Jock Sucker

By John Clark

Published on May 3, 1998


Chapter 2

"This doesn't have to be like what I wrote, you know." In his living room, Dak was suddenly a little shy. He knew he'd built up his recent sexual experiences in his mind until they were probably bigger than life. He was just a little afraid to go on. What if he'd imagined how good it'd been last spring? What if the kid wasn't as hot for him this time around.

He sat on the edge of the sofa, gestured Ion to a seat across from him.

"What do you mean?" Ion asked.

"Oh, you know. All that about how the guy blew me twice, and then he just sort of licked around on me and I started shootin' again. I guess it seemed like a bigger deal than it really was. Let's just relax and take it one step at a time. No pressure."

"There is pressure. I am so happy that you cared to find me. But I will not stop myself from telling you what I want. I want everything that you gave to that other man. And I don't really want to wait for it."

Ion stood, and in a fluid motion knelt before Dak. As his gaze locked with Dak's, his hands found the big man's knees. Slowly, gently, he massaged Dak's thighs, his hands working up until his left hand gently grazed the huge bulge throbbing inside the denim. Ion carefully lifted both hands to the solid metal belt buckle, only then lowering his eyes to the task of unlatching the belt. Finished with the belt, he grasped the closure with both hands, twisting to open the snap. Slowly, tantalizingly, he worked the zipper down. To his delight, the ballplayer wore no skivvies. His loving glance took in the wiry bush and the root of the quickly expanding brown hose. Faster now, the boy's hands parted the jeans, then he reached around to the man's hips to tug down the trousers.

"Ah, shit!" Dak jumped up, moving sideways so as not to knock over the startled youth. Ripping off his boots, Dak yanked off the tight jeans and stood, naked from the waste down, his huge black pole rising, pointing straight out as if to accuse the kneeling boy.

"I gotta tell you man," Dak said hoarsely, "it's been a long time. You touch that thing, it's gonna go off!"

In answer, Ion leaned forward, gently wrapped one hand around the surging cock. His tongue flicked out and licked slowly, sensually, up the piss slit. A pale fluid began to ooze out. Ion rubbed the head of the prick over his face, lost in the sensational smell and taste of the huge man's pre-cum.

"Aghhhh! Dak moaned. "Now, man! I'm gonna cum now!"

Ion pulled back, gulped a lungful of air, and plunged his mouth over the throbbing tool just in time for the first blast of lava to burst against his tongue. Clamping his mouth around the head of the dick, he jacked his hands around the shaft and swallowed as burst after burst of cum flooded his mouth and throat. He felt Dak's hands gripping his head, trying to steady it as the lunging prick bucked into his throat. His jaw gave at once under the pressure, wrenching out of place, to allow the ramrod past the cartilage and down, down nearly to his stomach. Finally, thrust after thrust drained the big man. His knees shaking, Dak stepped back, pulling his softening cock slowly, gingerly out of Ion's throat.

"Oh, God. Oh, my sweet God. That was so fine."

With a sigh, Dak fell back onto the sofa, legs splayed outward. Ion sat on the floor leaning his arms along Dak's thighs. Quietly he worked his aching jaw back into place. He breathed several times, in through his mouth, out through his nose, savoring the bitter, oily taste and smell of Dak's heavy semen.

Carefully, slowly, Ion sighed and laid his face in Dak's sweating lap. The big man caressed the curly dark head beneath him.

"Thanks, man," Dak said, clearing his throat. "That was fantastic!"

"Remove your shirt and be comfortable," Ion suggested.

Dak tugged his T-shirt over his head, unaware of Ion's eyes devouring the sight of the muscular torso as it came into view. First the boy saw the washboard abs, then gasped silently as the fabric slid up to uncover the thumb-sized dark brown nipples, erect and proud crowns on the rounded slabs of muscle. He gasped again, this time aloud when the shirt pulled up to reveal the deep, thickly furred armpits. Then the shirt was lifted up, over Dak's head, and the show was over. Ion forced himself to show nothing. His heart did a double beat as he willed himself to calmness. He must not let this man know how deeply he felt. He would spook easily, this athletic demigod. Emotions must not be shown. The boy knew he could lose this precious contact if he seemed eager.

"No. That was not fantastic." He looked up into the dark brown face looming over him.

"That was the release of much pressure. That it felt good is true, of course. But it was too fast. I am sorry. I have much to learn. This, now, this will be fantastic."

