Joe and Ed

By moc.loa@12yoBJNS

Published on Jul 21, 1999


This is my very first time submitting a story. Although it is based off of real life experiences, it never really happened. Therefore, it is a work of fiction. It's about three high school boys. As usual, if you're under 18 or the thought of two guys going at it infuriates you, then go elsewhere. If not, then read on and enjoy.

Joe was an ordinary High School Junior. For sixteen, he was very physically mature and knew it. He never flaunted it, but he had a way of presenting himself that made him be noticed by other girls.

He had brown, short, and curly hair which was cut so that curls would show on the top, but the bottom was shaved. He was about five foot five, a little shorter than usual, but that never stopped him. Being a wrestler, he always took care of his body. He was naturally smooth and tan, with a light coat of hair on his arms and legs, but an absolutely smooth, muscular chest, that would make girls drool when he walked around without a shirt on.

Girls were never a problem for Joe. He always had one at his side, even if he didn't want one. But, besides being sucked off by a girl, he was still a virgin. For some strange reason, he didn't feel right making love to a woman. He knew he liked to look at guys. He just never really accepted the fact. When he jerked off sometimes, he would just let his mind take over, and usually, it shifted to a guy. But, still, it was okay with him.

Joe was also one of the few athletes in his High School band. That's where he was today. He was sitting in the band room, talking to his best friend Ed, who also played the Alto Sax. They were joking about how the new freshmen would be.

"Hey, Ed, what about initiations this year?" said Joe, with a grin on his face. ? "Yeah, I could go for that," replied Ed, with a grin. Like Joe, he was thinking back to when they both were freshman and went through a little "initiation". It wasn't a real harmful. All the section leader made Joe do was go up and pinch this girl's butt, and Ed had to flirt with one of the cheerleaders.

"It'll be fun to watch 'em try to march," said Ed. "I guess we'll have to teach em'."

"Yeah," agreed Joe.

Joe and Ed had met their freshman year. However, they didn't become friends until the end of that year. Now, they were like two peas in a pod. They enjoyed each other's company. Both had similar interests in Music. Ed was a little bit taller than Joe. To be specific, 6 inches taller. Joe was also about half Ed's weight. Ed was a shy kind of guy (and so was Joe), but they hit it off just like that. Their sense of humor had a lot to do with it. Ed could make Joe laugh, which Joe always made other people do, but had never met someone who could make him Laugh like Ed did.

However, as much as these two guys were close, they never talked about sexuality, until recently. Joe was not sexually attracted, or at least didn't let himself be sexually attracted to Ed, so that never posed a problem in their friendship. But, Ed was by no means a slouch in looks. He had dark blond hair, cut in a mushroom. And had a smile that could melt the ice in an Antarctica. His body was well built, if not a slight bit chubby. (Joe like to tease Ed about his blubber).

So, here they were. The first day of summer band. People came in. Old friends said hi to each other. The freshman just sat down and looked around the room. Some of them knew some of the other upperclassmen, and some of them didn't.

Joe saw his friends come in and said hi to them. The new saxes were coming in also. Some of them he knew from middle school. Cristin, who said Hi. Ryan and Pete, who always seemed to be together. And new ones that he didn't know: Colin, Kyle, Erin, Jamie, and a few others.

Joe was unconsciously hoping for a good-looking guy in his section. He knew that other sections had some damn fine looking guys. But being that he was shy, he never bothered with them, except if they spoke to him (which a lot of them did). He made friends easier if he had to speak to them than if he didn't. The only person who caught his eye, strangely enough was Pete.

Pete was a short, skinny freshman. He had dirty blonde hair and was about the same size as Joe, and looked about the same weight. He, like Joe, always seemed to be in a good mood, always joking around, in a sort of immature way.

Pete was too high on life to be thinking about relationships. He knew that he was somewhat different. He didn't find women as attractive as he thought he should. His friend Ryan always had a chick in his lap, and was known for it. However, Pete, never had a girlfriend. He always had friends that were girls, but nothing serious. Pete had often fantasized about a hot guy that he had seen. He had a photographic memory that he was proud of. And it came in handy for his fantasies.

Although Pete wasn't good looking in the normal kind of way, he nonetheless had attracted the attention of Joe, who was busily looking over him. Pete had always liked Joe at his middle school. Although they weren't particularly close, they talked to each other before.

About half way through the rehearsal, Pete noticed Joe looking at him. Partially, because Pete was looking at Joe. Who wouldn't look at Joe? He had a white tank-top shirt on that revealed his smooth, muscular chest and his muscular arms. He had dark blue sweat shorts that showed off his nice packet when he stood up. Finally, Joe and Pete made eye contact. Neither of them knew the power of eye contact.

In the back of his mind, Joe played around with the thought that Pete was looking at him. And then took a good look at Pete. He was wearing a light-colored t-shirt and jean shorts. Nothing that was particularly eye-catching, but held interest for Joe. Joe started to grin a big grin, looking at Pete. Ed noticed almost immediately.

"What?" he asked.

"What's what?" asked Joe, suddenly turning to Ed, coming back to reality.

"What's that shit-eating grin on your face, man? See some girl you like?"

Joe's grin turned bigger and that was all that was said.

After a while inside, rehearsing music, they finally went outside to learn how to march. To Joe's surprise, Pete was right next to him.

"Hey, Joe, what's up?" asked Pete, grinning.

"Nothing much," replied Joe, returning a grin. "So, are you ready to march?":

"I think so," said Pete.

"Well, I'll teach you what you don't know," said Joe, thinking to himself, Yeah, I bet I will.

Soon, Pete had learned how to do the arm swing and the British kick, and he even played some music. Joe was quite pleased with the progress. Pete was a good studier, noticing every detail Joe did. Plus he didn't mind the fact of watching this hunk next to him work. Joe found something that weakened him. Pete's grin. That cute grin that could melt you away. Whenever Pete made a mistake, he would always grin at Joe who always picked up on his mistakes. Joe would grin back. But underneath that grin was a desire that was growing every day.

Since Joe was next to Pete in the field show too, they soon began to get to know each other better. They talked about lots of things. Joked around and all that other shit that friends do. They had a lot in common. Their humor was sort of active and reactive and worked well between the two of them. Soon, Pete was hangin' out with Joe after band practice. They would go out and get a bite to eat. Luckily, Joe could drive and had a car at his disposal, which was one of the reasons Pete hung out with Joe.

Joe was confused. He knew he was falling for Pete. Except, could he let himself do that? What would other people think? He never really explored this side of himself. He knew something was different about him, but the never really tried to accept it. He just ran away from it. Well, not exactly. He liked to look at other guys and never hesitated to. But he never thought he would fall for one.

