
Published on Apr 17, 1996


44 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

As Joe entered Linda's house, he knew she wasn't home yet. Her car wasn't in the drive, and the door was locked. When he walked into the kitchen, he spotted a note on the board.

"Joe... Jay called. He wants you to call him when you get back. I'll be back around seven."

Glancing at the clock on the built-in oven, Joe saw it was after six. He took the clothes into his room, then sat on the bed to make the phone call to Jay. He wondered what Jay wanted. Probably just to talk. Jay was acting strangely since they had slept together. And why not? They had been buddies for years, and now, since Joe's amazing change, their relationship, by necessity, was taking a slightly different course. In a fit of passion and curiosity, Joe let Jay, or rather, Joe used Jay, to experiment with his body's amazing new gender.

But, in the process, it seemed that Jay had somehow become infatuated with Joe. Joe wasn't sure how to take it. Maybe he really had turned female... He certainly looked like woman... But, to have your best buddy developing the hots for you... That took some getting used to. Actually, it was fun when both of them were together, including in bed, but he wasn't ready for dating, or whatever... Not just yet anyway.

Dialing the number, Joe waited for the ring.

"Hello." Jay's voice answered.

"Jay? This is Joe."

"Hi, Joe." Jay responded. "Glad you finally called."

"What's up?" Joe asked.

"I was just wondering how you were doing." Jay said. "It's been more than a day. I just wanted to see you."

"Oh yeah?" Joe asked. What about?" He asked innocently.

"You know..." Jay went on, sounding embarrassed. "I just wanted to see you."

"I'm still at Linda's." Joe invited. "Why don't you come over this evening?"

"Sure." Jay responded immediately, sounding pleased. "When?"

"Any time." Joe answered. "I'm going to ask some of the guys... the girls... whatever... I'm going to invite Dave, Mike, Tim, and Norm over, too. Maybe we can have a little pool party. Linda will be home soon. You can invite Barb too, if you want." He added.

"No, not Barb." Jay said quickly.

"Why not?" Joe asked, though he knew. "Linda will be here."

"Yeah, maybe so... But I don't want her there."

"You're still going with her, aren't you?" Joe continued.

"I haven't been out with her since the last time we were together at Linda's."

"You should get out more." Joe teased.

"I'll be over in a few minutes." Jay said.

"I'll be here." Joe said simply.

They hung up, and Joe dialed Dave's number. Dave's wife Cindy answered the phone.

"Hi, Cindy. Joe here. Is Dave around?"

"Hi, Joe." Cindy answered cheerfully. "Yeah, he's here. I'll get him. How you been doing?"

"Not bad, I guess, considering." Joe said. "How's Dave taking it now?"

"About the same." Cindy said sadly. "He's really down."

"How about you two coming over this evening?"

"I don't know, Joe. I don't think he'll want to."

"Well, get him to the phone then."

"OK, but I don't think it'll help."

Cindy went to get Dave.

"Hi, Joe. What's going on?" Dave's now very feminine voice responded.

"What are you doing tonight, old buddy?"

"I, ahh... I... I'm pretty busy, Joe."

"Busy doing what?" Joe asked.

"Joe, I don't want to come over." Dave admitted. "I don't want to go anywhere."

"Listen up, Dave." Joe ordered. "You need to get out. Cindy needs to get out."

"I can't."

"The hell you can't!" Joe insisted. "You need to! It's no help to anybody if you turn into a hermit."

"It's not that easy, Joe." Dave countered.

"Yeah, I know." Joe agreed. "But it'll get easier if you let other people help."

"I'm not ready to go out in public."

"This is hardly public!" Joe corrected. "I'm talking here, at Linda's. Me, you, Mike, and Tim. Norm Peterson, too."

"How's Norm doing?" Dave asked.

"Real good." Joe answered. "I took him shopping this afternoon."

"Who else will be there?"

"I invited my pal, Jay." Joe answered. "Nobody else."

"Well... Maybe... I'll need to check if Cindy's mom can come over and stay with the kids."

"That's the idea!" Joe encouraged. "Bring your swimsuit."

