
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

Linda was in bed when Joe entered the house. Joe quickly removed his clothes and joined her. She was warm and soft, and smelled of bath powder. When he touched her, she woke and smiled, then rolled over to take him in her arms. She wore a soft satin night shirt with nothing on the bottom.

Joe caressed her softness and she responded with a gentle sigh, moving her hips in response to his hand. She then reached down and took him in her hand. Linda's soft touch felt so good, such a marked contrast to his hard, rugged, maleness.

They kissed and held each other close. Each relishing the feelings... Each wanting only to give the other the maximum pleasure possible. Joe could tell by her movements that Linda wanted him, and he wanted her too.

He was just about to move on to her, when he felt a hand on his shoulder, roughly shaking him. "Joe. Joe. I think perhaps you better look at this before I file it."

Joe reluctantly opened his eyes and looked around. He wasn't in Linda's bed. He wasn't even in her bedroom. He saw only his pal Jay looking down at him. Joe had fallen asleep in an overstuffed chair in the lounge, waiting as Jay prepared the flight plan home.

Joe ran his hand across the front of his sweatshirt. There was no mistaking the now familiar sensation of breasts. It had only been a dream. As he stared at the smallness of his hand he knew his body remained quite female.

Joe reluctantly got up from the comfortable chair and followed Jay into the planning room. Among the papers and manuals on the table Joe found Jay's worksheet. He compared the proposed flight plan to the weather printout. Everything seemed in order. Joe looked at the fuel burn calculations. Those, too, seemed to be realistic, though Joe didn't take the time to formally check any calculations. Right now it was just too difficult to make his mind concentrate on things like that. He was glad that he could trust Jay. His attention to detail was obvious, and right now Joe's head was not really in the right place for detail work. He just kept thinking of Linda, the way she felt... The way she smelled...

"Jay, I think this will work," Joe said. "Enter it in the computer so we can get on the way."

Jay looked at his friend. Joe looked very tired. He wondered if there was anything wrong. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah... Sure... I'm fine. Just kind of tired, I guess. I didn't get much sleep, you know." Joe grinned.

"Yeah, I know," Jay said, a wicked smile forming on his lips. "Will you be ready to launch in a half hour?"

"Sure. Sure. Don't worry about me. I'm OK. I just had a really strange dream, that's all."

"What was it about?"

Joe looked around. "I'll tell you when we get in the air."

Jay went to the computer to enter their flight plan. If they were lucky, the plan would be in the system and ready by the time they called clearance delivery. Jay walked over to their bags and gathered them up to carry to the plane. He carried them easily, so Joe decided to stop at the restroom one last time. He didn't really feel he needed to pee, but it would be a fairly long flight and his bladder no longer seemed to have its former endurance.

Entering the ladies room, Joe found all three stalls were empty, so he entered one and lowered his jeans. Pulling the underwear down, Joe suddenly felt an overwhelming need to examine his genital area. He could just see the uppermost part of the labia, which appeared as light pink skin. It was still somewhat red from soreness.

With two fingers, Joe carefully spread the sensitive tissues, completely exposing the clitoris. "God, it sure feels like I still have my penis," Joe thought to himself, as he ran a finger over the tiny fingertip-sized bit of flesh that had once been his male organ. It was exquisitely sensitive, much more so than before, and Joe could feel it swell to its new, much less obvious, state of arousal. Even when erect, it was still only a tiny bit of skin, apparently good for nothing but the pleasing sensation it could provide. No matter what it felt like, it was totally inadequate for sexual penetration, and Joe also knew that since it no longer contained his urethra (that opening was further down below the pubic bone, hidden between the new labial folds), it was quite useless for urination, too.

Joe examined the toilet seat and found it to be reasonably clean, so he sat and attempted to empty his bladder. With concentration, and some straining, Joe was able to coax only the tiniest trickle into the commode. Apparently, there was just nothing much there right now. Joe peeled a few sheets of tissue from the roll and wiped himself dry. Standing, he pulled up the blue panties and then his jeans.

He went to the sink and rinsed his hands, then checked face and hair. Everything was still OK, so he went back out to the lobby. Jay was nowhere to be found, so Joe looked out the big windows at the plane. He saw Jay, performing the walkaround, checklist in hand. Joe looked around the lobby one last time, then went out to the plane. Jay saw him coming and duck walked from under the wing. "I'm about through the checklist," Jay said. "Do you want me to do it again?" he teased.

"Do you think I should?" Joe asked with a grin on his face.

"I'm using the checklist, and everything seems in order."

"Well then, finish it up," Joe said, with as much mock authority as he could with his new voice. He boarded the aircraft, looking at the bags. Jay had fastened them to the empty seats with seat belts. He must be expecting turbulence. Joe thought to himself with a grin.

