
Published on Apr 17, 1996


36 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

Following Karen's white Toyota Supra, Joe pulled into the Denny's Restaurant parking lot. The others followed just behind.

He was pleased to see Karen again. Karen Simpson was a nurse who worked for Dr. Krell. She was friendly, and Joe liked to be around her. They had a few things in common. Karen liked sports cars and airplanes ,too. And something else, a few years ago, Karen had been one of Dr. Krell's patients.

For her first twenty-five years, tall, attractive Karen Simpson lived as an apparently normal male. Like Joe, Karen had served in the military, the U.S. Air Force. But, unlike Joe, she later voluntarily underwent hormone treatments, electrolysis, and then had her original normal male genitalia surgically altered -- molded to a realistic and functional female appearance. This physical transformation was now complete, and quite successful. Just the other day at the hotel, Karen had permitted Joe to see her in the buff, and if he hadn't known, he would never have guessed her unorthodox past.

Karen liked Joe, too. He could sense it. She was obviously interested in him and the others, as well as in the strange affliction they had acquired. Joe could tell part of her interest was because of the nature of what had happened; indeed, she actually seemed slightly jealous of Joe's unasked for femininity. But Joe figured that was only natural. Karen felt the need to be a woman so much that she was willing to endure everything, the pain, the embarrassment, even the considerable financial cost of being transsexual. But even though her body now looked completely female, her physical appearance was mostly cosmetic. Unlike Joe, Karen, though feminine and shapely, remained genetically male. Orchidectomy (castration) eliminated the primary source of unwanted testosterone, but it also left her quite sterile. The surgical procedure to eliminate the male organs could not replace them with corresponding female internal parts. She now had a vagina that was quite functional for sexual intercourse, but she did not menstruate. She would never be able to conceive. Her breasts, the result of more than four years of hormone therapy, were quite real, but they would never nurse a child of her own.

Joe considered the likelihood that his own extensively changed body was capable of all those things now. It was hardly his own idea, but Joe had lost his penis, too. According to Dr. Krell, magnetic resonance images revealed that his body now possessed a cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes, and because of that, it was very likely that he would eventually begin to menstruate. If that occurred, then it was also probable that, if he happened to engage in unprotected intercourse with another, physically normal male, he could become pregnant. All the tests and embarrassing physical examinations indicated his metamorphosed body had somehow generated all the external and internal organs necessary to function as a normal female. Joe was already becoming accustomed to the often pleasant sensations provided by feminized breasts. It was likely he would eventually get used to the new vaginal opening between his legs. His transfigured genitalia usually didn't feel all that different really, no matter what it happened to look like, but Joe doubted he could ever adjust to the idea that blood emanating from any body opening might be considered "normal". Just the thought of menstruation made him shudder.

Joe placed a hand on the now familiar softness between his legs and then, through the fabric of his jeans, gently rubbed a finger along the seam, feeling for the sensitive spot that was his clitoris. He couldn't deny he actually liked the new way his body felt, but as for the tremendous responsibility that went along with having female parts, it was really just so much simpler to be a guy.

Joe pulled alongside as Karen parked. While removing his seat belt, he watched Karen out of the corner of his eye. Not realizing she was being watched, Karen opened the door and swung her long legs out of the low-slung sports car. She remained quite lady-like as she exited the car, but her white nurse's uniform still showed a lot of white-stockinged leg. Joe knew from recent personal experience just how difficult it could be to move around while wearing such short, relatively tight clothes, but his brain remained male enough to appreciate the subtle, innocent glimpse of this attractive woman.

As he opened the door of his own car, Joe pretended that he wore a tight skirt too, and kept his knees close together as he swung his legs to the ground. He was acutely aware of his hips as he struggled to pull himself out of the seat. It was unlikely his soft butt was really larger than before, at least not much, but the rest of him -- shoulders, arms, the rest of his body had surely become smaller. It served to create the sensation that his rear end was larger and heavier than before. Perhaps the bone structure of his pelvis had changed a bit too. He didn't like the awkward, slightly off-balance way it made him feel.

Karen followed behind Joe as they walked into Denny's. The waitress immediately directed them to their seats. The four sat at a round table and ordered iced tea and sandwiches.

The whole scene suddenly struck Joe as very strange. Here they were, three guys -- four technically -- and yet they now looked for all the world like four young women seated around the table. Only Karen had more than one week of experience living in the new gender. If the others felt at all like Joe, they still had a guilty feeling they were somehow stuck having to play a weird game of "dress-up". They might look just like women. They might even legally BE women, all except Dave, anyway, but mostly the concept of personal femininity remained quite foreign to the three of them. Only Karen felt completely comfortable with her present appearance.

