Jock Slut

By ap

Published on Nov 4, 2022



This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

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Chapter 3

It's been two weeks since the barista left me on my knees in my condo with an empty wallet. I've seen him when I go to get coffee in the morning several times each week. He's cordial, friendly even, but he hasn't texted me. He made it clear that I was not to reach out to him. When I've gotten my coffee I've mentioned my travel schedule and just get a 'have a good trip' as he turns to do some work or attend to the next customer. It's like he's two different people. Friendly neighborhood barista, then dominant Sir when he texts or uses me. If I'm being honest. I love them both!! He's so fucking HOT! and he uses me like nobody ever has, or for that matter ever would! I can't imagine anyone treating me the way this kid seems to act so naturally.

Today, I went to the gym with my friend Pat. He came back to the condo to have a beer with me on the balcony. We're just laughing and shooting the shit, then decided to grab an early meal, he went to take a leak before we leave, and I checked my phone. Theres a message from Sir: "I'll be there at 3. be showered and brush your teeth bitch. Wear a jockstrap and be on your knees at the door when I get there."

He texted at 2 and it's now 2:16. Fuck. I don't have the time for this. FUCK!

Pat came back. "Ready?"


"Oh damn Pat. I just saw a missed call and a text from my mom. I have to call her back. Can I take a rain check on dinner? This is gonna be a long conversation."

"Oh yeah man. No sweat. Hope everything is OK. I'll head out. Catch ya later" Pat left and I ran to the bathroom, turned on the water to let it heat up, and brushed my teeth. It's 2:25 now. I jumped in the shower. I have to remember to put cash in my wallet. I wonder which jock I should wear. Oh fuck. Is he gonna want to fuck me? FUCK. I jump out of the shower and grab a travel douche from under the sink, and it takes 3 times before I think I'm ok, then back in the shower. It's 2:35 now. I take a quick shower. dry off, and rush into the bedroom: 2:48. I grab the blue and orange PUMP jockstrap. It makes my ass look super bubble. I took $500 out of the atm the other day, I wonder how much I should put in my wallet. I was thinking $300 because he spit in my mouth 3 times, but what if he asks me if thats all he's worth. I'd give him $1000. Maybe I should just do $400. No $300. The front door buzzes. $300. I shove the money into my wallet, put the wallet on my dresser and run to the door. I see Sir on the camera, and buzz him in. Open the interior door a crack, I can hear him walking up the stairs. I get to my knees in front of the door and wait. Should I look up at him or down at the floor?

The door opens. I look down at the floor.

"Good faggot. You can follow directions. Go get me a beer." Sir commands as he walks past me and sits on the couch, grabs the remote and turns on my TV. he puts his converse all stars up on my glass table, and relaxes back.

I crawl into my kitchen, get a beer, pop the top and crawl into the living room on 3 limbs holding the beer in my hand. I kneel at his feet and hold the beer up for him. I expect that he'd grab the beer, but he continues to relax back watching a basketball game on TV. I wait for several minutes, then I sense him lean forward to grab the beer as a commercial comes on the TV.

"Get my cock in your throat faggot" Sir commands as he leans back and takes a long sip from the bottle.

I lean forward to unbutton his cargo shorts, I can smell his musk wafting off him as I lean forward. His clothes smell freshly clean but he obviously hasn't showered recently. He smells amazing. I unzip his shorts and pull them down along with his boxer briefs as he lifts his ass to let them slide off and down his legs. I can smell a strong musk coming from his balls and I'm intoxicated with the smell. I want to dive in and sniff him for hours.

"Untie my sneakers and take them off with the socks and shorts." Sir directs. His direction is not commanding, not mean, just very matter of fact. Like I'm here to serve his needs. I guess I am. And we both know it. FUCK! I'm lucky!!

"You can fag out on my smell keep your hands behind your back and sniff my balls. No tongue." Sir allows.