Ed knew his friend well enough to know that something was up with him. He noticed a distant look in Joe's eyes, who usually never had any problems. Ed and Joe were alike in that way. They both had a carefree approaches to life. But now, Joe was preoccupied. Ed thought it was strange that Joe and him hadn't done anything in a while. But being that Ed was on the other side of the felid of Joe in the field show, there wasn't much time for Ed and Joe to talk. Also, Ed was no idiot (although, Joe insisted that he was sometimes) and noticed Joe hangin' out with this new freshman with the name of Pete.

So, after about two weeks when school finally started, Joe and Ed went out one night, the first time in a while. They went out for supper and grabbed a bite to eat at Mc Donald's. Being that they didn't live close together, they didn't see each other constantly. Also, they had no classes in common, so the only time they saw each other was during home room, band, orchestra, after school, and at lunch at school. So, that didn't give much time for Joe to tell Ed what was new in his life, which he wasn't sure he wanted Ed to know. But, he just had to tell someone......

"What's up, buddy?" asked Ed, as he opened the passenger door to get in the car with Joe.

"You are, stud!" exclaimed Joe, in his usual friendly tone. Joe and Ed had a way of communicating.

"Where to?" asked Ed, as they started off.

"Let's go to McDonald's first. I'm starved," exclaimed Joe.


So the two friends were off to McDonald, talking about shit that friends talk about. You know the deal. They had a great time. It almost made Joe forget about the things that plagued his mind. But they were back soon. So, they went for a walk around Ed's neighborhood.

These walks always brought quality friendship conversation. They told they're secrets at these times. They had talked about sex, in a general way. They had talked about stuff like jerkin' off, and shit like that, but it never led to anything except jerking off in the same room, in different beds. It didn't disappoint Joe at all. He never intended it to in the first place. It was interesting for them nonetheless. They referred to jerking off as having (Ed named it) "trouble falling asleep". Which was cool, because basically no one understood them.

Now, though, Joe was having difficulty looking at his friend for some reason. He had to tell him!! There was no question about that, but how? Ed knew that he was suffering from something. So, he stopped walking and turned directly to Joe.

"Joe, what's up? I know something's bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Well, could you ease me into it?" asked Joe. "I don't want to dive head first in case you don't like what I have to say."

"Oh, boy, this must be serious," said Ed, starting to walk again. Joe followed.

"Well, let's begin with this," Ed stated, after a long pause in conversation. "Pete."

Joe felt the world spinning now. He could have died. Ed had hit it on the mark without even having said anything. Ed could tell he hit the mark, with the way Joe reacted, though Joe thought he covered his reaction up pretty well.

"What about Pete?" asked Joe, trying to act like nothing was up.

Ed laughed a little bit. "Com' on, Joe. I know you like a book. Well, at least I thought I did."

Joe felt like Ed had saw through his shield. Joe felt like he was naked to Ed. He knew that now was the time for everything to come out.

"Okay, okay....." started Joe. "Well, tell me something, Ed. What made you bring up his name?" Joe was trying to find a ground to start on.

"Who's?" asked Ed, though he knew.


"Oh, I don't know. I noticed you were just hangin' out with him an awful lot in the past two weeks. I noticed that you always have your eyes on him. I noticed a helluva lot, Joe. "

"Really?" Joe asked, knowing that he had been figured out. "Please do go on."

"Well, first of all, Joe, if you think you're gay or something like that, I can handle that. It wouldn't make any difference to me. So, please, tell me. I'm here for you," said Ed, stopping just for a moment to make his point, and then continued.

"Okay, Ed, thanks. yeah, you're right. I do need you now. I need to talk to you. It'll be very hard still, because I've never talked to anyone about this before."

"Well, start talkin'," stated Ed.

"Well, yeah, it's true. I've been checkin' out, Pete. I've had my eyes on him almost every second he's in my sight," sighed Joe, slightly embarrassed, slightly relieved.

"Ah, at least now we're getting somewhere," Ed said. He stopped and sat on the side of the curb. Joe sat down beside him. It was a nice night out. The sun had just set, but it was very warm.

"I'm confused, man. I'm confused. I know I should like girls, but I just can't for some reason," confessed Joe.

"What? You never had a problem with that with me. You would point them out to me!"

"All a cover up, my friend. All a cover up. I don't know whether I'm straight, gay, or bi. All I know is I'm confused."

"Confused about what? As far as I can see, if you what you just told me was true, there is nothing to be confused about. You don't exactly like girls, and you like to look at Pete."

"It's not just Pete, although, I find myself attracted to him in a way I never felt before. Oh, Ed, please you gotta help me."

"Help you with what?" asked Ed. "What, do you want to have sex with me?" asked Ed, jumping up.

"Oh, no, no," laughed Joe. "Help me decide. I don't know what to do. I sometimes see Pete returning my glances and always looking at me, and always wanting to be with me. But he doesn't seem to be capable of being attracted to me."

"What? Don't judge him that much. I mean, you're both minors, so if you did hit on him, you wouldn't be arrested," joked Ed.

"Oh, shut up!" said Joe. "I mean, do I hit on him? And see what happens and have chance that he's not gay and blab it around school that I am?"

"I don't think Pete would do that. I mean, I don't know him as well as you do, but I can tell you from what I know, Pete's a nice guy," reminded Ed.

"Yeah, he is," agreed Joe. "Well, at least you know what's bothering me. And you know much more about me now. It's nice to have a friend like you."

"Hey, buddy, that's what I'm here for," reassured Ed, putting his arm around Joe.

"Thanks, man. Thanks for accepting me for what I am, even though I'm not sure myself," said Joe, aware of Ed's arm.

"Hey, what you do behind your door is none of my business, and it shouldn't have any effect on what I think of you."

"You're right. Well, I can tell you you won't have to worry about me hittin' on you," said Joe.

Ed froze. Joe saw this. "I'm serious, dude. You're straight, I know. But let's face it. You're about twice my size and weight."

"That's good to know. Yes, I am straight, and intend to keep it that way. I don't know what I would do if you hit on me, but I can tell you one thing. It wouldn't be a nice outcome," grinned Ed.

"Thanks, buddy," grinned back Joe. They continued their walk and their conversation.

"So, you really like Pete?"

"I like him as a person. He's fun to be with. And for some reason, I'm physically attracted to him," explained Joe.

"And do you think he feels the same way about you?" asked Ed.

"I don't know. He seems to always want to be with me. But he seems a bit immature when it comes to any type of relationship except friendship."

"Well, for now, I really wouldn't do anything yet. If anything, wait till the football season is over at least. Or maybe, wait until he hits on you."

"Well, I wouldn't go that far. Pete's shy in his own little way. I doubt if he would ever hit one me, even if he was attracted to me."

"Yeah, you're right, but now, just hold off on it a little. Don't give up the idea but I wouldn't take the chance yet," recommended Ed.

Joe always liked Ed for this reason. Joe never really went to anyone about his problems. His problems, whether they were about him, his family, or whatever, Joe felt, was nobody else's business but his. But, Ed brought it out of him. It made Joe realize how good it felt to relieve the tension in his life. Now, for the biggest release of all, Ed had made it happen.

