
Published on Apr 17, 1996


38 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

When he arrived, Joe went straight to the lab. That was where the action would be... if there was to be any today. Dr. Krell, Jim Matheney, Mike/Michelle, and Tim were there.

"Well, hello again," Jim said. "I didn't think you were coming back today."

"I'm ok," Joe answered. "Dr. Krell gave me some medication, and I feel a lot better now."

"What's the problem anyway?" Jim asked innocently.

Joe looked at his boss. How did you talk about this with a regular guy? "Well, it's kinda personal, Jim," Joe said, feeling his face turning red.

"Oh. Ok. I understand..." Jim answered, grinning widely, but saying no more.

The condescending look Jim unconsciously gave Joe was even worse than if he had actually teased him. Joe was finding the typical male attitude about problems distinctly "female" irritated him a great deal. He realized that he had probably acted the same way only last week, but that just didn't help very much. It was still something about his new life he would have to adjust to.

They were interrupted by the phone.

Jim answered. "Avionics Lab. Matheney." He listened to the person on the other end.

"Ok. I'll have someone at the airport to me him. Thanks. Good bye, Melody." He spoke into the phone, and then hung up.

Jim looked at everyone watching him. "Norm Peterson is on the way." "Mr. Peterson is the President of Honeybone," he explained for Dr. Krell's benefit.

Joe remembered what Mr. Peterson had told him when they met in St. Paul. He wondered what exactly the man would want to see. Of course, it was becoming obvious that there might be significant medical interest in the concepts they were attempting to verify.

"When will he arrive?" Joe asked.

"He took off about an hour and a half ago." Jim answered. "In the Gulfstream. They should arrive at the hanger in less than an hour."

"What does he want?" Mike/Michelle asked.

"I don't know." Jim replied. "But he probably wants to see the Cage for himself."

"He did say he might pay us a visit." Joe added.

Jim's eyes met Joe's.

"Joe, would you like to meet Mr. Peterson at the company hanger?" Jim asked.

"Sure. No problem." Joe replied. He didn't mind meeting Peterson again.

"Good." Jim said. "Be there in an hour. Take one of the personnel vans, not your little hot rod." He grinned.

"Yeah, Ok." Joe said. "He's really a pretty nice guy, you know." He added with a grin.

"I know." Jim teased. "You running with the big dogs now, Bates."

Joe heard his name come over the intercom.

"Joe Bates, call one-four-one-one. Joe Bates... One-four-one-one."

The operator was informing him that he had an outside-line phone call.

Joe went to the phone and dialed.

"Joe Bates." He said.

"Joe? Hi. This is Jay." The voice on the other end said. "What are you doing after work?"

"I don't know, Jay." Joe replied. "Right now, I have to pick up Mr. Peterson in about an hour. I don't know what time I'll be free."

"Well, when ever you get away, how about giving me a call." Jay asked. "I'd like to get together."

"What did you have in mind?" Joe said, in a slightly seductive tone. He didn't know why it came out that way.

"What do I have in mind?" Jay repeated. "Nothing much... I just wanted to talk. Is that all right?"

The way things were now, he and Jay had trouble "just talking". The two times they got together recently, they wound up in bed...with each other.

"Yeah. That would be fine." Joe agreed. "But just to talk though. I'll give you a call when I get away from here."

"Ok." Jay said. "I'll be at my house after four-thirty. Give me a call there when you get off. I aahh... I'll see you this evening."

"Bye." Joe said curtly, hanging up.

It was getting weird. He and Jay were friends for years. College roommates, drinking buddies, flying buddies, fellow sports car nuts... And now... Lovers..? Is that what you call it? They had been in bed together... twice. It had been quite spectacular too. Jay had introduced Joe to experiencing sex as a female. Joe discovered it really was quite intense. Jay seemed to enjoy doing it with him too. The first time, they were both nervous, and Jay had a little difficulty at first... but still... It was great, if perhaps, for Joe a little too quick to end. The second time... Joe found it even better, and they continued till his genitalia was simply too sore to touch. this new seemed that once he got going, his urge became insatiable.

