By Joseph Farrin

Published on Feb 26, 2005



Joe Bob and I live on adjacent farms outside Lead Hill; in Boone County Arkansas a few miles south of the Missouri state line. My name, by the way, is Billy Ray.

Joe Bob and I are both the oldest child in our families. He has two younger sisters and I have three older brothers, one of which still lives at home. All of us who are of school age take the same bus to our consolidated school. Neither of our families is rich but we are lucky at that because both our dad's farms have good soil and manage to provide a sparse though adequate living for us. Too, strange as it seems, we both have similar parents. Our dads are tall, lanky men, as are most men and boys in the area. I guess it's a combination of hard work and meager meals. Both our dads are forceful, domineering men and our mothers are quiet and submissive. Joe Bob and I have talked about it and know our dads have fucked all their kids over 11, both boys and girls. They look upon it as their right and our mothers fear to speak up. The kids are terrified of their dads, especially when they're liquored up.

Right out, so you'll know where this story is leading and to get things straight without any fucking around, in addition to having known Joe Bob all my life, he's my best friend. I'm sure he thinks of me as his best friend, too.

Where the big difference comes in is that I love him. I love him so much that some days and some nights, too, he is all I can think about. Loving him doesn't bother me. I realize I can't help it even if I can't explain it and I think I must be the only boy in the whole world that loves another boy.

I still haven't explained myself very well. What I'm trying to tell you is that I wish he loved me, too, and he'd let me suck his cock and fuck me. You know, like we could have sex together and make love to each other. It was just a guess on my part that sucking cock and sticking cocks up ass holes was how two boys would have sex. Maybe just playing with each other's cocks would be another way. What I can't tell you is why I love him. I don't know why I love Joe Bob.

Well, I guess I really do know a little why. Even though he's two years older than I am, we have gym classes together and I've seen him naked. A lot of the boys have big cocks. I guess farm boys tend that way, especially boys from the Ozarks. I'm big for my age, too, but no one beats Joe Bob's ten inches. Every time I saw it I damn near shot off right in the shower room. I love that big cock. Its size is beyond belief. I never knew they could be so big, just as I'd never realized a boy could love another boy's cock.

Joe Bob's senior year, my sophomore year, in high school got off to a bad start for Joe Bob. Early in the school year he got in trouble with a girl in his class, Mary Ellen. She had a face like the back of a bus but huge tits, if that's what turns you on. They evidently turned Joe Bob on. Despite being cocky between the legs he had a cocky attitude. He thought he was God's gift to the girls and I can just imagine that he reasoned some broad like Mary Ellen would cream at being offered his ten inches. A lot of girls probably would have, but Mary Ellen didn't. She went so far but when it came right down to taking his ten inches up her cunt, while being pushed up against a tree in the woods behind the school, she wouldn't do it, despite her reputation for putting out. Most, if not all the boys in school, had foreskins. I guess Joe Bob got a hard on, took it out of his pants, showed it to Mary Ellen, lifted her skirt, pulled down her panties and she watched as Job Bob skinned his foreskin back exposing the big, pink cockhead that capped his huge cock. At that point, she shoved him onto the ground and ran back toward the school.

The end result was that Mary Ellen's dad got an attorney; Joe Bob wasn't formally charged with anything after the Sheriff got everyone calmed down but the sheriff gave him a restraining order to not get closer than fifty feet to Mary Ellen and never attempt to speak to her. They had one class together so Mary Ellen sat on the front row and Joe Bob sat on the back row. With his dad, Joe Bob was in deep, deep shit. Joe Bob told me it was deeper shit than he was in with the Sheriff.

Mary Ellen's bad luck, from my point of view, and Joe Bob's bad luck turned out to be my good luck. He soon started walking over to our place or had me walking over to his place some evenings to have me help him with his homework. He wasn't the brightest kid in Boone County, he needed the help as his dad had told him if he didn't graduate it was tough shit, he was going to help work the farm, come June, no matter what. On occasion he stayed overnight at my house, which wasn't a problem as two of my older brothers had left home, so I had a bedroom all to myself. At his house, his dad being paranoid someone was going to knock up one of his daughters, made Joe Bob and I sleep in the hayloft. I didn't mind. I'd have slept in the chicken coop if I could sleep with Joe Bob.

