Jock Slut

By ap

Published on Nov 13, 2022




This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

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Chapter 4

"I'm in your neighborhood be at yours in 5 Bitch." My phone notification shows as I exit the shower. FUCK. That was 5 mins ago.

I race to the door. I don't see Sir on the camera. I race back to my room, dry my hair, and body, rush to the dresser to get a jockstrap. As I have one leg in I hear the bell ring. I quickly pull the jockstrap up and run to the door to see Sir in the camera, and buzz him up. I open the door a bit and get on my knees, eyes down to the floor. I can hear Sir walking up the steps.

"More fucking steps. I've been walking up and down steps all fucking day. get me a beer faggot." Sir commands as he walks by rustling my hair as he walks past me. I can smell him as he walks by. It's a combination of fresh air mixed with a hard days work. I can smell his pits and his musk. I'm intoxicated just by his passing scent. I can also smell that he's had a few drinks before arriving.

Sir is wearing 501's and his ass is so plump in them, and they're hugging his thighs, but slightly wider around his white converse. His tshirt is one of those shirts you love but it's been washed too many times, but super comfortable now, so you save it for sleeping or yard work. The fabric around Sir's bicep is straining and his chest is hugged by the shirt, but hangs loose over his abs ending just past the waist band of his jeans, leaving a clear view of his ass and bulge. GAH, this kid is so fucking HOT.

I crawl to the refrigerator to get Sir a beer. I stocked up on his favorite, so I never have to endure the punishment for running out ever again. I crawl over to Sir and hold the bottle up for him, as he's flipping channels on the tv, resting back on my couch.

"Take my kicks off and start massaging my feet" Sir commands

I am kneeling at his feet with just my jockstrap on. I untie his right shoe, and loosen the laces, then remove the shoe, and repeat this on the other foot. then lift up his foot and begin massaging the bottom of his foot. His feet are pungent after being trapped in his converse all day, it's obvious he's been working hard today, and not at the coffee shop.

"My socks too." Sir sounds annoyed that I didn't assume that - but I'm sure he would have been annoyed if I'd assumed to do more than instructed. I'm in a no win situation and I love it.

I removed Sir's socks and went back to massaging his feet.

"FUCK. that feels good fag. My fucking feet are killing me. I've been thinking about being here all day." Sir sips at his beer.

I can't believe Sir has ever given me any thought let alone thinking of me all day. My cock starts to swell hearing that Sir has been thinking about me.

"I helped a buddy move into his new apartment and it's a fucking third floor walk up. Like what the hell. Who does that to their frineds. Of course he didn't mention that 'til we already had the truck packed and headed to the new apartment. Fucking bullshit." Sir takes another long sip of his beer

This explains why Sir smells so amazing and maybe why he's busting out of his shirt and jeans. His muscles are pumped.

"I'm so fucking sore and tired and horny. I know my faggot is gonna make me feel better. Isn't that right bitch?" Sir asked

"Yes Sir." I responded with glee.

This is the longest conversation we've had since we used to BS at the coffee counter before Sir used me for the first time.

"This is how its gonna go tonight. I'm tired. I don't want to have to tell you every fucking move to make. I want a long slow deep massage. and BJ at the end of it. Then I want to fall asleep. You will not sleep with me, and won't touch me while I sleep. Once I fall asleep you'll leave me alone. Got it fag?"

"Yes Sir" I practically yelled.

So Sir is planning to sleep at my house? on my couch? literally if any other person made this assumption I would just tell them to leave. It's completely rude. nobody just shows up and announces they're sleeping over AND telling me I have to leave the room.

FUCK. I was showering because I was supposed to meet up with Frank and Rob at the club. FUCK. Well, they're big boys, they'll figure it out.

I continued massaging Sirs feet listening to him moan gently when I hit the right spots.

"I walked up and down those fucking steps so many times, with boxes and the bed, and couch and tables and chairs. It was ridiculous. I shoulda kept count so I could take every trip out on your ass. That would be fun wouldn't it bitch?" Sir laughed and took a sip of his beer.