But that wouldn't happen tonight. Joe didn't want Jay to see him wearing a panty liner. It was one thing to look female, to be able to have sex with a male.. With Jay. But somehow, the idea of his buddy see him wearing feminine protection was different. Why? Did he still have a latent trace of masculine pride? If not, what made him feel this way? By now he was resigned to femininity... in fact, he even liked it...usually, but he just wasn't ready to admit to having "female problems". He subconsciously touched his pubic area, as if needing to reconfirm his new physical characteristics.

Joe went back to where Jim, Dr. Krell, Tim, and Mike/Michelle were conversing at a desk.

"As far as we can determine, this power level and modulation would create the equivalent radiation inside the cage." Jim was telling Dr. Krell.

Jim looked at Joe as he spoke.

"This is what we think would duplicate what happened to you guys." Jim explained. "We've already tried it on the monkeys, and nothing happens. As soon as Dr. Krell can arrange it, we're going to try it on one of his patients."

Joe looked at the paper. The transmitter power settings and the modulation tapes were there. If they guessed right, this was data that could change a man into a woman... like some kind of strange, powerful, magic.

Jim spoke. "Now, If we can just find the settings to change you back..."

Joe looked at his friend and smiled. As time went by, he actually cared less and less about that.

Joe left the lab and went to his desk. He kept checking his watch, and soon it was time to leave for the airport. He went to the big board where the van keys were hanging and took the set for the large Ford passenger van.

Joe went to the lot where the company vehicles were parked and found the van. He unlocked the door and cranked the engine. With his new, slightly smaller size, the big van seemed even bigger. He reached up and adjusted the rear view mirror. Then he drove to the airport.

When he arrived at the Honeybone hanger, Joe went to the planning room and found a seat. There were a few mechanics in there, enjoying a break in the cool, air conditioned room. He made small talk with the mechanics, who he had known for some time. One of them he hadn't seen since the change, and the man was having trouble concealing his curiosity over Joe's changed physical appearance.

"My God, Joe." The man, whose name was Bill Carstairs, finally said. "I see it, but I can't believe what's happened to you."

"Trust me Bill, it's me, and it did happen." Joe said simply, smiling at the men, and sitting straighter, as if to emphasize his new shape for them.

"What's it feel like... I mean... you sure do look like a woman..." Bill continued.

Joe smiled again.

"Yeah... I guess I do... And I guess maybe I feel like one too... I don't know for sure actually. I just feel like me...more or less." Joe explained.

"Holy cow!" Bill said, more to himself. He was staring directly at Joe's breasts, which was beginning to make Joe feel self conscious.

He could feel his nipples stiffen, and hoped the wouldn't show through the bra and dress.

"You look fantastic." Bill said finally. He was probably trying to say something really complementary, but that was all that came out.

"Thanks Bill." Joe said. "And I realize this whole thing is probably a little hard for you guys. It's hard for me, and the others, too."

"Yeah... I understand that Dave and Mike were changed too." One of the other men, whose name was Tom Bennett, added.

"That's true, and also one of the line boys from Thunderbird... You know, Tim?" Joe said.

"And all you guy's look like you do now?" Bill asked incredulously.

"Well... we've each been subjected to chromosomal changes, if that's what you mean." Joe said.

"I don't know about chromosomes..." Bill said. "But do you all have... are you all women now?"

"I don't know if we're REALLY women." Joe explained. "But I guess we do look like women."

"All over?" Tom asked.

Joe looked at Tom and grinned slyly.

"Yeah.... All over." He arched his back slightly, making his new breasts more noticeable. "And it's been kind of interesting so far, too."

"Aahh... about your...aahh." Tom stammered.

"That too." Joe answered, adding a sexy wink to the big grin.

"Damn." Tom exclaimed. "And our test gear did this? What are you going to do now?"