Still gazing calmly into Dak's eyes, Ion grasped the long brown penis. His touch was feather soft as he guided the tool toward his face. His chiseled lips pursed slightly as he blew a soft stream of warm breath over the cockhead. His tongue slipped through his lips to caress the strong-smelling head of Dak's manhood with a touch as delicate as the landing of a butterfly.

The big man sighed. "That's so fine, Babylamb. So fuckin' fine." He shivered, then squirmed to find a more relaxed, comfortable position, lolling back, muscular legs again splayed out with the boy kneeling between them. "Perfect, man." One hand lightly fondled Ion's head, the other stroked his own barrel chest, played with his nipples, pinched, and moved on, fingers playing idly in the trail of hair below his navel. Gentle waves of pleasure spread outward from his solar plexus. A muted adrenalin flow weaved through his body. He looked down with perfect contentment at the youth lapping his dick. Sure enough, too, the kid was right. The hardon was coming. Slow, no pressure, just feelin' good. Damn, yeah. Feelin' so good.

Dak moved both hands to Ion's head, caressing, rubbing gently, savoring the soft, woolly feel of the boy.

Now Ion lifted the shaft. The tip of his tongue found the spot where cock met ballsack, and he began to wash the prick thoroughly, methodically, stroking upwards, making the veins swell as the mighty cock started its outward journey. Slowly, this time, like the giant planet Jupiter wending its ponderous path around the sun, the black tube inched into erection. Slowly, but unstoppably the love pole grew, swelled, with little bucking movements, rising to completion, to its glory and fullness.

Silently, his face showing nothing, Ion licked, kissed, nipped gently. His heart was bursting with adoration for the phallus towering before him. In this moment it was his life, his meaning. He continued to lick each groove, each indentation, finally moving his worshipping tongue to the head. With infinite care, Ion used his fingertips to gently open the overhanging foreskin. His avid tongue pushed into the dark cave, not willing to miss any offering of leftover fluid that might still linger from the last blast. Blank-faced, the boy's heart and prick pounded as the taste again hit his senses. Blissed, he moaned. And his moan was answered by a full-throated groan from the dark god above him.

Ion pulled his head back and watched, intent, as his fingers slowly rolled back the heavy, purplish foreskin. He sighed in a moment of pure worship as he caught sight of the perfect flare of the cockhead. The shaft swelled still more, and pushed the head out, free. The foreskin was pulled taut to accommodate the continued, unbelievable growth of the pole.

"Man, you know what you're doin', all right," Dak rumbled. His eyes, like Ion's, were fixed on his lengthening prick. "Never saw that ol' sucker get so big, so fast. And it's all yours, Babylamb."

Sweat had begun to glisten on his arms and chest as his body geared itself up to go into reproductive mode again, only minutes after its last bout. He felt a churning in his balls, almost a painful tugging as they fought to draw fluids from hidden reservoirs.

"Then I will take it now," Ion said. He bent over the rampant prick, taking the head into his mouth, stretching, stretching as inch after inch of the giant penis traveled over his tongue toward his already battered uvula. Steeling himself, Ion simultaneously wrenched his jaw out of range and made a heroic swallowing motion, taking the head of the dick down into his throat.

Again pain lanced through the boy's face. And again, tremendous joy and pride stiffled the pain.

Dak reared up, standing, leaning, struggling to find the best, the most satisfying angle. His mighty arms supported his torso against the wall, his legs braced out behind him so that his whole cock could ram in and out of the boy's mouth, down his throat, almost to his stomach. He felt Ion working with him, pursing his lips to form a tight seal around the pistoning shaft. Dak thrust all the way in. He felt the boy's lips buried deep in his hairy bush. He had no time or headroom for thought now, only an incredible rush of pleasure as he long-dicked the willing youth.

Ion, too, had no time or energy for thought. The torrential push and pull of Dak's penis, deep, shallow, deep, shallow, through his mouth and down his gullet set up a corresponding surge and ebb in his own body. Now the fat dick massaging his throat felt good, soothing. As pain and thought were driven out by the sensation of being so well and truly fucked, Ion's own cock, hard but still crammed down the leg of his jeans, demanded to be free.

Carefully, not looking, not willing to do anything to disturb the precious equilibrium of the sexual frenzy, Ion felt for his own belt. Blindly, his fingers unbuckled the belt, pulled down his zipper, and eased his dick free to spring into the air.

With one hand, Ion began a cautious frigging on his penis, knowing that his own end would come as quickly as Dak's had, the first time. And he definitely didn't want to cum too soon! With his other hand, he dared to reach up, to stroke the hairy, corrugated belly heaving above him.

