
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

Joe quickly drove to work, hoping Dr. Krell would already be there. He couldn't wait to submit himself to yet another dreaded physical exam so that he could seek relief from the intensely irritating itch that was bothering him since yesterday.

Entering the parking lot, Joe parked in his spot and went inside. He wore a dark blue denim shirt-dress, and it was actually a bit warm for Phoenix weather. He purchased the dress during the trip to St. Paul, and he liked it. He really felt a little strange wearing a dress to work, but by doing so, and wearing as little as possible underneath, he felt he was attempting to follow Karen's recommendation for loose clothing. In addition, it did serve to make him feel more feminine, too. He found that to be fun, in a weird sort of way. No one knew that under the long, denim skirt he wore only a silky half slip and light blue, cotton, bikini panties, those protected from the messy medication by an undetectable Carefree Panty Shield. He had left the dreaded pantyhose at home. Though he did like the wonderfully silky feel of his legs when he wore them, they were just too hot and inconvenient. He wasn't wearing regular nylon stockings either, just white sweat socks with a tiny light blue stripe along the folded over tops. The look might not be fashionable, but it sure was comfortable. Instead of heels this morning, Joe chose instead the comfortable, familiar Reeboks. He had consulted Linda, and she agreed his selection wouldn't look all that out of place.

Joe was glad Linda stuck around to help him. When he informed her of this latest malady, she tried her best to suppress a laugh.

Could it have possibly been more bizarre? This guy, her guy, only last week had been a fairly typical, somewhat chauvinist male, who often argued that women generally complained too much, and how they actually had it pretty easy. Now, there he was, in a little blue terry romper, amazingly firm, braless breasts bouncing with his every movement, complaining of an intense genital itch. Short hair was about all that actually remained of his former masculine appearance. And Joe tried his best to conceal that with a more feminine sort of "page-boy" cut.

Actually Linda was quite impressed by how well Joe seemed to adapt to his unusual predicament. It was evident he was often embarrassed, usually self-conscious, and sometimes he just didn't know how to act in the new role in which he found himself. But throughout it all, he never complained. She saw him depressed, and even in tears a few times, as hormones played with his brain and emotions, but even then, he didn't really gripe. He seemed to face each day as a personal challenge, and tackled each new problem with a very open mind and a strong sense of humor. She decided that Joe accepted looking female much better than she would, if she woke up one morning, finding herself inside a masculinized body.

Not that Joe found everything about the situation unpleasant. It was clear he often enjoyed the new characteristics his body had acquired. Surprisingly, he actually seemed to like wearing feminine clothes. He even liked lingerie. And with an unbelievably young looking, sexy, totally female physique, he looked very attractive in them, too.

Of the two, Joe, as a woman, was easily the better looking. Not that Linda was in any way unattractive... but as the strange change continued to work its magic, Joe seemed to get younger looking, and even prettier. Now, it seemed he didn't appear a day over eighteen, and when the two of them were together, Joe looked more like Linda's younger sister, easily ten years her junior, even though he was really a few months older.

As young as Joe now looked, his taste in clothing, at least his outerwear, was still easily that of a thirty or maybe even forty year old. He was quite conservative, at least compared to Linda, but that was probably because he was trying to adjust to his new shape as well as find the best way to conceal it.

His conservatism didn't extend to underclothes, however. Linda was actually amazed at some of the things Joe bought for himself. Though he did buy some plain cotton underpants, he seemed to prefer silky, colorful nylon panties, briefer the better. He wasn't much into lace or frilly things. He especially liked wearing this unbelievably tiny, black, thong bikini, with a matching bra that really emphasized that firm bust. Linda knew Joe had always enjoyed it whenever she wore clothes like that, at least when he knew, but she just didn't like the way those thongs made her hips look. But Joe certainly didn't have that problem, and apparently liked them enough to put up with the uncomfortable "string-in-the-butt" feeling.

Last night however, Joe was obviously in misery. When Linda came home, he was sitting in the TV room, wearing only a terrycloth romper, and as soon as he could bring it up, he started talking about yeast infections. He asked if she had ever experienced one.

It was not a subject they had even discussed before. At first, she didn't comprehend what he was getting at, but it soon became evident that he was methodically interrogating her to find out how much first hand knowledge she had about the malady. It was so like him. When Joe encountered difficulty of any kind, he always studied the problem tirelessly, soon becoming expert on the subject. This latest problem apparently was no different.

