
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter

They didn't speak as they rode the elevator the five floors to the rooms. Jay held Joe's hand firmly, and Joe walked close to him. Joe felt strange, acting subordinate to Jay, but at the same time he experienced an oddly comforting feeling of safety. Jay wasn't really that much larger, but he was stronger than Joe. Before the change, it was Joe who had been the bigger and stronger. Not anymore. It was a hard thing for both to get accustomed to.

When they reached the hallway, Joe stopped at the door to his room and fished his key from his pants' pocket. Jay nervously watched as Joe opened the door, then followed him inside.

Joe could feel his heart pound as he slowly walked to the opposite end of the room. He had been at this point a few times before, the awkward start of a possible night of sex, but never in this position. He looked at Jay, who stood self-consciously at the other side of the bed. "Lighten up, Jay. You know I'm not going to bite."

"It isn't very easy doing this, Joe. We were buddies."

"I thought we still are."

"Buddies don't usually get into bed together."

"Hey, if you don't want to do this, I understand," Joe said, smiling. "God knows, you can probably hear my heart from where you're standing."

"No. I can't. But then, mine might explode at any minute. I know I've been teasing you all day, and I think I meant it too, but now I just don't know if I can go through with this."

"I know. I find myself wondering why I would even want to get in the same bed with you, too. I must be absolutely going nuts." Joe grinned at Jay. "Let's just see what's on television," he continued. "We can lie here and watch that, and forget about all this sex crap."

"You really think that'll be possible?"

"Probably not. But if something else happens, what the heck," Joe grinned mischievously.

Joe went to the television set and snapped it on. He pointed to the remote control fastened to the stand between the beds. "See if you can find something good. I'm going to hit the can."

He went into the bathroom. As he peed, he thought about the birth control sponge and wondered if he should try one on, just in case. He retrieved one from his shaving kit and examined it. Wrapped in its protective wrapper it looked sort of like a tiny catcher's mitt. He ripped open the plastic and held it by the little tab. This looks too big to put inside me, he thought.

He remembered how he thought the same thing about Jay, and how easily that went. He carefully read the instructions on the little paper. Using toilet tissue, he dried, then stood up. With jeans and underwear around his ankles, he bent to a squatting position and looked down at his crotch. Everything is so much easier with a penis, he thought to himself.

With his left hand, he spread the sides of the opening and probed around with the ring finger of his right hand. When he located the exact position of his vaginal orifice, he took the little sponge, carefully held it as the directions said, and placed it inside. Using his index finger, he adjusted the contraceptive until it was in a location he hoped was covering the cervix. Though he had explored himself, he had never probed this new part of his body quite this way before, and it came as a surprise when he actually touched his cervix with his finger. It was just another confirmation of the extent of what had happened. There actually was a cervix in there, just like in the picture. Not only had his external appearance become female but, like the doctors had said, his internal organs were changed, too. If there was a cervix in there, there surely had to be a uterus. If he had a uterus, it was only a matter of time before he would ovulate, then menstruate. If he did that, well... He hoped the sponge performed as advertised. He wasn't ready to try everything his body might now be capable of. Not yet anyway.

With the sponge inserted, Joe stood up. He examined his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't see anything new, it all looked the same. Everything was completely hidden inside his body. He was somewhat surprised that he couldn't really feel anything either. He tensed the muscles down there and confirmed it. Other than a strange residual feeling from having just probed around down there, stretching things with his fingers, he felt nothing different at all. He realized that his fingers were wet with his juices. He held them under the sink and quickly dried his hands on a towel.

Joe pulled the diminutive panty to his hips, then raised and buttoned his jeans. He pulled the sweatshirt back down and examined his appearance in the mirror. He decided to give his disheveled hair a quick brush. With that, he went back out to where Jay was resting on the bed watching TV. "What's on?" he asked.

"Well, Showtime has a comedy special, and HBO is showing 'Memphis Belle.'"

Without looking at the screen, Joe could tell from the 40's big band sound that Jay was watching the story of flying in world war two. He had seen it before, at the movies and also on television. It was worth watching again. But right now, his mind wasn't on airplanes, movies, or TV.

Joe lay down on the other double bed, and then got up again and pulled the spread away, leaving only the bare sheets. Jay apparently was trying his best to keep his attention on the small screen.

Joe removed his Reeboks and socks, then, leaving his clothes on, he dropped back on the pillows. He tried his best to get interested in the movie, but soon the warm room and the heavy sweatshirt began to feel uncomfortable. It also gave him an idea.

