Joe and Ed

By moc.loa@12yoBJNS

Published on Jul 25, 1999


Hello! I've gotten numerous comments (which I am very thankful for) to continue the story. Well, it was hard to stir up a story that was three years old, but hopefully, this next part will live up to it's predecessor. This is only my second story that I have ever posted. As usual, if you are younger than 18 or you don't like reading about gay teens falling in love and shit like that, then get out! Otherwise, enjoy!

Joe and Ed Part II

Ed and Joe were in class together, which was eleventh grade Chemistry honors. Both were intrigued by the class itself, but dreaded it at the same time. Joe couldn't seen the point in learning something they'd probably never use, like ionic bonds and all that, but he did very well in the class. Today in particular was lab day, which means there was an extra class period for the lab in addition to the normal class period. They always looked forward to the lab periods. And ever since they made their discovery last night, it was even more of a thing to look forward to.

"Okay," Mrs. Buzzard, the middle-aged chemistry teacher said, as she walked in the he classroom. Ed got there first, and sat down in his usual seat. He waited and waited for Joe. He kept looking at his watch, minute by minute, hoping Joe would come soon. They had been away from each other for three class periods, and Ed really for some reason wanted to see Joe. (Hey, young love! You can't beat it!)

"Has anyone seen Joe today?" The teacher asked, as she took attendance.

"I saw him this morning in band," Ed said, hoping not to sound too excited.

"Well, do you know where he is now?"

Ed couldn't resist the temptation. "No, ma'am. It wasn't my turn to watch him."

About half the class laughed at that remark, which did not amuse Mrs. Buzzard one bit. Just then, Joe walked in, with a hall pass, and handed it to the teacher. He looked at Ed from the front of the room, and winked at him. Ed grinned.

Well, class soon came to order and Mrs. Buzzard explained to the class about the lab assignment. Soon, the class had moved back to the back of the room where the lab tables were, spitting up into their usual pairs of two. Naturally, Ed and Joe were together. Somehow, though, concentrating on the lab was not on either kid's mind. Playfully, each time someone wasn't looking (and believe me, both of them checked very carefully), they'd either touch each other's as, or even grope the front of each other's pants. It wasn't hard to hide becasue they were in the back corner, with a sink in front of them to block them from the waist down. Still it was very risky. It didn't take long for one of them to drop a beaker, with it shattering.

"Great one Ed," Joe said, loudly, laughing.

"What? It's your fault!"

"How is it my fault?" asked Joe, innocently as he could.

"Well," Ed said, under his breath, "if you weren't teasing me by grabbing my cock every two minutes, maybe I could concentrate a little better."

Joe grinned at that comment and carried on with his experiment.

Ed cleaned up the glass and muttered to Joe, looking deep into his eyes, "I'll get you back for that one."

Chemestry went on uneventfully. And so did the rest of the day. Unfortunately, they didn't have one class together in the afternoon. Finally, after the longest day of school ever, it seemed, Ed walked toward's Joe locker, only to find Joe, talking to one of the hottest guys in school, Jay. A twinge of jealousy ran through Ed's body, but he did his damndest not to show it. However, Joe, who could read Ed's body language like a book, knew he was jealous. Joe just ended the conversation and walked up to Ed.


"Nothing," replied Ed.

"You're jealous, aren't you?"

Ed just laughed a nervous little laugh.

"You are! Aww, man, that's sweet. I can assure you, though, there's nothing going on between me and Jay. Besides, he's straight!" Joe said, walking with Ed to the exit.

"Yeah, well," Ed said, blushing. "I am the jealous type. I'm sorry, I'll have to work on it. I know how you are though, Joe."

"Yeah, you know? I don't blame you. I mean, the fact that I never thought I would be dating you let us talk about things that you wouldn't talk about to your significant other. I mean, how I get restless and shit like that." said Joe.

"Yeah, exactly. That's what I mean. I was thinking about that this afternoon a little," said Ed.

"Man, look at me," Joe said, stopping in his tracks. Ed turned around. Joe walked up to him and looked right into his eyes (looking up of course).

"What?" asked Ed.

"Let me get this through your head, Ed, thick as it may be. I love you, man. I never get bored of you. You're always there for me, and I want to always be there for you. The fact that you're mine and I'm yours only strengthens our friendship. I never dissed you before, and I don't intend on doing it now!"

