

"And we're gonna be like this for a long time. Maybe the rest of our lives." Tim continued, straightening his blouse over his soft contours.

"It kind of looks that way." Joe agreed as he tried to coax urine into the commode.

"I really wish my hair would grow out faster." Tim continued. "If I gotta look like a girl, at least I want to really look like one."

"Trust me, you do." Joe replied.

"No, I mean really look like one." Tim continued. "Maybe we are female physically, but we still look like guys, sort of, don't you think?"

"Not by most peoples method of judgment, no I don't." Joe offered. "Maybe our hair is a little short, but that's it. You sure don't look like a guy. Not in that skirt."

"And I don't feel like one either." Tim agreed. "Not in this. I feel absolutely wicked. Did you see how Buck acted when he saw me."

"Well, you look like jail bait." Joe said as he spooled paper from the roll to wipe himself.

"It's kind of fun looking like jail bait." Tim said, grinning wickedly. "Usually though, I just feel like a little kid."

"Just try to recall what it was like as a guy before you let too much of this go to your head." Joe advised. "Remember, you don't just look female. You just might bite off more than you want to chew."

"Yeah, I know." Tim agreed. "But ain't it fun to see how guys react around us."

"When I was in school we used to call a girl like that a 'life support system for a pussy'." Joe remembered.

"Really?" Tim said. "You actually felt that way?"

"What did you call a prick teaser?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, OK, I guess your right." Tim said.

"It's OK to look good... cute... If that's what you want, I guess. Just remember that to most people, you're a woman now." Joe reminded Tim.

"Or, more specifically, a little girl." Tim corrected.

"You're twenty-one." Joe said. "And you sure don't look like a little girl all over."

"At least not so far." Tim agreed.

"That's right. Not so far." Joe said, opening the door.

Joe went to the mirror and checked his clothes and hair.

"I just wish I looked like you." Tim announced. "You... You, at least, look like a woman, not a kid. People still respect you."

"I face the same problems as you." Joe said, but he knew Tim was probably right. He looked more like an adolescent than a twenty-one-year-old adult.

"You don't have any idea what it's like." Tim insisted. "Everybody thinks I'm a kid. A little girl. But I still feel like a guy. Most of the time anyway.

"I like the way that little top makes those boobs look, big fella." Joe teased, gently flicking the tip of Tim's left breast.

Tim did look so very sexy standing there.

"Yeah, I kind of do too." Tim agreed, looking sideways in the mirror again.

"This meeting of the mutual admiration society is now adjourned." Joe ordered. "We have a plane to fly, my friend."

They carried their things to the plane and climbed on board. For Joe the familiar panel was contrasted by the strange feel where the seat touched the changed contours of his body.

Expanding hips, smaller shoulders, and soft curves where there was once muscle made everything feel so different. And the fitted skirt made taking the left seat much more awkward than before.

Tim awkwardly showed everything as he assumed his seat on the right.

"Two weeks ago that view would have meant a lot more to me." Joe teased.

"All you need do is ask. I'll show you mine, if you'll show me yours." Tim retorted.

"Just keep it covered." Joe admonished. "I think it could be a safety-of-flight issue."

"Aye Aye, Captain." Tim said, offering a mock salute.

Joe could tell Tim was really enjoying the opportunity to fly right seat in the twin Cessna.

They cranked the engines. In a few minutes the gear was up and they were climbing to five thousand feet.

When they finally leveled at a cruise altitude of seventeen thousand, Joe switched on the autopilot.

"You want to fly?" He offered to Tim.

"Sure." Tim responded.

"Here's the disconnect. Keep it on that radial till the DME reads six, then switch to this waypoint."

"OK." Tim said, flicking off the autopilot switch and hand flying. Joe leaned back in the seat to relax.

Tim wasn't about to let him go to sleep.

"I guess you're going to keep your old name, huh?" Tim asked.

"For now, anyway." Joe said. "I haven't really given it much thought so far."

"Yeah. I have though." Tim said. "Tim, or Timothy, just isn't a girls... woman's name. Becky thinks I should do something about it too."

"Maybe you should. What name do you like?" Joe asked.

"I don't know." Tim said, looking intently out the windshield. "I've always been Tim."

"Have you considered Timmie?" Joe asked offhandedly.

"Sounds too feminine." Tim answered.

"Well, you are pretty much a gi... woman, you know." Joe retorted.

