Jock Sucker

By John Clark

Published on May 26, 1998


Chapter 8

Widdie found Wu by the statue of the roaring lion across the walkway from the fieldhouse entrance. "Hi, li'l guy."

"Hey! I'm five feet, nine and a half inches tall, I got a 42 inch chest, eighteen inch biceps, and you call me 'little guy'?" Wu reared up like an angry rooster, fighting to keep a straight face..

"Relax, buddy. I was talkin' about your dick." Widdie grinned down at Wu.

"Oh. That's all right then. More than a mouthful is wasted, I always say. And hi, yourself, big guy." He grinned back

"Baby, I'm here to tell the world you got more than a mouthful." Widdie peered around and stealthily cupped a dark, long-fingered hand around Wu's crotch. To his surprise, the boy was still wearing the sweatpants he'd had on earlier in the day. Didn't feel like he was wearing a jock, either. Wu's thick, uncut cock hung down beyond the bulk of his testicles. Feeling the dick begin to stiffen, Widdie took his hand away. Not the time or place, he thought.

"So, what's up, Gingerman? How come this foray out into the unhealthy night air? And where do we go from here?"

"The rally's around in back. I just sorta thought I'd like a chance to get to know you. You know, like, out in the world?"

"You mean, like, out of the bedroom?"

"I don't believe we made it to the bedroom. But, yeah. Who are you? What do you think about? What color are your socks? Stuff like that."

"Who do you like in the fifth? Where were you on the night of April 12th? Why is a rose? Stuff like that?"


"Sorry. I'm jivin' you. How about 'How about them Cubbies?'" What I mean is, do you follow other sports besides your own?"

"Yeah, most of the usual ones. Cubbies haven't got a prayer. You guys should be hot this year with you and Jackson both returning. Let's wander around back and find a good spot. And thanks, huh?" They joined the thin but steady stream of young people heading toward the pep rally.

"Thanks for what?"

"For being willing to come on out, talk, spend time, you know..."

"Yeah. Guess I do." Widdie smiled. "And I thank you for thinking of it. It's a good idea."

They rounded the building and their stream joined others to form a river of humanity flowing down the slope behind the building. A large fire was already burning in the middle of the field. A platform stood to one side of it. "Let's go all the way around and stand by the shed," Wu said. He led the way on across the field, past the bonfire, and stopped in front of the utility building that housed the tractors and other heavy equipment used to groom the playing fields.

"Kinda out of the way, over here, ain't it?" Widdie asked. "Might be hard to hear the speeches unless they got a better p.a. system than last year."

"I hope not," Wu said. "I don't want to hear the speeches, I want to hear you."

"That's nice, baby. But you coulda heard me better in a nice, warm room somewhere. This rally really mean so much to you?"

"It kinda does, in a way. You remember when you were over here at our practice this afternoon, and we were watching Ion work out, and you put your hand down my backside?"

"Look, baby, I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me, except that you were so fuckin' hot. I was out of line. Man, I shouldn't have done something like that with people around. I'm ashamed you had to stop me."

"I felt like you were trying to dominate me sexually. And publicly." Wu looked up at Widdie, the seriousness of the charge written on his face. Then he smiled. "And I loved it. I was so turned on that I was getting a hardon. That's why I stopped you. When your finger got to the doorway, I almost dropped to my knees and started sucking you off, I was so hot."

Jesus! No shit? I thought you were pissed off, a little bit at least."

"Nope. Uh, uh. No way. Russ, I was kind of hoping maybe you'd stand behind me like you were doing this afternoon. And, sort of sneak your hand down my butt again. And, gee, if you put that coat on, maybe it'd sort of cover both of us, back and sides..."

Widdie laughed. "I wondered why you made me bring this." The trenchcoat was dangling over his shoulder. Now he whipped it around and pushed his arms into the sleeves. He sidled around to stand behind Dennis, and a little to his left. His right hand, as before, crept under the elastic waistband and spread over the full, firm globe nearest him. "Baby," he breathed down into Wu's ear, "you are the hottest, and the prettiest man in the whole, fucking world." His fingers crept slowly into the crevasse. "You know what I did soon as I got out of the fieldhouse this afternoon?" Widdie whispered. "I enjoyed the smell and taste of you. Right outside the door. Your ass juice, in my mouth. Baby, I wanted to fuck you so bad my balls ached! I sucked each finger off individually, and pretended each one was your fat, yellow dick."