Without saying anything, Joe sat up and pulled the sweatshirt over his head, placing it at the edge of the bed. He watched Jay's reaction out of the corner of his eye. He raised his arms over his head and stretched, emphasizing his new breasts as much as he could. He knew the shiny little black bra made his new shape look its best, and he could tell Jay was transfixed, watching his every move. He pawed his left breast as if scratching an imaginary itch. Joe found it was actually sort of fun to play this little game and discover Jay's reaction. It was quite exciting being the tease. He lay back on the pillow to let the bait work.

At first it seemed that Jay was just going to lie there, doing nothing. Joe began to feel embarrassment, as if he had just been caught dressing in drag. But soon he saw his actions had the desired effect.

"You look pretty good, lying there," Jay said simply.

"Thanks," Joe said, attempting a demure smile. "That big sweatshirt was just too warm. You don't mind, do you?"

"Heck, no," Jay said with uncharacteristic abandon. "I like it."

"I do, too," Joe said, momentarily sitting up. "It's kind of funny. I thought it would be embarrassing to wear stuff like this, but actually, it's worse without it. I mean... the boobs are always there." He shook his chest provocatively, making his breasts sway slightly.

Jay watched his friend flaunt his new software. Joe did look so fine. "You make it difficult to watch the movie, when you sit there like that."

"I'm sorry. Do you want me to wear a shirt?"

"Not at all. You look beautiful like that."

"Yeah? Really?" Joe asked. "I mean... I know I don't compare with Barb, that's for sure."

Barb was Jay's current girl friend. She was rather well endowed. Joe had his first glimpse at her generous assets when they had changed clothes together in Linda's bedroom, some days ago.

Jay's face showed a look of surprise and then humor. "What's this? Do I detect that you're jealous of Barb?" Jay questioned.

"No. I'm not jealous. I'm just wondering how you think I compare. I can't even attempt to judge myself that way, but I guess I would like to know."

"Well, you are different from Barb, that's for sure. But I like the difference. Sure, you haven't got quite as much on top as she does, but like you said yourself, you're still growing." Jay laughed.

"But do I look like a REAL girl to you? I mean, I know I'm female looking, sort of, but do I really look like a woman to you, a real woman?" Joe wanted to know. His confidence in his ability to pass in his newly adapted gender needed bolstering.

"Joe, I don't think you look like anything BUT a woman." Jay said. "What are you worried about?"

"Damn it, Jay, I guess I don't know. I realize that I probably won't ever be male again, and I guess I'm trying my best to get used to the whole idea. But I don't feel like a woman. Hell, I don't know what a female is supposed to feel like. Maybe I really do, and don't even realize it. But if I'm going to live like this, I need to know what you, and others, really think."

"Look at yourself," Jay admonished. "You remember what women look like. You said yourself you saw three of them undress right in front of you, just this afternoon. You can answer the question better than I can."

"Jay, I know what I see, but when I look at myself, I can still see the male me. I mean, sure I can see the differences, but I feel like it's just me with female parts added, (he grinned) or with my male parts missing."

"Ok," Jay ordered. "Stand up."

"Stand up?"

"Stand up, and walk around to the front of the bed," Jay said, clicking the light on bright.

Joe went to the foot of the single beds. He stood there in jeans and bra, with his hands held clasped in front of him. Jay looked him over critically, saying nothing for about almost a minute.

"Off with the Levis," Jay commanded.

Joe gave him a confused look and then smiled shyly.

"Come on, off with the Levis," Jay repeated.

Obediently, Joe unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. He stepped out of them, retrieved his sweatshirt, and placed both on the dresser. When he turned around, Jay saw the thong back underwear. "Turn around," he ordered.

Joe did a slow three-sixty. He looked at Jay, the shy smile still on his face.

"You wear clothes like that, and you still say you're unsure of your sexuality? I'm sure you look better, and more female, than at least ninety percent of the women in this place, that's for sure."

"So you like it, huh?" Joe asked, making his hip jut out in a mockingly sexy pose.

"Sure. Black really looks good on you."

"Yeah, I think I like it too. Who would have thought I'd ever be standing in front of you, or anybody, wearing stuff like this?" Joe wondered aloud.

"It's hard to believe you were ever a guy. I know I've asked you this before, but what does it feel like to have your body changed like that?"

