Jockstraps and Fur

By moc.loa@2xbuclaC

Published on Nov 9, 2003


That's how my collection began, with Andy's well worn jock. He convinced my brother to donate one of his old supporters. Brian let me watch as he jacked his thick 7 inches, shooting his wad quickly into the pouch, obviously embarrassed by what he was doing. I woke up the next morning to Brian standing next to my bed with his jock wrapped around his boner pulling on his nuts. I don't know what got into him but he didn't pull away from me when my tongue lashed out and licked his hairy sac. He creamed while I sucked his balls.

My first year at college hadn't been too exciting; I concentrated on my classes and a lot of my time with my nose in a book. But I did spend more than a few late nights wandering the halls hoping to find some horny guy jerking off and I usually wasn't disappointed. I quickly learned who the exhibitionists were, the ones that would leave their doors half open as they lay on the beds with spread legs as the pumped their meat and coaxed a hot load out of their nuts. I'd stand in the shadows watching as I fingered my straining dick. I looked but never touched, I didn't want to get a reputation as the dorm cock-sucker. Friday's were always a good night, when a date didn't put out the guy's were horny.

It was on a Friday night toward the end of the year and the dorm was particularly quiet. At the end of each hallway was a mini-suite of 3 rooms sharing a common area, I usually stayed away from those, it was too easy to be caught by someone. I don't know why I wandered into the one at the end of the fifth floor that night but I did. There were no sounds as I looked through each open door. I turned to leave and something in the second room caught my eye. Sitting on top of a pile of clothing stacked on the end of the bed was a jockstrap. My mind screamed `No!" but I was thinking with my other head. I picked it up, my cock throbbing in my shorts. It was a classic Bike, extra large and judging by the piss stains, hadn't been washed in more than a few weeks. I couldn't stop myself from rubbing my nose in the pouch and I could feel the jizz oozing out my piss slit.

I was so absorbed in the aroma I didn't hear him until the door shut. I looked up into the stony face of Jeff "Tank" Dragger. A junior on the football team and built like a Tank. I'd seen him once in the bathroom shaving, wearing just a pair of tight jockey shorts. Sharp pointed nipples stood proudly in the curly brown hair covering his thick chest, arms and legs like tree trunks and his ass, oh man, his big beefy ass-cheeks held tight under the straining shorts.

"I, I, I" I sputtered trying to think of any excuse for what I was doing.

He shoved me onto the bed. I watched, too scared to move, as he kicked off his shoes, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them off. He stared at me standing there only his socks and t-shirt which came to mid-thigh. He grabbed the jock from my lap where it had fallen, brought it to his face and inhaled noisily.

"Stinks," he said with a sneer.

He lowered it to his crotch, rubbing it back and forth. I started to get up but his stony glare stopped me. He took a few steps toward me, dropping the jock back in my lap. My dick, shriveled with fear, began to harden again when he pulled off the t-shirt, standing with his hands on his hips. I tried to look him directly in the eyes but I couldn't help myself as I saw his cock-pole throbbing madly in the air.

Eight and a half thick, towering inches topped by the fattest mushroom head I'd ever seen. The long slit glistened with moisture. The smell of musk radiating from his furry bush filled the air, sweat beaded on his balls. I ached to bury my face in his crotch. He looked down at me and flexed, he shaft quivered as a stream of pre-cum trickled down the long vein that ran the length of his rigid meat.

His fingers circled the hardness and slowly began stroking, up and down. His expression never changed, his eyes looking directly at me, face blank while he pumped his crank. His breath deepened, the cock grew harder, his balls tightened. He held the jock to the engorged knob, with a short grunt he started to cum, catching six jets of white syrupy cream. The final volley splattered wetly on his hand which he rubbed under my nose.

"Get out." He growled as he turned away from me.

I didn't need to be asked twice. I vaulted off the bed and raced back to my room. In a flash my clothes were off and my hand wrapped around my hard-on. I didn't understand any of what had happened but I relived every second, every stroke, every smell. I inhaled the dried glob of his spunk under my nose. It didn't take long before my dick erupted.

The next week was rough, I wasn't sure if Tank would tell anybody about catching me in his room. Anytime I saw him around campus, in the halls he didn't look at me. By the next weekend I figured nothing was going to happen. Friday night I was out with friends at one of the local hang-outs. After a few too many beers I went to the john. Standing at the urinal taking a leak I heard the door open and a hand covered my eyes.

"Guess who?" An alcohol strained voice asked.

Thinking it was one of my buddies I tried to shake him off. I felt the scrape of an unshaven chin graze the nape of my neck, hot breath near my ear.

"Smell any used jocks lately?"