"Swimsuit?" Dave objected. "I can't wear a damn swimming suit. I don't even have one that fits me now."

"Then get one!" Joe ordered. "Have Cindy help. She will, if you just ask."

"Yeah, I know that, but.... It just isn't that easy, Joe."

"Do it!"

"We'll see..."

"I'll see you around eight or so, OK?" Joe asked.

"OK I'll be there when I can."


Joe finished and called Mike.

He heard Mike/Michelle's low but feminine voice.


"Michelle? Joe here."

"Hi, Joe!" Mike responded. Mike had already announced he wanted to change his name to Michelle, but it was still hard for Joe to think of his friend by that name.

"What you doing this evening?" Joe asked immediately.

"Oh, nothing, I guess." Michelle said. "I was watching television."

"Well, bring a swimsuit, I'm inviting all of us here to Linda's, sort of a pool party. I'll furnish the drinks, chips, and dip."

"Who else will be there?" Michelle asked.

"Just you, me, Dave, Linda, Norm Peterson, my friend Jay... I'm planning to phone Tim next."

"Dave's going to come?" Michelle said, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, I talked him into it." Joe said.

"That's good." Michelle mused. "I'm worried about Dave."

"Me too." Joe agreed. "That's one reason why I think we need to get together."

"Yeah, I think it'll be a good idea. I'll be there. What time?"

"Oh, any time after eight, or so. Nothing formal... bring a suit if you want to go into the pool."

"What, no skinny-dip?"

"I won't complain, if that's what you want to do."

"No... I bought a new suit, and I've really been hoping for another chance to wear it." Michelle said. "See you at eight."

"Eight." Joe repeated.

Hanging up, Joe looked up Tim's number.

The voice that answered was feminine too, but it wasn't Tim's.


"Hello. This is Joe Bates. Is Tim there?" Joe asked, wondering who he might be speaking to.

"Just a moment."

"Hi Joe, what's going on?" Tim's voice came on the line.

"Hi, Tim." Joe said. "I was just calling to invite you over here for a little get together. I'm at Linda's... She's got a pool, so bring a suit if you want."

"When is it?"

"Tonight... Around eight."

"Eight? Yeah, I guess I can be there."

Joe considered.

"You can bring a friend if you like..."

The way Joe spoke confused Tim.

"What do you mean..."

"You can bring your friend if you like." Joe repeated.

"Oh, you mean my sister?" Tim responded, realizing that Joe had been confused by the voice on the phone. "Becky's here to help me with all this."

"She can come along if you want her to." Joe repeated. "It might even help if she could meet us. I've invited Dave, Mike, and Norm Peterson."

"How's Norm doing?"

"Perfect. The change was complete, just like us."

"I don't know why anyone would volunteer for something like this." Tim thought out loud.

"You just have to meet him." Joe said. "Norm's a good person."

"OK, I'll be there. I really don't know about Becky though."

"She's more than welcome."

"I'll see you in a little while."


It was set. Every one Joe invited was planning to come. It would be good to see everybody and learn what they were doing. That was impossible at work. There was simply no privacy, and that's really what they needed right now, privacy, and maybe an understanding shoulder to cry on. Time to be themselves.

Joe got off the bed and pulled off his top. He unsnapped his bra, and then dumped the store sack of underwear on the bed. Selecting the gray silk bra, he slipped his arms through the soft straps. He pulled it on and fastened the back clasps. It fit perfectly. He went to the mirror to examine his profile, pleased with what he observed. The gray contrasted perfectly with the tanned skin and hair, even as short as that was. He remembered the matching panties. He just had to try them. In spite of the yeast infection, he wanted to see and feel what it was like to wear them. He pulled the cotton panties off, removed the panti-liner from the little crotch, and flipped the moist pad in the trash can.

He held up the tiny silk underpants to about eye level. They were so soft, so smooth, so feminine... And they were his... Lowering them to his knees, he stepped into the silky garment and pulled it to his hips. They fit perfectly. Yeah... He rubbed his soft, growing buttocks. He looked down at his body... the sleekness of his crotch, with its tiny, feminine bulge. Joe was becoming quite pleased with his new look.

