
Published on Apr 17, 1996


32 Joe_Bates_Saga________________________________________________________

  1. Chapter

Joe was awakened by the sun streaming into the window of his hotel room. It took a moment, but soon felt the arm which encircled him, and the hand which held one of his bare breasts. He remembered... Jay was still with him.

Slowly and quietly he pulled the sheet away from his body the best he could. Jay was snuggling up close against him. He could feel his warmth. He could also feel something, probably Jay's limp penis, gently poking him in the rear.

Joe enjoyed the warm secure feeling of lying in Jay's arms. It was easy to understand why women liked doing that. It felt so safe. As he lay there, he looked at his chest. Jay had his hand cupped over Joe's left breast. He could even smell Jay's cologne. Joe couldn't remember ever smelling it before now. It seemed his nose, like most of his other senses, had become so much more acute with the change. Then again, he had really never been this close to Jay before either.

He thought about last night. They had gone to bed quite early, but Joe figured that he probably had no more than four hours of sleep. They spent the night together, experimenting sexually in all kinds of ways. They fondled each other, hugging, eventually even kissing, that initiated by Jay, who probably started it from habit, but Joe found his body responding to it as they both adjusted to a quite different relationship.

They must have engaged in intercourse at least five or six times. Joe had quickly lost count. The sensations he experienced, once he overcame the self consciousness of acting the new gender role, could only be described as extremely satisfying. Joe couldn't help but be amazed at Jay's stamina. Jay had gone out of his way to do everything necessary to make Joe climax, and Joe quickly lost track of how many times he had done so. Jay had also experienced orgasm many times, usually while inside Joe. They acted like a honeymooning couple, continuing until Joe simply hurt too much to continue. He had worn the sensitive skin of his body sore.

Joe reached down to feel between his legs. He was still wet there, and the extent of his previous excitement was obvious by the dampness of the sheet under his butt, but now he could feel only sore tenderness when he stroked his sensitive pubic area. It really stung. No more messing around for a while, he decided.

He retrieved his wristwatch from the night stand. Holy Cow! It was after eight o'clock. He had to be at the doctor's office by ten. That gave them less than two hours to get ready and get over there.

Joe moved Jay's hand from his chest and quickly got out of bed. All the moving around woke his sleeping pal.

"What's up?" Jay asked.

"Get up." Joe insisted. "It's past eight o'clock. I have to be there at ten."

"We can make it," Jay said, still half asleep. "Let's screw again one more time."

"Forget it. We don't have time, and even if we did, I'm too sore. I'll be lucky if I can even sit without hurting."

Jay grinned at his pal. "No kidding? I made you sore? What's that feel like?"

"It hurts," Joe said, showing his irritation. "Trust me, I wish I could share the pain." Embarrassed, he shyly rubbed his pubic area, being careful not to touch the sensitive parts.

"I have to shower and decide on what to wear." Joe said, mainly to himself, as Jay slowly sat up in bed.

"Can we do that together? It might be fun."

"Yeah, maybe it would. But we don't have time to find out. You get in your own room and let me get ready."

Jay looked at Joe. It was obvious that he had become strangely enthralled with his old buddy now that he had acquired the appearance of a beautiful woman. "You want me to leave?" he asked incredulously.

"I think you got the idea. It was fun, and maybe we can do it again, but now get out of here so I can get dressed."

Jay gathered his clothes, not putting anything on. Joe, also still nude, watched as his pal picked up his clothes where they were strewn about, mesmerized with how Jay's partially erect penis bobbed around as he walked. He realized that he couldn't remember ever seeing another naked man standing or walking with a hard-on until right now.

Jay looked over and saw Joe staring at his erection. He grinned, then his face began to redden. "What are you looking at?" he asked, embarrassed by being the object of such obvious interest by his friend.

"Nothing. Not much any way." Joe grinned at Jay's shyness. It was good to see him feeling embarrassed for a change.

Jay gathered up all his clothes and went to his room. He didn't close the door. Joe looked at the open door, wondering if he should close it, then decided to leave it open.

He went to his clothes bag and rummaged through it. He was looking for more underwear. He found a pair of light blue cotton hip-hugger panties. He had never worn them before. He held them up, examining the tiny scalloped edge of the waist and leg openings. It wasn't lace of course, but the trim was more feminine than on most of his new underwear, with the inscription "Jockey for Her" encircling the narrow white waistband. By now, Joe was completely accustomed to wearing female clothes, but, just as before the change, he still didn't like lacy undergarments. He found he did enjoy the feel of nylon and silk against his skin. The blue cotton panties were just plain everyday underwear. The scalloped elastic and maybe the light blue color were the only concession to femininity.