Linda carefully admitted that, yes, she had experienced a yeast infection before, though not recently. He then inquired how she got it. She said she wasn't sure about that. Then he asked her what she did to make it go away, and how long it took. As he described the symptoms, she decided he must have been reading one of her magazines. But before long, it came out that the symptoms he described were his own. The discharge, the burn with urination, and the incessant itching. Yeah, she knew what that felt like. She easily sympathized with him.

Linda was about to offer a fresh tube of Gynolotramine, but when Joe said Karen told him he would need to see Dr. Krell in the morning, she decided to not mention she had it. If Joe knew that was in her medicine cabinet, he would probably try self medication. If there was something else wrong, it would be better to wait till morning. Besides, she thought he looked kind of cute, rubbing his smooth, hairless legs together, secretly scratching his pubic area when he figured she wasn't looking. But she understood...the burning itch was indeed miserable.

They spent a quiet, platonic, evening together watching television, Joe excusing himself and going to bed early. He was plainly in no mood for company, so Linda slept alone once again.

The next morning, Joe dressed, but spoke very little. Linda had wanted to ask about the new shower fixture in her bath, but forgot. When he came into her room once, it was to ask her opinion of his choice of clothes. He was obviously trying to dress lightly, but his choice of shoes... Those Reeboks seemed just a little too casual for her, but she decided that it would be OK for him. Linda knew Joe really didn't like women's footwear all that much, and she didn't blame him...she didn't either. She told him he looked acceptable in a plain, but quite sophisticated, faded blue cotton shirt-dress. Of course, it did seem that Joe looked acceptable in about every thing he wore now. Joe had bought the dress while he and Jay were in Minnesota, and it had been another surprise to her. Joe seemed to suddenly acquire amazingly good fashion taste, as well as an excellent color sense. Sure, the Reeboks would do for work, she told him. Joe seemed pleased, and left for work after downing a glass of orange juice and a slice of toast with grape jelly.

When he arrived at work, Joe entered the main building and then went immediately to the Avionics Lab. As he hoped, Dr. Krell was already there. He was sitting at a desk, writing on a pad. There was only one other person in the room, and that male lab assistant was over by the primates, feeding them.

Joe walked over to the little doctor, who glanced up as he arrived.

"Good morning, Joe," Dr. Krell said cheerfully. "You're here kind of early are you not?"

"Yeah, I guess I am." Joe said. "I wanted to talk to you, doc."

"What's the matter Joe?"

"I... I got a new problem, doc," Joe stammered. "Karen said I should see you."

"Yes? What can I help you with?"

"Well, I... aahh, yesterday, in the afternoon, I noticed that... aahh, when I had to really burned there. And then afterward, and ever since... Man, really itches. Bad. And I have this...this...discharge. It's white and sort of creamy looking. Karen thinks it's a yeast infection."

Dr. Krell looked at Joe and smiled. "Yes. It does sound like it might be that. We'll need go over to the clinic. I better take a look at you."

"Yeah, it seems like everybody wants to do that these days."

"It's the only way we can help," Dr. Krell said apologetically.

"When do you want to go over there?"

"My, you are anxious, aren't you?"

"God doc, you should feel this. It's driving me absolutely nuts."

"It looks like the cage would give me that chance, assuming I would want such an opportunity," Dr. Krell joked.

Joe looked at the little man and smiled. This wasn't funny. "Try it, you might like it," he teased seductively.

"Yes, but I hear it itches a lot," the doctor added, with a sly grin.

"Yeah. It really does."

Dr. Krell slowly rose from the seat. "Well, would you like to ride with me, or may I ride with you?"

"We can take my car," Joe said, turning to follow the little man out the door. He wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

They drove to Dr. Krell's office near Hillcrest Hospital. When they arrived, Dr. Krell advised him to park in his private space. They entered the back entrance, and were the only persons there. Dr. Krell's office staff wouldn't arrive for another hour.

Dr. Krell opened one of the examining rooms and motioned Joe inside. "Please remove your skirt and underwear, then lie on the table. I'll be back in a few minutes," he said, falling into his more familiar doctor-patient manner. He left the room and closed the door.

The shirtdress was one-piece, so Joe reluctantly decided he had to remove the whole garment. He stood there in bra and panties for a moment, then slid the undies down and stepped out of them. Leaving the sweat socks on, Joe hopped up on the table, then waited for Dr. Krell to return before he "assumed the position".

When the doctor returned, Joe grudgingly lay back on the examining table. The gynecological examination position was hardly the most dignified, and this was the first time he wasn't automatically given a sheet for a drape. But, at least, this way he could actually watch Dr. Krell as he worked.

Dr. Krell put on surgical gloves, then held a small plastic speculum to warm it.

