
Published on Apr 17, 1996



  1. Chapter : The Cause (Part 1)

The group in the car was quiet as they drove to the hotel. The short briefing by Dr. Krell had given them all something to think about. Each had always feared that their condition might end up being permanent, but until Dr. Krell's admission, they had held out hope that something could be done right away. Now they were being told they could expect to stay as they were for an indefinite period. The realization of what it all meant was just setting in.

Tim broke the silence. "God, I never thought I'd be worrying about having periods, or getting pregnant, or anything like that."

"I never considered that I wouldn't get to be a father." Joe added. "Even if I could have children now, I don't know if I'd want to be a mother."

"At least you aren't a father already," Dave added. "I am, and now... I'm told can be a mother too."

It was obvious that the tapes they had watched earlier that day at the clinic, as well as Dr. Krell's statements, had made an impression on each of them.

"Well, it'll still take some getting used to, I guess. But, you know, I'm sort of starting to like looking like a girl... I think it's fun," Mike added.

"Those clothes seem to have changed your attitude as well as your appearance," Tim said to Mike.

"Yeah, I know, but I think the hair is what really makes the difference," Mike said, smiling happily. "I don't even recognize myself when I look in the mirror."

"I guess I'll need to get one too," Tim said, referring to the wig Mike was wearing.

"Why don't we stop at Barbara's shop?" Mike said. "She's probably still be open. It's only four-thirty."

"Ok. We can do that," Joe agreed. Longer hair had made such a difference in his and Mike's appearance, as well as confidence, that he figured Tim shouldn't have to wait either.

Instead of going directly to the hotel, they went to the little shop by the mall. It was still open, and Barbara had two customers in the shop when they entered. She recognized them as soon as they entered, and greeted them with a friendly smile.

"I'll be with you as soon as I can." She said.

They sat waiting for maybe twenty minutes while the other customers, two older ladies, completed their fittings and left the shop. Barbara came over to them.

"And what is this?" she said, looking at Tim. "Do you people have a machine to do this?"

"I believe we do." Joe said. Without completely realizing it, Barbara's attempt at humor had probably been quite accurate.

Barbara asked Tim to sit, and then he tried on various styles of hairpieces. The only one that matched his original hair color was a somewhat short, pixy cut, but it was definitely attractive on Tim's now quite feminine facial features. As it had been with Mike, the change in appearance was almost unbelievable. As each of them concealed the last vestige of their maleness, the masculine looking short haircut, they looked feminine in all respects. Tim sat in front of the mirror behind the table, and gazed at his reflection. It was his turn to be transfixed by the face of a pretty young girl staring back at him.

"I think it looks very nice." Barbara said. "But if you want another style, it'll have to be another color, or else you can wait three days."

"Oh no, I don't want to wait," Tim insisted. "This will be fine. I like it." He didn't want to have to wait to have the look he was seeing in the mirror.

Joe paid Barbara since Tim didn't have enough money for the hairpiece. As he paid the money, he realized that Tim probably didn't have much money, and was probably at a distinct disadvantage to the others when it came to buying the clothes he needed. Joe thought about what Jay had told him, and kept the receipt. He asked Tim if he needed some more clothes.

"Well, everything I have on right now is borrowed, either from you or Karen." Tim said.

"Then I think we need to get you some more." Joe suggested. "I'll pay for them, and I'll give Honeybone the bill."

"Do we have to do it now?" Tim objected. He was embarrassed to shop for women's clothes.

"It's really not so bad, Tim. I thought it would be horrible too, but once you start, it's really kinda fun... the things are so soft and slick, and they fit so well. I now understand why girls like shopping for clothes. It's totally different from what I thought." Mike was sounding almost excited as he talked about his own experience shopping that afternoon.

"Besides, pal, you signed up. You're legally a girl now anyway." Joe couldn't resist teasing the young man who now, especially with the new hair, looked so cute... so attractive. Of course, he knew better... he was in the same position... but maybe it was just that he still had at least a bit of his old masculine mischievousness, and he just couldn't resist teasing the cute Tim.

