Jock Sucker

By John Clark

Published on Jun 29, 1998


Chapter 11

Dak opened the door and switched on the overhead light in his living room. Ion followed him into the room and closed the door. "Hungry, baby?"

"I think I couldn't eat just now." Again Ion felt a retching begin as his stomach rebelled against the ingested urine. He shivered. Dak gathered him in his arms and held him close, his face buried in Ion's hair. "You still have a little pee smell, Babylamb. Hey! I got an idea. How about I give you a nice warm bath?"

Ion pulled back and looked wryly up into Dak's grinning face. "Please, Mama. If I am dirty, I can wash myself!"

"Sure, but it might be more fun if I do it for you. I'm talking about a nice long soak in the tub, not a hurry-up shower. Come on. It'll be relaxing. You need some down time."

"Okay. I guess it would feel good."

Dak led the way to the bedroom, turning on lights as he went. "Take off your things and I'll start the water running."

Ion slipped off his shoes and shucked out of his clothing. He let it fall where he stood. The shower he'd taken earlier had been perfunctory, with no soap or shampoo. Still he hadn't complained. It'd been a godsend to be able to sluice off most of the foulness. He looked at the heap of sticky garments. Maybe I should just burn them all, he thought. He sighed. He had no extra money to replace perfectly good clothing. Also, he was too practical to act so rashly.

Naked, he perched tiredly on the edge of the straight chair Dak kept beside his bed. Some of Dak's clothing hung over the back of the chair. Ion leaned forward, so as not to infect anything with the filth he still felt clinging to his skin. His head lolled forward. He thought tiredly of his roommate. Only hours before, he'd scarcely existed for Ion. Now Ion knew him to be foul, the kind of person his former countrymen called dracul, and made the sign of the cross to ward off. He wondered idly what kind of treatment those other two men had in mind for Jason Twill, but he wasn't going to dwell on it. Let it go. I am here now, he thought. Where it is warm and safe. With Dak.

In the bathroom, steam rolled up as hot water splashed into the cool tub. Bubbles and a pleasant, woodsy scent rose from the greenish oil Dak had poured under the faucet. Dak peeled out of his clothes and tossed them in the corner. He sat on the floor, arms crossed on the rim of the tub, and buried his face. Silent sobs racked his body. God! What Ion had been through. He had to be hurting like hell. But he wouldn't show it. And Dak knew his lover was hurting in his mind and his heart even more than in his tortured butt. Ion was an innocent. One of God's people. Yeah, pure. Like an angel, almost. And he'd been dragged into hell.

Ion pushed open the bathroom door. Dak scrambled to his feet, a welcoming smile on his face. "All ready for you, stud bunny. Come 'n' get it!"

Ion saw the runnels of tears, the red eyes. He came to Dak in alarm. What is it? Why are you crying?" He reached up to seize Dak's shoulders. "Tell me!"

"Oh, baby, nothin'. I just... I just..." Dak crushed Ion to him, crying into his shoulder. Finally Ion's dam broke. He pressed his face against Dak's chest and began to sob, gasp for breath, sob. They held each other that way for minutes, each sharing the other's pain. Finally Dak loosened his bear hug slightly. His tears were slowing. He began to chuckle. Ion looked up, through his tears, wondering. "Jeeze, I'm glad I could cheer you up," Dak said. Ion started to smile, and they clinched again, this time sharing quiet laughter.

"Hey, this water's getting cold. Come on, hard-bod. Over you go." Dak boosted Ion over the edge of the tub, then climbed in behind him. They sat, Dak behind with Ion nestled between his legs. Dak picked up a wash cloth and began to scrub Ion all over.

Ion laughed again when Dak mugged the part of the fussy Mom, scrubbing behind the boy's ears. But neither laughed when he made Ion lean forward on his knees, and gently cleaned his butt, spreading the cheeks with infinite tenderness and washing the puckered anus, not with the cloth, but with the tips of his fingers. Finally the big man squeezed out a dollop of shampoo and worked up a full, floral-scented lather on Ion's head. "Let's leave this on a while. Lean back." Dak himself leaned against the sloping end of the tub and pulled Ion's body back to recline against him. He rested with his arms draped over Ion's shoulders, hands lying loose on Ion's chest.