"So, what happened while I was away?" Joe asked Karen.

"Not very much, unfortunately," Karen answered, "and we're still at a loss to understand what's causing this de-aging thing."

"Yeah." Joe agreed. "It's getting really hard to accept what's happening to me. I mean, it's difficult enough to have to get used to these... (he cupped his hand over his breast) but now, I'm starting to look like a teenager, too. When is all this going to stop?"

"Are we all going to turn into children?" Dave added.

"I wish I knew." Karen answered. "I think right now it's anyone's guess."

"How about Tim?" Dave said. "If he gets any younger looking, he'll be a kid again."

"Can't we just make it stop somehow?" Mike/Michelle asked. "I think, as I start to get used to it, I really enjoy being like this, but God knows, I certainly have no desire to look like a little girl."

"I simply don't know what's happening." Karen repeated. "I guess it's possible it can't be stopped, and you might just keep getting younger and younger looking, but I really want to think that won't happen."

"Not any more than I do, that's for sure." Joe agreed.

Karen looked at Joe and smiled. "We'll figure this one out, Joe," she said optimistically. "We just won't quit till we do. Just keep hanging in there."

"I'm not going anywhere," Joe answered. "I don't have anywhere to go."

The waitress came with the order. They continued the discussion as they ate.

"You might be interested to hear that Dr. Krell has been talking to some of his gender dysphoria patients," Karen declared, as she poked at her salad.

"Gender dysphoria?" Mike/Michelle questioned.

"We've already described gender dysphoria." Karen went on, showing visible irritation at Mike's inability to remember the things that had been explained at the clinic. "That's when you're brain thinks you are a different gender than your body physically appears to be."

"Hell, I guess that includes all of us then." Mike/Michelle concluded.

"Well, I believe I used to be gender dysphoric, but I don't think I am anymore," Karen said, correcting him. "For me, Doctor Krell used hormone therapy, and then surgery, to correct the problem."

"But that won't work for us," Joe added. "We just want to get back to be the way we used to be. Surgery can't really do that."

"If it even made me even just look like a guy again, I'd sure be willing to give it a try," Dave said gravely.

"That's just it," Karen explained. "I don't think you'd be satisfied with what surgery could do for you. I'm afraid they've been much more successful in surgically making the male body appear female, than the reverse. Even if the doctors could make you look even close, you would probably find that nothing worked like it did before. You wouldn't have any sensation in those new parts either."

"I think I'd like that better than what I feel now." Dave decided.

"Don't you like the way everything feels now?" Joe asked incredulously.

"And you do?" Dave countered.

"Yeah. Yeah, Actually I do," Joe admitted. "At first, I wasn't so sure, but the more I get adjusted to it all, the more I'm starting to enjoy the new me."

"Me too, Dave." Mike/Michelle said. "I think I could stand being like this for the rest of my life. It's really not bad, once you get used to it, of course."

"That's probably the only attitude that'll get you through this," Karen added. "Until we find out a way to change you back, I think you should attempt to make the best of it, at least give it a try."

"Damn it, you know it's totally different for you guys," Dave exclaimed, his now feminine sounding voice raising to an even higher pitch. "You don't have a wife and kids at home like I do."

It was clear that the topic of the conversation was beginning to cause grief for Dave. His family life meant a lot to him, and he was too much of a family man to allow himself to simply change his gender and leave them, even if this bizarre affliction was in no way his own fault. He couldn't really hide his feminine appearance, but to date, he still tried to continue to live as male, at least as far as that was now physically possible. Joe could detect the outline of the strap of a bra under Dave's rather non-gender-specific clothing, but Joe knew that Dave only grudgingly wore it only to minimize jiggle, and to conceal his enlarged nipples when they became embarrassing points, rather than to enhance new contours. Joe had been surprised just how "dynamic" his own feminized breasts had become. His amazingly sensitive nipples seemed to act sort of like small penises. Totally possessing a mind of their own, they would stiffen in response to a touch, to brushing against the soft cloth of a shirt, sometimes even to a sexy thought. But, like a penile erection at the wrong time, they could also be the source of considerable embarrassment.

"The word is already out that some kind of an accident caused four normal males to develop a female appearance," Karen continued. "There are hundreds of gender dysphoric individuals who would consider what happened to you guys a dream come true if it could happen to them."

"A dream come true for them, a nightmare for me," Dave volunteered.

"Nevertheless, it's true," Karen continued. "Dr. Krell has a number of genetically male gender patients whom he's been treating for some time, and who have already been planning to alter their bodies surgically. If it's found there are no related health risks, Dr. Krell might let at least one of them try the Cage."

"That wouldn't help us any," Dave said.