"You really have to use that thing again?" Joe asked.

"I'm afraid so, Joe. You'll just have to get accustomed to it."

The examination only took a moment. Dr. Krell removed the gloves, and spoke. "You can get dressed again, and then come out to my desk."

Joe quickly dressed and rejoined Dr. Krell.

Dr. Krell was preparing a prescription when he arrived.

Joe saw his medical records open on the desk. Dr. Krell had entered "Acute Vaginitis" next to today's date.

"It certainly looks like Candida Albicans," Dr. Krell said. "Just an overabundance of the normal flora of the vagina. Of course, there are a number of over-the-counter products that would work just fine. I think you'll find this works even better. Just follow these instructions. Use the entire prescription, even if the symptoms happen to subside before it's gone. Use it all. And some of this topical ointment will help reduce the existing irritation. It'll probably feel a lot better," he smiled as he handed Joe a small tube of Benadryl.

"Thanks, doc." Joe said, taking the medication and the prescription.

"One other thing. Have you... Joe, could it be that you have recently become... er... sexually active... with a normal male, perhaps?"

"Well, I aahh... Why do you ask?"

"It really is none of my business, I know, but each of you guys are very special, and I would like to be kept in the loop, if I can. You really don't have to tell me anything, you know," Dr. Krell explained, displaying uncharacteristic embarrassment.

"Yeah, I know." Joe admitted. "You're going out of your way to help us, I know it, and I appreciate it, I really do."

"Have you become sexually active?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I have." Joe admitted. "How did you know? Is there a problem with that?"

"Absolutely no problem," Dr. Krell said. "In fact, it might not be a bad idea, if it makes you feel more comfortable with what has happened. But you must be sure to use adequate protection if you decide to copulate with a male. Just don't forget what I told you. I would hope our research wouldn't be complicated by a pregnancy. Not yet, anyway." He looked at Joe and smiled.

"How did you know?

"As I'm sure you know, you had a quite intact hymen when I first examined you. Now you do not. I was very careful to maintain integrity, but either you, or maybe someone else, was apparently not so careful." He grinned wider.

Joe just smiled and said nothing.

"Well, did you find sex to be satisfying?"

"Yes, I guess I did." Joe answered. "It really was. Did I get this from doing it?"

"Oh, there's no real way to know that," Dr. Krell answered. "It could, or it might just be due to the extra irritation of the new vaginal walls. Perhaps you might ask your partner." He smiled.

"That's a lot harder than you think." Joe said. "I don't know how I could even bring the subject up."

"Joe, I've been dealing with gender dysphoric patients for almost twenty years now." Dr. Krell leaned back in his swivel chair as he spoke. "I must have worked with two hundred male-to-female individuals. I guess almost a third to one-half of them eventually went on to seek surgery. Most of those are now living relatively normal lives as women. After a few years, it's difficult even for me to remember that most of them once possessed male genitalia."

He put the tips of his fingers together in front of his face. "But I must tell you, I've never seen anyone who seemed to adjust to her new life so quickly and easily. By any chance, did you ever consider gender counseling before this happened to you?"

Joe looked at the little man. What was he saying... Was Dr. Krell telling him that he suspected he might have been a closet transsexual? No way.

"Gender counseling?" Joe repeated. "You think I may have WANTED to be like this? Even before it happened to me? Come on, doc."

"It really isn't so far fetched, you know," Dr. Krell explained. "I personally suspect that two to five percent of the population may have problems in this area."

"Five percent of the world would actually prefer to be the opposite sex?" Joe said incredulously.

"At times, perhaps. I've seen more variations on this than you might expect. Don't tell me you never considered what it would be like to become the opposite sex, at least sometime in your life?"

"Sure, I did. I would guess about everybody does that. But just wondering what it might be like is a far cry from wanting to alter your body surgically. You have to admit that."

"True. True," Dr. Krell agreed. "But if you could try it... change for a definite length of time, and then change back... Almost anyone would probably like to try that. Surely it would certainly change the relationship between the sexes... If you could selectively become whichever gender you wished, any time you wanted."

"You're talking about the cage, aren't you?" Joe was surprised at how easily Dr. Krell spoke of people changing gender at will. He knew, from personal experience, there was a lot more to it than just deciding which closet to get your clothes from, or which bathroom to use."

"Exactly." Dr. Krell admitted. "I see the Cage as the ultimate answer to gender dysphoria."

"As long as you're a guy who want's to look like a girl," Joe interjected. "A young looking girl, at that."