Finally, at long last, things began to happen. Joe Bob was an outcast at school, not only with Mary Ellen, but also with all the girls. Things spread in a rural area, especially things about what boy was doing what with what girl. The consequences for Joe Bob were that he got hornier and hornier and hornier as time went on.

I just waited. I had a hard on after hard on after hard on but I just waited.

Something told me I wanted to have him as a friend rather than as an enemy even if I never got to do as much as cop a feel of his big, fucking cock.

Then, one night in the hayloft in the barn, he asked me, "How often do you jack off?"


"I'm so fucking horned up all the time. The cunts at school hardly even look at me anymore, but other guys tell me about the ones that let them put their hand under their blouses and feel their tits and let them put a finger in their panties and play with their pussy. One guy says he has a girl who will let him put the head of his cock in and she'll jack him off while he's got it in there. Then one guy, who got some condoms, is actually getting some pussy from a girl. He wouldn't tell me who it was and I'm kinda guessing it might even be a teacher who bought him the condoms and is letting him fuck her. It's driving me crazy. I'm jacking off at least twice a day. What I really need is a good fuck."

"Doesn't jacking off help?"

"Some, but its a lonely, kind of frantic way to get off."

"I never thought of it that way."

"Do you want to jack off?

I responded as if I hadn't understood his question, "Do you mean do I want to jack you off?"

"Well, that would be OK, too, if it doesn't bother you."

"Why would it bother me? I jack myself off."

"You don't think it would be queer?"

"I don't know beans about that queer shit. In fact I'll suck you off if you want me too?"

"Would you really. I wouldn't bother you?"

"Sure I'd do it."

"You promise you'd never tell anyone?"

"I promise."

We were sleeping on one quilt and had one pulled over us. I reached down and felt his cock. He was erect. The whole ten inches was like a rock except, at the same time, it was warm and soft. I played with it for a minute, slid back his foreskin and felt his cockhead, which felt like foam rubber and kinda damp. I ducked under the top quilt, took his cock into my mouth and started to suck my first cock. I was now a cocksucker; I was sucking Joe Bob's cock. I was living my dream.

I couldn't take all of his length but I wanted to please him so much I took at least seven inches of it, or so I guessed. It felt that way, anyway. After a few minutes my mouth became filled with saliva and things became easier. I was able to work up and down on his shaft easier and faster. Suddenly his body jerked up and he hollered, "Oh shit, Billy Ray, you're goin to make me cum. Oh God, I'm goin to cum right now." I made sure of one thing; I didn't l didn't lose his cock from the confines of my mouth because I wanted him to cum in my mouth just as if he'd cum if he'd been doin it between a girl's legs. We talked a few minutes; he said he liked it, it felt a lot better than jacking off. Then we fell asleep.

I woke up at sunrise and walked home, cleaned up, ate and walked to the road where the school bus picked us up. As always, Job Bob and I sat together on the back seat. He was kind of quiet and that bothered me. I wondered if he was feeling guilty about what happened last night.

Part of Joe Bob's punishment, as arranged by the Sheriff, was that he had to work in the school secretary's office during his lunch hour, Xeroxing stuff and things like that. He proved trustworthy, so the secretary left him alone and went to the cafeteria to eat her lunch.

Going home on the bus, sitting on the back seat, as usual, Joe Bob handed me a folded up piece of paper. I unfolded it. He'd put his dick, erected, on the Xerox machine, closed the lid and made a colored picture of the bottom side of his cock. In the corner of the page he had written. THAT WAS FANTASTIC LAST NIGHT. IT'S FRIDAY, CAN I CUM OVER TO YOUR HOUSE AS USUAL ON FRIDAY EVENINGS? I erected just reading his note, and slipped it into my backpack, smiled at him and said, "Sure."

He liked getting his big cock sucked off. It hadn't made him feel guilty. I got such an erection in my pants that I could feel my foreskin retracting of it's own accord. I could hardly wait.

We had to get his homework done. We wouldn't see each other Saturday or Sunday, except for a few minutes in church at the social hour in the basement after services. Every time I looked at the minister mouthing off from the pulpit about what the Bible said, I know I had a shit- eating grin on my face thinking of Joe Bob and his cock instead of listening to what he was saying. Next Sunday would be worse than ever now that I was a cocksucker and sucking Joe Bob's.