Dak felt the hand on his stomach, and it seemed to shoot a blaze of heat through his skin, straight into his solar plexus. A blast of adrenalin shot upward through the black man's chest, and at the same time shot downward, straight into the balls that were slamming on the underside of Ion's chin. He bucked harder, deeper into Ion's straining maw, and


Dak's stabbing, jerking, fuck went on and on in Ion's throat. He shot his load in agonizing bursts, grunting out loud with each savage thrust, until he finally slowed, sated, his last pulsing gob forced down the raw canal. He started to pull his now painful cock out of Ion's mouth.

Now! Ion thought. He tightened his grip on his own dick, made two hard pulls, and his own load shot high into the air as he savored the feeling of Dak's huge penis sliding out of his mouth, savored the taste, the smell.

The smell! Oh God, he thought. I've made a mess! As Dak swayed, nearly unconscious, back toward his haven on the sofa, Ion hurriedly stuffed himself back into his pants. He looked around, found where the bulk of his semen had landed, and swabbed it up with his handkerchief before Dak looked up. Thank God, no carpet. No mess. Ion took a long, ragged breath. He resumed his facade of unconcerned calm.

"Oh, man. Oh, man. Ion. Babylamb." Dak sat up. He looked at the boy still sitting on the floor. "Okay. You were right. The first time was only wonderful. This was fantastic. I have not. Ever. In. My. Life. Not ever. Felt anything even close to that good. And it's gotta have hurt you like hell."

"Of course it did not. What do you mean?"

"I was pounding you into the floor, man! What do you mean, what do I mean?"

"Your arms were braced against the wall, supporting all of your weight. You put none on me." He gave the other man a long appraising look. "And, so? You are satisfied with the experience so far?" He asked.

"Satisfied? Sheeeit! Yeah, you could say I'm satisfied. For about a year. Whattaya mean, so far? I'm tapped out, man. Totally spent. And then some."

"Do you remember I told you that I want everything you gave to that other man?"

Ion unfolded himself from his cross-legged squat on the floor before Dak.

"May I sit by you?"

"Hell, yes. Of course. Please. Jeeze, I'm a lousy host. I'm sorry."

Ion sat near, but not touching the big man

"You are sweating heavily. I believe that licking the sweat from your body is my next assignment?" Ion looked up at Dak with an innocent smile.

"Oh, hey. No, man. You don't have to do that. Sorry, I know I'm all groaty."

Dak reached for his T-shirt and began to wipe down.

"No!" Ion said. He grabbed the shirt from Dak's hand.

"It is for me to do. You must, please, just relax and let me go to work. Perhaps you should spread your arms along the back of the sofa. Yes. Like that. Relax. Watch my progress. And enjoy it."

Ion allowed himself a moment of exuberant joy, though it didn't show in his face or posture. Yes, he thought. It will happen just like he wrote. I will be able to touch his wonderful body elsewhere than his penis. Not only to touch it, but to lick it! I will taste his sweat. If I am never allowed to be with him again, this will give me much happiness to remember always. He is so beautiful.

"Even your calves seem to have perspired. Good, then. We shall start there."

The boy slid back down to the floor, kneeling again between the bigger man's legs. He breathed in the strong aroma of sex sweat, and bent his head to the huge right calf. His hands went, one to the ankle, the other beneath the knee, and lifted the leg. His tongue flicked out and caught a bead of moisture as it trickled down the inside of the hard calf muscle. He tasted the mild salt tang of the sweat and at the same time his tongue reported on the rough texture of the leg hairs. Here the hairs were sparse but stiff, angling out from the calf like thin wires.

Savoring both taste and feel, Ion licked here and there, wherever he found droplets of sweat, until he had performed the service on both legs up to mid-thigh. He looked up, then at the sprawling giant.

Dak was lying back, as instructed, and watching the young man work. He couldn't argue the fact that it was surprisingly relaxing. The same feeling he'd had when the football player had lapped up his sweat was coming over him, a pleasant lassitude with just a dash of quiet excitement. Nice. He wasn't sure, though, how he felt about this kid doing it. It seemed like a kind of raunchy scene. Maybe even on the edge of sleazy. This kid was too nice to be forcing him to do something like this. Maybe. But the guy seemed to be okay with it. Didn't really look like he minded a bit. What the hell. Like the man said, "Relax and enjoy."

Seeing Dak gazing back at him, eyes half-lidded, Ion wondered if he was pleasing his idol.

"How am I doing?" He asked.

"Great." Dak gave a contented sigh.

