
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

As they drove to the hospital, Joe couldn't keep his mind off the things Tim just said. He kept sneaking glances at the attractive young changeling, realizing Tim was doing the same thing to him.

Here they were, two men, former men anyway, each feeling attracted to the feminine characteristics of the other. Though he had pretty well adapted to his own femaleness, Joe found Tim's "little girl" look, along with obvious secondary sexual characteristics of a mature female, impossible to ignore. Tim, now stuck inside a body that had metamorphosed to that of a smaller, precociously young female, still retained at least some of the desires and urges of the virile young man he had so recently been.

They smiled each time their eyes would meet, both embarrassed by what they were each thinking.

As Joe's car reached the turn to the hospital parking lot, he broke the uncomfortable silence.

"I wonder how Norm is getting along with Doctor Krell?" Joe thought out loud.

"He sure looked good, didn't he?" Tim responded. "That de-aging thing helps him a lot. I just wish it wasn't happening to me."

"It's happening to all of us." Joe reminded him.

"Well, maybe you don't look much like a guy anymore either, but at least you're body hasn't turned into a child's." Tim whined.

"Some child." Joe said grinning, staring down at Tim's ample curves. The little white T-shirt only served to emphasize the fullness.

Joe's attention caused Tim to lean forward slightly in a feeble attempt to make his new shape a bit less noticeable. Like Joe, Tim was adapting amazingly well to feminization, but could still be embarrassed when attention was called to his changed appearance.

They exited the car and walked to the hospital entrance. Alone in the elevator, Joe apologized.

"Sorry for teasing you." Joe said. "I know how embarrassing it is."

"That's OK." Tim responded. "I guess we need to keep a sense of humor, don't we?"

"For sure." Joe agreed.

The elevator quickly reached the third floor of the small hospital, the level of Norm's new room.

The two quickly found the room and entered the open door.

Norm was there, along with Dr. Krell, Karen and a female nurse Joe didn't recognize.

Norm's eyes brightened when he spotted Joe.

"Joe... Hello!" Norm called. His voice had become even higher and more feminine sounding, his facial appearance more youthful than only hours ago.

"Good morning Norm." Joe responded. Tim nodded his own greeting.

Norm was obviously interested in Tim's ever more youthful appearance.

"Tim, let me get a good look at you." He asked, rising from a sitting position on the bed.

Tim stepped forward and very stiffly did a quick three-sixty, obviously a bit annoyed by the attention his appearance always seemed to garner.

"What do you think, Doc?" Norm asked Dr. Krell. They had obviously been recently discussing Tim's aging predicament.

"Hard to say." Dr. Krell responded, obviously not wanting to discuss Tim's problems in open forum, even if everyone there knew what was going on.

"Will all of us become that young looking?" Norm went on. "Will I look that young?"

"Only time will tell, Norm." Dr. Krell said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I hope it stops soon." Tim said.

"I believe it is slowing." Dr. Krell observed. "You don't appear to have changed much today, am I right?"

Tim looked the Doctor in the eye.

"Well, I'm not needing diapers yet, if that's what you mean." He snapped. The almost menacing words sounded strange coming from his girlish voice.

"Yes... I can see that." Dr. Krell answered, ignoring Tim's caustic remark. He realized Tim was having difficulty dealing with what was happening to him.

"I think it's slowing." Joe agreed. "But things are still happening."

"What kind of things?" Dr. Krell questioned.

Joe felt the heat of a blush rise to his face.

"Well... I... My chest... My boobs... I think I'm still getting... bigger."

They all looked at Joe, then at Joe's chest.

Joe became very conscious of his appearance. He looked at his own chest, grinning sheepishly.

"Well... It's true..." He said.

"Good for you!" Norm teased. "You look very healthy, Joe."

Dr. Krell remained professional.

"Are you experiencing any problems?" He asked seriously.

"I guess not." Joe concluded. "I just wanted to let you know what was happening."

"Yes... And I'm glad you do." Dr. Krell complimented. "Do you think you should be examined again?"

"Oh please, no." Joe objected. "I can do without that, thank you very much."