Ion sighed. Dak could feel him relaxing, loosening. The tension was leaving them both. "I was in shock. I may have miss-heard you. Did you say you canceled your contract with the Dill Foundation?"

"Uhm, hmm."

"Because you wish to live with the man you love?"

"Oh. You heard that, too, huh?"

Ion caught up one of Dak's hands. He brought it to his mouth and lightly bit the thumb. Dak snickered. "And have I had the pleasure of meeting this man?" Ion asked.

"'Scuse me a minute," Dak said. He grabbed up a cup he'd had ready beside the tub, filled it with water and poured it unceremoniously over Ion's head. "Hey!" Ion spluttered. Again Dak scooped and poured, rinsing the wilted lather from Ion's head. Ion tried to break loose, but Dak held him firmly around the waist. "Hold still, tadpole. Lemme get you finished up here in the salon." Finally he laid the cup aside and raised both hands to sluice the water from Ion's tightly curled locks.

Dak repositioned his arms around Ion. He pulled him back into the semi-reclining position they'd rested in earlier. He bent his face down to kiss Ion's ear. "Sorry if I startled you. I just wanted to get rid of all that soap so I could put my face in your hair again. You know, your hair was one of the first things I noticed about you?"

Ion laughed. "Sure. Because it was the only part of me you could see, except for the top of my shoulders, because I was down on my knees sucking your cock!"

"Such talk!" Dak laughed too, and made circles with his face in Ion's wet, springy curls. "Guess it's true, though. Anyway, I like my face in your hair, and that's that. 'Specially when I tell you, yeah, you've had the pleasure of meeting the man I love. You've lived with him all his life. And I'm asking you to let me live with him, too. Will you marry me, Babylamb?"

Ion twisted around so the front of his torso slid up the front of Dak's until they came face to face. "I will marry you. I have married you. I married you the first moment your penis entered my mouth. You just didn't know it yet." A soft smile played over his face. "Maybe I didn't either. But it was so."

An answering smile broke over Dak's rough-hewn face. "Yeah. It was so, Ion." They kissed long and quiet. Then Ion turned back to lie spooned against his mate.

"I was frightened. When he put that thing into me, I was filled with terror." Ion spoke low, almost murmuring into the suds. Dak strained to hear. He knew Ion needed to get this said, and out of his system.

"Near my home - when I was a boy, I mean - is the ruin of Bron Castle. It was the home of Vlad Tepes."

"Is that the guy they called Vlad the Impaler? I thought he was from Transylvania."

"Yes. So am I. Transylvania is the northern part of Romania. And the memory of Vlad is still powerful. Many feel that his wickedness lives on as an invisible spirit." Dak tightened his arms around Ion's shoulders and began to stroke his chest gently. "When I felt that cold, hard thing penetrating me, suddenly I became a Transylvanian peasant set upon the stake for the entertainment of the evil prince. I almost seemed to feel my life slipping away as the blood drained from my body."

Ion's eyes stared, unseeing, into the distance, his inner sight focused on that unspeakable and unforgettable horror of long ago. He fell silent. Dak bent forward and softly kissed the nape of his neck. Abruptly Ion reached up and took Dak's right hand in both of his own. He held it out before his face, studied it. One by one he bent down all but the middle finger, leaving that one standing in the universal signal.

"Dak, I must rid myself of this demon in my mind. You must help me. Put this finger into me! It will be you, and it will be safe and good, and I will be free. You will erase the cold, plastic evil that has been there. Will you do this for me?"

Dak was silent for a moment, thinking. God knew he didn't want to cause Ion any pain. In face, he'd kill to save Ion from hurt. But he could see value in his lover's request. If he was careful, used plenty of lubricant and went slowly, then maybe it could dispel some of the cloud from Ion's mind. Might even be able to soothe his bruised butt a little bit, too. It was worth a try.

"Okay. But let's move it into the bedroom so we can stretch out and get comfortable. Also warm and dry!"

Ion lay face down, head turned to the side so he could watch, at least from the corner of his eye, what Dak was doing. A pillow under his groin pushed his firm, round butt up into the sky. Dak opened a jar of petroleum jelly. Then he had a thought.