Ion stood, stretched himself, then knelt again, this time tight up against Dak's crotch. He leaned forward and licked around Dak's navel. His tongue darted into the dark hole, twirling in the warm hairiness. He felt the rough furrows deep inside the navel, the smooth sides. He also felt a stirring beneath his own sweatshirt-covered stomach where Dak's prick, quiet up 'til now, suddenly gave a little jerk. Good, he thought. There is always hope...

The boy half-stood, now. He crouched, leaning forward, his hands resting on Dak's wide spread lats as he approached the magnificent chest. Where to start, he wondered. He chose to lick the under curve of a giant pectoral. How good he smells. And tastes! The boy thought. He ran his tongue up to caress the out-jutting nipple. Oh, heaven. He sucked the tit into his mouth, grazed it lightly with his teeth. And felt a shiver in the body beneath him.

"This ain't happenin', Babylamb. Can't be happenin'. I'm gettin' a fuckin' hardon again!" The athlete's words were slurred from excitement, fatigue, anticipation. His senses reeled as blood rushed through his head and through the tiny corridors of erectile tissue throughout his body.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Hell, no! Keep on keepin' on, baby. Whoooee!"

Ion was no longer able to press on with only his tongue. Now his head lashed back and forth, his face rolled around, caressing the muscular torso. Tasting, smelling, feeling. His cheeks, enflamed with the sensitivity of lust told him how the few stiff hairs on Dak's chest felt. The shell of his ear rubbed teasingly over a hard nipple. Slowly, surely, his face moved around to the side until he was breathing in the full scent of Dak, his face inches below the bristling armpit.

Dak was breathing heavily now. Ripples of energy shot through his body.

"Do it, baby. God, yeah. Do it." He gasped.

For a moment Ion paused, his head clearing suddenly. What am I doing? He asked himself. I am a man. An athlete. And my face is so close to another man's body that all I can see is skin and hair. I am choking on the acrid smell of his sweating. I do not belong here. For an instant his mind's eye was far away, above, looking down on the torrid scene. He saw a youth, clothed, poised over the hot, naked body of an enormous, powerfully built black man. Yes! he thought, homing again in the heat and musk of the moment. I am with Dak! And he is allowing me this greatest of intimacies. This, I want more than anything!

And rational thought fled, banished by the lusty roaring of blood in his veins. Ion slowly, deliberately lowered his face into the thicket of sweat drenched, black hair. Again and again the boy breathed deeply, savoring the smell, the scratching of his skin.

Dak groaned, his belly rippling in a galvanic jolt. Damn! It was happening. He could feel the liquid beginning to traverse the length of his still semi-flaccid penis. Unreal!

"Babylamb, I think..."

Frantically Ion shook his head. Not yet. Oh, not yet. His tongue lunged out of his mouth with a life of its own. Down it surged, through the pungent snarls, laving, bathing the armpit, mixing spit and sweat. His lips sucked, greedily drinking the salty moisture.


Ion jerked back and down to sink to his knees before Dak.

It was true! A flow of yellowish-white fluid was draining, pushed in little jerking spurts from the long, still limp cock. Quickly tonguing up the milky pool gathering on Dak's broad thigh, the boy caught up the dick, taking the head in his mouth once again. How sweet, this taste, he thought. Not so strong as the other times. More like warm, salty milk.

Dak's thigh and belly muscles strained as his internal organs bore down to force out this uncommon load of spunk. For what seemed like minutes the flow continued, gradually dwindling to a thin stream.

Ion knelt, eyes closed, the great, flared head of the prick resting in his mouth. He swallowed. Swallowed. It seemed like this endless time was the summation of his life, the reason for all that had gone before. He was barely aware of his own orgasm, shot almost unnoticed inside his jeans. The pleasure that suffused all his senses as he tasted and swallowed, tasted and swallowed, was sublime. He was completely connected to his hero. The precious fluid was binding them into one being.

For a time Ion continued to swallow after the flow had ceased. He felt Dak wriggle in his seat, opened his eyes. Gently he grasped and lifted the long, limp penis, letting it pass from his reluctant lips. Aware, again, of the world around him, Ion was conscious of a tightening of his skin as the overflow of seminal fluid began to dry on his lips, chin and cheeks. He had really reveled in it, he thought. Quickly he took out his handkerchief and mopped his face.

"Thank you," he said, softly.

"Hey, thank you!" Dak said. He squirmed. "Man, that is the weirdest feeling. Its like cumming and pissing all at the same time. Fine. Really fine. I didn't really know if it would happen. I mean, that other time coulda been a fluke, you know what I mean?"

