Joe Goes to College

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Sep 25, 2023


This a side story to what I call my "The Chronicles of Kevin" Series. This one is about Kevin's Cousin Joe going away to college. This is written so that it can stand-alone but if you want some background, first read, Joe's Revenge on "Meat":

My stories rarely mention protected sex. But in real life, Always use condoms and get tested regularly.

This story is about college-aged men engaging in consensual sex. If this upsets or offends you, then do not read this story. If it is illegal to read this material where you live, then don't!

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Joe Goes To College

------------------------------ Part 7, Mark & Sam - "While Mark and Sam scratched each other's itches, I got mine scratched also..." ------------------------------

That afternoon, I found Mark in the cafeteria. We ate and walked together back to our room. He was really excited and nervous about having sex with someone new.

So, I asked him, "Is anything wrong?"

"I am so worried that I will screw it up."

"Well! I hope you do."

"What?!" It took him a few seconds to realize I was making a joke. "Ha! Ha! Very funny!!"

"You already know Sam." I reassured Mark, "He is a good guy and he knows that you are not very experienced. Just follow his lead and listen to his suggestions. And if there is something or a position you do not like, let him know. If there is something you want to try, tell him about that too. Believe me, he wants you to enjoy this. Now there are guys out there who will only want to take their pleasure from you and do not give a damn about what you want, but Sam is NOT like that."

As we arrived back in our room, Mark was telling me what he wanted to do with Sam. Of course, he wanted to try sucking him and getting sucked by him. But most of all, Mark wanted them to fuck each other. I told him that Sam preferred getting fucked, but that if he asked Sam to fuck him, he probably would. I also told him that Sam is probably nervous as well, he has never been fucked by anyone with such a large dick. So cut each other some slack and enjoy the encounter. The reassurance pleased Mark.

As it was almost time for the meetup, I said that I would check to see if Sam was going to be on time. And Mark started preparing himself for the encounter.

As I walked through our door and turned toward Sam's room, I almost collided with Sam. He said that he told Randy that he was going to study in the Library leaving him alone in their room. He said, "I may tell him about this later, but for now I didn't want any teasing from him, and I certainly didn't want him to invite himself along."

As we entered the room, I said that I would bow out and give them the room for a couple of hours. But Sam said, "If it is okay with Mark, I would like you to stay for a few minutes. Because if Mark is as big as you said, I will need someone to open me up for it." We both looked at Mark and he nodded and shrugged at the same time as if to say, "Sure, why not?"

So, I said, "Why don't you take each other's clothes off and get to know each other while I gather my books and notes?" And they did. It was almost as if they forgot I was there, so it was fun watching them warm each other up. So, I just sat there and watched for a few more minutes.

Eventually, I suggested Mark sit on his bed and let Sam kneel in front of him to service his big cock. And Sam said, "Since I know I can take your cock with no trouble, if you are hard, why don't you just use your dick to open me up?" So, I did.

I kneeled behind Sam, dropped my pants and rolled my T-shirt up and put it behind my head, slathered some lube on my dick and Sam's ass, and slowly and smoothly inserted it into Sam to the hilt. I did not want to actually fuck Sam and take anything away from the fucking he was about to get from his first monster cock. So, mostly I just kept still pumping in and out a bit to keep me hard, and watched Sam try to devour Mark's huge cock.

I noticed Sam was tiring of the effort he was having to spend on Mark's dick. So, I took that as a cue, I said, "Sam, you should be open enough to go, so I will get cleaned up and be on my way." They both smiled and thanked me for staying. I responded with, "My Pleasure, really!"

Standing outside my room with a boner that would not go down, I remembered what Sam said about having an itch deep inside that his roommate, Randy would sometimes scratch for him. So, I headed down the hall toward their room. As I knocked on the door, I knew that my boner was still showing prominently, but I didn't care. The door opened, and I said, "Randy, I have a problem. I have a deep itch that I cannot scratch, will you help me out?"

Randy's face lit up, and he said, "Sure, come on in." Before I knew it, I was on all fours with Randy slamming his big cock into me. Sometimes it is nice to be fucked by someone who knows how to fuck you full-throttle and make you enjoy it. But I started worrying that he would come too quickly. When it looked like he might be building to a climax, I asked him to slow it down a bit, and he did. A few minutes later he changed me to being on my back with my legs up, fucking me hard, but more slowly than before. I would like to think he was delaying his cum to please me.