"Yes Sir." I'm not sure if we're having a conversation or I'm just meant to listen. But that would have been fun. After the spanking I got last time, I've been craving it again.

"You know bitch, I never figured you for a fag. When we first started talking at the shop, I assumed you were a ladies man, getting pussy every night, you looked like you had a few bucks, so I figured you were getting it all the time. and now look at us - you're the pussy, and I can have you anytime I want you. how do you feel about that bitch?" Sir asked. Sir stared down at me as I continued massaging his feet.

"Yes Sir" I responded

"No, Seriously bitch, tell me how you feel about it." Sir sounded sincere.

"Sir, may I speak freely Sir?" I felt nauseas, I'm not sure if he's actually curious or if this is a trick.

"Yeah, speak freely"

"Sir, I've never been happier in my life Sir, serving you makes me rock hard Sir. I pray that you'll text me to tell me you're coming over, and when you leave I can't get the smile off my face Sir. I wish I was able to serve you everyday, in every way Sir. I'm alwyas the one being chased, and can easily hookup any day with most anyone I want, But i've never been as happy as I've been serving you Sir. I never knew I needed this in my life, but I'm happier than I could have ever imagined Sir." I gushed.

"Really?" Sir responded in a question that almost sounded like a statement.

"You're that happy to smell my rank pits and balls, get face fucked, spanked, and pay me for the privelege while I drink all your beer and make myself at home?" Sir quizzed.

"Yes Sir. That and anything else you command Sir. I'm yours to use and abuse as you choose Sir. I'm yours" I confessed.

"We're not dating bitch. I date girls" Sir sneered.

"No Sir. You own me, I know we're not dating Sir. I serve you, however you desire Sir." I corrected. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I can't believe I'm offering so much up to this kid. He hasn't been shy in taking what he wants, and I just basically handed him the keys to the kimgdom. But truth be told, I have never been happier. He's the only thing I can think about from the moment my eyes open in the morning til I fall asleep thinking of him. Then I dream about him. He's so fucking HOT, and I love how he uses me. I was born to be his sub. I know this with every fiber of my being. I spend so much time thinking about him. I need all that time to be serving him, not wishing for it.

"I want to make sure you know what you're saying fag. If I own you, I own you 24/7. You'll be at my beck and call. Other than your job, which you need so you can keep me comfortable, you will not be making any decisions for yourself, you'll be asking me permission for everything you want to do. If you want to go to the gym, you'll ask for permission, want a drink with friends, you'll ask permission. You won't be having sex with anyone unless I tell you to. If today happened again, you'd be humping boxes up the stairs. Tell me you understand what you're agreeing to here faggot." Sir commanded.

"I understand Sir. I am yours to command. Please use me and abuse me for your pleasure Sir. I am only happy when I am serving you Sir. Please allow me to serve you Sir." I begged.

"You really are the best faggot I've ever found. FUCK. I'll have to test out bringing you around my friends, I think you'll be fine. You go to the gym, and seem like you know what's what, and I know you'll never tell them what's going on here, because if you ever do it ends immediately. Like on the spot. I can find another fag to suck my dick in a heartbeat. You need me. I don't need you faggot. Always rememebr that." Sir sat forward on the couch. "Open your mouth faggot."

I opened my mouth, and Sir spit into my mouth 3 times.

"Do you understand faggot?" Sir asked aggressively still sitting forward leaning over my open mouth, staring into my eyes.

"Yes Sir" I gargled around the spit pooling in my mouth, knowing I was not instructed to close my mouth.

"You really are a good bitch." Sir slapped my cheek twice. "Go get me another beer. You made me hornier than I already was. I need to use my new property and mark my territory."

Sir sat back on the couch as I crawled to the refrigerator.

I'm rock hard in my jock strap I can feel precum trailing down my thigh. I'm in sub heaven. I have the hottest Sir who uses me perfectly. I can't believe my luck!! I grab the beer and crawl back to Sir and hold it up for him to grab. He takes a long pull on the bottle.

"Get these jeans off me." Sir commands as he leans back on the couch and sips his beer.

I reach up and begin unbuttoning his jeans, I can see that Sir is focused on the game on TV. I unbutton the fly and already smell the musk that has been building up all day. My cock twitches at the smell.

