
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

When the gate opened, Joe saw young a woman enter and walk shyly towards them. Another woman, slightly older looking, and somewhat slimmer, was following closely behind. Joe, of course, recognized the younger looking woman. It was his friend, Dave Skinner. And behind him/her, walked Dave's wife, Cindy.

Dave wore a soft velour jumpsuit. The loose fitting garment covered Dave's body, but it didn't completely conceal his ample curves. Since Joe had last seen Dave, the change had obviously continued to work its magic on Dave's bustline. Though he completely understood what the poor guy was going through, Joe had to hold back a smile as he watched his friend jiggle his way along the pool walk. Apparently, Dave felt it too, cause he self-consciously held his arm across that ample bosom in an attempt to limit the movement.

Cindy Skinner carried a large tote bag containing beach towels, and probably some clothes. She apparently succeeded getting Dave to buy and wear a swimsuit. Cindy herself wore a loose terry cover-up, and it was evident she too wore a suit beneath it. Cindy was not quite svelte, but she was certainly trimmer than her mate. Dave looked more like a taller, overweight, younger sister than a husband. For Joe, it was a bit disconcerting to see his friend, still with his wife, and yet so obviously female.

No wonder he was embarrassed, Joe considered.

"Hi Dave... Cindy." Joe called. "Glad you could come over."

"Evening Joe, Linda." Cindy said smiling, acting slightly embarrassed.

"Hi." Dave said rather curtly, immediately taking a seat.

"Looks like you found a suit." Joe continued. "Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Lay off, Joe." Dave warned menacingly. "I really don't want to discuss it."

"Kinda hard to hide, isn't it?" Joe continued, grinning. "I bought a new one, too."

"Well, you get all the fancy clothes you want." Dave said. "I'll do what I must, but I don't have to like it."

"Now, Dave." Cindy scolded. "It won't help to act that way. Joe doesn't mean anything."

"You really don't look bad, Dave." Jay chimed in, trying to make Dave feel better about his situation.

"Yeah. Not bad for a guy with bigger tits than his wife." Dave scowled sarcastically.

"Stop it Dave!" Cindy ordered. "That's quite enough!"

"Come on." Joe said, in attempt to change the subject. "Try some of this white wine."

They filled glasses and touched them, with Dave just starting to apologize when they heard the sound of another car in the drive. In moments, Mike Osborn came strolling confidently down the walk.

Mike, who already let it be known that he preferred to be called Michelle now, had completely embraced the forced feminization. Of the four original victims of the gender changing phenomena, Mike/Michelle seemed to adapt the most completely so far. Considering that the pre-change Mike was probably the most macho-male of them all, his quick transition was that much more remarkable.

"Glad you could make it, Michelle." Joe called, remembering to use Mike's new feminine label.

Mike/Michelle grinned widely and held up a hand in greeting.

"Good evening everyone!" He called cheerily.

Michelle sported a colorful and attractive cover-up, which he left open in front, displaying his swimsuit, as well as his ample curves.

In the three days since Joe last saw Mike/Michelle, it was plain that he had been subject to the subtle, persistent, re-shape the strange genetic damage continued to work on all of them. Michelle was perhaps not as fortunate as Joe concerning facial appearance, but his/her body shape had already evolved to become a flawless example of feminine beauty. Mike/Michelle realized it too, and was obviously quite proud of his/her new appearance.

Joe couldn't help but watch for Jay's reaction to Michelle. Since Jay was now the only "complete" male present, Joe was interested in observing Jay's reaction to him and his changed friends. Jay was obviously mesmerized by Michelle's appearance, since he couldn't take his eyes away as Michelle opened the cover-up to model his suit (as well as his shape) at Linda's request.

"This new suit is just fantastic." Michelle exclaimed enthusiastically. "I can't believe that it fits so well, moreover that I actually look like this... Just look at this butt!"

Michelle swung around, holding the cover-up away from his derriere, so the developing soft roundness could be seen.

"You do look gorgeous." Linda complimented. Michelle obviously wasn't suffering from the intense self pity hounding Dave.

"Thank you, and you do too." Michelle responded, acting and sounding just like the young woman he now appeared to be.

"It is a little weird wearing these shoulder pads." Michelle continued, touching the shoulders of the cover-up. "But it seems my shoulders are getting so darn narrow, and my butt..." He ran his hands along growing hips.

Mike/Michelle saw Dave sitting in the chair, watching but saying nothing.

"Hi, Dave!" He exclaimed. "Haven't seen you around for a couple of days."

"Hello, Mike." Dave returned, rather unenthusiastically. "I've been kinda busy." He lied.

"How do you like the new suit?" Michelle continued, turning around as he again held the cover-up open in front, obviously looking for every opportunity to flaunt his new curves.

"You look very nice, Mike." Dave droned flatly. "I'm glad you're so happy."

"And what's the matter with you?" Asked Michelle, when it finally dawned that Dave was depressed.

"What does it look like?" Dave asked. "Look at me!" He stood up momentarily, arching his back so his substantial breasts were emphasized.

"So?" Michelle retorted. "You're not the only one." he puffed his own chest out to emphasize the new curves. "I've got em too."

"Well, I don't want em." Dave insisted. "I didn't ask for em, I certainly don't need em, and I don't want em."