They had all undergone enough of the examinations, the poking, prodding and blood samples, to last a long time. It was one thing to have your body changing, but quite another to have everybody looking at your private parts all the time.

"I believe that can wait a few days." Dr. Krell agreed, smiling. "But if any of you experience anything unusual, let me know right away."

"Unusual?" Joe asked. "And just what would you call unusual, sir?"

As if there was anything in any way usual about a normal male developing a totally female appearance.

Dr. Krell smiled at the irony of his own words.

"I think you know... Any unusual bleeding, unexplained pain, lumps... Things like that. If you begin to menstruate, I want to know about it immediately."

Begin to menstruate. Just the thought of it made Joe want to rub his changed genitalia. The staff was obviously anxiously waiting for the changelings to become "women".

Who would be the first to experience it?

"You'll be probably be the second to know, Doc." Norm said grinning widely.

Even though he was about sixty, there was a possibility that even Norm might experience this uniquely female function. Examinations had shown him to now be completely female, and his body that certainly appeared young enough to still be fertile.

"Don't be embarrassed." Dr. Krell advised them. "If it happens, it will simply be a normal body function."

Yeah, normal if you're a woman, Joe thought. That concept was still something they were all still trying to adjust to. As a guy, the idea of blood emanating from any body orifice was hardly normal.

Joe glanced at Tim. The new "girl" now looked to be about the right age for her first period. He could imagine what was going through Tim's head. Tim absent-mindedly rubbed his hand along the obvious bulge of his hip as he watched the small doctor work. Joe often caught himself doing the same thing, touching, feeling, exploring the strange changes taking place.

Tim saw Joe watching, and folded his arms in front of his chest, obviously embarrassed.

Joe smiled and winked at him. Tim sheepishly returned the grin.

"Joe, what do you have planned for the evening?" Norm asked.

Hearing his own name jolted Joe alert.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"What are you going to do this evening?" Norm asked again.

"Oh, I don't know, Norm." Joe answered. "I have to take the Cessna to Minnesota in the morning. I don't want to stay out too late."

"Would you care to visit some stores with me? Norm asked. "I need more stuff, and I just kind of like having you along."

"I don't know, Norm." Joe answered. "I really need to be home at seven, and I just don't know how long I need to be there."

Norm sounded disappointed.

"Give me a call if you get free." He said. "The stores are open till nine-thirty."

Norm was adapting to being a woman quite well. Of course, his idea of what how a woman was supposed to live was that of a well-to-do sixty year old man.

Joe now enjoyed shopping for clothes too, but he had other, more important things to be concerned about.

Joe noticed pamphlets on the stand at the side of Norm's bed. Norm had been given the same forms the others received when they attended Dr. Krell's clinic in San Diego. Though obviously prepared for patients undergoing sexual reassignment surgery, the literature was generally applicable to the phenomena that had changed them.

They covered various topics. Everything from feminine hygiene, breast self-exam, applying cosmetics and voice control. Unlike surgical transsexuals, Joe and his friends voices had become quite feminine in timbre, but they still tended to talk like the men they had been. Dr. Krell's staff was familiar with the problem and had already established a program to train transsexuals to sound more feminine.

Joe grinned. He remembered the strange, afternoon class in California.

Norm Foster might look just like a natural woman, but the former-man still needed to be taught to talk, the importance of wiping front-to-back and how to examine those firm new breasts in the shower.

"If I have time, I'll go with you." Joe agreed. "I really can't promise anything though."

Joe and Tim left the room. They looked at each other. It was quite evident that Norm continued to get younger looking. It was much more obvious in the older man than in either of them. When would it stop? There wasn't much time left, for Tim at least. Luckily, the phenomena did seem to be slowing down.

Dr. Krell was obviously trying to determine what caused it, but it was clear that he had no idea what was happening.

"What else is going to happen to us?" Tim asked. "What else?"

Joe smiled.

"I dunno." He said. "What would you like to happen?"