"Baby, one time you did something for me that really felt good. It helped my ass when I was hurting from cumming real hard. I'm gonna lick you a little bit first, okay?"

"Oh. I forgot. He did that to me too, before he put in the device. It didn't hurt, but I resented his invasion of my body, even though it was only his tongue. But I would never resent you."

Dak spread Ion's legs further apart and crouched between them. He gently stroked Ion's buns, then moved closer and kissed them. The muscles were tense.

"Hey, Ion? You know what? You smell just like bath oil!"

Ion laughed, and some of the tension evaporated. Dak traced the crack with a forefinger and felt the muscles tighten slightly. He ran his finger back up and down the groove several times until the spasming stopped. With both hands he parted the cheeks, moving slowly and gently. The rosette lay before him, pink, puckered, and moist. A powerful feeling of love, mingled with a pleasantly erotic rush flowed through Dak. He'd never looked at anyone's ass before, not close up. He hadn't known how he'd react. It felt good. He leaned forward and brushed his nose over the soft protuberance, then he found it with his lips and delicately kissed Ion's anus.

Ion felt the cool air on his inner flesh, then a slight pressure as something passed lightly over his hidden mound. Then a softness that could only be Dak's generous mouth was caressing him there. He gasped in pleasure. He felt his rectum spasm, but it wasn't from pain or dread. This time, he knew, it was because the muscles were being pulled inward as his penis tugged outward in the opposite direction pulling his ass more tightly closed for a moment. He savored the feeling as his cock stretched against the bedsheet under him.

Dak felt the tightening of the anus, too. He thought he'd frightened Ion. He massaged the firm cheeks beneath his palms. Fearing Ion was growing restive, Dak worked up his courage and stuck out his tongue. For a moment he probed only with the tip, then he breathed deeply and ran the flat upper surface of his tongue upward over the rosette. As his tongue sensed the texture and taste of Ion's ass, Dak was hit with an intense jolt of desire. He was doing it! He was licking Ion's beautiful asshole! His tongue twirled and spun over the sweet mound. His saliva flowed freely as his lips nibbled at the puckered flesh. Greedily he sucked back his spit, flavored of Ion now, tasted, gulped. Drooled and sucked, again and again until suddenly his wildly lashing tongue found a dent deeper than the rest and was drawn in as though by a magnet.

"YES!" Ion cried as he felt Dak's tongue defeat the last defensive flutter of his anal muscles and slide up into his rectum. His whole being seemed to center around the warm, wet invader. He felt the probe slide deeper, pull back, then thrust in again. Then there was even more pleasure as Dak's wonderful member began to rotate, massaging all around the inner walls. He cold hear the wet sounds as his own fluids mixed with Dak's saliva, heard and felt Dak loudly sucking the mixture into his mouth! This was a wonderful feeling, warm and soothing and at the same time thrilling! Ion ground his ass back against Dak's eager mouth, wanting more of the tongue - wanting it deeper!

Finally, reluctantly, Dak pulled his tongue out of the precious hold. His tongue and jaw ached from the unaccustomed activity. He lapped at the outer surface for a final, loving time, then sat back to rest his cramped muscles.

"Was that okay?"

Ion opened his eyes and turned to smile at Dak. "I wanted you to never stop. I love you so much. And look..." His eyes sparkled. He rolled onto his side. "You have given me a hardbone." Dak Laughed in delight. "That's 'hardon', and it sure is. Now lay back down before I start eating that, too!" Dak put a hand on Ion's hip and rolled him back onto his stomach. He reached for the lubricant and scooped up a glob on his fingertips. He spread Ion's cheeks with his other hand, and gently spread the jelly over the pink mound. "You still sure you want to do this?"

"I am sure. You will give me nothing but pleasure."

Gently, slowly, Dak inserted the tip of his finger into the central well and pushed until the first knuckle was at the rim. He was surprised to find that this experience was as stimulating to him as the oral one had been. True, he couldn't smell or taste Ion, but now he could see! He watched, fascinated, as his thick, brown finger pressed further into the hole. He was finger-fucking the kid! He felt his own dick start to rise in excitement.