"I'm not sure yet." Joe answered. "Right now, I'm trying to get used to wearing different old stuff just don't fit...and a whole lot of other things. It really hasn't been all that bad so far, actually."

"Yeah, but... you can't have sex anymore..." Tom said, thinking out loud.

"Well... That isn't exactly true." Joe corrected. "It's just a whole lot different now, that's all."

Tom looked at Joe carefully, grinned like a cat, and shook his head.

"You do look fantastic, Joe." Bill repeated. "Absolutely fantastic. Like a young, beautiful...a teenager."

Joe couldn't resist teasing them.

"You should see me in the shower, Bill." Joe said, winking, and shaking his chest a bit seductively.

It was Bill's turn to be embarrassed, but he recovered quickly.

"Any time, Joe." He said.

The provocative conversation was interrupted by the wail of two Rolls Royce jet engines. The Gulfstream III was screaming onto the company ramp. Joe walked out and stood on the ramp, fingers in his ears, and waited for the pilot to stop the engines. In a few moments, the engines wound down, and the cabin door began to open.

The copilot opened the door, looked at Joe, waved and grinned. Joe didn't know the copilot, but the that didn't stop the young man from flirting with a pretty girl. Feeling extremely self conscious, Joe smiled back and waved.

Soon Norm Peterson appeared at the door.

He recognized Joe immediately. He waved and began walking down the steps. When he reached the bottom, Joe was standing there, and he shook hands with the older man.

"Hi Joe." Mr. Peterson said. "Glad to see you again. You are certainly looking well... well indeed."

Joe looked at the man, wondering what he meant by the flirtatious remark. It just didn't seem like something he would say.

Hello, Mr. Peterson." Joe responded. "Glad you stopped by."

"Is the Faraday Cage set up yet?" Peterson asked.

"Yes. Yes it is." Joe answered. "We've been experimenting with monkeys. But no positive results yet."

"Really? Peterson said. "You haven't been able to duplicate what happened?"

"Not yet." Joe said. "But now we've got some numbers broken out, and Dr. Krell wants to try them on one of his gender patients."

"Try the cage on live humans?" Norm Peterson asked. "Isn't that a little risky?"

"Apparently, Dr. Krell has concluded that the risk to life is minimal, and the subject is going to subject himself to surgery in any case." Joe explained.

"And this person... this gender patient... you expect him... er... her, to end up just like you?" Peterson asked.

"If the Cage causes the same genetic, or chromosome changes, I think it'll happen." Joe said. "It would just be a matter of time."

"Really." Peterson said. "I'd like to see this thing in action."

"I've got a van here, shall we go?" Joe said, as he went to take Mr. Peterson's bags.

"Joe. You don't have to carry those bags." Norm Peterson said. "I can get them Ok."

Joe was glad Peterson said that. He could have carried one of the bags easily, but there was no way that he could have carried them both, the way the man did. He just didn't possess that kind of muscle anymore.

They drove to Honeybone, and went inside. Joe lead Mr. Peterson directly to Avionics Lab.

They went through the double doors.

"Here it is...the Cage." Joe said somewhat sarcastically.

He couldn't understand why Mr. Peterson was so enamored by this new hardware.

Joe then introduced Mr. Peterson to Dr. Krell, to Jim Matheney, who he had met once before, though he didn't seem to remember, and then Mike/Michelle and Tim.

He seemed to be very interested in both of the other two "changelings", saying he'd like to talk to each of them individually.

Then, he walked over to the Cage, and looked it over.

Jim Matheney spoke.

"There's really nothing special about the radiation cage." Jim explained. "But the two GPS transmitters, and the power settings, they can cause the strange phenomena... At least we think so."

"Yes... Interesting..." Mr. Peterson looked over each item carefully.

"This program tape can modulate the carrier to create the same signal that caused the strange problem." Jim continued.

Mr. Peterson looked at Dr. Krell.

"When do you intend to try this with a human volunteer?" He asked.

