Jock Turned Bitch Boi

By moc.loa@71wfdrdk

Published on Jan 6, 2013


Well, here is part three, it's a little different from what I have done in the past, let me know what you think, as I move on to the next chapter.

Jock turned bitch boi 3

Fuck, this dude has way too much time, I can't wait to get this over with. As the video starts, it's me, the entire dvd, clips from high school, and so one, then it goes dark. Then shit it's me tied up, and being used by Michael, not a piece of that time is missing. Fuck, at least I have it, but shit, my cock is on overload. Fuck I look good, what the hell I am I saying. I should have known the address was at the end of the video, I write it down, and think finally I can be done with this.

It's a warm day; I'm in shorts and a t-shirt, as I drive to a farm house about an hour outside of town. I walk to the door and knock, thinking this is it no more troubles. As the door opens, Michael is standing there in jeans and a shirt.

Come in Nick, as Michael, moves to the side to allow me to enter. My cock twitches just a bit, not sure why, as I have these mixed feelings about being here. I follow Michael into the living room, as he shows me to the couch.

Look Michael, I don't need to sit, I just need all of the videos and I will be on my way.

As Michael turns, still an impatient punk I see. Well in case you forgot I own you right now Nicky...

Look here Michael, don't push me or else, now I'm done with your bullshit, you nerd punk.

Oh, look Nicky is trying to fight his inner desires; you know you did not come here to end it, but to totally submit to those desires, of being a true bitch boi. You know you want to be under my full control, remember that feeling when u were helpless and I was in charge...

I'm slow to respond as Michael finishes his statement, Look damn it, I'm a fucking straight stud that's married, and u are nothing but a little weak ass bitch, so before I kick ur ass give me the videos...

Well Nicky I will not be threatened in my own house, so fuck off and get out, without the videos, and just wait for everyone to get them, Inside Michael is having a ball, he knew Nick would try to be macho, but it would play right into his hands.

I turn and walk out the front door slamming it hard; I get in my car, and I'm steaming. I close my eyes, and sitting in the car, my mind racing... After I few minutes I get out of the car and walk back to the front door, how will I handle this, I have to let him think he is in control so I can get the videos. As I walk to the door, my cock slowly grows, and the thought that he has me. What am I saying, as I try and clear my head as I knock on the door again.

Michael opens the door, but with a much different look on his face this time, as he gives and evil laugh, strip no boi.

I look at Michael in dis believe, really.. Then without warning he back hands me across the face.

Bitch I said strip, don't make me say it again.

As I slowly hang my head, and start striping, I can't believe I let this punk strike me, and then I did as he told me.. My cock is semi erect as I strip naked there on his front porch. I follow Michael, thru the house then to a room, where he straps me into a wooden chair.

Well Nicky I hope you enjoy the show, as Michael turns and leaves the room.

Next thing I know lights come on in the room next to me, and I can see through a window or a mirror they use in like police stations. What the hell, that room was a fully equipped dungeon. What was I watching?

Michael walks in, in leather boots, pants, and then following him naked but a leather harness that crossed his hard chest and upper body was Eric. Damn that guy played football for another school, shit what the hell, he is a little taller and bigger than me and I'm confused.

I sit there as Eric, is calling Michael his master, placing him in restraints in the middle of the room, then flogging him, both on his back and chest and abs. What the hell, and he begs for more, damn. I don't notice but my cock is rock hard...

Michael then, places gloves on, and begins; gut punching Eric, over and over. Again, Eric ask Michael for more, this goes on for about 15 minutes. Shit look at his abs, all red and starting to bruise a little. What the hell, and he seems to like it, his cock is leaking pre cum, and that's when I notice mine is too. What, why am I leaking, why am I hard. Deep down I knew, and so did Michael, I wanted to be Eric right then.. As I trying to shake these evil thoughts from my head, noooooo.

Michael, moves Eric to a rack, and restrains him in a spread-eagle position. Then Michael rolls over a table, with some type of machine on there, and he then connects these wire with clamps to his nipples and then to devices around his cock. What the hell.

As Michael messes with the knobs on the machine, you can hear Eric, first in low moans, slowly get louder and louder. Michael is slowly turning it up higher and higher, then all of a sudden, I can't see anything, it's as if it went totally dark. I freak, and try to free myself but its no use. Fuck, what's going on, why can't I see? No fuck, no

I take a deep breath, close my eyes and try and relax, leaning my head back on the top of the chair.

Then as Michael continues using Eric, in ways I cannot yet imagine, I found myself, repeating the noises and repeating the words spoken by Eric. From begging Michael, or as he called him Master or Sir for more, moaning and groaning. My body covered by the erotic sensations, I can only try to image thru the darkness, that Eric is feeling. I keep trying to fight the feeling, but I'm jealous that Eric is the one that Michael is with right now, and not me, why, am I not good enough for him, please look at me, I'm a fucking stud.

I once again try to clear my head, but the noises coming from the other room make it impossible. As it continues for what seems like hours, I hear Eric scream, as he shoots his load, the build up inside myself, causes me to erupt with him, shooting my load up on my chest and abs. I'm breathing heavy for some time, not sure how long, when Michael enters the room...

Michael laughs, throws me a towel. No clean yourself up bitch, and get the hell out. When you are ready to come to my house and ask nicely and with respect, I will give you your damn videos, but not until then bitch. Michael, turns and leaves the room. Embarrassed, I quickly clean myself off, walk out looking for my clothes, which I find still on the front porch.

I get dressed and leave, I stop at the first bar I can find and have a few shots, trying to once again forget the whole thing, what's happening to me.. I head home, and I get drunk, and pass out that evening.

When I get up the next morning, I decide fuck this, im done, I don't want anything to do with Michael or his games.

I turn on my computer and the first e-mail is from that address, I know its Michael, and I hit delete. I'm done with him... But as I sit there going thru my computer and e-mails, I find myself in the trash folder, opening that e-mail from Michael. When I open it, all he says is to enjoy the video.

I turn it on, and it's me sitting in that room alone strapped to the chair. All of the other noises are blocked out; all you can do is hear me. As it plays and gets to the point where I'm repeating everything Eric was saying or noise that he made, my cock instantly got rock hard. I found myself there in my computer chair, with my head thrown back, eyes closed, and jacking off to these sounds.

I once again on cue blow my load, but this time, I rub it in to my chest and abs, not knowing why. When it stops, he has another message, Nicky, when you are truly ready to be respectful towards your Master, then come to me, I will be ready to accept you as my boi.

What the fuck, is he nuts, fuck I turn off my computer and go an shower. The whole time thinking no, no, no, but my cock still hard as a rock...

The next morning I wake with a hard on, and go to my computer, and once again jack off to the video. This time however when its done, I hit reply and send Michael a message or should I say Master.

I tell him, that I wish to have a second chance and show my respect, and asking him if he would be available for me to do so on the following Sat. I then hit send, and once again mixed feelings are flooding over me. I get up and shower and leave for work.

When I get home, I go right to my computer, and sure enough I have a message from him. He is very clear and stern in his response, letting me know there will be no chances after this one.

Oh fuck, what have I done...

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