"That is true," Karen agreed. "But if they could change someone else, and do so in completely controlled conditions, it would go a long way toward understanding all that occurred when it happened to you."

"Somebody would actually volunteer for this?" Dave wondered aloud.

"Absolutely. If I thought it could still work on me, I'd do it myself."

"It wouldn't?" Mike/Michelle asked. "Why not -- because you're already female now?"

"That's just it." Karen explained. "I guess I look female to you, but I'm really not. At least not like you guys anyway. You all really are female now, right down to the chromosomes. That's very significant."

"I really wish you could take advantage of the cage too." Joe said sympathetically.

"You don't know how much I wish that were possible." Karen said. "X-X chromosomes, a uterus, a real clitoris, vagina and cervix. I really used to dream about having things like that. No more hormone therapy. Maybe even periods. Aahh yes..." She spoke half jokingly, but it was obvious she meant it.

Karen's words caused the others to place their hands at their crotches. The very things that Karen desired so badly were exactly what they found most embarrassing. In each their own way, they tried to adapt to total feminization. They had all been mature men, but now, like pre-teen girls, each awaited the first menstrual period with fear and apprehension.

"When does he intend to try this?" Joe wondered aloud, interrupting the sudden stillness.

"I don't know for sure." Karen said. "I think he'll soon be asking at least two patients to come see what the cage looks like, and then they'll probably want to talk with each of you."

"Fine with me." Joe said.

"Gladly." Mike/Michelle added.

"Sure. Why not. They are trying to help, I guess." Dave offered.

"What if they ask to look at you -- all over?" Karen continued.

"It seems like everyone else already has, why not them too?" Joe said with a slightly sarcastic grin.

"I suspect they would like to help you. I know they have at least some idea what you're going through. But I also know that they probably have quite selfish motives for volunteering to try the cage." Karen said.

"I think I can understand that," Joe said. "It's easy to have sympathy for anyone who feels stuck in the wrong body."

"I don't know if we can ever get you guys back to normal. I hope we can, if it's what you want, but even if that turns out to be impossible, if we can at least duplicate what happened, there are tremendous implications." Karen told them.

"Yeah. What a great way to punish convicted rapists." Dave joked sarcastically.

"I suppose it could be used as a punishment tool, but there are some real productive applications for something like this too." Karen went on, remaining quite serious. It was plain she had been giving everything much thought.

"Even better uses if we find a way to reverse the genderchanger portion, or even simply limit the de-aging process," Joe added. He understood what Karen was trying to explain.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Karen said. "I hope we can do something about that. I'm certain Dr. Krell won't let anybody else try it unless the de-aging phenomenon can be controlled."

Joe quickly finished his turkey sandwich and sat listening to Karen. It was difficult getting accustomed to eating so much less than he had when his body was bigger. Dr. Krell had explained to each of them that along with everything else, it was probable that their metabolism also changed, and if they didn't want to gain a great deal of weight, they would need to make a conscious effort to reduce their caloric intake. Joe already thought the butt he only recently considered so attractive was starting to feel like a balloon, so, even though he was not always successful, he was trying his best to eat like a bird.

"Please excuse me a moment." Joe said. "I really need to visit the restroom."

The large glass of tea seemed to go right through him, and he felt an immediate need to urinate. Joe had found that the changes in that area of his anatomy had apparently left him with a significantly reduced bladder capacity, as well as less able to "hold it" when he sensed the urge to relieve himself.

Joe walked down the short hall and located the door to the ladies room. He hoped the restroom was clean. Women's restrooms were always cleaner than the male counterpart, and it was a good thing, since there were no stand-up urinals, for obvious reasons.

He was relieved to find all three stalls empty, and quickly entered the first one. Surprisingly, using public restrooms was a most difficult part of the adjustment process. Joe still felt like an invader each time he entered the door with the little skirted figure. Doing so never raised any eyebrows, but he could hear his heart pound each time he did so.

Joe lowered his pants to his knees, and then took a seat. When urine began to flow, he immediately experienced a slight burning sensation, a feeling not at all normal. In the dim light of the stall, he also noticed that the cotton crotch of his panties had a streak of sticky white substance that appeared to be much thicker than normal. Vaginal discharge was another part of all this still very new and foreign to Joe.

The first three days after the change occurred, as he strived to adapt to the new, often quite intense sensations his changed body provided, Joe often experienced the discomfort of wet, even soggy, underpants. Instead of just experiencing swelling of the remaining erectile tissues, Joe's genitalia now responded to erotic stimulus by oozing with profuse lubrication from his new vagina. As his testosterone levels slowly dropped closer to those of a normal female, and as he gradually became accustomed to the sensations and even the new appearance of his body, the amount of almost clear lubricant began to lessen. It still returned easily. All he had to do was touch himself down there, but heavy discharge was becoming more the exception than the norm.