However, when Joe went home that night, his mind went wandering again. What the hell had he just told Ed? Would Ed be the same person? Would he treat him any differently? These were needless questions, but they still loomed in his mind. Ed was nothing but nice-guy and a true friend.

But, as the next day came around, Joe was wondering how the hell was he going to face Ed? After all he had said to him, how could he face him? Well, that was a needless worry again. When Joe came in the band room for morning band, Ed was in his seat, grinning.

"You have trouble falling asleep last night?" murmured Ed, as Joe sat down.

"Yeah, and it felt good," grinned Joe, punching Ed playfully in the arm.

"Pete's already here. He was looking for you," said Ed, still grinning.

"Oh really? Well, where is he now?"

"Oh, I don't know. He'll be back," said Ed, in an easy tone.

Joe could now see that Ed was his usual self, in a new way to Joe though. Now that this open, they could talk in a new way to each other. And it didn't bother either of them.

"Shut up, bitch!" said Joe, grinning.

Pete came in a few minutes later. "Hey Joe, what's up?"

"Nothing much, handsome, how about you?"

"Ah, nothing, studly," replied Pete. He took his sax out of his case. He playfully stuck his tongue out at Joe, who was looking at him. Joe thought this was definitely immature, but yet was turned on by it more and more.

"You know, if you don't stop sticking your tongue out, I'll grab it and......"

"And what?" interrupted Ed. Joe hit Ed in the side with his shoulder.

"Yeah, what'll you do?" asked Pete.

"Um.....I'll grab it and pull it out as long it goes and then let it spring back at your face!"

Pete laughed.

"Sounds kinky," whispered Ed into Joe's ear, which prompted Joe to hit him again, and this time, laughing.

For the next month, Joe and Pete hung out more and more, getting to know each other much better. Ed knew what Joe was trying to do, so he stayed mostly out of the picture. Pete was having the time of his life with Joe and couldn't quite figure out why. Finally, Joe couldn't stand it any longer. He had to have Pete. But how?

Soon enough, Joe would find out. One night, Pete and Joe had just gotten back from Friendly's, a restaurant. Joe had invited Pete over to his house after they went out. Pete accepted. Joe also knew that no one would be home.

Pete had been in Joe's house before, about twice. So, Joe showed him his two keyboards, which Pete liked to play on. And then they went up to Joe's room where they got a game of poker going with Joe's pennies.

"So, Pete, who'd you like to fuck?" asked Joe, out of the blue.

"What??!" asked Pete, freezing up for a moment.

"Just wondering. I mean, Ryan must've asked you this before."

"Yeah, he has many of times. Oh, I don't know. Probably Vera. She's one hot chick!" replied Pete, his eyes widening.

"Really? But she's only a freshman!"

"But I'm one too!" exclaimed Pete.

"Yeah that's true."

"Who'd you like to fuck?" asked Pete, grinning.

Joe thought to himself, "Wouldn't you like to know." And he grinned at that thought. But he quickly recovered himself. "I guess it would be Tara, you know, the one that plays the trumpet."

"Yeah, she's mighty fine. You used to go out with her, didn't you?" asked Pete.

"Yeah, I did. She was a fine chick!"

"She still is!" exclaimed Pete.

"So, little Pete is after the hot babe Vera!" chucked Joe.

Pete's face turned red, as it usually does when he's embarrassed. He just grinned and stuck his tongue out.

"Remember what I said if you would do that again!" reminded Joe jokingly.

Pete just laughed. That was another thing that drove Joe crazy. It wasn't an abnormal laugh. It was unique. But, everything that Pete did had drove Joe crazy. But, Joe wondered, did Pete know about that?

"Joe, Joe, oh Joe!!" Pete said, bringing Joe back to earth.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it's my turn!" exclaimed Joe.

What? Thinking about Tara?" asked Pete, grinning, noticing that Joe was off in La-La land.

"Ha!," said Joe. "Show your cards!"

Pete had two pairs. Joe had a full house. "Shit, you won, again," Pete said.

"Naturally," said Joe, in a satisfied tone.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you know, I know something I can beat you in," said Pete, in a mischievous tone.

"What?" asked Joe, interested.

"Wrestling!" said Pete as he got up.

"Wrestling?" asked Joe, now really getting interested.

"Yeah!! I remember you used to wrestle in middle school! I think I can take you on!" said Pete, with confidence.

"Really? Now you've got yourself a challenge, dude!" said Joe, getting up and showing Pete to the basement, where there was more room to wrestle.

Joe's basement was fixed up nicely. It had a rug on the floor, which would provide some padding. Joe could hardly show his excitement. He had never thought about this approach. he wondered why he never thought of it. It was a perfect plan to get Pete on the floor. But, did Pete want something else? Could it be....

"How much do you weigh," asked Pete, taking his shoes off. He had a pair of 501 jeans and a t-shirt. Joe was dressed more casually with a t-shirt and a pair of comfortable sweat pants, that showed his packet nicely. Joe had noticed Pete had noticed it all through the poker game.

"105," replied Joe, taking off his Preseason.

"Oh, I only weight 104," said Pete with a grin.

"Really? Well, I'll be easy on you," replied Joe, returning a grin.

"No, wrestle your hardest!!"

Yeah, I bet I will, thought Joe to himself. This was it, Joe had decided. Even though he had never done this while wrestling other guys, he was certainly going to try to get his hand on Pete's cock today.

"Okay, ready?" asked Pete, standing up in a starting position.

"Yeah," said Joe, putting his glasses on a near table.

The two hot studs starting wrestling. Pete caught Joe by surprise and took the first take-down. Joe recovered and quickly escaped. Pete, determined to win, took him down again. Joe escaped again, but brushed his hand against Pete's crotch. Pete didn't notice it or didn't show it. Joe took down Pete this time and had him on his stomach. He did a quick half-nelson, and flipped Pete on to his back. Pete, however, squiggled out of the hold. But, in doing this, Joe swore he felt Pete brushing his hand against his crotch. And that broke Joe's concentration. Pete flew Joe on his back and was now on top of him, chest on chest. But Joe was quick and escaped, making sure to brush against Pete's crotch again. This time, Pete noticed. His eyes flashed to make eye contact with Joe, who was waiting for a reaction from that touch. They froze for just a moment, and then continued.

As the time went on, Joe was hard. He knew it was visible to anyone. Although, he was half-hoping that Pete didn't see it, he wished that Pete WOULD notice. Pete noticed all right. He couldn't help feeling a hard rod on his back. Pete now was fighting with emotions. Pete began to confirm that Joe was attracted to him. So, quickly in his mind, he sorted his emotions out while he wrestled Joe.

For the past few months, Pete had noticed that Joe was not like other upperclassmen, at least with him. Joe treated him as his equal. Pete also knew that he liked to look at Joe's handsome face, and his hot body. But he never took that into consideration until recently. He realized that he lusted after Joe after jerking off while fantasizing about Joe and had the most wonderful ejaculation/orgasm in his life. And that happened about a week ago. He had to figure out a way to get Joe in a position where he could see if his instincts were right. His wrestling plan was obviously working. And his instincts were obviously right!