"But, they're there, and you're probably gonna have to live with them" Michelle said logically. "Why not try and enjoy it?"

"Cause I have two kids!" Dave retorted. "I'm a husband, and a father. And I'm not a woman, that's why!"

The sharp response left Michelle without a comeback. There was a long moment of silence.

"I'm sorry, Dave, but I think you're going to look like that, no matter how you choose to feel about it. I know its kinda rough, but I think you'd be happier if you just tried to accept it, rather than fight it."

"And what do I tell my son... my boy?" Dave asked. "What do I tell him when he asks why daddy wears the same clothes as mommy?"

"Tell him the truth." Michelle said. "Tell him exactly what happened. It's not your fault. No one blames you. No one blames any of us."

"That's right, Dave." Linda agreed. "I think your children will understand."

"I don't know..." Dave retorted. "I don't think I understand."

A slight smile showed as he spoke.

"You'll probably get used to it." Joe added. "I think I'm starting to."

"Yeah, but then, you don't have a wife and kids." Dave reminded him.

"I admit it is a problem, but you can work it out. We can all work it out." Joe continued. "Cindy's still with you, remember."

"I don't know why." Dave whined, looking at her. "I certainly can't be a husband to you anymore."

"I love you no matter what you look like." Cindy reminded him. "I just hope that you can still feel the same about me."

Dave stared at his wife, then glanced across the table, at Joe.

"Joe, do you sleep with Linda?" He asked bluntly.

Joe's mouth opened, but he just looked at Linda.

Linda spoke.

"We have slept together, Dave, and we probably will again." She said, without a hint of embarrassment.

"But... What can you do? I mean..." Dave stammered.

"It is different, true, but not so bad, really. Linda said, remembering.

"Joe's a very good hugger, and I think he kisses better than ever." She grinned as she watched Joe, who experienced a warm flush come over his face.

Joe finally responded.

"It's different." He said. "I wish I could still do what I could before, but I can't. But I'm still a sensitive person, probably more now than ever."

"Yeah... But..." Dave objected.

"And now... You now know EXACTLY what'll make Cindy feel good, right?"

That made both Cindy and Dave blush.

"There are a lot of things." Joe continued. "Just use your imagination a little."

All this "girl" talk was quite interesting to Jay, the only normal male present. Joe looked over at his friend.

"Sorry if this is making you uncomfortable." Joe apologized. "I sort of forgot you were there." He grinned.

"No. No, that's perfectly all right, Joe." Jay stammered. "Actually, I find it quite interesting."

"I'll bet you do." Joe agreed.

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of another car in the drive. In a minute, two more young women entered the gate.

Joe recognized the very young looking girl in the lead as Tim, who before the change had been a handsome twenty-one year old line-boy. He was much younger than the others when the accident occurred, and now had become even younger looking. Though it was plainly evident his body had feminized, Tim now appeared to be hardly day over fifteen or sixteen.

The young woman accompanying Tim, his older sister, was really just a year or so older, but unlike Tim, she looked her age. There could be no doubt they were related... The former young man looked very much like his sister; blonde, and now, reasonably well endowed. Except for perhaps Norm, it seemed the others experienced greater bust development than Joe, though he was quite satisfied in that area too.

Tim seemed resigned to what had occurred. Although a bit depressed at first, now he wore the same smug little smile on his face that Joe did, as if he were continually thinking of something humorous. In reality, it was just a reflection of how new body chemistry made them feel. A strangely warm, contented, pleasant sense of well being. Joe enjoyed the feeling, and he sensed Tim did too. If either of them had ever desired a return to masculinity, such urges were mostly in the past.

Tim might still get embarrassed by his new femininity, but he obviously preferred it. He did his best to cope with the problems, as well as the advantages, of living with a woman's, or girl's, body.

"How everything been going, Tim?" Joe asked.

Tim looked at Joe, and grinned.

"Getting used to it, I guess." Tim answered. "Becky's been helping a lot too."

"I don't see how he does it." Becky said softly. "Tim just seems to adapt so easily, as if everything happening was completely natural."

"I guess it is, in a way, don't you think?" Joe asked. "Except for what caused it to happen, we are pretty much normal... natural... At least I feel that way."

"You all certainly do look normal." Becky agreed. "I mean, as women anyway."

"I suppose we have to try to think of ourselves that way, from now on, don't you?" Joe continued.

"Hardly a choice, as I see it." Michelle answered simply. "We're stuck like this, and that's it."

"Well, becoming female was one thing." Tim complained. "But just look at me now... I really don't think anyone would believe I'm actually twenty-one, do you?"

Joe looked at Tim, now with a trim, lithe, body of of a young teenage girl. Except for the breasts, Jay appeared almost adolescent. Poor guy, he was right.

"Oh, I don't know... You are a bit young looking..." Joe stammered.

"Come on, Joe... It's more than that, and you know it." Tim continued. "I'm turning into a little kid."

"Yeah, maybe so." Joe conceded. "But a precocious, cute one, for sure." He grinned, looking at Tim's chest.

"I never thought I'd be called CUTE." Tim complained. "And, I sure don't think of myself that way."

"Could be worse, I guess." Joe mused.

"Yeah, guess it could." Tim agreed. "I guess I really don't mind all that much... I mean... it seems to be getting easier, more tolerable, every day. I just hope it stops real soon. I'm close as I want to get to being a child again."