But for now, Friday evening, both of us were hot. It didn't take much doing to figure that out. Joe Bob started it by reaching under my desk and copping a feel. Finally we finished his homework. I could hear my dad downstairs, he was fucking stoned; I knew by the way he was hollering. We went down to the kitchen to say goodnight to my mom. She offered us milk and cookies for a bedtimes snack and said one of Jimmy's buddies had come to pick him up and he wouldn't be back until tomorrow morning. Joe Bob had milk and cookies but I told my mom, "No thanks, I'm not hungry". Back my room we propped my desk chair under the doorknob. If my dad tried to open the door, I could always say I forgot Jimmy was gone for the night and I didn't want him coming in and making trouble.

This time we got naked. Of course, I'd seen him naked in the shower at school but now I had a close up look at everything he had between his legs. I practically had my nose in his crotch as I stroked his cock, played with his balls and ran my fingers through his bushy, black pubic hair. He knew I liked his cock and he told me he knew from the way I was acting. There was enough moon light that shone into the room that we could see even after we turned the lights off. I told Joe Bob my parents slept downstairs but to whisper in case my mom came up to use the toilet. So after we'd fondled each other cocks for a while, I whispered in his ear, "Why don't I lie on the bed and you get on top and fuck my mouth this time?" He did. I wished I'd asked him to fuck my ass hole; I knew I could take it there as my dad had long ago taken my virginity and still plows me once in a while; the drunken bastard.

Even if Joe Bob wasn't being gentle, he was fucking my mouth and I imagined I was a girl getting fucked by him. My mouth was as warm and wet as a pussy and Joe Bob was not being gentle. He was jamming in and out with his ten-inch fuck tool. No way was I going to tell him to stop. He pumped a super large amount of cum into my mouth when he ejaculated. When he first got that feeling that he was about to cum he also started to holler but I clamped a hand over his mouth and he remembered we were supposed to be quiet.

I guessed it was around 3 AM when he began shaking me and asked if he could do it again. I told him to wait; I needed to go to the bathroom. My mom kept her enema bag on a hook on the bathroom door. I got it down, filled it with a squirt of liquid soap and warm water and sat on the toilet until it took effect. I then did the same thing with just water to rinse my self clean back there.

Back in the room and back in bed, I told Joe Bob what I'd done in the bathroom and that I wanted him to fuck my ass. He was all too happy to do so. Again he fucked vigorously but without gentleness. Once or twice I used my rectal muscles to clamp down on his cock and I knew it really sent him. Finally, I felt his cock juices pour out of his piss slit deep into my ass. So now, Joe Bob was letting me suck his cock as well as fucking my mouth and fucking my ass.

So passed the school year. Joe Bob did pass and with much better grades than he normally had. He got his diploma and we started work on our farms. Then I didn't see as much of him as I did when school was in session. During harvest, though, since he had only one son, Joe Bob's dad always picked up a hired man to help. Joe Bob and I slept in the hayloft with him. One Saturday night the hired hand walked home from a bar and Joe Bob and I didn't even hear him coming up the ladder. Joe Bob had just pushed his cock all the way in and was pumping my ass. Then we saw the hired man, standing a few feet away, cock out of his pants, jacking off. After Joe Bob shot his load, the hired man said, "Next!"

Joe Bob replied, "Not unless you want thrown out the door (meaning the loft door where hay was loaded into the loft). The guy said, "Please, I need it bad." Joe Bob told him, "If Billy Ray wants to suck your dick, that's OK. His boy puss is my property, though."

The guy had a six-inch dick. I sucked him off. He did need it. He shot his load within minutes.

It was two years before I finished high school and Joe Bob and I had a lot of sex together during those two years. It was during the spring of the second year, a little before my graduation that my dad really laid one on and had a heart attack while wandering around one of the fields in the dark, carrying his bottle with him, ranting and raving about who knows what. I don't think my mom was even too grief stricken. My dad was the type of man you had to love as a husband and a father, but, at the same time, a man you could never learn to like.

I knew that Jim would get the farm and I would be a fifth wheel, so, after I graduated, I started walking into town and reading all of the out of town newspapers in the library. Finally I saw a help wanted advertisement posted by an automobile and farm equipment wholesale parts supplier, called the A1 Parts Co. in Ft. Smith.