Back to the wrestling match, Pete tried to fight off Joe, to avoid a pin. By this time, Joe's cock was at full attention. Pete grinned and grabbed Joe's cock in hopes that would get him off of him. It didn't. Joe just turned over and flattened Pete's body to the ground. In this position it was legs on legs, arms on arms, and most importantly cock on cock.

Suddenly, Joe realized that he felt Pete's hard cock under his. Pete realized this the same time. They both froze. Then Joe grinned.

"Hey, buddy, it's all right. Just let it happen," he whispered into Pete's ear with a low husky sound.

Pete was nervous. Should he let it happen? Or would Joe just blab it around school?

However, Joe, who had waited for this moment, didn't have second thoughts. "Pete, buddy, it's okay," he repeated. And then lowered his lips down to Pete's lips.

Pete almost fainted with he saw Joe's face coming toward his. He closed his eyes at the last moment. At first, Pete didn't open his mouth. But then, when he did, his tongue was met with Joe's tongue, slashing away at one another. They held this kiss for at least 30 seconds.

When Joe released it, Pete opened his eyes and looked into Joe's. This is the guy I want, Pete thought. Let it happen.

Joe slowly got up off of Pete. Pete got up off the floor and saw the tent in Joe's shorts. Pete could have came right there. Instead, Joe grinned and said, "Let's go up to my room for a while. I have something to show you."

Pete had to laugh. Joe extended his hand to Pete, who gladly accepted it. But, this time, Pete had pulled Joe to him, the first true indication to Joe that Pete wanted it too, and kissed him hard while rubbing his hard cock on Joe's cock. It was too much for Pete, and he came. Hard!! Although Joe couldn't see it spurt, he felt it spurt. Pete moaned quietly, as he held on to Joe for dear life. Joe smiled.

After he finished ejaculating, Pete finally opened his eyes and look straight into Joe's blue eyes, which were twinkling.

"You came, didn't you?" whispered Joe, in Pete's ear.

Pete said nothing. He just kissed Joe again, and started down his neck. Joe knew that if it was going any further, he had to go up to his room. So, as much as he hated to do it, he had to pull Pete off of him.

"Let's go upstair, buddy," Joe said in a hoarse whisper.

Together, they went up holding hands. Finally, they made up two flights of steps to Joe's room. Joe had only a single bed, but Joe thought it would do. Anything would do right now! Joe closed the door. He turned around to see Pete looking more innocent than ever before. He looked at the way Pete's eyes showed the longing for something that was about to happen. He gave Pete another kiss, their tongues lashing at each other again. Joe slowly lifted up Pete's t-shirt. They broke their kiss

Finally, Joe, exhausted, moved to pay attention to Pete's cock. Joe slowly unbuttoned Pete's jeans, and exposed the cum-filled boxers. Pete's cock was sticking out the fly of the boxers. Pete shucked his jeans and boxers off. Joe felt Pete's cut cock. It was about the same size as Joe's and very smooth. Pete breathed hard. Joe started stroking it. Pete moaned in ecstacy. It was heaven!

Pete wasn't the only one who was in heaven. Joe got off quite well, just by feeling Pete's smooth rod. He got more loose and then put the other hand to work on Pete's balls. They were not too hairy, but just enough. And Pete like that too. Joe was standing behind Pete at the time, and his cock was coming back to life. Pete felt the hardening cock on his ass, and moaned even louder. Finally, Joe, in the heat of passing, started licking Pete's neck, and that sent Pete over the top.

Pete let out a gasp and a moan, and started shooting. Joe could feel Pete's hot cock contracting. And Pete shot his load all over himself, including his face. Joe always wondered what someone else's cum tasted like. Pete laid down on top of Joe's bed and Joe licked off some of Pete's cum on Pete's chest. It tasted pretty bitter, but it was sweet to Joe. Anything on Pete was sweet to Joe. Joe lay next to Pete. They looked into each others' eyes and saw complete lust and love. Joe gently kissed Pete. They held each other in their arms. Suddenly, Joe knew they had something special.

"Pete, I'm sorry if I......"

"Don't worry about a thing. I wanted that to happen Joe, I really did," said Pete, smiling and looking to Joe's eyes.

"You did? I've wanted you ever since the first day of summer band," admitted Joe.

"Well, you've got me now," said Pete, closing his eyes.

"Yeah, I know!" said Joe, closing his eyes, too.

The two new found lovers fell asleep and took a short nap. Joe was the first to wake up. He had remembered everything. He gently kissed Pete on the lips, who woke up.

"Oh, Joe, that was great wasn't it?" asked Pete, getting up and exposing his soft cock.

"Yeah, it was!" said Joe, smiling. Joe got up and as soon as he saw Pete, his cock turned to attention again. And when Pete saw Joe's so did his.

"Well, we'll have to wrestle again, sometime very soon," said Pete.

"Yeah, we will!" said Joe, relieved that Pete wanted to do it again. Even after he had done something with Pete, Joe was afraid that Pete wouldn't want to do it again. For some reason that was in his mind.

But, now, it was time for Pete to go. Rotten timing. They probably could've gotten another round, but both of them felt that it would be better to save it for a better time. So, they got dressed. (Joe gave Pete a pair of his boxers, provided that he could keep the ones that Pete came in). And before they left the room, they embraced hard and kissed!!

On the way to Pete's house, Joe and Pete played games with each other. Pete would diliberetly rub against Joe's hard crotch was he driving. Joe in turn would rub Pete's knee, which Joe had learned, drove Pete crazy!

"Joe, you're driving me crazy, dude," said Pete.

"Yeah, well, if you keep rubbing me like that, I'll have to pull off to the side and let you finish me. I'm surprised I haven't driven off the road," said Joe, laughing.

'You would drive off the road anyway, Joe. Ed told me about your driving," said Pete, deliberately rubbing Joe's cock harder.

Before Pete left Joe's car, they exchanged a long, passionate kiss. Then, Pete said good-bye.

On the way home, Joe was thinking to himself. What had he just done? It felt great, no guilty feelings about anything he did. It all fell into place. And yet, he felt uneasy about it. For the moment, Joe chose not to tell anyone about this. And he didn't.

But, on the next day at school, Joe came in with a big smile on his face.

"Hey, Edmeister!" he yelled. "What's happenin', bro?"

"Wow, you're in a good mood this morning!" remarked Ed. "What happened to you?"

"What? I'm always cheerful in the morning!"

"Yeah, but not that cheerful. What happened last night? You get laid or somethin?"

Joe's smile just got bigger.

"You DID get laid, didn't you?!!" Ed exclaimed, attracting attention,

Joe punched Ed. "Why don't you tell the whole school, Ed!"