Once again, a car could be heard in the drive. It had to be Norm Foster.

That assumption was confirmed as another attractive woman entered the pool gate.

Norm Peterson, the President of Honeybone, Joe's employer, had voluntarily subjected himself to the radio energy being used to try to reproduce what had happened accidentally to the others.

Although he was almost sixty years old, the change phenomena had been amazingly successful in working its "fountain-of-youth" wonders. Norm had already lost years from his appearance. Instead of distinguished and grey, complete with all the wrinkles of a successful man nearing retirement, Norm was again dark-haired, and looked closer to thirty than sixty.

Like the others, Norm's body was now completely female. Only the remaining short, male haircut gave any hint that he had ever been anything but the woman he appeared to be.

Why Norm had subjected himself to the change was known only to him. After he had heard what had occurred that fateful day in Arizona, Norm requested to see Joe, and Joe had been ordered to Minneapolis to meet him. in the process, Joe had dutifully invited Norm to observe some of the experiments being undertaken in an attempt to understand the phenomena. Surprisingly, the busy President quickly accepted, and was there within a few days. Almost as soon as he arrived, he privately informed Joe of his intentions.

Apparently a closet transsexual, Norm had been considering his limited options ever since the death of his wife, some years before.

When Joe told him in Minneapolis that they would eventually seek a human volunteer to try experiments in the Faraday Cage, Norm immediately knew what he wanted to do. When he told Joe, he met with initial resistance, but, since Joe knew Dr. Krell's nurse Karen Simpson had suffered similar difficulties, and she had been successfully treated by surgical procedures that removed her unwanted male organs.

Karen was apparently quite pleased with what Joe considered a partial fix. While she now looked quite female, Karen was not really complete... she didn't menstruate, and she couldn't conceive. Compared to what had happened to Joe, Karen's physical femininity was purely superficial.

Joe decided that the Cage might be the ultimate answer for persons like Karen, if only it could be made to work. He agreed to help Norm, without asking anyone else. While that decision irritated Dr. Krell, the cage did work, and Norm was now enjoying his first full day in his chosen gender.

It was too soon for Norm's status to be legally changed, but there was no doubt that it had to happen. His body was no longer male. He was already having the time of his life adapting to spending the rest of it as a woman.

An attractive woman. Norm had already developed a very female shape, and Joe knew from experience he would continue to change even more, for a week or more. His face had become more youthful, and now displayed that perpetual, infectious, smile of happiness.

The woman walking along the edge of the pool was obviously enjoying herself. She displayed a somewhat awkward gait, probably due to having not yet adapted to the subtly different center of gravity, and the strange feel of a widening pelvis.

She would soon.

Joe recognized Norm's new cover-up, and he knew Norm wore the swimsuit he helped choose earlier that afternoon.

Joe stood to introduce the President of Honeybone.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Norm Foster, of Honeybone."

Joe then introduced Norm to each person individually.

Norm graciously shook hands with each one. The others, who might have been at least a little intimidated by a middle aged male executive, couldn't help but accept this attractive young looking woman with the contagious smile.

Norm was quite obviously over-joyed by his new status. While his actions and movements were often more masculine than feminine, he learned quickly, and his enthusiastic attitude served to conceal most incongruities. A born leader, Norm's powerful personality had luckily survived a total gender swap.

Joe looked at Norm, surprised at just how young looking Norm had become. He only left him a couple of hours ago, but there had been very noticeable changes since then.

"Norm, you look so... different." Joe told him.

"Tell me about it!" Norm exclaimed. He couldn't hide the glee in his voice.

No. I mean it." Joe said seriously. "You look even younger than when I left you while ago. That was just a couple of hours. How do you feel?"

"Better than I have in years." Norm exclaimed. "And getting better all the time."

"And it looks it." Jay said, breaking in.

Norm looked over at Jay, showing recognition.

Well... It's my attorney friend! So good to see you again." Norm exclaimed.

"You certainly look much different since I saw you last." Jay said, almost teasing him.

"Yes... I suppose I do." Norm agreed, chuckling. "But what you can't see is just how great I feel."

"It shows, Norm." Joe said. "It shows."

"Well, I hope so." Norm beamed. "When I decided to try this, I thought at least, I might find it somewhat interesting. I had no Idea it would end up like this... That I could be so healthy, so... so... flexible!"

"Flexible?" Dave snapped incredulously. "You get a woman's body, and you like it cause you've become more flexible?"

"You don't understand." Norm objected. "I'm young again! I could hardly lift my legs at the end of a day, and now..."

Norm raised his bare leg almost level with his hips. It was obvious he had experienced the same "loosening" of the joints as Joe, and perhaps the others, did. They didn't know what caused it, but it was a wonderful, healthy feeling. Joe understood Norm's excitement.

"I'm free!" Norm exclaimed. "I feel so wonderful... You can't imagine!"

"Yeah... I know..." Joe said. "We all do... Most of us anyway." He looked over at Dave.

Dave said nothing, realizing there was nothing to say. It was clear that he was the exception here... The others were starting to accept what had happened to them, only he was less than pleased. He couldn't understand how Norm could be so happy with his circumstances.

Then again, he had asked for it.

"Well, I'm going to take a dip in your lovely pool." Michelle announced, obviously attempting to change the subject.