"Yeah, I know, but it's just not easy to accept not being a guy... and it's even harder to try to think of myself as a girl. I always think other guys are staring at these boobs, or ogling my butt," Tim said.

"And they are, too," Joe said, grinning. "You know that. This time last week, you would have been looking at a butt like yours too."

"Yeah, I guess so... it's kinda strange... now that I'm this way, women just don't seem nearly as sexy to me as they used to. I wonder why that is?" Tim asked.

"Maybe it's because you don't just look like a girl, you actually are one," Joe reasoned. The same thought had already crossed his mind.

"I guess I do seem like a girl now, and maybe I've even turned into one. I suppose I probably have, but when I close my eyes, and when I think of who I am and what I look like, I still feel like I'm a guy inside." Tim mused.

"Yeah? Maybe so, but not on the outside," Dave added. "Any one of you has a body that most of the natural women out there would die for."

"Hey, don't forget, I didn't ask to be this way," Tim said. He wasn't sure if it was envy, or resentment, showing in Dave's voice.

"I know, but damn it, you three have it easy...all you have to do is get used to the new parts and then, you can just get on with your lives. I've got a family. I can't just put on a wig, buy some clothes, and then learn to be a woman. But don't forget, the same thing has happened to me, too; I have the same feelings... What the hell am I supposed to do?" Dave was almost sobbing.

They got in the Lincoln, and Joe drove the short distance to the main mall.

"It'll work out, Dave. They'll figure out something for you." Joe said.

"Oh, yeah? What?" Dave snapped. "Right now, it looks like the most I can hope for is some kind of fake cock which apparently won't have any feeling. Even Dr. Krell doesn't seem to think much of that idea."

"Is that what you want?" Joe asked. "Maybe you should stay a woman, if that's what you really want."

"Hey, I don't know what I want." Dave answered. "I don't have any idea what I want."

"Then whatever you do Dave, don't let them cut on you unless you can't stand it any other way," Joe advised. "If you don't mind me asking, have you and Cindy slept together?" Cindy was Joe's wife.

"We were in the same bed, but we never touched each other. I can't expect her to become a lesbian, or whatever, just because this... this thing has happened to me."

"Don't worry about what to call it," Joe said. "You are both still married to each other and what you do together can't be perverted or anything like that."

"Hey, old buddy, I know I'm not gorgeous, but there's not much I can do in bed with my wife, or any other woman. I've undergone the same changes you have. I probably have the same feelings you have, too."

"Do you want to sleep with Cindy? Would you like to make love to her?" Joe asked.

"Sure, she's my wife; I still love her."

"Then do it. Don't worry about what others might think. It's nobody's business anyway. She'll accept you. You probably even smell better than you used to," Joe teased.

"Aw, Joe, what can we do?" Dave asked. "You know I'm not a man anymore, and I'm not sure I even feel like one."

"Don't be an idiot, Dave," Joe insisted. "By now... especially now... you know what will make her feel good. Just do that. She'll probably want to do the same for you. You might be surprised how much fun you both can still have. Heck, now you won't have to worry about birth control either."

"How do you suddenly know about all this stuff?" Mike asked.

"I live with Linda, remember?" Joe said, winking at him.

Joe opened his door, and got out. They went into the mall at the same entrance as that morning. Mike took Tim by the hand and led him right to Victoria's Secret.

"You just gotta get some of this stuff," he said. "It just looks and feels so sexy. I just love it." Mike had really made a complete transition.

Tim was less sure of himself, but Mike, who was still much bigger and stronger, just pulled him into the store. They were acting like teenagers, out the first time without their parents. Tim was already wearing a bra, and Joe knew it was his size, since he had loaned it to him the day before. He told Tim what he thought his new sizes were, and Tim reluctantly started looking and selecting items to try or buy. Mike was acting as the expert advisor the whole time. The sales girl from earlier in the day was still there, and it was obvious she recognized the group. She looked carefully at Mike, sure she recognized him, but was wracking her brain to figure what was so different about this big woman. She now looked far less masculine. The hairpiece, and the womens' clothing had made a big difference in Mike's appearance. But the girl just couldn't place what the difference was.