Joe had only one bra he had not already worn this trip. It was the other flesh-tone, seamless cup, front hook, underwire. Joe pulled it from the small tangle of things in the bag. He now liked the secure feel of a bra, but he still felt uncomfortable when he had to select one to wear. It was like having to admit to himself that he now had breasts. He did. He knew he did. Sometimes he even somewhat enjoyed the fact that he did. But he didn't like to admit it, even to himself.

Taking underwear in hand, Joe went into the bathroom, closed the door and started the shower running. While he waited for the water to reach a comfortable temperature, he used the toilet. He was a little surprised to discover that his overused bottom didn't hurt when he peed.

Joe was in a hurry, so he quickly showered. He dried off, slipped the underwear on and applied makeup as carefully as he could. Everything was getting much easier, but he was still not very good at it. He had already decided it was best to err on the side of too little rather than too much with regards to makeup, but it was hard to determine when everything was as good as he could make it. It took so long to get ready, he thought. Much easier when he just had to shower, shave, and brush his short hair into approximate position. It was a lot harder now, trying to look like a "together woman," as Linda called it.

When he thought he looked as good as he could, he put all his things into his new cosmetic case and took everything into the bedroom. He was surprised to find Jay, already dressed, sitting on his bed. He had the black panties in his hand, examining then. Joe looked at his pal, who held out the tiny underpants.

"I just can't believe what's happened to you." Jay said. "I mean I know it's you, but you... To be wearing stuff like this, and then looking so good when you do..."

"How do you think I should handle it?" Joe asked, his face reddening with embarrassment. "Should I continue wearing guy stuff?" He took the panties from Jay, balled them up and put them in his bag.

"No. I sure don't think you should do that. Besides, I can see it wouldn't fit you now anyway." Jay grinned, leering at Joe's feminine form the one over as he stood in bra and little blue panties.

The look on Jay's face embarrassed Joe. Sometimes, when everything was right, he actually enjoyed being an object of lust. But other times, it was just an embarrassment. This was one of those times. "Take a last look if you want, but then get back in your own room," Joe insisted. "Get your bags ready to go."

"I've got them all packed. I've been waiting for you."

"Damn it Jay, get over in your own room. I need a little privacy once in a while."

"Ok. Ok. I'll leave." Jay said. "I'll even close the door. Knock when you're decent, ma'am," he teased, as he closed the door.

Joe had to smile as he thought about his pal. Had the roles were reversed, he would probably have acted the same. He and Jay had been so close, closer than brothers really, it was difficult for either of them to adapt to this changing relationship. Joe, of course, had the added difficulty of having to adjust to a quite different status and developing appreciation of men, as well as discovering his own reactions to his newly formed womanhood. For Jay, he faced the dilemma of feeling sorry for what happened to his best friend, as well as being enthralled with Joe's beautiful metamorphosis and subsequent clumsy adaptation to femininity.

Going to the hangers, Joe looked at one of the new dresses he bought yesterday. It was an ivory colored wrap dress, made of an almost silky fabric. Joe loved the feel. It looked spectacular too, he thought. Not too sexy, and it felt great to wear. It was easy to put on, too, since it had no zippers up the back like so many of the other clothes he tried. He took the dress from the hanger and laid it on the bed. He dug out the black panty hose and tugged them on. Then he pulled on a half slip. He decided to not wear anything under the dress on top except a bra, hoping it wouldn't be too cold outside. He carefully put the dress on, watching his reflection in the mirror as he did. He ran his hands down his body, feeling the soft curve of his still developing breasts and hips. Sometimes, he simply loved what was happening to his body. And the fabulous feeling of these clothes...

Next, Joe gathered up all his clothes and shoes and everything, putting them in his bag. When he was finished, he looked at his watch. Nine thirty. If they didn't eat breakfast, and drove right over to the office, they might make it on time. He knocked on the connecting door. Jay answered immediately.

"I'm ready to go," Joe told him. "If you'll take the bags, I'll check out." He handed Jay the car keys.

"Sure. You want me to carry the heavy stuff," Jay said in mock protest.

"I didn't hear you complain when I acted like a girl last night."

Jay looked at him, his face turning serious. "I was serious about everything I said last night, too," he said solemnly.

"Ok. I'll remember that." He wondered what Jay meant by that remark. In the throes of passion, did he miss something his pal had said?

Joe quickly settled up with the girl behind the counter. He noticed that when he had dealings with women now, they generally didn't treat him with the same courtesy or respect. At least that's the way it seemed. Of course, to them he was no longer a handsome young man either. Women considered him to be one of them. It was still very difficult for Joe to consider twenty or thirty year old women as peers. As his sex drive changed, and his sexual preferences adapted to a new anatomy, Joe was beginning to lose some the sexual desire he had for women. It wasn't completely gone, just changing, but he still had difficulty with how they reacted to him, now that his body was so much like theirs.