I was close to cumming and started edging myself, so I told Randy I was close and he let loose, fucking me with reckless abandon. And we both came at about the same time.

Just as I started basking in the afterglow, Randy pulled out of me and started cleaning himself up. When he was done, he tossed me a towel and put his clothes back on. Before I knew it, Randy was back to studying at his desk.

I already knew that Randy was like that, so it did not hurt me. I just wished he could have stayed in me longer and enjoyed the afterglow with me. But it was still a glorious fuck.

I dressed, grabbed my book bag, and said, "See you later." He responded with, "Anytime." and I left. At least my boner was not prominent anymore.

It has been less than an hour since I left Mark and Sam, so I had to find something to fill the rest of the time. I got a snack & soda from the vending machines and went into the lounge. The TV was on a national news show and I watched that until Wheel of Fortune came on. I was reaching in my book bag for something to read when this strikingly handsome young man came into the lounge and sat down near me.

I noticed right away that he appeared more mature than a freshman, probably a junior or a senior. He was tall and muscular but not from weight training, more like from some kind of high stress work, or so it seemed. In this, he reminded me of my farm-boy Cousin Kevin. But this guy had wavey black hair that was thick on top and short on the sides. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts that showed off perfect arms and legs with a neat smattering of trimmed black hair. His shorts fit perfectly to show off a prominent bulge and beautiful muscle-butt that seemed to push out farther on the fabric of his shorts as he moved.

To me, he looked completely straight, but my Gaydar was going wild, and my dick was growing uncomfortable in my pants. There was a magnetism about this guy that made me want to trust him and give myself to him. I have never felt like that with anyone before. And I am more than a little embarrassed by it.

After two or three minutes of avoiding eye contact, I hear, "My name is Tyler. What's yours?"

I glanced in the direction the voice came from and sure enough, it was Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome speaking to me. I fumbled with my words but finally got out, "Hi, Tyler, my name is Joe."

He leans forward with his hand out to shake mine, and I reach out likewise to take his. His hand is wide with mild callouses, not rough but not soft either. His hand was warm, and it felt like it was enclosing mine with a protective affection that drew my heart in his direction.

Just as suddenly, his hand was gone, and he leaned back. I had to remind myself to pull my hand back as well.

"Good to meet you, Joe. I am a junior from St. Louis, Mo studying Music Education. I take it you are a freshman if you live in this dorm?"

"Yes," I said, "and I am from Harlan, Kentucky studying Music Business. I guess you could say that I am a small town guy with big city dreams." I was warming up to him fast and wanted to impress him. "And what is a junior doing in the freshman men's dorm?" I said with that southern inflection that exhibits a playfully sexual implication.

Tyler being a mid-westerner, missed it and just answered the question, "I have been putting up flyers in the dorms for my fraternity's Rush activities next week. I finished in this dorm, so I decided to take a quick break." He picked up a small burlap brief that I had not noticed before. "And I guess I had better get back to it. Have you given any thought to joining a fraternity?" he added as he handed me a flyer from his brief.

"I have thought about it and heard about next week being Rush Week for all the fraternities." Looking at the flyer, I said, "Hey, this is a Music Fraternity."

"The best kind for a Music Major but we are open to any good man who loves music," he said smiling. "You should come! There will be the five events listed on the flyer and you are welcome to come to all of them if you want and meet the Brothers. My number is on the flyer as I am the Outreach officer this year. And if you have questions or just want to talk, you can call that number, anytime, I mean it."

It may have been my imagination, but it seemed Tyler emphasized the YOU in the last statement, sounding like he wished I would call. I responded, "I sure will!" wanting to sound positive and interested in him.

He flashed a big smile and said, "Great! I hope to hear from you and see you there, Joe." And he left the room with a wave goodbye.

In the wake of his leaving, I started to realize that Tyler's friendliness could have been just him trying to sell his fraternity. He may not feel any attraction to me at all, beyond being a prospect for membership. My gaydar is never that much wrong, but I just don't know.

After a while, I go back up to the room and tap on the door lightly, saying just loud enough to be heard inside the room, "It's me, Joe. Is it okay to come in?" and I heard a "come in" from inside.

They sat on Mark's bed, fully clothed and talking. So I asked, "Did everything go okay?"