Tim finally picked out some underwear, probably more to please Mike than himself, and then he even followed Mike into the fitting room to try some bras on. Joe could hear Mike talking to Tim the whole time they were in the small room. He couldn't get over how Mike was acting. This big macho guy now seemed suddenly fascinated with the details of being a woman.

Maybe it's a good thing, Joe thought. He considered his own feelings and reactions to what had happened to his own body, and he realized that maybe he wasn't that much different than Mike. Would this acceptance of their new sexuality touch each of them eventually, he wondered?

After Mike had helped Tim find his selections, and Tim had tried on each item that was practical to try on, they went on to other stores. Tim, having just turned twenty-one, had much different tastes in clothes than the older "women." Even Mike, who was only twenty-six, had much different ideas about what looked good on Tim's attractive form. It soon became obvious from the type of things he stopped to look at and the kind of questions he asked, that Tim liked the short skirts and tight, stretchy tops that were "in." Although he was embarrassed to wear them, those kinds of things were what he thought he needed. Of course Mike, whose taste in fashion never went past exercise wear, knew or cared little about things like that. When Mike showed less interest, Tim began to look at the things he thought he liked. As he was looking, a sales girl, probably about his own age, came over to help Tim. The former young man certainly needed her assistance, but he could hardly speak. It was very difficult for a twenty-one-year old male to ask a twenty-one year old female to help him select a skirt and top for himself, no matter what he looked like. It didn't make any difference to Tim that the friendly young lady was actually somewhat jealous of his shapely figure.

The sales girl was finally able to get this stuttering customer to tell her what she was looking for. This tall, very shy girl didn't even know what sizes she was looking for. When she finally helped her pick out some selections, she even seemed reluctant to go into the dressing rooms. She kept looking back at her three older friends, one of whom looked like she had her hair cut like a man. When the girl finally came out of the fitting room (it took forever) so that she could see herself in the full length mirror, she seemed quite embarrassed to be seen in the short skirt, even though she looked fantastic in it. She acted like she had never worn anything like it before, even though she had one of the trimmest shapes the sales girl had ever seen. When she looked at herself in the mirror, the girl seemed almost like she was looking at someone else, she touched her hair, her hips, even felt at her breasts, as if she had never noticed them before. It was strange to watch her as she turned about, observing herself in the three sided mirror. Then the other three women came over and looked, too. They all seemed to be seeing this young lady for the first time. Finally, one of the women spoke.

"I think it's you," Joe said.

"I just can't believe it. I feel like I have to pinch myself to believe this is me." Tim exclaimed.

Oh, come on, thought the sales girl. You do look good, but not that good.

"I think it's just right for you," the sales girl said. "And I think a some black shoes would go nicely with it." She pointed to the mannequin, which was wearing almost the same choices.

"Oh, yeah... I guess I'll have to get some shoes too..." Tim muttered. He was still admiring his new look.

"They're down on the lower floor," the sales girl said. "Will there be anything else?"

"Yeah, I'll need some more... I guess a few more..." Tim said absently.

The sales girl looked at him. What was with this girl?

They spent another hour selecting things with the young sales girl, and then went walking throughout the mall shops, each of them looking, sometimes trying something on, sometimes even buying. The only one who didn't seem to be having fun was Dave, who looked, sometimes touched, but never tried anything on, and refused to buy anything. Mike was able to get both Tim and Joe to get some colorful exercise wear for themselves. Joe already had some, which he had bought the first day, but Mike insisted, and Joe was in the buying mood.