"Then you did!!! Wow, congratulation!" shouted Ed. Joe's face turned red. He knew that Ed probably knew that it was with a guy, but what the hell? Ed treated it like it was a girl, so who cares?

Just then Pete came in with a big smile, too. Ed noticed Pete was smiling brightly too.

"What the hell Pete? Did you get laid too?" asked Ed.

Joe made a quick cover, so that no one would suspect anything. "What Ed, are you feeling left out of the get laid crowd?" he asked.

Joe winked at Pete, and smiled. Pete winked back, and motioned for Joe to follow him. Joe understood. So did Ed.

"Joe, talk to me later in home room," he said, and he meant it.

Meanwhile, Joe followed Pete, who went outside away from the kids.

"I missed you last night," Pete said.

"So did I. I jerked off while smelling your boxers!"

"So, that's why you wanted them!"

"Yeah," said Joe. "Come 'ere."

Joe and Pete both looked around. No one. They both embraced and kissed a long passionate kiss. They both backed away looking into each other eyes . It was pure love and passion.

"What are you doing tonight?" asked Joe, grinning.

"I don't know. What did you have in mind?" asked Pete, casually.

"Well, I was hoping to spend it with a kid named Pete."

"And I was hoping to spend it with a guy named Joe," said Pete, putting his hand in Joe's. Both Pete and Joe knew they would still put on a front, but since no one was around (at least they thought), they threw caution to the wind.

"Well, see me after school," Joe said, kissing Pete on the cheek. Pete returned a kiss, and that led into another lip lock. They both said nothing, but smiled and returned to the band room.

"Where the hell were you?" asked Ed, smiling.

"I think you have pretty good idea," said Joe, looking at the floor.

"Ha ha ha. Yeah, I do, and I think my idea just sat down," said Ed, pointing to Pete.

Nothing more was said on the topic until the end of the day. Ed asked Joe what he was doing after school. Joe, wanting to tell Ed everything, said nothing, and both of them went to Ed's house.

"So, did you?" asked Ed, opening a can of Coke at his house. No one was home yet.

"Did I what?" asked Joe, catching the Coke that Ed threw him.

"Don't play shit with me, buddy. I know you got something," said Ed, sitting in the living room.

"Oh, that........ Well, I got something. A beginning that's a great beginning. I don't know if I should tell you this, but Pete's in the same field as me," said Joe, sitting in the chair and took a sip of his coke.

"Really? Well, I'm happy for you," said Ed. "How'd it happen?"

"Well, actually, he's the one who initiated it. We wrestled. I wasn't expecting to and I was not dressed for it. I had no underwear on, and he started feeling me. But, that was after I first deliberately touched him."

"Ahh....I see. He actually made the first move, but you made the first move," said Ed, understanding.

"Yeah, basically. I was so nervous and so was he. But I decided, if this is it, then let it happen! We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring each other, shall I say?"

"Well, the next time this happens, invite me to come over," said Ed, smiling, as he took a drink of his Coke.

For a split second, Joe believed Ed. But then it occurred to him that Ed was bullshitting him.

"Oh, no, babe, he's all mine!" exclaimed Joe.

"Ha, ha!" laughed Ed.

"Speaking of which, I'm gonna meet with him tonight."

"You are? That's cool. Well, at least you beat me at one thing. You got someone to 'play' with. That's cool!" exclaimed Ed.

"Well you know buddy.......nah......forget it!"

"What?" asked Ed.

"Well, okay, but you may throw me out of your house," said Joe.

"Wow, now I gotta hear what you were going to say," said Ed.

"Well, if you need anyone to play with," started Joe, lowering his voice. "you know, I'm always here."

Ed's face turned bright red. Not from anger, but from embarrassment. Joe thought he might have taken it a little too far.

"Really?" asked Ed, looking straight at Joe.

"Yeah. Oh, man yeah!"

"I'll have to remember that, buddy," said Ed with a sigh. "Well enough of that shit dude. How far did you get with him?"


"Boy are you deaf or somethin'? How far did you get with him?"

"Isn't that a little too personal? Aren't you uncomfortable about me talking about this?"

"Listen Joe, I'm not uncomfortable about this. I feel that I am comfortable with my own sexuality and I am open minded. And I'm a bit curious. And, if not anything else, a little jealous."

"What? Jealous?" asked Joe, in disbelief.

"Yeah, at least you got some. A hand is a hand!"

"True!! Yeah, you're right. I got some before you did! ha ha ha!"

"Shut up, dick!"

"Actually, that's all we did, really," said Joe, grinning. "But tonight has a lot of possibilities open."

"Oh, that's cool. I'm really happy for you. I really am," said Ed.

"Yeah, thanks man. I'm glad that I can talk to you like this."

"Oh, but I might warn you about one thing," said Ed, lowering his voice, and leaning forward in his seat.

"What?" asked Joe, leaning forward in his seat also.

"Don't kiss around school. Some one other than me will see it sooner or later," warned Ed.

"What?!!! You saw us kissing?" asked Joe, startled.

"Yeah, and to tell you the truth, neither of you looked you were coming up for air very soon!" laughed Ed.

"You followed me, didn't you?" asked Joe.

"Yeah," said Ed, sheepishly. "I was just curious. And you know how I can't keep my nose out of other people's business."

"Yeah, boy, do I!" said Joe, turning red.

"But, don't worry, Joe. It's safe with me. I wouldn't tell anybody. But, if I may comment, that was one hell of a kiss you gave to Pete!"

"Really?" asked Joe, sort of proud that Ed noticed that.

"Yeah. But, 'nough said on that."

Joe and Ed basically bullshited the rest of the afternoon, just relaxing and hangin' out. Joe had a agreed to pick up Pete after supper. So, Joe went home for supper, and spent an agonizing 15 minutes to help clear the table afterwards. And then he was off.

It seemed to take forever to get to Pete's house, which was only ten minutes away. But finally, Joe got there. And Pete was standing outside the door, waiting for Joe, smoking a cigarette, which surprised Joe. Joe smoked occasionally and didn't think less of people if they did. However, he was surprised that Pete did. He never knew that.

Joe got out of his car, he noticed he was shaking. He could use a butt right now, probably why Pete was smoking his. He walked toward his new found lover.

"Hey, stud, what's up?" asked Pete, smiling, leaning against a post on the patio.

Joe laughed, "You, I hope!" Pete could see that Joe was a little surprised to see him smoking a cigarette.

"Yeah, I smoke them when I'm real nervous," said Pete, as if Joe asked him.

"So do I. Let me have a drag, man," said Joe, reaching for it. Joe inhaled a long drag. It felt so good. "Ah.....where you're lips have been!"

"Oh really?" asked Pete, grabbing Joe by the waist, and pushing his lips up against his. Joe just let it happen. At this point, he didn't care who was watching, and neither did Pete. He just let it happen.

"Why don't we go inside?" asked Pete, taking back the cigarette, taking one last drag before stomping it out.