Jay had carried the bags to the car in the basement garage and already returned to the counter when Joe turned to look for him. His friend held out his hand. Joe eyed it suspiciously, then took it. They walked hand in hand to the car, Joe feeling very self-conscious the whole time. To anyone watching, they were simply a couple very much in love. The happy grin on Jay's face could have been caused by nothing else. But for Joe, it was simply an awkward moment.

They had ten minutes to reach the doctor's office. Joe doubted they could make it on time. He hoped that there would be no traffic delays. He hated to be late. It was embarrassing enough, with all that had happened to him, without arriving late, holding up a busy medical practice. If he was called and wasn't there, he figured he'd miss his appointment and have to stay longer. Of course, doing that might be fun too...

Jay drove to the office following Joe's instructions. When they arrived, Joe walked in the office with Jay following behind. Joe was wearing the pumps with the fairly low heels. He was glad he had adapted so well to walking in them, but he was still not comfortable. He doubted if he would ever be.

They sat together in the chairs in the waiting area, after Joe signed in at the desk. Joe was only seated about five minutes or less when the assistant opened the door and called his name.

"Ms. Joel Bates," the woman said awkwardly.

Joe wondered if she knew what he was there for as he rose from his seat and followed the woman into one of the examination rooms.

"Please be seated." The woman, who wore a nurse's uniform, said in a kind voice. "The doctor will be with you in a moment."

Joe sat on the armless chair, and looked around the room. The tiny room was typical of most examination rooms he had ever been in. There was the table, with the white paper cover, and the little metal stirrup things. He knew what they were for. God he hoped the doc wouldn't want to check him there... but he knew that was wishful thinking. In fact, it was probably the main reason for being here. That area was the main item of interest in his body these days, it seemed.

There was a quick knock on the door and the doctor immediately entered. Joe saw that he was young, probably not much different in age than he was. And he was good looking, too.

"Ms. Bates?" The doctor asked.

"Please, call me Joe." Joe's face reddened and his heart beginning to pound.

The doctor closed the door. "My name is Mike Morgan," the young doctor said. "Joe, I've read your file and I've got to admit I find it most interesting."

"Yeah, I guess a lot of people do. It's been kind of interesting for me too sometimes." Joe smiled thinly.

"I would think it has. I suppose you've had to go over it too many times already, but how about explaining what happened once more, to me."

Joe looked at the handsome man. "Well, last Friday morning, I woke at the normal time, about six or so... and when I did, I realized something was wrong... different. My skin felt softer... my face... I usually have some whiskers in the morning... But my face was smooth. I wondered what was going on, and when I sat up, I realized that my body had changed. I... I... Well, I had these breasts... I noticed a strange feeling and I then realized that my genitals were changed too. I didn't know what was happening, but it appeared that my body had changed. It seemed that I had turned into a girl."

"It all happened overnight?" Dr. Morgan asked incredulously.

"Well, not all of it, I guess. I think I'm still changing, even now. But most of what has happened had already taken place when I woke up Friday morning. I sure didn't notice anything unusual when I went to bed that night."

"And the others, the same thing has happened to them too?"

"Basically, I think so. I don't want to speak for what happened to the other guys, though."

"It says here that your body is completely feminized, and that you now appear to be a completely normal, healthy, woman."

"I don't know how normal I am," Joe smiled. "But to the best of my knowledge, I guess I am female now. At least my body is anyway."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"What kind of question is that?" Joe thought to himself. "How do I feel?" Joe exclaimed. "I think it's pretty weird, but maybe I'm starting to get used to the idea."

"Who has examined you?" Dr. Morgan asked politely. It was obvious that he was very interested in Joe's situation, but not sure how to approach this very attractive woman with the strange, almost unbelievable problem.

"Well, I guess Dr. Krell has been in charge of everything. There have been a lot of others. I can't even remember all their names."

"Have you had a... a pelvic... er... an internal examination?"

"I lost count at four of them I think. I guess you'll want to look at me too?"

"Well, I will need to examine you to complete my report," Dr. Morgan answered, almost apologetically. "I'll try to be quick. I guess it is a little embarrassing. But I assure you, there is no need to feel self-conscious."

"You tell me that after you have some guy stick tools up your butt," Joe said, trying to be polite, but the irritation still came through.

"Mmmm. Yeah, I guess it is a new thing for you, isn't it?"

"Trust me, Doc. There have been a lot of new things in the last week. That's just the most humiliating."

"But it's just normal procedure during a gynecological examination, Joe. I'm sorry, but there is no other way to do it."

"I know that, Dr. Morgan. But remember, I'm not really a female. At least I wasn't. I'm a guy, just like you are. It's just that I woke up last week looking like this. I'm doing my best to cope, but it all takes some getting used to."