Finally, loaded down with packages, most of them Mike's and Tim's, they struggled back to the car. Driving back to the hotel, it didn't sound anything like four men in the car, as Joe, Mike, and Tim discussed the different things they had seen, as well as the things they had purchased.

When they went in, they got their rooms and had their bags brought to the rooms. As agreed, Mike roomed with Joe, and Tim and Dave were together. Joe went into his room, placed his bags of purchases on the end of the bed, and dropped down on it in exhaustion. He had long ago decided that the pumps he was wearing surely had not been made for walking in. Though they looked great, they lacked the comfortable support of the more substantial men's footwear. He kicked them off, pulled the sun dress up to his hips, and began to massage his sore feet while enjoying the cool air on his tired legs. When he looked over, he saw that Mike was watching him, eyes wide, grinning. Suddenly he realized that by pulling his dress up so high, he had exposed his bottom, and the sight of his panties had caught Mike's eye.

Mike realized he was staring when he saw Joe cover himself in embarrassment. He quickly apologized.

"Gee Joe, I'm sorry. I know we're both women now, but I couldn't resist looking when I saw you lying there like that. It... you were just so sexy looking, I just couldn't help looking..." He stuttered with embarrassment.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Joe said grinning. "I know how you feel. I find myself looking at you sometimes, too. And Tim... ain't he something."

"Yeah, SHE sure is." Mike agreed. "Do you think we should start calling ourselves women? I mean, if we want everybody else to treat us like women now, I guess we should do the same ourselves."

"Yeah, I guess we should, but it's sure a hard thing to do. I still think that deep inside, I'm a guy. I guess I'm sort of getting used to the idea of looking this way, but it still seems strange to think of myself as a 'she,' Joe said, as he sat back up on the bed and smoothed the dress over his knees.

"Same here," Mike agreed. "But you know, if Dr. Krell called right now, and said he had just discovered the secret to get us back, I don't know if I'd rush to go and do it. Isn't that weird? What's going on anyway? Why am I suddenly starting to enjoy this so much?"

"Don't worry, you're not the only one who feels that way. I'm starting to like it too. It must be the different hormones, or something."

"So do you think we're really turning into women?"

"Well, let's see, we just came back from a shopping spree where you and Tim looked at more clothes in one afternoon than I did in a year, and I even liked it too. Now I'm sitting here wearing a dress, and I just realized I need to pee. If, after this afternoon's little shopping trip, I still have any doubt that I've turned into a woman, I'm fairly sure I'll be reminded of it when I go in the john and pull down these panties I'm wearing." With that, Joe got up and went into the bathroom.

When he came back out, Mike was standing in his underwear, looking at each of his purchases, and laying each item on the bed.

"You know, I think just looking at this stuff gives me a hardon," Mike said, grinning.

"It is some nice looking stuff." Joe agreed. "But you've gotta do something about those hairy legs." He started to look through the bags which contained his new purchases.

Joe found the little black bra and panty set. He held up the little wisp of black nylon which was the little thong bikini. It didn't look like it would cover him, even with the changes. Mike saw it too, and grinned.

"Come on Joe, try it on."

"I don't know..." Joe really wanted to put it on, but he didn't really want to put himself on display.

"I just know you'll look great wearing that stuff," Mike continued.

"Aw, all right.. I would like to see how they fit," Joe admitted. He carefully unbuttoned the red sun dress and stepped out of it. Looking down at his chest made him smile. His nipples were quite visible through the thin, almost transparent fabric of his bra. It was still a strange experience having tits, he decided, but he was beginning to get used to the idea, sort of. He reached behind his back with both hands, unhooked the back strap, and felt his bra loosen. He squirmed out of the tangle of straps and then scratched under his soft mounds at the red marks made by the underwires. Joe dropped the old bra and picked up the new little black one. This one had the catch between the cups, and he could see what he was doing as he fastened it. He adjusted the cups over his breasts until they felt just right. This new lighter bra felt as if it might provide somewhat less support that the one he had just removed. It sure did look sexy though, but in a very different way than the sheer one.