"Excellent idea." Linda agreed. She could detect Dave's tension too.

Joe considered whether he wanted to get the suit wet. The water might feel good, the hot, dry air was beginning to make him sweat in the snug fitting suit. Before he could make up his mind, Jay did it for him.

"Come on, Bates." Jay said. "Get in there, or I'll toss you in."

He could do it too, Joe thought. Jay was so big and strong. He had never noticed it before the change, when they were more evenly matched. Joe watched as the handsome man stepped out of his shorts, displaying red, boxer type swim trunks. As Jay pulled the knit shirt over his head, Joe felt his rearranged crotch muscles involuntarily contract as he gazed at his friends muscular back.

I really am turning female, Joe thought, as he brushed his fingers over the sleek little spandex covered bulge of his clitoris. He suddenly realized what he was doing and looked around, relieved no one had seen him.

Jay turned and looked at Joe. Joe suddenly realized that he had better remove the terry cover-up immediately, or be thrown in wearing it.

Jay was acting like a teenage boy when around Joe. Joe knew his friend had become infatuated with Joe's sexy new femininity. It was a compliment, Joe considered, but he didn't feel comfortable enough to want a relationship. Not yet anyway. He still wanted to be buddies with Jay. It was difficult, considering what they had already done together, at Joe's suggestion.

Curios to experience sex as a female, Joe found the courage to try it with Jay. And Jay didn't resist for a moment.

The experience had been very satisfying for them both. Joe discovered a heightened sensitivity that was part of being female, and Jay found an attractive, sensuous partner who really understood him, and of course, shared his interests.

To Jay, it was simply the perfect combination.

He told a nervous, self concocts Joe, who begged him to back off, at least temporarily.

Joe had to find himself before he could ever try to be a WOMAN for somebody else, even, or maybe especially for, his best friend.

Joe barely got the little cover-up off when he was lifted off his feet and unceremoniously tossed into the pool. Joe could sense Jay's strong muscles as he held him. He could also detect a careful, affectionate gentleness.

The water was pleasantly warm, and as he surfaced, Joe again noticed the extra buoyancy the change had given his body. When he opened his eyes, Joe instinctively checked that his boobs remained covered. The underwire cups held them securely in place, but everything still felt looser than it really was. He was getting used to them, but having breasts could still create new sensations for Joe.

Joe was paddling toward the ladder, watching the others at the pool side.

Tim was awkwardly removing his cover-up, and Joe got a good view of the younger mans' profile from behind.

There was no doubt Tim's body was completely female. Although he had now become much trimmer with the change, his butt had developed that characteristic feminine "pear" shape. Tim's swimsuit followed his new curves closely, the high-cut leg openings emphasized a changed (and still changing) pelvis. The new wideness was evident by a noticeable gap at the top of hairless legs, with no masculine bulge. The form-fitting, light blue suit hid nothing, and it was clear Tim had little to hide.

"Get in here, Dave!" Michelle called from the middle of the pool.

"No!" Dave answered back. "I agreed to wear this, but I ain't getting it wet."

Joe struggled up the ladder and stood on the pool edge. He watched as Tim gingerly jumped in feet first, holding his nose.

The dry air was cold against his wet skin, and Joe decided to get back in the water. He dove into the five-foot pool, sensing again the noticeable drag of the suit, and his breasts.

He bobbed to the surface and was paddling away when he cleared his eyes in time to see Jay reach the edge and dive in.

Guessing what was about to happen, Joe began to swim away from Jay as fast as his now half-strength arms could move him. Jay was obviously watching, since he headed directly for Joe, his greater strength allowing him to catch Joe very easily. He went straight for Joe's ankles, and pulled them to the surface. Jay was acting just like a teenage boy in love.

When he wrested his feet free, Joe was able to bob to the surface for much needed breath. After a couple of gasps for air, Jay was at it again, this time grabbing Joe around the waist, again knocking his off his feet. The strength difference was so great, Joe had little choice but to react to what Jay did. He knew that Jay was only flirting, and he should be flattered, but it was embarrassing, and becoming a pain in the butt. When he could, Joe looked at the table, and could see Linda watching. Joe knew she would be curious about he and Jay's new, changing, relationship, and wondering how it might affect her.

Whether he realized it or not, Jay was confirming Linda's suspicions. There could be no doubt... The silly way Jay was acting... They were the actions of a man in love... Or, at least, strong interest. Linda knew how men acted... When they played like little boys, they were just letting their hormones run wild. She watched as poor Joe responded with confused embarrassment. He plainly didn't know how to take all this masculine attention. Although he smiled at Jay, between breaths for air, Joe obviously didn't desire the persistent teasing.

It had to be infatuation with Joe, thought Linda, since Jay didn't even seem to notice Michelle, and that knockout body. And he didn't even look up as Tim removed the terry-cloth jacket and innocently jiggled his/her tight butt to the pool.

Except for chubby, moody, Dave Skinner, these guys had developed bodies most women would die for, Linda thought. And here they all were, in her pool, trying desperately to learn to act female.

Linda watched them intently. Only the short hair all but Michelle still had gave any clue they had ever been anything but normal women. Even this person sitting quietly next to her... This apparently thirty-or-so Norm Foster... Joe claimed he was actually about sixty years old. Yet, he/she looked to be about the same age as she was.