This stuff was different. The gunk in his underwear wasn't really as wet as it was thick and slightly sticky. He gingerly touched the panty with a fingertip and rubbed some of the substance between finger and thumb.

Yes. Sticky. Almost like the white paper paste he used in school as a child. This stuff was coming out of him? What was wrong now? What caused the tremendous burning sensation? The irritation made him painfully aware of the change in his anatomy. Along with the burn, he also experienced a powerful urge to scratch an itch at his vaginal opening. He hoped the feeling would go away quickly, since there was absolutely no way for anyone to look feminine doing that. Even while he thought about it, the irritating personal itch grew even more intense.

"Oh, no." He said quietly, almost under his breath. "What in hell is happening to me now?"

The urge to scratch was overpowering, so he moved his knees apart and carefully rubbed his wet crotch with a flat open palm, being careful not to scratch his still unfamiliar genitalia with his fingernails, no matter how much he wanted to.

Finally, he used two fingers of his other hand to gently spread the folds of his genital cleft, then, with the other index finger, he carefully probed around the vaginal orifice, manipulating the little bump that felt like his urethra. Although it corresponded to the same opening at the tip of his penis, it didn't feel much like that anymore. It had migrated to a spot much further down, and now felt more as if it was located at the base of his non-existent penis, rather than at the tip. Everything was like that... Joe found the typical sensations of being female not really much different than those when he was male, it was quite obvious the same nerves were still there, but the shape of everything was different. A lot different. And in some cases, it seemed as if his nerves had moved closer to the surface or something. Some parts, no, most parts of his changed body, including his skin, were just generally more sensitive. Mostly, that was good, but it meant his tolerance for pain was also much different now.

Joe examined the finger he removed from his vagina. It was a little wet, urine probably, but there was virtually no trace of the white substance in his panties. Curious, he raised the finger to his nose and sniffed. No odor really. Well, perhaps a slight, barely detectable musty scent. Probably quite normal, he decided. But the intense itch wasn't. Something had to be done about that.

Taking some toilet tissue from the roll, Joe cleaned his finger and then attempted to remove some of the thick residue from his underwear. Doing that proved completely ineffective. Joe wished he had another pair of panties with him. He had no desire to have this goo next to his body, even if that was where it came from. He remembered the box of panty-liners he bought the first day, and wished he had thought to bring his purse along.

Wait! The machine on the wall! This was a ladies room, remember, for women and girls. They probably sold those things in the machine! He carefully pulled his panties up, trying to keep the cool wetness away from his body, but when he pulled his fitted jeans up, they brought everything up snug. There was still no one else in the room, so he pulled his shirt over the open waist of his jeans, and peered out the door of the stall. Yeah! There was a machine. Joe almost tip-toed to it and examined it. It contained two products. One, Kotex tampons, were meant to be used internally. Not what he needed. The other, something called a "Maxi-Pad", was much thicker than the paper thin panty liners Joe had bought and seen Linda use, placing them in her panty. Just about what he needed.

Should he just get one and try it? He looked at the faded pictures on the front. Why not. He dug into his pocket for a couple of coins, hoping none of the others would come in and catch him buying any form of feminine protection. He slowly rotated the knob, wincing at the slight sound the machine made as it dispensed the product. He looked at the plastic wrapped, thick, lump in his hand. This thing had to fit inside tight panties? His crotch was going to bulge like his cock and balls were still there.

He took his booty back into the stall and, holding the still wrapped pad between his teeth, he again lowered his pants. With panties around his knees, Joe tore open the wrapper and examined the large pad. He pulled away the paper strip that protected the adhesive backing, then attempted to center the pad in the crotch of his underwear. The adhesive was exactly in the center, the same area as the thick discharge, so it didn't work effectively to hold the pad. He pulled the panties up, finding that the warm, dry pad felt much better than the sticky coolness of damp, soiled underwear. But it was a bit thick. Joe ran his hand over the bulge and was reminded of how Linda looked the other night, wearing men's bikini undershorts with a sweat sock crudely simulating the bulge of a penis.

Joe had already become accustomed to his sleek profile since the change, and the bulging pad just looked and felt rather strange. It didn't remind him of being male again. It was just a big wad in his underwear.

He pulled the jeans up and ran his palm across the front. Could you tell? He could see nothing, but it sure did feel weird. Joe threw the wrapper into the waste can and left the stall. He went over to the mirror, adjusted his blouse, and tucked it into his jeans.