Dr. Krell looked at Peterson, and then at the cage.

"I am selecting two possible candidates." Dr. Krell answered. "From these two, I hope to make the final choice. In fact, I have about twenty volunteers."

Norm Peterson listened with great interest to what the little doctor said.

When he finished speaking, he turned to Joe.

"Joe, can you drive me to the hotel?" He asked.

"Sure." Joe said. "I'll take you wherever you want to go."

"Very well." Peterson said. "Let's get going then. "I'll want to talk with all of you some more. I'll be back."

He quickly walked out of the laboratory, with Joe following behind. As he practically ran to keep up with the older man, Joe was glad he wasn't wearing heels. He wouldn't have been able to keep up.

When they reached the van and climbed aboard, Norm Peterson looked over at Joe.

"Joe, when we get to the hotel, I'd like you to come with me to the room. I'd like to speak to you in private." He said.

Joe wondered what the man wanted to say to him that was so secret.

"Aahh...Ok, that's fine." Joe said finally, the confusion evident in his voice.

They drove to the Hilton and Mr. Peterson checked in. He and Joe followed the bellman to the room. Joe began feeling very nervous and apprehensive about being alone in the room with the man.

When the bellman placed the bags in the room, he smiled at Joe, Mr. Peterson tipped him and he left, closing the door.

Mr. Peterson went to the little bar and fixed a drink.

"What would you like, Joe?" He asked.

"Oh... Nothing for me, thanks." Joe responded.

Peterson went to the table and sat down.

"Joe, pull up a chair." Peterson said. "I'd like to talk a bit."

"Joe... You've been like this for...what...eight days now?" He asked.

Joe looked at the man. What was he getting at?

"That's right." Joe answered. "I woke up like this last Friday. I've continued to change since then, but not a lot."

"Does it hurt at all? Are you in any pain?" Peterson questioned.

"No...not at all. There's no fact, I think I feel normal...more or less." Joe said.

"So it doesn't hurt then... Do you like it?"

Joe looked in the man's eyes.

"Do I like it?" He repeated. "Just what do you mean... Do I like it?"

"You seem to have acquired all the physical attributes of a female... you've become a beautiful woman. Is it fun?" Peterson asked.

"Fun...well, I don't know about fun... It is interesting...that's for sure." Joe said, not sure why the man was asking these questions, and wondering if his answers were what he wanted to hear. They were true.

"Joe, they let me see the report of the physical you took in St. Paul." Peterson continued. "I've read it... I see that we say, anatomically correct...for a mature female."

"Yes... I suppose that is correct." Joe agreed, speaking very carefully.

"You have developed breasts...and your genitalia...your body has transitioned from normal apparently normal female. Is that also correct?" Peterson interrogated.

Joe was becoming embarrassed. The man already knew all these things.

"That is correct." Joe conceded.

"Do you have female feelings?" Peterson continued.

"Female feelings" Joe repeated. "What are you I like men, you mean?"

"Well...yes...that's part of it, I guess." Peterson answered.

"Mr. Peterson, I guess I've become about as physically female as I can possibly get." Joe said what he thought. "Maybe, even my brain has changed...I suspect it has, and I guess the idea of being around guys has begun to take on a different meaning. But I still have thirty years of memories. Male memories. Memories of being intimate with women...girls. I still like women too, if that's what you're asking." Joe smiled.

"And men?" Peterson asked. "How about men?"

Joe smiled wider.

"I'm still trying to figure out what I should think about that." Joe said.

"You don't have any new, different desires?" Peterson asked. It wasn't like he was asking for prurient reasons. He really wanted to know.

"Yeah. Maybe I do." Joe finally admitted. "I'm just trying to figure them out."

"You're beautiful. Do you know that?" Peterson said suddenly. "You are extremely attractive."

"Thanks...I guess." Joe said. "Mr. Peterson...maybe we should get back...."

"Don't worry Joe." Peterson said. "I'm not trying to come-on to you. I'm just telling you what I see. The whole sex-change thing is absolutely amazing."