Joe went forward, and slipped into the right seat. He noticed that, with his new size, he had to raise the seat much higher than before to get the right view over the nose. As he had previously noticed, almost all the height he had lost came from his upper torso, since he noticed the difference more when sitting than standing. The cockpit of the Conquest was roomy enough, but he saw when he put the seat belt straps across his hips and shoulders, they were adjusted much smaller than they used to be, even though his hips were surely at least as big as than before, indeed, his butt felt like it was even bigger, though it probably really wasn't. It seemed that even the seat back was taller now than he remembered it to be.

He was thinking about this when he heard Jay climb aboard. He heard and felt the thud of the door closing, and looked back at his pal. "Can you get that ok?"

"Yeah. I think it's closed correctly." Jay answered back. He came forward and saw that the left seat was his.

"Sit down, Captain," Joe ordered.

Jay took the left seat, and adjusted the seat and belts to his requirements. He took the checklist and laid it on the glare shield, then found the headset. Joe reached around to his right, found the other headset, and adjusted it over his ears. He heard the tones and clicks as the radios came alive when Jay clicked on the radio master switch.

When they completed the short Before Starting Engines checklist, Jay looked over to Joe. "Should I call Clearance Delivery now?"

"Yeah. I guess you could. They might have it already, I hope."

Jay looked up the frequency on the Jepp chart and dialed it in. He called for their clearance. Clearance Delivery had received the clearance and cleared them as filed. They had received the altitude they had requested, too. Joe had hoped for that, since it looked like it would be rather bumpy on this trip. When the clearance was copied, read back, and they discussed it for a moment, they were ready to start engines.

Joe read the checklist, and Jay performed the actions required to get the props spinning. When they were complete, Jay punched in the frequency for Ground Control. "Hulman ground, Cessna Conquest November seven-five-six alpha, Sanborn ramp, ready for taxi, IFR Phoenix."

"Cessna five-six-alpha, cleared to taxi to runway three-zero. Do you have Oscar?" Ground Control replied.

"That's affirmative, we have Oscar." Jay had received the ATIS but had not properly told ground.

Joe looked around the ramp. The ground personnel had already returned to the line shack so it appeared they were clear to taxi. Joe held his thumb up and Jay moved the throttle levers forward. When the plane moved slightly, Jay tapped the brakes to confirm they functioned correctly. Then he advanced power a bit more and pushed the right pedal to start a turn.

They rolled into position at the yellow line and did the final checks. When they were ready, Jay changed frequency and called the tower. "Hulman Tower, Cessna November seven-five-six alpha is ready for take off."

"Cessna five-six alpha, cleared for takeoff, Contact Departure one-two-one point one. Have a good day," the tower responded.

"Five-six alpha is rolling," Jay said into the microphone as he slowly moved the power levers forward.

The Cessna gained flying speed, and when Jay pulled back on the yoke slightly, the plane cleanly lifted off. When they passed the end of the runway, Jay motioned to raise the gear, and Joe stretched over to reach the handle, which was actually closer to the opposite side.

Jay established communication with departure and soon they were in a shallow cruise climb to altitude. Using the checklist, Jay made careful adjustments to engine power. When he was satisfied that everything was ok, Jay looked over at Joe. "What did the good doctor have to say today?"

Joe grinned, and then laughed a surprisingly feminine sounding laugh. "He said it was hard to tell I was really a guy."

"He's right. I know I'd never guess if I didn't know you so well."

"Yeah, I know," Joe had to admit. "I know what I look like now, but it's even harder to accept the way I feel about all this. I mean... I flip-flop from enjoying what has happened, to feeling sorry for myself even to the point of crying about it... I have to tell you, I know I'm still changing a little more every day. I really don't think I feel very much like a guy any more." "With a bod like that, I don't know how you could," Jay said, giving his pal a leer.

"Trust me, it's not all fun and games. I'm scared to death of this female stuff... Getting periods, and all that stuff. I just can't imagine what that'll be like."

"Well, most women seem to manage, don't they?" Jay said flippantly.

"Yeah, I guess they do," Joe said while he scanned the sky for traffic. "But they've had ten or twelve years to get used to the whole idea. Me, I can still remember the last time with Linda," he added, staring straight ahead as he ran the fingers of his left hand along the fly of his jeans as if to emphasize the significant difference there.

"Joe, I just have to know," Jay pleaded. "How is it better? With me, or her?"

Joe looked over and grinned a seductively knowing grin. He didn't really know what to say. It seemed all the guys asked him that. "Apples and oranges. There is really no way to compare the two."

"There has to be. You say you remember what it was like with Linda. You just did it last night with me. You can't tell me the comparison hasn't crossed your mind."

"It crosses my mind all the time. Truth is, I can hardly think of anything else. But to compare how I am now, to the way I was, I just don't know. There are some really good things about both. I like the, let's call it the increased sensations I seem to have now. I wasn't sure at first if that was just because my skin has become so soft, or what, but now I think it's a lot more than that. I suppose I really can't complain about the sex part either. I think now I can climax till I'm sore. At least I did last night."