Tank! I froze in terror. I struggled to get away but he held me closer to him, pumping his crotch against my ass. The more I tried to get away the tighter he held me. My cock, still hanging out the fly of my jeans, started to lengthen. Then someone else came into the bathroom and he let go escaping into one of the stalls. I zipped up, still shivering with lust, and left. After a few more beers I headed home.

I lay in bed thinking about the encounter with Tank. Shit, I couldn't figure out what it meant. What was up with the guy? All I really understood is that he made me horny as hell. I couldn't keep my hands off my prick, I wasn't imagining he had a hard-on when he pumped against me in the bathroom, I could feel his stiffness. I began to fantasize what would have happened if we weren't interrupted. I pulled on my nuts as I stroked...There was a knock at the door. I didn't want to interrupt my jack off session but the knocking was persistent. I slipped on a t-shirt and gym shorts, snapping the band across my cock-knob to hide my erection and opened the door.

It was Tank. He didn't wait to be asked in, just walked into my room, shut and locked the door. His face bore the same stony expression.

"Strip," He said quietly.

I did, quickly. I couldn't stop my cock from bobbing, I was too horny. He slowly stripped off his t-shirt and slipped off his pants. Wearing only his jock-strap -- the jock -- he raised one arm exposing his damp pit and said one word:


The room suddenly filled with the sweet stink of his sweat, I leaned toward him and licked at a trickle of salty moisture burying my nose in his damp pit-hair. I rested a hand lightly on his muscled abdomen, fingers rustling through the hair as I tongued his pit. Grabbing the back of my head he shoved my face under his other arm. It was suddenly too much for me; it wasn't going to be long before I shot. I trembled against him, realizing I was close he grabbed my trembling meat and shoved my cock along his under his jock. I felt his rock hard erection pressing against my belly as he pulled me closer, thrusting he crotch into mine. I groaned, nipping the tender flesh under his arm between licks. I was humping him madly, so close...

He slapped my ass, a tremor of heat spread through my body settling in my churning balls. I felt the first gush of hot spunk travel up through my shaft, splattering wetly against the tight fabric of his jock. I pumped coating Tank's swollen prick with cock-juice. With one final thrust I emptied my balls completely. I felt his strong hands on my shoulder, pushing me down. I let him guide me toward his crotch. His bulging jock reeked of sweat and fresh cum. I chewed along the length of his shaft through the damp material. I buried my face in the pouch, nuzzling his nuts. Holding my head back, he slipped the jock down slipping to his feet. I attacked his balls, swallowing first one, then the other hairy orbs, then tried to stuff both goose eggs in my mouth.

His dick towered above me, steely stiff, sleek with the remains of my load. I traced the broad vein that snaked up his meat and trapped the engorged knob in my mouth. I tongued the swollen slit tasting his sticky drippings. I grabbed his furry ass-cheeks and swallowed him, inch by inch until my lips grazed the base of his pole. He battered my mouth with his cock, the big mushroom stabbing the back of my throat. He pumped and pumped and pumped until suddenly his cock grew harder, fatter. The sweet-sour taste of cum filled my mouth. I choked, there was too much and suddenly his showering me with hot jizz. It shot across my face, neck, trickling thickly down my chest as he pumped the last drops from his swollen meat.

I fell back against the bed, exhausted, my fingers idly stroking my swelling dick. I watched Tank get dressed, getting hornier at the sight of his now softened but still swollen cock disappear under his shorts. I cleaned myself, using his jock as a towel. He watched, as I played with myself, chewing on the cum-soaked material, getting hotter and hornier. He smiled, leaned over and kissed the top of my head. Then Tank, the man of many words said, "Thanks," and left.

I didn't try to understand Tank, I really didn't care -- whatever was going to happen would happen. I saw him around campus; he'd nod his head, still not saying much to me. Then I had finals to get through. I was happy when it was over, looking forward to going home for the summer and the possibilities for next year. I got back to my dorm room to a note taped to my door. "Tomorrow, Sanders Field, 3:00pm." What the?

Curiosity got the better of me and I was there at 3:00. There were a bunch of guys playing football. I sat on the bleachers watching, smiling. Tank. After the game he sat on the tier below me. He poked a finger through the leg of my shorts, jabbing the jock, his jock, I was wearing.

"Mine." He said simply.

"Not any more," I replied bluntly. "Part of my collection."

"OK, "He nodded and sat next to me. He leaned over and I felt his tongue corkscrew inside my ear making me shudder. Two of the other players came walking up the bleachers toward us.

"Rob" Tank nodded to the first, tall and built like Tank. "Dennis" as he nodded at the second guy, shorter and stockier with muddy blond hair.