"I don't like Timmie, OK?"

"There must be a million other possibilities."

"Pick another one." Tim asked.

"How about Barbara?" Joe offered. "One of Jay's girl friends is named Barbara. I kind of like that name myself."

"Think it fits me?" Tim asked.

Joe looked over at the cute young woman flying the plane.

"Yeah. You might be named Barbara." He said.

"Give me another choice." Tim asked.

"You look like a very young Demi Moore." Joe decided. "How about Demi?"

"Sounds like a type of bra, don't it?" Tim wondered aloud.

"It looks awful good on Demi Moore." Joe reflected.

"Another name."

"Hmmm.... How about Susan?"


"Terri." Joe offered. "That name could go either way. Kind of appropriate, don't you think?"

"Maybe. I don't know." Tim said, looking straight ahead. "The whole idea of changing my name... It just sounds so permanent... Like I've accepted all this."

"Accept it or not, you're still gonna look the same when you step out of the shower."

"Yeah, I know that too." Tim agreed.

"Take your time." Joe advised. "There's no great rush. But it might be easier for me, when I introduce you. Right, Timmie?" He looked over at Tim, grinning.

"I was tempted to correct you on that one." Tim insisted. "But the truth was even worse."

"Is it drafty in a skirt like that?" Joe continued.

"It might be, I can't feel it in these darn pantyhose." Tim responded with a smile.

"You look good in it." Joe complimented. "A little too Lolita-like maybe, but very sexy."

"You really think I look sexy like this?" Tim asked seriously.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Joe asked. "Pal, that bod of yours can give a normal guy a heart attack. Hell, it even excites me, and I'm not exactly normal anymore."

"I guess I should feel more like I look then." Tim said, looking at Joe. "I mostly just feel silly, like somebody just put this costume on me, and I can't figure out how to take it off."

"Interesting observation." Joe said. "I guess I feel that way too sometimes, especially in the morning, right after I wake up."

"Yeah. I know what you mean." Tim agreed. "Sometimes, I forget it happened, and it really feels funny when I first see myself, or touch myself when I wake up."

"Almost like I'm inside somebody else or something." Joe added. "But it's still me."

"Yeah... Tits, vagina, and butt." Tim agreed, touching himself. "It's still me..."

"It is kind of fun though, don't you agree?" Joe added.

Tim looked at Joe.

"Sure. Sometimes it is." He admitted. "But I don't think I'd volunteer for it, if that's what you mean."

"No, me either." Joe concurred. "But it does seem to be getting easier. I don't know why that is. How about you?"

"Easier? I don't think so." Tim mused. "I'm too worried how it's all going to turn out."

"Turn out?"

"You ain't the one that's looking like a little kid." Tim reminded him.

"Some kid." Joe corrected. "You don't look like a kid to me."

"Why does everybody treat me like one then?" Tim asked.

"You do look rather young." Joe admitted.

"Yeah, rather young is right." Tim whined. "I don't have a dick anymore, and now I'm worried that I won't even have pubic hair before long. You have problems like that?"

"Well, not so far, I must admit." Joe said.

"Remember that when you think about my problems." Tim said. Maybe we all turned female, but it looks like only I get to be a little girl." He grinned.

"Maybe that's good." Joe suggested.

"Trust me, you won't like it if it does happen to you." Tim advised.

"Yeah... But a chance to start over... If we have to be women, starting at the beginning would probably be easier." Joe considered.

"Not when you're twenty-one years old." Tim said. "Only yesterday I went through all this as a guy. I just start to grow some hair on my chest... Now its all gone... And these..." Tim brushed his hand across his breasts.

"It's pretty hard for all of us, I think." Joe reminded him.

"Damn, Joe. I hang around with you guys for less than an hour and look what it did to me." Tim grinned, but it was obvious he meant it.

"Yeah, my clothes don't fit too good now either." Joe teased.

"We're not guys anymore." Tim continued. "We're probably gonna be like this forever."

"You might be right." Joe said, nodding his head.

"I hadn't planned to spend my life like this... Looking like this." Tim continued.

"Me either." Joe said. "But what happened, happened. Nobody had any idea it was possible."

"And we're the one's who have to live with the problem." Tim continued.

"That's right." Joe agreed. "We're the first. But we won't be the last, I bet."