Tim stopped and looked Joe straight in the eye. It was true. The change had so distorted Joe and Tim's personalities and personal goals, it was impossible to really say what they wanted. They just didn't know anymore. At first, restoring their masculinity seemed very important. Now, after the different hormones had time to work their powerful magic, there was almost no macho left.

Tim smiled, but his irritation was evident.

"Damn it, Joe. I don't want to be a little kid... A little girl. That's all." Tim said. "I can live with all the female stuff, but I sure don't want to look like a child."

"Maybe you won't." Joe advised. "The whole thing seems to be slowing down. Maybe you'll stay like you are. You don't look so bad... Kinda sexy, really."

He placed his arm around Tim's shoulder, and pulled them together. He was a little amazed at how small and soft Tim had become.

Tim reacted by grabbing Joe, holding on to him tightly. Joe could feel him tremble as he returned the hug.

"What's the matter, Tim?" Joe asked.

"I'm scared, Joe." Tim almost sobbed. "I'm really scared."

"Hey, you're not gonna die." Joe reminded him. "You might be stuck looking like a girl, but hell, that ain't so bad really. We'll all get used to it."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Tim agreed. "I can handle the female stuff, it's even sort of fun, sort of... But you don't know what it's like... To have everybody think you're a kid. I'm not a kid, Joe. I'm almost twenty-two."

Joe looked down at Tim, who had tears welling in his eyes. Tim had formerly been about as tall as Joe, but though Joe was only slightly shorter with the change, Tim lost about five or six inches in height. His chin now came below Joe's shoulders. Joe could feel the warm firmness of Tim's breasts pressing just under his own. The sensation was erotic, but also weird. He moved his shoulders back and forth, and grinned.

"Strange, huh?" He said. "Who'd have guessed we'd ever grow these?"

Tim grinned too. He pressed his chest harder against Joe, as much to experience Joe's softness as anything. He might look like a little girl, but the strong desires of a young man were obviously not completely forgotten.

Joe winked knowingly and rubbed Tim's back. He had to resist the urge to snap the little bra strap. Joe didn't know why, maybe it was just Tim's precocious teen appearance that brought back pleasant memories and created the urge to perform such a childish prank.

Tim even smelled good.

"Are you wearing perfume, or something?" Joe asked, placing his nose closer to Tim's short hair.

"Perfume?" Tim asked. "Heck no. Why do you ask?"

"You smell so good. Kind of perfumy, or something." Joe continued.

"Sorry. No perfume." Tim repeated. He brought his arm up to his nose to check for himself.

"Maybe your just smelling that shampoo Becky told me to use." He offered. "It's kind of flowery scented. I think the odor lingers a little."

"It sure is nice." Joe said. "It matches your look."

"My look?"

"Yeah... You know... You kinda look young... Sexy.. but young... You know... That smell fits with it." Joe stammered.

He didn't exactly know a good way to pay Tim a compliment. The pleasing scent, along with Tim's soft innocent appearance were starting to get Joe excited. He could feel his poor confused genitalia moisten in apprehension and he sensed the new anatomy between his legs begin to gently open like a flower starting to bloom.

"Thanks, I guess." Tim replied.

"I mean it." Joe repeated. "You look fantastic. You're turning me on, I think."

"Is that good?" Tim asked, smiling mischievously.

Joe looked at the cute boy-girl. After his hair grew out a little, Tim would be quite beautiful. He already was feminine, but short hair made him look sort of punk.

"Don't you realize how attractive you've become?" Joe asked incredulously.

"What do you mean?" Tim asked. "Sure, I guess maybe I look Ok. You do too. I don't think I look any better than you, though."

Joe considered the response. It was probably true. People probably never think they look the way other people see them. He knew he had become feminine. The physical changes couldn't be denied. In fact, with the chemical help of the hormones, he was finding it quite interesting to be this way, and experience how others reacted to his new look. But he never considered himself beautiful, even if Jay tended to think he was.

Joe shrugged his shoulders. What could he say?

Joe checked his watch. It was still early afternoon. There was nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon. The Cessna was being made ready for an early morning take-off. They had the rest of the afternoon free.

"What do you want to do?" Joe asked.