Tank stood, gestured for me to follow. I didn't ask as I lagged behind, the three walking mutely toward the parking lot. Rob drove; I was sandwiched between the other two in the back seat. The heady scent of their sweat filled the small car. Tank pulled off his t-shirt grabbed the back of my head and shoved me face into his sweaty pit. I gorged on the salty fluid licking up every drop while he leaned back, sighing. I felt someone grab my arm and my hand was forced into Dennis' warm crotch. He ground against my fingers, groping for his stiff pole. He pulled aside his tight jock and I clutched the heated flesh of his shaft.

"Okay, guys, enough -- we're almost there." Rob was watching the show in the rear view mirror.

Reluctantly, they both moved away, Dennis stroking himself one final time before tucking his cock back under his shorts. Winding through a residential area I'd never been, Rob pulled into the driveway of a well-kept rambler. As we walked through the garage I felt a hand cup my ass and a whispered "nice" from behind me. We entered through the kitchen where a man in his thirties sat talking to a younger, serious looking man. Rob went over to the young man and to my surprise kissed him.

"Oh god, you reek." He said pushing Rob away.

"He doesn't mind," Rob said indicating me.

"I'm Erik. "The young man stood, extending a hand toward me. "Rob and I live together."

"And I'm Van, your host." The older man rose and nodded to me as he walked toward the refrigerator. "Beer anyone?"

We sat on the patio, drinking, talking. I learned Van was the wresting coach at the local high school that Tank, Rob, Erik and Dennis had attended. Tank stayed in town, the other three were at an out-of-state University. After a while, Van barbecued steaks and I helped Erik clean up after dinner. I learned he was a studious freshman and tutoring Rob when they first got together. Van let them use his house, sometimes watching them but never getting involved. Dennis caught them one time and happily joined them. Erik insisted Tank was straight but with a wild side he wasn't ready to explore. Like Dennis, anything to get his rocks off. Erik went back outside as we finished but my full bladder pointed me toward the bathroom.

They had moved into the living room and were laughing when I returned, all four heads turned in my direction.

"Tank was just telling us about your collection." Dennis said. "Interested in adding a few more?"

I was stunned. I could feel the flush starting around my neck, my face soon bright red as I stared. Even Erik gave me a wicked leer as he winked at me. I glared at Tank. How could he, why would he?

Dennis stripped. He stood in front of me thrusting his jock-tented dick into my groin. He unbuttoned my shirt, flicked his tongue back and forth across my right nipple while someone behind me had my pants and jock around my ankles, pulling off my shoes. I was naked and hard. Dennis' tongue filled my mouth while my hands explored his body, rubbing his shoulders, the small of his back, his firm ass-cheeks.

He pulled away, pushing me to my knees. I fastened my mouth around the pouch trying to get my lips around his dick. He fucked against my face, the coarse material scratching my skin. Needing to taste his sticky flesh, I yanked down his jock. His 6½"rod plunged between my lips, my tongue gliding down the shaft until I reached the base.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Rob and Erik with both naked. Rob's hairy, muscular build in contrast to Erik's smooth skinned-lean frame. The two kissed, caressed each other as they watched Dennis pound his dick down my throat. They pawed at each other's pricks, two steely towers of meat waiting their turn.

Without warning, Dennis started to cum. He was in mid-thrust down so I felt the first hot burst along my tongue before he pulled out his spraying cock-fountain. He jacked himself, blowing his wad all over his belly. Before I knew what was happening, Rob picked up Dennis' jockstrap and after wiping up the thick cream threw the damp cloth over both his and Erik's hard-ons, stroking their shafts together. Leaning between them I could barely got my mouth around both dick-heads. I got a whiff of the sharp smell of fresh semen as I tasted Dennis' load and both knobs stretching my lips were oozing jizz. A hand held my head steady as they humped against each other, jabbing quicker. One of them grunted and a hot rush of fluid strained through the already damp jockstrap. That was all the other needed and both men were shooting their custardy loads.

I fell back, flushed and exhausted. Tank sat on the sofa, naked playing with his hard-on. Next to him, Van sat with hands buried in his sweat-shorts. My cock painfully erect, my full balls aching to unload. I sat on my knees, arms on Tank's thighs. He slouched down and continued to stroke himself, moaning loudly when I swallowed his balls. I looked up at Van while chewing on Tank's furry sac. His face showing no emotion, a thick five-o'clock shadow framing his mustache, a carpet of dark black curly hair matted with sweat covered his meaty chest, the two brown peaks of his nipples like hidden treasure in a forest. I started to reach for the downy fur spreading across his belly just as Tank growled, his orgasm starting to explode. He jerked the cum out of his balls, smooth, creamy cock-juice raining down on his heaving torso.