What was it like... To be a dirty-old-man... With the body of an attractive woman?

Linda wondered what the cage might do for a woman by birth. If it was such a fountain-of-youth for men, what might it do for women? Might it make them male? Into old men? The thought made her grin at the irony of that... A machine that made men young and female, and women old and male... Again, women get the shaft, she considered.

But... What if that didn't happen, she thought? What if it just made a woman young... Or younger looking?

She decided to ask Joe if she could try it sometime. What was there to lose? There he was, the love of her life, cavorting around in her pool, with his school buddy already sniffing around, acting just like a horny teenager. If it just made her look as young as Joe seemed to be getting... At least she wouldn't have to act the part of "older sister" when they went out together.

And, who knows, maybe she'd get to look sixteen again...

"I understand you and Joe planned to be married soon." Linda heard someone say.

She looked over at Norm, who was attempting to break the obvious silence by making small talk.

"Yes." Linda responded. "In June. We WERE going to get married in June." She emphasized.

"Joe has good taste." Norm continued. "You are very attractive. Heh, Heh. Apparently, I seem to still have retained my eye for the ladies, non-the-less." He giggled at the irony.

Linda thought about things Joe had told her about his own feelings.

"I guess it takes time to forget old instincts." Linda said, then immediately wishing she hadn't.

"You are very observant, young lady... Linda is it?" Norm continued.

"Yes, Please... Linda..." Linda insisted. "And you're... Norm?"

"That's correct." Norm answered. "I guess I'll need to change it, but I haven't decided what yet... I really didn't think it would happen this fast."

"Yes..." Linda said haltingly. "Joe... Joe tells me you... you voluntarily tried the cage?"

"That's correct." Norm said again. "You probably think I'm a pervert, or something equivalent, but I assure you, I am not. And I must tell you, I have never been happier in my life!"

"You're sixty years old?" Linda asked incredulously.

Norm laughed. "Almost... I was fifty-nine last month. I guess I don't look it anymore, do I?"

"No, no you don't." Linda agreed. "I wonder what that cage would do for me? I'd sure love to lose a few years."

"It would be interesting to find out what it might do to a genetic female." Norm agreed, thinking out loud. "Are you asking to try it?"

A chill went through Linda. Joe had said that this genetic play-toy could possibly kill.

"Maybe... I might." Linda responded.

"Well, well, need to discuss it with Dr. Krell. And Joe." Norm said. "But if you'd like, I think we could arrange it."

"I think I would." Linda said firmly. "I'll try it, if you'll let me."

"It might be dangerous." Norm reminded her. "It certainly didn't hurt me, but they say it could possibly cause all sorts of genetic damage. Hard to believe, considering how it's making me feel." He stretched his arms over his head.

"You look remarkable... Almost unbelievable." Linda said, more to herself than to Norm.

"Yeah. I agree with that." Norm said. "But I admit, It's a little hard to get used to." He put a hand under each breast and lifted them gently.

Linda smiled, not having anything to say. Considering how guy's reacted to women's breasts and other intimate parts, she found it interesting how they acted when suddenly provided with their very own.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"I love it." Norm answered. "I don't have words to say how much. I... I feel so... so... so complete. I can't describe it."

"But, don't it seem like something is missing... I mean..." She lowered her eyes to Norm's crotch.

"Hah... That? My dear, I'm afraid that wasn't working very well lately anyway." Norm said, laughing. "But it sure feels like it works now... I... We just can't see it, that's all."

Same thing Joe said, Linda thought. It feels as if it's still there.

A guy's penis must feel a lot like a clitoris.

"Of course, there were some advantages to having an outie, as Joe calls it." Norm continued.

"Are you going to get wet?" Joe called to Norm. He was obviously trying to get Jay to bother the others too, not just him.

"Oh, I guess I can." Norm said happily. "I was just meeting your... er... lady friend."

"She can get in here too." Joe said.

Norm and Linda stood and removed their swimsuit cover-ups. Only Dave, Cindy, and Becky sat at the table.

"If Dave wants to be a party-pooper, let him." Joe continued. Cindy... Becky... Get in here!"

"No, I really don't think so." Cindy said softly.

"Not today, please." Becky said, smiling, but very embarrassed.

With more people in the pool, Jay didn't chase Joe quite so obviously, though he always stayed near him. Joe went over to the edge, where Linda treaded water.

"This guy is wearing me out." Joe told her, voicing the obvious.

"He seems very attentive." Linda said, smiling at Jay, who suddenly realized he was flirting with Linda's "guy".

"Just trying to help Joe get some exercise." Jay stammered, trying to think of an excuse for his actions.

"Don't worry about it." Linda said calmly. "I can see what's happening."

"Linda... I... We... It's not like you think." Joe's words stumbled out.

"You're a big girl, Joe Bates." Linda reminded him. "Get used to it."

The smile never left her face, but it was plain Linda was hurting inside.

Linda went to the ladder and got out of the pool. Joe followed behind, and Jay followed them both.

Linda sat at the other, empty table. Joe sat next to her, and Jay joined them.

"I'm sorry, Linda." Joe begged.

"No need." Linda said. "There is no problem. I just have to adjust, that's all."

"Linda, Joe and I... We're old pals... I mean..." Even Jay had no good explanation.