I packed my backpack and hitchhiked to Ft. Smith after a tearful farewell to Joe Bob. Even he cried. He didn't say he loved me but he did tell me he was going to miss me like mad, asked me to write and said, "Now you take real good care of yourself Billy Ray, ya hear me".

I landed the job in Ft. Smith filling orders from automotive repair garages and implement repair places, I opened incoming parts we'd ordered repacked them and labeled them if they were to be shipped to an out- of-town customer, took them to the post office and picked up the mail from the firm's mailbox at the post office. The owner, Mr. Conroy, was a neat guy. At first another employee had to drive me to the post office. Then, Mr. Conroy brought me a book on reading up to take a driver's exam, then he sent me for lessons with a driver training instructor and then he went with me to get my license. I thought that was extremely kind of the man. In fact my lessons and during my exam I drove automatic shifts, so Mr. Conroy then had to teach me how to drive the company pickup which had a stick shift.

I soon found out the firm was an old, established firm with a good reputation. They paid well, too and, all in all, I knew I'd been lucky getting a job with them. Mr. Conroy also paid the tuition for me to go evening classes at a local junior college three times a week and let my take the company pick-up home those nights so I wouldn't have to fool around with the busses.

I did write Joe Bob. He never wrote back. I'd been in Ft. Smith about nine months when I ran into a guy from Lead Hill in a café. He was four years older than me, but we recognized each other. His name was Jack and his nickname was Jack Daniels. He told me Joe Bob had gone and got himself married to some older, widow woman who owned a farm and had a sixteen-year-old daughter as well as a thirteen-year-old daughter. I was really upset by that news; it actually hurt. I don't know why, I had no claim to Joe Bob. Guess it was because I still loved him. Then I began thinking all kinds of nasty stuff about him, stuff like I reckoned he was fucking the woman and probably her two daughters, too. I guessed it was because I really loved Joe Bob and probably always would.

My bad thoughts came to an end one night when I was getting into the A1 company pickup after classes at the junior college. A guy that I'd seen in one of my classes asked me if I worked at A1 Parts Co. I told him I did. He told me his name was Josh Conroy; he was Mr. Conroy's son. We talked a while and he asked me if I wanted to grab a burger and a coke on the way home, so we met at a burger joint about a block from the college. Afterwards, we went to his apartment and I had my first beer.

After we'd gone through a six-pack, he got real friendly and touchy, too. You know what I mean. Josh was two years older than me and he was real good looking with hair that he called dirty blonde and he had blue eyes. I was lonely and his feeling around gave me a boner, so I returned his touching. Soon he had me stripping and we got into bed together. He had a nice, hefty, six or six and a half inch cock. It was so special to me; I know I gawked at it. It was the first time I'd ever seen a man's penis that was circumscribed. Jesus, I loved it. It was so exciting being able to see his cockhead all the time, even when his dick was soft. It never got covered over with a foreskin. It was just visible all the time. I loved it and I told him so. I also liked Josh because of his being two years older; somehow doing things with an older boy seemed more exciting to me. He wasn't shy with his talk and his feeling around either. I liked that, too, I didn't have to feel shy; it was clear he liked doing stuff, too.

The best thing though was that he'd never before messed around with another guy that was uncut and he liked my cock just as much as I loved his. Josh showed me something I'd never even thought about. After a lot of just feeling each other all over and doing a lot of wet kissing, which had never entered my mind to try with Joe Bob, we did what he called 69. I didn't last five minutes; neither did he. He said we were both too hot and too worked up over each other and assured me it would get better when we did it more times together.

I told him I thought what we'd done was just about the most exciting thing I'd ever done, sucking a cock and getting my cock sucked at the same time. He laughed.

"I like you. Is it all right if I call you Bill instead of Billy Ray? Or would you rather I call you Ray"

"I'd like Ray. Billy Ray sounds kind of hickey in Ft. Smith, anyway."

"I'll clue the guys at A-1 to start calling you Ray, too. What I started to say or tell you was that I like you. You're a neat kid."

"I like you too, Josh. I like you a lot."

"Do you have to get back to your digs tonight?"

"I feel like such a dummy, Josh. What are digs?"

"Where you live, your room, your apartment."

"Oh! I live in a one-room apartment. I don't have to get back."