"So then, you think sex is better the way you are now?"

"I don't know... better? Different... Sure... Absolutely. But better? I just don't know... Maybe. I can say this, when you have to take a leak it's a lot different when you're like this. I didn't realize how handy it was to just be able to pee standing up. Actually, I think I miss my penis more for that than for screwing." Joe didn't look at Jay as he spoke. It was kind of embarrassing to talk about these things out loud.

"Well, whatever happened to you... However it was caused, you have certainly become good looking. I mean... Not that you were unattractive before, but now... God, the transformation is absolutely phenomenal," Jay stammered uncharacteristically.

"If we can figure out exactly what caused it, maybe you'd like to give it a try. That is if we figure out how to reverse the effect, of course," Joe said, grinning at his pal.

"No... No... I'll pass on that. I don't think I'd want to try it. Not that I'm not a little curious. I mean... it might be interesting to have boobs and all that stuff... I just don't think it would be for me. I'm pretty certain I like being the way I am."

"I think if you did try it you would find that it affects everything, probably even the way you think," Joe said. "It's really a lot easier than you probably imagine. In some ways anyway. I mean... I sure never thought I could ever want to go to bed with you. And look what happened."

"You were good last night. Really good," Jay said in a complimentary way.

"And so were you," Joe said, punching Jay on the shoulder. He somehow felt so much physically smaller.

The plane droned on for almost an hour with the large buildup of ominous clouds on their left the whole time. When they finally reached the Vortac where they planned to turn south, there was still some weather, but it looked more promising. They were clipping along at flight level 250, and the loran readout showed a significant cross wind. Things were happening almost exactly as predicted.

After a couple of hours, and a couple of cups of coffee, Joe began to feel the urge to urinate. The plane was configured with an onboard potty, but it was almost never used. Joe had never used it, and especially didn't want to try the sort of semi-private accommodation with his new physique. He would try to hold it the remaining hour or so. Jay noticed when he squirmed slightly in his seat.

"What's the matter? You still hurt from last night?" Jay said almost proudly.

"No. Nothing like that," Joe frowned at his friend. "I really just need to pee. I think I can hold it for another hour."

"I never thought I'd hear you say that. You used to brag about your cast iron bladder."

"Yeah, I know," Joe conceded. "But whatever happened down there, I think it reduced the capacity in half, at least. Among all the other things."

"Heh, heh. There is a potty on board, you know," Jay continued in his teasing tone.

"I know that too. But like I said, I think I can make it. Just don't worry about me, or my bodily functions."

"You suggested I try it. If I do, I want to know what to expect."

"I don't think I've been keeping very many secrets from you. You know as much about what has happened to me as I do, I think."

"And I appreciate that, too," Jay said, not able to keep the grin from showing.

"Do me another favor, will you?"

"Sure, what do you want?" Jay asked, the grin still showing.

"Well, you've seen me, all of me... What I look like... The way I am now... I mean... We've done almost everything, I guess... How do I compare... Really... Can you tell? Is there anything at all that still seems in any way masculine to you?"

"Masculine? Masculine... about you? Joe, I don't know how to tell you this, but I don't think there's a thing masculine about you anymore, except maybe the way you talk sometimes, and maybe the way you ask questions." Jay put his hand on Joe's shoulder, giving it a gentle massage.

"And you like me this way, too, don't you?" Joe asked suddenly.

The question stunned Jay, who was not expecting Joe to ask something like that. "I don't know. I don't know," Jay stammered. "Joe... We have been friends for a long time. You know I'd do anything for you, and I know you'd do the same for me. Our friendship has always been special. I know that this accident has been hard for you... God knows it would have to be, but... I have to admit, I'm starting to feel something for you... Something different, not like two buddies... Two guys. Different. I know you probably still think of yourself as a male... I know what happened to you might be reversed... But, the way you are, the way you act, damn it, even the way you smell... Joe, I think I could be falling for you. Not like a buddy, but the way you are... The way you are now. The intelligent, beautiful person... No, the woman you've certainly become. And I can't help it."

Joe stared straight ahead. He couldn't look at Jay. He had suspected that Jay had the hots for his new body for some days now, but he just figured it was only a manifestation of the same lustful curiosity that he himself experienced at first.

"Are you irritated with me?" Jay continued. "If you are, I'm sorry, Joe, but I can't help it. I'm just telling you the truth."

"And I'm glad you are," Joe said finally. "No, I'm not irritated. I guess I'm flattered. I should be anyway, I guess. I don't know how I feel, really."