Wu gasped. "Widdie, stop a minute. Please."

"What's the matter, baby? I thought you wanted this," Widdie teased, his fingers squeezing Wu's buttock.

"You fucking know I do, you bastard. I just think maybe there's still a little bit too much daylight out for me to start showing a rise in my pants." He paused, looked around at the people strolling by singly, in pairs, and groups. No one was really close, but still.... "Ah, hell. Fuck it! If anybody's lookin' that's their good luck. Keep goin', stud."

"You know I'm gonna." Widdie's long finger was circling Wu's anus, now. "Aw, shit, baby. It's just too dry in there." Widdie drew his hand up and out of it's confinement, and raised it to his face. As Wu craned his neck to watch, the tall man stared at him hypnotically. He put the pungently smelling fingers into his mouth, one by one, lingering over his long middle finger, wetting it well. Then he quickly slipped his hand back into the human glove of Wu's butt. This time he didn't linger in the anteroom. Still staring deep into the eyes of the shorter man, Widdie forced his finger up into the puckered asshole. Wu flinched at the abrupt entrance, and again when the probe hit his prostate. Widdie moved his finger, then, to gently massage the pleasure bulb, and Wu relaxed, turning to face front. "Oh, God, Russ. Fuck me with that finger!"

"Now then, my young, ginger-colored, cinnamon smellin' boy-stallion, what shall we talk about? Let me see..."

"Talk?" Wu's mind revolved around the warm finger gently stroking the center of his being.

"Yeah, baby," Widdie breathed in his ear. "We came out for an evening of uplifting..." Widdie brought his hand upward, the pressure of the finger on his swollen gland forcing Dennis to rise to his toes. "...conversation." Slowly Widdie's hand lowered, and the youth came back down to the ground.

"Oh. Right. Uh, so, do you have any brothers and sisters? Besides Dak, I mean?"

"Nope. Just the two of us. How about you?"

"Unh! Brother. Unh!! Two years older. He's in grad school at Oregon UNH!!! State."

"What's your major, Gingerman? What year are you, by the way?"

"Senior, same as you. Oh! Right there! Yeah. God, that's good. Please, keep it right there. Physics and math. And there! Right in between those two places." Wu's breath was coming in short, steady gasps. His cock, which had jumped to full attention when the finger penetrated him, had fallen back into a half-hard droop. He became aware of a trickle of liquid beginning to run down his right thigh. The attention to his prostate was setting up a steady flow of precum. "Man, I'm dripping like a faucet. This is really what it means to be turned on." He giggled. Widdie snorted in appreciation.

"How about reaching around and feelin' up my right thigh," Widdie suggested.

A group of young men were tossing a football back and forth. The nearest boy fumbled the ball and it bobbled toward Wu and Widdie. Wu kicked at the ball as it came near, connected, and the ball took a long hop into the air. "Thanks, buddy," the youth called out, snagging the ball and turning back to his pals and their game.

"Nice save, 'buddy'. Now how 'bout savin' me?" Widdie whispered. Wu inched his right hand behind his body and connected with Widdie's knee. He stroked upward and almost immediately felt the warm thickness of the basketball player's dick pulsing under his jeans.

"Oh, oh. Looks like this leg's deformed. I should probably take a closer look, to be sure. Might have to operate."

"You think liposuction would help a thing like that?"

"Not too sure about lipo-, but suction is definitely gonna be necessary." He slowly caressed upward until his hand came to the constricting crotch of the pants, then worked just as slowly back down, his fingers pausing now and then to squeeze lightly. "God, I still can't believe I took this whole thing! I'm kinda proud of that, you know?"

"I'm totally proud of you, baby. For that, and everything. You're a real man, in every fine sense of the word." Slowly Widdie pulled his finger out of Wu's pulsating hole. He ran his hand, still inside the loose, cotton sweatpants, forward, around Wu's hip. Widdie pulled his body firmly up to cradle himself against Wu's back. He reached around and found the other man's stiffening rod, threaded his hand under it, and cupped the heavy hanging ball sac. "Yeah. All man, and plenty of it! Baby, what do you say we see what's on the other side of this here shed? Unless you have a hankering to lick my cum out of my jeans, that is."

"If you blew your nuts in your pants, I would lick it out. You know that? Do you know I'd lick it off the floor, for you?" Wu asked, as they headed around the small barn.