"I'm not graduated yet, and I'm already making more money that I expected to right out of school, maybe I should be pleased." Tim mused. "But is a good salary worth my whole future?"

"You still have a future." Joe corrected. "It's just been changed a little bit."

"Uh huh. Like needing to have my sister teach me how dress." Tim lamented.

"Yeah, I agree, it can be a little embarrassing." Joe agreed. "But it ain't all bad, is it?"

"Oh no, not all bad." Tim said, grinning to himself. "I guess two weeks ago I couldn't have worn stuff like this without everybody thinking I was a pervert or something."

"You would have wanted to?" Joe asked, surprised at the response.

Tim looked at Joe.

"I guess maybe I always wondered what it was like to wear a skirt... To have a body... like this. Didn't you?"


"What do you mean?"

"So... How do you like it?" Joe prodded.

"I think you know." Tim answered. "It's OK, but I'd much rather be back the way I was."

"Yeah, me too, I guess." Joe agreed. "But I am getting used to it."

"Me too." Tim went on. "When it first happened, all I could think about was getting back the way I was. Now, I guess I'm resigned or something. Now I find I worry more about things like my hair growing out... Things like that. It's weird, but that's what happening."

"I agree." Joe concurred. "It gets a little easier each day. Maybe, in another week, I won't want to go back, even if I can."

"I don't feel like that." Tim offered. "Give me a crack at being a normal guy again, and I'll take it in a minute."

"Wait and see how much different you feel in a few days." Joe suggested.

"I doubt I'll be much more accepting, but time will tell, I suppose." Tim said, staring intently out the windshield.

"What have you got to lose?" Joe chided.

"You got that right." Tim agreed. "I bought all those new clothes last night. I guess I might as well wear them a while."

"What else did you buy?" Joe asked, mainly to kill time.

"Oh, all kinds of stuff." Tim said. "Norm seemed to want at least one of everything in the shops, and almost insisted that I get something too.

"Norm is eating this stuff up." Joe agreed.

"Yeah. I mean... I guess it is really a transition from an old man to what he has become, and maybe it well worth it for him. I think it's a little different for the rest of us."

"He's still got a lot of power inside Honeybone, I hope." Joe added. "That can't do anything but help us."

"I guess so." Tim agreed. "As long as they accept what he has turned himself into. He's really getting off on the female aspect of all this."

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"Hell, he practically propositioned a salesman in the shoe store." Tim explained. "I think they thought Norm was my mother, and he began flirting with the guy, who was probably about twenty five."

"Norm's probably testing the water, just like you were." Joe considered.

"I guess." Tim mused. "I just wish I felt more like a girl, if that's what I have to be."

"What's the problem?" Joe asked, looking at Tim.

"I know I can't do any of the things I did before, now that I look like this." Tim explained. "But I still want to. I can't imagine ever going to bed with a man. It almost seems repulsive."

"Almost?" Joe questioned.

Tim grinned.

"I guess I do have some curiosity about what sex would feel like."

"I've done it." Joe disclosed. "It's not at all bad."

"Don't it hurt?" Tim asked. "When they put that thing in during the examinations..."

"It doesn't feel anything like that." Joe confided. "Sure, it did hurt a little, at first, but that went away real fast. It's so warm, and... I don't know... Gently firm, I guess. Feels so good."

"It seems so weird... To have a guy go inside..."

"It feels pretty good though." Joe said. "Totally natural."

"I still think women are neater." Tim said. "They smell better, they're softer, gentler."

"I like the way men smell too." Joe said.

"Well, I don't remember smelling you before." Tim exclaimed. "But you sure smell good now."

"Like a girl?" Joe asked, grinning.

"Yeah." Tim said. "You smell great. You look great."

"You do too." Joe returned. "Maybe WE should sleep together." he quipped.

"Do you want to?" Tim asked seriously.

"Do you?"

Tim looked straight ahead.

"I'd be willing to try it." Tim said softly.

"I guess it couldn't hurt anything, could it." Joe teased. "Two guys... having a lesbian relationship..."

"I don't think of myself as a lesbian." Tim insisited. "Even if I am stuck like this."

"Well, maybe it would give us a chance to act out our fantasies." Joe considered. "We can take turns being the guy."

"I think it would be great." Tim said. "I wish I could have had a few days before this happened to me."

"What difference would that have made?" Joe asked.

"I would have had sex at least one more time."