Well, if you already knew, you could tell. It was quite obvious to him, but then, that might be due to the strange way it felt. He'd try it.

Screwing up his courage, Joe opened the door and left the ladies room. When he reached the table, he eyed the others for a sign that they might notice any difference. None. When he took his seat, he felt the pad bunch in the crack of his butt. It was not a very pleasant feeling.

"Are you OK, Joe?" Karen asked, teasing him. Perhaps she noticed the strange look on his face as he squirmed slightly in his seat.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked, showing obvious embarrassment.

"Joe, you look like you've got a mouse in your pants or something." Mike/Michelle chimed in, laughing.

Joe just looked at each of them, trying to think of something to say. Finally he spoke.

"Karen, do you, Aahh... er... do you ever get... Aahh... feel a sort of burning sensation when you pee?" He asked very softly.

"A burning sensation?" Karen asked, suddenly becoming serious again.

"Yes. I just urinated, and it really burned. It never did that before. And now, you wouldn't believe how it itches." Joe said, almost at a whisper.

"Hmmm... That sounds like yeast infection." Karen said, after only a moment. "I think you better tell Dr. Krell tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Wait till tomorrow? Right now I'd like to go at myself with a toothbrush!" Joe exclaimed, moving around in his seat.

"Dr. Krell has meetings this afternoon, Joe," Karen explained. "It'll wait till tomorrow. But, whatever you do, don't use that toothbrush." She laughed.

"But, what can I do till then?" Joe asked. "There must be something. It's driving me nuts."

"I think you better let Dr. Krell look at you first." Karen said again. "Go home and take a warm bath. It probably won't help much, but it won't hurt. Maybe even leave your underpants off if you can. Is there any discharge?"

The question embarrassed Joe. Karen spoke very clinically and seriously, but Joe didn't like talking publicly about such personal things.

"Well, yeah... I guess maybe there might be," Joe stammered with embarrassment.

"Sort of white, and thick?" Karen quizzed, smiling at his discomfort.

"Yeah... I guess so." Joe answered.

"If I had to offer the diagnosis, I'd say it was textbook yeast infection," Karen said. "If that's really what it is, you'll probably be uncomfortable for a few days and maybe as long as a week."

"Are you serious? Days?" Joe asked. "What causes it anyway?"

"Oh... Lots of things can," Karen explained. "Improper hygiene, diet, medications. Of course, it can also be acquired from sex with an infected partner." She winked at him.

Karen's matter-of-fact statements made Joe immediately think of Jay. Did he get this from Jay? There were plenty of other possibilities, but he couldn't rule anything out. But, how could he ask his friend? How could he even bring the subject up? They were buddies, and had been for many years, but how do you tell a buddy that you got this damn yeast infection? And you suspect you might have caught it from him...

"Normal guys can really get yeast infections?" Joe asked.

"Yes, of course they can, but usually they don't have any real symptoms," Karen said. "Generally, you require the environment of a vagina to have symptoms as you describe."

"Yeah. Ain't I lucky..." Joe said, mostly to himself.

The others said nothing. They were probably wondering if they would soon get this new affliction too.

There wasn't much said the rest of the meal. Joe caught both Dave and Mick/Michelle watching him when they thought he wouldn't notice. Like Joe, his pals were very apprehensive about anything concerning to their new anatomy. Everything was so different now, so much more complicated. It was as if they had traded their simple, powerful, pick-up truck bodies for these exotic Italian sports models. Having a woman's body might be interesting, maybe even fun, but, like a Ferrari, it did seem to require much more care and maintenance.

"Does it hurt, Joe?" Mike/Michelle asked.

Joe looked at the big, fairly attractive young woman, who, like himself, only last week was a big muscular guy, but now also needed to worry about things like vaginal yeast infections.

"Well, it doesn't hurt actually," Joe tried to explain. "It's more of an itch. But the worst itch you can imagine. It's sort of like you've got poison ivy all over your balls."

Karen laughed at the colorful description.

"It won't kill you," Karen said. "Most women get them occasionally. Just be careful how you wipe, and always change your underwear everyday. Wear cotton whenever you can, too. If you do get an infection, you'll need to wash your underpants in boiling water, or it'll probably come right back."

"Boiling water?" Joe asked. "I have to wash my underwear in boiling water?"

"To kill the yeast spores," Karen explained. "They can remain alive in your underwear, even after the warm water of the washer. Then they re-infect you when you wear them again."

"This is too much," Dave concluded. "I just can't believe this is really happening to us."

They all looked at Dave. He was practically sobbing. They all probably had about the same feeling, but Dave just seemed to let his emotions show much easier. It made them face the reality of the situation.