Joe looked into Jay's eyes and grinned mischievously. "Well, right now it kind of itches," Joe answered, using his fingernails on both sides of his pubic area at the edge of the panty's narrow crotch band. "I think there's a little stubble there. I haven't trimmed it for a while"

"Do you want me to scratch it?" Jay offered.

Joe grinned nervously. "I thought you'd never ask," he said, in his best Madonna imitation.

"Get your butt over here, then." Jay ordered.

Joe went slowly to where Jay was sitting. Jay reached out and put his hand on Joe's hip, then ran it down his soft, bare backside. "You are so soft and smooth. You feel like a teenager."

"Have you been feeling up any teenagers lately?"

Jay grinned. "It's true, Joe. I think your skin is softer now than even a few days ago."

"That's what I've been telling you." Joe said. "I'm still changing. I can feel it happening. I guess it's the hormones or something, I don't know."

"Well, whatever it is, it looks and feels great."

"Unless you're the guy whose body it's happening too, that is. Then it takes on a whole different aspect," Joe reminded.

"Yeah, I guess it would at that. But my God, it's just so amazing. You're so beautiful."

"Do you know how hard it is to think of yourself as beautiful?"

"I'm sorry. But you really are. The change is phenomenal. The way your voice has changed, you even sound like a woman."

"Yeah. But with no balls comes no muscles," Joe reminded him, rubbing his palm over his pubic area, as if to emphasize the difference. "I was playing as hard as I could, but you walked all over me today."

Jay moved his hand away from stroking Joe's smooth buttock, and placed it on the black nylon covering his genital area. He could feel Joe's pubic hair through the soft cloth. The gentle touch felt great to Joe, and he stood still, with his eyes closed, taking in the sensation.

"It's a shame," Jay said. "To look so fine, and still want to be a hairy guy again." He smiled at Joe in a kind of condescending way.

Joe put his somewhat smaller hand over Jay's, and slowly guided Jay's fingers over the outside of his underwear around his pubic mound. Then he moved his legs apart slightly and moved Jay's fingers to the softness between them. "What does that feel like to you?" he asked.

"What does it feel like? What do you mean, what does it feel like?"

"Just what I said. You're touching me. What does it feel like?"

"I don't know. What do you want me to say?" Jay stammered.

"Does it feel like you're touching a woman? Does it feel like you're rubbing a pussy?"

Jay looked up at Joe. He was sitting on the bed, and Joe was standing beside it. "Well, yeah, I guess it does. It does. It feels like I'm touching a... a female sexual organ," Jay said clinically.

"Well, I feel it too. But do you know what it feels like to me?" Without waiting for Jay to respond, Joe continued. "I hope this doesn't turn you off, but it feels like you just ran your fingers along my cock, and now you're touching my balls. That's what it feels like to me."

"Really?" Jay exclaimed, moving his hand away. "It feels like that?"

"Yes. Does that help you understand what it's like to be like this? To have everybody start thinking of you as a woman, just because you look like one?"

"Gee. I'm sorry Joe... I never knew... I thought you wanted to do this... I mean... I said I only wanted to if you did."

"That's the second paradox," Joe continued. "My body looks female, but I feel male, and yet... female too... I guess. But even though I usually think of myself as a guy, still male, I'm starting to have these thoughts... these urges... It makes me wonder if maybe I'm really homosexual or at least, bisexual."

"I think you're trying to tell me that you're starting to notice men, and you don't know what you should do about it."

"Yeah. I think maybe that's what I'm trying to say. It's so confusing."

"Let's see. You've undergone this change... Your body looks female. It still feels male, but also female. You think of yourself as male, but at the same time, you're starting to acquire an interest in men. Does that sum it up?"

Joe looked at his pal. "Yes, I guess maybe that's the problem."

"Hmm... You've said that it you feel it isn't likely that they'll figure out some way to get you back and make you look male again." Jay was speaking methodically. "It looks to me like what's happening is probably the best thing for you. I mean... If you have to live as a woman, wouldn't you want to be heterosexual?"

"I guess I do," Joe said without conviction, "but what about Linda?"

"What about her? In your present state, why not just think of her as a friend? With your body like this, I'd say you have little need for her in bed, wouldn't you?" Jay had begun rhythmically moving his fingers between Joe's legs. His action was making concentrating on what they were saying to each other very difficult.

"Do you know what she wants to do?" Joe asked. "She wants me to help her use the machine to make her male."

