
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter : Experiments

"Joe, could you escort Dr. Krell and whoever he has with him into the building?" Jim asked.

"Sure," Joe replied. He quickly left the room and walked back to the entrance.

By now Joe was at home enough with his new physique and the feel of his clothes that he sometimes forgot, if only for just a moment, that his appearance had changed significantly. As he traveled the familiar hallways, he absent-mindedly attempted to move along with the long, easy stride he always used. When he did, he felt the restricting hem of the skirt at his knees. He looked down, and was instantly reminded that some things were quite different now. He could feel the slight bounce of his breasts moving, and hear the gentle rustle of his pantyhose when his thighs sometimes rubbed together as he walked. Joe placed his hand on his hip just to feel the satin slickness of the slip against his stockings. He liked the sensation and kept his hand there, letting it gently brush the side his leg as he walked. There were so many interesting things about being this way... wearing clothes like these... always some new feeling or sensation to experience. To be like this forever wouldn't be so bad at all, he thought.

When he arrived at the entrance, Joe recognized Dr. Krell, Karen Simpson, and two other people, both men, probably doctors or lab technicians. He didn't recognize either of them. Dr. Krell smiled in recognition when he spotted Joe. Karen raised her hand in greeting.

"Good morning, Dr. Krell," Joe said. "Hi, Karen," He added.

"Good morning," Dr. Krell repeated. "How are you doing this fine day, Joe?"

"Just fine, I guess," Joe said, smiling.

"You're certainly looking good," Karen said.

"Thanks. You are too." Joe said.

They all signed the log, and Dr. Krell introduced the other two men. "Joe Bates, I'd like you to meet Dr. John Schwab and Dr. Richard Roberts. Besides their talents, they're associates of mine. John is into genetics research, and Dick's specialty is urology, and they're both very interested in what's happened here. If it turns out our research continues very long, I'm sure we'll have others wanting to get involved on it too."

"I've heard all about you," Dr. Schwab said, holding out his hand to Joe.

Somewhat embarrassed, Joe shook his hand, and then took the hand of Dr. Roberts.

"I've got to talk with you," the big, friendly looking guy said. "What has happened to you is almost unbelievable. I can hardly believe my eyes."

"Well believe me, nobody's having a harder time believing I'm like this than I am myself."

"If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the others. Jim Matheney, he's our Certification Manager and my boss. I guess he's your primary contact here at Honeybone."

"This is quite an impressive complex," Dr. Roberts said. "I've always wanted to see how avionics are designed."

"Do you have an interest in aviation?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I guess I do," Dr. Roberts said. "I've got my commercial ticket, and a five year old A-36 Bonanza."

"That's a pretty good plane," Joe commented.

"I guess you get all kinds of interesting hardware around here," the doctor said.

"Well, sometimes we get a new airframe to use, but usually we have to use our test aircraft, and they're hardly new," Joe said. "But we do work with the latest in avionics, of course."

"I have King gear in mine," Dr. Roberts said. "I have to admit, except for the DME, I haven't had any real trouble with any of it yet."

They arrived at the Certification Section offices, and Joe led them into Jim's office, where the others were waiting. He introduced them to each other, noting that the two new doctors carefully eyed Mike, Dave, and Tim as they were introduced.

"All of you were together when this happened?" Dr. Schwab asked, looking at Mike.

"Well, we were pretty near each other for some of the time." Mike answered. "Three of us were in the Lear, and Tim here, came over to fuel us and stayed around to watch us calibrate. I guess that's really the only time we were actually together for any length of time."

"And this GPS transmitter, was it on all the time?" Dr. Roberts asked.

"Once we turn it on, it stays on all the time. We were really close to the 'A.' The 'B' was located at the other side of the airport. Joe and I were the only ones really close to that one while it was turned on," Mike explained.

"What kinds of power do those transmitters operate at?" Dr. Roberts queried.

"Well, it's adjustable over a considerable range," Mike said. "I've got records of the settings used last Thursday, or any other day, for that matter."

"So this thing has been used before?" Dr. Roberts asked.

"Oh, sure. We've been testing receivers for more than a month," Joe chimed in.

"But you've only now had a problem?" the doctor asked.

"If there was anything happening to me before last week, I certainly didn't realize it," Joe said. "Friday morning came as a complete surprise, that's for sure," he added.

"Same here," Dave said.

"Likewise," Mike added. "In fact, when I first realized something strange was happening... that I was changing, or whatever... I hadn't really changed very much yet, but I could feel something, like an itch or something, before I could see any change. Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm still changing, but it's happening slower now."

"Yeah. Same here," Tim said. "When I got home Thursday night, I felt really terrible. I couldn't sleep, my chest felt so strange, and I had a really bad upset stomach. I was just lying there in bed when I first realized that something really peculiar was happening. First, I just had to go to the bathroom really bad. I went to pee and that's when I saw that my cock... er, my penis was shrinking or something... anyway, it was really hard to go... to pee with it pulled in like that, but it felt like I really had to, so I did. Afterwards, I went back to bed, but I could still feel it... it was sort of tingling and felt really strange, like it was trying to pull up further inside me. It continued that way until it was completely gone, it feels like it's up inside... changed to the way it is now. I guess I can still feel it there when I think about it. But I suppose I am sort of getting used to it this way."