"Yeah, honey," Widdie said, tenderly. "I believe you would." They turned the corner into semi-darkness. There was nobody on this side of the building. Widdie backed Wu up against the wall. Widdie's hands caressed Wu's shoulders. Wu slid his hands inside the coat and yanked up on Widdie's shirttails until he could feel warm, naked manflesh against his skin. The two kissed long and deeply. Then, in one abrupt movement, Widdie dropped to his knees and at the same time yanked Wu's pants far down and drew the head of his penis into his mouth. With one hand he guided and frigged the cock, while the other hand snaked between the youth's legs, up into his sweaty crack. Once more the long, brown finger found the puckered rose of Wu's anus. It was spasmed tightly closed, now, in response to Wu's rigid erection. Widdie massaged the tight sphincter, his finger moving in synch with his sucking mouth. In moments the entryway relaxed, and his finger slid up into the boy's body, eager to return home.

Widdie probed upward until he found the bulb of pain and pleasure. He began a soothing, gentle massage of Wu's prostate. He stopped sucking and held the prick loosely in his mouth, laving the underside with his tongue. In moments his delicate attack was rewarded. A flow of precum began to trickle out onto his tongue. He pulled his head back, now, sticking his tongue far out to catch the milky nectar, and watched as it dribbled out of the long, saffron-colored tool.

Wu leaned back against the shed. An incredible wash of heat flowed through him as the magic finger played his guts like a violin. He watched in a daze as the fluid leaking from his body was caught on the tongue of the handsome black man crouching before him. As Wu looked down, Widdie's soft brown eyes shifted up from the fountaining cockhead to Wu's face. Seeing Wu gazing at him, Widdie brought his tongue back into his mouth, smiled broadly up at the boy, and moved forward so that the flow of precum splashed down on his face. Pearly streams ran down his cheeks, over his chin, and down his finely muscled throat to disappear under the collar of his shirt. Dennis imagined the white rivulets flowing out over Russ's muscular chest, branching, twisting down over his sides, and trickling through the trail of hair from his navel to his thick, black bush. The mental pictures, along with the sight of Widdie's cum-streaked face and the motions of the finger still stroking his prostate made Wu's cock rise into the air, still dripping. Widdie hunched forward, nabbed the ascending dick and brought his lips to the head, sucking it into his mouth. He lunged, swallowing the cockhead and went on swallowing until his forehead was snug against Wu's hairy belly.

Dennis hunched forward, grabbed Widdie's head, and fucked his meat deeply down the hot velvet throat. "Take it, stud man! Suck my cock!" He pulled out, jammed back in, again and again. "Oh, man! I'm gonna SHOOOOOTTT!!" And with a last, mighty plunge down Widdie's throat, he blasted out a bolt of molten cum. Widdie kept up the to and fro bobbing of his head, never relaxing the maddening friction on the gushing prick.

Finally Wu pulled back. His spent cock was still half hard, and steaming in the chill autumn night. He stumbled, his knees suddenly weak. Widdie bounded up, put his arms around the other to brace him.

"Hey, I 'bout wore you out, didn't I, baby?" Widdie's lips brushed softly over Wu's flushed face, his tongue darting out to flutter over one silken eyelash, dip into a warm ear.

"Yeah. I'm a little dizzy." He chuckled. "I think I need to put my head between your legs." Then he had another thought. "Or, no. Better yet, I just need to lean against this wall for a few minutes." He turned to face the wall, and leaned forward, bracing his arms against the shed. His sweatpants were still down below his knees. Widdie was presented with the sight of Wu's perfect round, firm melons. Just in case the tall man hadn't gotten the point, Wu reached his hands behind him and slowly, seductively spread his cheeks, showing his red, well-fingered asshole.

"Shit, Gingerman. You sure?" Widdie breathed.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. How long you figure it'll take you to get your prick up my ass?"

"How about now, pretty boy?" Widdie's jeans were instantly unsnapped and unzipped. His own precum had been flowing since he'd turned his face up to catch Wu's pearly offering. Widdie snuggled his dickhead up against the hot, red rosette and pushed in without preamble. Wu grunted from pressure and pain as the long black club catapulted past his already tender prostate. But pain became pleasure as more and more of the lance was shoved up his ass, well past the hurting place and into the dark cavern of delight. He moaned in delirium, eyes closed, head thrown back and swaying from side to side as the log moved up, up, up, demanding complete possession.