"I agree." Joe said. "But it's kind of personal... Mr. Peterson, and you're embarrassing me."

"I'm sorry." The man said. "I don't want...I'm not trying to embarrass you. Please understand..."

Norm Peterson got up from the chair and walked across the room. He was obviously trying to tell Joe something, and was trying to find a way to get it out.

"Joe." Peterson said, looking at Joe from across the room. "Joe... I'm fifty-four years old. My wife died...from breast cancer, four years ago. I loved that woman. I really did. When she left...I...I had to review my own life...what I really wanted...always wanted..."

Tears were forming in the man's eyes.

"For a long time... Way before Chelsea died, I knew something was not right, something was wrong...different. Peterson continued. "I've had a pretty good life...I'm successful and I was good husband...but I know something is wrong..."

He sat on the bed, and looked at the floor.

"Joe, I look at you, and I feel so very jealous." Peterson finally said. "I want to be wear clothes like that...Joe... Joe, I want to be... more than anything else I can think of... I really want to try that damn cage. I want to be a woman too."

Joe looked at the man sitting on the bed. What was going on here? What was Mr. Peterson saying? He wanted to try the Cage? He wanted to volunteer?

Peterson looked like he was going to burst into tears.

"Mr. Peterson... Joe stammered. Mr. Peterson...have you talked to anyone else about this?"

"Who?" Norm Peterson asked. "Who could I talk to?"

"Well... Dr. Krell for one." Joe suggested.

"No." Peterson said. "I can't start some long term therapy program."

"Why not?" Joe asked. "He would certainly understand."

"Yeah, he probably would." Peterson admitted. "But if it ever got out... If anyone found out that Norm Peterson wanted...thought he was really a woman... Joe, think about it... My career would be history, as they say."

"Mr. Peterson... If you spend five or ten minutes in that Cage...and if it works like we think it might...take it from me...people will notice." Joe said.

"Yeah." Peterson agreed. "But would be too late...I'd be complete."

"You really think so?" Joe asked. "You really think everyone would just carry on as if nothing happened?"

"Joe, I'm not stupid...I know there would be changes...lots of them... I prefer to think that most of them would be improvements." Peterson said.

"Mr. Peterson..."

"Damn it, Joe. Call me Norm." Peterson objected.

Mr...Norm... Norm, Trust me, there would be a lot of changes." Joe continued. "For me... I mean...look at me Norm..."

"I have, Joe... and ever since I first saw you the other day, I wanted to do this." Norm said. "'ve got to help me."

Joe looked at him.

"What do you want me to do?" Joe asked.

"Joe. You're an electrical engineer, are you not?" Norm asked.

"That's right.

"You know what has to be done to set the cage up to do it, don't you?"

"Yeah. I think I could figure it out.

"Well then... Let's go in there...tonight... Let's try it."

Joe stood up and looked at Norm real hard.

"You want to go in, and try the cage, without the help of the whole crew? Joe asked.

"Can we do it?" Norm asked.

"Yeah... Yeah, I think we COULD." Joe said. "But the question is...SHOULD we."

"Joe... Do you regret what happened to you?" Norm asked.

Joe considered it a moment.

"At first yeah, I did, but maybe I'm getting used to it." Joe admitted.

"That's what I thought." Norm said. "See, you didn't even want to be changed, but after it happened, you were able to quickly adapt to the situation... you even like it now, right."

"Dave doesn't like what happened." Joe added.

"What do you mean?" Norm asked.

"Dave... Dave...he's very unhappy... Almost suicidal." Joe said.

"Why?" Norm asked.

"I guess because he's married, with children." Joe admitted.

"Uh-huh. Married. I could see where that would make a difference." Norm said. "But, I'm not."

"And, so, you want to spend the rest of your life as a woman, is that it?" Joe asked.

"More than anything else I can think of." Norm said.

Joe sat down at the table again.