"Linda wants to be a man?" Jay said in amazement. "Why would she want to do that?"

"I think because she's in love with me," Joe said simply. "I think because she realizes that I can't love her like I want to, and she can't give me what I need. The other night I told her that I might not mind staying this way, and the next day she told me she wanted to be a guy."

"Can they make her one?" It was a strange question, but with what had happened already, not unreasonable.

"As far as I know, if the machine could masculinize her, it could change us back, too. I don't have an answer for that right now."

"If she was a guy, would you... could you feel the same about her?"

"That's a hard question. I mean... I do love her, but I don't know if I'd want me married to her this way... not as her WIFE."

"What about sometime? Would you consider being a wife, sometime?"

Joe looked at the wall, deep in thought. "I'm young. I'd hate to think I'll have to spend the rest of my life alone. I mean I was just planning to settle down and marry Linda. But to get married, like this, as a woman, to become a wife, maybe get pregnant, have babies... God Jay, it's too early to think about stuff like that. I'm still having to remember to sit when I pee." Joe laughed as he voiced the last sentence.

"Is it too early to think about trying out the new equipment?" Jay asked, giving Joe's crotch a squeeze. He could tell Joe was enjoying his actions since the little black panties were becoming quite damp.

Joe looked down at Jay. It was so strange. It seemed he was slowly being overcome by an intense desire to make Jay feel good. He was finding that the sex urge manifested itself much differently now. Before, the main interest was to get his penis inside his partner's vagina. Now it was all much more subtle. He could still detect a strong feeling of desire emanating from his genitalia, but it was different.

"No. I think I could use the practice, don't you?" Joe teased. His urge to get down to business was overcoming his embarrassment.

"What do you suggest we do?" Jay asked.

Jay was lying on the bed, but he was still fully clothed. He had slipped his shoes off, so Joe reached down and pulled his socks off, running his fingers along the soles of Jay's feet as he did so. "Loosen that belt," Joe said.

Jay did as he was told, and helped as Joe pulled his trousers off. Joe dropped them on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed next to Jay. He began unbuttoning Jay's shirt, and Jay reached up and fondled Joe's breasts. Joe gently pushed his hand away.

"You can look, but don't touch," Joe said softly. He knew that if he held Jay off, his interest would peak even higher. When he had Jay's shirt unbuttoned, with Jay's assistance, he removed it and placed it with his trousers.

Now Jay lay on the bed wearing only royal blue jockey shorts. Joe looked at his friend's crotch, where his erection strained at the cotton fabric. He was finding it difficult to accept that he could actually want to touch another man's penis.

"My goodness," Joe said in mock surprise. "What do we have here?" He placed his hand on the bulge at Jay's crotch. Then he gingerly wrapped his fingers around Jay's manhood and softly squeezed. It amazed him how hard the thing was. Only a week, and already I can't remember what a real hard-on feels like, he thought to himself.

Jay closed his eyes as Joe stroked his penis with one hand and ran his soft fingers through the hair of his chest with the other. Maybe Joe was really a guy and all that, but he looked so good, and smelled so good. His hands were so soft too, and he knew exactly what kind of touch felt good to a guy. He reached out and put his hand around Joe's back, feeling the strap of his bra. He ran his fingers along the strap, hunting for the catch. It took a moment, but Joe finally realized what he was trying to do.

"It opens here," Joe said, reaching between the cups. With one hand, he easily worked the little clasp and the bra separated, exposing his breasts.

Jay reached around and fondled one, then the other. Joe worked his arms out of the bra and let it fall onto the bed.

"God, I never thought I'd be doing this," Joe said, as he looked down at his bare breasts. "Much less that I'd even want to."

"What's the matter?" Jay asked. "Am I doing something you don't like?"

"No. Not at all. Not at all. Quite the opposite. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying what you're doing."

"Your boobs are fantastic. I can't believe how firm they feel."

"I guess that's because they're so new." Joe said matter-of-factly.

"Maybe so. They're a week old now, aren't they."

Joe moved his hand which was stroking the light hair on Jay's chest down until he came the band of his jockey shorts. He slowly slipped his fingers under the elastic and felt around until he found what he was looking for. Using only the tips of his fingers, he rubbed the bottom side of Jay's organ and as he did, he felt Jay tense up as he experienced the intense feeling.

While Joe was pleasuring Jay, Jay was softly stroking his breasts. Joe continued to sit beside him on the bed while Jay lay back on the pillows. Both wanted to do more, but were too self-conscious to proceed faster. They continued until Jay spoke. "If you keep that up I'm going to come real soon." Jay was almost gasping.