Tim started to touch himself, but then he realized everyone was watching and stopped, looked embarrassed, but then continued speaking.

"I really didn't know what the hell was going on. I mean it couldn't be real, maybe I was just dreaming. I didn't realize I was... I guess... turning into a girl until I got up again, early in the morning, and saw just what I looked like in the mirror. Of course, even then I didn't completely realize what had happened. My boobs hadn't grown that much by then, and I guess I didn't realize the full extent of what had happened to me until sometime the next morning... I mean... it's easy to look and see what's happened now, but I'm telling you there is no way to prepare yourself for something like this. I mean, I never heard of anything like it before." His soft voice rose and fell as he described what it was like to watch his body undergo the changes that had affected each of them.

As Joe listened to Tim describe what had happened to him, he decided that maybe it was better to go through the change like he did, sleeping through the whole thing. He didn't even know that anything had happened until he woke up. Actually to see it happening and to feel it. No wonder Tim hid in his apartment for days rather than face other people the way he was. How do you explain something like that happening to you?

The doctors listened to Tim's story with interest.

"I've read your file." Dr. Schwab said. "But your description of the experience really brings out the trauma. I'm not sure what has happened exactly, and I'm certainly amazed that something like this could happen overnight, much less at all."

"As long as you guys can figure a way to get us back, I don't care if you can explain it or not," Dave said.

"Why don't we go and look over the test cage?" Jim suggested. "We have everything that was used on Thursday set up, and we're ready for whatever experiments you might want to try."

"Good idea." Dr. Krell answered, and looked at Joe to lead them to the lab.

Joe looked at the little doctor. "Follow me," he said.

He led them down the hall and opened the double doors, holding them open while the others went inside.

"It's larger than I thought it would be," Dr. Schwab exclaimed. "We could try a number of experiments at the same time with this much room."

"How will we know how much power to use at this close range?" Dr. Roberts wondered aloud.

"I suggest we start with very low power, then increase it in small increments, never exceeding the settings used outdoors. The whole system can take full transmitter power, but maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to use it all, no matter if we get the desired results or not. It's really close quarters for that much power, and I doubt that it would help anyway," Jim suggested. He was always concerned about safety, since he was responsible for safety in the lab.

"We will defer to your judgment on that, Mr. Matheney," Dr. Krell said.

"Please call me Jim, Doctor."

"Sure Jim, and of course, please feel free to call me Ben," Dr. Krell said, smiling.

"I'll try to remember that," Jim said. He was very serious about work, but liked informality among professionals during operations like this. Of course, there had never been operations like this before.

"What do you have planned?" Mike asked, his curiosity hard to contain.

"Well, now that we know what we have to work with I think we have room for primates. I thought we would have to use mice, but this is much better. We could even use human volunteers, when we get to that point," Dr. Roberts said.

"I volunteer for that whenever you want to try it," Dave chimed in.

"I'm afraid that we would need a control subject for the first attempt," Dr. Roberts said. "But you will probably get your chance too." He smiled.

"It can't be too soon," Dave said.

The men looked over the equipment, and at the lab in general, appearing to be concerned about the size of the unused space. They murmured to themselves, and then walked over to where Jim and Joe were standing and watching.

"I think this will be enough room," Dr. Krell said. "We'll need room for some cages, if we are to bring some lab animals in. I think we can have some of what we need here by this afternoon, tomorrow for sure."

"What will we need to do today?" Joe asked. He was curious what they would be doing.

"Well, I think these two gentlemen would like to interview each of you," Dr. Krell said. "Perhaps you could come over to Hillcrest, to my office there, for a while this morning?"

"Sure. I can do that," Joe said. Oh damn, more hospital, he thought. He was anxious to see what they would be doing in the lab, not answering questions, or getting examined.

"I think we need to get to a telephone," Dr. Krell said.

"Right here," Jim said. "This desk and this phone are available for your use. Please make yourself at home."

Dr. Krell sat down and picked up the handset. Dr. Roberts walked over to Joe and the others. "Do you all think you could meet me over at Hillcrest in about two hours?" he asked. "It shouldn't take very long, but I do have some things... some questions to ask. I think it would be best to do that over there."

"A couple of hours? Sure," Dave responded. "Will we be coming back here then?" He was impatient with the seemingly slow progress.

"I don't think there will be any need for that," Dr. Roberts said. "Maybe tomorrow afternoon, but not before. We have a lot of setting up to do in here till then. There is no reason for any of you to get involved with that. We'll have a number of assistants taking care of it."

Joe was hoping to get some "hands on" of the equipment himself, but he was beginning to see that the plan was to sort of let them "be involved," but probably not use their expertise. They were now simply part of the experiment, as far as the doctors were concerned.

They went back to the offices, and Joe went directly to his desk. Karen was with them and Tim, since he had no where else to go, followed Joe and Dave. Joe looked at Karen, trying to tell if she had any idea of what was happening. "So what now?" he asked. "Do we just sit and wait till they call us?"