"Do?" Tim asked. "What is there to do?"

Joe grinned.

"Well, I need to be home at five or five-thirty." Joe said. "That gives us three or four hours."

"So?" Tim repeated.

"How about working out?" Joe asked. "You play racquet ball?"

"Huh?" Tim responded. "Sure, I have played a little... But like this?"

"Sure, like this." Joe exclaimed. "What you going to do, hide under a rock? Might as well try to get used to it, right?."

"Have you played since this happened?" Tim asked.

"Sure." Joe said. "I'm not as strong now, but I still know how."

"Gee, I dunno." Tim thought out loud. "I'm so much smaller..."

"Hey, maybe you lost your balls, but you still got two arms and two legs." Joe teased him.

"And where would we do this?" Tim asked.

"I'm still a member of the health club on Mesa Verde." Joe said. "We can play there."

"All-American?" Tim said. "You want to play at All-American?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"What locker room would we use? Would we have to change clothes with the women?" Tim asked incredulously.

"Why not?" Joe asked. "You'd rather undress with the guys?"

Tim looked at Joe. The thought of other males seeing him the way he now looked put visible terror in his eyes.

"No way." Tim exclaimed. "I don't want anybody to see me this way."

"I've seen you." Joe said, smiling.

"Yeah, but... you're different." Joe countered.

"Different?" Joe continued. "How?"

"You know... You understand what happened." Tim stammered.

"The women at the club WON'T know." Joe reminded him. "And I certainly won't tell them."

"I don't know..."

"Do you have any idea what it's like in that locker room?" Joe said enticingly. "Women... girls... All naked."

"All of them?" Tim asked, his twenty-one year-old male brain responding to the concept.

"Plenty of them." Joe answered. "Big ones... Small ones... All kinds."


"I was there a couple of days ago, with Linda." Joe answered. "I'm not exaggerating."

"What do we wear?" Tim asked. He was beginning to consider the idea.

"Almost anything." Joe answered. "Do you have exercise clothes?"

"Sure... What do you mean?" Tim asked.

"You know, leotards. Gym clothes." Joe said. "Did you get anything like that yet?"

"Leotards?" Tim almost shouted as they began to walk down the empty hallway.

"Yeah, or something loose." Joe explained.

"I haven't got anything like that." Tim answered, sounding embarrassed.

"Ok then, let's get some." Joe decided.

They went down the elevator and to Joe's car. Joe headed straight for the mall. It would be fun to help Tim pick out body wear.

They arrived at the mall lot and went inside. SheSports was one of the first stores. Joe herded a reluctant Tim inside.

The place was empty except for one attractive saleswoman, probably in her early twenties. Joe went straight to the racks of colorful Gilda Marx body suits. He pulled a black one, holding it in front of Tim.

"How about this?" He asked.

"I'd have to wear THIS around strangers?" Tim almost whispered.

"Sure. And it would look real good on you, too." Joe responded.

The saleswoman came over to them.

"May I help you?" She asked.

"My friend needs some clothes to play racquetball." Joe blurted.

"You'd like a leotard?" The woman asked Tim.

"Gee, I don't know." Tim said, sounding extremely nervous.

"That would look very nice." The young woman continued, looking at the suit in Joe's hand. "But, I think you will need a smaller size."

"Smaller than that?" Tim asked, pointing at the suit.

"What is your size?" The woman continued.

"Ahh... I... Ahh..." Tim didn't know.

"She's not sure." Joe took over. "What size do you recommend?"

"Well... Hmmm..." She shuffled through the rack.

"How about this?" The woman held an identical black suit to the one Joe had, but one size smaller.

Tim took it from her and held it away from him.

"Would you like to try it on?"

"Sure. Go ahead." Joe answered. He looked at the size, and picked out contrasting nylon shorts, and a little cropped top.

They took the things and Joe guided Tim to the small dressing room. It was too small for both of them to enter, but Joe remained just outside the door. The saleswoman left them alone.

Joe could see the top of Tim's head over the low door. He see Tim removing his top.

"Should I take off my underwear?" Tim whispered to Joe.