"It's only a matter of time," Dr. Krell continued. "I'm sure we'll eventually break the entire genetic code. And when we do that, we can fix all sorts of problems, and probably prevent or even reverse aging too, as an added benefit.

"How long will this go on? Will I just continue getting younger and younger looking, until I'm an infant?"

"Well, I certainly can't know for sure. We still don't know exactly what's happening. But I really doubt that you'll regress to an infant any time soon," Dr. Krell laughed.

"Why not?" Joe wondered.

"Look at what has happened till now," Dr. Krell explained. "Sure, each one of you has experienced some reduction in the natural aging process. But remember, you haven't actually become younger... You're a mature adult, albeit, a rather young looking mature adult. I anticipate you will continue to maintain a post-puberty physical appearance."

"Well, that's a relief, I guess. But what do you base that opinion on?"

"Of course, you know we've been closely monitoring your blood makeup. Since the genetic changes occurred, your hormone levels have changed. When I first examined you, your blood had testosterone levels identical to those of a typical male. As I'm sure you are quite aware, they've been dropping ever since, and only now have they started to level off. Of course, there is wide variance, even among "normal" males and females, but now, your present testosterone-estrogen ratio is within the typical range for genetic females. An adult woman, not an immature adolescent. I think it's quite unlikely your appearance will ever become adolescent. Don't worry. You'll probably be keeping that sexy figure...for the immediate future anyway," he grinned, as he ran his eyes down Joe's curves.

Until that moment, Joe had no reason to suspect that Dr. Krell had even noticed his new shape. Joe tended to think of Dr. Krell only as a doctor, not as a "man".

"The changes have stabilized, then?" Joe asked, feeling embarrassment warm his face.

"Well, perhaps not quite stabilized. Not yet. But close." Dr. Krell answered sympathetically. "Very close. Did you happen to notice any regression overnight?"

Joe thought about it. He really hadn't noticed much change since the day before. It was the first time there was little or no change in that length of time. But his breasts, they often felt sensitive, even somewhat painful, especially in the morning... Now he could feel them...the nipples actually...they made every step a jolt. Was this the way it should feel?

Maybe he really was stabilizing. Could it be he would soon be able to get on with his life? And learn to adjust to being, or at least, looking like a teenage girl. He realized that he no longer continuously yearned for his male appearance to return. Sure, he missed his masculinity, but as he gradually became accustomed to his still changing body, he found he was missing maleness less and less.

"Joe?" Dr. Krell broke him away from his thoughts.

"Oh... No. No, I don't think there were any changes last night," Joe stammered. "At least not that I could tell."

"Well, No one can tell better than you, I think," Dr. Krell smiled.

"I think everything is the same as yesterday."

"Good. That's good." Dr. Krell said. "I guess we can go back to the Honeybone Lab now."

"Yeah. Yeah. OK. Aahh, doc?"

"Yes, Joe?" Dr. Krell looked at Joe. He could tell something else was troubling him.

"Doc, boobs... I know they're probably going to hurt a little as they develop... they said that in San Diego... But the last couple of days... This morning especially..." Joe didn't know how to voice his concerns.

"Are your breasts causing discomfort?"

Discomfort? What would you think? How would you describe the feeling of embarrassment of suddenly, virtually overnight, developing a chest as voluptuous as your fiance? But he knew what the man meant. "Yeah. I guess they are. It's not too bad I guess... But now they even hurt when I walk. Seems I can feel every step I make."

Dr. Krell smiled knowingly. "Joe, your body is simply awash with estrogens. Every time we perform another blood group, testosterone levels are lower, and the estrogens higher. That's causing your glands to make inordinate amounts of prolactin, the chemical that generates and initiates changes in breast tissue, the milk ducts, among other things. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do right now but wait for everything to stabilize. But it seems that everything is happening very quickly. I think eventually you will become cyclic, and your prostaglandin E will work to level everything off, just as a normal female. For now though, if it hurts too much, take some ibuprofen, that's Advil, or Nuprin. I'm told that running cold water over the breasts eases the discomfort somewhat. Maybe try an alternating hot and cold shower. And get yourself a good support brassier." He smiled at the look of embarrassment on Joe's face when he mentioned the last item.

"Great." Joe said sarcastically. Now I'm even turning into some kind of "earth mother," he thought to himself, gently rubbing his tender left breast with an open palm.

As they went to the car, Dr. Krell locked his offices. It was still about a half-hour till the staff would arrive. When they reached Honeybone, Joe drove right to the guard gate.

"If I can drop you off here, I'm going to run to the pharmacy," Joe explained. "I want to get that prescription right away." He grinned as he felt his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Yes. That's probably a good idea. Are you coming back to the lab later?"