"I suppose that's all there is to do," Karen said. "Of course, it's only about an hour and forty-five minutes till you need to be at Hillcrest."

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that," Joe replied. "I wonder what that's going to be about?"

"I'm not sure, really," Karen surmised. "But I overheard the discussion, and I think they are still trying to determine the full extent of the changes your chromosomes have undergone. They can't understand how this could have happened in such a short period. It's starting to become obvious that it isn't really over yet, since you all seem to be still changing, at least a little, don't you agree?"

Joe looked at Karen. "I didn't know it was that obvious. How can you tell?"

Karen smiled. "I'm not sure really. Mike, of course, is the most noticeable; it's easy to see that he's still developing. Joe, you and Tim, I guess it's different. It's not so physical, but more in the way you act and the way you talk. I can tell you both becoming more familiar with what has happened."

"I guess I am getting a little used to it." Joe said. "But it's more than that, I can't explain it. It's like my brain is changed or something. Hell, I think I'm even beginning to like being like this, like it's the way I'm supposed to be. Until a couple of days ago, all I could do was think about figuring out how to get back, try to hold on to my masculinity, I guess. Now, I don't care about that anymore. I guess it's taken over my head or something. I can't really explain it."

"Yeah. I think it's the same for me, at least a little," Tim said. "At first I hated this, but I guess I'm beginning to accept it all now."

"How about you, Dave?" Karen asked.

"Is it really important how I feel?" Dave said sullenly. "I can't just decide that I'm going to be a girl, even if I happen to look like one, or whatever."

"Even you can't change what's happened," Karen said. "If you try to go against your feelings, it will just make you unhappy and hard to be around, and won't change a thing. I'm speaking from personal experience."

Just then, Jim Matheney walked from his office and came over to Tim. "Can you come with me for a few minutes?" he asked.

"Sure," Tim answered, and followed Jim back to his office. Jim closed the door.

"This has all just got to be temporary," Dave said. "Even if I would get used to this, I still have to change back."

"Maybe you do," Joe said. "But before that, why don't you try to lighten up?" He tried to cheer up his pal, who seemed to be depressed.

"What do you want me to do, Joe?" Dave asked. "Buy a bunch of dresses, or something?"

"Hey, I don't know what you want, but you must have something you'd like to try, I mean, I know you're curious. Why don't you kick back a little, and try to enjoy what has happened, rather than fight it all the way. Like Karen said, you've become a Sad Sack, and it isn't helping you, or your family. Whatever happens tomorrow, why don't you try to enjoy today?" Joe tried to sum up what he had wanted to say to Dave for some time.

Dave grinned at his friend. "I'm sorry if I've become a pain in the ass. You know that's not the way I am."

"Yeah, I know that," Joe replied, grinning. "That's why I've put up with it till now."

"So what should I do?" Dave asked.

"What would you like to do? How do you feel about yourself?"

"I don't know, exactly." Dave answered. "I guess I'm having some of the same feelings you are, I don't know. It's hard to know what I feel like."

Joe knew what his friend meant. Even if he was starting to accept himself the way he was, Joe also experienced the strange paradox. Sure, he looked like a female now, and he was even beginning to like how he looked, as well as the feminine feelings he was experiencing. At least that's what he figured they were. He didn't really know what it was supposed to feel like to be female, he only knew what HE felt like. But even though he liked it a lot, he still felt like he was male, deep inside. There was just no way he could change his past. Until a week ago, everything he did, his every thought, was naturally from the male perspective. That was hard and maybe impossible to change. The sensation was sometimes as if his changed body was somehow not really his, that he was inside somebody else, even though he knew that was not the case. Sometimes, he still felt pretty much like a guy, and sometimes the new feeling of femininity almost overwhelmed him.

Karen Simpson joined them. "It looks like they won't need you guys here today. When you leave for Hillcrest, let me know. I need to go over there, too."

Joe looked at Dave. "Are we ready to go over there?"

"Yeah, I guess so, not that I'm looking forward to getting prodded and poked again."

"I don't think there will be much of that." Karen said. "Then again, I don't know what Dr. Roberts might have on his mind."

"Let's go find Mike." Joe said. I guess Tim is getting a job offer, he thought. "We can wait for Tim. I'll try to track Mike down."

Joe went out in the hallway. He wondered where the big woman might be. Mike was with them in the lab, and came back out with them, but then he was suddenly gone. He looked into the offices and cubicles along the way as he toured the hallways. When he came to the word processing area, he could see Mike's new hairpiece over the top of the partition. What was he doing in here, he thought? He went over to Mike, who was talking with an attractive young woman, Melody Meyers, whom he recognized as having gone out with Mike in the past. Mike must have seen her in the hall, and is trying to explain. Joe thought. It was hard. Yeah, sure, it's still me. Joe had gone through the same thing with Linda. It was impossible not to be embarrassed to have to try to explain to your girl friend that something like this had happened to you. First they didn't believe it, and then if you could convince them, they felt sorry for you and wanted to help. At least that's the way it had been for him and Linda. He didn't really know the extent of the relationship that Mike had with Melody.