"I'm up for that," said Joe.

"Yeah, I'll bet you are," said Pete, grinning.

"You know by now, you kill me with that grin," said Joe, stepping inside the house.

"Really? You mean this grin?" asked Pete, grinning.

"Yeah, you bitch!" said Joe, grinning back.

Both of them just looked at each other for a while. Finally, Pete broke the silence.

"Damn, Joe. You're so handsome. I mean, any girl you want would probably be right at your side. You're so hot!" said Pete, seriously, sitting down on the couch I the living room.

"I don't want any of them, I just want you. Pete, you've got nothin' to be ashamed about. You're the sexiest guy I know, in my mind," said Joe sitting down net to him. "Anyone home?"

"Nope, just you and me for the next four hours," said Pete, looking lost in Joe's eyes.

"Great," said Joe, leaning forward to kiss Pete. They both closed their eyes and they're lips met. They opened up and their tongues lashed at each other. Pete made soft moans. Joe put his arms around Pete, feeling his skinny, but firm body. Pete put his arms around Joe.

"Just hold me, Joe. Just hold me," said Pete, in a dreamy world.

Joe did just that. He held him and soon, Pete was on the bottom and Joe was on the top. Joe took off Pete's shirt and took his own shirt off as well. He got down and sucked on Pete's tits.

"Pete, you've got one helluva body," said Joe, as he paused from sucking and licking Pete's smooth chest.

Then Joe got the urge to suck his cock. He moved his hands toward the crotch of Pete. And then quickly unbuttoned Pete's jeans and unzipped the zipper. He slid the jeans off of Pete, and quickly got back on top. He could see a little wet spot in Pete's boxers.

"Aw, fuck Joe, don't stop," said Pete, airly.

"Don't worry, dude, I'm not going to. I'm takin' you all the way tonight, little man!"

Joe slowly put his fingers under the waist band of the boxers. He could tell that Pete was hard, but somehow, his dick was not pointing through the fly. So, he put his fingers down and felt it. The smooth cut dick. Pete made quiet moans. Then, off came the boxers. Joe slowly felt the nice balls and rolled them around in his fingers while jerking off Pete. Finally, he made the big move.

Joe moved slowly and finally put his lips on Pete's cock. He kissed it, licked it and then finally, sucked on it. All this time, he kept kneading Pete's balls in his right hand. He moved slowly and then faster. Joe couldn't believe it. He finally had what he had fantasized a million times in his mouth. It felt so good. He eventually deep-throated it, although he didn't know at the time what it was.

Pete was in ecstacy. He never had felt anything like this before. He gently put his hands on Joe's head which was working wonders on his cock. He moaned quietly, and then crescendoed.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"SHIT!!" whispered Pete, his eyes opening, coming out of a sex high.

"Shit!!" repeated Joe. "What do we do?"

"I don't know. Maybe whoever's there will go away if we don't answer."

"Sound's good to me!" whispered Joe, fearing for his life. Both of them didn't move a bit. Joe was at a position where he could see the shadows out the front window of the house. There were two cars parked out in front of Pete's house. One was his, but the other one was.......ED!!

"Aww, shit!!" whispered Joe.

"What?" asked Pete, knowing it couldn't be good.

"Guess who I think it is?"


"Well, a certain section-leader that has a big nose and is about to be killed!" said Joe, getting up and putting his shirt on. "Here! Quickly, get dressed!"

Joe handed Pete his boxers, shirt, and pants and he quickly got dressed. "I'll go in the kitchen and make it like I just went to get something to drink. anyway, the kitchen light is on. So, we both could've been back there."

"Sound's great to me. You go back now. " said Pete, buttoning his pants, walking towards the door.

Pete opened the front door, and sure enough it was Ed. He told Ed to com' on in.

"What's up? Joe is in the kitchen. What are you doing here?" asked Pete as Ed walked in.

"Ah nothin' much, just had to tell Joe something," said Ed.

"Well, I'm here, what the fuck do you want?" asked Joe, as he walked into the room with a can of Coke, and a look on his face that said he was about to kill.

Ed read the face well. "What's up?" he asked, trying to ignore Joe's expression.

"Not much, bitch. Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" asked Joe, pushing Ed out the front door, and giving Pete an I'll-be-right-back look. Pete understood.

Joe closed the front door and started screaming at Ed.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE, MAN!?" he screamed so loud his voice cracked. "What did you want to come watch me bring him off?"

Ed stayed silent and just looked at his best friend for a moment. "Joe, calm down. I came here for a reason."

"oh, yeah?!!" asked Joe, in an annoyed tone. "What reason could that be?"

"Just to satisfy my curiosity!" said Ed, quickly and surely.

"Well, did you, or would like to watch us?" asked Joe, sarcastically.

"Well, if you insist....." started Ed.

"Go the fuck home, Ed!" interrupted Joe, who wasn't going to let Ed ruin his special evening. "Go the fuck home!"

Ed looked kind of hurt, but he had come to expect this. Joe knew he merely was seeing what was up, but there was a point where it got too far. This was it.

"Ed, you know, sometimes, I could just kill you," said Joe, through his teeth.

Ed grinned as he walked to his car. "But you wouldn't. Because if you did, you'd probably kill yourself afterwards."

Joe turned around and gave Ed the finger, but with a small grin on his face. Ed and Joe never left on bad terms. It was always something. But now, Pete was waiting for him inside. He ran back inside into Pete's waiting arms. But now, Pete had questions to ask.

"What the hell was that all about?' asked Pete, as he snuggled up to Joe, sitting on the couch.

"Just Ed being himself," replied Joe, snuggling with Pete.

"He knows, doesn't he?" asked Pete, looking up at Joe. Joe immediately looked down at Pete.

"He knows about me. And he knows about us," said Joe, looking a bit concerned at what Pete was going to say.

"That's okay. I don't mind," said Pete. "I don't care if the rest of the world knows. I just want to know that you like me."

"Yeah, buddy, I do. I like you a whole helluva lot. In fact, I think I love you," said Joe, leaning toward Pete to give him a kiss.

"Really? I think I do, too," replied Pete, after a long kiss.

"Let's pick up where we left off, shall we?" asked Joe.

"Sounds good," said Pete, taking off his shirt and his pants. Joe did the same thing this time. He threw himself immediately on top of Pete, and they started just rubbing their cocks together. Pete had never felt like this before. He just held on to Joe tightly, as they sucked face and ground their dicks together.

Finally, Joe wanted more. He slowly moved down on Pete, licking his way down Pete's smooth chest and then, slowly took Pete's cock in to his mouth. Pete groaned.

"oooooo....yeah....take it!" he whispered, his body moving.

It didn't take long for Pete to come and he came by the buckets. Joe wasn't sure he wanted to swallow cum yet, so he just let it fly all over the place. Pete moaned loudly, which turned Joe on.