I lean forward and inhale deeply to capture the scent of his balls and his bush. it's a heady combination of sweat with a tiny hint of urine and precum. I get hard instantly and I can feel myself leaking through my jock immediately. His scent is intoxicating. I continue to breathe him in as the basketball game continues on the TV.

I don't know how long it is before Sir tells me to get him another beer. I almost forgot he was there, I'm so intoxicated with the smell, it seemed surreal, and his command almost startles me.

I crawl quickly to the kitchen, pop another beer, and crawl back to Sir and hold up his beer. He takes it immediately this time. His curved, uncut cock is rock hard and leaking.

"Sit down at my feet and massage my feet and each toe and slowly move up my calves." Sir directs as he leans back on the couch. I get right to work, giving the best foot massage I've ever given. I don't have a foot fetish, but it's turning me on so much to be massaging Sir's feet. His toes are like tiny fingers with surprisingly thick blond hair on each toe, and also on the top of his foot leading up to his hairy legs. I can smell that his feet have been trapped in these sneakers all day. It isn't unpleasant but it is pungent. I massaged one foot, and calf, then moved to the next. I heard another commercial, then the game started again, and not a word from Sir. As I was finishing the second calf, Sir instructed me: "Hold my foot with both hands and rub the sole with your thumbs and suck on each toe."

Sir's feet are very ripe, and I'm not sure I want his toes in my mouth, but you know I dove right onto his little pinky toe as I massaged the bottom of his foot with my thumbs, then moved to the next toe and the next, and the next then started on the other foot. I could hear Sir letting out tiny moans of pleasure as I massaged his feet and sucked on his toes. I love knowing I'm making him feel good. This is my purpose.

"Go rinse out your mouth faggot, use listerine. I don't want your dirty mouth on my dick." Sir sent me to go clean some more.

As I crawled back toward Sir from the bathroom, he instructed me to get him another beer. Which I did and crawled to his feet and held it up for him.

"Get my cock in your throat faggot" Sir instructed.

His uncut cock is rock hard, and I eagerly swallowed his cock. I took it 3/4 of the way and began tonguing the underside, as I felt his hand push the back of my head down fully onto his cock, making me gag and wretch. Sir pushed his hips up to get his cock even deeper into my throat. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks as I gagged and wretched on his cock.

"Fuck that feels so good." Sir moaned outload while holding my head down hard so I couldn't escape. It had to be a full minute. I needed air. I was getting lightheaded and my gagging was getting weak.

Sir finally relaxed his hold on my head, not letting go, but allowing me to back off enough to get a breath.

"We're gonna work on that gag reflex of yours. Feels good but it's annoying. I need a cocksucker I can skull fuck not some faggot who can't give head. We'll start training that soon enough" Sir explained, then pushed my head back down as he thrust his hips up making me gag and wretch some more. I can feel my cheeks are hot, tears are running down my face, I am now spewing out throat slime around Sirs cock, and he's as hard as iron in my throat suffocating me with his hard uncut cock.

"Ah yeah, thats what I want to feel faggot. I want to be deep in that fag throat. No chick would ever put up with this, or any of the abuse I plan to use you for. You still wanna be my go-to faggot bitch?" Sir asked as he smacked my cheek with his open hand, his hard uncut cock still buried deep in my throat.

"lllleeeeesssss tthhhrrrr" I responded through the throat slime that was pooled between my lips and Sirs hard cock.

"That's a good fag. we'll get this gag reflex fixed soon. Training starts today." Sirs voice rose a bit as he simultaneously pulled on the back of my head and arched his back burying his hard cock even deeper into my throat than before, causing me to wretch and spew more throat slime. The tears continued to stream down my cheeks.

"Although I gotta say, I really love the feeling of you gagging on my cock. so training may go slow. I'm gonna skull fuck you whether you can handle it or not. Either way, I'll be happy." Sir laughed a mischevious laugh and ended by pulling my hair to remove my head from his cock. Throat slime drooled out of my mouth, and across the couch and floor as he pulled then pushed me up onto my knees.