Mike saw him when he turned the corner.

"Hi Joe. Here, Mel, see, this is Joe Bates. You know him. He's had the same thing happen, too," Mike explained to a wide eyed Melody.

"Oh, God. I heard the rumors that something like this had happened, but I thought it was a strange joke. But I see it's really true," Melody said, leaning back in her swivel chair.

"Yeah, I guess it's really true," Joe said, smiling at the attractive young woman. He didn't really know her, but he had often noticed her in the hall. She was easily one of the best looking girls in word processing, and he always noticed the good looking girls. As he eyed her, he realized that they were probably almost the same size now. Even their figures were very similar. Hell, they could probably share clothes.

"Well, I'm sorry for you both, and the others too," Melody said. "Are you having problems, or anything?"

Joe looked at her. "I don't know about the others, but I guess I'm getting used to it, the best I can anyway. It's a heck of a change to wake up looking like this." He smiled.

"I just can't believe it." Melody said. "You both look so natural. You look just like real women. That skirt looks positively marvelous on you, Joe."

"We've been told that we more than LOOK like 'real' women," Joe added. "I think we have all the required parts, inside and out. It certainly feels like we do anyway." He grinned at Melody as he rubbed his hand along the soft curve of his right breast. Even though he looked, and now felt, quite female, he still had a weakness for pretty girls. Perhaps not like before. It was much more subtle now. But it was making for strange conversation. He tried to change the subject.

"We're going to go over to Hillcrest now," Joe told Mike. "Are you ready?" "Yeah, I guess so," Mike said. He looked back at Melody. "I'll call you tonight, all right?" he asked. "We can talk about it."

"Ok. Sure," Melody answered. "Good luck. You too, Joe."

"Thanks," Joe said as he turned, and began to walk away. He was aware that the other women were looking at him and Mike as they walked passed them. He understood their curiosity, and smiled at them as he passed. So these are my new peers. He thought to himself. I think this will take some time.

When Joe and Mike arrived back at Joe's desk, Tim was sitting in the chair beside it. He was obviously pleased about something. He and Dave were engaged in conversation, and Dave continued to speak as Joe arrived at his desk and sat down.

"Yeah, but I'll be willing to bet that over the course of your entire life, you'll find your earning power reduced. I don't care who you end up working for," Dave said.

Dave was giving the young man, who, like him, was now a young woman, his opinion of life as a female. Tim obviously did not completely agree with his older friend.

"I think it depends on the individual," Tim objected. "If I'm qualified to do the same work, I should earn the same income."

"Let me know when you arrive on earth," Dave said sarcastically.

"Joe, what's your opinion?" Tim asked. "Dave thinks that our lifetime earning power will be reduced if we decide to stay this way."

"Hell, I don't have any idea." Joe said. "I suppose women do earn less, on the average than men, but I think there are many reasons for that. I'm not sure that all those reasons would ever apply to us, considering our unusual backgrounds."

"Well, let's get going," Karen said as she came walking down the hall, and saw them all together.

"Do you want to ride with me?" Joe asked her. "No need to take both cars, is there?" He didn't mind company on the short drive to the hospital.

"Ok. I'll be glad to," Karen said. "I don't know if we'll need to come back here or not, but it's more or less on the way anyway, isn't it."

"No problem." Joe replied as they walked down the hall.

They got in his car and buckled in. Joe drove to the hospital and didn't say a word. Karen spoke first. "I was listening to them discuss your problem. I don't think they have any idea as to what has happened to you guys, or what to do about it."

"Do you think that means we're stuck like this?"

"It's hard to say." Karen looked over at Joe. "Would you mind?"

Joe grinned. It must really be obvious that he was beginning to enjoy his new gender. "I don't know how I should answer that. Sure, it seems to be getting easier each day. I have to admit, I guess I'm starting to like it. But I really haven't experienced everything yet, have I?" He gave Karen a questioning look.

"You are more female than I will ever be. I'd give anything to have what you were given by accident."

"And I wish I could give it all to you," Joe said honestly. "I guess I'm getting used to it, maybe even starting to like it, but I really hadn't figured I'd be spending my whole life as a girl...a woman. Maybe I'm just starting to realize what it all might mean."

"Joe, it's hard to change your gender, even when that's what you want more than anything else in the world. I am impressed at how your dealing with this all. All of you are simply amazing in how well you're handling it," Karen said, the admiration in her voice showing through.

"If it was as hard as the first day, I know I wouldn't be taking it this well," Joe admitted. "But something, some chemical or hormonal change or something is affecting me, my head. That's actually making it all pretty easy. I'm actually starting to like it now. I really can't explain what I mean."

"When I started hormone therapy I noticed a feeling like that, too," Karen said. "I thought I wanted to be female more than anything else, but when I started therapy, in a few months I KNEW I was female. I felt like a woman, even before I started to look like one. Of course, after the surgery, the feelings really kicked in. I guess you got both barrels at once." She grinned.