Ed just smiled at Joe, the cute grin that recently had really gotten to Joe. Joe just grinned back at Ed. They continued walking to Joe's car, talking about their day at school.

Joe pulled up to Ed's house, dropping off Ed as he usually did. However, this time, Ed noticed something different.

"Hey Joe, do you want to come in for a while?" Ed asked with a grin.

"Well, man, you know I got work to do."

"Okay, well, being that my mom int.' going to be home for the next two hours, I was thinkin' maybe you could skip your work and just get working on me," said Ed, in a low, seductive voice.

Something in Joe's pants, which was already semi-hard from the teasing Ed gave on the ride home, just got totally erect on that last statement from Ed. Joe turned off the engine immediately. He tore open his door. Ed laughed at Joe's reaction.

"Dude, chill out. We have two hours!"

"I don't care. I've been thinking about kissing you all day."

Ed unlocked the front door and went inside, with Joe following right be hind. As soon as Joe got in the door, he closed it, and grabbed Ed. Ed leaned over to Joe's face and their lips met. They were both charged with energy beyond belief, making it one of the most intense (not necessarily passionate) but intense kisses ever. Joe's hands roamed Ed's back, feeling the shoulder blades, down the spine and on to his two muscular cheeks. Ed moaned when he felt Joe's hands down there. Joe got more daring, and while their tongues were still playing tag, he reached down on the inside of Ed's pants. Ed broke the kiss, grabbing Joe's hand, and leading him upstairs to his bedroom. Nothing was said, just the look of love and passion in each boys eyes.

Ed closed the door, and walked over to his boyfriend, who was sitting on the bed. Ed slowly touched Joe's muscular chest, feeling the pecs and his six-pack through the shirt. He rubbed his way down to Joe's jeans, taking special note of the bulge and rubbing it, slowly. Joe started moaning, quietly. He tried to touch Ed, but Ed stopped him, grabbing his hand. Joe looked up at Ed's face, trying to figure out why.

"Let me do it, babe. I want to make you feel good, man. Just let me do it," Ed said, taking control for once. Joe smiled back, and leaned back on Ed's bed.

"Do whatever you want, man," Joe sighed.

Ed got on the bed as well, and took Joe's white t-shirt off, revealing Joe's smooth, toned chest. He immediately leaned down and began kissing Joe's chest softly. He licked his way over to the left tit, and started suckin, first softly then harder. Joe moaned and thrashed around a little at the pleasure it was giving him. Ed was enjoying this immensely, as it turned him on to see other people being turned on as well.

He then moved down to Joe's stomach, lick his way down. Ed unbuttoned the jeans, and worked them down til they were around Joe's ankles. He then slowly slid his hand up Joe's bare leg, touching his knee just at the right spot that he knew would drive Joe crazy. He could see from Joe's boxers, Joe was quite turned on. He slowly moved his hand up to the leg hole of the boxers and slid his hand up, feeling Joe's balls. This caused Joe to jump up a little bit.

"You like that?" Ed asked, pulling on his balls very gently.

"Aw, man, oh, yeah," Joe said, very softly. "Don't stop, man!"

"Don't worry, babe. I'm not gonna stop until I have you screaming."

With that, Ed, grabbed Joe's cock. He could feel that it was wet, dripping with precum that had soaked through the boxer shorts. He gently slid down the boxers and gently began to stroke Joe's six incher. Joe moaned quietly in pleasure.

"Aw, man, Joe. You look so hot, man. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. You're gonna have the time of your life." Ed said, stroking slowly.

Ed slowly leaned his head over and started licking the very tip of Joe's cock. This drove Joe crazy, he learned. He did it, teasing Joe, who was almost to the point of begging Ed to take it in his mouth.

"Yeah? You want it?" Ed asked, looking into Joe's eyes.

"Yeah, man, I want it. I want you to take my hot cock in your mouth. Ed, suck on my cock, man."

Joe had never seen this side of Ed before, and he was strangely enjoying it. It turned him on even more. Joe decided to grab Ed's head and thrust his cock into his mouth. He tried, but it didn't work. Ed backed away and said, "I told you to let me do it. That means all of it."

And with that said, Ed finally engulfed Joe's dick into his mouth. He sucked, sliding it in and out of his mouth, finally deep throating it for the first time. Joe moaned out loud. As he sucked on his cock, Ed started playing with Joe's balls too, rolling them around softly in his hand, pulling on them gently, which only intensified the stimulation for Joe, who was now withering in the pleasure that Ed was giving.