"Go get your wallet faggot." Sir commanded. "You know how to cary it"

I crawled on all fours to the bedroom, grabbed my wallet, put it into my spit soaked mouth, and crawled quickly back to Sir.

"Wag your tail bitch." Sir commanded.

I wagged my ass back and forth. which caused Sir to laugh outloud.

"You really are a submissive little faggot aren't you?" Sir asked

"Yes Sir" I tried shouting around the wallet I held in my teeth.

Sir stood up. "Put your hands up on the couch bitch." Sir commanded.

I rushed into position. Sir walked around behind me, went to the fridge and got another beer, then walked back.

"I'm gonna guess how much money is in that wallet. You're going to tell me if I'm right or not. Got it bitch?" Sir asked.

"Yes Sir" I responded around the wallet in my mouth, trying to suck the saliva into my mouth that was drooling out around the wallet.

"I'm guessing it's going to be in $50 dollar bills. So you're going to count by 50's and determine if I am right. Tell me you understand faggot." Sir commanded.

"Yes Sir." I responded. Although I wasn't sure at all what he meant. but I didn't think I should say I didn't understand, since he told me to tell him I did.


"FUCK" I screamed as the wallet fell out of my mouth and I lurched forward.

"GET BACK INTO POSITION AND GET THAT FUCKING WALLET BACK IN YOUR MOUTH YOU MOTHER FUCKING FAGGOT." Sir screamed at me. The first time I heard actual anger in his voice. It was scary to hear. I grabbed the wallet, put it back in my mouth and got back on all fours. My ass felt like it was on fire. Sir slapped my ass with something, and it HURT.

"You better be counting bitch." Sir commanded back to his normal voice.

"Yes Sir." I announced around the wallet. My ass hurting less, but I could still feel where he'd hit me on the right ass cheek.


Sir spanked my other ass cheek. It hurt, just like the first, but at least I was ready for this one. I was able to keep the wallet in my mouth, and actually bit down harder on it, and yelped outloud, then collected my thoughts and yelled "TWO."

I immediately felt three fast whacks on my ass accompanied with "you - stupid - faggot. You count outloud by saying 'TWO SIR'...None of these counted. we're starting over."

My ass is already on fire. I'm not sure how much more I can take...But I know I'll be finding out - I now realize Sir is using his converse hightops as the paddle. I'm sure he can keep this up for a while.

In the pause I also realized that my cock is rock hard, and leaking through my jockstrap like a faucet. I'm getting my ass beat and I'm rock hard. WTF is wrong with me?!?!


"One Sir."


"Two Sir"


"FUCK. Three Sir, Four Sir, Five Sir." I yelled out through gritted teeth now biting into the leather of my wallet.


"Six Sir"


"Seven Sir, Eight Sir"

"OK Bitch, thats my guess." Sir stated then said nothing. and we both waited.

"Well? am I right bitch?" Sir finally asked as he took a sip of his beer.

"Mo thir" I mumbled around the spit soaked wallet in my mouth trying to wipe tears away from my cheeks with my shoulder.

"So you think I'm worth more than that?" Sir brightened up as he asked.

Oh no - how do I answer him. I know theres only $300 in the wallet and he spanked me guessing $400. There was a long silence.

"Do you think I'm worth more than that bitch?" Sir yelled.

"Yes sir!!" I yelled around the wallet in my mouth.

"Let's find out. Start the count at 1 again." Sir responded


"FUCK. One Sir" My ass is on fire. It hurts so bad with every slap now.


"AAAHHHHHHHh Two Sir, Three Sir, Four Sir, Five Sir." I yell through the wallet while tears stream down my face. My ass stings with every slap.


"SIX SIR. Seven Sir, EIGHT Sir. Nine Sir." I'm not sure I can handle any more - I hope he stops there.