"Anyone want a beer before round two? "Van asked, standing up just as I was ready to reach for him. The bulge in his shorts was enormous.

I sat on the floor too exhausted and horny to move while he ushered everyone outside into the warm evening.

"I can't" I begged as he pulled me up. "My ache nuts too much to move. I need to..."

"Not," he said as he leaned close, his tongue slipped through my lips before he finished "until I let you."

I willed my cock to soften, even a little. But when I walked outside I was harder than before, a long silvery stream of pre-jizz seeped from my piss slit. Four naked men, each with a beer in one hand and a swollen dick in the other. Van, still wearing shorts, smiled lewdly. The only place left to sit was a chaise lounge. I lay there enjoying the feeling of the warm breeze wash across my skin.

Dennis got up and stood behind me. He rubbed his crotch against the back of my head, grinding his balls into my hair. Leaning forward his eggs flattened against my forehead. I looked up as his cock quivered, beads of liquid starting to dribble from his cock-lips. Tank came next, rubbing the gigantic mushroom across my face leaving trails of cum-slime. Then Rob and Erik were at my sides, they slapped my upper thighs with their stiff poles. I loved the feeling of four solid flesh rods against my now burning skin.

"Looks like someone's about to get a cum-bath." My eyes flew open as Van spoke.

He stood and the shorts dropped. The bulge under his jock pulsed. He reached for his beer, but instead of brining it to his lips, it poured down his chest, through his crotch and dripped between his legs. The well-worn material became translucent. I wasn't the only one that watched Van, the others were too.

I wrapped a hand around my swollen balls as Erik started to blow. Streaming arcs of slivery cream rained, splattered my thigh, pooled in my pubic hair. Then Dennis started, followed by Rob and Tank. I felt burning bullets of cream splash across my face, running thickly down my neck. My chest was drenched with spunk. I yanked on my ball-bag one final time and with a strangled cry I shot, the first stream hit wetly over my shoulder. I pounded four, five, six volleys out of my engorged cock-meat, panting loudly as I forced out the last of my load.

I couldn't move. Van went inside, for a towel I hoped but came back with another beer. Rob and Erik quietly excused themselves, and after a few minutes Dennis followed. Tank looked down at me and nodded toward the house.

"Let's go." He said.

"No," Van quickly replied. "He stays here."

Tank left. I stayed where I was, juice trickled down my sides. He sat in the chair closest to me. He rubbed the sticky fluid around my nipple making me shiver. He leaned back, lit a smoke and tipped the can to his lips.

"I need to take a leak," Van sighed as a gush of liquid flowed and splashed wetly on the patio. He reached under his jock and aimed his hidden cock-head toward his chest. The stream of piss curved high in the air, spattered back against his chest, flooding his crotch.

"Now we're both soaking wet. "He whispered. "And I need to get my rocks off.

He leaned over me. Starting at my navel he scooped up the spent cream using his tongue like a ladle. He pried my lips apart and his tongue slipped through my lips. I was rock hard as he slowly explored every curve, every feature of my mouth. My fingers played between his legs, felling the power and girth of his now rigid dick. He changed positions, facing away from me and leaned over. My hands massaged the hairy cheeks while he slowly lowered his ass to my face. I spread the mounds of his butt and tentatively licked up and down the cleft, tasting a hint of piss overpowered by his musky scent. The lips of his tight hole loosened the more I tongued in, out, around. He leaned back, pushed against my face just as he gripped my nuts then lapped my bloated slit. I stifled the moans in his fuzzy crack.

He stood, tried to get me to go into the house. This time I wasn't going to let him stop me. I pulled down his jock-strap. His dick stood rock hard, thick and veiny crowned by a perfectly proportioned head. I caressed the taut flesh running my fingers lightly from head to broad base, around the weighty sac of his balls. I tasted the shimmering ooze dripping from his piss-lips, curved my tongue around the fleshy flange before I swallowed the knob. He held the sides of my head, not forcing, just holding. He let me have control.

Inch by inch devoured him, the fat dick filling my mouth, constricting my throat. I slowed, breathing deeply through my nose until I had taken ¾ of his cock before I had to pull back. My fingers clasped the spit coated shaft as I gradually swallowed him again. I played with his balls, lightly stroking further between his legs and rubbed around his still slick hole. There was a slight tremor as the tip of my finger broke through the tight ring. His steely shaft grew fatter; I sucked and slobbered the fleshy head until with one shove his shaft was buried to the root. He pulled back and thrust twice more then started to cum -- his cream flooded my mouth faster than I could swallow. I gasped, trying to eat as much of it as I could; streams of spunk ran down the sides of my mouth. He pumped out the rest of his load, slapping his cock wetly across my face while I emptied my balls.

Next: Chapter 3

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