"There is going to be someone in the lab all night, I think." Joe said.

He was already thinking of ways to get access to the cage.

"All night?" Norm repeated. "We can't figure out a way to get everyone out for a half hour or so?"

"I don't know...maybe we could." Joe considered.

"How long do you think it would take?" Norm asked.

"I'm not really sure." Joe mused. "But not much more than ten minutes, I think."

"What would happen to me then?" Norm asked.

"Hmmm. I'm not sure exactly." Joe said. "At first, I don't think there would be any change, but... within, oh... six or eight hours..."

"That quick?" Norm asked. "How does it feel while its happening?"

"Well, I slept through it, but according to Tim, it did hurt a little while it was taking place...sort of a very powerful itch." Joe said, grinning at his explanation.

"And then, after that, I'd be female?" Norm asked. ""Boobs... I'd have boo..breasts, I'd get breasts. And a... vagina... I'd be a woman then?"

"All the way." Joe said. "Whether you liked it, or not."

"But... You... you do like it, don't you?" Norm almost pleaded.

Joe looked at the man, and smiled innocently.

"I find it interesting, that's for sure." Joe admitted.

"Then I'm going to do it." Norm decided. "What will I need?"

"I don't know... Nothing, I guess." Joe considered.

"What about clothes?" Norm asked. "I'd need some new clothes, wouldn't I?"

"Absolutely." Joe agreed. "But not until tomorrow. You won't any idea what size you'll eventually be until you go through the change."

"How much did you change?" Norm asked logically.

"I don't think you can use that as a guide." Joe explained.

"Why not?" Norm asked.

"Well, for one, there's no way to know what you'll look like... what your new shape will be...after your chromosomes get changed." Joe said.

"What do you mean?" Norm asked.

"I... aahh... Norm, do you have any sisters?"

"Yes. One. She's sixty years old. Six years older than I am."

Is she... I mean... What would you guess her measurements are?"

"Holy Cow. I have no idea."

"Does she have...large breasts?"

Hmmm... I don't know, medium size, I guess.

Is she heavy...overweight?"

"Oh...maybe a little, but not really...she's not fat.

"Do you want to look like her?"

"Would I want to look like my older sister?"

"Well, if you two share the same genetic background... Odds are, you might."

"But she's older... Wouldn't I look younger than I do now?"

"Probably... We don't know what will happen there... If you do this, you'll be the oldest person yet to try it. But still... think of your sister twenty years ago, maybe more. That's my guess. But still, you will eventually be an old woman, in any case. There seems to be no way back."

Norm sat on the bed and stared at the floor.

"I'd look like my sister..." He mused.

Joe broke in.

"Not necessarily. But it is a possibility."

Norm Peterson put his hand on his crotch, unashamedly fondling his genitals through his trousers.

"My sister..." He repeated.

"Yeah. Or, maybe your mother...or your aunt." Joe corrected.

"I don't care." Norm said finally. "I want to do it."

"OK. I'll help you." Joe decided. "But only with one condition."

"And that is?" Norm asked.

"As soon as we run you through the Cage, we'll call Dr. Krell, so he can help." Joe answered.

"What if it doesn't work?" Norm countered.

"What if it does?" Joe responded.

Norm thought a minute.

"Ok. It's a deal." He said.

Norm sat on the bed, staring at his reflection in the mirror. He sat up straight and turned sideways.

"What are you doing?" Joe asked.

"Nothing... Nothing..." Norm answered. "I'm just wondering what it might be like to look you do..."

"Norm... I still do the same thing... look at myself... I do it all the time." Joe said. "I still can't get used to the way I look."

"Fantastic." Norm exclaimed. "You look fantastic."

"Remember, if you go through with may look female... You may even be female." Joe said. "But you will still be the same person inside. That won't change."

"It's just the outside I want to change." Norm said. "I like the inside." He grinned.

"You're a very handsome man, Norm." Joe said. "You just might turn out to be an ugly broad." He teased.