"How much did you weigh before this happened?" Dr. Morgan asked, as if to change the subject.

"Well, about One-seventy-five, one-eighty. It varied a bit. I think I was leaning toward one-eighty."

"And how about now?"

"There's a scale," Joe said, pointing at the device by the wall. "Let's find out." With the changes still happening, he didn't want to venture a guess.

Joe stood and walked over to the scale and stood on the platform. He carefully moved the weights till the bar balanced at one-forty-two.

"One hundred and forty-two pounds," Dr. Morgan said incredulously. "You lost almost forty pounds in one week?"

"Doc, I lost a lot more than weight." Joe slid the measurement bar out of the scale, trying to adjust it for height.

Dr. Morgan assisted until the bar was at the right spot. "One-oh-nine and one-half," the doctor called out.

"I was six foot even, before. Now I'm closer to five-nine."

"Incredible," Dr. Morgan said to himself.

"I guess that accounts for some of the weight loss," Joe said. "But I can tell you, I'm sure I've lost a lot of muscle mass, too. Although I think some of the mass has been going to my butt." Joe put his hands on his hips and ran them around to his buttocks.

"What else have you noticed that has changed?" Dr. Morgan asked. He was obviously in awe of what he was seeing and hearing.

"As I said, doc." Joe said, stepping off the scales. "I was a MAN before this happened. My body was male. I had a penis, and I didn't have these." He cupped his hands over his breasts. "Before, I could beat my best friend at racquet ball every time. Now, he can play circles around me, even when he's having a bad day. I just don't have any strength anymore."

"Well, I guess you would lose a considerable amount of upper body strength with what happened," Dr. Morgan said, as if to himself. "But it's hard to believe this all happened in a week."

"Not a week, doc," Joe corrected. "Overnight. One day I'm a normal guy, the next day I wake up looking like this."

"Don't take this wrong, but you are quite attractive." Dr. Morgan said honestly.

Joe grinned at him. "That's what everybody tells me. I guess I should feel lucky I didn't wake up as an ugly woman, but it's still a hell of a shock to lose your masculinity. I'm pretty sure it even has affected the way I think."

"For better or worse?" Dr. Morgan asked.

Joe looked up and saw the man had a grin on his face. He had a sense of humor, too. "I won't comment on that."

"How are you taking this?" Dr. Morgan asked. "Are you experiencing depression, or anything like that?"

"I don't think so." Joe said honestly. "In fact, sometimes I feel absolutely great. There are some good things about this, I guess."

"How about sex? Have you noticed a change in your libido?"

"Look at me, doc. What would you think? I still like girls, if that's what you mean. Of course, there's not too much I can do with one these days. But guess I'm starting to notice guys too. That's a weird feeling, I've got to tell you. And of course, the reality is now beginning to dawn that I could be spending the rest of my life like this."

"How would you feel about that?"

"Would you want to be a woman?"

"This whole thing is so amazing. It's hard to believe you were ever a man."

"Not for me, it isn't."

"Were you ever on hormones or any other such medication before or after this occurred?"

"No. Not ever. Why would I do that?"

"Just what is your sexual orientation, if I might ask?" the doctor continued.

"Orientation? Do you mean am I a homosexual?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Dr. Morgan agreed.

"Well, before this happened to me, I liked women. ONLY women." Joe said slowly, as if he was thinking about what to say. "But now... I can tell I'm becoming interested in men. I'm even starting to appreciate how they look. This is embarrassing." Joe's face reddened noticeably.

"Please. I understand. Don't be embarrassed. You're doing great," Dr. Morgan insisted.

"So does that make me homosexual?"

"I don't see how that term applies, in your situation," Dr. Morgan said truthfully.

"Well, I don't think of myself as one, if it makes any difference."

"So noted," Dr. Morgan said, rising from where he was sitting and standing near the door. "Joe, I'd like for you to undress completely and put this on," the doctor pointed to the hospital gown hanging on the door hook. "I'll be back shortly." He went out the door and closed it.

There were some hangers and things next to the seat Joe was in, along with a little partition, probably made to undress behind. Joe got up and slipped the pumps off.

With the dress off and placed on the hanger, Joe stepped out of the slip, struggled out of the panty hose, and then unhooked the bra. He got the hospital gown and slipped it over his shoulders, then pulled his underpants off. Wearing the revealing outfit, he sat there, waiting for what was to happen next.

Soon, there was a soft knock on the door, and a nurse poked her head in. "Just checking to see if you were ready," she said, smiling kindly. "Dr. Morgan will be with you in a moment."

The door closed again, and in a few seconds Dr. Morgan and the same nurse entered the room.