"I don't know," Joe said. "But right now, I don't know if I could even handle being a man anymore. It just feels too good this way."

"Yeah. Yeah, it does, doesn't it," Karen said with a knowing smile.

They arrived at Hillcrest Hospital and Joe drove into the parking area. They quickly walked the short distance to the office that Dr. Krell maintained there. Karen went to her desk, and Joe sat in one of the seats nearby. Soon the others followed, taking seats next to Joe.

"I wonder what they want now?" Tim asked.

"I don't have any idea," Joe said. "But I guess the more doctors we have working with us the faster we'll find the answer."

"Yeah, but what will it be?" Dave asked, speaking to no one in particular.

They were sitting only about fifteen minutes when Joe heard his name called. He went up to the window, where Karen was standing, talking with the nurse, or receptionist, whom she obviously knew quite well.

"Joe, Karen will take you to one of the examination rooms," the nurse said.

Karen began walking down the hall, and Joe followed. When she came to a door, she knocked, and when there was no answer, she opened it and motioned for Joe to go inside. "Go in and have a seat. I don't think this will take very long."

"What's going on?"

"Well, I think Dr. Roberts would like to examine you himself," Karen said. "I don't think it will be much, or take long." She closed the door behind Joe, and he was alone in the room.

Great, he thought. Another examination. Since he had undergone the change a week ago, Joe felt he had undergone more physical examinations than he could remember. And they were very different from what he was used to. It was bad enough to have to get used to his new body, without persons prodding and probing it in areas he was just learning he had. He looked around the small room. The examination table was there, a little partition to undress behind, and a door, probably a small room for a toilet. He wondered if he should undress. Karen hadn't told him to, and he certainly didn't want to go through the process if he didn't have to. He just sat there, waiting for orders.

A quick knock on the door was followed by Dr. Roberts poking his head in. He handed Joe a small plastic container. "There is a restroom in there," he said, pointing to the door at the back of the room. "Please fill this cup, and then remove your clothing. There is a gown on the hook. I'll be with you in a few minutes." He closed the door behind him.

Joe looked down at the little plastic cup in his hand. Sure, fill this, he thought. Easy for you to say.

After almost a week of living with it, Joe was familiar with urinating with his feminized genitalia. Feels like peeing with your butt, he thought to himself the first time he did it. He had never attempted to aim the urine stream as it came out. When he first realized that he couldn't go as he always had, from a standing position, he had automatically adapted what he considered was the female, sitting, position. Of course it worked, you didn't have to do anything but sit there and let it happen. But now, he had to pee into this tiny cup. How would he do that? He went into the small restroom. There was a stool in there, a sink, and a mirror, nothing else. He would have to get the skirt and the pantyhose off. Maybe he should he undress first.

Joe went back out into the examination room, and looked behind the dressing curtain. There were hangers for his clothes. He put the cup on a little stand and began to unbutton his blouse. He slipped it off, carefully placed it on a hanger, then kicked off his shoes. As Linda had showed him, he spun the skirt around to the side, and then easily unzipped it. He stepped out of the little skirt and then pulled the slip over his head. He felt the chill of the room as he stood wearing only the bra, panty hose and panties. Joe carefully removed the sheer hose, being careful not to snag it with his fingernails. A quick flick on the clasp between his breasts and his bra lay with the hose. He then pulled the panties down his legs, examining the short, matted hair which covered his greatly changed genitalia. His appearance was all still new to him, and every time he saw himself, the way he was now, he just had to look. He tossed his underpants with the bra, and slowly ran his hand between his legs, feeling the damp hair, enjoying his own touch. No time for fooling around now, he thought to himself.

Joe took the short hospital gown and put his arms through the sleeves, and attempted to tie the little strings behind his back. Luckily, there were also small velcro tabs, and he satisfied himself with rubbing two of those together, which at least kept the little gown from opening in back and falling off, not that it covered much but his boobs anyway. Joe found that his butt was exposed, and though the fabric covered his front, if he happened to sit down, his bottom would certainly be exposed. What the heck, he decided, they're going to be looking at all that stuff anyway. He picked up the plastic cup, went into the restroom, and from habit, shut the door.

Joe eyed the cup, and went over to the toilet. He stood in front of the stool like a guy, holding the cup below his crotch. No, I don't think so, he considered, and spread his legs apart, attempting to straddle the stool. Holding that position, he positioned the cup between his legs, in the approximate spot he guessed the pee would come out. He wasn't exactly sure where that spot was, however. He tried to relax his muscles, in an attempt to start the urine flow. Nothing would come. He was just too nervous. He tried to think about something else, but it was almost impossible. What a strange position for a guy to be in he thought, and started to giggle. Jay would probably die laughing if he could see him like this.

Holding the cup with one hand, Joe rubbed the area around his clitoris. Although the tissues which were now his clitoris still felt amazingly similar to the tip of his penis, though much more sensitive, it had none of the sensations his penis had when he used that to pee. Now of course, his urinary opening was located much farther down, sort of between what had become the inner lips of his vaginal area. To Joe, it still felt somewhat like the shaft of his penis, or maybe his scrotum. It was hard to be definite, the nerves in the area seemed to sort of blend. Sometimes now, he could feel a slight burning sensation from there as he urinated, and he could tell that was where the pee was coming from.