Ion gasped as he felt the finger prodding faster now, more insistent. "Oh," he gasped. Almost, for a moment, it was the stake again, and his blood was running out of his pierced body, down the wooden pike to blacken the ground. But, no. It was Dak. It was okay. And the probe hit bottom. It could go no further. He felt Dak's knuckles touching the soft floor of his cleft. He let out the breath he'd been holding, breathed in deeply, and began to relax. He felt the warm finger stroking in and out in a shallow rhythm, occasionally spinning in a tight circle. Gradually he was able to relax the clenched muscles. He began to move his hips in a slight counter rotation, as the feelings generated by the moving finger turned from frightening to pleasing. It was a good idea to do this, he knew. Now there were other ways that he and Dak could enjoy one another. His fear of impalement was gone.

"Stop, now, please."

Dak withdrew his finger more slowly than he had put it in. He didn't want to finish the experience harshly or abruptly. "Was it hurting you, baby?"

"No. My body is ready, now."

"For what?"

"For this." Ion reached down and grasped Dak's half-erect member.

"Oh, no, man. No way! Look, your hand can't go even half way around it. And you know how long it gets. Baby, I'm just too big for us to do that."

"I can do it."

Dak scooted down to lie beside Ion, his arms going out to hold him. "Honey, you're a little guy. A beautiful, hard-bodied stud, but little. Look at this..." He held his cock up against his body and moved to put his hips even with Ion's. "It isn't hard, Ion, and it reaches up to your tits!"

"Yes. When you are putting it in, you will meet obstruction when you come to the place where the descending colon meets the transverse at a nearly right angle. You must be slow and patient then, and again, perhaps, if you reach the ascending colon, to give my bowels time to shift and slide onto your penis."

"God, you sound like a doctor!"

"No. But I am a trained athlete, and I know what my guts are called. And how they are shaped. More or less."

"But Ion..." Ion's hand came up and covered Dak's mouth.

"Dak, you have taught me not to fear the stake. This cock of yours is not a stake, but a flesh-covered tube of blood vessels. It is warm and soft to the touch." Ion stroked the growing penis as he talked. "And it has sensitivity to that which it explores. Remember, I have taken it into my stomach from above. I know it well. I love it. And I trust it. It will not hurt me. It is you, and you will not hurt me. You could not" He leaned down to kiss and lick the head of Dak's outsized rod. It truly did come nearly to the center of his chest.

"True, I am not an ogreish giant of a man like you." He reached up, now, and kissed Dak softly on the lips to take any sting out of his words. "But I am exactly big enough to take you into me. And that is where you belong. I understand, now, that all has been leading to this. Fuck me, Dak! Now. Please!" He turned face-down again.

Blood roaring in his ears, Dak leapt to crouch again between Ion's legs. Quickly he smeared lubricant all over his now pulsating rod. With his hand he guided the tip of his massive cock down into the ass crack. He felt with his fingertips for the entry and positioned his cockhead there. He pushed. Nothing. "Farther down," Ion grunted. Dak felt again with his fingertips, located the entrance and slipped a finger in a ways, then guided his cock along his finger. As his cock slipped into the hole, he pulled out his finger. The pressure around his cockhead was enormous. So tight! And so hot! Ion was giving out tiny cries with each outward breath. Dak knew he was hurting the slender youth, but there was no way he could stop now!

It took nearly half an hour. And at first it was more hell than heaven. Several times Dak would have ended it, would have pulled out happily to stop the obvious pain of the man beneath him. But Ion wouldn't let him. He'd allow pauses, rests, but not withdrawal. Early on, they'd rolled onto their sides. Dak's arms and legs had begun to buckle from the weight of his body suspended over Ion. As Ion had said, there were times when he couldn't go forward, when his cockhead seemed to hit a wall. Ion would stifle a cry or a squeal. They'd rest a bit, and then Dak would wiggle his pelvis, trying to rotate his buried cock. Finally he feel a loosening around the head as the colon moved to accommodate his bulk, and he would push in another cautious millimeter. Both men were exhausted.