Again the big man squirmed around on the damp cushion.

"Only thing, now it feels like my guts are being pulled out."

"No! I have hurt you!"

"Uh, uh. No way. You didn't do anything except be there for me in the best kind of way. No more of that 'I'm so sorry' shit, Babylamb. Far as I'm concerned, you're my number one man. Period. You hear me?"

Ion's face relaxed into a happy smile.

"Where does it hurt, then, oh strongman. How does it feel? Perhaps I can help."

"Feels like my abs can't stop jerking."

His belly was quivering, spasming gently in aftershocks of tormented passion.

" But mostly it's, like, down here." He lifted his steaming genitals in one hand, gingerly probing with the other in the space between the base of his scrotum and his anus. "Yeah, shit. Feels like a sprained ankle, only up my ass."

"Massage will help," Ion said. He leaned forward and slid his hand under Dak's, shucking it away from the throbbing frenum. His fingers lightly played over the area, rhythmically caressing the sore muscles.

"Ouch," Dak grunted. But he didn't pull away from the gently massaging fingers. "Yeah. Thanks. That does feels good."

The big man sank back, relaxing. He stretched, eyes closing, a tired smile building on his lips. "Thass good baby..."

Ion heard a soft snort and looked up from his feather-light handiwork . He smiled. Dak had fallen asleep.

Dak roused himself. The rhythmic movement that had lulled him into slumber had changed somehow. Trying to move as little as he could, he craned his neck to look down between his widespread legs. The boy was holding the cheeks of Dak's ass apart with his hands and was slowly licking upward from his anus to the base of his ballsack! The curly head bobbed back down and restarted its agonizingly slow ascent.

Dak groaned with pleasure. The warm, slightly rough drag of the boy's tongue was soothing and at the same time exciting. For sure nobody'd ever done this to Dak's body before! There was no urgency, no need for the stallion to rear up and mount the mare. This was just a sweet, sweet feeling to lay back and savor.

Dak straightened one leg, relieving a beginning cramp. Ion peered up. His eyes crinkled in a smile his mouth couldn't form, as his tongue continued its long, slow route.

"God, baby," Dak said huskily. "I already got lover's nuts."

"Yes, you certainly do," the boy agreed. He moved upward now, tonguing at the base of Dak's balls, lapping, swirling around on the goose eggs in the velvet sac. A lance of electricity spun up Dak's body, beginning at his asshole and sending a rush of blood up through his torso, into his face and scalp. And into his cock. The old soldier began jerking its way to attention.

Around and around Ion licked on the hairy, squirming nuts. Suddenly he drew one of the tender globes into his mouth. He sucked gently, his tongue still laving the testicle inside his mouth.

"Oh, SHIT! GOD OH GOD DON'T STOP!!" the linebacker choked out.

With his hands, the young gymnast began to slowly caress and frig the giant, ebony pole looming over his head. And then,


Dak's body arched out, jerking loose from Ion's mouth. His gut spasmed as his pumping phallus stabbed the air. Ion leaped up to cover the precious pole with his mouth. But as he sucked and laved the dickhead, he felt no discharge. He pulled back, puzzled. Dak reached out, grabbed his own cock and began beating it madly, up and down, up and down. Still nothing shot forth, even though his guts told him that he was pushing out a load of jism.

Harder and harder the big man frigged his cock, with deep, bullish grunts of inchoate sound.

"God, baby," he gasped finally. "Something's in there but it won't come out. Feels like a goddam rock up my prick!"

Then the piss slit opened wide and a glob came out. The size of a thumb head, it was brownish yellow, gelatinous. It perched on the head of Dak's cock, not moving, and not followed by anything further, as his inner spasms abruptly ceased.

Ion reached out a hand, touched the glob gingerly. Then without stopping to think about it, he scooped it up with finger and thumb and shoved it in his mouth. His face instantly puckered in a rictus-like grimace.

"What?" Dak said.

"Bitter!" The boy's mouth writhed, his tongue running over his teeth, scraping the roof of his mouth.

"Spit it out!"

"NO!" Ion's jaws worked. He bit into the gob of hardened gel, tears starting in his eyes. Chewing, tasting the mass in all its bitterness and acid tang, and finally swallowing.

"No. I could not spit it out. It was the essence of you."

As the naked man looked on, bemused, the boy got up and quietly made his way to the bathroom. Dak heard the sound of water running, hard. It didn't completely cover the sound of retching.

Next: Chapter 4

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