I begin pulling down on the waist band of his jeans and boxers at the same time. Sir lifts his ass allowing me to pull them around his bubble butt and down his thighs. His hard cock slaps down onto his abs. I remove his jeans and boxers getting a strong whiff of his musk.

"You can fag out on my smell for a few mins fag. You're a good fag, and deserve a reward." Sir is still leaning back sipping his beer watching the game as he announces my reward.

I dive into his crotch, lifting his low hangers with my nose to get deep into the crease of his thigh and take a deep breath of his scent, which makes my cock pulse. Sir smells so amazing. I move my nose around his balls into his bush, pushing his cock left and right to smell every inch of his bush, I can feel Sir's cock pulse against my cheek as I move it then I travel back down to the other side burying my nose under his balls again.

"Get my cock in your throat fag." Sir commands

I reach up to guide Sirs cock into my mouth and slowly slide down his cock, tasting the precum that's dripped around the head. Sir's cock slides slowly along my tongue, then touched the back of my throat. I know Sir wants his cock buried in my throat, so I continue pushing myself onto his cock, causing myself to gag on his cock, but I don't stop. I promised to serve Sir completely, I push my head farther down on his cock, and begin wretching and gagging as his cock enters my throat, and continue pushing further.

I hear Sir Moan "FUCK. THAT'S MY GOOD FAG. FUCK THAT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD. OMG" and I feel Sirs hand touch the back of my head. He doesn't push. I'm already going down and he lets me continue, but I feel his hand. I continue wretching and gagging around his cock, then I feel my nose touch his pubes, and I begin to pull off.

"Oh no you don't. You stay right there." Sir commands gently as I feel his hand push down on the back of my head and his hips push up to drive his hard cock further into my throat.

I am still gagging and wrethcing around his cock, I can feel throat slime swelling in my throat, and tears running down my cheeks.

"You're my good faggot aren't you boy?" Sir asks me as he continues pushing down on my head. I can barely hear him as the wretching and coughing deaden my sense of hearing.

"UUUUHhhhhh HHHUUUUUHHHH" I hum past his cock buried in my throat, using the last ounces of air left in my lungs. I need to take a breath.

"That's my good boy." Sir lifts his hand off my head and slaps my cheek 3 times.

My cock swells hearing him call me his good boy. Did he actually just say that? My whole body is tingling hearing him say that!!! Does he know what he's doing to me?

I took a deep breath and dove right back down on his cock, balls deep and fucked my own throat with his cock, gagging and spewing throat slime bobbing up and down. I'm his good boy.

"FUCK. You're gonna make me cum. SHIT. I'm gonna cum. FUCK. UGH. OMG FUCK. HERE IT COMES FAG!!!" Sir practically yells as he shoots his load deep in my throat. Pushing my head up and down with his hand then holding me down deep on his cock. I didn't move a muscle. I'm his good boy!!!!

I could feel the pressure lift off my head, and I VERY slowly began to rasie my head off Sir's cock, I could feel him relax back into the couch.

I stayed on his cock, at a comfortable depth, awaiting instruction. It was probably a minute, maybe two, before Sir spoke. He was relaxed back on the couch, and occasionally I could feel his cock twitch in my mouth, and he was beginning to go soft. But I didn't move a muscle.

"Don't move bitch." Sir croaked as he continued lounging back.

"In a minute we're going to walk to the bed, and you're going to give me a slow deep massage. Then you're gonna blow me again, then leave me to sleep. Do you understand?" Sirs instructions were given in a quiet relaxed tone.

"mmmmmmhhhhhhhmmmm" I hummed past his cock, still semi-hard tickling the back of my throat.

"Tomorrow morning, I have to be at the shop at 8am, you'll wake me at 7am, and prepare breakfast for me before I leave. Can you handle that bitch?" Sir asked in the same relaxed tone.

"mmmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmmm" I bobbed my head up and down and hummed the response.

"Are you my good boy" Sir asked through a smile I could hear.

I dove deep onto his semi-hard cock, causing me to gag again. I am his good boy!!!