"Please come over here and stand." Dr. Morgan asked in a businesslike voice. Joe complied. Dr. Morgan turned Joe so that he was facing away from him, and started to place the stethoscope at various places around Joe's bare back. The instrument felt cold to his sensitive skin.

Dr. Morgan placed his hand on Joe's shoulder and turned him again, so that they were facing each other. The doctor looked into Joe's eyes and throat with a small light.

"Please remove the gown," Dr. Morgan said.

Joe opened the little velcro tabs and let the little cloth fall away. He held it in his right hand. Dr. Morgan stepped back and carefully looked at Joe's body. Joe could get no indication from his expression.

"Please turn slowly," Dr. Morgan ordered.

Joe slowly did a three-sixty. He felt very much on display.

"Ok, please get up on the table."

Joe hopped up and sat on the edge of the examining table. When he was nervous he tended to sit bolt upright, as if at attention. Perhaps it was his military training. Now, it served to make his chest very prominent.

Dr. Morgan came close to Joe and with his surgical gloved hands, he gently, then firmly examined Joe's breasts. He felt each nipple, squeezing the tender breast tissue till Joe almost voiced a painful objection, then he moved his fingers around as if feeling for something... anything.

Joe wondered just what the man was looking for. He had examined his new breasts himself many times in the last week. The first time he did he had been surprised just how breast tissue really felt. On the surface, his boobs looked so very smooth, but when you touched them, really felt them, you could detect the underlying nodules, and they felt like they were full of little lumps. They certainly weren't just mounds of fat, as he had always thought before. He even thought there might be a problem, till Dr. Krell assured him everything was normal.

"OK. You can put the gown back on," Dr. Morgan said in a very business-like way, "and then lie back on the table. Mrs. Becker will help you."

Joe put his arms back in the gown and touched the velcro together. He then lay back on the table as the nurse lowered the extension on the end. This part was the most embarrassing. Joe wondered if real women ever got used to it.

The nurse covered Joe with a lime green sheet, which felt warm in the cool examining room. Dr. Morgan pulled the lower part of the sheet away, and Joe could tell that the most changed part of his body was being stared at by a man. With his view of Dr. Morgan blocked by the sheet, Joe had a sensation more of being an observer rather than a participant in the examination.

That changed as soon as gloved hands touched him. He could feel it as his external genitalia were examined. Dr. Morgan then placed his palm on Joe's abdomen, just above his pubic hair. Joe felt his penis, or clitoris now, being touched lightly, then fingers feeling the sensitive labia. He wondered what was going through Dr. Morgan's mind as he methodically did his job.

Joe felt fingers enter his vagina. They quickly came back out. "Hmmm. What have we here?" Dr. Morgan asked, as if really speaking to no one but himself.

What could be the problem? Joe wondered.

Dr. Morgan retrieved a plastic speculum, and warmed it with his hands. Then, after putting a small amount of lubricating jelly on the surfaces, he placed it inside Joe. As before, the sensation was just slightly painful, but mostly now it simply felt very strange. Joe's brain had still not really adapted to the new opening between his legs, and sometimes when it received sensations caused by something in there, it was still quite an experience.

"And what is this?" Dr. Morgan asked. Joe could feel him poking inside, but with the speculum in there, any other sensation was limited.

Dr. Morgan held up a forceps. On the end was a small round object. The sponge! The contraceptive sponge! Joe had forgotten about it. He couldn't feel anything, and he had forgotten all about it. Oh, God. How embarrassing. Dr. Morgan knew what the contraceptive was. He looked at Joe, a knowing grin beginning to form on his face.

"Had to try it out, huh?" Dr. Morgan asked.

Joe looked up at the man at the other side of the sheet. If he could have willed to happen, he would have died right then and there.

"Well, I... Ah... I wanted to know what it felt like," Joe stammered.

"Hey, I don't blame you. I think I would, too," Dr. Morgan said, a very big grin on his face.

"I do hope you used something in addition to this if you think you need a contraceptive," Dr. Morgan advised. "I think these things statistically are only about seventy percent effective."

"Is that all?" Joe asked in surprise. "I thought they would be as good as using a condom."

"No way," Dr. Morgan returned. "I suggest at least you better use some extra spermicide."

Dr. Morgan placed the little round sponge in a kidney shaped pan. He then continued with the examination. He spoke as he worked.

"How long since you, er... experimented?"

"Well..." Joe, highly embarrassed, didn't really know. "I don't know for sure. I'd say at least four hours."

"Not really a very good idea to remove it, then. I'd recommend that you use something else the night before a pelvic examination, if you plan to do this again."

Dr. Morgan wrote something on a sheet of paper, and handed it to the nurse, who left the room. When she left, Dr. Morgan spoke again. "I sent Mrs. Becker for some spermicidal creme. It appears to me that you've got everything you need to make a baby, if you keep doing what you did last night."