"Yeah, probably," Joe said, without commitment.

"Well, I'm sure that you can do as you like. If Jim asks, I'll tell him you'll be away for a while."

"Thanks, doc."

The door closed and Joe drove out of the lot. He went directly to the Med-Ex drug store and went inside. Handing the prescription to the female pharmacist, Joe waited impatiently as she went to retrieve the product.

When the young woman brought the small box containing the tube, she placed it in a little sack and stapled it. Then she stapled the bill to the sack. Joe took it to the check-out counter and quickly paid for it.

He decided to drive to Linda's to apply the product. He found the Benadryl lying on the seat and put it in the bag too. As he drove, he reopened the bag and read the prescription and then the instructions on the box.

The prescription ointment was meant to be inserted into the vagina. Joe opened the box and examined the tube used place the medication inside his body. As always, it seemed the applicator was too large to insert. But he also accepted that his changed genitalia was capable of amazing expansion. It was probably even capable of passing a baby's head. He held the little tube up and grinned. This thing could actually fit inside of him... He tensed the muscles of his crotch, feeling the now familiar sensation from the area where his testicles once had been. "You've come a long way baby," he said aloud.

Joe put the applicator back inside the package and drove on. When he reached Linda's he headed straight for his room. Linda was already at work. Joe was glad. He didn't want company while he experimented with the medication.

He decided to remove his dress and slip. In only underpants and bra, he went into the bathroom. He removed everything from the package and read over the instruction sheet very carefully. The task was simple... He just needed to fill the applicator from the tube, move his knees apart, carefully insert the applicator, and push in the little stick that would empty the medication into his vaginal canal.

His vaginal canal... Yeah. He looked at the simple line-art drawing, a cutaway of the female pelvis. So, that was what he really looked like now. No dangly penis hanging down. Not anymore... Now he had this canal... This hole... Funny, it sure didn't feel like a hole... But there it was, on the drawing, starting at the little lips, little skin folds which felt like the base of his penis, and just below his urethra, the vaginal "canal", practically going all the way back to his tailbone. From the picture, it almost looked like he was hollow.

Joe finished inserting the yeast infection medication into his body and then took the tube of anti-itch cream and read the instructions. As directed, he spread a small amount of the slippery white salve on an index finger and carefully spread it over his external vaginal area and then internally as far as he could get with his finger. His lubricated finger created a pleasant sensation, and then almost immediately he experienced relief from the horrible itching. This was great stuff.

As the medication continued to take effect, Joe noticed the sensation had changed to a slightly numbing feel. He stood erect and observed himself in the bathroom mirror, then rubbed a hand over his pubic area. The feeling there had become very strange. He parted the short, soft pubic hair, feeling for his clitoris. When he massaged the sensitive spot, Joe was surprised how it felt. He had become used to the intense sensation in of little nub of skin which had formerly been the tip of his penis. Right now it had even less feeling than when it dangled between his legs.

His fingers went further down, tracing along the soft moist slit of his genitalia. Besides causing things to feel strangely numb, the medication also made everything quite messy down there. He wondered if the stuff he just placed inside his vagina would eventually run back out while he walked. That could be a real mess. Joe retrieved his underpants from the counter and examined the crotch. Then he pulled open a drawer under the counter and found the box of panty liners. He took one from the box and peeled the paper back strip, then carefully positioned the pad in the proper location. He stepped into the panties and pulled them to his hips. He absently rubbed his vulva through the blue cotton fabric, again watching his reflection in the mirror.

Whenever he initially put on snug fitting underwear, the extra sleekness of his changed body, the flatness of his crotch without the male bulge, was most evident. Finally finding relief from the terrible itch, Joe began to feel better about his situation. It made him feel pleased with his feminine appearance too. The thin pad wasn't even noticeable. Maybe five days or a week of this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Joe left the bathroom and slipped the blue shirt-dress back on. He deftly pulled the skirt around his growing hips and buttoned it, all the while examining himself in the dresser mirror, turning left and right to see his profile. The increasing prominence of his pelvic bones really was quite evident, even with the dress on.

But one thing was sure... Dr. Krell's prescription was working wonders. He suddenly felt great. All symptoms were gone, if only temporarily. He felt so good, he decided to go back to work. Besides, if something was going to happen, he wanted to be around when it did.

He found his little hand bag and checked inside. There were two extra liners in there... probably plenty for the rest of the day. He couldn't feel any uncomfortable wetness right now.

Joe walked to his car and drove to Honeybone.

Next: Chapter 33: Chapter40

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