"You have such a great body," Mike said softly. Admiration, as well as perhaps a bit of envy, was quite evident in his voice. "It sure makes me wish I hadn't taken those steroids."

"You look ok, Mike," Joe said truthfully. "They don't seem to have affected you that much."

"Maybe it doesn't look like it much, but I feel like I'm still a guy sometimes, like my cock is still there. It's an almost embarrassing feeling sometimes." Mike rubbed the front of his panties, where his penis should have been.

"Actually, I think that sensation might be normal. I feel the same way too. I'd bet that even natural women feel like that. They probably just don't realize what it is."

"Yeah, you might be right, but I know I've never seen a woman with a clitoris as big as mine."

"And I guess you've seen 'em all?"

"Well, I've seen a few. So you're still sleeping with Linda, even now?"

"Well... er, I ah, yeah, I... we have slept together," Joe cautiously admitted. "And it was pretty good too."

"But, what did you do with her? How... what can you do now?" Mike asked innocently.

"Maybe I'm not a man anymore, and maybe I don't have male equipment, but I still know what women like, maybe even better now than before. And I can tell you, these new parts aren't missing a thing when it comes to erotic sensation. It feels like all the old nerves are still there, maybe moved around a bit, and I think they've even had the gain turned up a little, too." Joe grinned as he spoke.

"You've noticed that too? I was thinking that I must be really screwed up after having my cock shrivel up, and then still being horny all the time. The urge does seem to be tapering off a little bit lately though."

"Yeah. For me too. Dr. Krell said that maybe I was getting familiar with the new sensations, and that maybe my testosterone level would start to decrease. It was far too high for a female, he said."

"Do you... er.. have you ever thought about what it would be like to sleep with a man... to have sex with one?" Mike asked.

"Well...I'll admit, the thought has crossed my mind." Joe wasn't about to say anything about last night.

"I don't know if I could do it... I mean... some other guy's cock... all that... but I don't know. I just can't seem to get the idea out of my mind. I find I'm constantly wondering how it would feel."

"I suppose it just might be pretty good," Joe answered. "Dr. Krell says all our organs are normal, even the stuff that's changed, and that everything should work just like any normal woman's. Heaven knows they're sensitive enough, that's for sure." He was actually relieved to hear that somebody else was experiencing the same feelings he had been having lately.

"Yeah, but the thought of laying next to another guy, I don't know if I could that. It would have to feel weird."

"Maybe it wouldn't, once you got... you know... into it."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right. I just don't know though."

"There's no need to rush something like that," Joe mused. "It looks like we might have plenty of time to get used to the idea."

"Yeah, it does look like that, doesn't it. I have trouble with the idea of spending the rest of my life as a woman. Hell, I just can't see myself looking like my grandmother."

"It is hard to accept, isn't it?"

"So far, everything has been interesting, sort of. It even feels somewhat exciting, and I'm even learning to like some of the things about this. At first, I thought I was really going to miss having a cock, but... you know... I really don't... except for taking a piss. I just don't think I'll ever get used to peeing like a girl," Mike said, rubbing the soft little bulge between his legs.

"It is different, isn't it? I guess I miss that part of being a guy too."

"Of course, there are some compensations. Have you ever made yourself come yet?" Mike wasn't one to mince words.

"Well...yeah, I suppose I have..." Joe said cautiously. He wondered what Mike was leading up to.

"Pretty wild, isn't it?" Mike was grinning. "First time I washed myself, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. And it just keeps coming back for more. Hell, I almost rubbed myself sore. I still feel a little tender down there."

Joe pulled his panties off, and tossed them on the bed. He picked up the little thong bikini, stepped into it and pulled it over his hips. The tiny wisp of black cloth covered most of his pubic area, narrowing to a thin crotch strip that went between the legs and riding up the back in the cleft of his buttocks. He could feel it where it touched sensitive areas. His entire rear end was essentially bare. He looked down over his breasts, and saw that the front of the bikini at least covered his bush, but even with his close trim, some pubic hair showed around the edges. Joe pulled the tiny "V" of cloth away from his crotch, and let it spring back, which helped to cover some of the hair. It felt very sexy just wearing it, and Joe thought it probably looked that way too. He liked it immediately.