"You don't have to give up sex." Joe insisted. "It really isn't bad this way."

"I doubt that you can show me." Tim teased.

Joe feigned hurt.

"That was a low blow." Joe said. "But I think I can get you going."

"I don't know what I can do for you." Tim mused.

"Do what ever you like." Joe said. "But I can't do too much for the next few days. I'm still fighting that infection. But it is getting better."

"Infection?" Tim asked.

"Oh, I got a yeast infection... You know, down there." Joe explained. "Burns like hell. It's OK now."

"How'd you get it?" Tim asked.

"Beats me." Joe said. "Doctor Krell gave me a prescription, and it's going away. Makes a good argument for cotton underpants."

"That keeps it from happening?" Tim asked.

"It helps, I guess." Joe said. "They're looser, and keep you drier."

"You should see what I have on now." Tim said seductively.

"Oh yeah?" Joe said, looking at Tim. "What?"

"Just wait." Tim teased.

"You little flirt." Joe teased. "And you say you still feel like a guy."

"I said I FEEL like a guy." Tim corrected. "I don't LOOK like a guy."

"That's the truth." Joe agreed.

"How about taking the wheel a second." Tim asked.

Joe took over the controls, and Tim leaned back into a long stretch. The position made his breasts stand out under the silky blouse. Joe couldn't take his eyes off Tim as he flexed his back and arms.

"God, you look gorgous." Joe complimented. "I hope you realize that, my friend."

"This damn new bra is constantly poking me." Tim said. "It sure don't feel as good as it looks."

"Does it have underwires?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I guess it does." Tim said. "I like it, but I suppose I just ain't used to the feeling yet."

"If it hurts, I doubt it is the correct size." Joe said.

"I hope I'm not still getting smaller." Tim worried. "That's all I need."

"Look the same to me." Joe said.

Tim looked down at his chest. He felt his left boob, then his right.

"Hate to admit it, but it feels pretty normal." He said, grinning at Joe.

"Looks great." Joe complimented again.

"You should see what I'm wearing under these clothes." Tim said.

"I can hardly wait." Joe teased. "You're a real tease, you know that."

"Just trying to adapt to this girl-stuff." Tim whined innocently.

"And you're doing real good." Joe declared.

"I just wish it didn't seem so permanent." Tim considered. "I still want to be male again, someday."

"I hope we get the chance." Joe agreed.

They were flying for a couple of hours when Tim broke the silence.

"My God, look at the ground speed." He said.

Joe looked at the digital read-out. It said ninety-five knots.

"We do have one hell of a headwind." Joe agreed.

"I'm going to need to pee before too long." Tim announced. "Seems like I can't hold it like I used to."

"Yeah, I noticed that too." Joe said. "It seems like the muscles down there are weaker or something."

"Really sucks, don't it?" Tim went on. "I can almost accept not having a dick, but this needing to pee all the time... It seems like somebody's trying to rub it in, or something." He grinned.

"We still have a few hours, at least." Joe concluded. "Can you hold it that long?"

"I can try." Tim answered. "I was reading about these things called Kegel exercises. I guess I can start doing them now."

"If you need to go, we can get on the ground." Joe teased. "We do have a relief tube under this seat."

"Uh huh. That helps a lot, don't it?" Tim lamented.

"I haven't figured a way to use it." Joe admitted. "But try it before you get the seat wet."

"Damn it, I'd need to pull these panty hose, then my underwear." Tim laughed at the idea. "I'd probably make a bigger mess than if I just let it run right now."

"I never thought about the physical limitations of a girl till I had to live with them." Joe laughed.

"Definitly the inferior design." Tim agreed.

"But without it, there wouldn't be any of us." Joe considered.

"Yeah, I almost dread to think about that too." Tim admitted. "I can't imagine the concept of getting pregnant."

"You have plenty of time to get used to the idea." Joe teased. "I promise I won't make that happen to you."

"Thanks a lot for small favors." Tim lamented. "I don't even want to get a period. My sister has been telling me what its like, and I dread it happening. Blood... Yuck..."

They flew on, discussing the situation they found themselves in. They complained, laughed, and teased each other to pass the time. Before long another two hours had passed. Joe decided to start an enroute descent.

"Let me call Center and get a lower cruise altitude." Joe announced. "It's time to start down. We'll be there soon."

"Not too soon for me." Tim anounced.

Next: Chapter 47: Chapter50

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