Using the fingers of one hand, Joe separated the folds which formed the lips of his vulva, attempting to expose the opening of his urethra. He rubbed around the area where he figured it would be, and could feel the little bump with his finger near the bottom of his pubic bone. He could certainly tell when he touched the right spot. Keeping his lips spread apart as well as he could, he held the cup to his crotch, and again tried to relax. This time he felt the urine start to come, and was ready to reposition the cup if his guess was wrong. As the warm flow arrived, it trickled into the cup, over his fingers, and to his dismay, a small amount even ran down his leg. He carefully moved his fingers around in an attempt to get it all to go only into the cup.

Joe finally captured about half a cup full, and decided that it was probably enough. His bladder was empty, in any case. He put the cup down, grabbed some toilet paper and quickly wiped the wetness from his hands and legs. After carefully drying off, he threw the wet tissue into the toilet in disgust. There just had to be a better way to do this. Women couldn't possibly have this much difficulty doing this, could they? He would ask Linda, if he could think of a way to bring up the subject. All cleaned up, Joe took the cup back out and placed it on the work stand. He then sat on the edge of the examination table, to wait for the embarrassment which he knew was to come.

He had been sitting for about ten minutes, at least it seemed that long, when there was a knock on the door. Before Joe could answer, Dr. Roberts poked his head in.

"Are you ready to go?" Dr. Roberts asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Joe replied. He wasn't looking forward to any of this.

Dr. Roberts entered the room, and went over to the stand. He looked at the sample, then turned and looked at Joe. He had a little device with a light on the end that Joe recognized was used to examine ears and eyes. He came over to where Joe was now standing next to the examination table. "Dr. Krell and Dr. Schwab will be here soon. Just relax."

"That's easier to say than do," Joe said, smiling nervously.

"Yeah, I guess it is," Dr. Roberts said. "I imagine it is a little hard to get used to all this."

"That's sure an understatement."

Dr. Roberts took the light, and peered into Joe's eyes, shining the light into his pupils. Joe wondered what he was looking for, and asked.

"Oh, nothing really." Dr. Roberts answered. " It's just routine when checking on a patient to check the eyes. I guess you might say they're sort of a window to the brain."

"Oh yeah? And how does my brain look?"

"Do you think there's a problem with it?" Dr. Roberts asked, grinning.

"I don't know." Joe said truthfully. "I know there sure have been some strange thoughts in there the last few days."

"I'll bet," Dr. Roberts replied. "I guess this must be hard to take. I mean, I haven't seen you any other way, and you look perfectly normal to me, but of course, you are actually a man. At least, you were." He smiled.

"Yeah. I really was. Now, I don't know what I am. Sometimes, I still feel like I'm still a guy. Believe it or not, I can actually forget what I look like now," Joe went on. "But just moving around, or have something touch me, then it's all back again. Of course, I guess it isn't really that bad though. Actually, sometimes, maybe even most of the time lately, I guess I like being this way. Is that weird? I don't know if my brain is changing, too, but it's starting to feel sort of normal, even good. Do you have any idea what I'm trying to say?" He looked at the doctor, who had a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, I'm trying to understand. As far as I know, there have never been any other cases like yours. You guys are writing new chapters in the books," Dr. Roberts said.

There was another quick knock, and Dr.'s Krell and Schwab came in followed by Karen, who was now wearing a white nursing outfit. Dr. Krell was talking with Dr. Schwab.

"Yes, and the hormone levels are different each time we check," Dr. Krell said. Dr. Schwab only rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Dr. Krell greeted everyone, and then looked at Joe. "Joe, would you remove that gown for a moment and show these doctors just what has happened to you?"

Feeling a flush come to his face, Joe reached behind his back, and pulled the velcro apart, letting the little gown slip down his arms. He lay it on the table, and stood naked in front of the three doctors and Karen.

"There seems to be normal skeletal and breast development," Dr. Schwab said. "And you say this all occurred overnight?"

"That's what was reported," Dr. Krell answered. "One of the others, Mike, seemed to develop secondary characteristics much more slowly."

They were talking about him and his condition as if he wasn't even in the room. Joe wondered if there was a reason for acting in this detached way. He had noticed it before. When two or more of them would get into a discussion, they seemed to ignore him, even if he was there and could hear everything being said. It was a strange, somewhat degrading thing for him to experience, as if they felt he was incapable of comprehending what was they were talking about.

"You can put the gown back on," Dr. Krell said, "and then please lie down on the table."

Joe quickly pulled the gown over his shoulders, and hopped up on the table. Karen helped him get into position, and covered him with a sheet.

Joe saw Dr. Roberts go to the cabinet and watched him retrieve a dreaded speculum. The doctor held the metal ends in his surgical gloved hands to warm them.

Joe waited in expectation for what was to happen.