"Everything will work out and be all right," Karen said soothingly. It was hard to say anything else.

They looked at the check and each divided up their share. As they walked out, Karen spoke to Joe.

"Don't worry about that infection," She advised. "It's a pretty common malady, and you will get over it."

"I was kind of hoping it wouldn't be fatal. But I've just never had an itch quite like this before. Can't I do something?"

"I think that you better see Dr. Krell first," Karen said again. "We can never be sure what's really happening with you guys." She squeezed his shoulder knowingly. Karen was now slightly taller than Joe, and, since he was continuing to get more youthful looking, he was beginning to look more like a younger sister.

"So in the mean time, I have to stand here, trying to rub my legs together to scratch myself. Has this ever happened to you?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, it certainly has," Karen admitted. "More than once, I can tell you. Comes with the gender, I guess. Just go home. Take a warm bath. Wear loose clothes."

They said good-bye, and each got in their cars. As Joe drove home with his agonizing itch, he thought about what he could do about it. He remembered the hand held shower massage in the hotel. It might help, but even if it didn't, it did have other benefits. He grinned.

He'd stop at Builder's Square and buy a couple of them. It was early afternoon. Time enough to get two, and install one on his and one on Linda's shower. He felt he just had to let Linda in on his discovery of the secret pleasures of a shower massage. Maybe he could no longer provide exactly what she needed, but he now knew first hand what was likely to give her pleasure. He wondered if Linda ever had a yeast infection.

He saw the Builder's Square sign, and pulled into the parking lot. He walked in and went directly to the bathroom fixture department. He found the selection of shower massagers, and studied the various models. Joe selected two of the best they had. He checked that the boxes contained all he was likely to need for installation, and then carried them to checkout.

The checkout counter was staffed by a middle-aged woman assisted by a young man. The woman saw what Joe carried and smiled knowingly. The young man simply stared at Joe with bedroom eyes.

As the woman rang Joe's purchase, she made small talk. "My husband installed one of those on our shower, too. I think you'll really like it."

Yeah. I know," Joe said, as if admitting to his intended purpose for the shower massage. For some reason, it was getting easier to talk with women. Why? Could it be he was able to understand them better now?

The young man didn't really have a clue what these women were talking about. He just kept his eyes on the pert bosom of the young looking customer. Joe glanced at him, and when he realized he was being leered at, he stood a little straighter, and then pulled his shoulders back to emphasize his breasts. He couldn't resist teasing a horny young man. It was such fun. Last week, Joe was locked in testosterone's firm grip, too. Now, he found it amusing to watch the way virile young men acted while in his presence. It gave him a strange feeling of power he never experienced before. He didn't realize it, but it also caused him to act the tease.

Joe gathered up the large sack containing the two shower heads, and walked to the door. Knowing the young man's eyes were fixed on his back side, he even tried to emphasize the swaying movement of his widening pelvis as he walked.

As Joe drove home, the excitement of his little performance quickly wore off, and he was again reminded of the immediate problem. Man, it itched. He balled his fist and shoved it between his legs. Using his thumb, he tried to scratch a spot impossible to reach with clothes on. The bunched up pad, which felt sort of like a diaper, didn't help any either.

As he rubbed and probed his body through jeans and the maxi pad, Joe was reminded of his high school years when, as a horny, curious, sixteen-year-old stud, he did practically the same thing to Barb Hardy, his first real girl friend. He remembered how soft her body felt, how smooth her breasts were, the way she smelled of Love's Baby Soft Bath Spray. By generously permitting his rough groping, she introduced him to the wonders of the female body.

Joe pressed on the flat softness where his male parts had been. Who'd have thought femininity would ever get this familiar?

When he arrived at Linda's home, he turned into the drive and parked his car. He took his purchases into the house and placed them on the kitchen table.

It was still too early for Linda to be home from work, so Joe had the house to himself. He opened one of the shower heads and studied the parts. Apparently, all he would need was an adjustable wrench, and maybe a slip-joint pliers. He took the box to his room and got found his little canvas tool bag. He found an eight-inch adjustable, and was pleased to see a pliers in there too. He was always good with tools. Would that change along with everything else?

Joe took the parts and tools into the shower. He quickly removed the existing head and placed it on the counter. He screwed on the adapter and then the hose. When he attached the hand shower, the job was finished. The whole thing took about five minutes.

Pleased with his plumbing skills, Joe took his tools into the kitchen and retrieved the other shower head kit. He took that into Linda's room and went into the bathroom. Her shower was cluttered with two pair of panty hose, a pair of sheer silk stockings, and a very sexy panty with matching bra. The dainty things were dry and ready to take down. Joe gathered them up, pausing to feel the texture of the silk stockings, and examine the underwear. They must be new, since he had never seen Linda wearing them.