"Yeah... I might." Norm agreed. "But I bet I'd be a happy broad."

Joe looked at Norm and grinned. It was plain the man had thought this thing over for pretty carefully. He thought of the gender patient he met in Dr. Krell's office in San Diego. Maybe this gender disphoria thing was more prevalent than he ever imagined. If the cage could do this to him, and yet, he wasn't begging to be changed back, maybe it's exactly what these people, people who feel like Norm, need. Maybe he would be better off as a woman.

"Mr. Peterson...Norm...." Joe asked. "When was the last time you've made love?"

Norm was surprised by the question. He just sat and looked at Joe.

I...Aahh...Over four years ago." Norm admitted.

"Did you enjoy it?" Joe asked.

"It was with Chelsea surewe were good...very good, together."

"Do you still like women?" Joe continued.

"Do I like women?" Norm repeated. "Why do you ask that?"

"Norm... if you go through this cage thing tonight, tomorrow, your going to BE a woman." Joe reminded him. "There's no turning back."

"It's been a while." Norm acknowledged. "Maybe I will miss it a little." He said, rubbing his hand over his penis bulge.

"If you do become a woman." Joe told him. "You probably won't miss that thing for sex. It is kind of handy in the can though." He grinned.

"That's another thing." Norm said. "The doctors say I've got a slightly enlarged prostate. I've been having a bit of trouble urinating."

Joe held the grin.

"Well...tomorrow, you won't even have a prostate." Joe reminded him.

"That'll be another improvement." Norm said. He seemed to loosen up a little.

Joe saw the smile beginning to form.

"Norm. See this dress I have on?" Joe asked. "Do you know why I'm wearing it today?"


"Did your wife...did Chelsea ever get a yeast infection?" Joe asked.

"A yeast infection... What is it, a venereal disease?" Norm asked. "I don't think she did...I doubt it."

"I don't think a yeast infection is a venereal disease... not really...but it does seem like one, I guess." Joe continued. "It is an infection of the genital tract...and I can tell you, it itches...and burns like you can't believe."

"You currently suffer from this, I take it." Norm said. He was no doubt a quick learner.

"That's right." Joe admitted. "I don't know how, but I got it. I never had anything like it in thirty years, but I got it now."

"I don't understand, what does that have to do with the dress?" Norm asked.

"Under this dress, I have on nothing but underpants." Joe said. "Dr. Krell said I should give genital much ventilation as possible."

"I'm impressed, I guess." Norm said, still confused at what Joe was trying to tell him.

"The point is, I don't think you're going to find life any simpler when you get out of the cage." Joe said, doing his best to make his point.

"I don't care if my life is simple, or not." Norm exclaimed. "I just want to live what's left of it as a woman."

"Ok. If that's what you want, I'll help you get it." Joe promised.

"You won't be sorry, Joe." Norm said.

"I only hope you're not." Joe said.

Joe stood up.

"Norm, I'll meet you in the lobby at eight tonight." Joe said. "Bring an overnight bag with your shave kit, or whatever... and maybe some pajamas, too."

"What do you have in mind?" Norm asked.

"As soon as we've done it, I'm going to call Dr. Krell." Joe said. "I'm pretty sure he'll want you to spend the night in the hospital."

"Should I bring men's, or women's pajamas?" Norm asked.

"Bring whatever you want, as long as it fits." Joe advised. "It may be the last time you ever wear it."

Joe looked into the man's eyes.

"I hope you like what happens to you." Joe said.

"I'm a big boy, Joe." Norm said.

"That might change, after tonight." Joe reminded him, grinning.

Joe went to the door. He looked back at Norm Peterson, who followed him to the door. He turned, and offered his hand. Norm Peterson grasped Joe's small feminine hand in his own large hand. Joe looked down, noticing the contrast.

"Good Luck, Norm." He said.

"I'll see you in a few hours, Joe." Norm said.