But enough. Time to decide what to wear. He wanted to wear a swimsuit, but he knew it would be best to stay out of the water until the infection was overcome. That could be a few more days. Anything he wore now would need to be washed in very hot water or it was likely he would be re-infected the next time wore them. Joe certainly didn't want a recurrence of the infection. One experience with that was quite enough.

Joe went back out to the bedroom to get his new suit, when he heard Linda enter the kitchen door. He'd ask her... She'd know.

Joe stood waiting in the bedroom until Linda looked in.

"Hi, Joe" She greeted, and saw Joe standing in his new silk underwear.

"Good evening." Joe acknowledged.

"I see you bought some new clothes." Linda said. "They look good on you."

"Thanks. I like 'em." Joe said, looking down at the bra and panty he wore.

"Linda, I've got a question for you." Joe continued.

"Sure, Joe, what?"

"Linda, you know about my infection, right?" Joe said haltingly.

"Yes... A yeast infection..." Linda said, grinning widely as she thought of the irony of the situation.

"That's right." Joe said. "I've invited everyone over here this evening, about eight. Is that OK?"

"Sure, you know it is." Linda answered.

"Well, I planned on a sort of pool party... You know..." Joe stammered.

"That's a good idea." Linda agreed.

"Well, I just realized maybe I shouldn't go in the pool with this infection, what do you think?" Joe continued.

Linda looked into Joe's eyes, and then down his body, stopping at his crotch. Her grin widened even more.

"I don't know Joe." She said. "Hmmm... maybe you shouldn't. I know you shouldn't walk around all evening with a wet suit."

"I just bought this one." Joe said, holding up the new swimsuit.

"It's very nice." Linda said. "I think I'd wear it if I were you."

"Would you?" Joe asked.

"Sure. Go ahead, just don't sit around in it after you get it wet. If you take a dip, change your clothes immediately afterwards." Linda suggested.

"Yeah, I think I will." Joe decided.

"When are they coming?" Linda asked.

"I suggested about eight." Joe answered. "You can make it, right?"

"Sure." Linda answered. "I'd like to see how everybody is doing."

"A freak show in your own back yard." Joe blurted sarcastically.

"Joe. Why did you say that?" Linda objected, obviously offended.

"I don't know." Joe answered. "It just seems like that... Everyone wants to see how we're doing... I really think it's just prurient interest."

Linda looked at Joe.

"I admit it is an interesting situation," she admitted. "But I've known you and most of your friends for a few years. I'm sympathetic to what happened to you."

"I know." Joe agreed. "But sometimes... Sometimes I feel like I'm in a fishbowl. We all need some privacy."

"Would you rather I weren't here?" Linda asked.

"No. No, not at all." Joe answered. "Actually, I want you here. You deserve to be here."

"Thank you." Linda said. "I hope you always feel that way."

Joe went onto the bathroom, removing his underwear as he walked. As he was stepping into the swimsuit, Linda peeked into the partially open door.

"Should I make something?" She asked, smiling when she saw what Joe was doing.

"No. I think just some chips and some drinks will be good." Joe answered. "I'll take care of everything. You just get ready."

"Should I wear a swim suit too?" Linda asked.

"Sure. If you want." Joe said. "You don't have to, though."

"That looks good on you." Linda complimented.

"Thanks." Joe said smiling, slightly embarrassed. "I thought it was time that I got my own suit."

"What? No tiny, skin tight bikini?" Linda teased.

Joe adjusted the sleek one-piece suit and looked at himself. He grinned.

"Not this time." Joe said. "How does it look?" he asked, pirouetting around so Linda could get a good look.

"As usual, you're totally gorgeous." Linda announced, sounding jealous.

"It's not too loose on top?" Joe continued, arching his back slightly, emphasizing his bust line.

"No, of course not." Linda said. "Everything fits just fine. You look quite nice."

"Thanks. I really appreciate your opinion." Joe said honestly. "I haven't seen the others, but I know Norm looks pretty good."

"You guys..." Linda said. "What is happening? Are there going to be no real men left?"