"Aw, man, fuck! Suck on my cock, babe. Take it all in, I'm gonna shoot soon, buddy," Joe moaned.

Ed looked up at Joe for a split second and then continued. Joe couldn't take it much more. Joe started rasing his butt off of the bed, meeting Ed's mouth more easily, and trying to thrust deeper and deeper in Ed's mouth.

"Ed, man, ah, shit. I'm gonna cum, man. I'm gonna cum. Aw, shit, I love you man," Joe moaned, loudly, his pitch getting higher and higher. He thrusted one more time, lifting his as, and holding it there, and cried out in pleasure as the first shot shot out in to Ed's mouth. Ed was ready for it, and felt it hit the back of his throat. He eagerly swallowed it only to have it replaced by another shot, and another, and another, and another. He never missed a drop.

Joe dropped back down on the bed, in a sweat and out of breath. Ed came up and laid beside him. He licked his lips.

"Hmm...not bad," He said. Joe laughed, and took Ed in his arms, and kissed him, tasting the faint taste of himself in Ed's mouth. They kissed, with Joe now feeling up Ed with his hands. He got to Ed's cock, stroking it slowly through his jeans. Joe, still feeling horny with not time to waste, got right down to business and undid Ed's jeans and lowered them down to his ankles. Ed, still standing, just stood there, with wood sticking out, waiting to be sucked by his boyfriend. Joe took his whole cock in his mouth in one motion. Ed gasped in pleasure and surprise. Joe started sucking slowly, using his tongue the best way he knew how. It didn't take long for Ed at all to feel that familiar feeling.

"Aw, Joe, man. Oh,, I'm gonna shoot, baby!" Ed moaned.

Joe kept sucking, just as Ed did. He felt Ed's cock expand in his mouth, shooting a massive load on the back of his throat. Ed held Joe's head there, for a moment. Then released it.

"A.w. fuck," Ed said, frozen in his position.

"Was it good?" Joe asked, sitting back down on the bed.

Ed finally moved over to the bed, laying again next to Joe, kissing him deeply.

"I'd take that as a 'yes'," Joe said, smiling at Ed.

Ed smiled and nodded his head," Yes, definitely!"

"So, Ed, how long have you been thinking about doing that?" Joe asked, holding Ed in his arms.

"Since you left last night," Ed replied, resting his head on Joe's chest.

"I thought so," Joe said, squeezing him tighter.


Joe and Ed both froze. They hadn't heard anyone come in the house. Ed looked at the time. Shit, the clock said 5:00.

"Eddie?" asked the voice behind the door. "Are you in there?"

We both looked at each other. Ed grabbed his pants, as did I. I couldn't find my boxers, but I didn't care at the moment.

"Yeah, mom, just a second," Ed said, buttoning his pants in a panic.

"Oh, I was just wondering if you were here. I saw Joe's car outside," she said through the door.

"Yeah, he's here." I was trying to zipper up my pants, with a zipper that wouldn't cooperate. I just buttoned the pants and pulled my shirt over them. Ed walked to the door and opened it, looking at me to make sure I was presentable. I nodded to him.

"Hi Mom." he said.

"Hi, Eddie. Hi, Joe!" she said, with no hint of knowing what was going.

"Hi Mrs. Miller," I said, trying my best to act like nothing was going on. "Well, Ed, I think I should get going, my mom's probably wondering where I am."

"Okay, Joe. Thanks for helping me with Chemistry," he said, waiting for me to walk out of his room.

By this time, his mom had left us, so I decided to be playful and tweaked his as I walked out of the room. He jumped in surprise and gave me a look. I just grinned, evilly.

"So, I'll call you tonight?" He said as I walked out the front door.

"Sure!" I said out loud, then whispering, I added, "Wish I could kiss you good- bye, babe."

I drove home and sure enough my mom was a little upset that I didn't call to tell her where I was. But I smoothed it out. That night, Ed called me up, as he said he would. We talked about nothing in particular, but it was nice anyway. As I went to bed, I smiled to myself, thinking about Ed, what I had, and where it could go. I fell asleep soon after.

The next day in early morning Orchestra rehearsal, Ed wasn't there. I waited, and waited, but he didn't show up. I was disappointed, but was careful not to vent the disappointment to anyone. I slipped out of home room, and used the pay phone and called his house, hoping that I would get Ed and not his Mom.

"Hello?" answered a raspy voice.