"Your underwear?" Joe repeated. "No, leave it on."

"This looks awful small." Tim said, speaking mainly to himself.

"It stretches a little." Joe reminded him. "You might find you like it."

In moments, Tim had the clothes on. He inspected his image in the mirror inside the dressing room.

"Come on out." Joe called. "Let's see how you look."

"Yeah, sure." Tim said absently. He was obviously quite taken by his own appearance.

The door opened and a very cute, very embarrassed, young woman slowly stepped out.

Joe took one look, and held his fingers in the "OK" position.

"It's right." Joe decided. "You look fantastic."

"A little kid." Tim reminded him. He couldn't get over his childlike appearance.

"How about underwear?" Joe asked. "Do you have cotton underwear?"

"Cotton underwear?" Tim asked. "Most of my underwear is cotton."

"How about a sports-bra?"

"Ahh, I ahh, heh.. Sports-bra? What's that?"

The saleswoman arrived back just as Tim asked.

"You are young, but well endowed." She responded. "I recommend something with medium support. It'll keep you from bouncing, and help prevent sagging later."

She took Tim's arm and guided the embarrassed young man to the shelf of plastic forms displaying examples of various styles.

"We recommend this type for racquetball." The young woman said. "It's feminine, but still provides enough support."

Tim looked at Joe.

"Why don't you try it?" Joe advised the embarrassed young man.

The woman estimated Tim's size, and handed him a small box.

"Ok. Ok. I'll try it on." Tim agreed.

Back to the dressing room they went. This time, Tim stayed in the room.

"How's it fit?" Joe asked.

"A little tight, I think." Tim responded.

Joe went for the saleswoman.

"Could you offer an opinion?" Joe asked.

"An opinion?" She repeated.

"Yes. My friend thinks the bra might be too tight. Would you check?" Joe asked.

The woman looked warily at Joe. What was it with these two strange, short haired women? Were they lesbians? The young one seemed so embarrassed. The older, so unsure of herself.

"Sure... I'll check." She answered warily.

The woman opened the dressing room door and went inside. There stood a very embarrassed Tim, wearing only the white bra, and little cotton briefs as pink as his face was red.

The woman said nothing, but placed her fingers around the edge of the bra straps and cups.

"Well, I think it fits just right." She said. "But we can try another, if you want. Maybe you might prefer a different style."

"No, No. This will be fine." Tim said. He was ready to accept anything just to get out of there.

The woman looked at Tim. She looked at Joe, who was holding the door open so he could see. She shrugged her shoulders.

Ok then." She said. "I'll let you two alone."

She walked out.

Joe stood there, holding the door open, staring at Tim.

"Ok. You can close the door now." Tim ordered.

"Sure." Joe answered, slowly closing the door.

"I like the pink panties." Joe said through the door, low enough so the saleswoman wouldn't hear.

"Yeah, well... I didn't buy them." Tim countered. "Becky bought a bunch of clothes for me, and there were a few like these. I didn't think anyone would see me."

Joe decided to drop it. Tim's developing body probably had become more a girl's size, rather than a woman's. No need to tease the poor kid about it.

Joe went to the shelves and found the panties. There were all kinds of cotton briefs and bikinis, as well as lycra support types. He hardly needed support, but Joe figured Tim might like the snug feel a sport panty provided.

He picked a very thin lycra, in the smallest size they had, and went back to the dressing cubical.

"Try this." Joe said, passing the underwear box over the door.

Tim accepted the box and read the cover.

"You thing I need this?" Tim asked.

"Just try it on." Joe ordered. "You might like it. Leave your own underwear on underneath."

"Well... Ok. I'll give it a try... Just for you." Tim agreed.

"Not for me." Joe corrected. "For you."

Soon, Tim was wearing the new clothes.

"How do you like it?" Joe queried.

"Mmmm. Not bad." Tim said. "So smooth... Feels tight, but good."

"Does it fit OK?" Joe asked. "I got the smallest size they had."

"Yeah, I guess so." Tim answered. "I kind of like it."

"I thought you might." Joe said.