"That looks really great," Mike exclaimed. "Damn it Joe, you are just so damn beautiful."

"I know I've changed, but I don't know about beautiful. And this thing feels like its riding in the crack of my behind. I guess it is." Joe still felt awkward getting compliments on his new appearance.

"Well, it's true, you really are beautiful. Tim is too, in a 'teenage' kind of way, but you. Man, if I still had my old body, I don't know..." Mike grinned a wicked grin as he said the words.

"Well, don't forget, you look pretty good too." Joe returned the compliment, feeling his face reddening. "You seem to be still changing. Am I right?"

"Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure my boobs are still growing, or filling out, or something. I'm not sure, but I feel like I'm still getting softer all over." Mike ran his hand over his breasts as he spoke.

"Maybe the steroids only slowed the change, but can't stop it."

"Well if it was going to stop the change, it's too late now. I not only look pretty much like a female, I even think I feel like one, at least most of the time."

"Well then, shave those hairy legs, will you?" Joe teased.

"Yeah, I will." Mike began going through his small bag, looking for his shaving kit. When he found it, he went into the bathroom, and shut the door. Joe could hear the toilet flush, and the shower start to run. As Mike cleaned up, Joe removed the sexy feeling new underwear and put his old things back on. He found some shorts and a light blue top, and put them on. Using the remote, he snapped on the television, lay back, and watched the news.

In a while Mike came back out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his body. He had removed the hairpiece, and with the towel hiding his curves, again looked a just bit like his old self. Mike had obviously shaved his legs bare only moments before. Joe watched him as he dressed, and smiled when Mike removed the towel. It was strange to see the familiar head of his friend, above a now quite hairless, and very curvy, female body. He realized that his own reflection was probably quite similar.

Mike stepped into and pulled on one of his new stretchy bodysuits, and covered it only with colorful nylon shorts. He was obviously enjoying the way he now looked, eyeing his reflection in the mirror over the dresser as he put the things on. Joe had to admit that Mike was becoming quite attractive.

"Want to work out with me?" Mike asked. "There is a great exercise room downstairs."

"Aw, I don't know. I know I should, but..." Joe protested.

"Come on, you know you need it too. And I'd sure like the company."

"Ok. I'll go with you." Joe went to his bag and took out the exercise clothing he just bought.

When Joe was ready, they went down to the exercise area. There were three guys there, and Joe and Mike found that they were immediately the primary object of attention of the others in the room. Joe went to a stationary bicycle and climbed on, and Mike tried his new muscles on the weight bench. As Joe sat there pedaling, he watched Mike strain to find his new lower limits. Then one of the young men came over, and climbed on the other bike. At first, the guy said nothing, seeming to feel out the situation, but in a few minutes, he spoke, obviously very nervous.

"This is a nice place, isn't it?" the young man asked, making small talk.

Joe looked over at him. "Yes. It is nice." Joe smiled. He tried to sound and act as feminine as he could, but was feeling terribly self conscious.

"Is that your friend over there?" the guy continued.

"Yeah. He... she's my roommate." Joe answered.

"She can sure lift. She looks pretty strong."

If you only knew, Joe thought. But he said, "She's been lifting for quite some time."

"Are you gonna be over in the lounge later?" the guy blurted out. It was obvious that he was even more nervous than Joe, but not much.

"I don't think so. I have to get to sleep early." He wasn't ready to fight off the lounge lizards.

"Oh, you should come down. The place is swinging every night."

Then you won't need me there, Joe thought. "I just don't think I can." Joe turned back and looked at Mike, who was now dealing with one of the other guys.