The answer from both was an enthusiastic, "YES!"

Mark said, "I had a Great time. How about you, Sam?"

"Wonderful, I have never been stretched so far before or filled so completely. But it was not pain free."

"Yeah, I could only get about three quarters of my dick inside Sam without it hurting him."

"But we got it all the way inside once. But it was so painful that Mark refused to fuck me that deeply again. He is such a good guy, such an attentive lover. We kept fucking until he came inside me."

"Then it was my turn to get fucked. I have only ever had your big dick in me, and I was not sure about Sam's slightly smaller dick. But I was wrong. Boy, was I ever wrong."

"Hey, my dick is above average, and you seemed to like it just fine."

"I did! In fact, it was wonderful! I Loved you fucking me in every position we tried. And you saw how much I came... the second time, that is."

"I did, Mark. It was truly splendid."

I spoke up and asked, "Sam, did you notice Mark does not get soft after the first time he cums, and most of the time not even after the second time? He has more stamina than anyone I have ever had sex with."

"I noticed that. Mark has everything he will need to satisfy any lover (or lovers) he chooses."

"Sam, don't give Mark any ideas, he might just go out and get himself a harem."

And after a brief pause, Sam continued, "Joe, you know that being a Top is not my favorite thing to do. But it seemed I hit all the right spots inside Mark, and he seemed to enjoy it so much. It was a huge turn-on seeing how much pleasure I could give him. If I can please a guy that much by fucking him, I could get used to topping more often."

Speaking directly to Sam, I said, "If Mark enjoyed getting fucked by you so much, I wonder how he would react to fucking me at the same time." Sam grinned really big. "Mark, would you like to try that?"

"Hell, Yeah!"

So, I said, "Let's get out of these clothes."

By the time we all got our clothes off, Mark's flagpole was already back up to full mast. I grabbed the lube that was still out, slathered some on my hole and handed it to Mark. He put some on his dick and handed it to Sam. I got down on all fours, doggy style spreading my knees so that Mark would have easier access to my hole. He started putting it in.

I must have shrunk a bit back there than I thought because when Mark got almost halfway in, I was struggling with his girth, so I asked him to go slower. He did and as soon as the biggest part was inside me it was smooth sailing from then on.

Mark started a slow and steady long-fuck which we both enjoyed. But when Sam was ready to start fucking Mark, Mark stopped, pushed all the way into me and leaned on my back, allowing Sam to enter him. And I could feel Mark's reaction to being entered.

We tried moving in a free-style way and that was okay, but it was not working well. So, I suggested Mark stay still and let Sam and I fuck him from the front and the back. And it worked. In no time at all, Mark was in the throws of pleasure, tossing his head about so much that I thought he would break something.

And after a short time more, Mark wasn't able to hold back any longer and was cumming deep inside of me. I started beating off to join him, and came. Then I heard the sounds Sam makes when he has a good cum.

A few moments later, we all fell into a clump, and somehow Mark was still inside me. But then I felt something I had never felt with Mark before, with no other movement, Mark's dick was retracting, pulling itself out of me. There couldn't have been more than a couple of inches left in me when it stopped. My reaction was automatic, I squeezed down and sent the rest of Marks dick shooting out with a squishy pop sound. We both chuckled at that, but I had never seen Mark go soft that quickly after just two cums, so he must have cum when he got fucked too.

Mark spoke up, "That was the most intense cum of my life! And for the first time, I feel like I am completely drained and satisfied." Then he said, "Thank You, guys, I will NEVER forget this" as he seemed to run out of steam and fall dead-to-the-world asleep.

Sam and I got up and cleaned up, and Sam got his clothes on, I just put on underwear. Then we tried to rouse Mark, but he was still fast asleep, so we cleaned him up as best we could, and we picked him up and put him in his bed. We talked for a few minutes, during which I thanked him for letting me take part. He said he had fun. I think Sam and I will be friends for a very long time.

The next morning (including Thursday and Friday as well) he woke me by sucking my dick. And he was getting better and better at it. By Friday morning he had perfected this thing where he put the crown of my dick in his throat and started swallowing. I know I could not do that, but he could. It felt wonderful, as good or better than his Singing Suck.

We also fucked each other one more time before he left for his first weekend back home. Mark was fast becoming an all-around, completely versatile sex machine, and he was a great guy on top of that.