Finally, when Pete came back from nirvana, he rolled over, and was now on top of Joe. Joe moaned quietly, when Pete took his hot cock into his mouth. Joe was on the edge already, so it didn't take much sucking at all before he came all over Pete's face. Finally, they both were exhausted.

"I hate to say this, but you'd better go," said Pete, after a short nap.

"Really?" asked Joe, kissing Pete.

"Yeah, my parents' are going to be home soon," said Pete, in between smooches.

"Aww....shucks!" exclaimed Joe.

So, Joe left at about nine. He came home with a big smile on his face, until he thought about Ed. He went over directly to Ed's house after coming home for a while. He was not too mad at Ed, but just enough.

So, they went out for a drive. Joe drove.

"Okay, Ed, what did you want to know about me and Pete to come there right when we were gettin' into things?" asked Joe, after a while.

"Oh, I don't know. Just curious, I guess."

"Curious that we were doing it, or curious about how we were doing it?" asked Joe, who was digging for more details. In the back of Joe's mind, he had been playing around with the fact that Ed just might be bi or even gay.

"Oh, man, don't ask me that. You know the answer already!"

"No, Ed, the problem is, I don't!" said Joe, pulling over, having stronger impulses that Ed was interested in a little man-to-man sex.

"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Ed, getting worried. "And why did you just pull over?"

Joe looked at Ed, right in the eyes. "Tell me, something Ed. Do you want me?"

"What?!!! Want you?" asked Ed, in panic.

"Yeah.....because if you did," Joe started, putting his hand on Ed's leg, "it's okay by me..."

Ed looked so scared. He immediately brushed Joe's hand off his leg, and looked away. This wasn't like Ed at all. If joe usually did something Ed didn't like, Ed would just hit him back. But, tonight, Ed look frightened and didn't hit Joe back for some reason. Joe had taken this all in.

"Ed, tell you what? Why don't we go to my house, park the car, and go for a long, long, walk?" asked Joe, starting the car again. Ed didn't reply. From what Joe could tell, Ed was in deep thought. It looked like he was struggling with his inner self.

"Okay, Ed," said Joe, as they started out for their walk in the cold. "Start speaking."

"Speaking about what?" asked Ed, looking straight ahead, avoiding eye contact. This sort of reminded Joe what had happened a few months ago.

"Ed, buddy, talk to me. I'm your best friend, I'm all ears. Talk to me," repeated Joe, putting his hand on Ed's shoulder.

Ed shrugged Joe's hand off his shoulder. That was it!! Joe couldn't stand it any longer. He pushed Ed to a place where no one could see them or what they were doing. He grabbed Ed by the waist with one hand, grabbed the back of his head with the other, and forced Ed to kiss him.

Ed finally decided to give in. They had a long passionate kiss. At first, Joe was doing most of it, but finally, Ed reacted and was more active. Finally, they broke it.

Joe sat down on the ground. Ed had a small grin on his face. He sat down beside Joe.

"I guess I owe you a little explanation, don't I?" asked Ed, quietly.

"Yeah, I guess the hell you do!"

"Well, okay. Ever since I can remember, I had a fascination for guys. I don't know why. I was just hoping it would go away. And for a while, it did, at least in my mind. I just simply stopped all my thoughts about sex. Well, then, came puberty. I noticed I was getting turned on by other guys in the locker room at school and shit like that. I would jerk off to fantasies I never dreamed of acting out."

Joe reached out his hand and held Ed's, who was shaking and nervous. This time, Ed didn't try to move. They held each other's hands while they talked.

"So, why didn't you tell me about this when I told you?" asked Joe, quietly.

"Because, I wanted to hold something over you. You know, be better than you. Obviously, that's part of why we're such good friends. The competition I mean."

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. But, why didn't you stop me before I went to Pete?"

"Too afraid I guess. And I did try to stop you today!" said Ed, leaning up against, Joe's chest now.

"Let's go somewhere where we can get to know each other better," suggested Joe. "My family isn't going to be home until like 10PM tonight. We have the whole house for about three hours."

"Cool, I would love that!" said Ed, getting up.

"Oh, Ed, buddy, don't worry. I won't tell anyone," reassured Joe.

"Thanks, I wouldn't dream of telling anyone about you, either," said Ed.

Ed and Joe walked back to Joe's house.

"So, how long have you wanted me?" asked Joe, sitting down on the couch in the living room.

"I don't know. I guess since the end of last year. We started really getting close then. It was then that I realized that I liked being with you. I liked the way you smell fresh in the morning. I love that grin of yours. I just like you!" said Ed.

"Well, why the hell didn't you tell me?" asked Joe.

"Because I was afraid of losing you!" said Ed.

"Me? I was afraid of losing you when I told you!"

"Well, I'm still here!," said Ed.

"And so am I!"

Ed moved over to the couch where Joe was sitting. He gently, put his hand on Joe's legs.

"So, did you honestly go over to Pete's today so you could try to stop something form starting?" asked Joe, holding Ed in his arms.

"Yeah. I did. Well, apparently I was a little late, but still, you're here now," said Ed, enjoying snuggling up with a guy. This was all new to Ed, who never had anyone to cuddle and kiss with. And he thoroughly enjoyed it.

Ed looked into Joe's eyes. They both leaned forward to each other and ended up in a long, romantic kiss. Ed started to get explorative. He moved his hands in back of Joe, feeling his strong back, finally sticking his hands up the back of the shirt. Ed really wanted to get into that shirt. Joe sensed this, and took it all off for Ed. All Ed could do was feel his way around Joe's smooth, muscular chest, sort of like Pete did earlier.

However, this was a different feeling. Joe felt it almost right away. This feeling was even better than being with Pete. It took a while for Joe to figure it out, but Joe had all along the way been in love with Ed, minus the sexual activities. Joe knew so much about Ed, and Ed knew so much about Joe.

Ed got more daring, and told Joe to lay on his back. Ed went down with Joe, and now, Ed was directly on top of Joe. He started licking his way down Joe's chest, sending chills up Joe's back. Finally just like before, the two guys were on top of each other, cock on cock. Only this time Ed was on the top, and there was a major size difference. Poor Joe asked Ed to get up, and let him be on top after being crushed.

"Sure," replied Ed. Before Ed laid on his back, Joe took off Ed's shirt. Ed was relatively built well, with a little fat, but not too much. He had a smooth broad chest, that really turned on Joe. Joe kissed Ed and slowly licked his way down. Finally, he got to the crotch.

Ed gasped when Joe reached for the button on his pants.

"It's okay, Ed. I want to make you feel good," said Joe, unzipping the zipper. Joe could see in the outline of Ed's underwear that Ed had a good-sized tool. He slowly ran his fingers over it, feeling the hard cock underneath the cotton. Finally, Joe reached under the elastic and felt Ed's dick head. Ed was in complete heaven.

"Oh, man, oh, don't stop!" he whispered.

Joe got more curious. He took off Ed's jeans leaving him only with his underwear on. Finally, that came off too. In the meantime, Joe had found a few sensitive spots on Ed's body. His knee, behind the knee, and elbow all made Ed shiver and moan from the feelings.