"Look... Guy's... Or, boys and girls... Whatever... There is no problem... It's me." Linda repeated.

"But..." Joe stammered.

"Joe... Please leave me alone for a few minutes!" Linda snapped suddenly. "I just need some space!"

"Ok. Ok. Jay, help me bring the trays from the kitchen." Joe said.

Jay followed obediently. They went in the kitchen, and Joe retrieved a tray of peel-and-eat shrimp from the refrigerator.

"Did you get that paperwork from the state?" Jay asked, as Joe arraigned the shrimp.

"What paperwork?" Joe asked.

"I mailed you some things concerning your... er... status change. It arrived, I reviewed it, then sent it to you."

"You sent it here?" Joe asked.

"My assistant did." Jay responded.

"She knew about this address?" Joe continued.

"Hmmm... Maybe not." Jay considered. "Your file address is your own apartment, it might have gone there."

"I haven't been there for a few days." Joe informed him. "Maybe I should drive over and check my mail."

"It's not very important." Jay told him. "It can wait."

"Yeah, but there might be other things, too." Joe considered. "When this is over, I'll drive over there."

The others left the pool when Joe and Jay brought the trays. Joe remembered that he should get out of the wet swimsuit as soon as possible. He didn't want to get thrown in again. As soon as he could, Joe excused himself to go inside and change.

"I think I will too." Tim chimed in.

"Follow me." Joe said. He liked the young man's company.

Tim retrieved the beach bag from Becky, then followed Joe into the house. Joe wondered if he should guide Tim to the hall bathroom, but instead, curiosity caused him to let the attractive young "woman" change clothes with him.

Joe's bed was covered with his new underwear purchases. Tim looked at the dainty garments and smiled.

"Kinda fun, huh." He said knowingly.

Joe looked at the young man, who was removing his suit top, exposing two of the firmest boobs, and perkiest nipples, Joe had ever seen.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to it." Joe admitted, staring unashamedly at Tim's chest.

"Me either." Tim agreed, realizing the older guy was mesmerized by his body.

"My god, Tim, you're beautiful." Joe exclaimed, trying to resist the urge to reach out and touch him.

"Yeah... I'm kinda turning into jail bait, ain't I." Tim giggled, sounding just like the young girl he appeared to be.

"You do look awful good..." Joe agreed. "I'm not nearly as horny as a used to be, but..."

"Yeah. Sometimes I just want to stand in front a mirror and stare at myself. I can't believe I look like this." Tim declared. "Becky probably thinks I'm nuts."

"She'd probably feel the same way if she woke up being a guy." Joe noted. "How's she taking it?"

"Oh... Real good, I think, once she realized it was really me here." Tim said, wiggling out of the bikini bottom. "But, she wants me to go home and tell Mom and Dad about this."

"They will have to find out, won't they?" Joe asked.

"Sure, I guess they will... But... I just don't know how to tell my dad. What will he think when he sees me this way?" Tim wondered.

"I guess he'll need to accept that he's got two daughters now." Joe said, grinning as he noticed Tim's closely trimmed "bikini area".

Tim looked down. Even in the low light of the bedroom, the red on his face was evident.

"The darn hair stuck out the sides of the suit when I pulled it on." He explained. "When Becky saw it, she insisted I do that. Hell, I hardly have hair anywhere else."

"Uh huh." Joe mused. "Don't worry, Linda did the same thing to me." He slipped his arms out of the one-piece, and pulled it down, exposing his own pubic area.

"Think about it, Joe!" Tim exclaimed, staring at Joe's nakedness. "We're really women now!"

"You just noticed that?" Joe teased. "Wait till we experience PMS."

"Don't even talk about stuff like that." Tim ordered. Becky started telling me about those things, and it gives me the creeps."

"Well, I've already been afflicted by a yeast infection." Joe declared. "Trust me, you don't want that!"

"How'd you get it?" Tim asked. "What does it feel like?"

"I don't really know how I got it." Joe answered. "But it's a killer itch, and then a itching, burning sensation, especially when you pee. And it's not in a place you can really scratch either." He said, grinning.

"Is it catching?" Tim wondered aloud.

"I don't think so." Joe declared. "Not unless we share clothes or underwear... Stuff like that."

Tim grabbed his swimsuit, and put it in his gym bag.

"Stay away from me then." Tim said simply.

"Don't worry." Joe laughed. "You may look cute enough to eat, but you don't seem to be my type."

"Yeah... I don't know what TYPE we are anymore." Tim agreed. "Joe..."

"What do you want, Tim?" Joe asked.

"Joe... Do you think you could come along when I go see my dad?" Tim asked.

"Why...? Why would you want that?" Joe asked.

"Joe... I don't really want him to see me like this... But if I do have to see him, I think it would help if he saw that I'm not the only one this happened to. If he could see you too..."

"Kind of a show-and-tell?" Joe asked, laughing.

"Well... I... I..." Tim stammered.

"Don't worry, I'd be pleased to see your father." Joe told him.

"Great! Great... I'm so glad... I didn't want to go there with Becky... It's so embarrassing... My sister..."

"Yeah... but now you CAN both wear stuff like this." Joe said, seductively pulling on a pair of white cotton briefs.

"My concession to that yeast infection." Joe declared, as he saw Tim watching him dress. But I'm wearing this on top." He picked up the silver satin bra.