Before he left, I told him that the Mark that was in front of me now is not the same shy Mark that walked into this room two weeks ago to find his new roommate sleeping with a boner showing prominently in his jeans.

"Your family and friends WILL notice the difference! And some of them may like the old Mark better than the new Mark to start with, so be patient with them. Allow them time to get used to the new you. If you were planning to come out to your family, I would put that off for a while, allow them time to get used to the new you first. Attribute your newfound confidence to the recognition of your musical talent and the acceptance of your new musical colleagues and professors. And not to mention your wonderful roommate." Mark chuckled at this with me.

And I continued, "I know you want your best friend to become something more, but do not push too hard at first. Come out to him and let him get to know the new you. If he seems up for something sexual, tell him you have learned a few new things at college and offer to show him. You might start with your sucking skills, you have become quite good at that."

"With any luck, you will come back to college on Sunday grinning ear to ear."

On Friday evening, I struck up a conversation with a guy who had an athletic build. He looked like he might play tennis or maybe soccer. His name was Ray. He was feeling low because he had not seen his girlfriend in 2 weeks and it would be two more before he could go home.

He said, "We spent the entire summer together, and I got used to having sex with her often, and now nothing." And then, more confidentially, he said, "I wish I could break up with my right hand, but that's all I have left. You know how that is?"

I told him, "Yes, I do." So, I continued, "What if there was someone who would be willing to get you off with a blowjob occasionally during your dry spells, no strings attached? Would that be something that would interest you?"

"How much would it cost?"

"Nothing but your discretion? This person does not want to get a bad reputation just over making a guy happy."

"Who is it?

"Me." I said making eye contact with him. We looked at each other for several seconds. I supposed he was weighing the pros and cons.

He said, "But I am straight."

"Well then, it is lucky for you that I am not." I let that sink in a bit before continuing, "Listen, getting a blow-job will not change your sexuality. And I am not asking for a lifetime commitment, or even a date. Under these circumstances you would only get off inside my mouth instead of masturbating yourself, except that it feels better, Much Better. It does not matter if it is a male or female mouth, your dick cannot tell the difference."

After a few seconds, all he said was, "Where?"

"We can go to your room or mine. My roommate went home for the weekend."

"Okay. Your room?" to which I answered, "Sure! Let's go."

His dick was the high-end of Average in length, had a slender, almost straight shaft, but a huge knob of a crown. It put me in mind of a console Shifter on a classic car.

As I was getting ready to suck him, he asked, "You won't tell anyone about this?"

"I would never tell because I am asking you not to spread rumors about me as well." And he said he would also be discrete.

He was fun to suck off. I don't think he had ever had a blow-job before.

As he was getting ready to leave, I told him that if he ever got tired of his right hand again to let me know and we will work something out. I also told him it would be okay if he told a straight buddy or two about this alternative to beating off, as long as he did not tell them who I was until he was sure that they would not gossip about me.

He told me that he would, and as he left, he smiled at me and said, "Thanks." He is a nice guy and I thought to myself, "I hope he becomes a repeat customer."

The next afternoon, I was walking back toward my dorm when I ran into Ray from the night before and he was with a friend with a slightly larger build and a bit awkward looking, but cute. Ray introduced the friend as being on his soccer team, Bill. And lowering his voice a bit told me that Bill was in the same boat as he was last night and could I help him out the same way.

I gave them my "keep my confidence and I will keep your's" speech, and Bill agreed. So, I said that if now was okay, we can go up to my room. Bill was agreeable, but Ray told his friend to have a good time and that he would see him later.

I spoke up and asked Ray, "Are you not 'cumming' too?" He smiled at that but said something about not wearing out his welcome by asking for it two days in a row. To which I answered, "Poppycock! If you are 'up' for it, I can take care of both of you."

They looked at each other as if to say they both wanted it but were afraid of intruding on each other's space.

So, I spoke up, "You can't be afraid of seeing each other naked because if you are on the same team, you see each other naked in the showers all the time. So, what is it, one or both of you?"

They both came up, and I especially enjoyed watching them watch each other getting sucked off. They were enjoying it, but did not want to enjoy it. It was almost the look a guy gets when he is trying to shit out an extra big turd, like needing to move what seemed like an immovable object.