"It's Joe, man. Just wondering where you were."

"Oh, I'm sorry, dude. I'm sick, I got a fever last night, and have a soar throat."

"Oh, that sucks. Well, babe, just get some rest, I'll try to stop over after school," I said.

"Yeah, I hope you do, man. But, I may not be too responsive."

"Okay, I understand. I just wanted to see you," I said, softly.

"Cool, man, I do too."

"Well, I'll see you later then. Get some rest man, hope you feel better," I said.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll talk to you later."

"No prob, bye," I said.

For the first time in a while, I walked to orchestra rehearsal alone. Pete was there though. And for the first time in a few days, we talked before rehearsal started.

"Hey Pete," I said, sitting down next to him in the sax section.

"Hey Joe, how are you?" he asked. Even though I was in love with Ed, it was hard not to admit that Pete still had something about him that was irresistible to me, especially when he grinned, which was what he was doing now.

I smiled back," Okay. Ed is sick today, though."

"Oh, man, that sucks. Are you two together now?" He asked softly.

"Yeah," I said, grinning real widely. He grinned back.

"That's cool, man. I can see what you see in him. Although, I'd rather have his brother, Dave." Dave was Ed's younger brother who was a freshmen, also in the band.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't think he's, you know, part of the family," he said.

"Well, I don't know, man. You never know," I said. Just then, the conductor came in, and I walked back to my seat at the piano (my instrument in orchestra).

The day went by slowly, most of it was spent thinking about and missing Ed. I saw Jay again, this time in gym class. And in the locker room. :) He and I talked, while we changing, and I couldn't help looking at his body, when he was dressed in just his boxers. He was certainly a fine piece of work: About three inches taller than me, about 150 lbs all muscle, and very well defined. Smooth too. I had to quickly get that off my mind before I popped a boner. He seemed to be checking me out, too, which caught me off guard. When I looked at him after I noticed him checking me out, he gave me a grin.


"Nothin, man. I remember your older sister. Man, she was hot. I can see it runs in the family," he said.

I laughed nervously. True, my older sister (two years older) was a hot chick and very popular. But what the hell did he mean by it runs in the family? I just looked at him, nervously. I think he must've sensed the awkwardness.

"Not that I'm checkin' you out, man, but you got a pretty good body yourself. You should work out, man."

Typical jock I thought. "Well, maybe sometime, I said, putting on my shirt.

"Well, I'd be glad to show you sometime," he said, smiling, still looking at my legs.

I needed to get out of there fast. Here I was, with one of the hottest guys in high school, and I wasn't free to do anything. I put on my shorts. By now, the excitement had gotten to me, and I was sporting wood, which could be seen.

"Something come up dude?" he asked.

I turned red, and said, "Uh...yeah...."

"Nothin' I haven't experienced before," he said, looking down below my waist. I turned my glance toward his, and discovered he was getting a little hard himself through his boxers. To the point where his dick poked out of his fly.

"Uh, sorry," He said, shoving it back in. Then he grinned,"Like what you see?"

"Uh....well....I guess...." I stammered.

"I thought so," he said, stroking it once.

I got up, since I was done changing, and left. I couldn't believe what just happened. The hottest guy was teasing me. I wondered if he would blab it all over school. However, he caught up with me soon after. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"Joe, it's cool, guy. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

I just closed my eyes for a second, still walking.

"To tell you the truth, man, I sort of swing both ways," he said, softly.

I turned quickly and looked at his face. Damn he was hot! He wasn't joking, I could tell by his facial expression. Jay and I knew each other since middle school. Though we weren't close outside of school, we had numerous classes together and became good friends over the years.

"Yeah?" I asked, sheepishly.

"Yeah. I noticed you checking me out over the years," he said.

We walked into the gym, which promptly ended the conversation. I somehow made it through gym class. I saw Jay again, though, at the end, when we were changing again.

"Man, you want it, don't you?" He asked, laughing.

I shook my head to clear my mind, not even noticing that I had been staring at his body again.

"What if I did?" I asked, being brave.

He just grinned at me. "Well, I'm always horny. You know that," he said, adjusting himself.

"I'll have to remember that," I said, walking out to my next class.

It certainly was an interesting day at school.

Well, I hope I didn't disappoint you. I will be writing another one shortly. I decided not to make their relationship all good. If it was all good, then there would be nothing to really write about or read about. So, if you have any suggestions or comments, send them to me at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 3

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