Becky helped me pick my stuff." Tim announced, pulling a white cotton bra, and Calvin Kline white cotton hip-hugger panties from the gym bag.

"Did you get any like this?" Joe asked, holding out one of the satin thongs.

"No, but I think I'd like to get some." Tim answered. "I love the way they feel to the touch."

"It's almost worth going through the change, just to be able to wear 'em." Joe teased, taking the liberty to pat Tim's cute little butt as he walked past.

"Hey, watch it!" Tim said, showing mock irritation. "I'm not THAT kind of girl."

"Oh, yeah?" Joe asked seductively. "Just what kind of GIRL are you?"

"You'll never know." Tim moaned, pumping his pantied hips as if making love.

"These kids now-a-days." Joe clucked, as he watched Tim wiggle. "Dress 'em up, send them to school, and then they turn out like this."

"Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna use my A and P now that I'm like this, much less an Aero degree." Tim lamented.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked. "You're still the same person... Inside anyway. Maybe you're smaller, and not as strong, but an engineer don't need big muscles."

"Yeah, I can just see them hiring a little teenage girl..." Tim went on.

"Now, Tim... You have a job now, don't you?" Joe questioned. "Honeybone won't forget what happened, especially now that we have Norm Foster on our side."

"How long will he last, now that he's gone through this too?" Tim asked.

""You think they'll remove him, just because of what he's done?" Joe asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Tim explained. "I know how I feel now... I can see how he has become... He's gonna lose the tough edge he needs to stay at the top. He probably already lost it."

Joe considered what Tim was saying. Could he be right? It was probably true, in a way. Since the change, he himself was no longer as interested in work, in any type of competition. The daily grind had assumed a lower priority. If the same thing happened with Norm, maybe Tim was right.

"Well, even if it does happen, it hasn't happened yet." Joe told him. "Worry about problems you can do something about."

"Yeah, like how I look in shorts?" Tim asked, as he slipped his trim butt into white shorts.

Joe grinned as he watched Tim wiggling into his clothes.

"Uh-huh. That's right." Joe teased. "And trying to keep the tan lines in the right place." He pulled the bra away from his right breast slightly, so that the contrast in skin color was evident.

"You look pretty good too Joe." Tim said, as residual male instincts surfaced again.

"Since we have such a mutual admiration society, maybe we should plan some sort of lesbian love session." Joe teased.

"That's not how I'd think of it, even if that might be what it looked like." Tim answered in total seriousness.

"Do you feel the same way I do?" Joe asked cautiously. "I mean... Do you want to just throw me on the bed and touch me all over?"

"Oh God... Do I." Tim moaned. "Hey, I might look like little girl, but there's still a twenty-one-year-old guy in here." He rolled his eyes hack.

"Yeah, and those little tits are giving me a boner that should be ripping this underwear, instead of soaking it." Joe said, looking at Tim's bra covered chest, and rubbing two fingers along his own pubic area for emphasis.

"That happens to you too?" Tim asked. "Sometimes I think I'm peeing my pants."

"I think that's just normal now." Joe said. "At least from my vast experience with women."

"Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to screw with a guy?" Tim asked, lowering his voice.

Joe considered... Should he tell him?

"Yeah... I think it would be kind of interesting, don't you?" Joe said.

"Uh-huh." Tim responded. "When I see a guy now... Sometimes... I guess I've never noticed guy's muscles before. They make me feel funny... You know?"

"Yeah... I know exactly." Joe agreed. "I still get turned on by women... Almost like before, but guys... Yeah, I'd like to get one in bed right now."

"I don't think I'd know how to act." Tim decided. "I mean... I think I do... did Ok with girls... But getting it on with a guy..."

"I don't think it would be all that different." Joe advised, trying not to sound over qualified.

"I don't know..." Tim objected. "I know I sure feel more things... In more places, now." He cupped his breasts in his hands for emphasis.

"Those are the best looking boobs I have ever seen." Joe said, gazing at them adoringly.

"Yeah, but it kinda hurts sometimes." Tim responded. "They don't always feel like they look."

Joe thought about his own chest. That was an understatement.

"Seems the grass is always greener." Joe agreed.

They finished dressing, and went back out. Tim walked in front of Joe, and Joe couldn't take his eyes off Tim's tiny butt. He wondered what it would be like to spend some time in bed with this new Lolita. He tried to block the thought from his mind.

They spent the rest of the evening catching up on what was happening to them, discussing the things they found they liked, and disliked. Norm, who had only one day's experience, learned a lot. In return, he was a sounding board about company issues. Norm took it all in stride, offering explanations where he could, and sympathy where he couldn't. Solid friendships were formed.

Finally, it was after eleven, and time to wrap it up.

Eventually, only Linda, Jay, and Joe remained.

There was a silence in the air that was deafening.

Joe decided to try to break the ice.

"Linda... I would like... He started.

"Please, Joe. Don't start." Linda cut him off. "I'll be alright. I just have to get used to this, that's all."

"But... Don't you..."

"I'm going to bed." Linda declared, taking the trays, and some of the empty glasses inside.

Joe didn't know what to do.

He and Jay just sat there, in the dim light looking at each other.

"Women!" Jay said, obviously meant to tease Joe, and break the tension.