"Will you stay with me tonight? It's still early. If we relaxed and had a couple more beers, I'm sure we'd end up doing something again."

"Would you like to fuck me, Josh?"

"Is that an offer? Have you been fucked before?"

"Every boy and girl that's been raised on a farm in Arkansas has been fucked by their dad or an older brother. Yes, I've been fucked."

"Do you want to clean yourself out back there. I have some enema solutions that come in plastic bottles. Lie on your stomach and I'll give you one. He did. It took longer to work than a hot water bottle with a hose but it did work. We went to sleep and woke up about two hours later.

Josh had me get on my hands and knees. He began licking my asshole with his tongue. It drove me wild. I'd never felt anything like it and it was making me as hot as hell. I was damn near begging him to stick it in. He told me it was called Rimming.

Another thing I hadn't anticipated was how Josh was going to fuck me. I'd always just lain down on my stomach and Joe Bob had lain on top of me. But Josh put me on my back, and did what he called lubing me with his finger and then he spread the slick stuff all over his dick. He raised my legs up into the air and told me to hold them there. He fucked with slow stokes, pushing it all the way in and withdrawing everything but his head before taking another stroke. It felt great in there and I was taking it real good, being his cock was a lot shorter than Joe Bobs, but all of a sudden he stopped when it was inside, reached over and got a bottle out of the drawer of a small table by his bed, opened the bottle and held it against one nostril while he squeezed the other one shut with his finger. Then he did the same for me.

Whatever was in that bottle smelled like hell and made me light headed. But when he started fucking me again I though I was in floating on a cloud. His fucking me was so good I can't describe it. He kept stopping and we'd inhale more of the stuff. I got used to it and I got the longest lasting fuck I'd ever had.

Joe Bob always shot off pretty fast, but Josh just kept at it, fucking me faster and harder, his pelvic area slapping against my butt; even the sound was good. It was as good as the sound of a cock getting sucked by a wet mouthed cocksucker. When he did cum it must have been a wild orgasm for him because he reared back on his knees and pulled me up too, all without his cock slipping out of my ass. His hot semen emptied into my ass; it seemed like he'd shot a tremendous load. As he cuddled me later, he said, "Ray, I want you to move in with me."

"That would be nice but I don't think I could afford to."

"Who said anything about rent."

"Well, I'd want to ask your dad first." I thought he was going to choke he laughed so hard.

"Why in bloody hell would you want to ask my dad?"

"Your dads been real nice to me and I don't want to do anything that would make him angry or want to fire me."

"OK, ask him. It would be better if I weren't with you when he asked. You can tell me what he said, afterwards. Shit, it's almost as if you were asking my dad's permission to marry me. I fucking can't believe you even want to do this."

The next day, about five minutes before quitting time, I went into Mr. Conrad's office. When I told him what I wanted, he walked around the desk and told me to sit on the sofa. He sat down beside me.

"Billy Ray, you are so old fashioned for such a young boy. Let me tell you I think it's nice; I wish more young boys were the same way. As to moving in with Josh, do you know he's gay?

"If gay is the same as queer, I know. I am too."

"Well, if you're doing it with your eyes open, it's OK with me. If it doesn't work out, leave the little jerk and I'll find you another apartment.

I didn't mean to and I was as embarrassed as hell when it happened; I started to cry. Mr. Conrad pulled my head over to his chest and hugged me until I stopped.

He asked me what was wrong and I told him my background, about my dad especially. How I was never able to confide in him with any of my troubles and how nice I thought he'd been to me since I started to work here and I'd ask his permission because I didn't want him angry at me.

"Billy Ray, you might not know this, but I want to tell you. What's happening is that you are looking at me as a father figure. I feel honored, humbled that you are. Please confide in me with whatever bothers you. OK? Promise me you will; I don't want you to be troubled if I can help you. I want you to be happy here."

"I promise."

"Good. Now you better call Josh before he chews all his fingernails down to his cuticles. I'll dial his apartment and leave the room so you can talk to him.

Josh was ecstatic over my news and curious as hell as to how his dad reacted to my asking his permission. I told him I'd tell him later. I did tell him, but not about the crying part and how his dad had told me to unload any problems I had on him because he wanted to know.