"I don't think you have anything to worry about." Joe said. "Not everybody wants to make the change, I'm sure about that."

"I don't understand it." Linda continued. "Men have it so good. Why would any male want to take on the burden of being a woman."

"What do you mean, burden." Joe objected. "I've had the chance to see a little bit of life from both sides now, and I really don't think women have it all that bad."

"Just a minute now, Joe." Linda warned. "Try to survive on a typical woman's wage... Refuse some of that engineer's paycheck... Try having a kid and still keep your job."

Joe thought about what she was saying. She was probably right. He wondered how Matheney would react if he accidentally became pregnant and had to take time off. Pregnant... Hah! That thought made him shiver, and yet the idea was intriguing someday... maybe...

"I know... You're right." Joe agreed, not wanting to argue anyway.

Joe went into his bedroom and found the new big T cover-up. He slipped it on, slightly regretting that he had to hide the attractive, sleek, swimsuit. He looked in the mirror. Even in the loose, form hiding shirt, he didn't look at all like a guy anymore. Just a young girl with very short hair.

He left the bedroom and walked to the kitchen. He could feel the suits snugness on his hips as he walked. Whenever such sensations were amplified like this, Joe could really feel the changes his body was undergoing. His hips... The whole pelvis actually... continued to get wider, more female-like. Nothing he could do about it. Nothing he wanted to do about it. Not anymore.

As his body changed, Joe's mind continued to change too... He was becoming more tolerant, more accepting of his strange condition. Joe Bates was actually becoming the woman he appeared to be.

But to Joe, it wasn't quite as obvious. He knew he was changing. That was clearly evident just by looking in a mirror. And he could tell something was happening with his mind too, but that wasn't as obvious, nor as constant. Joe felt his mood switch almost randomly. He now experienced strange emotional swings. Sometimes he couldn't help weeping. Just crying like a baby. Other times, he felt strangely serene. His feminized body, with its new gonads that were flooding Joe's system with a new mix of hormones, in a new ratio, causing Joe to sometimes undergo a pleasant feeling of well being natural women also experience, whether they realize it or not. It was a good sensation, and Joe liked it. It was something a normal man could never know.

Joe carried some things from the kitchen to the two tables at the pool. It was still quite early, and the sun was still low on the horizon. Linda was indoors at the stereo and suddenly Joe heard low music coming from the outdoor speakers.

Joe was arranging the chairs around the tables when Linda came out. She had changed clothes, and now wore a terry robe over a swimsuit. She looked very attractive, and Joe could feel his body become aroused as he watched her walk along the pool edge.

He didn't need to contend with a bulging erection anymore, but as his little clitoris stiffened, Joe also became very aware the rest of his vulva, and nipples, as those parts of him became aroused. He felt so much more body aware now. It was generally good, but so different. He began to fondle his soft breast as if needing to verify he was really awake. This whole ordeal could sometimes be so dreamlike,

Joe tried to move one of the lounge chairs by picking it up. Ten days ago he could have lifted it with one hand. Now it was very difficult, even with both arms. The changes had greatly reduced his strength, especially in his arms and upper body. That was a strange sensation too, to be so weak. As he moved the lounge by dragging it, a flush of embarrassment came over him.

Linda saw Joe struggling with the chair and came to help him.

"Let me help with that." She exclaimed.

"I can do it!" Joe snapped, obviously annoyed at his inability to perform such a simple act.

"I'm sorry. It looked like you were having a difficult time." Linda continued. "It doesn't hurt to ask for help." She smiled, suddenly realizing Joe was again having to come to grips with his new femininity.

Joe looked at her. She wasn't trying to rub it in... She wasn't making fun of him. She was just trying to help him adjust.

But a faint trace of machismo still remaining, he couldn't help but resent it.

He returned her smile.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "It just gets to me sometimes."

"You're doing OK, Joe." Linda said, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Joe turned and put his arms around her, hugging her tightly. She returned his embrace.

"This is so scary sometimes." Joe said. "I feel so vulnerable. Needing help, but not wanting it."

"I'm always here when you need me." Linda reminded him, as they held each other tightly.