"This is weird, Jay." Joe declared.

"Yup. It sure is." Jay agreed. "But what can you expect? I mean... You are a woman now, too."

"Maybe... Maybe... But I don't think of myself like that. Not yet, anyway." Joe added.

"I guess I can't help but look at you that way." Jay announced. "You ARE physically, legally, and I think, mentally female now, if you ask me."

"You think I think like a girl?" Joe asked, showing surprise.

"Not always, but more and more." Jay told him.

"Hmmm..." Joe said softly, looking at the glistening water of the pool.

"But I like it." Jay said quickly. "Let's go get your mail, and maybe stop for a night cap."

Joe thought about it. He wasn't tired, and maybe it would be best if he left Linda alone for a while. He hoped Jay wouldn't try to jump his bones.

"Well... All right. I guess we can." Joe agreed.

Joe followed Jay to his Porsche. He seldom rode on the right side, and almost never like this, as a woman with a man.

They quickly arrived at Joe's apartment. Joe opened the door, and Jay went inside first, instinctively displaying a protective attitude.

Before going inside, Joe checked the mailbox, and found a number of letters, most of them junk mail. There were also a few magazines.

Joe then went directly into the kitchen, surveying the familiar surroundings.

"I guess I should move back here." Joe announced.

"What put the bee in Linda's bonnet?" Jay asked, voicing the obvious?

"Well, you don't think it might have had anything to do with the way you were clinging to me the entire evening?" Joe asked sarcastically.

"She's jealous?" Jay asked. "Jealous of me?"

"You are acting awfully strange." Joe declared.

Jay sat back, thinking.

"I guess I was acting a little juvenile." Jay admitted.

"Just a little." Joe agreed.

Joe got up and went to the refrigerator.

"How about a Mick." Joe asked.

"Sounds good." Jay agreed, taking to bottle Joe offered.

Jay twisted the cap off, and watched as Joe struggled with his.

"Give it here, young lady." Jay teased.

Joe finally admitted defeat and handed the bottle to Jay, an embarrassed grin on his face.

"You have no idea how embarrassing stuff like this is." Joe declared. "There are so many things..."

"Yeah, but there are so many new things you can do." Jay reminded him, winking.

"Nothing to be proud of." Joe objected.

"The heck there isn't." Jay said. "Joe, you're the best there is, in my vast experience."

It was only a matter of time before sex again became the topic, Joe thought.

"Besides that." Joe said.

"You're intelligent, beautiful, mechanically inclined, a fantastic pilot." Jay itemized. "Add, a terror in bed, and you total up as perfect to me, Joe Bates."

"I'm just your old drinking buddy." Joe declared, holding up the bottle.

"You're my old drinking buddy, but not just that." Jay corrected. "Not since you started to look like that."

"I can't help it." Joe reminded him.

"And I can't either." Jay said.

"Humfft!" Joe snorted. He could feel the beer warming him.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Jay asked carefully.

"By yourself?" Joe teased.

"No, with you." Joe said, sounding very serious.

"Jay, we can't do anything right now..."

"Let's just crawl into bed and see what happens." Jay persisted.

"I can't!" Joe said.

"Sure you can... "It's great. You know it is." Jay insisted.

"No. I can't. Not right now." Joe repeated.

Jay looked at Joe. Suddenly his eyes widened.

"You're getting your period!" Jay announced, as if discovering a great secret. "Fantastic! You're a complete woman, already!"

"Stop it... Stop it." Joe ordered. "I'm not having a period, thank God."

"So... What is it then?" Jay asked.

"Jay I tell you almost everything, can't I have any privacy?" Joe asked.

"Why can't we sleep together?" Jay asked simply. "I like it. You like it. It won't hurt anybody else. So what's the problem with that?"

Joe looked very embarrassed.

"I've got this problem..." He stammered.

"You're not getting a period, what else is there?" Jay wondered aloud.

"Jay... I've got a... a yeast infection." Joe blurted.

"A yeast infection?" Jay repeated.

"Yeah... You know... Itching, burning... Stuff like that." Joe said sarcastically.

"How did that happen?" Jay asked.

"I don't know... It just happens sometimes..." Joe explained. "I might have caught it from you!"

"I don't have one." Jay objected. "I don't think so, anyway... Can I even get one?"

"Well, there usually aren't any symptoms for males." Joe explained. "But I can tell you, it hurts like hell when you're like this."

"And you think you caught it from me?" Jay asked, taking what Joe said seriously.

"Oh, hell, I don't have any idea." Joe said softly. "Does Barb get them?"

"She don't tell me, if she does." Jay considered.

"Yeah I guess she wouldn't." Joe agreed. "It is a PRIVATE matter."

"So... What does it mean?" Jay asked, getting back to the subject.

"For me, it means, pain, suffering, and having to put medication inside there every day." Joe said. "For you, you'll have to stay out for at least a week, maybe more." He grinned.

"I'd sure like to take you right here." Jay said, looking at Joe's body with noticeable lust.

"Go over to Barb." Joe suggested. "Find out if she's got an infection." He laughed.

"I don't want to sleep with Barb." Jay said seriously. "I want to sleep next to you, even if we can't mess around."

Joe looked at him. It was obvious he meant it.

Joe took his hand.

"It might happen." He said softly.

Next: Chapter 42: Chapter48

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