"Thats what I thought." Sir laughed as he began to stand and pulled his cock out of my mouth. Sir walked toward my bedroom, then headed into the bathroom. I crawled behind him and waited at my bedroom door. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

"Get in here boy. You don't think I plan to hold this do you?"

"No sir." was he gonna pee on me?

I crawled into the bathroom and knelt at his heel.

"Use your lips and aim at the bowl. If you make a mess you'll be cleaning it up, so I suggest you take good aim."

Fuck. He's gonna piss and I'm holding his dick with my lips? How the fuck am I gonna do this?

I decided to grab his cock with my hand, and put it into my mouth and tilt my head to the side, so hopefully I was aiming true.

"Lean in a little." Sir commanded as he guided my headforward. "Right there."

We were both motionless for a few seconds then I could feel his cock start to swell a bit and felt his piss along my lips then felt the spray of his piss hitting the water in the bowl. Sir continued pissing for a prolonged time, and luckily it wasn't particularly smelly, I assume he's been drinking beer the past few hours.

As his stream stopped Sir Instructed "put my cock in your throat and clean it off."

I let his cock go and a few drops dripped out, some hitting my chin, then I put Sirs flaccid cock into my mouth and could taste a hint of urine, as a few more drops leaked out into my mouth, Sir held the back of my head and I could sense him stretching back a bit as his soft cock dripped. Then he withdrew his cock, and began walking to the bed and shed his shirt. I watched as Sirs bubble butt walked away from me, and his muscular back and biceps, and that chord or muscles leading from his back to his ass flexed with each step. How the fuck did I get so fucking lucky???

Sir threw his shirt onto the floor, and jumped face first onto the bed.

I crawled behind him, and up onto the bed, My cock still rock hard and leaking precum. I sat up on Sirs bubble butt and leaned forward to begin massaging his neck and shoulders, slow and deep.

"aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh this is exactly what I need. Fuck this feels amazing. you have strong hands for a fag." Sir complimented.

I didn't say a word, I continued massaging down Sir's back. As I approached the small of his back, I went back up to his shoulders, and focused just on the right side, feeling every knot, and massaging it out, hearing Sir moan and gasp as I worked his sore muscles. Continuing down one side then back up, then down the other side of his back. When I reached his bubble butt, I pushed myself lower, now kneeling on either side of his thighs, and began massaging his buttocks, first the left side, then the right. This is where I normally would start rimming and fingering a guy I was hooking up with, but I sensed that would not go well with Sir, so I continued my massage down to his right thigh, and calf, as I worked lower down his legs I leaned forward to get a whiff of his ass, and was rewarded with Sirs musky scent, causing my cock to twitch and leak some more. I continued massaging Sirs calf, then his foot, and sucked on each toe after I completed massaging it, then back up to his ass, to massage down to his other thigh and calf and foot. As I finished massaging his foot, Sir rolled over onto his back. Sirs Cock was rock hard again.

Sir put his hands behind his head, looked me in the eye then closed his eyes.

Message received!!

I dove down on Sirs cock. I swallowed Sirs cock into my throat, gagging around it, but not as much as I had before. Now that I was controlling the pace and depth, I seemed to be able to handle it better, I bobbed up and down on his cock, licking my way up his cock, and teasing under the head, licking into his foreskin, then throating his cock once more.

I could hear Sir moaning and sighing as I worked on his cock, I was giving him the best blow job I knew how to give. Using my tongue to lick underneath his cock as I went up and down, then swirling my tongue around the head as I reached the top and slowly descended again. I started to feel Sir begin to buck his hips a bit and moan louder, so I knew he was close. I tightened my lips around the base of his cock and fucked my throat with his cock, which obviously did the trick because I felt his cock swell then his cum hit the back of my throat causing me to gag, but I stayed down on his cock as he slowly almost gently fucked my throat slightly. Then he relaxed and I held his cock in my mouth awaiting instruction.

I heard Sir begin to snore quietly, and I felt his body twitch, so I knew that was my cue to leave my bedroom and let Sir sleep. I covered his sexy body with a blanket from the chair and turned out the light, and closed the door. I guess I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight.

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