Joe drove the van back to Honeybone. He went inside and found that Dr. Krell and the others had left for the day. He looked at the schedule to see who would be on duty tonight. He noticed that man was already on duty.

Joe looked for him, and found him sitting in the break room. He sat down and began small talk.

"How's it going Ralph?" Joe asked. He didn't know the man, but he wanted to be friendly.

The lab technician, Ralph Linker, was sipping coffee.

"Hello, Miss Bates." Ralph said. He didn't know Joe, and had never seen him when he was male. He knew what happened to Joe and the others, but there was nothing about Joe's appearance to think of him as male. So he naturally called him "miss".

"Please, call me Joe." Joe said.

"Ralph, I'll be here a little later tonight." Joe said. "Will it be possible to get some time with the cage?"

"Sure Joe." Ralph said. "What do you have to do? Dr. Krell never said there would be anything happening tonight."

"Oh, this isn't for Dr. Krell." Joe explained, hoping his story made sense. "I'm planning a little experiment of my own."

"Well, there's nothing going on tonight." Ralph told him. "You can use it all night, if you want to."

Great. This'll be a lot easier than I hoped. Joe thought.

"Fine." Joe said. "I'll see you in a few hours, Ralph."

Joe left Honeybone, and drove home. It was after four...Linda was probably home. And he should call Jay too.

As he pulled into the drive, Joe saw Linda's car there. He went inside, and found her preparing for her aerobics class.

"Hi Joe." She greeted him cheerfully. "Come on, get your stuff, come along with me."

Joe knew he should... Before the change, he had always exercised regularly, at least three times a week. Racquetball, basketball, and running. He considered what a women's aerobic class would be like. Interesting...probably, but not like before. He might as well get used to the idea...these were his peers. Besides, it might be fun.

Then he remembered his promise to Norm Peterson.

"Sorry, Linda." He excused himself. "I'll need to go back to Honeybone in a few hours. I don't have time...maybe the next time though."

"How's the little problem?" Linda asked.

"Dr. Krell gave me a prescription for some stuff to put really seems to work." Joe said.

"I'm glad to hear it." Linda said. "But, at least now you get to experience some of the hardships of womanhood."

She smiled.

"When do you have to be back at work?" Linda asked. "You have a couple of hours, don't you?"

Joe thought about it. It was not yet four-thirty, and he didn't have to meet Norm till eight. He should give Jay a call...but he did have a few hours, at least.

"I don't have to be there till eight... I guess I do have a little time." Joe admitted.

"Come on then... get your things... let's go." Linda persisted. "The next class is at five. You'll like it."

Joe looked at Linda. The medication made him oblivious to the miserable itch. He hoped it wouldn't return soon. Somewhat reluctantly, he went to his room to gather up his exercise clothes.

Joe found his new gym tote, and in it he placed his new underpants, the Jog-bra, his blue leotard, and Capri pants. He hoped it would be at least somewhat similar to what the other women would have on.

The "other women"... He thought about what he just thought... That was the first time he EVER really thought about himself as one of the "women". But why not? That was what he had become, there could be no denying it.

Joe looked over at the mirror. There was a teenage girl was looking back, wearing a rather attractive blue shirtdress... her hair was too short. But, she was kinda cute.... Oh god...he was calling himself "cute"...when would it stop. Would it ever stop? He needed to wear something else to the health club, in any case.

He went to the closet and looked at his clothes. Nothing really suitable there. He went to the dresser, and opened the drawer that held his new shorts. He picked a pair that was just as blue as the dress he wore. In another drawer, he picked a little white sleeveless top. Unbuttoning the dress, he removed it, and stepped into the shorts.

As he zipped and buttoned the shorts, which fit his form rather snugly, Joe ran his hands over his buttocks, then moved to the front. He felt his increasingly noticeable hip bones, the hard bump of his pubic bone, and then went lower, to his clitoris.

The numbness was leaving, but the itch had not yet returned. Joe could feel the touch of his hand on his genital area through his panties.

Next: Chapter 32: Chapter37

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