There was a block, a turn in Wu's colon, a blazing flare of pain. Russ slowed, worked his cock in a swaying, circular motion, until the gut had a chance to re-wrap itself around his prong. Then the tall man went on, pressing still more manmeat into the near-fainting youth. As he fed cock into the boy, Widdie's hands swarmed over the stiffened, sweating torso, bared now, the sweatshirt torn off in the heat of first penetration. Under his hands, he could feel his cock's upward progress through the flesh of Wu's belly. He followed it up until the cockhead passed the boy's sternum, then turned his fingers to stroking Dennis's chest, tweaking at his swollen nipples. Russ pulled one hand backward through Wu's armpit, smelled the sweat, licked it off his hand, then put his arm back around the boy to pull him closer.

Finally he hit bottom, his wiry pubic bush grinding into Wu's tortured butt. The big man's mouth went to the back of Wu's neck. He licked and sucked on the sweet, sweating flesh as he whipsawed his cock in and out of the gaping hole. Loud sucking sounds came up from the lust pit. The sex sounds mingled with Wu's soft, gasping moans and the animal grunts from Widdie, who was now fucking him furiously. For a while the man jabbed with short strokes, savagely grinding his pubes against the boy's ass. Then he switched tempo and pulled nearly all the way out. Ropy strings of sticky, dark fluid hung from the man's swollen cock and dripped, unnoticed, on his trousers, on his shoes. Slowly, tantalizingly he pushed back into Wu's shuddering body.

"Oh, baby. I'm fuckin' you. Unh! Fuckin' you, honey. Got my BIG, unh! BLACK, unh! COCK up your YELLOW, unh! ASS! All the way, UNH! you sweet, queer, little pussy-man. UNHHHH! Fuckin' shootin' my hot load up your FUCKIN' ASSHOLE!!!" Widdie let loose blast after blast of hot cum up the tortured shit-chute, long-dicking the boy with bestial fury. One last lunge brought a final release to the agony in his balls. The big man's head fell forward onto Wu's shoulder and at the same time his hips spasmed, incredibly jerking his prong still deeper into the almost unconscious youth. "Unhhh!" The same sound came from both exhausted men.

As one, they fell to their knees, then on down to lie, spent, on the ground. Gasping noises and, from Wu, tiny moaning sounds at each exhale. Then, "Baby, you okay?" Widdie asked the back of Wu's head. Only the soft pain sounds. "Gingerman? Denny? Say something, man!"

Widdie staggered up onto his knees and bent over the other man. Gently he lifted Wu's head. The boy's eyes were closed, his mouth open, a trickle of spittle running down his cheek to the ground. A loud sound, the release of pent up wind and fluids, brought Widdie'd eyes around to the kid's backside. A dark runnel was shooting out under pressure. As the rivulet waned, the young man moaned and opened his eyes. "Russ?"

"I'm right here, guy. Rest, huh? Let it flow an' go." Widdie sat, cross legged, and cradled Wu's head in his lap. Wu took a long, shuddering breath, another. Then he tried to sit.

"Wait, baby. Scoot forward a little bit before you sit up, okay?" Russ helped Dennis to inch forward, out of the muddied patch, and then to rise to his knees, and on up onto his feet.

"God, I'm sorry, Russ. I guess I sorta passed out for a minute. Shit! What a fuckin' mess! Did I do that?" Wu was staring at the pool of slime on the ground in front of them.

"More like we did it. Don't pull up your pants yet. Lemme find something to wipe you off with." Widdie peered around the grounds behind the shed. He saw nothing, and walked around the corner. In moments he returned with a cloth. He squatted behind Wu and gently wiped his butt and legs where the awful concoction of materials had splashed. "'Kay, stud. That oughta hold you 'til we can find a nice, hot tub."

Wu pulled his sweatpants up gingerly. "Thanks, big guy. I'm sorry I'm a wuss."

"Hey." Widdie pulled Wu into his arms. "You are no way a wuss. You're a stud hero warrior. I'm proud to wipe your ass, anytime, anywhere. Besides, I'm the one that got it all dirty. Let's get on out of here, eh? Air's gotten kinda bad, somehow."

The rally was still in full swing. They meandered around the perimeter of the field. It wasn't until after Widdie had trash-barrelled the shit-covered cloth that Wu noticed the big man was bare-chested under the trenchcoat.

Next: Chapter 10

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