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Jay admitted. "It embarrassed me, the way I started to feel about you, almost from the second day. I knew who you were, but I still could see only the person you've become. Heaven knows I've been trying to keep our relationship as close to the way it always was, but I'm certain that's going to be impossible. I find myself acting very different when I'm with you, the way you are now. And I don't see that changing."

"I know you do. At first, it really bothered me, too. Why couldn't we just be best friends like always? But as this week has passed, and I guess, the change has even further affected me, I realize that I feel different too. Maybe it's inevitable, I don't know."

The aircraft entered IMC conditions and started to buffet mildly. Jay looked at Joe, wondering what to do. "We're ok," Joe assured his pal. "If the bumps get worse than this we should request another altitude. It's just as likely to smooth out though."

As Joe spoke the words, the buffeting stopped almost completely. Joe looked at Jay with a smug grin. "See. My brain is still capable of rational thought, no matter what I look like."

"Hey, I never thought anything else," Jay objected.

"I know. But I guess maybe I did." Joe smiled.

They flew on, and before long, they were ready to start a descent into the Phoenix traffic area. Joe sat back and let Jay fly the airplane, offering assistance only when it was requested. Jay was familiar with the area and procedures, so he had little trouble. He was now operating the Cessna with confidence.

As they lined up on final to runway 25L, Joe made ready to take the controls in case of unexpected difficulties. There were none, and in moments, they were taxiing to the Honeybone hanger. When they arrived, Jay parked and shut down, and Joe went to leave the plane and use the restroom. It was a little embarrassing, but there was no choice. He had to go.

The Honeybone mechanics stood by as Joe opened the cabin door. He went down the steps and greeted the two me, who he had known for some time. "Hi John... Pete... I'll be back in a minute. I just have to use the can."

"Sure... Get going," John said, a big grin showing on his face.

Joe took care of business, then returned to the plane. As he walked back he realized that the sweatshirt he was wearing was too warm for the almost ninety degree weather. Joe felt a bead of sweat trickle down his breasts. After checking around to see that no one was watching, Joe timidly put his hand under the bulky shirt and felt himself. Sometimes, it was as if he was sneaking a feel of someone else's body when he touched his most feminine parts. The bra was damp with perspiration, and he hoped his deodorant wouldn't give up. He would really need a shower when he got home.

Jay and the mechanics had already unloaded the plane and carried the bags to the hanger. Joe talked to the men, whom he knew well, but hadn't seen since the change had taken place. "Thanks guys," Joe said. "I really appreciate it." He picked up the bag and as many hangers of things as possible to take to his car.

"No problem, Joe," said Pete. "I heard what happened to you guys... I can see it's all true."

"Yeah. It's true all right." Joe smiled. "But I'm doing my best to get used to the whole thing."

"Joe. Jim said to give him a call when you get in," John called from the other side of the room.

"Ok." Joe said, going over to the phone on the desk. He dialed the three digit number that was Jim's extension.

"Jim Matheney," The voice on the other end responded.

"Jim. This is Joe. You said to call." Joe wondered what was happening back there.

"How'd it go with the big guy?" Jim asked. "Is he willing to help?"

"I think so. At any rate, he's going to be here in a day or so. I think he wants to see what's happening for himself."

"Are you coming over here yet today?"

"That's up to you. I think the good doctor's people are about ready to try some things with the cage. Until now, they've just been installing and calibrating equipment. "What are they going to do first?" Joe asked.

"I'm not sure," Jim answered. "I haven't been asking very many questions... I didn't want to bother them. I was hoping you'd do that for me."

"Ok," Joe replied. "I'll stop over there yet today, If you like."

"See you in a little while then?"

"About a half hour or so," Joe said. "Bye."

"See you soon." The phone clicked silent.

Joe had been hoping to get to Linda's and take a nap. He hadn't slept all that much the night before, and was rather tired. Maybe he would only need to be at work for a few minutes, he hoped. He said good bye to the mechanics and then walked to the parking lot with Jay. "I've got to go over to work for a little while."

"Should I stop over at Linda's later?" Jay asked. It was obvious he didn't want to leave Joe.

"If you want, I guess it would be ok. But I have to get some sleep tonight," Joe said, grinning.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'll let you get some sleep." Jay said, as he unlocked his car. "See you about seven?"

"I should be home by then," Joe considered. "At least I'd better be."

Joe took his bags, including the new stuff he bought and struggled to his car. When he got to it, he placed everything in the back and got inside. The midday heat made it almost unbearable until the air conditioner took effect. Joe pulled the sweatshirt up so that it sort of snagged on his breasts, exposing his midriff, but feeling pleasantly cool as the cool air from the ducts blew on his belly. He reached down to feel the rapidly drying perspiration, and idly ran his fingers along the satiny underwire band of his bra. As he drove to work, Joe wondered what Jim really wanted to talk about. He was hoping to go home and get some sleep. That would have to wait for at least a few more hours.

Next: Chapter 27: Chapter32

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