"What do you suggest?" Joe asked, not knowing what else to say, but feeling like he should speak.

"Well, I'd think you should talk that over with your personal physician. But even a condom is more reliable than those things. Can I ask a personal question... sort of man-to-man?" the young doctor went on.

"Yeah, sure, I guess so."

"So... What does it feel like?"

Joe never spoke for a moment, trying to answer what so many had already asked, and was so hard to answer. "Well... It's hard to describe," he answered slowly. "I mean... everything is so different, and yet... in some ways, so much the same."

"Is it better as a male... or female?"

Joe grinned. "I'm still trying to decide that myself." Joe answered. "I suppose I'd have to say it's probably better now... I mean... every thing seems to involve my whole body... That feels really good... But... I don't know..."

"I've never talked to anybody who has been both ways," Dr. Morgan said. "I find it most interesting. Forgive me for being so personal."

Joe smiled, slightly embarrassed. "No problem. I guess I'll have to get used to it."

The nurse came back into the room carrying a small tube of medication. Dr. Morgan took the ointment and did something between Joe's legs. Joe couldn't tell what he was doing, but it didn't really hurt.

"I hope this will neutralize any semen which might still be alive," Dr. Morgan said, almost apologetically.

Soon Joe could feel the speculum retract and then he felt fingers inside him, and a hand press on his lower abdomen. He had felt that before, and knew that his uterus was being manipulated, or something like that. In a moment, it was all finished and Joe heard Dr. Morgan speak. "You can get dressed now, Joe. I'll be with you again in a few minutes."

Dr. Morgan removed his gloves and tossed them in a can, then he left the room. The nurse helped Joe up and down from the table. Joe went to where his clothes were hanging. He suddenly felt quite female, perhaps more than ever before.

"Can I be of any assistance?" Nurse Becker asked.

Joe looked at her. She was an attractive woman, maybe five or six years older that he was. He wondered what she thought about him, this guy with a woman's body. "No, I think I can handle it," Joe said, smiling at her. "I'm starting to get used to all this, I guess."

"Well, you're very attractive," Nurse Becker said, as she began to leave the room.

"Thanks," Joe said. "Thanks for everything."

Joe picked up the light blue panties from the chair. He spread the waist band with his thumbs, and looked at the underwear he was about to step into. He noticed that the narrow crotch was still wet from secretions from his body. He thought about what the stain was, a combination of his own wetness and Jay's semen. Jay's semen, the white sticky fluid that came from his penis when he ejaculated. The fluid was probably full of live sperm, sperm looking for an egg to fertilize. An egg, which his changed body was now probably quite able to produce. The thought of this was both sobering and awesome. Joe was beginning to realize the tremendous responsibility which came with this changed body.

Joe touched the white wetness on the panty. It was cool, and slightly sticky. This was stuff from his own body. He ran his fingers along the length of his genital opening, feeling slight wetness there too. At least the soreness caused by the activities last night seemed to be gone. He stepped into the underwear and pulled them up his hips, feeling the cool wetness where it touched his skin. He pulled the panty hose up his smooth legs feeling their shiny sleekness after they were on.

As Joe bent over to touch his nylon encased legs, he became aware of his naked breasts, since they sort of hung down when he doubled over, and without a bra, the soft tissue on his chest swayed provocatively. Joe saw as well as felt his nipples, which had been full soft cones, suddenly stiffen to hard points. My nipples act sort of like a little penis, he thought to himself, smiling at the pleasant sensation.

Reluctantly, he donned the bra, then stepped into the slip. Finally, Joe put the dress on, using the tiny mirror over the wash basin in the corner to preen himself.

When he finally decided he was ready, Joe sat in the chair to wait for Dr. Morgan. He didn't have to wait long. There was a quick knock, and the door opened slightly. "Are you dressed?" the doctor called from the partially opened door.

"Sure. Come on in."

Dr. Morgan entered the room, the clipboard with Joe's papers in his hand. He sat on the edge of the table and looked at Joe. "Joe, you are amazing. From my examination, I can't distinguish that you've ever been male."

Joe looked at the doctor, wondering what he was leading to.

"I've read your file. I must say I was skeptical at first, but now I have no choice to admit that what you, and these other doctors say is true. Something has caused you to become a gynecoid."


"Except for some slight scarring around the clitoris, you appear normal in every way. Normal for a mature female, that is."

"Dr. Krell says that's because I was circumcised."

Dr. Morgan looked at the attractive woman seated in the chair. "Circumcised? Yes, I guess that's what you would look like now if your penis had been subject to circumcision as a male infant."

"What else would you like to see?" Joe was getting tired of the almost constant probing.