Living with Josh was like something I had never imagined. Several times every day he told me often how much he loved me and I was the same way with him. Sex got better and better. We got to know every little thing that turned the other one on. Soon, we were showering together, wearing only our boxers around the apartment and if one or the other of us showed a boner, it was like getting the winning number on a bingo card. Nothing more was required to initiate sex.

We never looked to anyone else for sex. We were content with each other. We were in love.

Next Spring, Memorial Day weekend to be exact, Josh wanted to go someplace out of town. For one thing, his dad had given him a new, red Mustang for his birthday and he wanted to drive it somewhere else than around Ft. Smith. He suggested we go to Lead Hill where I'd lived. I wasn't too keen on the idea but he talked me into it.

We took the Interstate north to Springdale and then over to Harrison and on to Lead Hill and the farm. My mom cried; I knew she would. Jimmy was happy to see me, too. One of the first things he told me after things calmed down was that Joe Bob was back. I told him I didn't know he'd left.

Jimmy elaborated that he hadn't left Boone County but he'd married, which I responded to by saying I'd met Jack Daniels in a café in Ft. Smith and he'd told me that.

"Billy Ray, I mean he's back home, where he was when you left. Why don't you and Josh walk over and see him. I know he'd like to see you."

Josh said, "Let's drive over instead of walking."

People didn't have many visitors drive up to their house from the main road, especially in new, red Mustangs. Joe Bob, his dad and his sisters just stood motionless and watched as we approached. When they saw me, Joe Bob and his sisters all ran to meet me. We talked, Joe Bob wanted to show Josh and me the new chicken coop he'd built for his mom. He told me his marriage just didn't work out. He couldn't get what he seemed to need fucking his wife and, then, one day she caught him trying to get into her youngest daughter and chased him off the property with a shotgun. I replied, "Joe Bob, you always did have a knack for getting into trouble." He agreed.

After supper, Joe Bob came over and wanted to know if the three of us could do something for the evening. We got into the car. Joe Bob knew a back road that had a turn around at the edge of a heavily wooded area. We got out of the car, Josh grabbed a quart of bourbon from the trunk and Joe Bob led us about ten yards into the trees where we found a clearing, littered with beer cans and condoms; undoubtedly a popular spot with guys that had a hot cunt on the string. We loosened up pretty fast ourselves drinking it right out of the bottle. Joe Bob started it with asking Josh if he was queer, like I was. Josh told him "Yes, but I prefer the word, "Gay".

That was all it took to get Joe Bob worked up even more.

"Billy Ray, the reason I couldn't enjoy that slut I marred was that I'd get started on her and loose my hard-on. I'd ask her to suck it up for me and she wanted nothing to do with that. I think those two years when you took care of me in high school ruined me for women, you bastard!"

That made Josh's eyes light up and he asked Joe Bob how I'd taken care of him.

"He could suck my 10- inches as easy as if it was my little finger and he's got an ass that's tighter than any pussy I've ever fucked. If he'd had big tits I'd have married him. Now, I'm thinking a wild ride and getting off big time are more important than tits.

Josh, said, "Did you say 10-inches?"

"I did."

"I don't believe it. Show me."

But, Josh didn't wait for Joe Bob to show him, he just reached over and unbuckled Joe Bob's overalls and they dropped to the ground. There he stood, naked as the day he was born, ankles excluded, and his big dick hanging down, arched over his big ball sac, exposed except for his cockhead, which was hidden by his generous foreskin.

All Josh could say was, "Holy, fucking shit" before he dropped to his knees and scooped it into his mouth, foreskin and all.

I was overcome as much as Josh. Just seeing Joe Bob's big cock excited me every bit as much as it had a year ago. I turned his head to one side, kissed him and swatted him on his butt. Why I swatted him, I don't know. I just wanted part of the action. To my amazement he liked to kiss and we got into open mouth, wet, tongue probing kissing. Why hadn't I ever tried kissing him before? When Joe Bob shot off, he made more noise than the trees had ever heard from some broad getting her cunt plugged good by some soused up boyfriend.

We didn't want to smoke cigarettes in the wooded area, so after we'd calmed down a bit and Joe Bob had his overalls buckled up again, we went back to the Mustang where there was still a little more daylight left.