They both became two of my repeat customers. I even got Ray to fuck me with his gearshift knob a few times. He did not stretch me very much but gave my pleasure button a workout. After the first time, I told him, "I don't know what a woman would think about being fucked by your dick, but any guy with a healthy prostate would love being fucked by you. After explaining what I meant, he understood and was pleased by the comment.

After the guys left, I took a chance and called the frat-boy, Tyler. I figured I could open a conversation about his sexuality by first asking if his fraternity would let a gay guy to join. His response was what I hoped for. "I certainly hope so, because I am gay and they knew it before they asked me to join." And before I could respond, he asked out on a date. More about that later. (Sorry)

On Sunday afternoon, I found another high-and-dry straight guy to suck off. And, when Mark returned on Sunday evening, he was indeed smiling. So, I said, "I take it that everything went well at home?"

"Not at first," Mark said. "I found that going back home caused me to fall back into old habits. I started acting as I did before. But I saw it happening to me and I resisted the temptation to do that. And it pleased my parents that I seemed to be coming "out of my shell". That is the way they put it. And my new confidence surprised Carl, the friend I told you about. And when we were alone, I told him I have discovered that I am gay, and I feel good about being gay. After hearing that, his response was to come out to me and tell me he has had a crush on me for 2 years."

Mark continued, "We didn't have enough time together, but he liked my Singing Suck, and we fucked each other. It took me a half hour to get all of me into him, but once I did, it was like he was born for my dick. And he swore to me that he had never been fucked before. His dick is a lot like Sam's, and it pleased me just as much when he fucked me. We are boyfriends now. Even though we are living separately, we decided to give this long-distance thing a try, so I will go home almost every weekend."

He paused as if there was something more that he was holding back. So, I asked him if there was something more to the story. He said that they wanted to try monogamy, so that means no more fucking or sucking on campus.

My response was, "Damn, I was getting used to those Wake-up Calls. But I understand and wish you both all the best. And there is one consolation prize. I will have more weekends free to bring in guys while you are home satisfying the boyfriend."

"I have to say," said Mark, "you are taking this better than I thought you would."

"Hey, I am a Chill Dude, it is all good." I said half-jokingly, but wanted to believe it was true.

I had to admit that I was a bit jealous of Carl just then. No more convenient fuckbuddy with a huge dick, and no more waking up to someone sucking me off every morning. But I figure that the new couple will tire of the long dry spells with no sex and will eventually give each other an exemption for while they are away from each other. But we will see.

After we both went to bed, I laid there going over what I have done, non-academically speaking, since arriving at college two weeks ago. I have had more sex in two weeks than at any other time in my life. I found out what it is like to be the meat in a fuck sandwich, and to get fucked all night long. And, I have had my second virgin ass with my huge hung and small bodied roommate, Mark, with whom I had great and very convenient sex until Friday. He has a boyfriend back home now, so we are just roommates and friends. I made an intimate friend of one of the RAs in my dorm, Sam. Established another RA, Randy, as an occasional fuck buddy (he only tops), and started a stable of "regular customers" to suck and get fucked by. I also had a great date with a frat guy, Tyler, and the more I hear about his fraternity, the more I like it, and Rush starts tomorrow.

The End of Part 7

Author's NOTE: This was the end of the planned stories of Joe In College. But the response to this story has been good, so I have planned one more story for Joe with the encouragement of fans, a fraternity experience.

If you have any story suggestions or anything you would like to read about Joe experiencing, please feel free to tell me at I answer all real inquiries and respond to all positive suggestions.

If you would like to read about Joe's fraternity RUSH adventure, working title: "76 Frat-Boy-Bones in the Great Parade", let me know. If you want to suggest a story for me to write about, let me know. If you want to read about what happens when Joe visits home for Thanksgiving and meets up with Meat again, let me know.

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Over the years, I have been adding to a series that I call, The Chronicles of Kevin. Because they were written at different times and out of order, there is some overlap and some gaps. Here they are in story-line order:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin, in high school)

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story and others)

Kevin's Chubby Buddy (in Kevin's Senior year of HS)

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer)

Joe Goes To College goes here.

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin)(Note that the Interlude in Part 6 was expanded into "Porked by 'Meat'")

Letter To A College Roommate (Kevin tries to reconnect and catch up with Allan 20 years later)

NOTE: If you read all these, they are about the length (in word count) of a Novel.

Next: Chapter 7

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