"Well, I would like to take a blood and urine sample before I let you go," Dr. Morgan said. "I'd like to see if the hormone levels are continuing to change as shown on your chart. Then you can go."

Another blood test. Joe thought. He must have been stuck twenty times in the last week.

Dr. Morgan slipped down from the table. He went to the cabinet and removed a small plastic container. Joe recognized it as a specimen bottle. "Take this in the restroom and fill it please. I'll have Mrs. Becker draw some blood when you get back." He handed the little bottle to Joe.

Joe followed Dr. Morgan out the door to a little restroom one door down. Great, he thought. Now I'll need to pull the pantyhose and everything again. Joe struggled out of his pantyhose and pulled his panties down. He carefully tried to fill the bottle without peeing all over his hands. If there was ever a time a penis would come in handy...

Finished, Joe capped the bottle, washed his hands, and then pulled his panties and hose back up. He buttoned the dress and smoothed everything, then triumphantly carried the bottle of yellow fluid to the little window where he was told to put it.

Nurse Becker saw that he was finished and beckoned him back to the examination room. "Please sit down, Joe. This will only take a minute."

The chair was equipped with a little fold-up writing shelf, and Nurse Becker pulled it in position. Joe placed his arm on the shelf, and pulled the short sleeve of the dress away from the crook of his arm. He looked at his arm, noticing how much smaller it had become in the last week.

"This won't hurt very much," the friendly woman said soothingly.

"Everything is just so much more sensitive now," Joe said, more to himself than to the nurse.

"Yes. I guess you've really been through a lot in the last week, haven't you?"

"You wouldn't believe."

Joe felt the felt a sharp pain as the needle penetrated the vein. He saw the vial fill with dark red blood, then watched as the nurse withdrew the needle and covered the puncture wound with a cotton ball.

"Hold that on there till it stops bleeding," Nurse Becker said.

Joe held the cotton ball in position, his arm bent up, smashing the wad of cotton against his much smaller biceps muscle. When no more blood came out the hole in his skin, he stood up. "Can I go now?"

"I suppose you can," Nurse Becker answered from the sink where she was cleaning up. "Come up front to my desk."

Joe followed the woman down the hallway, watching her as she walked. Her white uniform was closely tailored to her shapely body, and the shadow of her white underwear was plainly visible in the bright lights. Joe was enjoying this innocently erotic sight when he realized that the clothes he was wearing might look the same way, too.

When they reached the nurse's desk, Dr. Morgan came from his office to meet them. "Well Joe, I hope we didn't inconvenience you too much," the doctor said.

Joe smiled and held out his hand. The man took it and they shook hands warmly. "Thank you, Dr. Morgan, Mrs. Becker. Maybe we'll meet again sometime."

"Perhaps we will," Dr. Morgan answered. "Have a safe trip back."

"I'll try," Joe answered, walking to the waiting area.

Jay was still seated there, thumbing through a magazine. His eyes brightened when he recognized Joe.

"Are you ready to go?" Joe asked.

"Let's roll." They went out the door. They went to the car without speaking to each other.

When they were underway, with Jay driving, Joe broke the silence. "The weather here looks OK. I hope everything is good for the trip home."

"Do you need to stop anywhere else?"

"No, I guess not. I guess we're ready to head for home." Joe looked down at his legs, which since his skirt had ridden high up, were very evident. He rubbed them, enjoying the smooth texture of the nylons, not realizing that his idle action was very exciting to his friend. "I guess I should change into jeans." Joe said, more to himself than to Jay.

"Don't do it on my account. You look very good like that."

"Well, thanks, I guess," Joe said looking over and giving him a grin. "But actually, it's hard enough to walk in these shoes, let alone fly."

"I'll check the weather and file, while you slip into the little girls room." Jay couldn't resist teasing.

"Yeah, you do that," Joe agreed, showing his mild irritation at the teasing.

Joe retrieved his bag from the trunk and took it into the ladies' room. The room was well appointed, with a couch and small table. Joe placed the bag on the table and unzipped it, digging out the already worn but still clean enough jeans, and a sweatshirt.

Standing while he unbuttoned the front of the dress, Joe quickly stepped out of it and placed it on a hanger, then carefully placed the dress into the clothing bag. He stepped out of the slip, pulled the panty hose down his hips, then sat as he carefully removed them. The room suddenly felt cold as Joe sat on the vinyl couch in bra and panties. He stood and pulled the denim jeans, carefully buttoning the fly, and then pulled the sweatshirt over his head.

Digging in the bag some more, Joe found some clean socks and pulled them over his cold feet. He unzipped the side zipper and pulled the comfortable Reeboks out of their pouch. He put them on and tied the laces. He found his hair brush and went to the mirror to brush his hair. As he stood preening himself, Joe examined his reflection in the mirror. It was still difficult to accept that this attractive woman with the very short hair was who he was. He was now starting to become comfortable with the physical aspects of being female, but down deep his personal body image was still male.