Finally, he slowly took Ed's underwear off, revealing Ed' seven inch cock and big hairy balls. Joe slowly rolled the balls in his one hand and stroked Ed's cock with the other. Then he tried something that surprised him and Ed. He started to suck Ed's cock. It was something Joe had just experienced earlier that day with Pete. But this time, it felt even more right. Ed's cock was just right for Joe's mouth. He sucked it with energy.

Ed had never felt anything like this before. His eyes were closed, his face showing deep emotion.

"Damn, Joe, aw, man, that feels good," said Ed, in a low husky voice.

Joe used his hands to massage ed's balls while he sucked. Finally, Joe got off of Ed's cock and moved up and kissed him again.

Ed and Joe were soon going wild on each other. One minute, Joe was on top of Ed, the next, Ed was on top of Joe. Both of them were just enjoying the feeling of being close to another person, hugging and kissing. finally, Ed went down on Joe and started sucking his cock. Although Ed never sucked one before, it felt to Joe like he had been doing it all his life. No biting, no scratching, just a smooth suck.

"How the hell did you learn that?" asked Joe, astonished.

"Watching porno flicks," replied Ed, taking a breath for a moment, then going back down.

Soon, Joe felt that familiar feeling that only until recently, had he brought it upon himself. He moaned louder, Ed responded by sucking harder. Finally, whether Ed wanted to have it or not, Joe pulled his cock out of Ed's mouth.

"Aw, shit, Ed, I'm gonna come. Fuck!!" Joe screamed.

"Yeah, baby give it to me," whispered Ed, at eye level with Joe's cock. Ed stroked it until he got what he wanted out of it. Nice slimy, warm semen!! Joe shot it over Ed's face, chest, and hair. He never had an orgasm like this before. Then, Joe just grabbed Ed and pulled him on top of him and just hugged him. Finally, it was Ed's turn to get off.

Joe went down on him and started sucking him again. It was not long until Ed felt that great feeling coming.

"Ah, yeah, Joe. Damn, that feels good. Oh, Oh, Oh!!!" whispered Ed, with his eyes closed in emotions.

"Oh, yeah, give it to me, Ed," said Joe, stroking it now.

"Oh, shit!! Here I come!" screamed Ed, as cum went flying right on to Joe's chest and face. Ed continued to moan and shoot his massive load.

Finally, he came back to earth. Joe looked at him in the eye, their lips met once more. Then, they just held each other for a while.

Both of them had regrets about what they had just done. Joe was still a bit nervous with what he had done with his best friend. He still had a feeling that he might lose Ed. Ed was worried because he never felt these feelings before. And what would Joe think of him. However, those questions were answered before Ed left for the night, by a big french kiss that seemed to last for eternity. Finally, they got dressed and Joe drove Ed home.

"You know, I'm sort of glad that you came over to Pete's house, today," said Joe.

"You know, Joe, so am I," replied Ed, grinning and putting his hand right on Joe's crotch.

"Yo!! Watch it!! Not while I'm driving!! Unless you want to risk your life!" said Joe.

"Oh, believe me, I'm risking my life right now, riding in the front seat with you drivin'" claimed Ed.

"Shut up," said Joe. Ed continued to manipulate Joe, who was obviously getting excited. Finally, they got to Ed's house.

"Damn, Ed!! Why don't you just suck me off!" asked Joe.

"Not here. And besides, save it for later," said Ed, getting out of the car. "See you tomorrow," said Ed.

Now, Joe was in a bind. Here was what he was looking for. But he had two of it. Pete was a fun guy to be with, but Ed was his best friend. And if every gay guy had a best friend who was gay, they're life is made. And Joe realized that. Pete had come in later than Ed had in Joe's life. Joe and Ed had more things in common. But, Joe and Pete also shared some things. More sexual things than Ed, but still they were very close. But now, Joe had to break it off with Pete. And he wasn't very good at that kind of thing. But, he was determined to.

That night, Joe called Pete on the phone and explained it to him. Pete was very disappointed, but understood what Joe was going after. After all, Pete and Joe were still good friends. But Joe wanted to try to have a monogamous relationship with Ed, although Ed didn't know that at the time. But little did Joe know, that's what Ed wanted too.

Ed thought it over that night also. He asked himself is this what I really am? Could it possibly be that I'm gay? And Joe's the one for me? Am I in a dream? Although it may seem strange, Ed actually missed Joe's company that night. That helped Ed decide to stick with Joe.

The next morning was band morning. Luckily, Joe saw Pete before he got to the band room. Pete had a grin on. And they went to they're usual spot.

"So, you're dumpin' me for Ed, eh?" he asked, still grinning.

"Yeah, I feel bad about it, though."

"Don't feel bad. Something you've probably always wanted just came up, and I'd be a fool to not let you have it. Ed's a great guy, although I think I'm better looking than he is," laughed Pete. "Point is, you two are made for each other. And if I didn't let it happen, I'd feel bad."

Joe thought for a moment about what Pete was saying. Then he turned to him and said, "Thanks Pete. You're really a great guy," he said. Joe and Pete embraced one last time and then both walked to the band room. Ed was there and he noticed Joe coming in with Pete. Joe saw a flicker of jealousy in Ed's face, but that disappeared when Joe gave Ed a sign to come outside. Ed leaped from his seat and ran outside. Joe was waiting for him.

"Hey, stud, what's up?" asked Joe.

"Nothing much," said Ed.

"Let's go for a walk, eh?" asked Joe.


Joe and Ed went to the same spot that Joe and Pete did. They said nothing for the moment and kissed a long passionate kiss.

"I really missed you last night," said Ed. "I want to try this relationship out. I think I'm in love with you, Joe."

"Really? I'd like to give it a try too," said Joe, hold Ed's hand. "I broke up with Pete."

"You did?!!" asked Ed, a bit excited.

"yeah, I did, baby. He took it well," said Joe.

"Oh, really? That's cool. I feel sort of like the other man, or something like that."

"Well, luckily, you told me in time. Usually your timing is way off, Ed, but this time, you sort of got it right!" said Joe, grinning.

"Shut up man!! Yeah, I was dying to tell you when you told me about you, but like I said before, my ego was too big."

"Yeah, well, your ego isn't the only thing that's big about you!" said Joe, momentarily grabbing a hold of Ed's crotch.

"Oh, man, don't I wish you could take care of me right now," sighed Ed.

"You're not the only one. But, it's time for us to go back inside now," said Joe, starting to walk back to the band room.

"Hey Joe, I'm really serious......I think I love you, dude," said Ed, following him.

Joe turned around and smiled. "Yeah, I know you do. I love you, too, Ed. You're the best friend a person could ever have."

So, what do you think about it? Do you think I could expand on it? Actually, the story is about three years old, but I never did anything with it. Tell me if you liked it, or whatever you want to tell me at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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