Joe looked at him. He wasn't sure if it would be best to let him, or to stop what the was doing and try something else. It was easy to forget that even though his own sexual endurance had changed, Jay's still followed the male pattern.

"Do you want to?"

"Well, if you want to get down to business, don't use it all up like this."

"I want to make you feel good. But I don't think I'm ready yet."

"Lie down here," Jay said.

As Joe lay down on the bed, Jay got up and knelt next to him. He began to stroke Joe's flat stomach and continued to fondle his breasts. After a few minutes of that, with Joe just lying back with his eyes closed, Jay touched Joe's genital area.

Joe was still wearing panties, but the thin material only seemed to help make the sensation feel even better. Joe opened his legs to give Jay better access. It wasn't long before he was moving his hips along with Jay's hand.

"May I take these off?" Jay asked, pulling Joe's panties down a little.

"Sure," Joe breathed. "Whatever you want."

Jay slowly and carefully slid the little black panties down Joe's smooth legs. As he did that, he would sometimes stop and massage the soft skin of Joe's legs. When he had them off, his attention turned to Joe's crotch.

He first ran his finger tips along the little folds, which by now had spread open and were oozing with natural lubricant. As he touched Joe, his hips would rise to meet him, and it was plain that Joe was now quite sensitive in this area.

"Does this feel good?" Jay asked.

"Hell, yes," Joe said urgently. "It's fantastic."

As he fondled Joe, Jay examined his pal's changed body. It was amazing just how feminine he had become. Except for possibly somewhat wider shoulders than most women, there was no real evidence that Joe had ever been a man. He looked at Joe's genitalia. Maybe the clitoris was a little more obvious than some he had seen, but the transformation from male to female appearance was total. As Joe had been telling him, his pelvis had acquired a feminine shape, with hip bones and pelvic bone protruding from a quite flat belly. Joe's pubic hair had even assumed the female pattern of a narrow "V", with the top edge bordering the top of his prominent pubic bone, and from there, a very narrow strip continued down between hairless legs. He could tell that Joe had trimmed the hair, and when he ran his fingers along the area between cleft and leg, he could feel a slight stubble. Jay's face was less than a foot away from Joe's crotch, and he could detect the sweet, musky scent of an aroused female. There was no doubt about it, Joe was all woman now, whether he felt like one, or not.

Jay looked at Joe's face. Joe was lying there with his eyes closed, his features drawn into a strange grimace. It was obvious to Jay that his manipulations were very pleasurable to his pal. His gaze went back down at Joe's lower body. Spreading them, and then moving between Joe's legs, Jay put his face on Joe's crotch. He even tasted good. He began to tease Joe with his lips and tongue, and as he did Joe instinctively moved his hips, trying to maneuver his most sensitive parts to Jay's tongue. After about two minutes of this, Jay felt Joe's legs tense up and his hips raise off the bed. Then he dropped back to the bed.

"Did you come already?" Jay asked, even though the answer was obvious.

"God, yeah." Joe breathed. "How about going inside?" he pleaded.

"Sure," Jay said. "Give me a minute." He got up and started to go to his room."

"Where are you going?" Joe asked.

"I came prepared this time," Jay said, a big satisfied grin on his face.

"Get back here," Joe said. "And sit down."

Joe sat up in bed. His body desperately yearned to have Jay, but he did his best to speak.

"You've been tested for HIV, haven't you?" Joe asked.

"You know I have. We both have."

"Well then, unless you have any objection, let's not use a rubber."

"But I thought you were so worried about getting pregnant. Do you know something I don't?"

Joe grinned seductively. "Maybe I was. No, I still have to worry about that, I guess. But I've got something else to try. Have you ever seen those commercials on TV about that contraceptive sponge?"

"Yeah, sure. I think I have."

"Well, I bought some. If you don't mind, I'd like to try this without a rubber."

"Any reason?"

"I know how it feels for a guy to do it wearing a rubber... it's not as good. I wonder if the same thing is true for me this way."

"You're right about that," Jay agreed. "What's the old saying... like taking a shower wearing a rain coat?"

"Something like that. Anyway, I bought some of those little sponges, I've got one on now. I can't even feel it's in there."

"If you're willing, I'm willing and ready," Jay said, pointing to his rock hard erection. Just looking at Joe's attractive body was keeping it stiff as a poker.