"I'm going to try the leotard again." Tim continued. "I want to see what I look like again."

Joe smiled to himself. He knew what Tim was going through. It was addicting, trying on feminine clothing. Now Tim had the bug, too.

"You need anything else?" Joe asked.

There was no answer for a minute or so.

"What do you mean, Joe?" Tim asked softly.

"Are there any other clothes you need?" Joe asked again. "Have you been shopping much?"

"Not very much, just with you guy's that one day, and Becky helped me a little. But it's so embarrassing with her. We're both getting used to it, but she IS my sister."

"I'll shop with you a while, if you want." Joe offered.

"What are you going to wear on the flight tomorrow?" Tim asked.

"I bought a suit the other day." Joe answered. "I thought I'd wear that. I guess it's the equivalent to a shirt and tie."

"I don't have anything like that." Tim admitted. "Maybe I should get something."

Joe smiled to himself.

"Sure." He agreed. "Get your clothes back on, and we'll find something for you. We've got plenty of time."

Tim changed back and came out holding the clothes. They went to the counter to pay.

"Do you need shoes?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

They eventually found a pair of Nike athletic shoes that Tim decided he liked. With matching socks, they finally had an outfit. Joe threw in a gym bag and they were ready.

They eventually worked their way to the big department store, and started looking for business clothes in the Misses section.

Tim's rather adolescent features were not really right for clothing of that type, but he stubbornly refused suggestions to shop the teen section. He finally decided on something from Petite. A gray skirt with matching jacket and a white silk blouse. The outfit actually tended to make him look even younger, like a girl attempting to look grown up. But, Tim insisted that it was what he wanted.

"In case I'm still getting younger, I'm going to enjoy whatever time I got before nothing fits at all." Tim said when the saleswoman left them for a moment.

"I don't blame you." Joe said truthfully. "Do you have things to wear under that?"

"Like what?" Tim asked.

Joe looked him in the eye.

"Did Becky get you any stuff like a slip, or a chemise?"

"Nope." Tim answered. I have mainly underpants and bras. The best are ones we picked up in San Diego."

"Tell the woman. She'll help you." Joe advised.

When the saleswoman returned, Tim spoke with some authority.

"I'll be needing some underwear to go with this." He said simply.

The woman looked at the young girl, raising her eyebrows.

"Just what do you feel you need?" She asked.

"Everything. The whole works." Tim answered curtly.

"Ok... Let's see..." The woman said, thinking.

"Follow me." She ordered.

They followed her to the nearby lingerie section. There, she looked at Tim, and went to where hangers of bras were displayed.

"How about this?" She suggested, holding up a lacy white Bali.

"How about something black?" Tim suggested. He was starting to like ordering her around.

The woman selected the same style in black, and presented it for approval.

"I'll need underpants, and a slip too." Tim said, pretending he knew what he was doing.

"How about hosiery?" The woman asked. "Do you prefer pantyhose, or individual?"

"Individual." Tim answered immediately. "I hate pantyhose."

Spoken like a man.

The poor woman helped Tim find what he needed, or wanted. Tim took the things to the dressing area to try them on.

"Please come along with me." He asked Joe.

Joe accompanied Tim to the small dressing area. He watched with interest as Tim tried on the feminine things. Like Joe, Tim had enough experience by now to be quite proficient putting on a bra. When he finally had everything installed, Tim inspected his image with a critical eye.

His young, curvy body looked quite sensuous in the black bra and panties. The sheer black hose did make him look older. Tim ran his hands along his hips, over his breasts then touched the silky fabric between his legs.

"Kind of sexy, huh?" Joe asked.

"God, Joe." Tim said. "What can I say?" He grinned.

"I know." Joe agreed. "I know."

Tim reluctantly removed the new clothes and dressed in his old ones. They took the things to the sales counter and paid for them.

"Well, are you ready to take me on?" Joe asked.

Tim looked at him.

"I can't wait." He said, grinning widely.

"Let me stop at Linda's and get my stuff." Joe said.

They went to Linda's and Joe got his gym bag.

Next: Chapter 44: Chapter49

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