Joe felt his body responding as he handled Linda's intimate things. Maybe he was physically female now, but his brain still retained its original male programming, and just seeing Linda's sexy underwear was still a major turn-on. But instead of a raging boner trying to break out of his pants, Joe now felt his breasts become even more sensitive, his nipples harden, and the unique sensation of his crotch seeming to "open up" as blood rushed to changed erectile tissues. He knew when he felt that, his underwear would soon become wet with lubrication. But this time, he was ready with the maxi pad.

Joe placed Linda's stockings and underwear on her bed. He went back to the shower stall and quickly added the removable shower head. He wouldn't tell Linda. Let it be a surprise.

When he was finished, Joe gathered up all his tools and remaining hardware. He quickly disposed of the boxes and packing materials. He looked at his hands. It was so strange. His hands, even his wrists, were much smaller than they used to be. It had been quite evident when he gripped the familiar tools. The large wrench just seemed so much bigger and heavier. He wasn't just turning female, though that was bad enough, he really was becoming noticeably smaller and weaker.

Placing the tool bag in his bedroom, Joe started to scratch his intense itch, when he realized he needed to wash his hands first. Going into his bathroom, he soaped up and thought about what Karen had told him. She recommended he take a warm bath. That seemed like a good idea. He went to the tub and started the water running. He took some bath beads that Linda had provided and put a handful into the warm water stream. Then he removed his clothes.

Pulling his underpants down, Joe carefully examined the scrunched up maxi pad. He pulled it from the panties, folded it, then dropped it into the waste basket. He flipped the panties onto the counter. He'd need to figure out how he could "boil" them to kill the yeast spores.

Removing his shirt, his eyes were drawn to his chest. They always were. He was getting used to the feeling, but every time he saw himself it was still hard to accept what he looked like now.

Joe arched his back, making his pert, teenager-like chest, still in the white cotton bra, stand out. He unsnapped the bra and dropped in on the counter. Aahh... Those little pink nipples, now hard as rocks, each pointed a slightly up and outward were still changing and developing. He couldn't deny he looked quite impressive, even to himself. It was hard to believe that these cute little things simply sprouted from his own muscular chest; that it had once been flat, with hardly even noticeable nipples the size of nickels.

Not anymore. Joe brought his right hand to his left breast. Cupping it gently, he examined its shape, feeling the amazing softness. It certainly felt like a real woman's breast. It was real. He could touch it, any time he wanted to, and he could feel it being touched. And just touching himself felt strangely good, too. He used his left hand on his other breast and unashamedly fondled his body, staring at himself in the mirror.

The changes were still so new. He was becoming accustomed to the new feelings, and, except for times like this, when presented with the full effect of what happened, he was even getting used to how he looked. But as he became familiar with his new body, Joe was also discovering its new sensitivity. His new sexuality WAS different, and he liked the difference.

Joe moved his left hand to his crotch, pressing his fingers tightly against short hair covering his changed genitalia. He gently rubbed his aching clitoris with his index finger. It felt so wonderfully good, so he began to move his fingers and hand, learning instinctively, from the pleasant sensations, new masturbation techniques. Joe involuntarily moved his hips against his own hand until it seemed he would explode. His legs and buttocks tensed rhythmically. Orgasm was a little different now. Although he no could longer ejaculate, at least not like before, the actual sensations of climax felt only a little different than when his penis emitted sperm. That is, when he still had a penis and sperm. No, this was different. The strange urge to have his vagina filled was intense -- unbelievable. He struggled to overcome the urge to finger himself. When climax came again, almost immediately, it felt great, but unlike the male sensations, there was hardly any waning of desire afterward. He still needed and wanted more. Joe had already experienced multiple orgasms with Linda, but this was the first time he caused it to happen just with masturbation. The first time was slow, but the next occurred almost immediately. His fingers and hand felt better and better as they became covered with his own lubricating secretions. He knew his new body could come till he was sore.

Joe looked over at the tub and noticed it was almost half full. He quit masturbating and stopped the fill. Time to get in the water. The "glow" he felt seemed to override the itch sensation, but he knew it was probably still there. He grabbed a wash cloth from the towel rack and stepped into the water.

The temperature was just right. Not too hot, but plenty warm. Joe slowly lowered himself into the warm wetness until his butt touched hard porcelain.

Wonderful. The thin layer of suds made his skin feel so slippery. Sheer ecstasy. Why hadn't he realized how great this felt years ago? Did it take having a female body to appreciate this? Joe doubted that. Was the obvious self indulgence of a bubble bath just too much for the male ego? Did his liking it now mean he no longer had a male ego?