Sometimes, at times like this, the feeling that he was somehow still male and just dressing in drag would overtake him. With his free hand, Joe felt between his legs and experienced mild sense of relief that his hand touched only a prominent pubic bone, and then softness below that, rather than a male organ.

Satisfied with his hair and with himself, Joe put his things in the bag and zipped it up tight. Taking the heavy bag in hand, he went back out to the lobby. He placed his bag next to Jay's and went to the little planning room just off the main room. Jay was standing at the table, looking at a long sheet of computer paper.

Joe walked up behind his friend. "Now I feel like one of the guys again," he said in a soft, half joking, tone.

Jay turned around and looked at Joe. "Maybe you feel like one of the guys, but you sure don't like one," he said. A big grin lit up his face.

"What's the weather look like?" Joe said, changing the subject. He didn't want anyone to overhear them talking like this.

"We might get into some real IMC conditions on the way back," Jay said. "How about looking this over?" He handed the DUAT weather report to Joe.

Joe took the sheet and examined it carefully. Jay was right. Weather along the route included two cold fronts. It was likely that they would need to traverse at least a few bumpy clouds, and possibly some light rain. They could probably miss the icing by flying west for about a hundred miles before turning south. This deviation would add a little to the trip time, but was still well within the range of the Cessna without requiring an intermediate stop.

Joe went to the table, which had IFR charts under Plexiglas for a top. He traced a possible route along the VORs for Jay who watched intently. Then he spoke. "Try to file this route," quickly running his finger from one NAVAID to another. Jay looked at it, then started writing on a sheet of paper. Since Joe was the instructor, and Jay was the student, Joe would insist on a complete flight plan, including fuel burns for each segment, for the entire route. Jay went to the Jepp case to get the Flight Manual to prepare the plan manually. It was possible to simply enter the route in the computer and let that set up the entire flight plan, but Jay knew that Joe would have none of that. He wanted Jay to do it all manually, and he would be a stickler for detail. This would take some time.

"I'm going to see if we can get some coffee for the plane," Joe said, walking out of the planning room. He knew Jay would need some time, and he wanted to let him figure this out alone.

Joe went to the main desk. The girl there was on the telephone. She hung up as Joe neared the counter. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm flying the 425 out on the ramp, and I'm wondering if I could get some coffee for it?" Joe explained.

"Sure. If you'll bring the container in, I'll show you where to fill it," the young woman said.

Joe turned, and was starting to walk to the plane, when the young woman spoke. "I really like that jacket. Where did you get it?"

Joe looked at the jacket he was wearing. No one had really ever asked him a question like that before. "Oh, a store in Phoenix the other day."

"It looks good. You remind me of Maggie on Northern Exposure."

Joe grinned. He'd have to watch that show sometime. "You're the second person who's told me that," he said, and walked to the door.

The 425 had already been towed to the line, and the cabin door was standing open. Joe went inside, and removed the coffee container from the tiny refreshment center. Although the plane was often used for test purposes, it was also used to transport personnel, so, unlike the Lear, it was configured somewhat like a normal business aircraft. There was a tiny galley behind the right crew seat that contained an electric coffee warmer, and a place for cups and other supplies.

Joe carried the stainless steel container back into the building. When the girl behind the desk saw Joe, she came out and motioned for Joe to follow. They went down a short hallway, the opposite direction from the planning room, until the came to a small lounge area. There was an ice machine and a large coffee maker which looked to hold gallons of the black brew. Joe screwed open the lid of the container and held it under the spigot while the girl opened the valve.

Joe said, "Enough," when the container was about three quarters full. That was more coffee than he and Jay could drink in two days. No need to waste the stuff.

As they stood together, Joe could detect the scent of the young woman's perfume. It smelled good, and reminded Joe of somebody he once dated. He looked at the woman. She was younger than he was, maybe twenty-five, and very attractive. "I like that perfume," Joe said, trying to make conversation by returning the compliment she had given him earlier.

"It's Obsession," the woman replied smiling, but slightly embarrassed by the tone Joe used when speaking to her.

"It's nice," Joe repeated. He didn't really know how to engage in small talk with a woman anymore.

They walked back out to the lobby, and Joe carried the now very hot container to the plane. It would stay warm till they powered up the plane, and then the heater would keep it hot.

Joe went back inside to wait for Jay. He saw the comfortable seats in the lobby, and decided to sit and rest awhile. He didn't get much rest last night, and now he was a little tired. He sat down, found a magazine, and before long, was sound asleep.

Next: Chapter 28: Chapter34

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