In a moment he felt the sheet being pulled back, exposing his bottom. He felt someone touching him, examining his external genitalia. Dr. Krell began talking.

"As you see, there appears to be scar tissue surrounding the clitoris. It seems to be more exposed than is typical. From questioning, I discovered that he was subjected to circumcision as an infant. That is perhaps the source of the scar tissue."

As he was heard Dr. Krell speak, Joe could feel someone examining that part of his body. Then he felt his lips being spread apart. He wondered if Dr. Krell would notice the change in his hymen. If he did, he wasn't saying anything.

Joe heard a metallic clicking sound, and then felt the strange sensation of something being inserted into his crotch. Unlike the last time, it went in easily, and wasn't really uncomfortable like before. When he felt the device spread his vaginal opening, he did feel some minor discomfort, but it wasn't bad, and he tried to take his mind off of it by listening to what they were saying.

"Amazing. It all appears perfectly normal." He heard Dr. Roberts say. "There is normal distention of the cervix, and the upper vagina is fully developed. Have you performed a CAT scan?"

"Certainly," Dr. Krell answered. "Completely normal in appearance... for a biological female."

"Have any of them experienced menses?"

"No. Not yet, but I expect it to happen."

The speculum collapsed and was withdrawn. Joe had to fight the urge to reach over the sheet and rub his crotch. Dr. Krell spoke to him again. "You can clean up and get dressed now, Joe."

The doctors left the room. Karen stayed and helped Joe, taking the sheet away. As soon as she did, Joe put his legs down and spun around, sitting on the edge of the table.

"You can wipe off with these," Karen said. She didn't leave the room, but watched as Joe wiped the traces of K-Y jelly from his genitalia. Having someone watch him do something so personal was embarrassing, and Joe wondered why Karen was doing it. He quickly finished, and went over to his clothes to dress.

"I was watching when they examined you," Karen said. "You really are female, aren't you?"

"What did you think? That they were making it all up?" Joe replied. "Of course I am. I thought you watched the last time."

"I was there, but I didn't really look that closely. Now I know you better, and know more about you. I guess the real facts of just what has happened to you guys just hit home."

Joe looked at the big friendly nurse and grinned. "It hit home for me last Friday. I guess I'm getting used to it now."

Joe pulled his underwear up, and put the bra back on. His firm breasts didn't really need the support, but he somehow felt better with it on. He could now put it on without even thinking about it. Much had changed in only a few days. Joe sat in a chair, and pulled the pantyhose on, then the slip, and then he put the outerwear on. When he was dressed, he looked in the mirror, and straightened his hair. Throughout it all, Karen watched in silence. When Joe was ready to leave the room, she spoke.

"You are so attractive, I find it hard to believe you were a guy," she said. "I wish something like that could have happened to me. I have to admit, I'm feeling a little jealous of you."

"But you're a woman now, too," Joe said, referring to Karen's gender reassignment surgery. "And you're certainly good looking. What is there about me to be for you to be jealous about?"

"I may look like a woman, but you ARE one. You heard Dr. Krell. He expects that you'll menstruate. I'll never be able to do that." Karen lamented.

"Well, I don't know if I would be envious of that," Joe said. Of course, even as he spoke the words, he knew that the ability to become a mother was an important part of being female. That element of his condition was only recently becoming something he could bear to think about.

"Just don't ever forget how lucky you are, Joe Bates," Karen said, and went out the door.

Before he went out Joe looked at himself in the mirror one last time, and thought about what Karen said. He adjusted the hairpiece, and wondered about Karen. He had never seen her act this way. Apparently, she was not as happy with her situation as she appeared. He felt sorry for her. Maybe his changed body didn't match his brain either, but he was finding that he was enjoying it more every day. Maybe his brain had changed too, and the only things about him that were still masculine were his memories. He knew one thing, he sure wouldn't want to change his body back to male surgically, that was certain. In fact, he didn't know if he would want to go back, no matter how easily, or completely the doctors might make it.

Joe went into the waiting area and took a seat. Apparently, each of the others had been called too, and were in the examination rooms. He had been the first. He sat there about five minutes, before Mike came out and took a seat next to him.

At first Mike didn't say anything, but then he looked at Joe and asked, "Did you have to pee into a cup?"

Joe looked at Mike and grinned. "It was a bitch, wasn't it?"

Mike asked, "How are we supposed to do that now?"

"Don't ask me. I'm going to ask Linda about it, if I can figure a way to bring it up."

"There must be an easier way. I mean, the damn stuff seems to come out all over," Mike went on. He had apparently tried something like Joe did. Both former men were quickly learning how to live with a feminized body.

Soon all the others came out too, and when they were all out there, Karen came out. Dr. Krell followed her. He spoke. "We are finished with you. Thank you for your patience. I'll see you all at nine tomorrow, at Honeybone."

Karen looked at Joe. "I'll call you tonight. I have to stay and work this afternoon." "But your car is over at Honeybone," Joe retorted.

"I know. Dr. Krell will drop me off to pick it up later."

They all left the hospital. Joe wondered if he should return to Honeybone, or if he should go home. He decided to go home, stopping at his apartment before going to Linda's.