Josh wanted to go back to Harrison and get a motel before he had any more to drink. Once in the room we started drinking again. Finally I walked across the street to a 7-11 store and got some mix to put in mine. Right out of the bottle was just too much for me. I couldn't buy beer, so Josh made the second trip to the store. He had a fake Driver's License and came back with a six-pack of bud.

Something popped into my mind, something I'd heard from someone once and it was that you should never mix drinks. So I tapered off, drinking mostly mix with just a little bourbon. Joe Bob almost outdid his dad except he was a jolly drunk not a mean one and Josh was not far behind him. We were soon all in one of the queen size beds, sitting on the bedspread and completely naked, from head to toe.

Best of all, we were all sporting erections, and we were all fondling each other's, smoking cigarettes and sipping our drinks.

We hadn't gotten to sex yet, but the party started to climax when Josh said to me, "Ray, I sucked Joe Bob first. I think it's your turn now."

Joe Bob picked right up on his calling me Ray. "He's been my best buddy for years and his name is Billy Ray". Josh told him he knew but called me Ray for short and headed for his small bag with a long handle and wheels attached. The bag had both of our clothes in it. He retuned with lube and poppers. He told me to sit on the floor between the beds and had Joe Bob lean over me. Before we started, Josh told Joe Bob about poppers, how you used them, what they did for you, and just try to ignore the first sniff because from then on you'd like them. Joe Bob skinned himself back and put his dick in my mouth. Luke held the poppers bottle to our noses, we inhaled and I began working my mouth up and down on Job Bob's manhood, Josh spread Joe Bob's ass cheeks and gave him a good rimming.

When Josh stood up and moved behind him, cock already lubed, and stuck his finger up Joe Bob's ass, I felt his prick jerk in my mouth. When Josh changed his finger for his cock, Joe Bob about jumped over me and on to the bed.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I'm not trying anything. I'm going to fuck you." If Joe Bob had been sober he'd have thrown Josh through the window, but he was far, far from being sober. Josh gave him some more poppers, I kept on sucking his fuck pole and Josh slowly eased into his ass.

Joe Bob started hollering at Josh, "Don't do that to me. Please don't do that to me"

"Why not, you did it to Billy Ray?"

"That was different, you're trying to make me queer."

"Joe Bob, you're already as queer as they come. You just haven't admitted the fact." Josh and I had both established a rhythm and Joe Bob was in the middle, being quickly made into a queer. After a few more hits on the popper bottle Joe Bob relaxed, submitted, and began to enjoy his portion of the pleasure all of us were receiving from this queer act of sex between men, the forbidden, passion fruit available only to those brave enough to go travel beyond societies' prejudices.

The night came to an end with all of us collapsing on one of the beds atop the bedspread. I reached over and pulled the bedspread and one pillow off the adjacent bed. I covered us with the spread, jammed the pillow under my head and turned out the lights.

The last words spoken between us started with Joe Bob Joe Bob said. "I'll never forgive you two queers for what you did to me tonight, unless you take me home with you tomorrow. Josh said we would if he'd promise to call us gays instead of queers. Joe Bob was on his back in the middle of the bed, I propped myself on one elbow and kissed one of his nipples, laid back down and threw a leg across his crotch area.

I soon fell asleep. I'd had too much to drink. But I had a smile on my face. I loved Josh and I loved Joe Bob, too. Now I was going to be living with both of them. I knew I would work out. Joe Bob was always hot for sex; that 10-inch dick of his seemed to require a lot of tender loving care. Between Josh and I we could give it more TLC than it had ever had in its life.

I was just about to fall asleep when Joe Bob shifted positions and faced me. I removed my leg from atop him and took his big cock in my hand. I'd always been afraid to do that when I'd slept with Joe Bob before, but now that he was queer I guessed he wouldn't be angry with me if he woke up while I was fooling around with him.

It really didn't matter whether he was asleep or awake, erected or flaccid, Joe Bob's big 10-inch cock was always ten inches. I held it for a while then pushed his foreskin back and rubbed my thumb around his big cock head, he erected and I scooted down and took it in my mouth. I didn't really want to wake him up so I just held it in my mouth and masturbated.

Relaxed now, I scooted back up, put my head on the pillow, faced Joe Bob and held his cock as it softened and I dozed off to sleep.


Thanks for selecting my story among all of those that appear in Nifty. Hope you enjoyed reading it. Joe

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