"Sure you can. What did you say your name was?" The guy wouldn't be shot down. Joe found he admired his tenacity.

"I didn't say, but it's Joe," Joe answered, trying to appear more friendly than he was feeling just then.

"Joe? What's that short for? Jo-ann?"

"No. My name is Joel. But I've always been called Joe."

"Joe sounds like a guy's name, but it sounds good on you. My name's Mike."

"Thanks, Mike." Great. Another Mike, Joe thought.

"What's your friend's name?" Mike was running out of things to say, but was desperately trying to continue the conversation.

"She's... er... her name is Mik... ahh... Michelle... I call her Mike, too." Joe stammered.

"That's interesting," Mike said. "We have the same names."

"Look, Mike, I don't think I'll be at the lounge tonight. I'm really sorry," Joe said, trying to sound kind, as well as apologetic.

"Ok. But you'll be missing out on a good time."

Joe rode on in silence, and Mike continued pedaling, too. Joe was aware that the young man next to him was watching him move out of the corner of his eye. He had done the same thing himself, eyeing a good looking girl, using that image to keep his mind off aching muscles.

Joe felt a bead of sweat trickle from under the hairpiece, and then run along his ear. He reached up, and pulled the hair away from his face. He would have liked to remove the wig, but knew that would have caused a real stir. He just kept pedaling, enjoying the feeling only vigorous exercise can produce.

After twenty minutes on the bike, he found that his new body was getting tired. Before the change, he could have kept this pace for an hour. He stopped pedaling and went over to Mike, who appeared to be enjoying the company of the other guy, who was hanging around him like a puppy.

"I think I'm going back to the room," Joe said. "I'm tired and I need a shower."

"Ok. I think I'll hang around here for a while yet," Mike said.

"Later," Joe said, and walked out of the room rubbing his face with a towel.

"Bye, Joe," Mike the guy said. "Come back down later, if you can."

"Yeah. See you later, Mike," Joe said, and walked over to the elevator.

Joe went to his room, and went straight to the shower, and started it running. He had worked up a good sweat, and his clothes were quite wet, but he noted that, even when he was sweating, he still smelled different from the way he did as a guy. He quickly removed his clothes, and in a few moments, he pulled back the curtain and stepped in, enjoying the warm spray on his back, but remembering to shield his sensitive breasts with his hands whenever he faced the spray. He lingered in the warm spray for a while, and then hopped out of the shower, drying off quickly. He was now starting to get familiar with the new curves and crevasses his body had gotten with the change. He left the hairpiece off, and, finding his terrycloth romper, he slowly pulled it on. Joe then pulled the spread back from the bed, and collapsed on it. Joe's tired, soft body, smelling fresh from the shower, felt good, but very sleepy. He closed his eyes.

It seemed like Joe had only been sleeping a few minutes when he heard Mike enter the room. He opened his eyes, and saw his friend, his new leotard soaked with perspiration, come in and go straight into the bathroom. The door closed, and almost immediately, Joe could hear the shower start to run. He looked at the clock radio. He was surprised to find that he had been sleeping over an hour. Joe closed his eyes again, and again he was awakened by Mike. When he came out of the bathroom, he was again wearing only a bath towel.

"Joe... I just met a guy... you saw him... Gordon... he thinks I'm a real girl... He wants me to come down to the lounge later," Mike said, sounding almost like he asking Joe for permission.

"Are you going to go?"

"I don't know. Do you think I should?"

"Well, do you want to?"

"Yeah, I think I do, but maybe I don't. I don't know...I'm scared. What if he finds out that I'm really a guy?"

Joe looked at his friend standing at the foot of the bed, wearing only a bath towel. "Mike, open the towel, and let it drop to the ground."

Mike opened the large white towel and let it fall to his feet.

"Now look down. What do you see?" Joe asked.

"I don't get it, what do you mean?" Mike asked, confused.

"Unless you TELL him, there is NO WAY he'll know that you USED to be a man. You aren't one now. You don't even look remotely like one."