Joe lay back and moved his legs apart. "Come on down," he said sexily.

Jay went to the bed and lay down next to Joe. Joe reached for Jay's appendage and gave it a gentle squeeze. Not too gentle. With that, Jay moved on top of Joe's body and Joe, his inhibitions overcome by desire, maneuvered Jay's hardness into the soft wetness between his own legs. When he found the right spot, Jay came down with one good thrust and went all the way in.

"Oooh," Joe moaned softly. "God, that feels good."

"Glad you like it," Jay said as he began to slowly move in and out. "You feel great to me, too." "Just keep doing it, but move real slow," Joe commanded. "Move real slow."

Jay did as ordered, slowing so that it took maybe a full minute for one in and out cycle. Joe closed his eyes and savored the feeling. Sometimes he would flex his crotch muscles, as if trying to tightly grip this wonderfully hard, yet velvety smooth thing inside him. Whenever he did it, he could tell Jay could feel it too, because he would stop moving and tense up slightly. It was a strange thing. As a man, he had always felt he was the one in control of the lovemaking situation. Now that he found himself on the other side, he still felt that he had the upper hand.

He was thinking about this when he felt Jay tense up, then begin to pump furiously. He was obviously ejaculating. Joe could feel Jay's penis begin to jerk the familiar way it did when he ejaculated. Joe remembered the feeling of ejaculation, wondering if he would ever experience it again. Can't have it both ways, he knew.

Joe wrapped his arms and legs around Jay as his friend continued to writhe in pleasure from his orgasm. Joe tried to imagine the little sperm which had just entered his body. They weren't his sperm, they were Jay's, and they were instinctively looking for an egg to fertilize. His egg. He hoped the little catcher's mitt and the spermicide in it did the job it was designed to do.

After a few moments, Jay withdrew, and lay next to Joe. They were both temporarily exhausted from the exertion. Joe looked over at Jay, and began to run his fingers through the hair on his friend's chest.

"God, that was good, Jay. Much better even than last time."

"So you like it?" Jay asked. "Do you want to stay that way? What if they can make you male again?"

"I don't know," Joe said, looking up at the ceiling. "I realize that there's a chance I might have to choose, but I don't know what I'd want to do. I seem to oscillate between feeling sorry for myself about what happened, to just loving to be this way. Right now, I don't think I've ever felt better in my life."

"Well, one thing is obvious, you've never looked any better, that's for sure." Jay said teasingly.

Joe moved his hand from Jay's chest to his crotch. He pulled playfully on Jay's penis as he gazed into Jay's eyes. "I guess I'm a victim of these new genes and hormones. Thanks for helping me adjust to it."

"What are you talking about?" Jay objected. "You know it's my pleasure... And I mean that literally."

Joe grinned. "No, I mean it," he said. "It's all been kind of embarrassing for me, but you've been really nice about it."

"Hey, once I get over the idea of who you were, it's very easy being around you," Jay said. "I told you the other day that I thought I was beginning to feel different about you... Do you know what I'm trying to say?" he stammered.

"Yeah... Maybe I do. But... its one thing to play around like this, I mean... I was curious... you were curious... but, I don't know about anything else. I mean... we're really both guys... under the skin, anyway."

Jay ran his finger along Joe's left breast, stopping at his pink nipple, and then making a circle around it. "Maybe UNDER the skin you are, old pal, but your skin is all woman. You've gotta admit that."

"But you're still all man," Joe teased, pumping Jay's erection, which caused it to assume its previous stiffness." "Do you mind if I put this to use?" Joe tried to make his voice sound as seductive as he could.

"What's with you?" Jay asked, grinning. "You look so young and innocent, but you act just as horny as you were before."

Joe felt his face begin to flush with embarrassment. "I told you, it's still me, no matter what I look like. I can't help it, it all feels so good, why not just enjoy it?"

"I guess that's what I like about you. A girl who thinks just like a guy."

"I prefer to think of myself as a guy who looks like a woman," Joe said, twisting Jay's penis.

"Whichever way you want, you're simply beautiful," Jay said, moving onto Joe again.

They continued into the night until Joe found he had become too sore to continue. Then they fell asleep, with Joe snuggling in Jay's arms, and Jay relishing the closeness of Joe's soft body. Neither bothered setting an alarm, or phoning in a wake-up call. There would be plenty of time to make the appointment in the morning.

Next: Chapter 24: Chapter30

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