Joe Boxer

By Joe Boxer

Published on Mar 28, 2019


Joe Boxer

Andrew had been training with Joe for about three months when it finally started. He had first found Joe on Craigslist, looking for a personal trainer to do something a bit different. Joe offered one-on-one boxing training, which looked like a great workout, but that wasn't what drew Andrew. It was the shirtless picture Joe had put up.

Joe was cute as hell -- smooth-shaven, fair skin with pouty lips. His brown eyes had sex appeal and a cocky look to them. His brown hair had an army boy cut on the sides that got Andrew feeling excited.

Joe's body was incredible. He was a muscle boy jock but lean like a swimmer, all his muscles defined and popping out of his totally smooth body. His arms were disproportionately huge on his lean but muscled body.

Andrew was sold, and made plans to work out with Joe. Joe turned out to be even cuter in person. Every part of his photo was brought to life with the confidence of a young jock who was used to people throwing themselves at him. He was cocky and self-confident but still friendly and open.

Andrew, he was your average mid-30's guy getting back in shape, and young jocks got him going.

As far as Andrew knew, his thoughts about Joe were just fantasy. He had a lot of those fantasies, jerking off as he imagined Joe forcing him to suck his dick when his girlfriend wouldn't put out, or having Andrew worship his incredible body, or any number of things. But it was never going to happen for real. Until finally the day came that got the ball rolling...

"Keep your hands up", Joe snapped at Andrew as they went through their routines. When Andrew forgot again, Joe slapped him lightly on the side of the head where he wasn't protecting himself, then laughed it off. Joe seemed a little more irritable than usual, not his usual self.

It finally got to the end of the workout, and Andrew was wiped. He noticed that Joe still seemed moody, and asked him, "Everything okay, Joe?"

"Yeah...", Joe sighed. "I'm sorry. Just got some shit going on."

"Sorry, man...", Andrew began. Not knowing what to say next he asked, "Wanna smoke a joint?". They had done this a few times after working out, and it seemed to loosen them both up.

Andrew pulled one of his bag and they lit up together. They spent the next ten or fifteen minutes talking about nothing in particular. Finally Andrew asked again, "So what's going on?"

"Ahh... just family problems. Don't worry about it man."

"Ok..." Andrew said, then decided to change the subject. "Hey, how's your own training going?"

"Good!" Joe said, seeming to cheer up a bit. "Think I'm going to get a few matches lined up soon. Been working out like crazy and I'm feeling huge."

"Oh yeah? Let's see those biceps," Andrew teased playfully, making it sound like a bit of ribbing between buddies.

"Oh... yeah man. They're getting massive, they've never been this big," Joe said proudly, pulling up his one sleeve and flexing. And it was -- the bicep was huge as fuck, especially on his lean body, and perfectly rounded. Joe looked like a god to Andrew right then, showing off his muscle proudly and grinning.

"Nice!", Andrew said as he reached out to give it a squeeze, trying to act casual. It was rock hard. Harder than a rock. He couldn't believe it, and he felt the excitement go through him. He'd never felt a muscle like that, and he needed more, but didn't know where to go next.

"Shit, Joe, that's crazy. I wish I had biceps like that. Can I feel it again?" he blurted out in excitement. He was drunk on lust and taking chances, not able to maintain his bro image.

"Sure," Joe said with a little smirk, not seeming to mind at all -- in fact seeming to enjoy the attention, something his girlfriend probably didn't give him enough of. Andrew stared at it and felt it again, this time more thoroughly, starting at the peak and working his hand all the way around through the tricep. It was tight and solid as fuck all the way throughout, and his heart was racing. He was lost, not knowing what to do or say next.

"You like that, hey?", Joe asked, giving Andrew a cocky smile.

"Yeah... I wish I could have arms like that," Andrew said, recovering his composure a bit.

"Maybe if you fucking listened to my instructions you'd improve faster," Joe replied jokingly, but with a bit of aggressiveness.

"Sorry sir ..." Andrew said, a thrill going through him, but playing off the word as a joke. "You just need to be harder on me. I respond better that way."

"Oh yeah? Like this?" Joe said, quickly putting his arm around Andrew's head. Andrew was in a headlock, Joe's biceps squeezing his neck like a vice, the bulge pushing into the side of his neck. He grabbed Joe's arm with both hands and tried to pull it off but it was useless -- he couldn't move it an inch. He was totally helpless in his headlock, straining while Joe held it effortlessly.