"Yeah. Yeah. I guess you're right."

"By the way, I told your guy's partner, the one who was trying to hit on me, that your name was Michelle, but that I always called you Mike," Joe warned.

"Oh yeah. I didn't even think of that. I even told him my name, that I was Mike Osborn."

"Did he say anything about that? It sounded too weird when I told the other guy, whose name was Mike too, that I was Joe, and you were Mike."

"Michelle huh? Michelle... Michelle... I kind of like it. You know, I never thought of using another name, but maybe I should." Mike beamed with a strange happiness.

"Well Michelle, are you going to go to the lounge tonight?"

"Will you go with me?" Michelle asked.

"Nope. I'm going down to the restaurant and get something to eat, and then I'm going straight to bed. That Air-Dyne wore me out," Joe said, yawning, and raising his arms over his head.

"But if I go, what should I wear?" Michelle asked.

"Man, I don't know. You only bought jeans and shirts, and all that exercise stuff. Call Karen. She'll help you out."

"What's her number?"

"Hey, I don't know. She went home with that receptionist. I'm not even sure what her name was."

"I'll look at what I've got here," Michelle said. "Maybe I can find something ok to wear."

"Don't ask me," Joe said. "I have enough trouble of my own. I'm the last person to ask for fashion advice."

"Aw, Joe, you're easily the best dressed of all of us," Michelle said. "You always look great."

"It's Linda and Karen. I don't have any idea what I should wear. I just wear what they tell me to wear."

Watching Mike/Michelle standing there, naked, looking through his/her bags, Joe thought he should remind Michelle about something.

"Don't forget what Dr. Krell and Susan said. If you decide to try out the new equipment, make sure you and Gordon use some protection. If anything happens, it'll be YOU getting pregnant now."

"Aw Joe, don't worry about that, I have absolutely no intention of sleeping with anybody," Michelle said.

"But it's not sleeping that causes the trouble." Joe thought that he was sounding like Michelle's father, or more likely, her mother.

Joe remembered how he had felt when he was with Jay, and "Michelle" seemed at least as infatuated as he had been then.

"Ok, Mother," Michelle teased, as she pulled a new pair of panties on.

Mike/Michelle carefully put on one of her new bras, and again went to the mirror. She looked at herself critically. "You know, I'm not too bad looking, I guess. But I sure hope my boobs get at least a little bigger yet."

"I didn't know you were a 'tit man'," Joe teased.

"Aw, Joe, you know what I mean. I have such big shoulders, bigger breasts would play them down a little."

"Now you're really sounding like a woman."

"But it's true, isn't it?" Michelle asked. "They would, wouldn't they?"

"I don't know, maybe they would. You already look ok to me."

"Yeah, but what would a guy think?" Michelle asked, and then realized what had just been said.

"Well excuuuse me," Joe mocked. "I'm sure I don't have any idea what a GUY might think."

"I'm sorry, but you know what I mean. I mean like Gordon."

"Oh, yeah. Gordon." Joe continued. "I'm sure Gordon likes women with big tits."

"Lay off, Bates," Michelle said in a way which might have sounded menacing, if it hadn't come from someone wearing a pink bra with matching panties.

"Yes ma'am," Joe mocked, but he stopped the teasing. It was so amazing, seeing what had happened to this big guy just one week after his chromosomes had been jumbled, or whatever. He knew the same thing was happening to him, too.

Michelle found a pair of jeans and picked one of the tops they had just bought. His clothes might be ok, if the lounge was real casual.

"It'll have to do," Michelle said, arranging the hairpiece and brushing it with Joe's hair brush. "I don't know about this long hair, though."

"Let's get something to eat, what do you think?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, I am getting hungry." Michelle agreed. "We should call Dave and Tim, I guess."

They called the other room, and made arrangements to meet down stairs in a half hour. Joe got dressed in shorts and a top, and he and Michelle left the room.

Next: Chapter 11: Chapter18

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