They rested. In spite of tiredness, cramped muscles and concern for Ion, Dak had to admit that the sensation of heat and pressure made his cock feel twice it's normal size. He could feel a throbbing within Ion's body that beat a counterpoint to his own pounding heart. He felt the silken sliding sensation that told him the boy's bowel was ready for another inch of penetration, and he braced himself to push on.

Ion lay in a red haze of pain and determination. Sometimes he thought the stake would have been kinder - certainly faster! He really hadn't realized the enormity of the engine that Dak was driving up into him. At first he'd thought he had to move his bowels. Dak told him to go ahead, to do anything he needed to do. Only wind came out, and Ion came to know that the full, cramping feeling was simply Dak inside of him. Neither man knew from experience what to expect. They agreed without words to expect nothing, and to accept whatever might come. Ion's body was acting automatically now, squirming around on the mammoth pole of its own volition, finding angles that would permit greater penetration. His mind had pulled itself into a small, safe room. Then he was brought back to focus by Dak's voice saying softly, "That's all, honey. You've got all of me."

"Does it feel good?"

"God! Yeah! It feels great. I never felt anything like it. You're so hot and tight." Dak bent his head to nuzzle in Ion's curls. Experimentally he pulled an inch or two out of Ion's butt and slid back in. Sparks of sensation flared all along his cock. "What about you? Are you okay?"

"I... Yes. I cannot believe how much it hurts. But it feels good, too! I don't understand it. But do that again, what you just did."

"This?" Dak bucked, out and in again. Twice, three times.

"It is rubbing against a place that has strong sensation. Perhaps that is my prostate. I think you are bruising it. Don't stop!"

Dak had paused, concerned. Now he picked up the action, this time pulling out several inches, faster, and thrusting in enthusiastically. "Oh, man..." he breathed. "Baby, this feels so fuckin' good. I am fuckin' you! Babylamb, I'm fucking your hot ass!!" His voice trailed off into a moan. He lowered his head and plunged his tongue into Ion's ear. "Oh, fuck, baby, you're so goddam hot!"

"Dak," Ion grunted, "make long strokes. All the way out and all the way in."

Dak lengthened his stroke, but his tool was too long for him to comfortably hold Ion if he pistonned the entire length. "Gotta move around, baby." Carefully, Dak moved Ion back onto his belly, rolling with him to maintain their connection. He reared back, nearly straight up onto his knees, until only the head of his pulsating cock was still lodged in Ion's butt. He felt the unbearably tight anal ring catch at his cockhead. The pressure sent a wave of electricity coursing back along his dick to crash against the urgent demand flooding up from his balls. He couldn't hold back any longer. He plowed deep into Ion's ass, driving in the entire length of his penis.

"Yes!" Ion gasped. "Again!"

For a mindless time, Dak drove the youth, grinding his flopping, spasming body into the mattress. At last Dak felt a boiling up in his loins and he knew the next plunge would be his last. "I'm cumming, Babylamb! I'M CUMMING IN YOUR BEAUTIFUL, HOT, SWEET ASS!"

With the last strength in his body, Ion reared his butt up to meet Dak's pummeling down stroke, then felt the other man spasming inside him as a torrent of hot semen burst free, deep within his guts. Slowly both men sank down, Dak's wet body completely covering Ion. They panted together, gasping for air. Then Dak gradually began to pull himself out of Ion, and finally sat back on his haunches between the boy's legs. Ion lay still, on his stomach, his head turned toward the wall. His eyes were open, unfocused. Dak grabbed up a towel and cleaned himself and Ion. A trickle of matter, brownish liquid streaked with white, seeped out of Ion's anus. Dak gently opened the anus with a fingertip, holding the towel beneath the aperture until the flow stopped, then wiped the area again. Ion suddenly shuddered. Dak slid around to lie on his side facing his lover.

"Ion? Are you okay?" He rubbed Ion's arms and shoulders, and lowered a hand to stroke the other man's chest. "Honey?" Dak's voice thickened with concern, his eyes clouded with worry. Ion's eyes came to rest on Dak's. His hand went to Dak's arm. Then he threw himself forward, flinging his arms around the brown giant.

"Oh, God, Dak! Now I am really yours!" Their mouths sought each other as their arms struggled, each to hold the other more tightly.

Next: Chapter 13

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