"TEN SIR. Eleven SIR, TWELVE SIR." I cry out. I can tell he used his hand for the last three. all on the same ass cheek, which hurt worse then switching with each slap.

"Damn your ass is burning hot. FUCK. Thats kinda Hot. Making me hard. Well bitch? Thats my next guess."

UGH I don't want to answer him. I know he wants me to tell him if he's right. I just hang my head and whimper.

"Are you serious?" Sir says with disapointment in his voice. I think he knows but he asks: "Warmer or Colder fag?"

I want to cry at this moment. I AM crying at this moment, but from the pain. Now I want to cry because I know I've disapointed him, and I may have just ruined my chances of having him use me forever. "cold Sir" I answer dejectedly.

"You dont have a very high opinion of me do you faggot? I should just leave right now." Sir moves to walk towards the door.

"No Sir. Please don't go. I'll do whatever you want. How much is the right amount Sir?" The wallet dropped out of my mouth as I swung around to plead with him to stay.


I quickly got back into position and put the wallet back in. Rock hard, dripping, saliva and tears all over my face and couch. My ass absolutely on fire with pain, the movement just made it worse. And yet, I'm pleading with this kid to continue spanking my ass.

"OK, bitch, I am curious to find out what you think I'm worth. Count starts at 1" Sir finally announced.

FUCK. This is not going to go well.


"One Sir, Two Sir, Three Sir, Four Sir" I count out now resigned to my pain as Sir uses his open hand to slap my ass, which feels more intimate than the shoe, but stings more. Either way - I'm still rock hard and dripping.


"FIVE Sir, Six Sir, Seven Sir, Eight Sir" I cry out. the tears are now freely running down my cheeks. the pain is intense yet im still rock hard.


"Nine Sir, Ten Sir." I scream, Sobbing around the wallet.

"Am I worth 500 Faggot?" Sir asks

UGH how do I answer? Obviously I think he's worth millions to me, but I have $300 in the wallet, which is the question he's really asking me.

"JFC. LESS? I'm wasting my fucking time here." Sir sneers as he walks to the fridge.

"You don't even have any more beer I like. Just these crappy Coronas" I can hear Sir pull a bottle out, pop the cap and takes a long sip.

"Open your fucking mouth faggot." Sir reaches around and removes the wallet. I can see he's rock hard also. His uncut cock, angled up with the most amazing curve. Sir puts the neck of the bottle into my mouth and pushes my mouth down onto it, laying the bottom of the bottle on the couch, and presses my head down, so the neck slides past my tongue and tickles the back of my throat. I can see his hard uncut cock dripping precum as he moves away. Sir then stands behind me again. I'm mentally preparing for the beating I'll take when he finds out it's only $300.

"You really think im only worth $300 to you? This is a fucking waste of my time." I can hear him moving around for a few minutes, and I'm nervous to find out what he has planned next.

"Open your mouth faggot." he finally commands. He removes the bottle, which is now soaked in spit and I can see a pool of saliva pooled on the couch...this couch is never going to be the same. My Jaw is sore from biting on the wallet, then holding the glass bottle in my throat. Yet, my cock is rock hard and dripping STILL!

Sir disappears behind me. I can hear him moving around then I feel his finger on my ass, then quickly feel the cold lip of the bottle pushed past my hole, and a freezing cold spray of beer entering my ass.

He must have shaken the beer bottle then shoved it up my ass!!

I jump up in surprise and hear him yell. "DO NOT FUCKING MOVE UNTIL YOU HEAR THAT DOOR CLOSE FAGGOT."

I crouch back down to the couch. My ass is freezing, every muscle is in spasm. The pain is intolerable. I can feel the bottle begin to slide out of my ass. My ass is on fire, inside and out. Then I hear the door slam, and I reach around to hold the bottle, as I scurry to the shower. STILL Rock Hard.

Next: Chapter 4

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