Joe spread soapy suds over his breasts. Then, with his bare hand, he massaged his stiff nipples.

If there is any male ego left, it sure was packaged differently now, he thought. Joe realized he was grinning so hard his face was hurting.

Trying to get serious again, Joe moved his right hand between his legs and washed the still sensitive folds of skin with bare fingers. The soapy water made his finger smooth as silk and he closed his eyes as he ran it along and into the cleft, feeling the thin skin between the clitoris and the tiny bump of his urethra, just above the vaginal opening. Joe pressed on it and felt a slight urge to urinate. He wondered what would happen if he attempted to pee while sitting like this, holding the skin folds open. Right now, his urinary opening was under water. He didn't want to pee in the bath water, but he was curious about the physics of his new anatomy.

Pee sitting like this? What would happen if he stood up? Could he do it standing without the pee running down his leg? Could he still aim the stream? Would there even be a stream, or would the flow still be more that heavy "flow" than the tight, narrow, very "aimable" stream from his penis. As Joe became more familiar with the changes, his natural "engineer's" curiosity was returning.

Joe quickly scrubbed down, eager to let the water out of the tub. Since the original objective of all this was to stop the intense vaginal itch, he washed his genitalia again. Then using his toe, he flipped the handle, allowing the water to drain. When the water was gone, Joe stood and rubbed his soapy skin, relishing the soft feel. He always felt the need to rinse in the shower after a tub bath. But first, he wanted to experiment.

Joe looked down the front of his body. He looked at the pert breasts, at the close cropped pubic hair. He looked lower, between his legs and feet. Could he still pee standing up? Would it just run down his legs like most guys thought? Would he pee all over his own feet? Could he aim, or would the flow go straight down, or maybe come out at an angle?

It was his body, he really needed to know these things, he decided.

Joe moved his feet apart. Looking between them, he moved them apart even more, until his feet were against the sides of the tub. Surely I can keep from peeing on my own feet, Joe thought to himself.

He moved his hand to his crotch and spread the folds as far apart as he could. It seemed his urinary opening was so far back, if he let the flow start while bending forward slightly, instinctively it seemed likely the flow would go back, behind him. He stood as straight as he could, and pivoted his hips forward. When everything seemed right, he relaxed enough to allow the urine flow to start.

The tightness of the resulting stream surprised him. It was almost the same as from his penis. Perhaps a little stronger.

Joe saw the flow was slightly forward of vertical. He moved his pelvis, and observed that the stream moved with it. A little hip movement went a long way. He found he had quite a bit of control. He could also "aim" by manipulating the fingers that spread his vaginal lips. As long as he exposed his urethra, keeping the skin folds away from the stream, it was almost like still having a penis. But his urinary opening was a little too far down between his legs to use a regular urinal. Too bad. If it was just a little bit further up, with a little practice, he might even be able to pee wearing pants, using the fly. But like this, the zipper would need to go way down, practically to his anus.

Nope. He was stuck having to pee like the girl he had become. He'd just have to get used to it. Like Karen said, it came with the gender.

He turned the shower on, standing away from the spray until the water warmed. When it felt comfortable, he let the spray hit his body, shielding his sensitive breasts with his hands. Joe had been surprised how much the shower spray stung when it hit his breasts. Before he had his own, Joe had no idea just how sensitive a woman's breasts could be.

Joe adjusted the shower head, and when he did, he remembered that he had just added the hand-held nozzle. Yeah... That's right.

He removed the handle from the bracket and sprayed himself, getting all the soap off. Then it was time for a little fun.

He aimed the spray at his crotch, knowing that the warm spray would tickle his clitoris. It did, and it felt delicious. Joe wondered if the guy who thought of this thing realized how it would feel. Probably not. He was probably a man, and a guy wouldn't believe the way this felt for a woman.

But Joe knew. He knew what it felt like because now he had a woman's genitalia. He had really become a woman. Or was he just a girl? He looked more like a girl. A mature, teenage girl maybe, but not exactly a woman. He was just a thirty-year-old, teenage girl. It was kind of neat to be a girl, too.

It was impossible not to derive pleasure from the sensuous changes he had undergone. Joe missed being male, but the joys of womanhood, or girlhood maybe, were pretty powerful too. He certainly wasn't as big or as strong as he used to be, but his new feminine sensitivity was a reasonable tradeoff. His new soft breasts were reasonable compensation for the loss of wide muscular shoulders. And this... He moved the spray wand around his crotch... This was at least as good as a penis.

Then why did he still miss being a guy so much?

Joe quickly finished in the shower and dried with a large bath towel.

The itch was already returning.

Next: Chapter 30: Chapter35

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