"Shit, Joe, I can't move at all. If you did more of this in training I'd probably learn a lot faster."

"Oh yeah? How about now?" Joe said, fully flexing his bicep. It dug into Andrew's jugular, completely cutting off blood as his head turned red.

Andrew tried to speak but his breath was caught, choking him off. His face was bulging with the rush of blood, and Joe laughed a bit more, finally letting him go.

"Sorry about that man..." Joe said, seeming a bit taken aback at his own boldness.

"It's all good Joe. Honestly it's just a bit of joking, all in fun. It's fun to just be a bit stupid sometimes. You really are getting huge though, you could hurt someone with those biceps. How did you get them like that?"

"Been working out a long time, and I push myself to failure every time. It gets great results too," Joe said, cockiness working its way back into his voice. "My boss at work is totally wet for me. She gives me any shift I like and if I don't show up she blames herself, thinking she shouldn't have put me on that schedule."

"So basically you can do whatever you want and people will like you anyway."

"I guess so, with some people anyway."

"You're an alpha, Joe. You need to just own that and use it to your advantage. People will be happy to do things for you because everyone loves serving a natural leader, so why stop them?"

"Yeah?" Joe said, shooting Andrew a glance. "Like what kind of things would you want to do for me?"

"I dunno...", Andrew said, feeling a bit uncomfortable, then working his way back up. "Like you could train me and just sit there on your phone if you wanted, you don't have to work that hard at it. I train harder just because you're around and I sort of crave your approval I guess."

"What else?" Joe was getting more confident again, testing the waters around what Andrew had told him. Of course, it all came naturally to Joe. He didn't have to think too hard about it. It was more like letting free something that he'd been trained to suppress.

"I mean, I could pick you up and drive you around if you needed it and I'm available. I know you don't have a car and it's not right for you to need to take the bus."

"Faggot", Joe grinned. Whether he knew Andrew was actually gay or not, or just a beta cuck bitch, Andrew wasn't sure. Andrew knew he was a faggot either way, and he loved Joe knowing.

"Ha... well I dunno, but there's something about you that I just like seeing you happy, even if that means you like being a bit mean or whatever, it doesn't really matter." Both of them were a bit high from the joint, and probably speaking more freely than they would have otherwise.

"I think it's part of the order of things," Andrew continued. "Women are too fragile and demand too much respect. Men need a place to let out a little stress."

"Kiss my shoe," Joe demanded suddenly. He was starting to get into this, and Andrew couldn't have been more excited, but he wasn't ready to give it all in just like that. Joe had to earn it a bit.

"Kiss it yourself," Andrew laughed, then reached out and grabbed Joe's arm again. Joe wasn't flexing, but it was still tight as fuck, just a solid mass of well-earned muscle.

"Don't touch me, faggot," Joe said, slowly getting more comfortable his new found role. "Hey, you know what. There's something you can do for me. I need payment on our next set of workout sessions in advance." He paused for a second. "Actually, you know what, I just need some extra money. You can pay for the additional sessions too. I need $50."

"Sure Joe, I can help you out with that," Andrew said, feeling a thrill at the opportunity to serve him. He was pretty well-off from his job in Finance, and if a little extra money was going to help him move things along and was exciting as well, he was on board. "Um, how should I pay you?"

"Transfer it to my account later tonight. I don't want to see you doing it in front of me, you're embarrassing yourself."

Andrew felt another thrill being put in his place so adeptly and naturally. "Sure Joe, no problem."

"Now drive me home. I'm done with this for now and my girlfriend is waiting for me, she's horny as fuck and wants her brains fucked out."

"Sure Joe, but I'm a bit high..."

"I don't care, that's your problem if you're caught," Joe laughed. He was a natural at this, knowing so intuitively how to bully, intimidate and humiliate Andrew. All he'd needed was the green light.

Andrew drove Joe home, but they didn't talk much on the way. Joe seemed to be busy on his phone, probably getting his girlfriend horny and ready.

After dropping Joe off, Andrew's thoughts were filled with excitement and thoughts about what had just happened. He was hooked on Joe and couldn't wait to find out what would come next...

End of Chapter 1.

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Next: Chapter 2

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