"And I really appreciate it." Joe said. "I may not act like it sometimes, but I do."

When they released their embrace, Joe noticed the chilled bottle of white wine on the table Linda had placed there.

"Would you like some of this?" Joe asked, pouring some for himself.

"That would be nice." Linda agreed.

Joe handed her a glass and they touched the rims as they looked into each others eyes. This beautiful woman next to him was so understanding, so loving. He was so fortunate she stayed as he went through this. Why did she do it? Sure, she probably loved him when he was a guy, but the way he was now, the way he looked, easily as feminine as her, why did she stay? Joe was just glad she did.

"I'm glad I'll get a chance to see your friends this evening." Linda said. "I'm so impressed with how you've taken what has happened to you, I guess I'm curious how they might be getting on"

"They're making do." Joe said, grinning. "Even if their outies have turned into innies."

Joe said it just to tease Linda. He couldn't help but be reminded of some of the conversations, or arguments, they used have about how women were or were not discriminated against. It was a bit ironic that now they were both in the same boat.

"You poor things." Linda agreed.

Joe and Linda sat at the table, enjoying each other's company, and making small talk, until they were interrupted by someone opening the gate from the drive.

Joe looked up to see Jay walking along the pool towards them.

"Hello...ladies." Jay said, haltingly. He wasn't sure how Joe preferred to be addressed, even though he was amazingly attractive sitting next to Linda. Jay didn't know what caused it, but it was evident he couldn't help being attracted to Joe.

"Hi, Jay." Joe said, smiling at Jay's awkwardness concerning his new status.

"You look very nice tonight, Linda." Jay complimented.

"Why, thank you, Jay." Linda said.

"And you do too, Joe." Jay continued.

"Yeah, thanks." Joe replied. "It was still difficult to be treated like a woman.

"Are none of the others here yet?" Jay asked. "Don't tell me I'm the first one here."

"That's right." Joe answered. "The first guy here... No... I guess you'll be the ONLY guy here tonight."

"Who's coming, did you say?" Jay asked, ignoring Joe's sarcasm.

"You, Dave, Mike, Tim, and Norm." Joe replied. "I'm not sure, but maybe Dave will bring Cindy, and Tim might even bring his sister. Becky, I think her name was."

"I was really surprised to hear about Norm." Jay said.

"You'll be even more surprised when you see him now." Joe added. "He's turned female, but also so much younger looking too."

"So are you, old buddy." Jay reminded him.

Joe smiled. That was true enough.

"Yeah, but Norm went from, Oh... sixty or so, to, maybe thirty-ish." He said.

"A real fountain of youth." Jay mused.

"And, all you have to give up is your normal life." Joe added.

"You seem to be getting along pretty good." Jay offered.

"You don't have to live it." Joe considered. "I can give you a chance to try it, if you like."

"Thanks. I think I'll take your word." Jay said.

"Some wine?" Linda offered.

"Thanks." Jay replied, holding the glass as Linda poured.

"What do you think of all this?" Jay asked Linda.

"I don't know." Linda replied. "It's quite intriguing, but I can't help but be sympathetic for these guys."

Jay looked over at Joe. He grinned.

"It's really hard to believe Joe there used to be my old buddy." He said.

"I still am!" Joe countered.

"Yeah, I know, but... Look at yourself. I mean..."

Jay didn't have to say it. They all knew. Joe had become so female, so attractive looking, it was hard to accept that he was really a guy with genetic damage.

"But I'm still me." Joe repeated. "I'm still the same person inside."

"It's the outside I'm talking about." Jay said. "Joe... You're... You're too much."

"Skin and bones." Joe said, looking at Linda. He was feeling extremely self concous sitting there. After all, he experienced sex with each of them, in very different circumstances each time.

"Very different skin and bones." Jay added.

"Not so different, really." Joe said. "Just a few subtleties.

"An interesting way to put it." Linda added. "Subtleties that affect your whole lifestyle...your whole life."

"If you let them." Joe countered.

Just then, they heard a car engine in the drive. Someone else was joining the party.

Next: Chapter 39: Chapter43

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