Joe drove to his apartment. He parked in the lot, and went up the walk, stopping at his stuffed mailbox before going to his door. He got his key from his small handbag, and went inside.

It had been days since he had last been there, and he felt a certain familiarity when he entered the room. He put the stack of bills, magazines and junk mail on the table, and went to set the thermostat to a more comfortable temperature. He had turned it up when he left, and it was very stuffy now.

Joe went to his bedroom, looking, seeing all the things of his male world. He realized that even though he was starting to get accustomed to his situation, he was beginning to miss the more carefree life of a single male. He wanted to find Jay and play a game of racquetball. Sure he could still do that, but it was different now. Maybe, after the other night, a lot different.

Stepping into his walk-in closet, Joe saw the clothes hanging there. Clothes he might never wear again. Along with the change he had experienced, he was now an inch or two shorter although he hadn't measured, and of course, his shape was very different. His trim, muscular, masculine body had metamorphosed to a feminine softness. It was still trim, but during the last week Joe had acquired the light layer of fat under his skin that makes females so soft. That, his changed skeletal structure, his hips were a bit wider, his shoulders narrower, and a still decreasing upper body muscle mass, made him look much different now. If he even tried, his male clothing would just hang on him.

Suddenly Joe was overcome with emotion. He wasn't sure what caused it. He just felt a flush come to his face, and tears well in his eyes. He went over to his bed, lay down, and put his arms over his eyes. What was happening to him? He could tell that something, hormones or the changes in his brain, he didn't know, was making him feel more emotional now. He had noticed it often, it was often very difficult to avoid tears now, usually for what he considered were the most trivial things. It must be part of being female, he considered. At home alone now, he had no reason to hide his emotions, and he began to sob. The tears ran down his face, and he knew that he was messing up his face. Too bad, he thought, I'm just going to let this one go, and not even try to stop it. Was this what it was to be like from now on, breaking into tears for the smallest things? He didn't know if he would ever really get used to acting like this. He wished he could go to sleep, and wake up with his male body, and brain, again. Maybe for just a day. Yeah, that would be great. He'd call Jay, they'd maybe go flying for an hour, and then go to the club and play a few games. Yeah. He just wanted to sweat, to feel like a guy again. He rubbed his hand across the softness of his breasts. Sure, it was kind of interesting, even fun sometimes, being a girl, but he knew that still, down deep, he was still really a guy. He realized that he longed to do things like a guy again. Maybe he really should call Jay. Jay always had an idea. Some of them were even pretty good.

Joe looked at the time. It was almost three thirty. Jay would still be at his office, probably. He reached for the phone and picked up the handset. Should he dial? He lingered for a moment, then dialed the number for Jay's office. His secretary answered, and he asked for Jay, using his own name when the secretary asked who was calling. Jay's secretary knew Joe as a man, but she didn't recognize his feminine voice. Too bad, Joe thought, she might as well get used to it, if this was how it was going to be from now on. Finally, Jay came to the phone.

"Hi Joe. What can I do for you?" he asked cheerfully.

"God, Jay, I'm sorry to be calling you at work." Joe said, sniffling and rubbing his nose with his hand. "I just had to talk with you... with somebody."

"What's the matter, Joe?" Jay asked. He could tell that something was wrong. It sounded like Joe was crying. His friend's now soft, feminine voice was more husky than normal.

"I don't know. I don't know. I'm just getting so tired of all this female stuff all day long," Joe answered. "I just have to get back on some familiar ground. I didn't know what to do, so I called you."

Jay wondered what was happening with his best buddy. He seemed to be handling it all so well.

"What do you want me to do, Joe?" He asked.

"When will you be getting through for the day?" Joe asked. "I was wondering if you'd want to get some hood time?"

Joe was Jay's instructor, and Jay was working on his instrument ticket.

"Fly? Well, yeah, I guess I could get away, maybe in an hour," Jay answered. "Where are you? I'll pick you up."

"I'm at my apartment now." Joe said. "But I have to go change clothes at Linda's. None of the stuff here will fit me anymore."

"Ok. I'll pick you up at Linda's. Say, in little over an hour?"

"Ok. I'll be ready. Thanks Jay. Thanks a lot."

"No problem Joe... for you... anytime. In an hour." He hung up the phone.

Joe hung up the handset. He had done it. He was meeting Jay, and they would go flying. That would take his mind off all this. Or would it? He thought about Jay, how they had been together only a few nights ago. They had slept together... made love... it wasn't... it couldn't ever be like it was before. He could even tell by the way Jay talked to him... sort of gentle or something. Jay would never have acted like that before. And why did he insist on picking Joe up? He had never done that before. They had always driven their own cars to the airport. Now, Jay wanted to come over and pick him up. He hadn't thought about it while on the phone, but it seemed a little strange now, as he thought about it. Joe bent his knees, and in doing so saw his shiny, hairless, hose covered legs, and the short little skirt he was wearing. Could he really blame Jay for treating him like a girl? Wasn't that really what he really was now?

Next: Chapter 17: Chapter25

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